1 hour of walking burns calories. How many calories do we burn during normal walking?

Hiking is considered one of the safest activities sports activities for weight loss and elimination extra pounds for those people who physically do not have enough time or opportunity due to their health status to exercise in special fitness centers and gyms.

The obvious benefit of walking is the complete elimination of various injuries to the body, and with its help you can get rid of not only excess fat, but also laziness, apathy and lethargy in the body, and become more positive and resilient. In this review we will take a closer look at the how many calories are burned by walking in an hour, as well as how to walk correctly and how to increase the level of kcal consumption. But first, let’s take a closer look at the main advantages and benefits of walking for the human body.

It’s worth noting right away that walking is one of the most common types of sports training and has particular benefits for the body, as it helps train the same groups of muscle fibers that are trained when running.

Moreover, race walking promotes:

  • improving heart performance;
  • saturation of all cells in the body with oxygen compounds;
  • and it also does not have a negative effect on the knee joints.

Everyone can walk: fat, thin, young and old. After all, many people think that losing a little extra weight would not be bad at all. But, fight with extra pounds at sedentary life, no matter how hard you try, it’s still hard, and not everyone can start actively playing sports. But everyone can take a walk after a hard day at work.

Number of calories burned when walking

Undoubtedly, in order to burn a certain amount of calories, a simple walk to the hospital or store will not be enough.

Calorie consumption when walking, its level and quantity depends directly on the following aspects:

  • from body weight;
  • the presence or absence of additional weighting agents;
  • age group;
  • pace and speed;
  • duration of training;
  • the terrain of the path, it can be an ordinary flat road, or a more difficult uphill path;
  • hand movement activity.

It is clear that if you walk at a fast pace, then the level of calories burned will be higher than when walking at a slow pace. At the same time, walking training will be more effective if carried out on clean air in a forest zone, it can be not only a forest, but also a park. The presence of certain uneven spots on the trail increases the load, but how many calories are spent walking 1 km? In an hour you can get rid of 200 to 300 kilocalories. The indicator indicating the amount of energy spent can be calculated independently using the following table, indicating the number of calories burned per kilogram of a person’s weight when walking per hour:

There is a more convenient table according to which you can determine how much energy is spent depending on body weight and walking speed:

Speed ​​indicator/body weight 50 kg 55kg 60kg 65kg 70kg 75kg 80kg 85kg 90kg
3 km/h 127 139 150 162 174 186 201 212 226
4 km/h 160 177 192 209 223 240 256 272 288
5 km/h 184 202 221 239 258 276 295 313 331
6 km/h 216 238 262 283 304 327 348 369 392
7 km/h 290 321 351 378 409 439 467 496 526
8 km/h 375 410 449 488 524 563 598 636 673
9 km/h 480 530 577 625 674 722 769 818 866

That is, for example, having a weight of 60 kg, if you walk for at least an hour with average speed at 5 km/h, you can easily get rid of 221 calories. Carrying out such calculations is not as convenient as it seems at first glance, since it is necessary to correctly calculate the walking speed. To accurately calculate speed, you need to know exactly how many kilometers have been traveled. And if the path is not known, then the speed will be difficult to determine.

You can count how many steps you take in 60 seconds, but then training will turn into pure mathematics, which will soon just get boring. Proponents of this type of training recommend purchasing special devices called pedometers. You simply put them on your hand, like a bracelet, and start walking; at the end of the workout, the device accurately displays the number of steps taken during the entire journey.

How to walk

It is not recommended to suddenly start walking at a fast pace and for a long period of time, especially for people who are not young with a weight clearly exceeding 60 kilograms. You need to start walking at a slow pace for an hour until your body gets used to this type of walk. After which you need to gradually increase the pace over 5 minutes, next time over 10, and so on until the walking pace increases to the average setting within an hour. And in order to increase the number of calories burned, it is recommended to walk at an even faster pace for a longer period of time.

Please note: The main rule, which should not be forgotten, is that you need to walk for at least an hour, since excess fat begins to burn only after 40 minutes of intense training.

Moreover, you should not exercise after eating. The most optimal time for walking is considered an hour after a meal. And after finishing your workout, you should not eat food; it is better to limit yourself to a glass of water or snack on an apple. When walking, it is very important to maintain the rhythm of the correct breathing act, in which you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. It is necessary to completely give up the habit of smoking, as it has a negative effect on the entire respiratory system and reduces the performance of the heart and blood vessels.

Ways to increase calorie expenditure

There are several methods that allow you to increase the level of load, with the help of which you can completely correct your entire figure, tighten your stomach and pump up your butt.

Swing your arms

For effective development muscle fibers in the upper body, it is recommended to swing your arms, which will help you walk faster and increase the load. To do this, you need to bend your arms in elbow joint up to an angle of 90 degrees and perform rapid amplitude oscillations with them.

Use useful weights

Additional weight will increase the load and increase the intensity of burning excess fat. It is important to remember that special weights for the legs and wrists are not recommended, as this can negatively affect your posture and contribute to changes in gait. It is better to use a backpack as additional weight, and for proper weight distribution it is recommended to fill the backpack with sand or water.

Walk with poles

Nordic walking is considered one of the most effective methods increasing the quantitative indicator of calorie burning. It can be used by everyone, at any age and with any level. physical training, having appreciated how effective this sport is and getting from it incredible results. During Nordic walking, up to 90 percent is used muscle mass throughout the body, and 46 percent more calories are lost than during regular training.

With the help of sticks, the level of stress on the following parts of the body is reduced:

  • ankle joint;
  • knees;
  • as well as on the area of ​​the hip joints.

This method of walking is considered the most effective, since the load on the legs increases instantly and significantly, plus they are connected to the general work of the whole body muscle fibers upper back and arms.


The best alternative to street walking is a treadmill. The average speed of an ordinary person reaches 4-5 km. per hour, so to increase the level of calories burned, it is recommended to increase the pace of walking on the track to 6.5 km. per hour As the pace increases, energy consumption increases almost 3 times.

Walk on uneven terrain

If you walk on uneven surfaces such as grass, paths, snow, sand, or gravel, your caloric expenditure will at least double. You can also walk at an average pace along stairs or along mountain paths. And walking forward with your back will help you do better posture, tighten your butt and pump up your calf muscle fibers. Don't forget about proper nutrition, since it is a balanced diet in combination with sports training will contribute as much as possible efficient combustion excess fat and preventing its re-gain.

Maintenance physical fitness through daily walks does not require any training experience and can be performed by anyone without restrictions. Find out more about this exercise and the number of calories it burns when you do it regularly.

Energy consumption when walking

Only a healthy and physically fit person can afford to actively engage in sports. Unlike strenuous, high-impact workouts, walking is less taxing on the body. Exercises help improve the functioning of the lungs and heart. Energy consumption when walking depends on the pace of movement and the athlete's metabolism. During a leisurely walk of 2-3 kilometers, up to 300 kilocalories are consumed. At a speed of 7 km/h you can burn up to 500 kcal. It is worth considering that without a properly selected diet, it will not be possible to achieve noticeable results.

How many calories are spent walking?

During leisurely walks, a minimal amount is consumed subcutaneous fat. However, taking into account properly organized nutrition and daily routine, you can spend about 250 kilocalories per hour of exercise. Remember that energy expenditure depends on the terrain in which the workout takes place. Thus, the calorie consumption when walking on smooth asphalt is significantly inferior to exercise in the forest, where the terrain requires active movement. For this reason, experts recommend training in nature.

How many calories are burned by walking in an hour?

Currently, there are special calculators that determine energy consumption for a particular type of load. On average, it is generally accepted that during a walk a person spends 3.2-3.8 kilocalories per kilogram of weight. Final result depends on many components. Thus, during exercise on rough terrain, up to 6.4 kcal is lost. More information about how many calories are burned per hour of walking can be found below:

  • walk on a flat road – 200;
  • uphill – 320;
  • classes at an average pace - 335;
  • climbing stairs – 500-700.

How many calories are burned when walking 1 km

Experts say that to lose weight you need to exercise regularly. It is important to cover a distance of at least 2-3 kilometers. Do not forget that before classes you need to do a short warm-up. This rule especially applies to athletes who prefer intensive training in nature. You can calculate the number of calories burned when walking 1 km using a special calculator. Experienced athletes claim that about 100 kcal are spent.

How many calories are burned when walking 5 km

Energy consumption depends on the speed of movement. So, while walking at a slow pace, 300 kilocalories are burned. Losses will be more serious if you include aids in the form of special weights or dumbbells. The calculator will help you calculate calories when walking more accurately, taking into account your weight, diet and training schedule. Remember that you need to start with short distance training. At first, you shouldn't be particularly interested in the number of calories burned when walking 5 km. Remember, such distances require preparation.

How many calories are burned when walking up the stairs?

Known to lose quickly overweight you can go up. Moreover, to perform this exercise you do not need to look for a hill or mountain. So, going up to the 9th floor may well replace these natural objects. The amount of calories burned when walking up the stairs is 1300 kcal. Remember not to exercise immediately after eating. It is best to conduct classes in the morning. At this time, burning calories when walking up the stairs will be more effective. Do not forget about a short warm-up before the “ascent”.

How many calories are burned during Nordic walking?

When walking with poles, energy costs double. Calorie consumption at Nordic walking over rough terrain can reach 800 kcal. Moving at a speed of 90-100 steps per minute allows you to lose up to 1000 kcal per hour of training. Increased calorie expenditure when walking Scandinavian sticks carried out due to more advantageous load redistribution. So, during classes, the muscles of the arms, upper back, and legs are used. This reduces the load on the spine and hip joints.

If the body asks or requires regular training, you want to have more physical activity, but you can’t or don’t like running, cycling or going to the gym, there is a good way out - ordinary walking. Walking is not only a pleasant pastime that provides good mood and the release of endorphins, this effective way losing weight. Provided that you walk at a fast pace, and not at a stroll or shopping. How many calories does walking burn? All lovers of fast hiking want to know the answer to this question, and we will voice it in this article.

How many calories do we lose when walking?

How many calories an hour of walking burns depends on what kind of walking, how fast you walk and a number of other factors. How many calories you can burn while walking is affected by:

  • Availability or absence of equipment - Nordic walking poles, weights, dumbbells
  • Athlete weight
  • Physical training
  • Walking pace
  • Walking type
  • Lesson duration
  • Terrain or type of road - more calories are burned when we walk on uneven terrain, uphill, in the forest
  • Intensity of hand movement
  • Clothes (than more weight the athlete's clothing, the greater the energy consumption)

How many calories does a person burn when walking? On average, from 177 to 700 kcal, depending on the pace and type of walking. These figures are approximate, calculated for a person weighing 70 kilograms. The more weight a person has, the more calories are burned when physical activity.

Walking types:

  • Slow walking - a speed of about 2 km/h, so you burn few calories, approximately 177 per hour. A person takes approximately 70 steps per minute.
  • Walk at an average pace, at a speed of 4 kilometers per hour. This is a normal walking pace - this is how we walk when we are in a slight hurry. At the same time, we take 100-140 steps per minute. We walk a kilometer in 15 minutes
  • Race walking - approximate speed of 5-10 km/h, arms bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees - a mandatory attribute of race walking. The athlete's heel first touches the ground, and then the toe. During race walking, the legs do not bend; the main load is on the muscles of the thighs and calves. The athlete walks one kilometer in 8 minutes, taking approximately 140 steps per minute
  • Fast walking is carried out at a speed of 7 km/h, or 8 km/h, which is practically running, but you should not start running
  • Walking backwards improves posture, sense of balance, strengthens the muscles of the back, buttocks, and calves. Moreover, walking backwards develops a person’s peripheral vision and even thinking.
  • Walking on steps or uphill with a slope of 15 degrees. It burns a lot of calories, but it is better to choose a ladder outside. When working out in dirty, stuffy hallways, you shouldn’t expect much benefit.
  • Nordic walking with poles - especially popular look physical activity in the modern world. People of all ages can exercise. The poles are selected based on the athlete’s height. It is believed that Nordic walking expends 45% more calories than regular walking. This sport will help you lose 3 kilograms in a month.
  • Skiing also burns a lot of calories. Especially if a person makes his own ski tracks, and does not ride on a knurled track
  • Walking with tight buttocks

How much energy is consumed during race walking?

This sport burns a lot of calories - up to 400 units in one hour. You need to walk straight, without whirling, taking small but frequent steps. Don't forget to bend your elbows and tense your buttocks. The pace may vary, but generally they walk at a speed of 4 to 8 km/h.

More calories will be burned if you keep your feet in good shape all the time, without relaxing them even when climbing uphill. In race walking, you need to walk without swaying your hips and keep your spine straight.

You need to start with ten-minute workouts, gradually increasing your workouts to 45 minutes a day.

How many calories are burned during brisk walking?

It is believed that walking quickly at a speed of 8 km/h consumes 10 kilocalories per 1 kg of a person’s weight. Thus, for our hypothetical athlete weighing 70 kilograms, an hour brisk walking burns 700 calories.

If so, how many calories does vigorous walking burn? Walking at a speed of 5-7 km/h will help burn approximately 5 kcal per 1 kg of weight per hour. A person weighing 70 kg will consume 350 kcal per hour in this case.

How many calories does Nordic walking burn per hour?

If on a hot summer day you see a person with ski poles in your hands, don’t be afraid: this is not a mirage, not sunstroke and not even a collective hallucination. You see in front of you a person who is taking care of his health and striving for a good figure.

Nordic walking uses 90% of a person's muscles, including the abdominal muscles, abdominal muscles, buttocks, thighs, back, chest and arms. A person has to actively “work” not only with his legs, as in normal walking, but also with his arms. Walking poles help you push off the surface of the ground and at the same time act as a weighting agent. By the way, the weight of the poles during Nordic walking is taken into account when calculating the calories burned. If a person’s “net” weight is 70 kilograms, the weight of clothing and the weight of all equipment are added. Such poles, depending on the material of the product and the purpose (for athletes, children, the elderly), weigh from 550 grams. They also choose sticks based on their height.

A huge advantage of Nordic walking is that it has virtually no contraindications, unlike, for example, running or brisk walking. You can train people of different ages and different, even very heavy, weights.

Nordic walking burns approximately 500 to 700 kcal in one hour. Of course, speed of movement is also of great importance here; the most effective will be interval training. By the way, any walking in the cold contributes to an even more active consumption of “eaten” calories.

You need to start training at a speed of 5 km/h, after 20 minutes the speed needs to be increased to 7 kilometers per hour. After 10 minutes, return to 5 kilometers per hour, after 20 minutes, again 7 km/hour. And so on in a circle, as long as there is time, strength and desire.

The first training sessions should not be long; at first, you first need to master the Nordic walking technique at a slow pace. But if you constantly walk at a low speed, you shouldn’t expect much weight loss.

How many calories does it burn when walking up stairs?

Regular walking up stairs is also good way lose excess weight. In an hour of training, a person weighing 70 kg can burn up to 1500 kcal! Moreover, you will burn more calories if you honestly step on each step, and not skip over one. This type of walking trains large number muscles: from the buttocks and thighs to the abdomen and back. Start training with sessions lasting 10 minutes. By the way, you can burn as many calories as you burn during an hour of fitness. However, for the effect to not be long in coming, regular 25-minute workouts are necessary. When long exercises become a habit and you get bored, you can pick up dumbbells for weighting.

Unlike regular walking, or Nordic walking, walking on stairs has many contraindications.

Other types of walking

Skiing is a good way to get rid of extra pounds. How many calories does skiing burn? For a person weighing 70 kilograms, skiing will help you spend 470 kcal, and downhill- 274 kcal.

Treadmill It will help if the weather is bad outside, or you are embarrassed to exercise in front of strangers. After all, on this simulator, despite the name, you can not only run, but also walk at any pace. To lose weight, you need to walk at a speed of 5 to 7 kilometers per hour. The good thing about a treadmill is that you can choose the desired mode: walk on a flat “road” or up a “mountain”. How many calories does walking on a treadmill burn? Up to 400 kcal at a fast pace.

If there is no treadmill, there is slush outside and there is no desire to go out, it will be interesting to know how many calories walking in place burns. You can find information on the Internet that this type of physical activity can burn 700 kcal per hour of exercise with a weight of 70 kg. But among home workout enthusiasts, such high figures raise serious doubts. Heart rate monitors and other measuring devices provide more modest information: from 400 to 500 kcal per hour with a weight of 70 kilograms.

How many calories does walking burn?

We already understand how many calories you can burn in an hour of walking. What indicators are typical for the distance traveled?

Many beginners are interested in the question of how many calories a kilometer of walking burns. To make it easier to understand the information, we will provide the data in a table:

When making any calculations, it is important not to forget that how many calories a person burns per hour of walking, or per kilometer, depends on the pace. When walking slowly, energy will be consumed insignificantly.

To be healthy and stay in good shape, a person needs to walk 10 kilometers a day. To lose excess weight, you need to walk even more. The effect will be from regular classes lasting 70 minutes. After all, to burn not just calories, but fat, you need a long-term load at an average or fast pace.

Together with food, a person receives calories - the energy equivalent of vitality. It is on them that all food consumed during the day is broken down. Then the energy is spent on necessary things.

Each, even the simplest action, forces the body to spend 10 kcal/hour. When a person sleeps, he also expends energy: 50-60 kcal/hour. It goes into the work of the brain and internal organs.

The most intense calorie consumption occurs when a person is engaged in heavy physical labor and active species sports Walking refers to moderate loads on the body, so doctors recommend it to all those who, for various reasons, cannot withstand difficult workouts.

Gradual weight loss begins when a person walks at least 10,000 steps a day. The pedestrian’s weight is also important; the heavier it is, the more calories are burned and the person loses weight.

For a healing effect, you need to walk 6-8 km a day and do it constantly.

With a simple walk at a calm pace, you can spend from 50 kcal within 2 hours. If you do race walking, burns 2000 kcal in 30 minutes. If the walk is accompanied by stress: going up and down hills and hills, playing with animals or just active recreation, you will spend from 200 to 250 kcal/hour.

You will be able to burn up to 800 kcal/hour by going up and down the stairs if you refuse to use the elevator. If you do this exercise daily, but naturally, you can lose weight and support your cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

You shouldn’t be overzealous with such training; you can seriously impair yourself; moderation must be observed. Walking with pets is also useful; it takes away from 280 kcal/hour.

Simple housework and chores in the kitchen, for example, burn up to 50 kcal in an hour. Washing dishes, cooking and vacuuming contribute to calorie loss in women. This is the easiest way to break up with overweight without going to the gym.

In total, working around the house, you can burn up to 500 kcal per day.

Sports involving intense, varied walking and running are also very useful. By skating and skiing, you can lose up to 800 kcal per hour, and jogging will take up to 600 kcal/hour.

Swimming in the pool gives a good healing effect. Although it does not apply to walking or running, it helps to constantly burn calories and strengthen the entire body. Swimming consumes 500 kcal/hour.

Walking is useful for many diseases, since the load with it can be adjusted independently. If you want to get used to walking, you need to start gradually, from 15-30 minutes a day.

It is better to walk in the fresh air, in a park or simply away from the roads. Gradually you need to increase the amount of time you spend walking to 30-40 minutes. And then, when you get the hang of it, increase it to 1 hour daily.

At first, your legs will ache, but after a week or two everything will fall into place and walking will begin to give you pleasure. The muscles will be toned, more intense metabolism and oxygen saturation of tissues will bring a new, healthier feeling of being. The main thing is to make walking daily, then

Everyone knows that walking, like other types of daily human activity, requires certain energy costs. Calorie consumption when walking depends on the type and intensity, as well as the speed of the person’s movement. If we count how many calories are burned when walking normally or slowly, then this figure is the smallest and is only 250 kcal per hour. When walking quickly, calories are burned much more intensely, especially if you climb stairs - from 540 to 740 kcal per hour. Naturally, climbing stairs for an hour is not an easy task, so you should start walking for the purpose of losing weight from 15 minutes, gradually increasing the load and time.

In addition, there is also a healthy brisk walk at a speed of 5-6 km/hour, which helps burn approximately 300-380 calories per hour of walking. Can also be combined various types walking, such as climbing stairs while walking briskly. In this case, you will be able to burn about 450 kcal. If we talk about calorie consumption during sports walking, during which almost all muscle groups are involved, then this figure is about 420 kcal per hour.

Remember that you can engage in race walking only after appropriate physical training and warm-up, as well as consultation with a doctor, since such a load may be contraindicated for your body. All data on how many calories are spent when walking are approximate, since they depend on the time and intensity of the walk in each individual case.

How many calories do you burn when walking? What kind of walking is most effective?

As we have already found out, how many calories are burned when walking depends on the type of walking itself, as well as on the individual characteristics of a person: his weight and speed of movement. The greater the weight and the higher the speed of movement, the more calories your body can burn per hour of walking. If the speed of movement is about 3-4 km/h, then it is considered a regular slow walk. If it reaches 5 km/h, then this is the approximate average speed of a pedestrian, and movement exceeding a speed of 6 km/h is already fast walking.

The most calories are burned when walking quickly. On average, this figure is at least 400-500 kcal/hour. If you have data on how many calories are burned when walking, then you can not only calculate the speed and time of your walking workout, but also lose weight well. And if you also use various weighting agents, then positive effect when getting rid of excess calories will be obvious. Therefore, walking quickly up the stairs with additional weight in your hands is considered the most effective.

Here it is very important to know when to stop and distribute the load correctly, so you need to start right away not with long hikes in the mountains, but with a daily walk in the park. And for those who love active recreation and at the same time want to lose weight, walking over rough terrain with climbing mountains along a certain route is recommended, which is considered analogous to walking up the stairs.

How many calories can you burn walking up the stairs? Benefits of walking

To determine calorie consumption when walking up stairs, you need to know a person's weight. Scientists have found that when going up stairs, a person spends 0.14 kcal per 1 kilogram of weight, and when going down - 0.10 kcal. In order for walking up the stairs to become more effective, you need to train for at least 25 minutes, which is about 16-18 descents and ascents with an average heart rate of about 140-150 beats/minute.

It is very important that when walking you do not miss steps, since this involves the use of certain muscle groups that must certainly work. In addition to the fact that walking up the stairs helps reduce fat deposits and improve the condition of the legs, it perfectly tones the body and helps normalize work. cardiovascular system, increasing the body's endurance. In a month of such walking, you can reduce your waist size by several centimeters, as well as increase your lung capacity, normalizing your breathing, thereby getting rid of shortness of breath.

However, if you have blood pressure problems, you should be careful when climbing stairs because this type walking increases the load on the heart. For training, use any staircase 4-5 flights long. Before you start, do not forget about the mandatory warm-up for your leg joints. Alternate the pace and intensity of walking, take your time when descending, and when you feel extreme fatigue in the muscles, be sure to stop for a few seconds to rest. It is normal to experience pain in the legs because it means that the body is receiving the correct load.

How many calories are burned when walking at a fast pace?

Fast walking is rightfully considered one of the most natural and safest aerobic exercise on the body. In order to avoid health problems, you need to take at least an hour of walking every day. Scientists have found that fast walking burns about the same amount of calories per hour of exercise as doing aerobics in the gym - about 450 kcal. In addition, the main advantage of fast walking is fresh air, which you breathe during training, tempering and strengthening the body.

Before we start health walking choose a suitable route that will include from 3 to 10 km of territory, both on flat and rough terrain. You can also buy yourself a heart rate monitor or special sports watch, which will help you control your heart rate while walking.

Always start with a leisurely walk, gradually increasing the distance of steps, speed and pace, helping yourself and waving your arms to the beat. Always walk straight, with your shoulders back and without leaning your body forward. Remember that regular walks at least 3 times a week will help you burn enough calories to always be in shape.