Marathon running: what distance and how long do modern marathon runners run? How much does it cost to run a marathon? Why is a marathon 42 km?

Marathon running– one of the most difficult disciplines athletics. Not every athlete is able to run the prescribed distance. To overcome it you need to have strength and endurance. This is a heavy load for the athlete’s body. However, despite all the complexity, this is a sport that is beneficial for the whole body, which, with regular training, improves heart function and prevents the development of a number of diseases.

A marathon is a race long distance with an officially accepted distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters (26.219 miles, or 26 miles 385 yards). Trained athletes who are able to withstand a long distance take part in it.

The event was organized in memory of the legendary runner, the Greek warrior Pheidippides, who ran a distance of 250 kilometers in one and a half days. He informed the Athenians of his victory over the Persian army at the Battle of Marathon and immediately died of exhaustion. Pheidippides was a national hero, his strength and courage were admired by many. A monument was erected in his honor on the road to Marathon so that future generations will not forget about his feat.

monument on the Athens road

More than eight hundred marathons are held around the world every year. Many people take part in them to demonstrate physical training and test your capabilities. However, few, even among the marathon runners themselves, can say why this particular distance was officially adopted.

This is very interesting question, the answer to which can hardly be found in textbooks. Its history goes back to the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, during the period when the tradition of holding the Olympic Games was revived. We'll talk about this below.

1896 is the date of the first modern Olympic Games. A major event that will forever go down in history. This year, marathon runners ran forty kilometers. After the victory of the Greek athlete, representatives of other countries became interested in this sport. The athletes dreamed of breaking the Olympian's record and proving their endurance. The marathon is no longer a distance reserved for exceptional people. It becomes clear that with the right amount of training and good health, every person is able to overcome the distance. Marathon running is gaining worldwide popularity.

It is interesting to note that runners often arrived at the finish line during the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games or some time before it began. This emphasizes the status of the marathon, which is the final discipline. Over time, this became a tradition, and the marathon completes the Games program. Unfortunately, athletes are not always well prepared, which is why some of them are simply physically unable to reach the finish line.

However, if in this case we can talk about a clearly established rule, then there were no uniform standards regarding the length of the distance. The main condition was that athletes must run along a single route under equal conditions. The length of the race was determined depending on the location of the marathon, and each time it was a different number.

Let's trace the history of marathon running. Since 1896, the length of the marathon has been at least 40 kilometers. Scientists have calculated that exactly this distance was the distance from the city of Marathon to Athens. However, on subsequent Olympic Games new standards were established that differed significantly from each other.

It was not until 1921 that the modern distance was established by the International Association of Athletics Federations. How was it calculated, and what influenced the commission’s decision?

For the first time, marathon runners ran exactly this distance at the Olympic Games in London, which were held in 1908. However, this did not happen on purpose; initially a different distance was agreed upon, but chance intervened. At first, it was decided to hold marathon competitions on a 25-mile (40 kilometers 23 meters) route. During the race it had to be changed. Part of the royal family watched the start of the runners from Windsor Castle. At the White City stadium, as you probably already guessed, there were also representatives of the royal family. It was at this point that the runners had to complete their race. And for the sake of their convenience, the distance was extended. In addition, the runners had to face difficulties due to the intense heat. However, the marathon ended successfully, royal family I was satisfied with the competition I saw. American athlete D. Hayes won gold.

The London Olympics were the first time athletes ran the distance used in modern competitions. However, the story does not end there. The distance that the athletes ran in London was not officially recorded as the standard for subsequent Olympic Games. The organizers did not develop a single figure that could be officially assigned to all competitions until 1924.

At the two subsequent Olympics, the length of the distance was very different. In Stockholm in 1912 it was 40 kilometers 200 meters. That is, more than two kilometers less than London. Only eight years later, the length of the distance was almost close to modern standards and amounted to 42 kilometers 750 meters. It was held in Antwerp.

It is logical to assume that such a situation could not last long. The International Olympic Committee and the Athletics Federation advocated the creation of a single distance for all Olympic Games, regardless of where they will be held. It was decided to record the exact length marathon distance.

It is difficult to say why exactly the London Marathon distance was adopted as the standard. Members sports organizations, having consulted among themselves, decided to fix this particular figure. Such a decision could be influenced by many different factors that we can only guess about. There is no exact answer to the question. However, since the 1924 Olympic Games, marathon runners have run a standard distance of 42 kilometers 195 meters. This is the complicated history of marathon running. However, despite the fact that it is not fully understood, it is important and necessary to know.

The world record in this discipline belongs to Dennis Kimetto, who took part in the Berlin Marathon in September 2014. He showed excellent result, forcing professional athletes to look up to him, and amateurs to admire his capabilities and respect him for his strength of spirit. The best marathon runners can run at speeds of over twenty kilometers per hour!

Running enthusiasts all over the world consider it important to participate in the marathon. Run a race together with leading athletes, and thereby join the world athletics movement. The organizers of many marathons hold lotteries to identify future participants, since large number people want to run a distance and test their capabilities. This trend is good news, because playing sports is an important part of an active lifestyle. And a person who loves sports and devotes himself to it every day free time, is an example for many.

– Olympic running discipline. It is a road race over a distance of 42 km 195 meters. Marathons, the distances of which world records are recorded, should not have a height difference of more than 1 meter per kilometer of distance. However, marathons are held in completely different conditions. There are mountain marathons, when athletes cover a distance of 42 km 195 meters, running through the mountains; marathons are held in mines, in the Arctic, in deserts, etc.

1. World records in marathon running

The world record for men's marathon running is held by Kenyan athlete Dennis Kimetto, who covered 42 km 195 meters in 2 hours 2 minutes 57 seconds in 2014.

The world record in the women's marathon belongs to British athlete Paula Radcliffe, who completed the distance in 2 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds. This record has stood since 2003. In order to understand how outstanding this achievement is, it is worth saying that the closest result to the world record for women shown over the past 12 years is the result of Kenyan runner Mary Keitany, who ran the marathon in 2012 slower than Paula by 3 minutes 12 seconds .

2. Rank standards for marathon running among men

View Titles, ranks Youth
42 195 2:13.00 2:20.00 2:28.00 2:37.00 2:50.00 Zach. dist

2. Rank standards for marathon running among women

View Titles, ranks Youth
42 195 2:32.00 2:45.00 3:00.00 3:15.00 3:30.00 Zach. dist

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Olympic Marathon, the distance of which is 42.195 kilometers, is a serious test for both beginners and trained athletes with good experience. However, these are only the official conditions of the marathon, the name of which today is used to call any long runs on rough terrain or in special conditions, including life-threatening ones. This is where the first piece of advice comes from - before registering for your first marathon, you should carefully read its conditions and possible dangers. 42 km 195 m is a lot, you need to be prepared to overcome this distance. Read about all the nuances of the race and preparation for it in the article.

Marathon: world record

The first world marathon record was recorded at the Olympic Games in Antwerp in 1969. It was set by an Australian named Clayton, covering 42 km 195 m in just two hours, eight minutes and thirty-three seconds. For a long time, no one managed to break the record. And this despite the fact that traditionally a marathon is held every year. The 1969 world record was broken only in 1989. The difference was only in minutes - 2:06:32 (Sammy Wanjiru). And the last world record was recorded in 2008 - 2:03:59. Installed by Hail Gebrselassie.

Preparation Basics

So, the Olympic marathon, the distance of which you already know, is not so easy to run. Must have good athletic training simple Beginners Marathon runners are, as a rule, experienced runners or advanced athletes who have mastered the “toe-toe” technique, have developed their own fluid intake norms and know how to properly monitor their heart rate during exercise.

How to run a marathon for a beginner? First and main principle- devote enough time to preparation. Even professionals do not shy away from training in advance and collecting enough information about the upcoming race. Therefore, the first thing you need for a marathon is to make a training plan. It entirely depends on the type of terrain that is chosen for the upcoming race.

How to run a marathon without training? Unfortunately, no way. You definitely need to prepare! As a test run, it is recommended to choose a distance of 10 km in the same or similar conditions. This is the most favorable option for a sober assessment of your own potential before running 4 times more.

Body preparation

How to run your first marathon? Maximum results can only be achieved with a responsible approach to training, but we must not forget about the adequacy of the load. The closer the marathon day is, the shorter the distance of the next race should be. Entering the competition in a “squeezed out” state will most likely not bring the coveted victory.

Good sleep is not only the key healthy image life, but also a successful marathon performance. Rest should be clear and balanced, strictly according to the schedule without deviations.

Every competent runner knows what is the main fuel for a special engine in a machine called the body. This is nothing more than glycogen. This substance is a product of the processing of carbohydrates supplied with food. Their presence in the diet is mandatory. Large reserves of this substance will ensure the best health during a long-distance race.

How to replenish glycogen reserves in the body? Despite the fact that carbohydrates were mentioned, do not rush to joyfully grab everything sweet and starchy. This is all very tasty, but not at all that healthy, because there are fast and slow carbohydrates, and it is the second group that you need. You can find them in any food that is recommended in a normal balanced human diet, i.e. various types meat, fresh fruits (except bananas), vegetables, cereals, dairy products, lard, eggs and more. Simply put, slow carbohydrates are any food that is slowly absorbed and processed by the body. If you can’t do without a piece of bread at the table, you can switch to grain or any “black” or “gray” baked goods.

Particularly popular among runners is pasta, an Italian dish made from... pasta. However, taking into account the fact that slow carbohydrates are needed for a successful race, it is necessary to choose products from special types of flour. A wide variety of recipes allows you to mix it with all products necessary for a normal diet and special diet for a marathon race. Real Italian pasta is made from durum wheat and is included in the marathon diet several weeks before the start.

Psychological self-training

So, the training schedule has already been drawn up, information about the terrain has already been received, the strategy for overcoming the distance has already been drawn up, everything seems to be... but something can be missed - the mood.

How to run a marathon? Psychological preparation for a race plays the same role. important role, as well as physical. A special attitude and a specific mindset distinguishes a professional from an amateur. After all, even for the most experienced runner, covering the marathon distance is very difficult.

If you are prone to stress, you should do everything possible to eliminate this factor on race day. Stress, like a match caught in a gas tank, will instantly burn out all your energy reserves and lead to a shameful result in a long-distance race.

So, you're prepared. The day of the race has arrived. How to run a marathon? First, you need to arrive at the start site as early as possible, calmly warm up, not forgetting about breathing technique, and then slowly go through the registration procedure. Also, don’t forget about a delicious pasta breakfast; it’s the best relaxer on race day.

Careful study of the route is also an important element psychological preparation. When you have an idea of ​​what you will expect in advance, you have a good basis for maintaining confidence throughout the route. You can also plan your water consumption schedule so that you don’t have an internal conflict with yourself about when is the best time to do it. If you determine the most difficult sections of the path in advance, your psyche will be in full combat readiness and will not fail at a crucial moment.

The Secret of Endurance

So you want to run a marathon. You already know how many kilometers you will need to cover. Agree - this is a lot. This is why you need to train endurance. In order not to get hung up on fatigue and the difficulty of covering the distance, you can divide the entire route into equal sections, based on the various landmarks that are located on it. Thus, a person pays less attention to high load, and concentrates more on running. Running strategy - very important element in achieving success, it is with its help that athletes apply a rational approach to the distribution of forces.

A marathon is always a race through beautiful and picturesque places; if you feel that stress and despair are creeping in, you can always be distracted by the surrounding idyll and forget about gloomy thoughts.

Very valuable advice for beginners - control yourself at the start, never follow the example of those who are trying to rush as fast as they can away from the starting line at the speed of a hundred-meter champion. The winner is the one who knows how to smoothly flare up and use his strength at the crucial moment, which most often falls on the last stage.

Those who know first-hand are very familiar with the state that occurs after completing a 30-kilometer segment. At this point, the body begins to communicate its fatigue more loudly through pain and increased sensitivity to discomfort. Then you need to remember your desire to win, no matter what.

How to run a marathon

What a marathon should be like cannot be overcome unless you own it. This is the main part of all the work to prepare for the race. In this aspect, there are many pitfalls that become an unpleasant surprise for those who have not covered long distances before.

There is a big difference in the effectiveness of a certain running technique on large and short distances. The habit of landing on your heel in front of you may not interfere at all at usual distances, but at the distance of a half marathon it will lead to unexpected pain or even inflammation knee joint.

Many people think that for proper running need special physical training that provides greater leg strength, good press and flexibility in ligaments and joints. However, in reality, almost anyone can reach this level.

The basic functional minimum of a marathon runner includes:

  • Well prepared caviar.
  • Strong lower back, buttocks, thighs.
  • Availability of press.

The above set of muscles forms a special corset during running, which does not allow a person to bend or incorrectly arch his back while running. A protruding pelvis is the main sign of unpreparedness to overcome long distances.

Based on all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion - stooping is unacceptable while running. It leads to a shift in the center of gravity, which seriously spoils running technique and complicates the work of breathing and cardio. vascular system. Slouching can be eliminated only by strengthening the back muscles through wide push-ups or pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Body fitness level

When it comes to flexibility, it is not at all necessary that the athlete be able to do the splits. It is necessary to achieve a good balance between muscle length, ligament elasticity and work nervous system. The required amplitude of the joint is achieved only with special training and does not require extra effort or many years of work. To organize sufficient mobility of the hips, knees and feet, it is enough to regularly engage in gymnastic stretching or Pilates.

With sufficient flexibility, the amplitude of the hips increases, the step becomes wider, and the casting and landing of the leg becomes easier. The athlete runs much faster and becomes more resilient. Dynamic stretching can be done during warm-up, while static stretching will be most effective after training on warmed muscles.

Marathon: running speed

There is a special technique for running at marathon pace (M), which everyone tries to adhere to. professional athletes. The method is very flexible and does not contain clear boundaries, everyone approaches it in their own way, but on average, it is recommended to run in such a way as to run 25 kilometers within 90-150 minutes.

The best prepared for running at this pace are those who specialize in distances of 800 and 1500 meters, who are able to reduce the duration of such running to 40-60 minutes. During training using this method, it is very important to work out all the details of the upcoming competitions, find your schedule for consuming water, carbohydrates or energy drinks.

It should be noted that the running pace of a marathon is faster, but proper training involves an effective combination of these two techniques. A more intense one is used to prepare for upcoming loads, and a lighter running technique is the main way to maintain the achieved form. Also, M-tempo is not suitable for training in bad weather, since a serious level of intensity will quickly overload the body and make it difficult for normal breathing.

In general, there shouldn’t be any particular difficulties with the material, since a long time ago athletes came up with a number of simple recommendations that everyone should adhere to unconditionally.

Marathon runner's basic kit

Obviously, the choice of shoes will require the most attention. And no matter how tempting a new pair of sneakers may be, you should hide them away. Any shoes with low mileage are considered new, which means they have not passed the “combat” test and are a pig in a poke. For a marathon, only shoes that are familiar to him are suitable, which are well adapted to the foot, perhaps their size will even be slightly larger than the size of the foot. In the last 10 kilometers this aspect makes itself felt very well.

You should think about clothing only a few days before the race, since its selection depends entirely on the weather conditions expected that day. While running, you feel incredibly hot, so you don't have to worry about freezing. As a last resort, you can plan to transfer excess items to accompanying persons, which is not always possible. A hat is a must-have piece of equipment, regardless of the weather.

The plate with the number must be firmly fixed on the clothing. Otherwise, it will get boring very quickly and reduce running efficiency. The room itself must be completely protected from water, otherwise a number of formal problems will arise. The easiest way is to laminate or tape.

Considering the specifics of overcoming the marathon distance, the number of things should be as limited as possible. In most cases, the mandatory list consists of:

  • Water and nutrients.
  • The most lightweight and comfortable player.
  • Pulse meter.
  • Napkins in small stock.
  • A patch for covering calluses that are very likely to occur.

Before the start, almost all runners resort to a standard procedure - lubricating with Vaseline all problem areas of the body that make themselves felt during training.

How to behave at the finish line?

This question is also important. Regardless of how the athlete finishes, first, tenth, etc., it is important not to immediately stop the colossal load that the body experiences. To cardiovascular system I managed to readjust and my breathing returned to normal; under no circumstances should I stop immediately after the finish.

When crossing the finish line, you must gradually slow down your running pace and switch to quick step, then, after a slow walk, during which you need to regain your breathing, you can gradually stop. Water should be drunk in small sips, gradually saturating the dehydrated body.

Well, you’ve learned what a marathon is, how many kilometers you need to cover, and how to properly prepare for it. Good luck in your race!

The history of marathon racing does not go back many years. In fact, she is a contemporary of the new Olympic movement. It all started in 1892, when the French aristocrat Pierre de Coubertin undertook to revive the Olympic Games. Then a proposal to include marathon running in them was made by the famous French linguist and historian, Sorbonne professor Michel Breal, who was a typical armchair scientist and expert Ancient Greece. Thus, the founder of the marathon is a man who himself never ran a hundred meters in his life.

Naturally, it was decided to hold the first modern Olympic Games in Greece. And so, on the final day of the Olympics, April 10, 1896, the first marathon race in history took place. The runners' route ran from the town of Marathon to the Panathenaic Stadium and was 40 km. The winner, of course, was the Greek, Spiridon Louis, who overcame this distance in 2 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds. By the way, it was from the first Olympics that it became a tradition to organize a men’s marathon race, as final stage Games

Over the next four years, the marathon movement spread throughout Europe and America.

The main mistakes of the first marathon runners:

  1. Incorrectly chosen clothes. Runners dressed much warmer than required: long-sleeve T-shirts, knee-length shorts, and sometimes sweatpants.
  2. Wrong drinking regime. It was believed that drinking water during the race was contraindicated. But some managed to drink wine or brandy right at the distance.
  3. Inadequate preparation for the race. Nowadays they begin to prepare for a marathon 3 months in advance, but then most people limited themselves to three days at best.

At the next two Olympics in Paris and St. Louis, the length of the marathon distance was maintained within 42 km. Its current length is 42 km. The 195 m marathon owes its name to the 1908 Olympics in London. It was then decided to lengthen the distance to please the royal house, so that part of the royal family could see the start of the race opposite Windsor Palace, and the rest could see the finish from their royal box at the stadium.

And these last 200 meters almost killed the main contender for victory, Italian Dorando Pietri. Having already run into the White City stadium, Pietri fell several times from fatigue. But they picked him up, doused him with water, and he ran again. It took the Italian 2 hours 54 minutes 46 seconds to cover the distance. But after a complaint from the US team, the Italian runner was disqualified because... he finished the race with someone else's help, and the American John Hayes was declared the winner with his result of 2 hours 55 minutes 18 seconds. And four months later, these two marathon runners competed in a rematch, and the Italian athlete Pietri won it. By the way, both runners subsequently earned decent money by participating in various marathons.

And the marathon movement was gaining more and more popularity. Even their own idols appeared in fan circles: Harry Barrett, Fred Cameron, Clarence de Maire.

But your constant distance, like olympic event sport, the marathon was acquired only in 1924. Probably no one will be able to say for sure why the IOC then chose the London race of 1908 as the standard. At the 1924 Paris Olympics, Finn Oskar Stenroos won with a time of 2 hours 41 minutes 22 seconds.

Today, the main record holder is considered to be athlete from Kenya Dennis Kimetto, who set a world record on September 28, 2014 at the Berlin Marathon - 2 hours 2 minutes 57 seconds.

Women's Marathon

What about the fair sex? But women were allowed to participate in the Olympic Marathon only in 1984 in Los Angeles. Of course, before this, attempts were made by female runners to change the situation. Thus, American Katherine Switzer ran the Boston Marathon in 1967 without disclosing her gender. Then she managed to cover 42 km. in 4 hours 20 minutes.

And the first Olympic champion American athlete Joan Benoit Samuelson won the marathon distance with a result of 2 hours 24 minutes 52 seconds.

The current unbeaten record holder is British runner Paula Radcliffe, who completed the marathon in 2003 in 2 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds.

  • The oldest marathon runner is considered to be the Indian Fauja Singh, who completed another race in 2011, breaking the century mark in 8 hours 11 minutes 06 seconds.
  • American Margaret Hagerty began training at the age of 72, and she completed the marathon distance at 81.
  • In addition to the marathon, there is a half marathon and an ultra marathon.
  • Russian Sergei Burlakov completed the marathon in New York in 2003, despite the fact that at that time both legs and both hands were amputated.
  • Runners from Kenya and Ethiopia are considered the fastest stayers.
  • The average speed of professional marathon runners is 20 km/h.

While tens of thousands of people train for various marathons every year, the fittest among them are faced with the most formidable barrier in the world of sports - running a two-hour marathon. Reporting by Chris Dennis (BBC).

A marathon distance of 42.2 km in 120 minutes - just the thought of it will take your breath away.

Expert opinions on the possibility of such a result are divided.

For some it's great sports record, which is destined to be surpassed, for others it is an unattainable limit of endurance. Is a record possible at the 2012 Olympics?

Current world record holder Haile Gebrselassie, who ran the 2008 Berlin Marathon in a record time of 2:03:59, says it's possible, but not for the next few years.

The 38-year-old says: “I have no doubt about the feasibility of this record. The first 2-hour marathon will take 20-25 years, but it will definitely happen.”

England's top marathon runner, Paula Radcliffe, agrees.

“Records exist to be improved, and athletes strive for this goal. But in order to set this record, tremendous efforts will have to be made.”

The thought that the record could be set in one generation is exciting.

“I think within the next 20 years we will see the first two-hour marathon,” says London Marathon director Dave Bedforth.

Active Olympic champion Sammy Wanjiru, who completed the marathon at the Beijing Games in 2:06:32, believes that this is beyond his capabilities.

“It is impossible for me to run a marathon in 2 hours, my limit is 2 hours 2 minutes. There may be a next generation... strong runners may emerge. Speaking about our generation, you can’t count on results from two hours.”

Another skeptic is Glen Latimer, one of the leading experts on marathon running in the United States. He doesn't believe this can happen while he's alive. “Perhaps I’m too old, but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.”

“When you watch great runners like Haile Gebrselassie, you see his strength. The 32nd, 34th, 35th kilometer - the athlete is holding on great, but then something happens, the body begins to give out, it becomes difficult to maintain the rhythm.”

Latimer, like Wanjiru, believes that the record will be set at 2 hours 2 minutes, and this will be the limit.

But then again, 60 years ago people said the same thing about 1 mile in 4 minutes, before Roger Bannister set his own record. He became the first man. those who ran 1 mile (that is, 1609 meters) in less than 4 minutes. On May 6, 1954, he set this world record.

The science of endurance running is extremely complex, but physiologically there are three main factors that determine how fast a person can run:

  • maximum level of oxygen consumption - a value known as VO2 max
  • running efficiency - how quickly a distance is covered on the ground
  • endurance capacity - percentage of VO2 max maintained

There are different opinions among scientists about the limits of human capabilities. Some believe that the world record Haile Gebrselassie very close to the limit, other scientists believe there is room for further improvements.

It is very interesting to look at the progress of world records in the marathon.

It took seven years to improve the record from 2:16 to 2:12, nineteen years to improve from 2:12 to 2:08, from the date of the world record of 2:08 to today's best result of 2:03:59. 24 years old.

Having analyzed modern results marathons, University of Montreal professor François Peronnet came to the conclusion that a 2-hour marathon will be run in 2028.

Many experts agree that the world's first sub-2 hour marathon will require a confluence of several favorable factors.

“If you miss one detail on race day, you miss everything,” says Gebrselassie.

  • First: we need an elite runner in in great shape, possibly an athlete from East Africa.
  • Second: you need a straight, flat track, such as in Berlin, London or Rotterdam. The Berlin track is considered the fastest; over the past 10 years, 4 world records have been set on it.
  • Third: ideal weather conditions. No wind, air temperature 10-15 degrees Celsius.
  • Fourth: strong pacemakers who will lead the race and set the right speed.
  • Last thing: money.

As the marathon approaches the milestone, race organizers will offer significant financial bonuses to encourage runners to set the record. The first person who manages to run a marathon in less than two hours will not only get into the table of record holders, but will also become a very rich man.

Paula Radcliffe knows what happens when things add up ideal conditions. She set a women's world record of 2:15:25 in London in 2003.

“You feel like everything is going as usual. There is no compulsion, nothing hurts. You don't even think about anything - you just run. It's like your second nature. The preparation for the marathon was so hard that on the day of the race you feel lighter than during training,” Radcliffe says about his feelings.

Everyone agrees that the first marathon runner to run the distance in less than 2 hours will be a representative from Ethiopia, Eritrea or Kenya. But why?

I spent several days in Ethiopia with the country's top athletes and coaches.

Ethiopia is the poorest country in the world, but it has a solid track record in athletics.

The names are Abele Bikila, Mamo Wolde, Miruts Yifter, Kenenisa Bekele and Haile Gebrselassie known all over the world.

Most of them started running as soon as they learned to walk. Haile Gebrselassie ran 10 kilometers a day to school and back.

Runners from this African country have achieved great success on the international stage due to several factors: Addis Ababa is located at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level, the region has favorable weather conditions, the people living here consume simple and organic food, and are extremely efficient.

Elite runners from Ethiopia follow a monotonous routine - running, eating, sleeping. There is simply no time for other activities.

I was lucky enough to conduct a training session in the suburbs of Addis Ababa with a group of athletes. After just one five-kilometer loop I couldn't continue, and for runners it was just a warm-up.

I also met with Ethiopian school runners who will replace the current generation of marathon runners. Perhaps among them was the first person to run a marathon in less than 2 hours?

Their dedication and self-discipline are admirable. Many of them consider maintaining Ethiopia's position in the world in endurance running as a national duty.

If within the next 20 years there is someone who runs a marathon in 1:59:59, don't be surprised if it's from Ethiopia.

Chris Dennis (BBC)