A selection of the best exercises to strengthen arm muscles for women. How to strengthen your back muscles at home

Beautiful well-groomed hands are no less attractive part of the body than the legs and waist. Their unaesthetic shape can ruin any figure.

There are two main muscle groups: biceps (flexor) and triceps (extensor). And if the biceps are already well developed, due to the fact that they take on almost the entire load from everyday work, then the triceps without special load become saggy and flabby. For this they use special exercises for arm muscles. You can perform them as in gym, and at home.

Warm-up before a set of exercises for arm muscles

Any exercises, including exercises to strengthen the arm muscles, should begin with a short warm-up. To do this, you need to stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides and, keeping your elbows and shoulders motionless, make rotational movements with your hands in different sides. After this, the forearms remain in the same position, and the arms rotate at the elbow joints. Now you can make rotational movements with the entire joint. Then you can combine: one circle with the hands, the second with the elbow, the third with the forearm. Rotations are performed from yourself, and then towards yourself. In addition to warming up the muscles, this exercise develops coordination. Also considered a very good warm-up is “counter-movement”, when one arm rotates in one direction and the other in the opposite direction. In this case, they are connected in front of each other above the head (if they are located vertically) or in front of themselves (if they are located horizontally).

Sample exercises for arm muscles for women:

If you need to strengthen your arm muscles, exercises for women will allow you to do this simply, without much effort, since they are designed for an unprepared female body.

The first exercise to tighten arm muscles

Starting position – standing, hands folded in front of the chest, palm to palm. You need to squeeze your palms as hard as you can. You can relax after 5 such compressions. Total – 15 approaches of 5 compressions.

Starting position – standing. The arms are bent in front of the chest and positioned so that one is above the other. Brushes are in a fist. By strongly straining your muscles, you need to change the position of your hands. Moreover, one of them is located above the other. This movement is repeated 30 times.

A set of exercises for the arm muscles can be continued with push-ups from the sofa. To do this, you need to rest your palms on the sofa and your feet on the floor. Try bending and straightening your joints while doing a push-up. Repeated 30 times.

The next position is arms forward, hands relaxed. Thumbs point upward. It is necessary to tense your fingers and turn your hands outward. When performing such movements, you need to feel the tension in the muscles. Breathing is not delayed. Repeat 15 times;

Starting position – standing. The arms are extended to the sides at shoulder level. For several minutes, circles are drawn with your hands, first in one direction, then in the other. Such light exercises will help strengthen your muscles and keep them toned.

To perform the following effective exercises for the arm muscles, you will need a bench or chair. You need to sit on the edge and rest your palms on the seat, without bending your joints, and stretch your legs forward. The buttocks should hang in the air and the body weight should be on the joints.

In this position, you need to bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, and then straighten them again. This exercise is similar to push-ups, but only in the other direction.

Push-ups - exercises for tightening arm muscles

The following exercises for tightening arm muscles are simple but effective. You can perform them at home. They represent simple and complex push-ups.

The most simple view push-ups are push-ups against the wall, which allow you to prepare your joints for classic push-ups. To perform them, you need to stand from the wall at a distance of a step, facing it. Your palms are on the wall at chest level, slightly wider than your shoulders. You need to raise your heels and transfer your body weight to your joints, while tightening your abdominal muscles.

As you inhale, bend your elbows to form a 90-degree angle, lowering toward the wall. As you exhale, return to starting position.

One more is enough in a simple way are knee push-ups. This great way to insure the lower back, it is recommended for beginners. Position – on the floor on your knees. The shins do not rise, otherwise the lower back will bend.

When doing push-ups, you need to make sure that the pelvis does not rise; the body should be extended in a “plank” manner.

The following exercises for tightening the arm muscles are performed on your side. To do this, you need to sit on your thigh, place your palms in front of you on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders. The fingers of the hands are directed forward; when placing the fingers to the sides, not only the biceps and triceps, but the chest muscles are strengthened.

Do 10 push-ups, then sit on the other thigh and repeat. Every day the number of push-ups can be increased by one.

Classic push-ups are considered difficult and are recommended for people whose muscles are already prepared for stress. These exercises help strengthen the triceps, deltoids and pectoral muscles. Position – lying down, palms at chest level slightly wider than shoulders, feet hip-width apart. As you inhale, bend your elbows until you get a right angle. It is necessary to keep them pressed to the body. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Each approach is 10 push-ups.

Exercise “Diamond” for the internal muscles of the arm

Don't forget about the exercises internal muscles hands, which allow you to get rid of sagging and tone your muscles. To do this, you need to regularly perform the Diamond exercises.

With its help, the biceps will be rounded and the muscles will be tightened. inside forearms. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms closed in a circle in front of you. Elbows should be kept in front of you, extended fingers should be closed. The back can be slightly rounded so that the elbows can be kept up. The palms should touch each other only with the fingers and not with the palms. You need to take a breath, pull in your stomach and take the basic pose: rest your fingers against each other as much as possible.

You need to feel it well muscle tension. You need to hold it for 8 seconds, after which you can relax. Repeat 3 times.

At the end of the lesson

After completing a set of exercises, it is necessary to stretch the working muscles. To do this, you need to raise one arm up, bending it as much as possible at the elbow, and place it behind your back. The second one puts pressure on the elbow. This position is held for several seconds, after which it is repeated with the other. You can sit on the edge of a chair and move your arms back, grab the back of the chair with them and tilt your body forward. Final position: you need to raise one arm in front of you and bend it at the elbow. The palm is turned towards you. Pressing your elbow with your other hand, place your forearm behind your head and press your shoulder to your neck.

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After a certain age, especially in women, the skin on the hands becomes thinner, weaker, and begins to sag. This problem can be solved in natural ways, and not only improve appearance hands, but also strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

Sagging skin on the arms from the forearm to the elbow is, of course, not an aesthetic sight. Age-related changes are irreversible, unfortunately, but we can delay these moments as much as possible. A set of measures works best - a combination of some simple home remedies, certain types of physical activity with proper nutrition. Try strengthening your arm muscles using simple, proven methods.

What to do to strengthen your arm muscles

Protein is very important for health - it nourishes and strengthens the skin, muscle tissue. With a protein deficiency, arm muscles will very easily begin to lose tone and become overgrown with fat. It is important to choose the right, healthy protein that is easily digestible, but not to overdo it.

A good way to get the right amount of protein is to eat a serving at every meal. Try not to overindulge in foods containing less healthy protein, such as red meat, sausages, and high-fat dairy products. Better check out these healthy alternatives:

  • White meat: Ideal for strengthening and toning the muscles of the arms, as well as the whole body.
  • Fish: Oily fish and white fish contain a lot of quality protein. In addition, white fish contains significantly less fat, which makes it excellent option for a light dinner. Strengthen your arm muscles with proper nutrition- tasty and easy.
  • Eggs: The white has more of the same protein, and the yolk has more fat.
  • Milk and dairy products: Healthy, lightest dairy products - homemade goat cheese, natural yogurt made from low-fat milk.
  • Beans: Beans are inexpensive and a complete source of plant-based protein that helps strengthen arm muscles. Cook them with a little cumin to make them easier to digest. It is best to serve legumes as a creamy soup for lunch. In order to get a truly powerful dose of protein, you can add the following grains: brown rice, oats or quinoa.
  • Dried fruits, nuts: healthy, tasty, you can eat them at any time of the day, an ideal snack. But you shouldn’t abuse them either, they are high in calories, a handful of the mixture a day is optimal for maintaining weight. Avoid buying candied, fried or salted dried fruits and nuts.

Clay to remove toxins and strengthen arm muscles

When too much fat or fluid accumulates in a certain part of the body, it is usually quite difficult to remove the toxic substances from there. For trouble-free cleansing of the body, which depends on the health and activity of the skin pores, it is recommended to make a clay mask at least once a week.

Mix the clay with enough water to a paste-like texture that will not drip or run off. Apply to sagging skin of your hands, wait until the mixture dries. Rinse with warm water, let the skin dry a little, and then apply moisturizer.

Moisturizing is the secret of beautiful skin, the key to strengthening arm muscles

With age or under the influence of external factors, the skin loses moisture; it is important to maintain an optimal balance, in this case it will be strong, toned, and elastic. The face is usually given incomparably more attention; we often forget about the hands until wrinkles appear on them, the muscles of the hands weaken, or the skin begins to sag.

You don’t even have to spend a lot of money on expensive creams; you can take any natural moisturizing lotion that nourishes and moisturizes the skin of your hands well. Try almond, coconut, olive oils. Try enriching the finished creams with vitamins A and E.

Exercises to strengthen arm muscles

To prevent muscles from becoming flabby, you need training. If you do not do this constantly, the skin and muscles lose their capabilities and strength.

The most common exercise for strengthening arm muscles is training with dumbbells. Don't try to lift too much weight. You can do without any special sports equipment, just take something more or less heavy and practice at home, move your arms in different directions. Dedicate 5 or 10 minutes every day to strengthening your arms, and very soon you will notice that they no longer sag and the flabbiness has disappeared.

Cold water will help strengthen your arm muscles

Cold water perfectly tones and instantly improves blood circulation. Don't take too hot showers. Always finish your shower with a cold water rinse, paying special attention to your hands. On hot days in summer, wet your hands in water whenever possible during the day. cold water or use a spray bottle.

These simple steps will help you quickly tone your hand skin and strengthen your muscles.

Are you used to buying dresses with sleeves at least to the elbow? Are you afraid of open sundresses like fire? Let's try to guess: you are not happy with the way your hands look. More precisely, their upper part is where, with age or due to sudden weight loss the skin sags treacherously.

We propose to declare a fight to this problem area right now! Our article contains the most useful exercises for arm lifting at home, which we were able to find on the Internet. Your task is to study and put into practice!

Immediately, before we forget - several important nuances how to do exercises for sagging arms:

  • Work smoothly, without sudden movements or jerks. This is important: in this way the muscle will not only pump up, but also stretch, thanks to which the arms will acquire a beautiful shape.
  • Monitor your breathing: exhale at the moment of muscle effort.
  • Train three to four times a week.
  • Repeat each exercise fifteen times, do two approaches with a minute break.

Exercises for sagging arms - for women who are ready to work on themselves

An excellent workout that will help tighten your triceps in a fairly short time. To see the first results, it is enough to exercise regularly for just a couple of weeks.

The complex consists of five exercises for the inside of the arms. You can perform them in any order, but be sure to do them in full force!

We spread our hands

The exercise is very simple, but incredibly useful. And its main advantage is that it can be done almost anywhere, the main thing is to have dumbbells with you. Or any other items that can be used as dumbbells. For example, bottles with sand or water.

It's simple to do, like everything ingenious. You need to stand straight and stable, with your feet slightly apart. In each hand - an improvised or real dumbbell. It is necessary to bring your arms straight first forward, then to the side and then down. All this is done slowly, in two counts. You need to repeat at least fifteen times. The load can and should be gradually increased.

Doing push-ups near a chair

What equipment is required to perform this exercise to tighten your arms is clear from the name itself. By the way, at first you can place the chair close to the wall so that it does not move.

The execution scheme is as follows. You need to turn your back to the apparatus, put your hands back and put them on the seat. Shoulders straight, buttocks as close to the chair as possible. Take one or two steps forward with your feet.

Inhaling, you need to sit down as deeply as possible. Exhaling, return to the starting position. To make the exercise more difficult, you can straighten your legs.

Push-ups on your side

This version of the exercise for sagging arms is complex, but really effective. Therefore, you will have to work hard if you want your hands to be beautiful.

How to do it? It's simple: you need to sit on the floor, but not with your whole butt, but only on one side. Bend your legs at the knees so that they are perpendicular to the rest of the body. One hand is on the back of the head, the other is used as a fulcrum. The back is as flat as possible.

Doing push-ups while lying down

All our readers probably know what push-ups are and how to do them correctly. And those who are not experienced in this matter can learn useful information.

Need to be done classic push-ups on your toes or knees, with one condition - the elbows do not move to the side, but are pressed as tightly as possible to the body. You need to repeat, according to tradition, at least a dozen times.

Do side push-ups on the other hand

Great exercise for women: for beautiful hands and for an ideal tummy at the same time. The idea is the same as the previous side push-up, only this time the opposite hand is used. Lie on your side, legs in line, bottom hand hugs the stomach, the upper one rests on the floor. This is what you need to bend when doing push-ups. If possible, do fifteen repetitions.

A couple more great exercises for the arms to prevent sagging skin

  1. A great exercise for flabby arms - for women who like to work with dumbbells. More precisely, in this case with one. Yes, yes, we need one dumbbell with a relatively large weight. It must be held with both hands. When performing the exercise, you need to place the dumbbell behind your head, bending your elbows so that they look at the ceiling. And then - straighten your arms, while keeping your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Important: you need to keep your hands close to your head, and perform the movements along the same trajectory all the time.
  2. A simple and long-known exercise, but no less effective. All you need are dumbbells weighing up to three kilograms. They need to be taken reverse grip, palms up, arms slightly forward, back straight. The next task is to point the dumbbells towards your chest, bending your elbows.
  3. Forget about sagging skin on your hands - the exercises we have selected will help solve this problem once and for all. And run to the store for an open-shoulder sundress!

0 3134 12 months ago

Muscular arms are one of the reasons why many young people start working out. gym. For most beginners, this muscle group is a priority. There are a lot of hand exercises, but not all of them are equally effective. In our article today we will tell you how to properly train your arms and what program you should follow.

The upper arm is formed by two large muscles: the biceps and triceps.

Below the biceps is another muscle, the brachialis. It is this that forms the visual massiveness of the upper arm.

At the bottom of the hand there is a huge amount small muscles. In order not to go into anatomical subtleties, we will call this entire group the muscles of the forearms. They are responsible for grip strength. They perform the following functions:

  1. Clenching a fist;
  2. Wrist flexion;
  3. Extension of the hand.

If your arms have difficulty responding to the load, most likely you are doing something wrong. Apply the recommendations below to your training process and you will make progress quickly.

  1. Pay more attention to training your triceps. This is a larger muscle; it is the triceps brachii muscle that forms 2/3 of the volume of the arm. It is advisable to start training with it if you pump your arms on a separate day. It should be trained more extensively and intensively than the biceps.
  2. Don't overdo the amount of exercise. Small muscle groups respond better to short, intense exercise with a full sensation of stretching and contraction of the working muscle group. We do not recommend doing more than three biceps exercises and four triceps exercises; for most intermediate athletes this will be too much. You shouldn’t train your arms too often either; one workout per week will be enough for any athlete. If your goal is dry growth muscle mass, then it is not the quantity of training that is important, but its quality.
  3. Experiment with your split program. Typically, as part of a weekly split, athletes combine biceps training with back training, and pump triceps along with the chest or shoulders. However, you may well do the opposite or even carry out separate training for arm muscles. Find the approach that works best for you.
  4. Use techniques to increase intensity. The main thing in proper training hands - this is pumping (blood filling of the muscles). To increase the flow of blood and beneficial nutrients into working muscles, use dropsets, supersets and the rest-pause method (one set to failure, a short rest and a few more reps as best you can). A very popular arm training scheme is the load on the biceps and triceps in supersets. For many athletes, this gave a visible impetus to growth. You can alternate between working in limited and full amplitude. For example, exercise “21” for biceps (7 repetitions in the lower half of the amplitude, 7 in the upper and 7 in the full amplitude) is one of the most effective exercises to overcome stagnation in growth.
  5. There is no need to rest for a long time between approaches, this will reduce the intensity of the training. In heavy compound exercises like the bench press narrow grip, you can rest for up to one and a half to two minutes; in other movements it is better to keep it within a minute.
  6. Don't overdo it with working weights. There is no point in pumping your arms with huge weights while doing only 4-8 reps. For little ones muscle groups A range of 12-15 repetitions works best.
  7. Don't ignore bodyweight work. Push-ups on parallel bars (with elbows pressed to the body and without bending forward) and pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a narrow reverse grip - great exercises to strengthen arm muscles, which are ideal for training at home or on the street sports ground.
  8. Give preference basic exercises, they determine a large share of your progress. Isolation exercises are best left for the very end of the workout to achieve maximum blood flow, or use them as a warm-up and pre-exhaustion.
  9. Remember to warm up thoroughly before each workout. A little joint gymnastics and warm-up approaches with minimal weight will take very little time, but are almost guaranteed to protect you from injury.
  10. Remember that the arms are a small muscle group. She cannot grow up autonomously from everyone else. Small muscles tend to grow in proportion to larger ones. Therefore, your arms will grow much faster if you also fully train your legs, back and chest. In other words: you cannot put wheels from a huge SUV on a small sedan.

Exercises for developing hands

Let's look at some of the most effective exercises for strengthening your arms.

This is a basic exercise in which you have the opportunity to work with decent weight and create all the prerequisites for further growth. It is important to use a minimum of body swing in this movement in order to increase its efficiency. To load everything muscle fibers, regularly change your grip in this exercise from narrow to wide, use different bars (straight, EZ, W), keep your elbows pressed to the body or slightly forward. Then you will evenly load the long and short head biceps An alternative option is a biceps curl from the lower block. This exercise is no less effective, since the use of a block exercise machine allows you to somehow strain your biceps throughout the entire approach. To shift the load to your forearms and brachialis, lift the barbell with an underhand grip.

This is the second basic movement for the biceps. Its biomechanics are similar to the barbell curl, but there are a few differences. You can lift the dumbbells simultaneously or alternately, use supination (turning the wrist outward) or not, fixate at the top point, or even use a hammer grip to place more stress on the brachialis.

This exercise is one of the isolated ones, since when correct execution the entire load falls entirely on the biceps. You can perform it with dumbbells, a barbell, or special simulator. By resting your elbows on the bench, you eliminate the possibility of cheating; most of the load will fall on the long biceps. If your gym does not have a special bench, you can perform concentrated curls with a dumbbell (resting your elbow on your knee). Both of these exercises are excellent for developing the peak of the biceps. In these exercises, it is important not to overdo the working weight and fully concentrate on stretching the muscles while passing through the negative phase of the amplitude.

Reverse grip biceps pull-ups

Here it is important to keep your back straight throughout the entire approach, then you will be able to fully concentrate on contracting the biceps. At the top, pause for a second to intensify the peak contraction, and at the bottom, stretch thoroughly to feel good stretching. You should not use additional weights; it is better to perform more repetitions and rest less between sets.

You can use heavy weights in this exercise, which will quickly make your arms bigger and stronger. The close grip press is also great for developing the inner chest. It is fundamentally important here to maintain a uniform pace throughout the entire approach, press your elbows close to your body and not spread them to the sides. If you find it difficult to maintain the same trajectory of lifting the barbell, perform the bench press with a close Smith grip - this will reduce the load on the stabilizer muscles. If you are training at home and do not have a special bench for performing pressing exercises, you can replace this exercise with push-ups. narrow setting hands

To isolate as much as possible triceps muscle shoulders in this exercise, press your elbows towards your body and try to maintain as vertical a position as possible. As you lean forward, most of the load will shift to your lower chest. There is no point in going as low as possible. To keep your triceps under constant tension, lower yourself down to approximately the right angle between top part hands and forearm.

This is a basic exercise for developing the long head of the triceps. Here it is important to stretch it properly in the lower part of the amplitude, the working weight is secondary. There can be many variations: standing, sitting, lying on a horizontal or incline bench. You can only find the most suitable option for you through experience. It is important here to maintain the same position of the elbows throughout the entire approach and not to move them inwards - this can lead to injury. An alternative option is the French press from the lower block; EZ or rope handle.

Many athletes find it more convenient to perform this exercise with dumbbells, since it can be lowered lower and stretch the triceps better. The exercise is performed standing or sitting on a bench. Other fundamental differences from French press with a barbell or on a block, no. You can do this exercise with one hand to shift the load to the medial head of the triceps.

This is an isolated triceps exercise that primarily works the lateral fascicle. It is the lateral fascicle that gives the triceps brachii muscle its “horseshoe” shape. There is no need to use heavy weights in this exercise so as not to overload elbow joints. For variety, work with all the handles you have in your gym.

In this exercise you will completely isolate lateral head triceps. To do this, you need to take dumbbells in your hands, lean forward and straighten your elbows, trying to concentrate as much as possible on the work of the triceps. Heavy weight It won’t work here, so leave this exercise for the very end of your arm training.

Forearm muscles are quite easy to train. To keep them consistently toned, end each arm workout with a couple of sets of empty bar curls (inward and outward). Number of repetitions: unlimited. Forearms also work great in any back exercise as long as you don't use wrist straps. The use of fat grips (special neck extenders) and expanders also helps develop the muscles of the forearms, hands and strengthen grip strength.

Sets of exercises for hands

You can fully train your arms at home; all you need is a minimal set of equipment: barbells and dumbbells. A horizontal bar (it can be installed in the doorway) and parallel bars (they can be hung on the wall) will also be useful.

By working out in a well-equipped gym, you have more opportunities for varied training. This should be used if you want to quickly pump up your arms.

When gaining muscle mass, you should pay special attention to basic exercises. It is around them that your entire training process. The arm muscles are no exception. There will be a little less pumping, but you will be able to build a good strength base, which will increase your performance in pulling and pressing movements, and also improve your grip strength.

When burning fat, the situation is exactly the opposite. To give the muscles the desired shape, improve relief and separation, you need to pay more attention isolated exercises. Large weights there is no need to use it, it is much more important to properly fill the muscles with blood and preserve high level intensity, reducing the rest time between approaches to a minimum (less than one minute). Moreover, using heavy weights can harm you, since dieting causes your joints and ligaments to become less elastic, which increases the risk of injury.

Artistic gymnastics, rock climbing, crossfit, different types martial arts - all of these sports require strong wrists. Wrist strength needs to be developed in parallel with flexibility. This will help you cope with exercises that require not only good grip, but also joint mobility.

In addition, strong wrists will allow you to train without pain and injury if you learn how to do exercises, walk on your hands, or do power-ups on the horizontal bar or rings.

Exercises for the wrists will also be useful for people who are far from sports. Warming up and stretching your wrists will help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, a compression of the median nerve between the bones and tendons of the wrist. Warming up will help relieve tension and will be an excellent pain prevention.

All of these exercises will help you develop wrist strength and flexibility. First you need to warm up and warm up the target muscles.

Wrist warm-up

Repeat each exercise ten times.

Now let's move on to strength exercises.

Strength exercises to strengthen muscles

Raising from wrists to fists

Sit on the floor with your legs tucked under you. Place your hands on the floor on the back of your palm, fingers facing each other. Using the strength of your wrists, try to move your hands to fists. If this happens easily and without pain, transfer your body weight to your arms and try again. If pain occurs, reduce the load.

Do three sets of 15 reps. When your wrists get used to the load, you can perform the same exercise while lying down with your feet on your knees.

The most advanced option is in a regular prone position. However, it will take several weeks before you strengthen your wrists so well. Don’t chase results, your goal is to perform the exercise without pain (at first there will be discomfort in any case).

Dumbbell finger row

Place your forearm on a flat surface, such as a counter. Turn your wrist so that your palm faces the ceiling. Grasp the dumbbell with your fingers and begin lifting it with the strength of your wrist.

Start with light weights and gradually increase the load. Perform three sets of 8–10 reps.

Reverse grip bodybar lift

For this exercise you will need a body bar. Unlike the barbell, it is lighter, so you can exercise without overexertion and.

Take the bodybar with a reverse grip, bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. Open and tilt your palms slightly so that the bodybar rolls onto your bent fingers. At the extreme point, the angle at the wrist should be 90 degrees. Using the force of your wrist, lift the bodybar back up. Perform four sets of 8–10 reps.

Raising a bodybar with a straight grip

Grab the bodybar with an overhand grip and bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Raise and lower your wrists. Perform four sets of 8–10 reps. If the exercise is easy, increase the weight.

Dumbbell hold

Take it for top part fingers. Hold for as long as you can - 30 seconds or longer.

Arm rotation with dumbbells

Hold dumbbells in both hands, bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. In the starting position, the back of the hand faces up. Turn your hands over so that your fingers are on top, and then return to the starting position. Turning there and back is counted as one time. Perform four sets of 8–10 reps.

Stretching exercises

Stretch on the floor

Sit on the floor on your feet, place your palms in front of you, fingers facing you. Move your body back, increasing the angle at your wrist. Hold at the extreme point for 3-5 seconds, come back and repeat. Perform 5–10 times.

Fist Stretching

Sit on the floor on your feet, place your hands in front of you with the backs on the floor, fingers facing each other. Keep your elbows straight and transfer some of your weight to your arms to better stretch the muscles. From this position, pull your fingers towards the middle of your palm, trying to clench your fists. Repeat the exercise eight times, rest a little and do three more approaches.

Perform these exercises 1-2 times a week to quickly strengthen your wrists, increase your grip strength, and protect yourself from injury.