Tibetan energy gymnastics for women from Norbekov, Zeland and Alena Starovoitova. Energetic gymnastics for women: reviews Energetic gymnastics

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Mar 30 2017


Tibetan monks are the “discoverers” of unique and effective energy exercises. Such gymnastics was invented several thousand years ago, but remains relevant today. The complex of exercises has a rejuvenating effect, improves health and prolongs life.

Tibetan energy gymnastics

There are many ways to improve your condition, strengthen your health, transform into better side. Energy gymnastics of Tibetan monks is considered one of the most effective and proven methods in this area. She has more positive feedback and much more effective than yoga. To perform it correctly and get positive results, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Exercises for body and soul should be regular.
  2. It is recommended to exercise only in comfortable, loose clothing. It should not tighten, press, or hinder movement.
  3. Energy exercises are performed early in the morning, before the first meal (from six to eight in the morning is the most optimal time).
  4. Particular attention should be paid to breathing. It must be deep and correct. Otherwise, instead of the benefits of training, there will only be negative consequences.
  5. The surface for performing practices should be as hard as possible.
  6. One more thing important rule energy Tibetan gymnastics– the body and soul are in a relaxed state. If a person’s thoughts are occupied with negativity, he is stressed, or anxious, then it is better not to start doing the exercises. First you need to get ready. Clear your inner world of negative energy and only then proceed to practical exercises.

Gymnastics of Tibetan monks helps to achieve the following results:

  • withdrawal muscle tension;
  • psychological relaxation;
  • eliminating nervous tension is also the result of energetic Tibetan gymnastics;
  • improved concentration of mind;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • energy gymnastics responsible for stabilizing work cardiovascular system;
  • maintaining libido and influx of sexual energy;
  • fills the body with energy and vigor;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • improves mood, gives a surge of strength;
  • guarantees the restoration of harmony of all human life systems.

For weight loss

If necessary reset overweight and improve the health of the body as a whole, then energetic Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss will become excellent option. Qigong technique is physical activities which must be done in conjunction with breathing exercises. Qigong actively restores emotional, physical and intellectual harmony, activates the physiological abilities of the body, helps cleanse blood vessels, improves immunity, and normalizes metabolism.

The basis of Qigong gymnastics are the following exercises:

  1. Frog. You need to sit on a chair. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Then gather the fingers of your left hand into a fist. Grasp it with your right hand. Lean forward, place your elbows on your knees. Put your head on your hands, abdominal muscles relax. Take deep breaths and exhales, tensing the peritoneum so that it swells.
  2. Energy wave. Lie face up on a hard surface. Bend your lower limbs at the knees, pressing your feet tightly. One upper limb is located on the chest, the second on the stomach. Inhale, while drawing in the sternum and inflating the stomach. Perform 20-25 repetitions.
  3. Lotus. You need to sit on the floor in the “lotus” position and close your eyes. Exactly, deeply inhale/exhale for five minutes. This energy gymnastics is done for 15 minutes with a short break.

In bed

This energy-gymnastic complex is recommended to be performed directly on the bed, almost immediately after waking up. The ideal time for morning Tibetan gymnastics in bed is before six in the morning. For classes to be effective, 10 minutes a day is enough. The most important thing is to do the exercises in a certain sequence, without missing any of the practices. You need to perform 30 repetitions. With the help morning complex you can achieve the following successes:

  • strengthen immune system;
  • recharge the body with energy for a long time;
  • improve brain activity;
  • cleanse the human body of toxins and waste;
  • get rid of excess belly fat and improve your posture.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the room well. In the morning, after waking up, open your eyes, take a deep breath, stretch.
  2. Hands are rubbed, palm to palm (10 seconds). The skin should warm up. If heating does not occur, then this is a signal of a malfunction in the body. In any case, continue performing the complex. After a few days, the body should return to normal.
  3. Warm palms should be pressed to the eyes, while performing 30 gentle springy movements (palming). Hold your upper limbs in this position for one to two minutes.
  4. Cover your ears with your hands. Press the pads of your thumbs to the area behind your ears. Make 30 pulsating movements (1 per second).
  5. Place your thumbs under your ears and the rest on your ears. Move your palms down along your chin. Next, move your palms back towards your ears, gently tightening the skin.
  6. Then put your palms together (the left one is on top) and place it on your forehead. Rub the entire area above the eyes with active movements from left to right.
  7. Do not separate your hands. Move to the top of the head, lift it above the hair. Move folded palms from the back of the head to the forehead without disturbing the skin. Then perform thirty repetitions from one ear to the other (above your head).
  8. Place your right palm on your neck, closer to the thyroid gland, and cover your right with your left. Top hand perform active movements over the body from the neck to the navel and back. Do not move the lower palm.
  9. After completing 30 repetitions of the previous energy exercise, connect the upper limbs, lowering them to the navel. Palm placement: right palm under the left. Do circular movements, rubbing the stomach with light pressure.
  10. Upper and lower limbs lift up (vertically). Palms and feet should be kept horizontal. Describe 30 circles with your legs and arms at the same time. Then bend and straighten your hands and feet the same number of times.
  11. Sit on the bed. Perform a light massage of your feet and toes.
  12. Using soft, gentle movements, stroke the lower limbs from the hips to the knees, and then to the feet.
  13. After this, do a more intense massage. Rub the skin of your feet until you feel warm.
  14. Morning exercises from the Tibetans will give guaranteed first results in a few days.

Gymnastics of Hermes Trismegistus

Another popular rejuvenation and healing technique, which belongs to the oldest popular complexes, is the gymnastics of Hermes Trismegistus. It is named after the ancient Egyptian priest and doctor. When scientists discovered a papyrus with a detailed description of it, they were very surprised by its effectiveness and physiological validity. Many people have already tried this unique technique, reviews about her are only positive.

The most optimal age category for implementation is from 23 to 70 years. This is explained by the fact that in younger age and after 70, overexertion and breathing practices can harm the human body and body. In the process of performing the ancient Egyptian technique, it is necessary to breathe correctly and strictly follow the instructions. The unusual gymnastics of Hermes for women and men consists of three steps. Strength exercises are performed first.

  1. The starting position is to spread the lower limbs shoulder-width apart, extend the arms along the body, and relax. Breathing is calm and free.
  2. Take a sharp breath through your nose, clenching your fingers into fists. In this case, the upper limbs must be quickly spread to the sides and placed behind the back.
  3. Throw your head back, bend your body as much as possible, and tense all your muscles.
  4. Hold your breath in this position for four seconds.
  5. Noisy, quickly exhale through your mouth. As you exhale, sharply bend your body forward so that your hands almost touch the ground.
  6. This is followed by a swing of the upper limbs crosswise and a return to the starting position.

Gymnastic exercise “Axe”:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lean forward slightly.
  2. The arms are positioned freely, hanging. The body is completely relaxed, breathing is even.
  3. Inhale sharply through your nose and straighten your back. Connect the upper limbs into a lock, throw them up behind the head in a circle through right side.
  4. Bend back, throw back your head, tense your body muscles. Stop breathing for four seconds.
  5. Exhale noisily through your mouth, with relief. Quickly lower your arms in a circle, turning through the left side.
  6. Return to starting position.
  7. Do two repetitions on the left and right sides.

Gymnastic exercise “Discus thrower”:

  1. The starting position is the same as in the first two exercises.
  2. You need to relax as much as possible and even out your breathing. Take a quick breath through your nose, clenching your fists.
  3. Right hand in a slightly bent position, throw it forward at forehead level. Move the left upper limb down and back.
  4. Turn your torso in the direction of the simulated throw. Take the position of a person who is about to throw a disc.
  5. Tighten the muscles throughout your body to the maximum, do not lift your lower limbs off the floor. Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
  6. Take the starting position while instantly exhaling, while turning along a helical line to the right.
  7. Make two “throws” with each hand.

Four gymnastic exercises for uniform distribution of energy are also an integral part of the complex. The first lesson is performed as follows:

  1. Place your lower limbs shoulder-width apart. Lean your body forward slightly.
  2. Place your palms together and extend them forward.
  3. Take an energetic, soft breath in through your nose (about 4 seconds) as if air is being pumped inside. At this moment, smoothly spread the upper limbs to the sides, bend the torso back.
  4. By the end of the inhalation, it is necessary to achieve maximum tension in the entire body. Hold the air for four seconds.
  5. Exhale slowly through your mouth (over four seconds). As you exhale, move your torso forward slightly, returning your upper limbs to their starting position.
  6. When performing the exercise, breathing should be calm and even.

Second exercise of the ancient complex:

  1. Starting position – lower limbs are spaced shoulder-width apart.
  2. Upper part tilt your body forward, lower your arms freely so that the fingers of your palms touch the toes of your feet.
  3. Do not bend your knees, relax your body as much as possible.
  4. Inhale smoothly for four seconds while straightening your body.
  5. Slowly extend your arms forward and stop at the level chest.
  6. Then immediately raise them above your head, bending back. At the same time, all the muscles of the body should be tense.
  7. Hold your breath for four seconds.
  8. Exhale softly, smoothly, through your mouth, pronouncing the sound “XO”. Return to the original position as you exhale.

Third energy exercise:

  1. The initial position of the body is identical to the previous one. Only the upper limbs need to be spread apart.
  2. Relax the body, calm it down, even out your breathing.
  3. Inhale through your nose for four seconds, gradually filling your lungs.
  4. At the same time, turn as far as possible to the right side so that you can see objects behind your back.
  5. The lower limbs should not be lifted off the floor. At the same time, strain your body to the maximum.
  6. Hold the air for four seconds.
  7. Then slowly exhale it through your mouth (in 4 seconds), pronouncing the sound “XO”. Return to starting position.

Fourth exercise:

  1. Lie face up on the floor. Bring the lower limbs together.
  2. Place your hands under your head at the back of the head.
  3. Slowly but vigorously inhale air in four seconds. At the same time, raise your legs up (at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor).
  4. Tighten the muscles as much as possible.
  5. Hold your breath for four seconds, while performing two rotational movements with your lower limbs clockwise.
  6. Exhale slowly for 4 seconds.
  7. As you exhale, return your legs to the starting position.
  8. It is necessary to make two rotational movements clockwise and two counterclockwise.

The third step of energetic ancient Egyptian gymnastics is the stabilization of the acquired energy in the body. To do this you will need a contrast shower. To properly and reliably consolidate the energy inside, you need to take alternately hot and cold showers (two minutes each). The contrast of the water flow should gradually increase. After three months of performing energy gymnastics, it, having reached its maximum, will be permanent. Total time water procedures will naturally double.

Energy gymnastics according to Zealand

Next effective method heal and strengthen the body, develop skills to improve your personal energy level - this is energy gymnastics according to Zeeland. The basis of this method of improving appearance and inner world is an effective technique for filling the human body with flows of free energy that is found in the environment.

Thanks to this complex, you can maximally free up the thin and central channels for unhindered circulation of energy throughout the body. It is stored in the energy sphere that appears around a person. As a result, the previously damaged shell, which caused the loss of energy, is restored. The new sphere will protect against problems, troubles, and the occurrence of illness. She is also responsible for a surge of strength and the emergence of absolute inner harmony.

Zealand exercises are performed as follows:

  1. Take a smooth breath, imagining that at this moment a powerful flow of energy from the earth follows into the groin area. Then it slowly moves along the spine, reaches the head and goes into space.
  2. As you slowly exhale, you need to imagine the following picture: a stream of energy moves from the heavens, which penetrates the head, and from it, through the back and lower limbs, goes back into the ground.
  3. Then you need to imagine that these two columns of energy are simultaneously moving towards each other, but do not intersect.
  4. Next, you need to feel your skin as much as possible with your entire gut, turning this wonderful feeling into a sphere.
  5. Energy gymnastics according to Zeeland will give results after just a week of regular exercise.

Why does internal energy literally overwhelm some people and is almost completely absent in others?

The free energy of the Earth and Space literally permeates the space around us. But how to accept it and fill your body with its life-giving power? Why does internal energy literally overwhelm some people and is almost completely absent in others?

A person’s reception and assimilation of free energy from the external environment occurs through his central energy channels. Time contributes to the gradual clogging of the channels, until they are completely worn out, and the lack of energy supply affects the general weakening of the body, resulting in the development of depression, illness and the accompanying dissatisfaction with life and oneself.

The energy of the Earth and the energy of the Cosmos circulates in space in the form of two central flows - ascending and descending, respectively. An ascending energy flow (from the Earth) permeates a person from bottom to top along a vertical channel located along the spinal column at a distance of 0.5 cm from it. The downward (from Space) flow is located at a distance of 3 cm from the front of the spine - from the crown to the tailbone. Energy gymnastics will help cleanse our energy channels and ensure their effective operation.


1. You can perform the exercises standing or lying down. While taking a deep breath, try to imagine as vividly as possible how from bottom to top, starting from the perineum and ending with the crown, you are pierced by an energy flow emanating from the Earth. Powerful and strong, it literally fills you with free energy, moving along the spine.

2. In the same way, after exhaling, imagine the passage of a powerful flow of Cosmic energy through a channel running along the spine, starting from the top, from the crown, further, bypassing the perineum, and then going into the ground. Try to use the power of imagination to influence the passing flows of energy, strengthening and holding them within yourself at the same time.

3. Imagine further that the incoming flows, having passed through you, turn into powerful fountains, gradually connecting with each other, which then take the form of an energy sphere within which you mentally find yourself. Imagine that you are a balloon, the surface of which, increasing, gradually merges with the boundaries of the sphere, absorbing maximum quantity energy.

4. By repeatedly repeating the exercises, you will learn to imagine and really feel the things passing through you. energy flows. Forming an energy sphere, the flows provide a protective energy shell, which, connecting with the etheric body, creates a stable energy structure.

5. Gymnastics allows you to cleanse the central and thin channels for free circulation of energy, preserving it in the energy sphere formed around you, recreating the previously damaged shell through which energy left your body. The recreated energy shell will protect you from illnesses and problems, you will feel how strength and harmony around you are restored.

6. Repeating affirmations with confidence “I feel how my energy is intensifying!”, “I am full of strength and energy!” etc., the level of impact of energy gymnastics can be significantly enhanced.published

Over the centuries, they have been learning the secrets of the universe. They have access to opportunities that the average person doesn’t even know about. And all this thanks to tireless work on yourself and your body. Once upon a time they began to start their day with a special cycle of exercises. They were aimed not only at “switching on” the body after sleep, but also at regulating the functioning of all body systems, improving mood and maintaining tone.

Today, this energy gymnastics is widely used in many countries around the world. It is especially popular among women. And this is not surprising! After all, exercise primarily has a positive effect on the hormonal system, helping to prolong youth and get rid of extra pounds.

General information

Tibetan monks creating unique exercises, relied on the theory of 12 “vortexes,” or energy centers. According to this idea, when one of the centers is disrupted, the body becomes weaker and susceptible to disease and aging. Energy gymnastics is aimed at activating “vortexes”. The uniqueness lies in the fact that it helps to heal not from a specific disease, but to improve the health of the body as a whole.

It is quite simple, includes only five exercises and takes about 10-15 minutes. It should be done immediately after getting up in the morning, on an empty stomach. Regular practice not only noticeably improves well-being, but also fights aging and prolongs life by ten years. The first classes for women are usually not easy and can make themselves felt by exacerbation in painful joints and organs. However, there is no need to be afraid of this. This is how chronic diseases will go away.

Energy also has psychological significance. Along with meditation, qigong and other spiritual techniques, it balances the state of mind and relieves irritability. A woman becomes more tolerant and friendly to the world. The technique is especially important for those women who have been in sexual abstinence for a long time.

It is noteworthy that Tibetan energy gymnastics does not require special equipment. All you need is a little free time. This is so important and convenient in today's urban civilization with fast pace, emotional stress and the desire to do everything.

Exercise 1

You must take a standing position. The arms are spread out to the sides, palms down. We rotate around our axis clockwise (from left to right). You should start with three turns. The quantity can be increased as you master the exercise (up to 21 times). This exercise sets the speed of energy vortices.

Exercise 2

Now you should lie on your back on a gymnastics mat. The arms are located along the body, palms on the floor, fingers tightly clenched. The head must be raised so that the chin touches the chest. Now, as you inhale, raise your straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees. As we exhale, we occupy starting position. The minimum number of repetitions is 3, the maximum is 21 times. Breathing is deep, smooth, without jerking.

Exercise 3

To perform this exercise you need to kneel. The distance between them is approximately 20 cm. Place your palms under your buttocks. As you inhale, tilt your head back, chest open, back slightly arched. For balance, rest your palms on your thighs. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. The head falls forward, the chin touches the chest. This exercise is performed a minimum of three times, and a maximum of 21.

Exercise 4

Take a sitting position. Legs straight, in front of you. The distance between the feet is 20-25 cm. The palms on both sides of the buttocks rest on the floor with the fingers tightly clenched. As you inhale, tilt your head back, leaning on your legs and arms, and lift your pelvis. Ideal body position when performing this exercise- thighs and body are parallel to the floor, arms and shins are perpendicular. As you exhale, return to the starting position, chin pressed to your chest. Number of exercises - 3-21 times.

Exercise 5

Lie on your stomach. Arms bent, palms at chest level. The distance between the feet is 30 cm. Leaning on our hands and toes, we “sag” above the floor, lifting off the pelvis and knees. In this case, the back is arched and the head is thrown back. As you inhale, lift your pelvis up, lower your head down, and let your chin touch your chest. Legs are straight, feet are completely pressed to the floor. From the side, the body position resembles a right angle tending upward. As you exhale, we return to the starting position.

The deflection is carried out due to the straightened shoulders and chest, and not the “kink” of the lower back. Between lifting and bending, you should hold your breath for 2-3 seconds. The exercise causes a lot of physical stress, so it should be performed three times in the first lessons. Then you can increase the load to 21 lifts (this is the maximum).

Important points

  • Energy gymnastics for women is a specific system. It has its own order, which is associated with the pattern of inclusion of energy centers. Therefore, you cannot violate the order of performing exercises, for example, by starting with simpler techniques.
  • After each physical exercise breathing should be done. Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. We take a deep breath through the nose and exhale sharply through the mouth. The lips are in the shape of the letter “O”. The exhalation can be “voiced.” Voice vibrations are also helpful.
  • If a woman has been in sexual abstinence (celibate) for a long time, then after completing the gymnastics she needs to perform a special position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We take a deep breath, as we exhale we lean forward and push out the remaining air from the stomach. We hold our breath and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise three times.
  • After the energy gymnastics are completed, you need to rest a little and allow the “vortexes” to synchronize the work. To do this, you need to lie down on the mat, relax your legs, arms, body, and face. Stay in this position for 10 minutes.
  • A healthy lifestyle requires compliance healthy rules. Thus, energy gymnastics categorically does not tolerate the use of alcoholic beverages. You should also avoid smoking. Otherwise, the healing technique may have a negative effect. With a firm decision to switch to the path of health, beauty and longevity, this measure will seem trivial and even pleasant for any woman.
  • Energy exercises are carried out in the morning because they charge you with energy. Performing this practice before bedtime threatens a woman with insomnia and disruption of biological rhythms. And this is already stress for the body.

The free energy of the Earth and Space literally permeates the space around us. But how to accept it and fill your body with its life-giving power? Why does internal energy literally overwhelm some people and is almost completely absent in others?

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A person’s reception and assimilation of free energy from the external environment occurs through his central energy channels. Time contributes to the gradual clogging of the channels, until they are completely worn out, and the lack of energy supply affects the general weakening of the body, resulting in the development of depression, illness and the accompanying dissatisfaction with life and oneself.

The energy of the Earth and the energy of the Cosmos circulates in space in the form of two central flows - ascending and descending, respectively. An ascending energy flow (from the Earth) permeates a person from bottom to top along a vertical channel located along the spinal column at a distance of 0.5 cm from it. The downward (from Space) flow is located at a distance of 3 cm from the front of the spine - from the crown to the tailbone. Energy gymnastics will help cleanse our energy channels and ensure their effective operation.


1. You can perform the exercises standing or lying down. While taking a deep breath, try to imagine as vividly as possible how from bottom to top, starting from the perineum and ending with the crown, you are pierced by an energy flow emanating from the Earth. Powerful and strong, it literally fills you with free energy, moving along the spine.

2. In the same way, after exhaling, imagine the passage of a powerful flow of Cosmic energy through a channel running along the spine, starting from the top, from the crown, further, bypassing the perineum, and then going into the ground. Try to use the power of imagination to influence the passing flows of energy, strengthening and holding them within yourself at the same time.

3. Imagine further that the incoming flows, having passed through you, turn into powerful fountains, gradually connecting with each other, which then take the form of an energy sphere within which you mentally find yourself. Imagine that you are a balloon, the surface of which, increasing, gradually merges with the boundaries of the sphere, absorbing the maximum amount of energy.

4. By repeatedly repeating the exercises, you will learn to imagine and really feel the energy flows passing through you. Forming an energy sphere, the flows provide a protective energy shell, which, connecting with the etheric body, creates a stable energy structure.

5. Gymnastics allows you to cleanse the central and subtle channels for the free circulation of energy, preserving it in the energy sphere formed around you, recreating the previously damaged shell through which energy left your body. The recreated energy shell will protect you from illnesses and problems, you will feel how strength and harmony around you are restored.

6. Repeating affirmations with confidence “I feel how my energy is intensifying!”, “I am full of strength and energy!” etc., the level of impact of energy gymnastics can be significantly enhanced.

Energy gymnastics is a set simple exercises which are often underestimated. They are performed in a standing or lying position. Such a workout will not take more than 5 minutes, but it perfectly helps to get rid of energy debris and find channels for receiving a fresh breath of clean energy. Most healers resort to this technique, restoring the functioning of the systems and organs of the human body.

The essence of energy gymnastics

Exercises help improve your energy, because a weak outer shell is unable to completely protect a person from various types of intrusions. Specially designed gymnastics do not take much time and comprehensively develop energy. All exercises are performed slowly. With regular training you can feel the changes and physical strength energy.

This is the essence of such gymnastics. During classes, all energy flows form a ball, building a bodily shell around itself. The sphere allows you to fix energy in a stable state. Gymnastics has positive effect, protecting the body from external negative influences. Now a person can independently influence his health without turning to healers and doctors.

Women's gymnastics: complex

Training for women is a set of exercises designed specifically for the fair sex. This technique was used by our ancestors. The complex includes simple but effective exercises. Such gymnastics improves the flow of energy flows. Only the training should be easy and not be a burden, otherwise there will be no positive result.


  1. The exercise is performed while standing, legs spread apart and slightly bent at the knees, feet placed parallel.
  2. The arms need to be bent at the elbows, placed behind the back, the hands are not closed, they are close to the lower back, the shoulders are lowered in a relaxed state.
  3. When inhaling, you need to rise on your toes, bring your arms forward so that your hands are adjacent to your body under the chest.
  4. The brushes on top must be intertwined to form a “bud” and the body should stretch upward.
  5. After exhaling, the person returns to the starting position.

Torso rotation

  1. The movements are performed while standing, the first leg is raised up so that its foot is under the kneecap of the second leg, and the knee can be moved to the side.
  2. During inhalation, the body turns to the side of the raised leg.
  3. As you exhale, you need to return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Body tilts

  1. You need to kneel down, spreading them to shoulder level, and place your shins parallel.
  2. The feet should be closed with the knees motionless.
  3. You will need to put your hands behind your back and raise them up, forming a “bud”.
  4. The upper body is tilted to the sides one at a time without lowering the head or twisting.

Tibetan monks are known for their good health, their special gymnastics helps to gain strength and revive the body shell oppressed by diseases. At regular classes energy centers are stimulated. The training does not take much time and does not require special preparation.

There are several basic rules of Tibetan gymnastics:

Exercises for the olfactory organs

  1. The palms are lightly rubbed, placed over the eyes and pressed slightly.
  2. One push is done in 1 second, the lesson lasts 21 minutes.
  3. Palms should be left on eyeballs for 2 minutes in a calm state.
  4. Then the palms are moved to the ears, the fingers are placed behind the back of the head and pressed.
  5. 21 attacks are also made in 21 seconds.

Body exercise

  1. The right palm is placed on the area of ​​the body where the thyroid gland is located.
  2. The left palm should be placed on top and pressed slightly towards the right.
  3. Inhale left hand moves to the navel, when exhaling it returns back.
  4. The exercise is performed for a minute, then two hands are placed on the stomach.
  5. At the end of the exercise, you need to lie on your back and lie down for 2 minutes.

Exercise to improve energy

  1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the side.
  2. The left palm must be raised up, and the second, on the contrary, lowered.
  3. The hands begin to rotate 6 times clockwise, after which it is recommended to lie down and rest.

Exercises for a boost of energy

  1. Starting position: sit on the floor, straight legs stretch forward, palms pointing to the floor, chin reaching towards the chest, fingers pointing towards the buttocks.
  2. The head must be thrown back along with the body so that it can be held at a right angle.
  3. When you inhale, you lift, and when you exhale, you need to return to the starting position.

Tibetan monks believe that energy gymnastics is the most in an efficient way improve your well-being, overcome many diseases without taking medications and look younger without additional techniques. To maintain your health for many years, you need to clear your mind and start exercising.

Many people complain of chest heaviness, pressure, rapid heartbeat, breathing problems, and chest burning. All these symptoms indicate the activation of a new spiritual chakra - the High Heart. To recharge your energy, get rid of discomfort and to open it you need to do only three exercises. Previously it was believed that the chakra was located on the etheric level, but over the past few years it has been proven that it is activated on the physical plane.

I am a Divine Being

  1. When the chakra is open and activated, a person understands that he is surrounded by love. You can see some symbol or feel for yourself that love is always nearby.
  2. Since the heart chakra is responsible for love, the Higher Heart is located at a deeper level.
  3. The heart center helps you to love yourself as you are.
  4. To activate the High Heart, you will have to forget the grievances and forgive everyone. This is the only way to feel freedom.

The line between reason and emotion

  1. Here the heart chakra gives birth to intention and connects the language of the mind and the emotionality of a person.
  2. The voicing of a thought occurs in this way: the energy rises to the throat chakra, passes through the Higher Heart and the plan is pronounced.

Transmission of high vibrations

  1. The thymus chakra filters and transforms vibrational energies. From electrostatic they turn into electromagnetic, which are quickly absorbed by humans.
  2. The higher heart integrates the vibrations and stores them for later use.
  3. The Higher Heart, like any other chakra, can be active, passive, in a balanced or unbalanced state.

Intimate energy gymnastics

At first, gymnastics for the female intimate area was prescribed for diseases of the genitourinary system. It was also used for preventive purposes for various diseases. Experts claim that such exercises improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the intimate area. Doctor Arnold Kegel was the first to use this technique for ailments of the pelvic organs and urinary incontinence, but no one hoped for such a positive result.

Butt workout

  1. Starting position: standing with your arms down along your body.
  2. You need to walk 60 steps, raising your knees high and pointing your toes down.
  3. Another 60 steps are taken, but when raising the knee, it is moved to the side.

intimate squat

  1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned outward.
  2. As you exhale, you will need to sit down slowly, tensing intimate muscles, and when inhaling, you need to rise quickly.
  3. 20 repetitions of the exercise are done.

Raising the pelvis

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor.
  2. When lifting the pelvis, it is necessary to spread the hips and tense the abdominal, buttock and vaginal muscles.
  3. The position is fixed for 5 seconds and returns back.
  4. 15 repetitions of the exercise are done.

Intimate exercises not only improve the quality of sexual life, but also lead to transformation at the energy level.

Training is an excellent prevention and support for a healthy state of mind. It only takes a little time and space to complete it. Here are some Zeeland exercises that will fill your body with energy.

Inhalation exercise

  1. While inhaling air, you need to feel how the flow of energy is directed from the ground to the groin.
  2. Then it smoothly moves along the vertebra towards the head.
  3. The energy ends its journey in the heavens.

Exhalation exercise

  1. When exhaling, you need to imagine how an energy flow descends from heaven.
  2. Then it goes through the head.
  3. And in the end he goes deep into the earth.

Two streams

  1. During the lesson, a person must imagine a picture where two flows are simultaneously tending to each other.
  2. But in the end they do not intersect.

At first you will only have to imagine the energy, but after some time a person will be able to feel every moment.

Gymnastics Norbekova

Mirkazarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an academician, founder of the Institute of Human Self-Healing. He prefers alternative medicine and is confident that his special training for the spine can fill the entire body with positive energy. His technique is to restore health using self-control and connecting a person’s internal resources.

Cervical spine

  1. The chin should be tilted forward towards the chest.
  2. First, everything is done without tension, the chin should slide down easily.
  3. Then relaxation and tension alternate.

Thoracic spine

  1. The hands are folded and placed in front.
  2. The chin is pressed against the chest.
  3. Your shoulders should be pushed forward, pointing them towards each other.
  4. Your back should be straight and you should not hold your breath.

Lumbar spine

  1. Your legs need to be spread apart and your knees slightly bent.
  2. The pelvis should be directed downwards, but the body should be motionless.
  3. It is necessary to perform a springy movement as if the tailbone is stretching upward.

Spinal twists

  1. The hands are placed on the forearms, and the body must be tilted to the side.
  2. The body must be turned all the way, and the gaze is directed upward.
  3. The exercise is repeated in the other direction.

Academician Norbekov warns that all classes are conducted only in a good mood. He assures that 1% belongs to energy gymnastics itself, and 99% belongs to positive attitude person.

Effective energy training consists of three parts: for joints, circulatory and nervous system, as well as for the inner world of a person. All these activities have contraindications that must be taken into account before starting gymnastics. Exercises should not be done during pregnancy, severe pain in the skeletal system, exacerbation of chronic ailments, nervous disorders, previous stroke or heart attack, and during the recovery period after surgery. It is better to refuse such gymnastics for children with their still fragile spine.

The energy gymnastics course for women is presented in the following video:

Energy gymnastics is a unique way to improve your health and well-being without intervention. traditional medicine. It will be effective only if performed correctly and in the absence of contraindications. Before training, it is necessary to consult a doctor who can rule out any problems with the spine.