Vital points of a person. The most painful blows for extreme situations How and where to press to knock out a person

Good day, Soldiers! This article is a chapter from the book “How to Guaranteed to Win in street fight", which can be downloaded from . In the book, the material is arranged more compactly and without any side deviations, as a result of which the material is easier to study, as they say, in practice, without jumping from page to page.

I bring it here for the reason that: “How is this so? The blog is dedicated to martial arts, but about vulnerabilities human body no goo-goo? It's a mess! So, the situation is as follows: the enemy is directly in front of you frontally.

Your hands are down, it doesn’t matter for him: they can be down, they can be in a fighting position, they can be released by giving small shoves to your shoulder.

Of course, no one allowed him to do this, and therefore it is necessary to instill in him respect for his neighbor. So to speak, “conduct explanatory conversations.” Actions in this case, of course, must be chosen as short as possible and in the closest accessible zones.

In the very first moments of the conflict, it is very important to bring the enemy into such physical condition when he is unable to fight. To do this, you need to know the places where the force is applied, which are located on the front of his body, because the shortest trajectory between your bodies is, of course, a straight line.

I will list these zones, starting with the head, along with methods of approximate impact.

Impacts to the eyesight, for example, with with running blows with your fingertips in the manner of a “saw”. The fingers in this case are not pressed together, but follow each other, taking turns biting into the target, which, of course, is the “eyes”. It should be noted that the attack is carried out in a “whip” manner, and not in a “stick” manner, when the hand, with its joints completely secured, strikes, since the first option is several times faster.

Blinding the enemy, even temporarily, or forcing the enemy to make the reaction you have planned, for example, throwing back the head followed by a full attack on the throat, can be done in other forms, for example, the back of the brush. This is rather a tactical strike, although any strike delivered is harmful.

Jaw twisting with a special blow with a twist if the impact is carried out with a fist, and with the center of the palm during a direct attack. In frontal positions, it is carried out by striking the base of the palm in a small circle after contact, when after the strike the base of the palm additionally makes a displacement movement in a circle away from itself and downwards.

The attack can be carried out with a fist and also with a twist after contact along the forearm. The blow displaces the jaw, displaces the joints. An additional rotation along the axis of the forearm and the remaining inertia turns the jaw out of its grooves.

Direct punch to the throat area. Of course, it needs to be exposed first, because the chin gets in the way a little. It’s simple: a direct blow with a fist or the back of the hand to the area of ​​the nose, the enemy throws back his head - there is a double attack with vertical fists to the throat. Of course, such exposure is fatal.

Note the word "vertical" fists because fisting tends to look like a boxer's fist when the fist is horizontal and the elbows point slightly out to the side. Strikes with a vertical fist are much faster (in the manner of . Has everyone seen the movie “Ip Man”? And Bruce Lee also preferred this form), especially if the index finger in the fists is not tucked like the rest, but is straightened and pressed against the palm with the thumb.

Point located on the edge of the jaw on a line running from the corner of the lip and down, with a very slight deviation from this line towards the ear. An impact in this zone, even the weakest, immediately makes itself felt, and if carried out “properly” it will fly, regardless of the enemy’s build.

To hit this point, you can use the base of your palm when you very clearly feel the support, the weight of the body, and without raising your shoulders in advance, so as not to give away your intentions. You can unexpectedly perform this blow and redistribute the force so that it goes straight through the elbow into the base of the palm, and from there, as if along an imaginary line of the spine, to the area between the back of the head and the ear of the other side of the body. Often, with such exposure, the cervical vertebrae also suffer. You can also use the center of the base of the palm in the manner of a sweeping strike with the arm secured in the elbow joint in the horizontal plane.

Of course, each blow is good for its own situation, but in this situation, the shape of the vertical fist is simply magnificent.

Center of the back of the head It is also a critical zone for life (slap on the back of the head - the head is buzzing. And you can hit it harder), if the skull is broken and other serious consequences. Yes, keep in mind that the photo shows the place where the blow is struck with your fingers, and not that you need to hit there with your fingers :)

If this does not happen, then exposure to this zone leads to loss of consciousness. The question remains: “How to strike the back of the head while in front of the enemy?” Answer: “With an original palm strike in the manner of catching the head.” As you can see, to carry out this effect, a close distance is required. Of course, you first need to practice this movement on some kind of simulators, for example, on a pole.

Kick performed along the neck with the edge of the palm upward, as in the first picture, towards the forehead, it allows you to break the first vertebra and displace it. If the blow is very good and powerful, then death will occur.

The second picture shows the most famous impact: a blow to the neck with the edge of the palm, directed perpendicularly relative to it.

A blow to the muscle bundle of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

It is located under the ear down on the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The enemy goes “passed out.” When striking, the opponent's earlobe touches the surface of the palm, i.e., the blow must be delivered to the upper part of this muscle bundle.

You can hit either from the outside-in (then the palm is facing up) or from the inside-out (the palm is facing down).

Blows to the ears with correctly formed palms. Plus, this impact can be combined with pushing the enemy’s head away from you, movements of the thumbs, which, after carrying out attacks on the ears (the person is “led”, he becomes deaf, severe pain) are applied to the enemy’s eyes and repulsion is carried out by squeezing the enemy’s head away from the thumbs. myself.

A blow to the convex formation located behind the ear if there is a fracture in this part of the head, it is fatal. Of course, it is much easier to do this with an object.

A person has depressions at the back, on the neck, at the top. Probably everyone talks about them. So, hitting them turns off consciousness.

Of course, this also requires experience in special simulators, in order to learn how to strike with measured force.

Lateral catching on the nose from the side with a “leopard paw”. Of course, here you need to develop accuracy so that they don’t miss and the result will be good.

These were some vulnerable areas heads.

Collarbone, which can be interrupted with a blade strike with the edge of the palm going slightly downwards, however in this case, the shoulder of the attacking hand itself must be raised, as in boxing, and even slightly higher, in order for the blow to enter the right place and with the right force. Don't raise your shoulder - there will be no strength, there will be no result.

It is necessary to remember the fact that if the strikes are prepared, the striking forms are well strengthened, and the ligaments are trained, then almost any area will be damaged, but to achieve such a level, of course, time is required and one should not believe any fairy tales that a “plastic fighting system” does not require training.

Also, the collarbone can be affected " with a hatchet» movement from above, if the hands are in a fighting position. Just great shape to quickly damage the collarbones, which are much more difficult to break with the standard recommendation “with the edge of the palm from top to bottom, rubbing against the ear.”

« With a hatchet“you can break collarbones with bending movements of the hand, being both frontally in front of the enemy and to the side of him, and also if the enemy is in the “arms raised” stance, because this form can be bent under various sounds to the forearm, according to the current situation, as a result of which it has simply fantastic penetration, unlike other methods of influencing the collarbone, for example, with the edge of the palm from above.

As I already mentioned, in the collision situation under consideration, it is necessary to act along the shortest path, i.e., a straight line. This is precisely the previous method of influence and this method is carried out in a straight line, but in order to damage the collarbone with blows from the edge of the palm from above, you must first raise your hand, as a result of which the surprise factor is lost due to the lengthening of the trajectory.

Nerve center under the shoulder- the impact must be strong enough and then a fracture is possible. Located approximately where the shoulder muscles end and the biceps muscles begin.

Direct punch to the area of ​​the xiphoid process just above its center: about a hundred kilos of force is enough for a person to “swim”.

Only the blow should fall on the bone, and not on the part of the body covered by muscles, which greatly softens the impact. If the blow is not perpendicular, but directed upward, then this is a guaranteed death of the enemy.

About " Sun"everyone knows, as well as about blows in abdominal area. During training, you need to learn how to hit it very accurately (not necessarily with all your might - the area is sensitive) to determine the reaction of your partner after such an impact.

Knee strikes.

From the side and back along the 45 degree line, in the upper part of the thigh there is a very good knockout point, at which the blow is delivered with the knee, respectively, along the upward trajectory. It is easy to determine by inflicting controlled blows on yourself and your partner. To work “for sure”, you can strike several times in a row: in this area there are several similar points: at least one at a time, you’ll hit. You need to know this zone, if only because being on this side of the enemy, this zone often turns out to be more accessible to destruction than others.

And finally. If it suddenly happens that the situation is extremely serious, then you will need a “more significant” blow, or, simply put, “for slaughter.” In addition to the already mentioned strike with a vertical fist in the throat, especially in the series, such as “a blow with the back of the hand to the nose, the enemy throws his head away and you thrust two or three vertical blows with fists into the throat, I will give another one from the same series and it looks like a blow with the heel of the palm towards the nose, so that the elbow is directly perpendicular to the point of impact. In this blow, it is very important not to slip on the tip of the nose, but to enter exactly into the cartilage, which is driven into the head slightly, slightly upward to the back of the head.

With such impacts, it is highly advisable to work with an object, because impacts with an unarmed hand, which is also poorly prepared, often lead to injury to the striker.

The opponent is in a certain stance, hands up, or simply grabbed you by the shoulder.

If the opponent is in a standing position, and you are still “thinking” what kind of things are going on here, then the most important thing to realize is the following: most likely, the opponent’s body will already be out of his hands, and we are not considering working from a sub-step here. In this case, you need to change your point of view and not work in a “standard” way: do not reach for the body, but look at what is within the reach of your hands. As a rule, these are the enemy’s hands exposed in a fighting position. So we will cripple them.

Moment one. If his hands are not clenched into fists, but are in a boat-type shape, then you can hit the nearest extended hand with the edge of your palm from above, with your finger from above. The fingers, of course, are immediately knocked out.

An additional bonus: often with such an impact, the palm additionally slips between the fingers, as a result of which not only the hand breaks, even outside the grip, but having done so, we additionally break his fingers. During training, it is necessary to work through all possible situations of such contact of the hands in slow battles in order to understand as many subtleties as possible.

Regardless of the shape of the hand of the exposed limb, if you have well-prepared hands, you can break the opponent's hands blows, delivering them in a “hatchet” shape to the back of the opponent’s hand. The impact is carried out along the midline of the hand. Footwork is important when you turn slightly in place with a slight bend in your torso and take a position where you can carry out such an impact with your hand. The impact involves body weight, which is key to a successful fracture.

With the arm extended, the effects on the nerve centers located below the arm from the elbow to the shoulder in the first, second, and third parts will also be effective. It is necessary to learn to identify these nerves in training, and to deliver blows that are almost weightless, because a strong impact can lead to injury. The zones are treated with blows of the fist when it is bent towards outside forearms.

Be careful with these nerve nodes, as a strong blow to them leads to dire consequences, and even weak impacts to them are extremely unpleasant! When practicing, strike lightly and feel them not with “force”, but with precision.

I repeat, the moments when the enemy is already striking are not discussed here, because when working at a “reaching” distance, defense is practically impossible, especially for beginners. This means that this situation is reminiscent of cowboy duels: whoever didn’t have time is late. That’s why vulnerable zones are outlined so that the enemy, after you carry out an attack, no longer struggles, but would only like to “crawl into the nearest bushes and die in peace.” Here we are talking about delivering strikes ahead of the curve through a specially developed sense, which suggests the optimal moment for delivering an undefeated blow, the feeling of the optimal moment. That is, someone used foul language and made threats, and in response you simply hit him on the rib of the jaw - and he is cut off. Well, or something like that

We injure the opponent's legs.

Kick to the groin. Well, there is no need to explain anything here. I mention it only because it’s “to the point.”

Coccyx area very well hit by a regular knee strike. Additionally, the enemy can be secured by shoulder grabs, which, additionally after the blow, will allow the enemy to be knocked to the floor with subsequent finishing.

Impact to the groin area contributes to the fact that the joint flies out of its place, and even carries the enemy in the direction of the blow, as a result of which he falls face down. This effect is very good to carry out especially if the opponent imposes a fight, that is, such a common situation when both take on each other, like wrestlers or judokas.

It is in this position that this pushing blow is carried out: as if outward to the side, into the area of ​​​​the groin contraction. That is, this is the most common kick with the foot turned outward, which they like to hit in the abdominal area. If during a strike the opponent is pulled towards himself, by grabbing him by the shoulders, for example, then injury to the opponent is guaranteed.

Kneecap. It moves easily in all directions and can also be damaged from all directions by knocking it out, for example, with a blow from the inside out and slightly upward, it is easy to knock it out of its original place. The blow is carried out both by the area under the toes and by the heel.

Fracture of the femur. For such an effect, the knee strike must be delivered in the first third of the thigh, and even with the palm placed on top of the hip joint area in order to prevent the attacked part from escaping from the blow. With such a blow, the enemy is thrown up.

If the blow falls on the middle of the thigh, then the likelihood of a fracture is reduced many times, but the nerve center located in this area will be damaged.

The blow delivered along the line of the side below the kneecap is also interesting., especially if the leg is loaded with body weight.

You should also be aware of the effects on the foot, when it is in the position shown in the figure. The impact occurs along the foot into the ground. Injury will also occur in the case of other similar positions of the enemy’s foot, and this effect is extremely traumatic.

If the foot lies sideways on the ground, then in this case there will be multiple fractures. You can influence any part of the foot from above.

You can also work on the ankles from the inside with a certain laying movement. Exactly the same movement, only with the edge of the foot, is used in blows to the popliteal fold: a powerful “long” movement leads to the rupture of the popliteal fold ligaments and the bone coming out of the joint. We also remember about impacts with the edge of the foot in the ankle area - fractures.

Impact on the big toe It flattens it very well.

If the opponent is on the ground and trying to get up, then he does it with his hands, right? You shouldn’t miss this opportunity and try to use kicks to hit the fingers, joints, break it, break the bones.

As I already wrote on the blog, there are three approaches to working with the enemy. The first is to teach him to respect you with his knockout blows. The disadvantage of this approach is that people lack knowledge about competent strikes, the kind from which the results are felt immediately. As a result, literacy disappears and is replaced by force and blows “in the square.” The second approach is based on crippling actions and its goal is to cripple. Here it’s a little simpler, but still, very often some kind of sports “knots” and “twisting” are “knocked out”. And the actions can be even simpler. Well, the third approach: physical destruction. In principle, you should also know and be able to apply.

It is necessary, even before getting into such situations, to decide on an approach, although it can be changed in battle. Personally, I think the second approach is the most optimal: the approach of causing minor injuries.


Before you start working with these points, it would be nice to master, this will help you this one is not complicated and effective video well. Especially for you, it contains all the knowledge and experience of more than one boxer, which will teach you to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Working with levers and grips is very effective techniques street fight, but they require much more time and preparation in order for you to use them in battle. The so-called hand-to-hand combat is most often practiced in military structures; it allows you to neutralize the enemy by using his own forces.

The main levers of pressure are the joints. Elbows, shoulders, hand and fingers. You must be prepared to grab the attacking person by one of these levers and twist him into an unnatural position; the enemy will not be able to resist the pain and therefore his body will follow the inertia of where you throw it.

If you like this technique then the best way Of course, learning it will involve working with a trainer, but if you don’t have such an opportunity, then take a couple of techniques and practice them with a friend.

The simplest and most practical are hand and elbow grips.

1. When you receive a direct blow, grab your hand with two or one hand and bend it upward; when the person goes down by inertia, you can immediately finish him off with your knee to the head.

2. From a side blow, you can bend down, grab the attacking hand by the wrist and take the elbow. By bending your opponent, you can also finish him off at active points with your knees, for example the liver or kidneys.

Also, don’t forget that in order to deliver a strong painful blow, you must be in good shape, so don’t forget or just . You will need to spend hours on the sports ground or in the gym, just make a simple schedule for the week and practice it regularly.

And if you like knees and elbows, then you should think about padding them, as you must be prepared for the fact that you may miss the target. And in general, stuffing is useful for a non-growing organism. Start with light blows on soft surfaces and gradually increase the impact force and the hardness of the surface you hit.

Choose a more suitable technique for yourself, hone it regularly and you will have no equal.

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And I end here and say goodbye to you. Subscribe to my blog and don't forget to like and repost. Good luck!

Traditionally, pressure points are points on the body, pressure on which causes severe pain. They are studied in a Chinese martial art called Dim Mak, which is based on acupuncture pressure points, but this art is kept secret and used when there is an urgent need and knowledge of Chinese pressure points. This article will just give you about the weak and sensitive areas, which we will call points of vulnerability. They are used to gain an advantage over an opponent by exploiting vulnerable parts of their body. When using these pain points, you need to be especially careful, since it is very easy to kill a person by accident - an enemy or even a friend. Then the court will decide whether you defended yourself or attacked, and in some cases it may not even matter. Therefore, it is not just technique that is important; much more important is its conscious application and understanding of the consequences. Think ahead about when you can (or shouldn't) use your skills.


Common pain points









    Sternum. Use one knuckle of your fist to strike the bone that is in the middle of your ribcage. There's never muscle and there's never a lot of fat, so it's very vulnerable spot, and if you hit it correctly, it can be split in the middle into two parts. You can also hit the chest organs. NOTE: Smashing your chest can puncture your lung or worse. Be very careful and don't try this on your friends.

    Solar plexus. This is a bundle of nerves deep in the center of the abdominal cavity, which is responsible for physical sensations during emotional excitement. If you hit just below the sternum, where the ribs are, in the front of the abdomen, you will hit a bundle of nerves, which can cause a strong contraction of the diaphragm (the breathing muscle). As if to “drive someone in.” This is a very easy target. This can be avoided by quickly squeezing abdominal muscles at the moment of impact, simultaneously exhale or scream.

    Waist pleats: Place your hand on the flat side of your abdomen between your ribs and hips. Slide fingers to palm. Don't pinch. Pinching does nothing. This can be done on any body type.

    Ribs. Despite the body type, the ribs have a “very” small covering, with only thin muscle between them. To break the ribs, lift your arms to widen them so they can't lock onto each other and hit them. An open palm that you point there works well for this strike. The rib area is protected by the muscles of the chest or back, which are not easily broken. The lowest ribs are connected to the spine and are especially vulnerable to impact.


The use of points for medicinal purposes

Using pain points

    Speed ​​is the key to success in battle. If you hesitate and don’t know how to deal with pressure points, you will get hit on the head. Practice, practice, practice. Practice as if you were in a real fight. Start and work your way down. Then use all your power and speed, and perhaps the fight will not last long.

    • If you are focused, breathe normally. YOUR HANDS SHOULD MOVE FASTER THAN YOUR LIGHTS. As long as you control your breathing, you gain the strength your arms need.
  1. Practice alone and with friends. Everyone is different and everyone has different levels of pain tolerance. Where you have one of the pain points, another may have it a little to the left. Some don't feel it at all. The more experience you gain, the better you will be able to recognize these spots on people and find them where there are none.

    • When practicing with a friend, ask him to pat your thigh loudly to indicate that you are doing it right and should stop. However, he should only clap if it hurts. Misguided confidence will not work in a fight.
  2. Always look straight at your target. If your eyes are not there, then you are not focused.

    Improve your technique. Here key points, which you need to remember when training.

    • Use your fingertips, including thumb. This works like a needle, focusing all the force on the very end of the fingers/thumb, increasing the pressure per square centimeter. You won't sew with the edge of a needle, will you?
    • Keep your knees bent almost the entire time. This will give you stability and strength. Closed knees should be open to allow you to move, speeding up your reaction time. If you stand upright, you are like a straight piece of wood, open to a blow.
  3. Shift your weight to the point you want to apply pressure to. If you are being pressed down, bend your knees. If you are pushed, step to that side or rotate your hips to that side.

    • To enhance the punch, the view of the target point should be slightly further than the actual one (not recommended for training other than using the fist).
    • On impact grab your hips. This is a building block in martial arts. It moves your weight and is most often not the main one.
  4. Feedback. During the fight, when you make contact, quickly jump back. Simulating the push of a punch, except if you have a quick reaction time to stop the force you apply when you reach your target and push back. This maintains the pressure and becomes more dangerous, especially to the bones. This will increase the chance of breaking bones and reduce the enemy's ability to easily grab your arm or leg.

    A piercing scream. In martial arts (Japanese), this is the famous "kiai" cry. It can come from the diaphragm, releasing internal strength. It gives you confidence and scares the one who attacks you. Tighten your abdominal muscles to do this, this will also protect your solar plexus. The "kiai" cry can vary depending on the sensitivity of the pain points.

  • When you practice on these points Don't hit your partner directly. Move a little away from him to minimize the likelihood of an accident. The back of the hand and rib cage acceptable, but head, groin, legs and feet prohibited. Even experts make mistakes.
  • Be careful. As a result of a mistake, harm to health, death, or offense to a friend may occur, so always ask your partner for his consent. When you hit real life, only use pressure points when all else fails and your life is at risk (for example, the enemy has a gun/knife). You will not hit your grandmother in the throat or kill her just because she hits you in “self-defense.” So it's better to learn martial art, such as Aikido, rather than relying solely on “pain points.”
  • Beware of your opponent trying to counter you with certain moves, such as those targeting the carotid artery. Your opponent's arms and legs are completely free and can be used as weapons or to grab you from behind.
  • These techniques are used in various martial arts. For example, taijutsu (fast hand to hand contact)
  • Beware of any advice about pain points that seems “magic.” This is absolutely not true. Although acupuncture is based on these points and has effects that are recognized in the medical community, they are certainly not as effective and do not provide quick results in a fight. The purpose of applying pressure points is instantaneous result, and according to human physiology, usually when you hit someone with your hand in a certain way, their heart Not will stop.

When the wind of change blows, set not walls, but sails.

Eastern wisdom.

Every person has the same ones, the defeat of which does not depend on physical strength, neither from the character nor from the arrogance of the attackers. These are simply human vulnerabilities. Therefore, in battle it is necessary to inflict damage on a person’s vital points. you can knock out your opponent in literally seconds. Pain points actually do not lend themselves to any kind of hardening, and it is simply impossible to train, for example, the throat, testicles or eyeball withstand the blow. Likewise, bones can quite naturally be destroyed only by applying sufficient load.

Knowing the pain points allows you to make it as short as possible. It should be short - literally a few defense movements and a few defeat movements, nothing more.

Therefore, the study of vital points is the basis of the basics of hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to study “human pain points” and ways to defeat them.

And of course you should know what to protect first and how. I mean you can substitute yours big muscles under attack if there is no time for full protection. And thereby protect yourself with the mass of your muscles.

First you need to study where to hit, and only then figure out how to hit.

Knowing the vital points is a step towards exceptional effectiveness of the combat system. Without this knowledge, you will simply scatter your energy into nowhere. And actions will not have the same effective power and completeness.

Of course, it’s good if you regularly engage in sports, and are full of energy and experience, to “smack” your opponent in the jaw with your fist, or kick him in a jump. When you are in a position of strength versus weakness, you can do this and you will surely win. He looks like a great guy who's just bursting with energy.

But it’s a completely different matter when you are in a position of weak versus strong. This is where knowledge of the “pain points of the lesion” will be very useful to you. When, for example, you are tired or injured and the pain is unbearable, but you still need to defend yourself, when you are overwhelmed by rage, and you know that you can not only lose but also lose your health or even your life, then use the knowledge of pain points. And you will understand at this moment how priceless this knowledge is. Then you will know what real hand-to-hand combat is. But here the defender is more likely to look like someone who will rip out the enemy’s throat for his life. This is an “either you or them” situation and I think your choice should simply be simple - survival.

We will look at the vital points of a healthy and strong person. The defeat of which will lead to injury to the enemy under any conditions, regardless of the physical and psychological state of the enemy. That is, we are looking for weak points, hitting which we are guaranteed to be able to disable the enemy.

This is the knowledge of pain points on the enemy’s body. This is the ability to find truly weak points and hit them, no matter what kind of enemy is in front of you.

One of the main principles of combat should be the principle: reach the enemy’s weak points and hit them. This can be said that the goal of close combat is to hit the enemy’s weak points. Nothing can be more important in close combat than hitting the enemy's weak points. And this is exactly what my entire combat system is built on. And most importantly, it doesn’t matter what you hit with, the striking technique is not an end in itself, but only a means. And your defense should simply be based on hitting the pain points. I think there is nothing more important than defeating the enemy’s pain points.

You don't really need any technique, just hit the pressure points and you'll win in close combat.


I think they are the following:

  1. Every person has the same vulnerabilities.
  2. Pain points cannot be trained and they are equally affected in any person.
  3. Use your strength against your opponent's weakness, and weak points are that same weakness. This is the principle of concentrating strength against weakness.
  4. Attack the nearest vulnerable points.
  5. Strike accurately.
  6. Attack the most vulnerable parts of the body first.
  7. The first points of attack are: eyes and groin. They are the most vulnerable and easily attacked. The eyes and groin are the “Great Equalizer” in a real street fight.
  8. The second points of attack are: eyes, throat, groin, knees, legs,
  9. The strongest blow is to the weakest and most unprotected place.
  10. Circulatory system disorder
  11. Damage to the nervous system
  12. Respiratory system damage
  13. At the points of the first hit, apply Whiplash and maximally quick kick, to which the enemy will not have time to react.
  14. Next, strike as hard as possible.
  15. A fatal blow is a blow after which the enemy has no way to resist; in real combat, this is like death.
  16. a series of blows to painful points. We deliver not just one blow to a painful point, but a series of blows that are guaranteed to incapacitate the enemy, and he will not be able to continue the fight.
  17. It is the pressure points that make the real fight very fleeting. It's just a clash, and the one who hits the enemy's pressure point first wins. It's like: who will be the first to grab a gun and shoot. The situation is something like this. And knowing the pain points means knowing where this very gun is located.


I will show you about ninety attack points, the defeat of which can incapacitate the enemy.

  1. hair - grab to gain control over the enemy. You can control your opponent using his hair. To increase the impact force (two forces add up, and two speeds), pull your hair towards the striking surface. It is better to pull the hair thoroughly, towards the ground.
  2. Top of the head - blow from above with a blunt object. It could also be a fist. But we strike from above
  3. cerebellum or occipital fossa - blunt blow. The cerebellum is responsible for vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements. Punch from behind. Causes a concussion and possible fracture of the cervical vertebrae.
  4. upper part of the skull - blow from above with a blunt object
  5. the top vertebra or base of the skull at the back. (the junction of the skull with the vertebra). strike with a fist or the back of your hand. A clear direct blow displaces the vertebrae.
  6. temporal artery A light blow with a knife to the temporal artery can cause heavy bleeding.
  7. temporal bone or temple - a classic blow from the side with a fist or the heel of the hand (side blow) an accurate and powerful blow can cause death. The temporal bone is quite thin. A strong enough blow to the side of the temple can be fatal. A kick (foot) to a lying opponent is a guaranteed finishing move. The temporal bone is quite thin. So look, death is possible.
  8. Ears - grab and pull the ears. While struggling, you can grab your teeth. Hitting the ear with a fist is just as effective. There are many blood vessels leading to the ears.
  9. Earlobe – while struggling or at close range, grab it with your teeth. You can see an example of the effectiveness of a bite on the earlobe by watching the boxer fight between M. Tyson and E. Hollifield. Tyson used a bite on the earlobe as a last resort. And he even took a bite. Hollifield simply ran from the ring. And this is the World Boxing Champion. An experienced and persistent fighter. This is definitely true. That's it. A simple bite on the earlobe.
  10. Eardrum - you can poke something like a pen or hairpin directly into the ear hole. Stunning blow from two palms to the ears.
  11. Points behind the ears. point under the ears - just under the earlobe there is a very painful point; if you get the chance, poke it. Press on two points at the back. It's just a disgusting feeling.
  12. brow ridges and bones around the eyes - good shot with a fist or the heel of the palm can cause a cut in the skin of the brow ridges, and the opponent’s eyes will flood with blood, he becomes practically helpless.
  13. eyes are . Eyes are always open. in addition, the bone between the eye and the brain is no more than 2-3 mm thick. So a poke with a sharp object can even cause death. Still, be careful
  14. the point between the eyes is an effective point of destruction, but unfortunately it is difficult to be vulnerable in a real battle.
  15. bridge of the nose - a blow with a fist or the heel of the hand can cause a fracture of the bridge of the nose, which will cause severe pain. The blow is delivered either directly or from above.
  16. point under the nose. An excellent place for both a striking attack and for influence that involves control (for example throws)
  17. nostrils - if necessary, you can stick two fingers in and pull. Like hooks.
  18. nose – a blow to the nose knocks the enemy down and causes bleeding (which is essentially harmless). At close range you can bite the nose.
  19. upper lip A blow to the teeth can cut the upper lip, as well as the lower one.
  20. cheek - you can slap the cheek to cool the ardor. And also grab with your fingers from the inside or outside for control.
  21. lower lip. It can also be cut by a blow to the teeth.
  22. teeth. If you hit your teeth, you may not knock them out, but you can cut your lips. With the very teeth of the enemy.
  23. tongue - of course, you cannot attack the tongue as such, but if the enemy sticks it out, be sure to pinch it with his teeth. For example, a blow to the lower jaw with a fist. Or a slap on the chin.
  24. . A classic punch to the chin: straight, from the side, from below, causes temporary loss of consciousness and a concussion, but the blow must be strong enough. The principle is that when hit on the chin, it acts as a lever that forces the brain to hit the inner wall of the skull, thereby causing a concussion.
  25. Attacks with a blow to the chin. May be knocked out or even broken
  26. point under the chin. Hit with fingers or some sharp object.
  27. throat – I put the throat in third place after the eyes and testicles. The throat attack is very effective. Any surface of the brush. As well as improvised items. At close range - suffocation.
  28. Adam's apple (Adam's apple). an excellent target to launch an attack on.
  29. point under the Adam's apple, poking with closed fingers can cause suffocation.
  30. carotid artery - runs along the sides of the neck on both the right and left. (called sleepy because it nourishes the brain). Suitable for impact that may cause temporary compression carotid artery and, accordingly, stopping the supply of power to the brain. Likewise, a cut with a sharp object, the time during which the enemy will lose enough blood to lose consciousness, is very short.
  31. neck - the famous karate blow to the neck with the edge of the palm. You can hit with your fist. Probably you should hit when the enemy is bent over. We also use the cervical vertebrae for throwing and control.
  32. The collarbone is an excellent target for incapacitating an opponent. Easily breaks and causes severe pain. Without causing the enemy any particular harm associated with danger to life.
  33. the depression between the collarbones is a blow with clenched fingers. At the point between the collarbones. Will cause breath holding.
  34. jugular artery (vein?) - a blow with a sharp object to the point between the collarbones is possible. And damage to the so-called jugular artery. (I just call it the jugular artery. Because at this point there are a lot of veins and arteries. Which are inappropriate to understand. In the manuals hand-to-hand combat this point is called precisely the jugular artery, which is somewhat incorrect.
  35. ribs Hitting the ribs is very painful. They can also cause rib fractures.
  36. 11th and 12th ribs - they are not fixed as rigidly as other ribs, and therefore are called floating. Easily broken by a powerful blow.
  37. short processes of the lower ribs in front
  38. knuckles of the fingers. are excellent for inflicting acute pain not associated with a significant danger to life. It is also an excellent means of control during arrest.
  39. wrist (wrist joint) – used for creases. Like one of the weak joints of the hand.
  40. forearm
  41. bunch: shoulder jointelbow joint, wrist joint – hand - fingers. The main purpose for performing painful holds on the arm, creases, bends, holds.
  42. elbow, a blow to the very tip of the elbow with a baton can completely paralyze the entire arm.
  43. elbow joint
  44. point above the elbow
  45. biceps. This will of course require a strong blow, but it can disable the hand.
  46. triceps - you need a strong enough blow that can disable the arm.
  47. the point between bc/tc/delta - a good powerful blow can take the hand out of the fight.
  48. axillary artery. Quite difficult to be vulnerable. But knowledge can come in handy.
  49. oxter
  50. axilla
  51. solar plexus - take your breath away. But I warn you, a rather strong blow is required here.
  52. xiphoid process of the sternum (on the solar plexus)
  53. a point just below the solar plexus and xiphoid process
  54. heart. A powerful blow to the heart can cause it to stop.
  55. liver
  56. spleen
  57. stomach
  58. lower abdomen
  59. . Testicles can be affected in different ways. Punch, squeeze the testicles, pull the testicles. The result will be amazing. In any case, take advantage of the surprise to continue and complete the attack.
  60. hip joint Kicking the hip joint is effective, you can even knock it out if you're lucky. The point of application of force is in the front, from the groin. And you don't need to raise your legs high in order to deliver a devastating kick.
  61. back of the thigh. A powerful side kick comes in. In general, a side kick to the back of the thigh is a classic start in the style of Kyokushinkai Karate and Muay Thai.
  62. point under the kneecap
  63. patella - striking the kneecap with the foot. This is a lifelong injury. With the shin, this is the fourth point to hit. The injury is not at all life-threatening
  64. knee joint- blow to the side of the knee joint. The leg will simply slide into the knee joint on its own due to its bending.
  65. back of the knee - blow to the side of the knee joint
  66. The shin is an excellent target for direct kicks. Even a not very strong blow causes acute pain. And all because the shin is not protected by muscles at all and is just a bone.
  67. ankle joint – attacks with the foot from above, trampling blows. It is also possible to have an impact during a prone fight, as well as sweeps.
  68. arch of the foot. You can step on. Women - heels or better stilettos.
  69. toes. Trampling kick.
  70. sections of the spine (in detail the most vulnerable places) (here, in principle, the spine itself. But the 2nd cervical, 7th thoracic, coccyx, and the entire spinal column)
  71. kidneys - a blow to the kidneys is very painful. Apply with your fist, foot, knee. Any part of the body as long as it is powerful enough. A classic blow to the kidneys with a knife.
  72. lower ribs back
  73. short ribs in back
  74. tailbone - just a blow from below on the tailbone causes acute pain.
  75. caviar. a blow to the base of the calf muscle can paralyze the leg. But you need an accurate blow, for example with the base of a shoe. In principle, the entire area from the heel to the base of the calf muscle is suitable for a direct or side kick.
  76. heel - a precise kick to the heel can cause acute pain.
  77. Achilles tendon - precise blow with the toe of the boot.

As you can see, the list is impressive, it seems that a person is a continuous “pain point”, but not all pain points are of equal importance for the battle and defeat of the enemy. More practical in terms of the degree of damage. Therefore, I combined different points into groups according to the order of defeat. Starting with those whose defeat will cause maximum and rapid damage. In principle, a person is protected only by his muscles, and of course by his intellect, which finds ways to effectively protect himself.

I think it’s simple and effective because, of course, damage to the eye and the point between the biceps and triceps will have different lethality and, accordingly, different effectiveness in battle.

I resolved this issue for myself by classifying these points according to the degree of damage and the effectiveness of the damage.

And finally, a strange video - what can we do about it? If... Maybe he’s right “Being a warrior is the most effective way live"

To Sansey



The human body is imperfect and can be thrown out of balance relatively easily by influencing certain points. We'll talk about them today.

1. The temple is a very vulnerable place. Here the bone of the skull has the thinnest wall. A blow to this area can cause loss of consciousness or even death.

2. Larynx (Adam's apple) - a blow to this area interrupts breathing (causing suffocation) and can also cause vomiting. Swipe may cause loss of consciousness or death.

3. Lower abdomen - the area containing large number nerve nodes. A blow to this area is not only painful, but can also cause blunt force trauma. internal organs.

4. The groin is the area of ​​the nerve plexus. A blow to this area is at a minimum painful (especially for men), at a maximum fatal.

5. The base of the skull is a very fragile area. A fracture of the base of the skull is a sure path to death.

6. Seventh cervical vertebra- Very vulnerable part cervical region spine. A fracture of the 7th vertebra leads to either disability or death.

7. Kidneys - a precise blow to the kidney area can lead to irreversible consequences, including severe disability or even death.

8. Eyes are very vulnerable due to their insecurity. When struck in the eyes, the enemy may lose sight (for a limited time or permanently).

9. Solar plexus - a very painful blow that takes your breath away. If the impact is strong enough, there may be consequences for internal organs (heart, lungs).

10. The liver is a blow that is both very painful and dangerous to health at the same time. A correctly delivered blow to this area is guaranteed to incapacitate the enemy for some time.

11. The middle part of the necks is also very vulnerable. Severe injury may result from a strong impact.

12. The nose is very vulnerable and has many capillaries, so a blow here will most likely cause profuse blood loss rather than morally suppress the enemy. In addition, a blow to this area is very painful and can lead to injury to the bridge of the nose.

13. Chin - a blow to this area can cause a concussion.

14. Side of the neck - a blow to this area can lead to displacement of the cervical vertebrae, impaired breathing and voice.

15. The center between the shoulder blades is also the “heart center.” A strong blow to this area is not only painful, but can also cause cardiac arrest.

16. Jaw - here is the human “switch”. The right blow to the jaw will incapacitate your opponent for a long time. A strong blow can lead to a broken jaw.

17. Heart area - a blow to this area can cause cardiac arrest.

18. Upper part hips - a blow to this area is quite painful. A strong blow can cause a hip fracture.

19. Lower thigh - the blow is also painful and traumatic.

20. The knee is an extremely complex and vulnerable part of the leg. A knee injury usually takes a very long time to heal.

21. Ears - a biting “cotton-like” blow to the ears can deprive your opponent of his hearing for some time.

22. Clavicle - a collarbone injury (especially its fracture) is one of the most complex injuries.

23. The armpit is a practically unprotected area; a blow can cause both sharp pain and numbness of the arm.

24. Shin - a blow to this surface is at least very painful.

25. The instep is a very fragile part of the leg, consisting of many small bones. A blow to this area can cause a fracture.

26. Brush between large and index fingers- a fairly unprotected part of the hand. Getting caught, hit or broken in this area can be quite painful.

27. Rear end elbow - at the right kick in the area where the nerves are located, you can cause numbness in your hand for a while.

28. Coccyx - the blow is very painful, in addition, it can cause disruption of the motor function of the legs. A fracture of the coccyx is also very dangerous.

29. The hamstring is the soft and relatively unprotected part of the thigh. The blow to it is very painful.

30. The popliteal fossa is the practically unprotected part of the knee. A strong blow to this area will injure the knee.

31. Calf muscle- The blow itself is very painful. A strong blow can paralyze the leg for some time.

32. The Achilles tendon is a very vulnerable part of the foot. A ruptured Achilles tendon leads to long-term leg injury.