Complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics. Morning exercises

  • Morning exercise helps the body wakes up faster, invigorate the mind and provide physical tone for the muscles.
  • Regular exercise promotes weight loss.
  • Properly selected exercise complexes improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.
  • Morning exercises are sometimes the only physical activity, so it cannot be neglected.

Here are 4 reasons why you should include morning exercises in your daily schedule. The main condition is consistency! We have prepared a special set of exercises that takes only 15–20 minutes.

Rules for building morning exercises

Calm exercises are suitable for morning training. The complex should be composed without including heavy loads on the body. The body is relaxed after sleep, the main task is stretch your muscles, improve blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen and vigor. Besides power loads in the morning are undesirable, the functioning of the cardiovascular system suffers.

The set of exercises for morning exercises includes:

  1. Warm-up. Any physical complex you should start with a warm-up. This prevents sprains, improves tone, and increases blood flow to the muscles. Ligaments become more flexible. Warm-up takes about 5 minutes.
  2. Basic exercises. The rest of the charging complex takes 10–15 minutes. The exercises are higher intensity and work on different groups muscles.

Before you start charging, it’s okay to drink a glass of water, and don’t forget to breathe calmly and deeply. Now in detail on each point.


Warm-up exercises are based on rotation, bending and bending. They are aimed at restoring the functioning of the joints of the body.

1. Bend back and forth, turn left and right.

  1. Slowly rotate your head clockwise and back.

Arms and shoulders

  • Rotate your shoulders. First the left shoulder, then the right, then at the same time.
  • Swing your arms. Make up and down movements. Then left hand down, right hand up and try the other way around.
  • Hands at chest level, elbows bent. Pull them back, then to the sides.
  • Swing your arms in front of your chest - right and left.
  • Rotate your hands in different directions.


  1. Hands on the belt. Bend first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  2. Rotate the pelvis clockwise and vice versa.
  1. Bend and straighten your knees. Raise your right leg, then your left.
  2. Rotation of the ankle in different directions.

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Basic exercises

After a calm and restorative warm-up, move on to the main part. Start picking up the pace. Good start basic complex from walking in place. Raise your knees high, breathe regularly, walk intensely.

Let's move on to the main part of charging. Perform approaches 8–13 times.

We begin to bend forward, while trying to reach the floor with our hands. It’s not possible to bend over completely the first time, but with constant training, the exercise is quite easy to perform. The dynamics are average, the movements are smooth, they leaned over, paused a little, and stood up.

Exercise 2

Swing your legs. Make movements with straight legs forward and backward, left and right. Engage your left leg first, then your right leg.

Exercise 3

Lie down on the mat, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Start doing abdominal exercises. First lift your torso at a slight angle, then lift your knees.

Exercise 4

Continue to sit, straighten your legs, restore your breathing a little and begin to bend forward. Try to reach your fingertips with your hands; if possible, touch your chest to your knees.

Exercise 5

Stand in the starting position, hands on your waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Start squatting with your arms extended forward. Try to make deep movements, feel the tension in your legs.

Exercise 6

Get on your knees with your hands on the mat. Start doing push-ups. The amplitude is average, the back does not bend. If physical fitness allows, then do push-ups with a straight body.

Avoid basic mistakes when performing and completing exercises. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • The basis of any physical activity is regularity. This also applies to morning exercises. Optimal practice morning exercises4–5 times a week. In this case, a beneficial effect on the body is ensured.
  • If you feel that the load is too much for you, reduce the number of repetitions. And vice versa. At the same time, do not try to include as much load as possible in charging. In this case, you can get very tired, and the purpose of exercise is to gain performance for the day, and not to lose strength.
  • After charging is complete, check your pulse. He shouldn't exceed 120 beats per minute. If more, you should reduce the load.

You can complete the set of exercises for morning exercises contrast shower. It is not forbidden to drink water and have breakfast. It is advisable to include omelet or porridge in the menu.

A set of exercises for morning exercises on video

We have selected for you a video with a set of exercises that will help you get a general impression of how it should be done. morning exercises and will set an example to follow.

Thus, provided that the complex is correctly composed, charging is considered good remedy increasing performance and restoring strength after sleep. , but the effect lasts all day. If you are short of time, you can limit yourself to warming up, but it is advisable to spend time on the main part.

How do you structure your morning? Does it have time for exercise? Here are two questions for discussion in this issue and we will also be grateful for likes, shares and other recommendations.

morning exercises- a set of physical exercises performed immediately after sleep. Target morning exercises- “shake up” the body, excite it moderately, that is, give the muscles work, create a feeling of vigor, dexterity, strength; increase overall vitality and thereby ensure rapid entry into daily work activities. Morning exercises improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems, enhances metabolism, strengthens and develops muscles, promotes good posture. By activating the activity of all organs and systems, exercise helps improve health and improve overall health. physical training person.
People of any age can do morning exercises. Healthy people can do a set of morning exercises broadcast on the radio. If you are unable to use it, you can perform one or another set of exercises yourself. It is only necessary to choose the right exercises, taking into account age and gender, health status, as well as a number of basic hygienic and methodological requirements. You need to do morning exercises regularly, every day. Do the exercises in the sequence indicated in the complex. Increase the load gradually. It is better to exercise immediately after waking up (before gymnastics, be sure to empty your bladder, preferably your intestines). Classes should be carried out in a clean, ventilated room with the window open (in winter) and outdoors (in summer) in clothes that do not restrict movement (for men - in shorts and slippers, for women - in shorts, a T-shirt and slippers); When performing exercises, monitor your breathing. Inhalation should be done deeply through the nose, and exhalation should be done through the mouth for a long time; breathe in proportion to the movement. Inhalation is usually done when the chest expands and the torso straightens, exhale when contraction occurs chest and the body bends. When there are no clearly defined phases of inhalation and exhalation in an exercise, you need to breathe evenly all the time.
When doing morning exercises, you need to monitor your health and physical development; before starting classes, and then once every 3 months you should see a doctor. Good to take after class water procedure- drying, shower (see Hardening the body).
The exercises of each complex, as a rule, are compiled according to a specific plan or so-called. standard scheme.
Start morning exercise classes with walking or light jogging. This exercise involves deep breathing and prepares the body for subsequent physical work.
First exercise- stretching; its goal is to straighten the spine, improve blood circulation in the muscles shoulder girdle and arms and prepare the body for subsequent more complex exercises.
Second exercise serves as ch. arr. to strengthen leg muscles, increases mobility in leg joints, improves blood circulation.
Third and fourth exercises strengthen the muscles of the torso, back and abdomen, increase the mobility of the spine and improve the functioning of the abdominal organs. These exercises require the work of many muscles and therefore it is recommended to do exercises with a small load after them.
Fifth exercise- for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.
Sixth exercise- to strengthen the lateral muscles of the body and improve the activity of the abdominal organs.
Seventh exercise- swing exercises to increase mobility in the joints of the arms and legs.
Eighth exercise- jumping or running; serves to enhance the overall metabolism in the body, increase the activity of the respiratory and circulatory organs.
Ninth exercise, so-called final, serves to calm the activity of the respiratory and circulatory organs.
Using the specified standard circuit, everyone can create the most suitable charging complex for themselves. To select a complex, it is best to use the literature indicated at the end of the article or consult a specialist (physical education doctor). Here are some examples of complexes.

Morning exercise complexes for children
preschool age (4 - 6 years).
Complex No. 1.

First exercise. "Reach up."

Starting position: place your feet shoulder-width apart.
Execution: raise your arms up - inhale; lower through the sides down - exhale. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times, the pace is slow.

Second exercise. "Skater".

Execution: tilt the torso to the right, bending the right leg at the knee (exhale); accept starting position- inhale. The same in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 4 times in each direction, medium pace.

Third exercise. "Woodcutter".

Starting position - legs apart, arms up, hands connected.
Execution: lean forward, lower your arms down, passing them under your feet, exhale. Straighten up, raise your arms up - inhale. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times, the pace is slow.

Fourth exercise. "Clapping front and back."

Starting position - legs apart, arms to the sides.
Execution: clap hands from behind, clap hands from front. Make 6 - 8 claps. Breathing is uniform, pace is fast.

Fifth exercise. "Tick-tock."

Starting position - legs apart, hands behind your back.
Execution: tilt your torso to the right and then to the left. Do 4 - 6 times in each direction, breathing evenly, average pace.

Sixth exercise. “Zaychik is a jumper.”

Starting position - bend your arms at the elbows, palms forward.
Execution: jumping on two legs. Do 12-16 jumps and move to a step on the spot, breathing evenly, the pace is average.

Complex No. 2.

First exercise. "Pick up the stick."

Execution: raise the stick up, bend in the chest - inhale; lower the stick down - exhale. Do the exercise 4 - 6 times, the pace is slow.

Second exercise. “Get over the line.”

Starting position - stick in front, in hands down.
Execution: bending your knees alternately, step over the stick forward and back again. Do the exercise 4-6 times, the pace is slow, breathing is even.

Third exercise. "Turn right, turn left."

Execution: Turn your torso to the right and then to the left. Do the exercise 4-6 times in each direction, average pace, even breathing.

Fourth exercise. "Tick-tock."

Starting position - legs apart, stick behind your back.
Execution: tilt your torso to the right and then to the left. Do the exercise 4-6 times in each direction, average pace, even breathing.

Fifth exercise. “Higher and higher and higher.”

Starting position - stick in front, in hands down.
Execution: raise the stick forward down and lower, then forward and lower, forward up - lower and, finally, to the very top and lower. Perform the entire cycle of movements 3 - 4 times, the pace is average, breathing is uniform.

Sixth exercise. "Jump over the stick."

Starting position - the stick lies in front on the floor, across, at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from the feet of the practitioner.
Execution: jump over the stick with a push of both legs, turn around and jump again. Do 4 - 6 jumps. Finish the exercise with slow walking. The movements of this complex can also be done with hoops.
To make the child more willing to do the exercises, they are associated with familiar images. For example, to perform the “Reach Up” exercise, you need to show your child how big he will be when he grows up. To make the child more willing to perform the “Tick-Tock” exercise, you can remind him of the pendulum in the clock, etc. When performing the exercises, special attention should be paid to breathing, make sure that the child breathes through the nose and does not hold his breath. In those exercises in which the phases (periods) of breathing are clearly expressed, you can pronounce words characteristic of a given movement, for example, “uh”, “oh” (when bending forward in the “Lumberjack” exercise). For movements, you need to widely use objects that children like to play with: sticks, flags, hoops, balls, etc.

Morning exercise complex
for children of primary school age
(7 - 10 years).

Starting position - hands on the back of the head.
Execution: rise on your toes, arms up - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Do the exercise 5-6 times, the pace is slow.

Execution: squat on your toes, touch the outside of your hands to the floor - exhale; straighten up - inhale. Repeat the exercise 5 - 6 times, average pace.

Third exercise. “Lean forward to the right (left) with a clap under your feet.”

Starting position - legs apart (wide), arms to the sides, palms up.
Execution: tilt your torso forward to the right towards the knee of your right leg and clap your hands under your leg - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. Do the exercise in each direction 4-6 times, at an average pace.

Fourth exercise. “Tilting the body to the right and left.”

Starting position - arms up, fingers interlocked with palms up, feet together.
Execution: tilt the torso to the right, and the undertaking to the left. Do the exercise in each direction 4 - 6 times, breathing evenly, the pace is average.

Fifth exercise. "Flapping movements of the arms."

Starting position - legs apart, feet parallel, hands clenched into fists.
Execution: raise left hand up - move the right one back; change the position of your hands. The movement is continuous, soft, without sudden jerks, do it 6 - 8 times, breathing evenly.

Sixth exercise. "Jumping in place."

Execution: do 4 jumps - legs together and 4 - legs apart. Repeat each cycle of movements 4 - 6 times (16 - 24 jumps), breathing evenly, the pace is average. At the end of the jumps, go to a step in place - first quickly, and then slowly.

Seventh exercise.

Calming movements: walking on your toes with deep breathing.
When carrying out this set of exercises, special attention should be paid to the correct starting positions before the exercises and correct posture. You also need to monitor your breathing. After exercises that cause increased and rapid heartbeat and breathing (after jumping, squats), you need to pause for 30-90 seconds (walk in place or around the room). Morning exercises should not cause fatigue in children.

Complexes of morning exercises for adults with small physical fitness.

Exercises for men.

First exercise. "Stretching."

Starting position - legs apart, feet parallel.
Execution: raise your arms up while raising them on your toes - inhale; lower your arms down to the sides, in the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 4 - 6 times, the pace is slow.

Second exercise. "Squat"

Starting position - hands on the belt.
Execution: sit down, arms forward - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 6 - 8 times, medium pace.

Third exercise. "Tilting the torso forward."

Starting position - legs apart, feet parallel, arms forward, hands clenched into fists.
Execution: bend forward, arms back, open hands - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 6 - 8 times, medium pace.

Fourth exercise. "Tilting the torso to the sides."

Starting position - legs apart (wide), arms at sides, palms up.
Execution: turn the torso to the right and, having made a [clone forward, touch the heel of the right leg with your toes, exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. The same - in the other direction. Do the exercise in each direction 6 - 8 times, at an average pace.

Fifth exercise. "Circular movements of the hands."

Starting position - arms forward, hands clenched into fists.
Execution: 4 circular motion hands down, back, up, forward and 4 hand movements in the opposite direction. Perform each cycle of 4 movements 4 times, breathing evenly, the pace is average.

Sixth exercise. "Lying emphasis."

Starting position - main stance.
Execution: squat down with your hands resting on the floor in front of you, push your legs back into the prone position, return to the point-up position while crouching, and then straighten up. Do the exercise 4 - 6 times, breathing evenly, the pace is slow.

Seventh exercise. "Turns the torso to the sides."

Starting position - legs apart, shoulder-width apart, arms in front of the chest.
Execution: turn the torso to the right, straighten the right arm to the side with the palm up, look at it - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. The same in the other direction. Do the exercise in each direction 4-6 times, at an average pace.

Starting position - hands on the belt.
Execution: 2 jumps - legs together, 2 - legs apart. Do 30 - 40 jumps, breathing evenly. After jumping, switch to calm walking.

Exercises for women.

First exercise. "Stretching."

Starting position - hands to shoulders.
Execution: raise your arms up, placing your right leg back on your toes, inhale; put your foot and hands to the stoves - exhale. Repeat the exercise 4 - 6 times, the pace is slow.

Second exercise. "Forward bend with squat."

Starting position - main stance.
Execution: lean forward, squat on one leg, put the other aside, touch the floor with your toes - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 6 - 8 times, changing the position of the legs, the pace is average.

Third exercise. "Raising your legs forward."

Starting position - arms to the sides, palms up.
Execution: raise your right leg forward to a right angle and clap your hands under it - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat the movement for each leg 6 - 8 times, at an average pace.

Fourth exercise. “Lying back support.”

Starting position - sit on the floor and rest your hands on the floor from behind.
Execution: raise the pelvis and go into an emphasis position lying behind - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Do the exercise 6 - 8 times, average pace.

Fifth exercise. "Lifting legs in a lying position."

Starting position - lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body.
Execution: raise your right leg up to a right angle, lower it. Do the same with your left leg, lower, raise and lower both legs 2 times and then repeat the entire cycle of movements from the beginning. Perform each cycle of movements 3 - 4 times, the pace is average, breathing is uniform.

Sixth exercise. “Bends in the arms while standing.”

The starting position is to stand facing the chair at a distance of a long step, rest your hands on its back.
Execution: bend your arms, touch your chest to the back of the chair, raise your leg - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Do the exercise 6 - 8 times, average pace.

Seventh exercise. "Turns of the torso with movement of the arm."

Starting position - legs apart, shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist.
Execution: turn the body to the right, move the right hand to the side with the palm up, look at it - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale; do the same exercise in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 4 - 6 times in each direction, medium pace.

Eighth exercise. "Jumping in place."

Starting position - main stance.
Execution: jump in place with legs apart, arms to the sides, with the second jump take the starting position. Do 20 - 30 jumps, breathing evenly, average pace. After jumping, switch to calm walking in place.

Ninth exercise.

The final movement is walking on your toes with a deep inhalation and exhalation.
When performing exercises of these complexes, the load should be adjusted independently, depending on how you feel. During the first classes, the number of repetitions of each exercise should be minimal, and then, as you get more involved in classes, it should be increased to the number indicated in each exercise. Between exercises you need to rest (from 30 to 60 seconds), during which it is good to use walking with deep breathing and muscle relaxation.

Morning exercise complexes
for older and older people,
having little physical fitness.

Exercises for men.

First exercise. "Stretching."

Starting position - hands on the belt.
Execution: spread your arms to the sides, palms up, rise on your toes - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Do the exercise 4 - 6 times, the pace is slow.

Second exercise. "Squat"

Starting position - stand at a distance of a step from the chair, hold on to the back.
Execution: sit down without taking your hands off the back of the chair - exhale, straighten up - inhale. Do the exercise 6 - 8 times, the pace is slow.

Third exercise. "Turns of the torso with movement of the arms."

Starting position - legs together, arms up.
Execution: turn the torso to the right, arms to the sides, palms up, look at the palm of the right hand - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Do the same in the other direction. Repeat in each direction 4 - 6 times, medium pace.

Fourth exercise. “Lying back support.”

Starting position - sit with your legs apart, supporting yourself with your hands behind you.
Execution: raise the pelvis and go into an emphasis position lying behind - inhale; sit down - exhale. Do 6 - 8 times, the pace is slow.

Fifth exercise. "Movement of the legs while lying on your back."

Starting position - lie on your back, arms along your body.
Execution: bend your knees and pull them to your chest, straighten them at a right angle and slowly lower them. Do the exercise 5 - 6 times, breathing evenly, the pace is slow.

Sixth exercise. “Arm bends while lying in front on a chair.”

Starting position - lying down, hands in front on a chair.
Execution: bend the runi at the elbows, touch the chair with your chest, turn your head to the right (left) - exhale; straighten your arms - inhale. Do the exercise 6 - 8 times, average pace.

Seventh exercise. "Running in place."

Starting position - bend your arms at the elbows, relax your hands.
Execution: running in place for 30 - 40 seconds. After running, switch to slow walking in place. Breath evenly, work energetically with your hands, raise your hips higher.

Exercises for women.

First exercise. "Stretching."

Starting position - lower your arms down, connect your hands.
Execution: raise your hands connected in your hands up, turning your palms up - inhale; separate the hands and lower the arms through the sides down to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 4 - 6 times, the pace is slow.

Second exercise. "Squat"

Starting position - stand half a step away from the chair.
Execution: sit down, lean your hands on a chair - exhale; pushing off the chair with your hands, straighten up - inhale. Repeat the exercise 6 - 8 times, the pace is slow.

Third exercise. "Tilting the torso forward and backward."

Starting position - put your straight leg on a chair, arms up.
Execution: lean forward, touch your toes with your hands - exhale; straighten up followed by bending back - inhale. Do the exercise 6 - 8 times, the pace is slow.

Fourth exercise. "Turns the body to the right and left."

Starting position: sit on a chair, arms in front of your chest, legs extended forward.
Execution: turn the torso to the left, move the left arm to the side up - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. The same in the other direction. Repeat the exercise in each direction 4 times, the pace is slow.

Fifth exercise. "Legs Raising"

Starting position - sit on a chair, supporting yourself on your hands behind you.
Execution: raise your right leg, lower it. The same goes for the left. Do the exercise 8 - 10 times for each leg, breathing evenly, the pace is average.

Sixth exercise. “Standing arm curls.”

The starting position is to stand at a distance of a large step from the back of the chair and lean your hands on it.
Execution: bend your elbows, touch your chest to the back of the chair, turn your head to the right (left) - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 6 - 8 times, the pace is slow.

Seventh exercise. "Walking in place."

Starting position - basic stance, arms bent at the elbows.
Execution: walking in place (45 - 60 seconds) with high knees and vigorous arm work. The pace is average, breathing is uniform.
When performing these complexes, special attention should be paid to the pace of the exercises. In the first classes, it should be slow and only as the body is drawn into the work, it should be brought to medium and even fast, if this, of course, is determined by the nature of the exercise. After the most intense exercises, in this case for men after the 2nd and 6th, and for women after the 2nd, 3rd and 6th, you need to take short breaks from 30 to 60 seconds, which are best filled with active forms rest - walking with deep breathing. Make sure your breathing is correct, do not hold it, and avoid straining. When performing all exercises, avoid sudden movements; they should be performed gently, as accurately as possible, in accordance with the description.

Lit.: Gugin A. A., Morning gymnastics for schoolchildren, M., 1954; Gray N., Gymnastics for everyone, M., 1955; Zhuravlev E. P. and Yananis S. V., Daily gymnastics for men, 5th ed., M., 1956; theirs, Daily gymnastics for women, 5th ed., M., 1956; Machinsky V. I., Physical culture in the mode of the day, M., 1956; Physical culture in old age, under general. ed. Sarkisova-Serazini I. M., M., 1956.

In accordance with physical development, health status, level of training and level of general physical fitness, schoolchildren are divided into three medical groups: basic, preparatory and special.
The main medical group includes children and adolescents without deviations in health (or with minor deviations) who have sufficient physical fitness. Students of this medical group perform morning exercises without restrictions.
The preparatory medical group includes children and adolescents with minor deviations in physical development and health status, as well as insufficient physical fitness. In this group, you can perform the same morning exercises as the main one, but subject to the gradual mastery of exercises that place increased demands on the body. Schoolchildren of the preparatory medical group need additional training sessions to increase the level of physical fitness.
The special medical group includes students who have health conditions that are a contraindication to increased physical activity. Schoolchildren in this group are recommended to include in their morning gymnastics complex exercises offered according to a specially developed program under normal school conditions. Children and adolescents with significant health problems need to select exercises for therapeutic morning exercises (therapeutic exercises).
From the point of view of physiological science, it is most advisable to carry out hygienic gymnastics in the morning. After awakening, the body is not able to quickly engage in work with full load, since the excitability of the central nervous systems s is reduced, there is some lethargy, drowsiness, and performance is usually somewhat reduced. By evenly affecting the muscles, morning exercises activate breathing and blood circulation, eliminate congestion in soft tissues and internal organs. Daily morning exercises foster the habit of systematic studies physical exercise. It consists of general developmental exercises that are performed without objects or with objects (dumbbells, balls, jump ropes, expanders, rubber bandages, etc.). The approximate duration of classes is from 8 to 20 minutes. Exercises are performed in a certain sequence. First, stretching, which improves breathing and blood circulation. Then exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, torso and legs. After this, you can move on to jumping and running, which have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Morning exercises end with exercises that normalize the activity of the circulatory and respiratory organs. After charging, you need to take a shower.
When performing morning exercises, certain rules should be followed:
1. Gymnastics must be done at the same hours - a break in classes is allowed only in cases of any acute illness.
2. Exercises should be done on an empty stomach, after rinsing your mouth.
3. Exercises must be combined with air hardening. The room must be ventilated, and if the weather permits, charging can be done on fresh air(on the veranda, in the yard).
4. Perform each task correctly and accurately separate exercise, doing it with sufficient muscle tension and a vigorous pace. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure completeness and freedom of movement in the joints.
5. While doing the exercises, you need to monitor the correct breathing, try not to hold it, breathe through your nose, deeply, matching the rhythm of your breathing with your movements. If you experience headaches or other pain during or after classes discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
6. It is advisable to perform exercises to music.
7. Difficulty of exercises, general physical activity should increase gradually, in accordance with the capabilities of those involved.
Approximate option
morning exercises for schoolchildren
main medical group
1. Starting position (i.p.) - main stance (o.s.). Raise your arms up to your sides and inhale. Lower your arms with a full tilt forward, exhale. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
2. Walking in place at a pace of 70-80 steps for 1 minute
3. I. p. - hands in front of the chest. Perform jerking movements with your elbows back, connecting the shoulder blades. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times.
4. I. p. - hands on the belt. Perform circular movements of the body (with a large amplitude) in one direction or the other. Repeat 6-8 times.
5. I. p. - lying on your back, place your toes under a support. Rise to a sitting position, then return to i. n. Repeat 8-14 times.
6. I. p. - hands on the belt. Perform 10-20 squats.
7. I. p. - arms forward, to the sides. Swing your left leg towards your right hand. Put your foot down. Perform the same exercise with the other leg. Repeat 6-10 times.
8. I. p. - lying position. Perform flexion and extension of the arms 5-15 times.
9. I. p. - o. With. Raise your hands up, take a breath. Relax your arms, lean forward and half-squat, and exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.
10. Perform squats followed by jumping when standing up. Repeat 3-5 times.
11. Slow jogging for 1-3 minutes.
12. Walk for 1-2 minutes with deep breathing, while your arms should be periodically raised slowly up and relaxed across the sides with a half-inclination.

  1. A set of morning exercises
Contents of the 1st complex:
1. Walk slowly. Breathing is uniform; 2-3 steps - inhale, 3-4 - exhale. Keep your head and torso straight. Hands perform free movements. (Load dosage 20-30 seconds).

2. Stretching. From IP - basic stance, hands to shoulders, elbows down, for 2 counts (to yourself) raise your arms up - to the sides, bend in the thoracic part of the spine and rise up - inhale. For 2 subsequent counts (but more slowly), lowering your arms to the starting position and tilting your head forward - exhale. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 9-10 times).

3. Tilts to the side. I.p. - basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders, elbows slightly pressed, chest forward for 2 counts, tilt the torso to the left, raise your arms up, look up - inhale, for the next 2 counts return to IP. The same - in the other direction. (Load dosage from 9-10 to 13-14 times).

4. Squats. I.p. – o.s. Feet width apart, toes parallel. For 2 counts, slowly bending your knees and spreading your knees to the side, lower yourself into a half-squat, resting on your full foot, arms forward, palms down. Straighten up for 2 counts. When lowering, exhale; when straightening, inhale. (Load dosage from 9-10 to 13-14 times).

5.Walking is calming. Relax your arms and shoulders, breathe deeper. (Load dosage 45-50 seconds).

6. Rotation of brushes. I.p. – o.s., arms to the sides, hands clenched into a fist for 4 counts, circular movement of the hands up – back – down – up. For the next 4 counts, make circular movements in the opposite direction. Stay straight, bend over, breathe freely. (Load dosage from 6-7 to 9-10 times. At the beginning, perform at an average pace, then more slowly and with great effort).

7. Touching the floor with your foot. I.p. – o.s., right leg in front on the toe, hands on the belt, torso straight. For 7 counts, alternately touch the floor with your heel and toe. At the count of 8, place your foot. The same with the left foot. Breathing is voluntary. (Load dosage from 4-5 to 6-7 times).

8. Running in place. (Dosage 140 steps in 1 minute, 2-3 minutes).
Contents of the 2nd complex:
1. Walk slowly with a gradual increase in pace. (Load dosage 40-45 seconds).

2. Flexion and extension of the arms. I.p. – legs apart, hands in front, fingers intertwined with palms facing out. 1- forcefully bend your arms, place your hand on your chest, palms inward – inhale. 2 – forcefully straighten your arms in an i.p. - exhale. (Load dosage 13-14 times)

3. Raising on your toes. I.p. stand next to some object, the front of the foot on the edge of a board 3-4 cm thick. 1-8 alternately raising and lowering on the toes, arms forward. 9-16 – calm walking in place with deep breathing. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 7-8 times).

4. Side bends. I.p. – o.s., legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 bends to the left, left hand behind the back, right hand behind the head - exhale. 3-4 – i.p. - inhale. The same - in the other direction. When tilting to the left, bend your right leg; when tilting to the right, bend your left leg. (Load dosage from 10-11 to 13-14 times).

5. Squats. I.p. – stand with your right side to the back of the chair, put your right hand on the back, your left hand on your belt. 1-2 – squat on your right leg, left leg forward (bent or straight) – exhale, 3 – place your left leg next to your right, 4 – stand up and turn to the chair with the other side – exhale. The same thing - with the other leg. (Load dosage from 5-6 to 7-8 times, deep squat, swing leg straight).

6. Walk slowly. (Load dosage 30-40 seconds)
Contents of the 3rd complex:
1. Walking slowly, with some acceleration towards the end. (Load dosage 1 minute)

2. Stretching. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. On 1-2 (count) - take your arms back to the sides, turning your palms up, bend tensely in the thoracic part of the spine, rise on your toes, look up, take a deep breath: on 3-4 (count) return to the i.p. – relax, lower your shoulders and head slightly forward – exhale. (Load dosage from 10 to 12 times).

3. Tilts to the sides. I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart. 1-2 – springy tilt to the left, right hand swing to the side - up above the head, left hand behind the back: 3-4 - changing the position of the hands, springing tilt to the right, breathing arbitrarily. (Load dosage 12-13 to 14-15 times in each direction, possibly with a pause, with a large amplitude).

4. Walk calmly with deep breathing. (Load dosage up to 1 minute)

5. Tense bending. I.p. – standing with your back to two chairs arranged (with seats). 1 – place the shin of your left leg on the seat of a chair, pull your toe, hands on the back of the nearest chair; 2-3, bending tensely, lean forward (back), move your hands to the back of the far chair, actively helping to bend, inhale; 4 – i.p. - exhale. The same with the right foot. (Load dosage from 4-5 to 6-7 times with both legs).

6. Breathing exercise. I.p. – o.s., left hand on the chest, right hand on the stomach; 4 times - abdominal breathing, 4 times - chest breathing, 4 times - mixed breathing. (Load dosage 3-4 times)

2. A set of physical training pause exercises
1. I.p. - hands behind your head. 1-2 – take your elbows back, bend – inhale, 3-4 – i.p. – exhale (8-10 repetitions).

2. I.p. – stand with legs apart. 1 - arms to the sides, turn your head to the left, 2 - rise on your toes, tilt your head back, arms up, palms inward, 3 - turn your head to the right, arms to the sides, 4 - i.p. (8-10 repeats).

3. I.p. - hands behind your head. 1 – turn the body to the right, arms to the sides, 2 – IP, 3-4 – the same to the left, 5 – half-squat, arms up, 6 – IP, 7 – half-squat, arms forward, 8 – i. p. (4-6 repetitions).

4. I.p. – arms bent at the elbows. For each count, “shaking” the brushes (for 16-32 counts).

5. I.p. – hands to shoulders. 1 – half squat, left arm up, right arm forward, turn the head to the right, 2 – ip., 3 – half squat, right arm up, left hand forward, turn the head to the left, 4 – ip. (4-6 repetitions). Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-6 seconds.

3. A set of gymnastics exercises before classes

On command, take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-6 seconds.

1. Walking in place with legs raised high, maintaining correct posture (32-48 counts).

2. I.p. – stand with your feet apart and your hands behind your head. 1-2 – tilt the torso back, arms to the sides – inhale, 3-4 – i.p. – exhale (8 repetitions).

3. I.p. – wide stance with legs apart, hands on the waist. 1 - turn the body to the right, bending the right hand, arms to the right, 2 - the same to the left (6-8 repetitions).

4. I.p. – hands on the belt. 1 – lunge to the right, arms to the sides, 2 – IP, 3 – half squat, arms up, 4 – IP, 5-8 – the same to the left (4-6 repetitions).

5. I.p. – crouching emphasis. 1-2 – stand up, right back on your toes, arms up, bend over – inhale, 3-4 – i.p. – exhale, 5-8 the same, left back (4-6 repetitions).

6. I.p. – walking in place, maintaining correct posture (32-48 counts). While walking in place, take 4 steps with your arms up at your sides and inhale, for the next 4 steps with your arms down and exhale. (4-6 repetitions).

7. I.p. – o.s. 1 - right hand to the right on the toe, left hand up, right hand forward, 2 - IP, 3-4 - the same with the left hand in the other direction with a change in the position of the hands. (4 reps).

4. A set of exercises to develop posture
We offer a complex gymnastic exercises for the prevention of osteochondrosis.

The exercises of this complex can be performed from 1 to 6 times a day, repeating each of them 4-5 times at a slow pace, until pain is severe (if any), with the maximum possible range of motion. When performing exercises, pull your toes towards you. At the end of each movement and at the end of each exercise (where possible), static tension should be applied. At first, the tension should be from two to four seconds, gradually increase it to 8-10 seconds. When releasing tension, you should exhale completely with sound.

  1. I.p.: stand with legs apart, hands in front of the chest, fingers intertwined. Turn your torso, head, arms to the right; then stretch your arms forward, turning your hands with your palms facing away from you, with a static delay to the right; exhale. Same to the left.

  2. I.p.: the same. Hands forward, then turning your torso and head to the right, move your right elbow back, turning your hands with your palms facing away from you. With your left hand, press with tension on your right hand (while looking at your right elbow so that the neck muscles tense); exhale. Same to the left.

  3. Turning your torso to the right, raise your arms above your right shoulder, turning your hands with your palms facing away from you. Press the right hand with your left hand; exhale. Same to the left.

  4. I.p.: stand with your legs apart, hands behind your head, fingers in a “lock.” Turn your torso to the left, spread your elbows, bend into a knee position, bring your elbows together, tilt your head down, press the back of your head with your hands several times. Same to the right.

  5. I.p.: stand with legs apart, hands down in the lock. Make a circle with your arms to the right, turning your hands outward. Same to the left.

  6. Exercises with a gymnastic stick. I.p.: stand with legs apart, gymnastic stick below. Turning your torso to the right, extend your right arm up and to the side. Press the stick with your left hand and exhale. Same to the left.

  7. I.p.: stand with legs apart, stick down, grip from above. Raise your arms up above your head, make three body tilts forward, three back, three to the right, three to the left, then three body turns to the right and three to the left. After each series of movements, exhale.

  8. I.p.: stand with legs apart, stick behind your back at the bottom. Make three turns of the body to the right, pressing the stick on the left thigh. Same to the left.

  9. I.p.: stand with your feet together, stick on your shoulders. Make three body tilts to the right, left, forward, and back, then three turns of the body to the right and left, while bending your knees. After each series of movements, exhale.

  10. IP: sit on your heels, hands in front of you. Place your right hand over the top behind your back, and your left hand through the bottom, locking your hands. Hold the pose for 5 seconds. The same thing, changing the position of the hands.

  11. IP: sit legs together, arms forward. Bend your right knee and step it over your left thigh. Place your left hand under bent knee. Place your right hand behind your back and slowly twist your torso, trying to connect your hands. The head is turned to the right. Hold the pose for three to five seconds. Come out of the pose slowly, turning your head, then your arms, torso, and straighten your legs. The same in the other direction. Breathing is voluntary.

  12. IP: lying on your back, arms along your body. Slowly regroup and take a deep breath. Maintain the pose as long as you can not breathe. Then exhale slowly, returning to IP.

  13. IP: emphasis lying on bent arms. Take a slow, smooth breath, holding your breath. Bend your back, straightening your arms slightly. Hold the pose for three to five seconds. Return to i.p.

  14. IP: sit on your heels, hands down. Slowly lean forward as low as possible, placing your hands behind your back. Hold the pose for five to thirty seconds. Return to i.p.

  15. IP: lying on your back with legs bent, hands behind your head. Turn your knees to the right and touch them to the floor, head to the left. Do not lift your elbows off the floor. Same to the left.

As a rule, with age as a result of weakening of the muscles of the legs and torso, incorrect or forced position individual parts body when working or at home, posture worsens. Constant use of special selected exercises will help maintain correct and beautiful posture for many years.

I.p. – hands down into the lock. 1-2. Hands up - down, rise on your toes, bend over. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. – standing at a support, hands on the support. 1-2. Rise on your toes, bend over, spread your shoulders. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. – hands on the belt. – 1-2. Half bend forward, rise on your toes, look forward. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. - stick from behind, gripping the ends from below. 1-2. Bend forward, bending over, take the stick back - up. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. – a stick on the shoulder blades, gripping the ends. 1-2. Tilt to the left. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. Same to the right.

I.p. – standing with your back to the wall at a distance of a step. 1-4. Bend back, arms up and back with support on the wall, bend over, head back, look at your palms. 5-8. I.p.

I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Sit on your toes, hands back behind your back. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. - emphasis lying on your stomach. 1-2. Straighten your arms, bend over. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. – emphasis sitting in the back. 1-2. Bend over. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. - sitting on the floor. Lie down on a support (bench). 1-2. Bend over backwards. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. - lying on the floor on your stomach in front of gymnastic wall. 1-2. Using your hands to move the slats from bottom to top, bend over. 3-4. I.p.

5. A set of exercises to regulate body weight
It is possible to use any proposed set of exercises with increasing load dosage.

6. A set of exercises for development physical quality"flexibility":
Cervical spine.

Exercise 1. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-4 - head tilt to the right, the same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

Exercise 2. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-4 - tilt the head forward, trying to “curl up” as it were.

Same thing back. Repeat 2 times.

Exercise 3. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-4 turn the head to the right.

Exercise 4. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-4 – circular rotation heads to the right.

The same in the other direction. Repeat 2 times.

Shoulder joints.

The shoulder girdle is involved in breathing movements, the high mobility of its joints affects the amount of inhalation and exhalation. In addition, good mobility in the shoulder joints is extremely important to maintain proper, beautiful posture.

Exercise 1. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.

1-7 – “hug yourself by the shoulders, trying to raise your elbows higher and move your fingers as close to the spine as possible.

8-i.p. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 2. I.p. - standing at a distance of a step, facing the back of a chair, feet shoulder-width apart.

1-7 - leaning forward, place your hands on the back of the chair and, without bending your elbows, stretch shoulder joints to the floor;

8 - i.p. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 3.I.p. – standing, bend your right arm with your elbow up so that your fingers touch your shoulder blade.

1-7 - pressing your left hand on your right elbow, try to lower your palm lower;

8 – change the position of your hands. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 4. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward.

1-7 bend your right hand to the glue shoulder, take your right elbow with your left, pressing on it, try to bring your right hand closer to your left shoulder;

The same in the other direction. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 5. I.p. – standing with his arms crossed behind his back.

1-7 – grab the elbow of the other hand with one hand;

8 – i.p. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 6. I.p. – standing, clasp your lowered hands behind your back.

1-7 – turn your shoulders, trying to bring your elbows closer to each other;

The same with raising the intertwined hands back. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 7. (performed with a jump rope folded in four; rubber band).

I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, pick up a jump rope.

1-4 – raise your arms up and, without bending your elbows, move them back (pulling the rope)

5-8 – the same in reverse order. Repeat 6 times. The distance between the hands can be gradually reduced.

Elbow joint.

Its natural mobility, as a rule, is sufficient for most people and does not require special training. However, in people with highly developed muscles, full extension is often impossible. elbow joint, which is associated with an increase in the tone of the forearm flexor muscles. On the contrary, in people with poorly developed muscles, even hyperextension can be observed in this case.


The flexibility of the entire human body is largely determined by the mobility of the spine. It is the spine that is more susceptible to age-related changes associated with limited mobility. This is expressed by the beginning of fusion of the vertebrae, and bone “whiskers” appear between them. Negative phenomena are also intensified as a result sedentary image life, when the spine experiences no less overload than when lifting excessive weights.

Exercise 1. I.p. – standing in a horizontal forward bend, legs apart, hands on your knees;

1-2 - raise your lower back, lower your head, round your back;

3-4-lower your lower back, raise your head, bend over. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 2. I.p. – Sitting, legs bent with knees up, chest pressed to hips, hands on heels;

1-4 - try to straighten your legs without lifting your torso from your legs;

5-8 – return to IP. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 3. I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body.

1-4 - place your feet on the floor behind your head;

5-8 - return to IP. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 4. I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body.

1-4 – bend in the chest, leaning on your elbows and without lifting your pelvis and head from the floor;

5-8 – return to IP. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 5. I.p. – lying on your stomach, legs apart, bent, hands holding your feet;

1-4- try to straighten your legs, lifting top part torso;

5-8 return to IP. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 6. I.p. – lying on your back, legs slightly apart, arms along the body;

1-2 – move your torso to the right without lifting your back from the floor;

3-4 – return to IP.

Exercise 7. I.p. – sitting, legs as wide apart as possible, hands behind your head.

1-2 - tilt your torso to the right, trying to touch the floor behind the knee of your right leg with your elbow;

The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 8. I.p. – lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent with your knees up.

1-2 – tilt your knees to the right, trying to touch the floor with them, and your head to the left;

The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 9. I.P. - sitting, bent legs apart, feet on the floor, arms bent in front of the chest.

1-2- turn your torso to the left, touch your left knee with your right elbow, take your left hand as far back as possible and place it on the floor;

The same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 10. I.p. – standing – legs apart.

1-4- - circular movements of the body to the right;

5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 16 times.

Hip joint.

The largest in human body. It is the site of attachment of large, well developed muscles. These muscles enable a person to perform a variety of movements - running, jumping and many others. Mobility hip joint is also important for the development correct position pelvis, and therefore posture.

Exercise 1. I.p. - lying on your back.

    1. straighten your leg with your hands;

    2. bend your right leg, holding your shin with your hands;
Same with the other leg. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 2. I.p. - sitting.

1-3 – lean forward, trying to touch your chest with your legs, arms forward, do not bend your knees;

4 – i.p. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 3. I.p. - sitting on your knees and heels.

1-3- straighten up and bend over, trying to bring your hips forward as much as possible;

4 – i.p. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 4. I.p. – standing on your left knee, right leg bent in front, hands on your right knee.

1-3 – move the left thigh and pelvis forward and down;

The same with the other leg. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 5. I.p. – standing with your right side to the chair, holding the back.

1-3 – squatting on the left, move the right one as far as possible to the side, the body is vertical;

The same to the other. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 6. I.p. – wide stance, hands on hips.

1-3 – half squat on the right, bend forward;

The same to the other (Fig. 69). Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 7. I.p - sit your legs apart, palms in front of you on the floor with your fingers suddenly facing each other.

1-3 lean forward, trying to put your elbows on the floor;

4-i.p. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 8. I.p. – wide stance.

1 – bend forward, place your palms on the floor;

2 – spread your heels to the sides;

3 – spread your socks to the sides;

4 - spread your heels to the sides;

5 – move your heels inward;

6 – move the socks inside;

7 - move your heels inward;

8 - i.p. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 9. I.p. – emphasis sitting behind, legs bent apart.

1 – lower your right knee inward, trying to touch the floor with it;

The same with both legs at the same time (Fig. 72) Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 10. I.p. – sitting, legs bent, feet together, knees apart.

1-3 – resting your hands on your knees, lower them as low as possible to the floor;

4 – i.p. (Figure 73). Repeat 16 times.

Knee joint

Its mobility in most people is usually satisfactory. At the same time, there are cases of underextension in the knee joints, as well as overextension in them. In the latter case, knee joint becomes especially vulnerable to injury due to sudden strain or unsuccessful landing after jumping. Often, without receiving sufficient loads, the joint is rebuilt. To avoid this, it is necessary to strengthen the joint by constantly exercising it. However, you should not get carried away with deep squats. This can lead to overload of the knee joint.

Exercise 1. i.p. – standing, hands on the belt.

1-2 – sit down without lifting your heels from the floor (the angle between the thigh and shin is 90 degrees);

Exercise 2. I.p. – standing, right leg in front, left leg behind.

1-3- bending the right leg, lunge on it, hands on the knee;

4 – i.p. The same in the other direction (Fig. 78).

Exercise 3. I.p. – emphasis sitting in the back.

Bend your legs one by one, imitating riding a bicycle (Fig. 79).

Exercise 4. I.p. standing, hands on the belt.

1-2-half squat, horizontal circle with knees to the right;

3-4-i.p. The same in the other direction (Fig. 80).

Exercise 5. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent up, hips vertical, knees horizontal.

1-2 – circular movement of the shin to the right. The same to the other (Fig. 81).

Exercise 6. I.p. narrow stance, hands on the belt.

1 – 2 – squatting, bring your knees together in front;

3-4 i.p. (Fig. 82).

Exercise 7. I.p. - standing on your knees, hands on your belt.

1-2 - sit to your right;

3-4-ip. The same in the other (Fig. 83).

Exercise 8. I.p. – on your knees, toes apart, hands on your belt.

1-2 - sit on the floor between your socks;

3-4-i.p. (Fig. 84).

Exercise 9. I.p. – sitting, legs crossed.

1-2 - stand up without using your hands;

3-4-i.p. (Fig. 85).

Ankle joint.

To improve the mobility of the ankle joint, the elasticity of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, we perform special exercises.

Exercise 1. I.p. – emphasis sitting in the back.

1 – “take” the socks;

2 – return the socks, trying to touch the floor with your thumb. Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 2. I.p. - Same.

  1. - raise your right leg, straightened at the knee;
2-3 – two circular movements with the foot outward;

4 – i.p. Same with the other one. The same with inward rotation of the foot (Fig. 90). Each rotation is 4 times one and the other.

Exercise 3. I.p. – o.s..

1- bend your right leg onto your toes and move your heel forward (the load is distributed evenly across all toes);

2 – IP. Same with the other leg (Fig. 91) Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 4. I.p. – narrow stance, hands on the belt.

1 – rise on your toes as high as possible;

2 – i.p. (Figure 92). Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 5. I.p. – sitting on your heels, toes pointed out.

  1. resting your left hand on the floor, grab your left knee with your right and try to lift it;

  2. i.p. The same with the other leg (Fig. 93). Repeat 16 times.
Exercise 6. I.p. – standing, toes hanging, hands grasping the support.

1 – try to lower your heels as far down as possible;

2 – i.p. (Figure 94). Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 7. I.p. standing facing the back of a chair in a lunge position with support from your hands.

1 – bending from behind standing leg, stretch her knee to the floor, do not lift your heels off the floor;

2 – i.p. The same with the other leg (Fig. 95). Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 8. I.p. – o.s.

  1. rising on your toes, move your heels to the right;

  2. leaning on your heels, lift your toes and move them to the right. The same to the other (Fig. 96). Repeat 8 times.
Exercise 9. I.p. o.s.

  1. lifting your toes, roll onto your heels, arms forward;
2 – lowering your arms, roll from heels to toes (Fig. 97). Repeat 16 times.

Exercise 10. I.p. - narrow stand.

Jumping on legs straightened at the knees, pushing off with the foot (Fig. 98). Repeat 24 times.

7. A set of exercises to develop the physical quality “coordination”
I.p. – stand with your feet together. 1-2. Turn your torso to the right, arms to the sides. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same in the other direction.

I.p. – hands to shoulders. 1. Left forward on the toe. 2. I.p. 3-4 the same with the right.

I.p. – hands on the belt. 1-2. Left leg forward on your toes (in line with your right leg), left arm to the side, head to the left. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same with the right leg.

I.p. – o.s. 1-4. Balance on the right (“swallow”). 5-8. I.p. 9-16. The same on the left.

I.p. - hands behind your head. 1-2. Left foot forward. 3-4. Hold. 5-8. I.p. 9-18. From the right foot.

I.p. – left in front of right (on the same line). 1-2. Tilt to the left, right hand under the armpit. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. Same to the right.

I.p. – left in front of the right, hands to shoulders. 1-2. Turn your torso to the right, arms up. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. Turn your body to the left.

I.p. – arms up, heels and toes together. 1-2. Bend forward to the left, touching the floor near the heel of your left foot. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. Same to the right.

I.p. - crouching down, hands holding on to ankle joints. 1-2. Straighten your legs, head down. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. - on my knees. 1-2. Standing emphasis (straighten your legs), rise on your toes. 3-4. I.p.

I.p. – hands to shoulders. 1-2. Swing your right hip up, rise onto your left toe. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. Same for the left.

I.p. – hands on the belt. 1-2. Bend your left back to the right, and grab your toe with your right hand. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same with the other leg.

I.p. – stick with a grip at the ends from below. 1-2. Hands up, place the toe of your left foot on the knee of your right. 3-4. I.p. 5-8. The same in the other direction.

I.p. – hands up into the lock. Walking on your toes with your eyes closed.
8. A set of corrective gymnastics exercises
9. Breathing exercises complex

I.p. – o.s., stick horizontally at the bottom with a grip at the ends. 1-2. Stick forward, up - take a deep breath. 3-4. I.p. – exhale (4-8 times).

I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Hands up from the sides up behind your head, bend over - inhale. 3-4. Tilt to the side - exhale. 5-8. I.p. – exhale (4-8 times).

I.p. – o.s. 1. Right to the side, arms to the sides - inhale. 2. Tilt, hands to toes - exhale. 3. Count 1 – inhale. 4. I.p. - exhale. (4-6 times)

I.p. – o.s. 1-2. Hands up, right back, bend over - exhale. 3-4. Deep squat - exhale. 5-6. Count 1-2 – inhale. 7-8. I.p. - exhale. (3-4 times)

I.p. – emphasis while standing on your knees. 1-2. Left swing back – inhale. 3-4. IP, head forward - exhale. 5-8. The same with the right (3-4 times with each leg).

I.p. - sitting on the floor. 1-2. Bend forward - exhale. 3-4. I.p. – inhale (4-6 times)

I.p. – emphasis lying on bent arms. 1-2. Bend over, inhale. 3-4. I.p. - exhale. (4-6 times)

I.p. - lying on your back. 1-2. Group - exhale. 3-4. I.p. - inhale.

Methodical instructions: exercises are performed calmly, pay attention to inhalation and exhalation in combination with movement. Walk quietly for 20-30 seconds between exercises.

Accelerated walking 100-150 meters, calm walking 100 meters.

Easy run 50-80 meters.
10. A set of exercises to prevent flat feet
Exercises for flattened and flat feet

  1. Walking on gymnastic stick other similar objects lying on the floor, covering them with the arch of the foot.

  2. Roll from heels to toes and back, standing with the middle of the foot on a gymnastic stick.

  3. Collecting a jump rope, twine, or cord lying on the floor with your toes; grabbing and moving various objects with your toes.

  4. Walking on the heels or outside of the feet with the balls grasped by the toes.

  5. Grab objects with the toes of one foot, pass them with your fingers, and transfer them from your hands to the floor with the toes of the other foot.

  6. While sitting on a bench, grab the ball with the arches of your feet and raise your legs to the “corner”, hold it and lower it to the floor.

  7. Sitting across the bench, grab the club with the toes of one foot, pass it over the bench to the other leg and lower it to the other side.

  8. Sitting on a bench, move the club across with the arches of your two feet from one side to the other.

  9. Sitting on a chair, place your feet parallel. Curl your toes without lifting them off the floor. The heels fit tightly to the floor.

  10. Without lifting your heels from the floor, raise your toes as high as possible.

  11. Differentiated walking: 8 steps on your heels with your toes high, then 8 steps on your toes. Small steps, knees straight. Mainly the hip joints work.

  12. Walking with your back to front: standing on your left foot, move your right foot far back and place it on your toes. Then transfer the weight of the body onto it and slowly place the entire foot on the floor, transferring the weight of the body to the heel.

  13. Various jumps.
Complexes for children with flat feet should not consist only of exercises for the leg muscles. They should be used in combination with outdoor switchgear for the muscles of the upper limbs, shoulder girdle, and torso. It is also necessary to do exercises in lying and sitting positions.

In summer it is useful to walk on sand and gravel. In winter, you can use a box or basin with sand and gravel.

We probably all have a few people at work who are outrageously alert in the morning. How do they do this? Perhaps some of them know firsthand about the complex of morning hygienic exercises? In any case, doctors vying with each other to tell us about the benefits of doing a set of morning exercises. Regular classes improve the functioning of the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous systems, as well as the functioning of the cerebral cortex. And for women, a complex of morning exercises is not only a guarantee of vigor, but also an attractive appearance. In general, there are a lot of benefits from this action, you just need to defeat laziness. So, are you ready to be healthy and vigorous to the envy of everyone? Then we bring to your attention the basic rules with which you can create your own set of morning exercises.

First, remember the sequence that is recommended to be followed when performing the exercises. We start with slow running or walking, then stretching exercises. Afterwards we move on to exercises that warm up the muscles of the body, then you can start strength exercises with or without cargo. Next, we perform bends in different positions, squats, and continue with light jumps (for example, with a jump rope). And in conclusion - calm running or walking and breathing exercises.

An approximate set of exercises for morning hygienic gymnastics:

Each exercise should be performed 2 to 5 times, walking, running and jumping should be performed within one minute.

If you have never trained before, then it is better to limit yourself to this set of exercises. And if you feel more or less confident, then you can complicate the task by performing a set of morning exercises with objects (dumbbells, jump ropes, expanders, etc.). Would you like to vaccinate good habit for children - take it with you, these exercises are also suitable for little ones. The difficulty is to interest the child. For example, in the complex of children's morning exercises, developed by L. Penzulaeva, the emphasis is on the fact that it is more interesting for children to perform these exercises in a playful way - they can reach up to the sun or bend over for a beautiful flower. And, of course, it is better to perform a complex of morning exercises with music, and it will be more fun for you and the children, and you will not lose the rhythm. And finally, a complex of morning exercises can be performed both on the street and at home. But in the latter case, the room should be well ventilated.

Cheerfulness and health to you!