What are the functions of the fitness bracelet? Using a fitness bracelet in everyday life

Every year, people are surrounded by more and more gadgets that can make life easier. They relieve not only physical, but also mental stress. One of the latest achievements is a bracelet with a pedometer and calorie counter. This compact, mobile and universal device takes care of health, controls physical activity and allows you to keep yourself in great shape.

Bracelet with pedometer - what is it?

Distinguished by its ergonomics and low price, the gadget will calculate the distance traveled, walking time, and will help monitor the body’s condition based on accurate data, without taking up almost any resources - all information is displayed in one application on the phone.

The accuracy of a fitness bracelet with a calorie counter installed depends on the quality of the device, and the quality depends on the price. Thus, the most expensive and high-quality devices will show the most accurate data.

In modern pedometers, for the most accurate information, an accelerometer is used - a device that allows you to determine acceleration. After measuring the acceleration, the data is transmitted to the microprocessor, which determines whether you have moved in space or simply made a gesture, after which the device counts the number of steps taken.

Also, the devices sometimes contain a gyroscope, which allows you to create a three-dimensional picture of hand movements, which allows you to effectively separate steps from other movements.

Standard kit

Who needs a fitness bracelet and why?

A pedometer containing a step counter and a calorie counter will be useful for those who suffer from overweight and takes care of your figure, athletes and people who care about their health. Research shows that the step counter motivates you to walk the required distance. Thus, people without a bracelet are more likely to take a minibus, without thinking about the need to take a certain number of steps daily, while those with a gadget are more likely to walk this distance.

Physical activity is definitely necessary. However, if it goes beyond a certain limit and becomes excessive, its effect on the body can be harmful instead of beneficial.

A fitness bracelet can be useful for most people, regardless of their goals and type of activity, but it is worth noting the categories for which it is necessary:

  1. Those who are losing weight or, conversely, trying to gain weight - thanks to the unique functions of the bracelet, those losing weight can control the loss and gain of calories and, as a result, manage the weight loss process in the most convenient way. So, if the goal is to maintain a certain body weight, the number of calories gained should be approximately equal to the number lost. If the user is trying to gain weight, the calories gained should be greater than the calories lost;
  2. Those involved in sports - for athletes it is quite important to monitor their health and the number of calories accumulated. The device, turned on throughout the day, will help you calculate the number of calories burned during training in order to be able to restore them and keep your body in good shape.

The device will help people who have health problems, monitor their physical condition, control activity and calorie intake.

A bracelet with a pedometer and calorie counter allows you to accurately calculate physical activity

Convenience of fitness bracelets

The first pedometers went on sale in the 60s of the last century in Japan. They were significantly different from modern devices and consisted of a bulky pendant with an accelerometer inside.

Today, a fitness bracelet is also a fashion accessory, available in almost any color palette and complements almost any look and outfit.

The gadgets are small in size and made of material that does not cause irritation or damage to the skin. Some models are waterproof so that the device can be used even while relaxing at sea or in the shower.

Most fitness bands are waterproof

Some with calorie counting are almost indistinguishable from classic wristwatches, so even businessmen can use them without compromising their business image.

Their convenience as devices designed to monitor body condition, calorie consumption and intake lies in the fact that monitoring physical activity and walking time does not require spending a lot of time, money and effort - all indicators are tracked in real time using one mobile application .

Features and Accuracy

A modern fitness bracelet is a gadget that has the following functions:

  • 24/7 Activity Monitoring: Helps you monitor your physical activity. Thanks to this function, you can adjust your daily routine, allocate more time for sleep, jogging or other sports activities. This feature will be most useful for people with a high pace of life.

·Sleep monitoring: the function will help balance sleep time and help wake a person at the most favorable moment for this - during light sleep, providing the most comfortable and easy rise. This function protects a person from stress associated with heavy waking up;

Losing weight and burning excess calories only 30% depends on exercise physical culture. The lion's share remains with the quantity and quality of food.

The capabilities of fitness bracelets are simply amazing

Calculation of nutritional value of diet

Advanced devices have a function for calculating the nutritional value of products: after eating, you should select a dish from the device’s catalog, and its usefulness for the body will be calculated. The function allows you to control not only the calorie content of food, but also regulate the amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. This will balance the functioning of the body, ensure the supply of necessary substances, and protect against vitamin deficiency.


Most fitness bracelets have a clock, which also increases their functionality, makes use more convenient, and also eliminates the need to use other sources of time information, such as a telephone.


Using the application on your phone, you can set reminders for a specific time and date, when reached, the bracelet will notify you by vibration.

Setting Goals

For greater motivation, the functionality of many bracelets includes the ability to set a goal to make it easier to strive for it.

Monitoring medication intake

It is possible to set a reminder for a specific time to take medication.

Water balance

One of the functions available in many fitness bracelets is a reminder to take care of your water balance.

With a fitness bracelet, every calorie counts

Remote monitoring of the health of relatives

A function that allows you to monitor the health of elderly or sick loved ones from a distance using a mobile application.

Thanks to many useful functions, it is possible to send data obtained over a certain period of time to a trainer or doctor. The device can help adjust the intensity of training or treatment based on the most accurate indicators of how you feel during the training. The gadget can also provide emergency help with any cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, fitness bracelets are not a useless toy, but a necessary device that allows you to balance your lifestyle, nutrition, sleep duration, and also comprehensively monitor your body, providing it with everything necessary for a full life.

A wide variety of gadgets allows you to emphasize your individuality

How to use a fitness bracelet

Most popular devices are activated this way:

First of all, you need to download the application to your phone, to which all information from the bracelet will be transferred. The choice is quite wide, but we will look at the most popular Mi Fit gadget:

  1. After installing the application, you need to create an account and log in to it.
  2. Then you need to enter your body characteristics (weight, height, year of birth, and name). This will help the device determine physical condition and lean on it when using the bracelet.
  3. Next, the device to be connected is selected, after which the bracelet is brought to the phone for synchronization. After your phone detects the bracelet, you must confirm authorization in the corresponding dialog box.

The device is connected and ready to use. The application to which the bracelet is connected may be different; it is usually indicated in the instruction manual.

The fitness bracelet is easy to use and accessible even to children

  • Notifications - in this tab you can set up alerts for incoming phone calls, SMS or set an alarm. You can also disable unlocking the screen on your phone when the bracelet is near it.
  • Profile - this tab allows you to select functions.
  • Range - sets a certain number of steps that are planned to be taken per day.
  • Weight goal - allows you to set the weight you plan to achieve. The function is convenient to use together with smart scales - changing the weight manually is not very convenient.
  • Activity alerts - the bracelet can remind you to move more. This will motivate you to lead a more active lifestyle and help you achieve your goals;
  • Wake-up notification - the device will pay attention to sleep information after you wake up. This information will help make your sleep more balanced and comfortable;

The gadget is equipped with an application that allows you to connect friends. This feature adds excitement to the process of using the bracelet. Every person wants to be the first in the number of steps taken, kilograms lost, and at the same time watch the achievements of friends.

Using an adapter, information from a fitness bracelet can be easily transferred to a computer or other gadget

For more detailed device settings, you can download the advanced version of the application.

After setting up, the bracelet is put on your hand, and all information about the distance traveled, number of steps, heart rate, calories burned and accumulated is sent to your smartphone.

Some bracelets support heart rate measurement and running mode. The corresponding sections can be easily found in the device’s mobile application.

Once you purchase a fitness bracelet, you shouldn’t fall into euphoria that now all your problems will disappear on their own. This is just a tool that allows you to quickly achieve harmony with your body and inform you about your health status. Communication with coaches and doctors still cannot be avoided.

Thanks to the development of technology, it has appeared large number various gadgets that significantly improve the quality of life. Some devices are still considered unnecessary luxuries, while others have become must-haves.

One of the very useful gadgets that is really difficult to live without is a fitness bracelet. It may also be called a smart watch, depending on its functionality and capabilities. The device acts as an indispensable assistant, which is designed to maintain human health and organize not only physical activity, but also relaxation.

Not long ago, many people became victims of scammers who sold miraculous wrist bracelets, citing the fact that everything famous people Their “magical” properties have been used for a long time. According to them, they normalized blood pressure, treated diseases, and even helped them lose weight without physical activity. It is important to understand that these bracelets are completely different devices, so you should not compare them. If in the first case we are talking about an ordinary fake, to which various properties are attributed, then the fitness bracelet has completely different features.

It's multifunctional technical device, which is not only a sensor, but also an organizer. Its capabilities allow you to measure heart rate, track different phases of sleep, daytime activity and other statistics.

When it comes to such a complex device, it is extremely difficult to list all its functions. Moreover, some models have “additional features”, so initially you only need to consider the basic characteristics. They are typical for all devices, regardless of price and brand. First of all, it is worth noting the following functions of bracelets:

  • Step meter
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Smart alarm clock
  • Counting calories burned
  • Sleep monitoring

To understand how such a small device can improve the quality of life, it is necessary to take a closer look at each of its features. The first prototypes of such gadgets appeared in the form of heart rate monitors. Next, they added the function of measuring steps and calories burned. However, it became possible to call them full-fledged fitness trackers only when they had full integration with mobile operating systems and PCs.

Why is it important to monitor your heart rate? First of all, this allows you to make any type of physical activity more effective. It's no secret that control of the so-called pulse zones allows you to significantly improve the body's response to stress. For example, if the goal morning jogging is losing weight, then the pulse must be kept in the region of 130 beats per minute. A faster or slower pulse will significantly slow down the fat burning process, so such work will be done in vain. If you don’t control your pulse, the benefits and effectiveness of jogging can be significantly reduced, rendering all your efforts null and void.

The most important function of the bracelet is sleep monitoring. At first glance, there is nothing special about this, but the device allows you to collect statistics not only about time, but also about the quality of rest. You can track your sleep stages, which opens up completely new possibilities. For example, you can avoid excess or lack of sleep, and also wake up exactly when it is optimal in time. This is the merit of the “smart” alarm clock, which is found in all fitness trackers. Unlike a conventional device, it will not wake you up at a specified time, but based on the maximum benefit for the body. This function allows you to control not only the duration, but also the quality of sleep, and do this individually for each person.

The third most important function, which comes first for many people, is monitoring calories burned. It is worth recognizing that most people try to take care of their figure not only for health, but also for the sake of a spectacular appearance. In order not to worry about every candy you eat, it is important to know the total number of calories that a person spent throughout the day. These data allow you to make a simple calculation and determine the norm that will always allow you to stay in shape. Moreover, the bracelet always remains on the hand, so the reliability of the information is close to 100%.

Otherwise, this indispensable gadget can track everything related to health, from the number of steps taken to the quality of sleep, and thanks to “smart” software and integration with PC or mobile OS, you can not only receive invaluable data, but also compare it with others .

Types and features of fitness bracelets

Although in most cases the functions of bracelets are almost identical, you can still find many different options on the market, the price of which can vary dramatically. Of course, we should not exclude the commercial side, which forces many brands to compete with each other, trying to capture as much of the market as possible. In order not to become a victim of marketing, you need to be able to distinguish the necessary functions from those that are added to the characteristics of the device “for show”. For example, many popular brands of such smart bracelets focus on the fact that you can not only control the number of calories spent, but also the number of calories consumed.

This is certainly not a useless feature, but in reality it almost never works. The whole point is that to track, you need to independently enter everything you ate during the day. If a barcode scanner helps add calories from candy or cookies eaten, then what to do with cereals, meat and other products? Moreover, even if you enter all the data manually, it will take a huge amount of time, so this function is rarely used to its fullest and can only impress those who want their first bracelet to be as functional as possible.

Another important benefit that is often found on more expensive models is PC compatibility. As a rule, cheap models, such as Xiaomi, allow you to output data only to Android or iOS devices, while Polar, Nike and others can also be synchronized with a computer. At first glance, this is not such an important feature, but many users note that hardware for Windows is more stable, and also has the largest number of functions (analysis, comparison of statistics, etc.).

Design also plays an important role. It is important to understand that the device must be worn around the clock, because the way the bracelet looks is important criterion upon purchase. Some manufacturers often manage to combine a bracelet with a watch. Such devices look quite attractive, but the main disadvantage is that the time is displayed vertically. This feature can cause some difficulties, but after some time you can get used to this display on the display. Also some bracelets have many additional functions, which are not always mandatory. With their help you can control the player, add notifications and use it as an organizer. But all these properties do not in any way affect the main functions of the bracelet and are just a pleasant addition, for which you will have to pay a fair amount.

Most popular models

It is worth considering the most popular models in different price segments. Maybe this will help right choice and avoid unnecessary expenses where they are completely unnecessary.

Xiaomi Mi Band

The Xiaomi brand has practically burst into the electronic device market and carved out its niche, offering excellent products at a fairly low price. Despite the fact that the manufacturer is China, it is still worth noting that the fitness bracelets of this manufacturer are almost no different from the others and the only thing that can put you off when purchasing is their simple design. Also, the devices do not have PC integration, which in some cases can be a disadvantage, but if you are not willing to overpay for unnecessary features, then Xiaomi will be an excellent option.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

The XIAOMI Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet is the best assistant for lovers of regular productive workouts. This modern device is equipped with a bright, informative OLED display and a convenient touch panel. Just one touch of your finger allows you to get a lot of useful information:

  • Number of kilometers traveled;
  • Time spent on training;
  • Heart rate (pulse);
  • Body temperature and other data.

Unlike its predecessor Mi Band, the “fresh” version of the fitness bracelet is based on an innovative hardware platform. Now your every step is displayed on the display of the device - thanks to this you can easily track and vary the functional load from day to day.

Your XIAOMI Mi Band 2 is always completely safe, as its case is water- and dust-resistant. No sweat, moisture, or oil will penetrate inside the device and cause it to malfunction.

Technical features of the bracelet:

  • Made of durable aluminum alloy combined with polycarbonate;
  • Works on Android 4.3+, iOS 7.0;
  • Equipped with a 45mAh lithium battery;
  • The weight of the device is 13.5 g.

XIAOMI Mi Band 2 is synchronized with the phone using the Bluetooth system (data is received in real time). The fitness bracelet can work without recharging for 30 days at temperatures from -20 to +70 degrees. This means that you can use the device all year round.

Additional features of XIAOMI Mi Band 2:

  • Alarm clock-vibration signal, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of the owner of the bracelet - your assistant decides when it is best to start training and how long it should last;
  • Making calls and sending SMS messages;
  • “Reminder” option;
  • Can operate in energy saving mode.

Thus, the XIAOMI Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet is an affordable multifunctional portable device that will make your regular workouts as comfortable and productive as possible!

Samsung Gear Fit

Unlike the previous model, the Samsung device has a touch screen and looks more like a watch than a simple bracelet. The company positions this line more like a smart watch with fitness tracker capabilities, which only adds to its advantages. It is worth noting the main drawback of this model, and of most bracelets in general – a frankly weak heart rate monitor. If at rest it is able to accurately display the pulse, then during activity the values ​​​​are completely distorted, due to which this function tends to zero.

Sony SmartBand SWR10

The model from Sony has a lot of advantages, which are aimed primarily at functionality. Like many models, the bracelet does not have a display, and all data can be received on any device with the Android or iOS operating systems. Additional advantages include water resistance and high wear resistance. One of the disadvantages is that it is only compatible with new Android devices with an OS version of at least 4.4. However, the low cost and reliability of this model make it one of the best in terms of price/quality ratio.

Garmin Vivofit

For those interested in sports gadgets, this brand will be familiar. The device turned out to be of really high quality, both in terms of functionality and the wear resistance of the case and the bracelet itself. Vivofit stands out due to the most accurate data transmission, the error of which does not exceed 5%. Another important difference is that the model is equipped with a separate heart rate monitor, which is attached to the chest. It allows you to transfer data with maximum accuracy, so the bracelet will be an excellent solution for people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in various sports (fitness, running, cycling, swimming, etc.).

The SMART BAND H5S pedometer bracelet is a stylish, fashionable, advanced accessory made of high-strength materials. The main feature of the bracelet is its versatility, because it is not just a modern decoration, but a real mini-smartphone. Despite the modernity of the gadget, it is relatively inexpensive, but it has a number of undeniable advantages compared to more expensive analogues:

  • Availability of a convenient touch display with LED backlight and a clear interface;
  • Built-in sleep analyzer, time of day display;
  • Elastic rubber strap;
  • 3D pedometer and ability to measure ambient temperature;
  • Variety of colors (purple, blue, black).

A modern accessory and gadget will allow its owner to continuously monitor heart rate, monitor the volume of walking, etc. It is enough to set the heartbeat detection time in a special mobile application, shake your hand, and the little wrist assistant will begin its work. The device is compatible with smartphones and PCs, which allows you to quickly set a fixed frequency for measuring heart rhythms.

Do you use fitness bracelets?

  • 10 - Xiaomi Mi Band 3
  • 9 - FitBit Charge 2
  • 8 - Garmin Vivofit 3
  • 7 - Amazfit Cor
  • 6 - Polar A370
  • 5 - ONETRAK C317 Pulse
  • 4 - Garmin Vivosport
  • 3 - Huawei Honor Band 3
  • 2 - FitBit Flex 2
  • 1 - Samsung Gear Fit2

In today's fast-paced life, it is becoming more and more important to find a place for sports. Force yourself to go for a run, learn to breathe correctly and measuredly, and even eat in accordance with your calorie intake. To avoid forgetting anything, you can use a useful gadget - a fitness tracker. Manufacturers offer devices of different shapes, sizes, colors and, of course, the most different prices. Especially for those who want to make the right choice and get only the most necessary functions, we have compiled a rating - best fitness bracelets, released in 2019.

8.6 Evaluation

  • The cost of the device does not exceed 3000 rubles
  • Easily purchase a replacement strap to suit your needs
  • Works for almost three weeks without recharging
  • The sensor for monitoring heart rate has been improved
  • Unusual capsule size and design
  • There are errors when measuring pulse

The most famous manufacturer of smart gadgets recently updated its line of sports bracelets. The Mi Band 3 fitness tracker boasts not only a new design, but also increased ease of use. Now the capsule does not fly out of the strap during active movement, and the clasp itself has become more reliable.

The new screen has a slightly larger diagonal, and the technology itself allows for high-quality color reproduction. By the way, now the bracelet recognizes swipe controls and some simple gestures.

There are no fundamental changes among the possibilities. There is still a heart rate control function that is relevant today, a step sensor and reminders.

The convenient, understandable application remains unchanged.

The gadget became very popular and included in our rating due to its rather reasonable price. You can purchase the device for only 30-40 dollars. And since many friends and acquaintances already have a tracker from Xiaomi, it will be much more fun to achieve sports goals together - you can give a separate plus in the application for such social motivation.

8.0 Rating

  • Accurate heart rate and step measurements
  • Excellent battery life
  • Interesting motivation system - game challenges
  • No water protection
  • Unique charging adapter that is difficult to replace if broken

The continuation of the Charge line has received an important and significant update: now owners of FitBit pedometers can measure their heart rate at any time. And build on this basis training program. The fitness bracelet offers several types of training activities - from regular walking to strength training. So Charge 2 will be useful for amateurs healthy image life at any level.

Ergonomics and concern for ease of use are not satisfactory. The company's engineers tried and improved some significant details. For example, the clasp was replaced. Now the strap has no chance of unfastening and flying off your hand while running or cycling.

Among the options, only the most necessary remains. The owner has both an application and a website at his disposal. The latter, although designed specifically for a computer, offers more:

  • Useful graphs;
  • Statistics;
  • Activity information.

Through the application, you can set an alarm clock and select the type of activity. By the way, the bracelet will require some kind of movement every hour - now there is such an option as a reminder of being immobile for too long.

7.9 Evaluation

  • Reliable housing assembly without backlash or gaps
  • Simple and clear control system
  • Ability to work for a year without having to change the battery
  • Automatic recognition of activity type
  • Small screen
  • Requires an Internet connection to save training data
  • High cost, comparable to the price of more functional smartwatches

All thanks to a unique battery that allows you to work without recharging for a year or more.

Indeed, with regular use at medium intensity, you can count on almost 12 months of work. And you don't need to charge the device.

True, for the sake of good autonomy, the manufacturer had to significantly limit the supported options. It remains possible to “record” activity when running, walking, cycling and a couple of other sports. What remains is a convenient, understandable proprietary application, where this data is then redirected.

Perhaps the only drawback of this model is that the measurements are not very accurate. The device does not respond sensitively enough to body movements and does not always recognize the start of a workout in time. But the problem is easily solved by synchronizing with other counters - the application allows you to do this.

8.6 Evaluation

Among the popular inexpensive sports bracelets, the Amazfit Cor model occupies a special place. The company's engineers were able to place in the fitness tracker not a monochrome, but a high-quality color display. So controlling the gadget has become noticeably simpler.

This device is designed for amateurs active recreation, because the body is reliably protected from all dangers. There is protection from water and dust (you can even swim with the bracelet on your hand), and the screen is covered with Gorilla Glass 2.5D. In addition, inside the small capsule there is a battery with an increased capacity. So the tracker can work for almost two weeks without recharging.

Amazfit Cor has a full range of necessary options:

  • There is also a heart rate monitor (by the way, quite accurate);
  • Timer with stopwatch;
  • There are several training modes.

All control is carried out through the MiFit application (yes, it is used by both Xiaomi and its subsidiary brand). Moreover, the application offers a lot of possibilities. Just look at the option to set up three alarms at once or your own social network for sharing achievements.

8.2 Evaluation

  • Touch color display
  • Work without recharging up to 4 days
  • New heart rate control function
  • There are programs from Les Mills in the application
  • Total 6 strap colors to choose from
  • Fairly high price

If you need a tracker that measures the number of steps and heart rate with 100% accuracy, then you should choose the Polar A370. Like previous models in the line, this gadget has two sensors on inside capsules. The main update affected the duration of measurements - now the pulse is monitored every second, 24/7.

However, the effectiveness of the remaining options does not decrease. The number of steps taken, distance, and calories burned are also accurately read. And for user convenience, there are already saved settings templates for different types training. And all this data forms correct statistics about the state of the body.

When a smartphone is connected, the GPS function appears, so a detailed route will be displayed in the application street workout. Here, in the application, you can set up alerts with an alarm clock. The model uses vibration to signal about incoming calls, SMS messages, and new letters in social networks.

7.8 Evaluation

  • Convenient and reliable lock on the strap
  • Moisture-repellent case protection
  • Thoughtful and convenient application
  • Count steps with increased accuracy
  • Only one possible strap color

Another budget tracker in our “Top 10 fitness bracelets of 2019” rating is the brainchild of a domestic brand. As the name implies, the C317 Pulse model is focused primarily on correct and accurate heart rate measurement. Moreover, the settings allow you to pre-determine the time period when you need to track your heart rate. This function allows you to significantly save battery power and increase the life of the gadget without recharging.

Of course, the rest of the standard fitness bracelet options are also implemented.

The C317 perfectly recognizes steps or other training activity and records the data in special statistics, which can later be viewed in the application.

The application allows you to connect both notifications and an alarm clock. As in the case of heart rate sensors, the alarm clock has received expanded capabilities: the user himself can designate the period of action of the smart alarm clock. And the easiest way to do this is based on data on the duration and quality of sleep.

This entire set of options is dressed in a stylish black and gray case made of durable and, most importantly, hypoallergenic materials. So you can wear the bracelet both day and night.

8.0 Rating

  • Increased measurement accuracy with regular use
  • Reliable lock
  • Wide range of activity types
  • Small selection of colors
  • Low color quality

Do you want not just a simple fitness toy, but a professional device that is functional and cool? Then choose a gadget from Garmin! The Vivosport model has a stylish, sporty design: the bracelet visually resembles a thin wristband. And in the center there is a small display with basic information. The screen boasts a proprietary matrix, which provides a large margin of brightness and good color rendition.

The built-in heart rate monitor not only helps you control your heart rate, but also records your stress level and oxygen saturation in the body. This data helps you competently build a training program using one of the presented sports. Before starting the lesson, the user will only have to select the type of activity and the location in which the training is planned.

The model may well replace some smart watches: a fitness bracelet will remind you of planned activities, notify you of an incoming call, and allow you to switch the song in your smartphone player.

8.4 Evaluation

  • Comfortable for daily wear
  • Nice selection of colored bracelets
  • Automatic heart rate measurements
  • Availability of training mode for swimming
  • Long battery life without recharging
  • Non-touch display

The top three is opened by a Chinese fitness tracker. Neutral in design, Honor Band 3 is perfect for both men and women. The list of available functions is also quite standard: there are purely sports options that allow you to monitor your body’s condition, and some smartwatch capabilities.

As a result, the owner receives a truly functional device that makes life much easier.

The tracker easily synchronizes with both Android and iOS devices. Moreover, the application can simultaneously read data from Honor Band 3 and from other applications (for example, Apple Health), so that the overall picture of the body’s condition is more accurate. And the tracker can provide a lot of information: the number of steps, range, heart rate, and quality of sleep.

If desired, you can set up a notification system so that even without a smartphone, the user knows whether messages have been received on the phone or whether there have been missed calls. With such notifications, the gadget vibrates quite noticeably, so nothing will be missed.

7.4 Evaluation

  • Unusual design
  • Wide range of training types
  • Detailed swimming tracking
  • Waterproof
  • Affordable price
  • Need to manually activate swim mode
  • A unique docking station that is hard to find a replacement for

Which smart bracelet with NFC is better? In our ranking, the Flex 2 model produced by FitBit takes an honorable second place.

The main feature of the device is the absence of not just a touch screen, but any screen at all.

This does not interfere at all; on the contrary, the bracelet looks much thinner, more elegant and does not create inconvenience during daily wear.

The manufacturer has placed many types of workouts in the device’s “memory,” including cardio and strength training. But the swimming mode deserves special attention. The waterproof housing allows you to use the tracker to measure:

  1. Number of strokes
  2. Distance covered in the pool
  3. Calories burned.

And then all the information goes to the application.

  • Weak autonomy

Our rating includes trackers with a large screen, devices with accurate measurements of heart rate and steps, and gadgets with better battery life. But who can combine all these features and characteristics? That's right, Taiwanese Samsung!

One of the latest models of this brand is distinguished by the presence of a 1.5-inch display with high-quality color reproduction, a full range of options and a capacious 200 mAh battery. In addition, the bracelet can be used as an audio player - it’s not for nothing that there is 4 GB of user memory inside.

Modern technologies allow you to synchronize the tracker not only with your phone, but also with branded wireless headphones.

But these are not all the features of the fitness bracelet. The device independently recognizes not only the moment when the user starts training, but also the type itself sports activity. So all information in the proprietary application will be sorted by activity type.

Perhaps the only drawback of the Gear Fit2 is the price. The bracelet is quite expensive: the initial cost is almost 13,000 rubles. But after the first days of use, it becomes clear that the smart bracelet is worth it!

Let's sum it up

What is the best fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor, smart alarm clock, screen and many other modern features? You don’t have to waste time studying reviews, because in this top you can find models from China or Russia, bright and sporty, strict and minimalistic. Each of them has its own unique advantages, which we have highlighted in this rating-review. All you have to do is make a choice based on your budget and favorite type of sports activity.

Comparison of characteristics

NameCalorie Expense Control, Sleep Monitoring, Nutritional Value of Diet
Garmin VivosportNovember 201721 x 10.9 mm24 g FiberglassBlackSiliconeLithium, non-removableAndroid, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, OS Xin active mode 8 hours, standby time 168 hoursWR50MIP, Touch, backlit9.7 x 19.3 mm72 x 144EatAccelerometer, Altimeter, Built-in heart rate monitor with continuous heart rate measurementSMS, mail, calendar, Facebook, Twitter, weather
Huawei Honor Band 3August 201743 x 16.5 x 10.3 mm18 gHonor Band 3 with NFC; Honor Band 3 without NFCPlasticBlack, Blue, OrangeSilicone100 mAh Li-Pol, non-removableAndroid 4.4 and above, iOS 8 and above720 hours standby timeWR50PMOLED0.91 inch128 x 324.2 Accelerometer, built-in heart rate monitor with continuous heart rate measurementIncoming calls, SMS, reminders, physical activity, notifications from social networks
Fitbit Flex 2November 20168.9 x 31.7 x 6.8 mm11 g PlasticBlack, Lavender, Magenta, NavySiliconeLi-pol non-removableAndroid 4.3, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, OS Xup to 5 daysWR50LED display with 5 indicators 4.0LEaccelerometerSMSSleep, Calories, Physical Activity
Samsung Gear Fit2September 201725 x 51.3 mm34 g PlasticRed, Black, BlueSilicone200 mAh Li-Ion, non-removableAndroid 4.4 and above, iOS 9 and above96 hours standby, 9 hours activeWR50Super AMOLED1.5 inches432 x 2164.2 Accelerometer, gyroscope, altimeter, built-in heart rate monitor with continuous heart rate measurementNotification of incoming call, SMS, mail, calendar, Facebook, Twitter, weatherSleep, calories, physical activity

(3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

A good half of my friends wear smart bracelets. I also thought about buying it, but first I decided to conduct an investigation into why a fitness bracelet is needed in everyday life, what it is, how this thing works, and why the gadget is so good.

Huawei TalkBand B2

General information

The collection of information began with a definition. Smartband, fitness bracelet, heart rate monitor, fitness tracker - this is an incomplete list of names that we were able to find. This is the name given to devices that can be used to conveniently track physical activity and general condition body (quality of sleep, pulse, ).

They help novice athletes and people leading active life, establish an optimal load regime, alternating sleep and wakefulness. In shape, it is a round capsule or clip, which is worn around the neck, waist belt, sports shoes, but most often as a bracelet on the arm.

Operating principles

On next stage got acquainted with the principle of operation of the device. A step counter or simply a pedometer allows you to track your physical activity. Steps are counted based on the accelerometer principle. The sensor records the start and end time of the movement, its intensity. If the permissible value is exceeded, the step is counted.

The same algorithm is used when tracking sleep phases. Only the sensor reacts to smaller movements and records data. To understand how an accelerometer works, you need to imagine a weight on a spring. On one side it is attached to a fixed base, on the other there is a damper to dampen vibrations. When a shake occurs, the load falls by inertia, stretching the spring.

A special sensor records the amount of displacement of the weight. The data is converted into an electrical signal and sent for processing. The program calculates changes in the location of the object. In a smartphone, the accelerometer is replaced by a tiny chip with an inert mass inside.

User Tip: Think about which features are most meaningful to you. After all, the less functionality of the device, the less frequently charging is required. Some fitness bracelets only need to be charged once every six months. There are devices that, like watches, operate on a battery.

Features of fitness bracelets

Garmin Vivoactive HR

There are a lot of device variations; each manufacturer chooses its own priorities for a smart gadget. I tried to figure out in as much detail as possible what he was doing.

Smart alarm function

The bracelet, worn on the wrist at night, controls the phases of sleep. The signal does not go off exactly at 6:35, but when sleep is least sound, it can be 6:22 or 6:40. A person gets up cheerful, ready for the morning’s activities and worries. Afterwards, in the application you can analyze the graphs of sleep phases to understand whether you are getting enough rest. Another nice device is a silent vibration alert.

Heart rate sensor

To measure heart rate most accurately, the device must fit as tightly as possible to the skin. We must remember that a fitness bracelet is not a medical device; there is an error in calculations.

Monitoring the steps taken

The smart bracelet calculates how far the owner has walked during the day, remembers activity intervals, and distinguishes between the phases of running and walking.

Message Notification

The bracelet will notify you of a phone call with a slight vibration. You will also receive notifications from social networks if you confirm permission in advance.

Calculation of calories burned

Based on information about daily activity, the application makes calculations of calories burned. Very relevant for people watching their weight .

Additional options

Or this option: the ability to make and answer calls without taking your phone out of your bag or pocket. Designed for advanced youth.

Manufacturers never cease to surprise, adding interesting new products to gadgets. For example, a GPS module and an altimeter (altimeter). Useful information for amateurs extreme tourism and travelers.

In the process of collecting information, I came across a series of tips for novice users.

  1. Always wear the bracelet on the same hand. Right-handers - on the left, left-handers - on the right. Dominant hand does more work, load data may vary and may not be accurate
  2. Enter individual data into the device’s memory: height, weight, age and gender. If necessary, the bracelet will calculate the average step length and the maximum permissible heart rate.
  3. Be sure to synchronize your device with your smartphone and update the information at least once a week. Usually after 12 days the memory is reset.

Information on display

Most sports bracelets do not have a screen; it is replaced by a small display. In this case, charging lasts for a longer period of time, usually a week. In addition, the larger and more informative the screen, the more expensive the device.

The display shows basic numbers: time, pulse, number of steps, calories burned. The rest of the information is tracked in the mobile application. It is clearly visible in the dark and in bright light, which is shown by the color screen, but then the battery runs out faster and requires recharging after 3-4 days.

Fitness bracelet apps

I also collected information about applications that provide processed data to the user in a convenient format. First, a reminder: the smartphone must run Android 4.4 or higher; iOS7 with Bluetooth 4.0 is also suitable.

Tip: If you are looking for a good fitness tracker app, check out Mi Fit. Synchronizes perfectly with Chinese Xiaomi gadgets. Compatible with Instagram, Facebook and other social networks. Detailed statistics of activity and sleep time during the day, notifications about events and calls are displayed on the smartphone screen. Minus - in latest versions There is no smart alarm function.

Program capabilities are constantly updated. With function smart alarm clock There are excellent Russian-language products XSmart Alarm, Mi Band Control, Gadgetbridge. The latest application is compatible not only with Mi Band bracelets, but also with smart watches from Pebble, HPlus, and Makibes.

In recent years, the number of different accessories for smartphones has been increasing, and many manufacturers have already introduced new fitness bracelets to the general public. Xiaomi is no exception - over the years they have released two hits - Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Pulse and Xiaomi Mi Band 2. The advantages of each of the above bracelets are practicality, pleasant appearance, maximum functionality with many settings and a very affordable competitive price. Customize the gadget to your taste and use it with maximum comfort, because besides the clock, there are many other cool features that you will definitely include in your use!

By tradition, the Xiaomi company takes a very responsible approach to its bracelets, and especially to their delivery set. When purchasing, you receive a neat gray cardboard box, after opening which you will see the “capsule” - the core of the device. Under the bracelet itself there is a rubber strap made of high-quality material, a USB cord for charging the bracelet (there is no cube included) and instructions for the fitness tracker. This is the kit that the Xiaomi Mi Band fitness bracelet comes with.

How to turn on Mi Band 1S

When you start the Xiaomi Mi Band 1S bracelet for the first time, we recommend that you recharge it, since most often the device comes to the buyer completely discharged, and only then fully launch it. To do this, remove the bracelet capsule and insert it into the charger with two shiny contacts inward. After this, connect the charger to the outlet through the “cube” from the smartphone or connect it to a laptop/PC - if everything is turned on correctly, the diodes on the bracelet will start blinking. In the future, it will be enough to charge the gadget approximately once a month - this is quite enough, because it can be turned on for quite a long time.

In the meantime, your mi band bracelet is charging, download and install the application for Android Mi Fit on your smartphone (if you need Russian, download and install) or for iOS (iPhone, iPad) https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app /mi-fit/id938688461?mt=8 – through it you will further interact with your fitness tracker. The user manual that was in the box will not be useful to you - configure the bracelet using these instructions.


An important point in setting up Mi Band is - if you have not set up Mi accounts before, then you can do this through a browser or mobile application. In the first case, go to the official website and fill out the forms there, indicating your email address, date of birth and your country. And we recommend unchecking the box for sending messages from the Mi Store. Plus, some instructions write that you can use your mobile number instead of an e-mail address - to do this, click on the special item at the bottom of the page. After all the above steps have been completed, you will be prompted to enter your password twice and also enter a verification code. You can log into the system through the settings using your login and password.

But when launching the application and registering through it, it is better to use an email address rather than a phone number - for users from the CIS countries, registration through a mobile number has not yet been configured properly.

Xiaomi Mi Band: setup

And yet, the main question for users who have just bought a brand new Xiaomi accessory is the question “how to set up a fitness bracelet.” Setting it up is very simple:

  1. We activate the application using the registered login and password. The app will ask you to enter your gender, nickname, weight, height, date of birth and desired minimum number of steps per day. If you wish, you can change your personal data later.
  2. Connect the bracelet. Everything is very simple here - you need to connect and configure via Bluetooth wireless technology (turn it on on your smartphone), you just need to follow the recommendations specified in the application. First, select the device type, after which the application will ask you to press the bracelet - tap it lightly, this will be enough. If this manipulation has correctly configured the bracelet and everything is done correctly, a message will appear on the screen indicating that the device binding has been successfully completed.
  3. After successful connection, the bracelet's firmware will be updated, and for this operation to go smoothly, keep the tracker next to your smartphone. Once the firmware update is complete, you will see the open application interface on the phone display - now you can delve into the settings and activate the most interesting functions.

Mi Band Gestures

In the Mi Fit app itself, you can see three tabs called "Profile", "Activity" And "Notifications". In statistics you can view:

  • Number of steps taken and activity per day;
  • Statistics for any past period;
  • Grouping information by different time periods (day, week, month) and for the entire training course;
  • Information about the sleep of the bracelet owner: phases, duration of deep sleep, REM sleep, when there was awakening and much more;
  • Dynamics of changes in weight and differences in weight over different periods;
  • Body mass index, physique.

You can create several accounts, launch them at different times and view the data of several users. In the achievement bar, you can see the number of steps taken per day and whether the initially set goal was achieved. Sort information by date, share achievements on social networks or send them via instant messengers.

Function "Running" in Mi Bend you can activate it when you turn on the GPS - wait until the icon for the number of active satellites lights up green and start your activity. While you're running, Mi Fit will show basic information about your workout - if this feature is turned on, you'll see your speed, average pace and distance covered, calories burned, as well as your running trajectory. You can stop the countdown by long pressing "Pause".

In addition to viewing statistics through a smartphone, you can find out the statistics you are interested in with a special movement - as if you were looking at a wristwatch. This gesture will make the indicators flicker - if two of the three diodes are blinking, then you have already completed 2/3 of daily norm, one - more than 30% has been completed, the bracelet does not light up at all - you have not yet completed even a third of the number of steps planned for the day.

When the set goal is reached, the vibration will turn on, and the bracelet will flash at this time. When you check the distance traveled with a gesture "viewing the time on the clock" and the two outermost diodes light up, which means you have reached the goal, and if all three are blinking, the goal has been exceeded.

Other functions

  • The included incoming call notification function is very convenient;
  • Alarm clock (activates even when the phone is discharged);
  • Alerts about notifications in applications on a smartphone or about SMS messages - even the most ignorant user can easily activate the function in the settings;
  • Dust- and partially waterproof (you can shower with the bracelet or briefly dive with it to a depth of one meter);
  • Pulse measurement.

The first version of the bracelet became famous for the poor quality of the strap, but for more modern models Now the most durable alloy is used, and this significantly increases the wear resistance of the device.