How to pump up your upper abs. How to pump up your upper and lower abs: simple and effective exercises How to pump up your upper abs

In order to have thin waist And toned tummy, are necessary physical exercise. Training does not have to be done in gym. It’s easy to pump up your muscles at home, devoting a short period of free time to exercise. To quickly return to the figure beautiful shape, you need to know how to pump up your upper abs, distributing the load on each muscle evenly and correctly.

Girls need to act differently than guys. For men, training should be aimed at strength exercises, promoting growth muscle mass. For women, a special complex that includes endurance exercises and good stretching muscles.

Proper preparation

Classes will bring success if you increase the load gradually and listen carefully to your body. It is important to perform the movements correctly in order to use exactly the right muscles. If you work out your abs at home, and the next day you are bothered by pain in your abs. gluteal muscles, which means that the previous training did not affect the abdominal muscles, but had a different focus. To find out which muscles are tense, you need to stop for a couple of seconds while doing the exercise. You will immediately feel where the load is directed.

  • Efficiency increases several times if you alternate muscle load with rest. Fitness instructors recommend doing classes every other day.
  • It is advisable to do upper abdominal exercises for women in the morning, before meals. If necessary, the workout can be rescheduled for the day or evening, but keep in mind that you can only exercise 2 hours after eating. Otherwise, it is easy to harm the body.
  • The complex aimed at strengthening the abs is performed while lying down. It is convenient to do it on the floor, covering the surface with a hard gymnastic mat.

Don't forget that you won't be able to achieve results in a short period of time. To properly pump up your abs, you will need to work hard. Once you get used to the workouts and feel the positive results, they will begin to bring pleasure and satisfaction.

The peculiarities of the female body force us to refuse training in critical days. The body is contraindicated in the load on abdominal muscles during this period. You can resume classes 2-3 days after the cessation of menstruation.

Easy warm-up

Before doing exercises for the upper abs, you need to warm up and warm up the muscles of the whole body. If this is not done, the training will not bring positive results. On the contrary, with ill-considered actions you injure your abdominal muscles. Microscopic tears will cause pain for several days.

You need to choose your clothes wisely. It should not hinder movement. Good option- shorts and a T-shirt made of natural materials.

  • Start your warm-up with the neck muscles, gradually moving down, warming up your shoulders, arms and chest.
  • It is important to develop the obliques. Lock right hand on your belt, lift the second one up and tilt your torso to the side along with your left arm.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Finally develop lateral muscles, placing your hands on your waist and rotating your pelvis different sides for a minute.

A good warm-up prevents most injuries during exercise and makes them more effective.

Useful exercises

To properly tighten your tummy, you need to pump up the side, top and lower press. This concept includes the rectus and lateral abdominal muscles. A few simple exercises will do to work out your upper abs.

  • "Regular twist." Stretch out on the mat, bend your legs, fix your hands behind your head. Slowly raise your shoulders and shoulder blades, trying not to tear yourself away from the gymnastics mat. Simultaneously with top part lift your torso up with your knees bent. To pump up your upper abs, try to hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. It is recommended to do the exercise 15 times, rest for a few minutes and repeat. When you're ready to increase the intensity, place a small ball under your knees and hold it as you lift your legs.
  • To perform “Bends” you will need to roll over onto your stomach, stretch your legs, bend your arms in elbow joints and put it on your neck. Slowly lift your chest while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Rise as high as possible, freeze for 5 seconds and lower back down. Repeat the movements 15 times in a row, rest and do it again.
  • The next exercise for the upper abs is “Leg Raises”. Lie on your back. Slowly lift your legs up and down without touching the floor. Do 2 sets of 15 movements.

Having worked the upper abs, you need to direct your forces to pumping up the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

  • Take “Walking Steps.” Take a lying position, lift your legs slightly, making movements with them that imitate steps. To get started, just complete the task 30 times.
  • Well developed lower muscles abdomen "Scissors". While in a horizontal position, raise your legs to a height of 40 degrees and swing them in a scissor-like motion 30 times.
  • The “pelvic lift” should be done while stretched out on a flat surface. Bend your legs, place your arms perpendicular to your body. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, alternately straightening and lifting your legs up. When going down, you should not touch the floor with your buttocks. For one set of 20 movements, try to do it overhead.
  • For the “Accordion” you need to take a sitting position, bend your elbows and lean on them. Straighten your legs, lift them to a height of 30 cm from the gymnastics mat, count 5 seconds, bend your knees and pull them to chest. Return to starting position without lowering your feet to the floor, and repeat the task 30 times.

How to pump up your tummy?

Complex exercises for the upper and lower abs will be more effective if you develop the oblique abdominal muscles. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Excessively inflated side press helps to make the waist wider. If the goal of the workout is to tighten your sides and tummy, these exercises are suitable.

  • "Tilts." Stand straight, straighten your back and begin to actively bend over sides. To increase the load, you can squeeze dumbbells weighing half a kilo in your hands.
  • For " side twist“You need to lie down on the mat, bend your legs and pull them towards your chest. Without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor, throw your bent legs to the right and left sides 15 times.
  • To perform the “Cross Twist”, you need to take a half-sitting position. Raise your legs, bend your knees so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Alternately stretch your legs forward and return to the starting position. Each leg requires 15 movements.

To pump up all muscle groups, tighten your tummy and visually reduce your waist, the Plank exercise is ideal. Lie with your stomach down, bend your elbows and lift yourself off the floor, holding your torso up with your hands and feet. Tighten your abdominal muscles, being careful not to arch your back and buttocks. The body should be straight from head to heels. Try to hold for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise three times.

During active activities It is important to drink less than 2 liters of fluid per day. This volume should be spring or mineral water without gas.

Pumping up abs for girls will not be successful unless you reconsider your diet. Try to give up fatty fried foods, replacing them with fresh herbs, fruits, and cereals. They will provide the body with fiber, vitamins, minerals, help improve metabolism and help reduce belly fat.

Many athletes divide all abdominal exercises into several categories: lower abdominal exercises, upper abdominal exercises and lateral abdominal exercises (obliques).

In our article today we will look at best exercises to work out the upper abs (upper abdominal area), as well as the methodology for their implementation.

The best exercises for the upper abs

  • Crunches lying on the floor are an excellent exercise that allows you to put a good load on the rectus abdominis muscle. Suitable for athletes of any level of training and can be performed both in the gym and at home.
  • Crunches on a Roman bench - this exercise is an alternative to crunches on the floor and also works well on the rectus muscle.
  • Twisting on a block - this exercise perfectly works the upper abs in isolation due to the constant load of the weight of the block. Can be used at the very end of an abdominal workout.
  • Double twists - universal exercise, aimed at training the upper and lower abdominal areas. Can be used as a base on abdominal workout days.

Training complex for pumping up the upper abs

Based on the exercises presented above, you can create a training program for the upper abs.

Follow this training complex Once a week, on the day of abdominal training. The total duration of the complex is 6 weeks.

Science's opinion

Despite the fact that the vast majority of athletes separate training and exercises for the lower and upper abs, in reality they all have the same effect on the rectus abdominis muscle along its entire length. The visual difference in the relief of the upper and lower areas of the abs is explained only by the uneven distribution of fat in this part of the body.

Thus, separate training/exercises for the lower and upper abs do not make any sense and load the entire abs along their entire length in the same way. The only exception is the oblique abdominal muscles, which can be pumped separately.

To pump up your abdominal muscles, all you need is to have a fitness training mat and know. Additional equipment will be needed for advanced athletes. Since the upper press very quickly comes into the required form and recovers easily, there will be no problems with his training if you follow all the recommendations and instructions.

How to pump up the upper abdominal muscles for girls?

A complex has been developed especially for girls, which consists of 6 effective exercises.

No. 1. Rack

Despite its apparent ease, performing a stand is quite difficult. Start with 20 seconds and increase the load with each workout:

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach;
  2. Rise up on your elbows, keeping your back and legs straight;
  3. Stay in this position and lower yourself to rest for 10 seconds;
  4. Repeat the task.

No. 2. Twisting

  1. Take a position lying on your back. The head is raised and the legs are kept hanging, knees bent at right angles;
  2. Lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, pull your chin towards your chest, twisting the upper part of your abs into an accordion;
  3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds;
  4. Return to the starting position.

No. 3. Deflections

This task also seems relatively easy, but you should not ignore it, since it is one of the best, thanks to which you can tone the upper abdominal muscles:

  1. Lie on the floor on your stomach with your legs and arms extended along your body;
  2. Lift your torso up, lifting it off the floor as much as possible. At the same time, also move your arms and legs as high as possible towards the ceiling;
  3. Return to the starting position after a delay of 3 seconds and repeat the task.

Breathe deeply and evenly as you perform, feeling the work of your abdominal muscles.

No. 4. Combined lifts

In this task, the torso is raised while bent knees, as well as using dumbbells. Allows for more detailed development of muscles:

  1. Sit on the mat with your knees bent and your torso flat on the floor;
  2. Pull your torso towards your knees, while keeping your hands straight in front of you, without helping them in the process;
  3. Get down on the floor;
  4. Now pull yourself up again, but at the same time grab the dumbbells lying nearby and pull them to your chest;
  5. Lower yourself to the floor again.

Perform the task rhythmically, but not too quickly. The total number of repetitions is 30 times for a beginner.

No. 5. Running from a prone position

Outwardly, this task resembles climbing on the floor in place:

  1. Lean on your palms, keep your back straight. Bend one leg at the knee;
  2. Change your legs abruptly, as if jumping.

Do the task 40 times in total.

If it is still difficult for you to “run” while lying down, then you can make your work easier by simply alternating your legs, first bending one, returning it back and bending the other. It’s easier to do this way and the load is less, but then you need to try to switch to the advanced version of the task.

No. 6. Twisting from the position on hands

  1. Stay in the same position as for the previous task - resting on your palms and keeping your back straight;
  2. Pull one knee towards you, and then move it to the opposite side, performing a kind of twisting;
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

In total you need to do this 16 times. In the advanced version, try to move your legs as far as possible, and do the task itself more slowly. This will increase the load.

Upper abdominal exercises for men

Loads for men should be higher than for women. You can start working right away with small weights and use various exercise machines to help.

#1: Angle Bench Press

To complete the task you will need a bench at an incline of 30 degrees:

  1. Position yourself on the bench so that your head is lower than your feet. Secure your feet to the support. Hold your hands behind your head or in front of you, crossed;
  2. Rise up until your elbows touch your knees. This is not necessary, but the main thing is to almost get it;
  3. Smoothly lower yourself back and repeat the task.

During the execution, you can use a combination of light and deep lifts. To do this, rise low on the first lift, and on the second, reach your elbows to your knees. This will provide different stress on the muscles and make them work better.

If you want to make the task even more difficult, cross your arms over your chest in front of you and rise up in this initial position. The higher the angle of the bench, the more difficult the exercise will be.

No. 2. Forward folds with a load

For this task you will need a simulator:

  1. Position yourself with your back to him, kneeling, and grabbing the weight with your hands. Set the weights light initially;
  2. Pull the weight firmly in front of you, trying to angle your arms straight toward the floor. You will achieve a prayer pose. Keep your back slightly rounded;
  3. Hold at the peak point for a few seconds and slowly rise up.

Start with 20 repetitions and gradually increase the load and number of repetitions.

#3: Hanging Abs with Legs Elevated

You will need a crossbar:

  1. Hook your hands on the bar;
  2. Pull up outstretched legs so as to form a right angle;
  3. Stay in this position for several seconds;
  4. Return to the starting point.

Repeat the task 15 times. In the future, you can use dumbbells or weights to increase the load on your legs.

This exercise involves all the abdominal muscles, so it can be called universal.

No. 4. Triple complex with added load

This is a combined task of three exercises. The main thing is not to get confused:

  1. Lie down on a flat surface, pull your knees up, put your hands behind your head;
  2. Rise your torso up;
  3. Get down;
  4. Take the dumbbells lying nearby in your hands, cross your arms over your chest and lower yourself again;
  5. Return to the starting position, stretch your legs;
  6. Rise up again, this time with straight legs and dumbbells on your chest;
  7. Go back;
  8. Repeat the complex from the very beginning.

The cycle is designed to gradually increase the difficulty of the load in one approach. Repeat the complex 10 times in total.

In general, men are better off going to the gym, where they can do what more exercise for the press we wrote about .

How to pump up your abdominal muscles at home?

It’s easy to pump up your upper abs at home, because to work these muscles you don’t need to have special exercise equipment – ​​just work with own weight or supplement the load with dumbbells (water bottles).

Exercise No. 1. Lazy abs

This task can be performed early in the morning, even before getting out of bed. Take 2 minutes immediately after waking up to do it. This does not guarantee you six-pack, but elasticity and tone will definitely appear in a couple of weeks:

  1. Lying in bed on a flat surface, lift your chin, looking at your feet;
  2. Stay in this position, feeling tension in your abdominal muscles, for one minute;
  3. Lie down for 5 seconds in relaxation and repeat the task again.

Start with 3 sets of 1 minute each, gradually increasing the load, observing how easy it becomes for you to perform the lazy press. If the tension is low, then the number of approaches and duration of the task must be increased.

Exercise No. 2. Classic press

The simplest and at the same time most effective task for upper muscles belly:

  1. Hang your feet on the edge of the bed. It is best to keep your legs bent at the knees, but if you already have some training, then keep your legs straight or pull them up with your knees bent;
  2. Place your hands behind your head and do not help yourself with them while completing the task;
  3. Climb at a calm pace, forcing your muscles to tense;
  4. Lower yourself to the starting position.

Repeat the task 30 times. Over time, you need to increase the load and complicate the task with weights. Also, at a certain stage, you need to learn to do without support - your legs are freely fixed on the floor or hang in a bent position in the air.

In the most difficult version of the exercise, the legs can be raised to a small height.

Exercise No. 3. Oblique turns

To complete this task, you need to find a surface to put your feet on. A bed or sofa is quite suitable:

  1. Position yourself so that your back is on the floor and your legs are hanging (a simplified version is in a bent position on the floor);
  2. Clasp your hands behind your head;
  3. Raise your torso so that your right elbow touches your left knee and your left elbow touches your right knee alternately, while pulling your right knee towards your left elbow, and vice versa (see photo below);
  4. Repeat the task for each pair 15 times.

There are several options for doing this exercise. Use the heaviest one or all at once.

  • Alternate repetitions . In this form, you first do press-ups of the left elbow to the right knee 15 times, and then repeat the task for the other pair. It is important to maintain a calm pace of climbs.
  • Pair lifts . During the task, you first raise your right elbow to your left knee, lower yourself, and then raise your left elbow to your right knee and lower yourself again. The effectiveness of the exercise does not suffer from this. The total number of repetitions for a beginner is from 30 times.
  • Delayed ascents . In this version of the task, you raise your right elbow to your left knee, and then immediately, without lowering, stretch your left elbow to the opposite side. Do each side 5 times and lower. Thus, you will increase the load on the abdominal muscles by holding static tension.

Read more about what abdominal exercises you can do at home.

Video exercises for the upper abs

See clearly how to properly pump up your abdominal muscles and achieve beautiful relief.

Pumping up beautiful and elastic abs is quite simple - regular exercises in the background proper nutrition will help you pretty quickly. Find the most suitable combination of exercises for yourself and perform them regularly, constantly and systematically increasing the load. Only in this case will you notice positive progress on your stomach.

Hello? sports friends! Do you love cubes as much as I love them? We're not talking about bouillon cubes for soup, of course, but about pumped-up squares of muscle that adorn your bellies and tummy. Today I will teach you how to exercise in such a way that your results, even under tight T-shirts, will be the envy of others.

If you look at a standard training program, you will see that exercises are usually divided into three types: for the upper abs, for the lower, and also for the lateral or oblique abdominal muscles. Some schemes also involve pumping the longitudinal muscles, which are located deep inside and are responsible for maintaining the internal organs.

This is not the first article on the topic of pumping the press, you can also look at:

  1. How to pump up your abs at home -
  2. An effective set of 10 exercises -

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We will talk about how to pump up the upper abs, although in fairness it is worth noting that with any exercise, all muscles will work on the abdominal area. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to work exclusively on the upper abs without using the lower abs at all.

The secret of a beautiful torso in this case will lie precisely in the regularity of training and your conscientious work.

The most useful exercises to do at home

  • Crunches

Of course, the maximum effective complex for the press, not only for the upper, but also for its other sections are twisting. How can you do these exercises for your upper abs?

Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. In various variations of this exercise, the legs can also rest on the bench. You clasp your fingers at the back of your head. Your task is not just to lift the body, but also to twist it. For a complete understanding of the technique, watch the video.

Look at yourself from the outside: your lower back should not come off the floor. This is a very important point when working the muscles of the upper abdomen. Rise up and quickly exhale through your mouth, and when you fall down, inhale through your nose. Do 10 to 15 such repetitions for 3-4 sets. Over time, you can increase the number of repetitions in a series to 50.

  • Raise your hips

Exercises for the upper abs, oddly enough, also include leg raises. Lie on your back, upper limbs stretched along the body, legs brought together and also straightened.

In some cases, the starting position means that you are sitting on a special gymnastic bench and holding its edge behind your head with your hands. As you exhale, your legs go up at a right angle. As you inhale, they lower back down. This exercise does not require sharp jerks; the muscles should tense smoothly. It is acceptable if you bend your knees slightly. Be sure to tear off the pelvis from the surface.

  • "Penknife"

Stretch out on the floor in a straight line, so that your arms are either above your head or at your sides along your body. Exhale and lift your legs first, and then your body. Hold for a few seconds and slowly return back. While performing the “pocket knife” exercise, you will also work on your coordination.

How to properly pump up your upper abs by practicing this exercise? To feel maximum tension in the muscles, do not lower your legs to the floor, bring them almost to the end, but without touching the surface, lift them again.

  • Turning your feet

Lie on the floor, turning over on your back. The arms are located along the body and extended “at the seams.” We first raise our legs up perpendicular to the floor, then lower them down. After that we will pull lower limbs with a slope to the right and left. In a simpler version, the legs are bent at the knees, and in a more complex version, they are straightened.

These upper abdominal exercises also require you to not lower your limbs all the way down. They should freeze 15-20 centimeters from the floor. As you understand, the above list will help you work on your waist area without even leaving home. In some options, it is quite possible to use weights in the form of dumbbells or disks. When working with weights, follow safety precautions.

Working out the abs on simulators

If you go to the gym, you can use the help of special exercise machines that can also work your stomach. How to pump up the upper press in this way?

  • Crunches using a block

In this case you will need upper block, to which you need to stand with your back. Thread a special soft cable into the carabiner. Get down on your knees and hold the ends of the rope tightly with both hands. They can be either behind the head or in front of the face at chest level.

Your task is to lean forward. Be sure to watch the technique in the video.

  • Crunches on the horizontal bar

All permissible variations of twisting can be performed on uneven bars or on a horizontal bar. These can be straight twists, when you raise your knees to your chest, or straight legs, and in the latter case, the limbs can either form a right angle at the top point (the so-called corner) or touch the bar.

It will be great if at the stage of maximum tension you freeze for a few seconds. You can bring your knees to your elbows, spread your legs when lifting, or pull both legs first in right side, and then to the left.

As you can see, in this case there are many interesting options for training, the main thing is to choose a job to your liking.

  • Curling on the simulator

For this you will need special simulator with footrest and handles located behind the back at shoulder level. Secure your feet and hold the handrails firmly.

  • Raising the body on an incline bench

It's simple great exercises for upper abs for men. Sit on the very edge of the bench and fix your legs under special bolsters. In the starting position, you practically lie on the bench, but do not slightly touch it with your back. Hands can be in any position: behind the head in a “lock”, on the chest, or even folded behind the back.

By the way, working with such a device is an excellent answer to the question: “How to pump up the upper and lower abs”? Indeed, in this case, the process involves not only the upper abs, but also the serratus anterior muscle, as well as oblique fibers.

There are also a lot of different auxiliary exercises. Not only can they provide a nice variety to your workouts, but they can also add extra weight to your upper abdominal muscles. Despite their simplicity, they are very effective. What can be done? How to pump up your upper abs?

Lie on the floor: legs slightly bent at the knees, arms straight in front of you. Your task is to raise your body without lifting your lower back and reach your knees with your palms. The more you tense your muscles, the better.

How can this be achieved? The most effective way is to freeze at the top point and hold it for about 10 seconds. You can clasp your palms behind your head or cross them over your chest and even pick up a disc or dumbbell.

Now find a bench with footrests and do inclines on it. Approximately in the middle of the cycle, lock in and remain in this position for several seconds or until the muscles begin to “burn.”

Every time I talk about a training program, I always remind you that even the most high-intensity exercise will be absolutely pointless if you don’t watch your diet. Moreover, in this case, it is harmful both to eat beyond the limit established for you, and to undereat.

Also add an element such as cardio exercise to your workouts. This can be either jogging (preferably intervals, that is, alternating speeds), or riding an exercise bike or a regular bicycle.

If you approach this issue competently and adequately build a set of loads on the press, and also pay close attention to nutrition, the result will not take long to arrive.

Go for it, and I believe that you will definitely succeed. All your efforts will certainly be rewarded! And I I'm waiting for you again, come visit and share your knowledge with others. Next time it will be even more interesting.

Belly fat is almost the most common problem among girls. In order to get beautiful, toned upper abs instead of wrinkles, you are encouraged to regularly conduct workouts that include exercises specifically for this area. What kind of exercises these are and how to do them correctly, you are invited to find out further.

When and how to start training?

There is an opinion among people that there is nothing and cannot be better than morning training on an empty stomach, but there is a refutation to this. The fact is that in the morning your glycemic index is close to the minimum mark, so your strength and energy are not in the best condition. In this regard, please note the following:

  • Before actual abdominal training, a warm-up is required. For example, dance aerobics (actually belly dancing, oriental dancing), stretching or mini-cardio warm-up to ensure that the body is ready for further exercise.
  • You can and should exercise in the morning, but doing “passive” exercises, preferably stretching, yoga or Pilates, will be your best contribution to the start of a new day.
  • After completing the exercises, you need to provide yourself with protein (chicken breast, cottage cheese) and porridge (oatmeal), you can supplement it with fruits and a spoonful of honey.

Most often there is enough time in the evening, so come home from work and have a snack useful lungs dinner and after an hour and a half you can begin warming up and strength exercises on the upper abs.

Remember, without small adjustments in your diet towards cereals, fish and plant foods, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Crunches are the most effective exercises for the upper abs

Crunches are best done in two sets of 20 times. At the same time, efficiency increases if you freeze for a few seconds while climbing. We felt that the muscles were “burning” and relaxed the attack. You can see the different twist options below:

Crunches on the floor

When performing this exercise, the main load falls on the abdominal muscles:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Place your hands behind your head and bend your knees.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your upper body, bringing your ribs and hips as close as possible. There is no need to touch your chin to your chest.
  4. Hold the rise for 3-4 seconds and slowly lower to your shoulder blades, exhaling.

You can see how to do the exercises correctly in the video:

Crunches with legs raised

The exercise is performed in this order:

  1. Lie on your back, place your hands behind your head, with your elbows pointing to the sides and straight legs looking up.
  2. Tear off your shoulder blades, twisting your spine and tensing your abdominal muscles.
  3. On the way up, make an entrance with your mouth.
  4. At the top point there is a slight fixation - for half a second, then lower at the exit.

The exercise cannot be done with jerks; all movements are smooth and slow.

Cross crunches

The following exercise allows you to work all the abdominal muscles:

  1. Lie on the floor, keep your hands behind your head, with your elbows spread to the sides. Upper part the body is in a twisting position.
  2. A rotation is performed in which the right leg bent at the knee will reach the left elbow, however, there should be no contact.
  3. A turn is made with the legs moving - now the left knee is pulled towards the right elbow.
  4. For every oncoming movement of the knees and elbows, an exit is made.

Twisting is done until a burning sensation appears in the abdomen. After a short rest of 10 seconds, the exercise is resumed. Number of approaches – 3-4.

In the next video, the fitness trainer will talk in more detail about the technique of such crunches, and a wonderful assistant will show how to do them correctly:

Exercise “book” with fitball

Exercises with a ball are extremely effective - lie down on the mat, clasp the ball with your feet and perform the classic “book”:

  1. Lie on your back, pointing your toes forward. We don't put our feet on the floor.
  2. Take the ball in your hands behind your head.
  3. Raise your torso and legs so as to pass the ball to your legs.
  4. Lie on your shoulder blades, holding the ball suspended with your feet.

Crunches on the upper block

The exercise is done in gym:

  1. Sit on your knees, placing the ring near your head.
  2. Round your back to engage your abdominal muscles.
  3. Make an entrance and perform a twist.
  4. At the maximum point, linger for half a second and return to the starting position at the exit.

You can see the female version of the exercise not on your knees, but standing, in the video:

A set of exercises for the upper abs

The remaining exercises are no less effective, as they help strengthen the muscles of the upper abs in combination with standard crunches:

  • Lie on the floor with your right leg bent at the knee - it will be your supporting leg. Raise your pelvis while holding left leg parallel to the floor. Perform 15-20 repetitions with each leg.
  • Sit down, place your arms in the east-west direction so that they are supporting, while your legs stand slightly wider than shoulder width. Raise your pelvis to a height parallel to the floor and lower it. This exercise can be performed at a good pace, for example, alternating with smooth crunches, doing 20 repetitions.
  • An effective exercise is backbending. Lie facing the mat with your arms and legs extended. Start by gently lifting your arms and legs at the same time without any excesses. Do not try to raise your arms and legs to the sky, but stretch and stretch and you will feel the tension and, accordingly, the work of the abdominal muscles.

  • “Scissors” work extremely effectively on the upper abs: lie on the floor, raise your legs and begin to cross them alternately. Important point: the lower above the floor you perform this exercise, the more effective the work on the upper abs will be.
  • The “bicycle” is a simple exercise that works your upper abs, whether you pedal while lying on the floor or simply alternate between pulling your leg towards you and extending it above the floor.
  • “Bridge” is a childhood exercise that will inevitably help you in the fight for impressive abs. The bridge can be done by stretching your arms. The main thing is to feel the press and freeze in this position, starting from 30 seconds and above.

  • Lie on the floor, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor and place your hands under your hips. Spread your legs as much as possible and return them to their original position - the muscles of the upper abs will “burn”.
  • Vacuum is a great exercise that will easily make your abdominal muscles shake up and throw away excess. Moreover, this exercise can be done lying down, sitting on the couch, working at a computer, or while driving. You simply check that you are sitting up straight and take a deep breath in with your stomach, with the obligatory feeling that your stomach is about to touch your spine. We did it, held for 30 seconds and exhaled. Do 3-4 approaches.

In addition to the above exercises, you should not neglect the plank, as it has a general strengthening effect on the entire torso as a whole. It’s good to finish a cycle of upper abdominal exercises with a plank, and you can do different variations of it:

  • on the elbows;
  • on outstretched arms;
  • lateral;
  • moving from classic to side.

The main thing to remember is that you need to stay in the plank for at least 30 seconds. Visually familiarize yourself with correct technique You can do the plank in the video:

Video: How to build upper abs for a girl?

In the next video, the fitness trainer will tell you why it is important to pump up your upper abs and how to do it correctly, and will also show effective exercises that you can do in the gym and at home:

Upper abs are work, but work that will always reward you with beauty, so do systematic exercises aimed at the abs, do not overdo it with lateral twists, so as not to make your waist “square,” and follow the rules of nutrition.