How to remove an apron on your stomach: effective methods. How to get rid of an “apron” on your stomach

After sudden weight loss or childbirth, a fold of skin, the so-called apron, may form on the abdomen. Removing it is not as easy as it seems. Many people do different exercises, change their diet, but the fold of sagging skin still remains. What to do? How to remove an apron on your stomach at home? If you also encounter such a problem, read the recommendations from this article. By following the advice from Popular About Health, you will be able to get rid of the “apron” much faster.

Why is it very difficult to get rid of apron belly quickly at home??

What is a belly apron and why is it so difficult to remove? Essentially, it is a stretched fold of skin. It forms as a result of sudden weight loss or after childbirth. To get rid of it, first of all, you need to restore tone to the muscles and skin. Some try to reduce it with the help of diet, but in this case it will not help, because we are not dealing with fat, but loose skin. You need to combat this phenomenon comprehensively, working out the muscles lower press and increasing the elasticity of the skin in this place. What measures will help in this matter?

1. Exercises for the lower abdomen.

2. Self-massage.

3. Wraps.

To quickly get rid of an apron belly at home, you need to focus all your efforts on working on your body. But it is important to understand that skin elasticity is restored gradually. Be patient and follow all the recommendations day by day to achieve your goal.

Exercises for the lower abdomen

If you spend 20 minutes daily doing exercises for your lower abs, you will achieve excellent results within a month. Before you begin a series of exercises, be sure to warm up. Spend 5 minutes warming up by jumping or running in place.

1. For the first exercise, you need to lie on your back, put your arms along your body. Raise both legs about 15 cm from the floor and swing to the sides. Do at least two sets of 20 swings.

2. A familiar exercise called cycling will help restore tone to the muscles of the lower abdomen. To do this, you also need to lie on your back, clasp your hands behind the back of your head. Make rotational movements with your legs, as if you were pedaling a bicycle.

3. The third exercise is performed in the same position. Try to touch your elbow to the opposite knee one at a time. The non-working leg should be kept straight and not lifted off the floor.

4. Starting position we don't change. Place your hands along your body on the floor. Raise both legs up very slowly, and then lower them just as slowly. Make sure your knees don't bend.

Each exercise should be performed 20 times in 2-3 approaches. Then their effectiveness will be obvious. But muscle pumping alone is not enough - you need to pay special attention to increasing the elasticity of the skin in the abdominal area. How?

Abdominal massage for loose skin

It is not at all necessary to sign up for expensive procedures for the crease in your stomach to finally disappear. You can also remove it at home. You just need to master a few types of self-massage problem area:

1. Manual.
2. Honey.
3. Vacuum.

Manual massage

This type of massage will help prepare the skin for other methods of exposure and warm it up. Lie on a flat surface on your back. Start stroking your lower abdomen with your palms, moving clockwise. Then gather the fold of skin near the navel by grasping it between your thumb and index finger with both hands. Perform kneading movements, not forgetting the direction of movement. Work the entire area in a circle several times. Let's move on to the next stage.

Honey massage

Apply a little honey to the problem area. Pat the skin with your palms, moving clockwise. The honey will gradually be absorbed into the skin, making clapping will become increasingly difficult. This is the meaning of honey massage. The more intensely you clap and lift your palms away from your stomach, the stronger the effect on the deeper layers of the skin. Honey will remove toxins from this area, improve blood circulation, and saturate the cells with vitamins. Thanks to this, the skin will gradually gain elasticity. Pat for 10 minutes, then rinse off the sticky mass with warm water.

Vacuum self-massage

Honey massage must be alternated with vacuum massage. It is performed using silicone jars. You will need to lubricate your stomach with massage oil, squeeze the jar and apply it to the skin on the problem area. Roll the silicone cup clockwise over your stomach, moving around your navel. The procedure takes 5-10 minutes.


For wrapping you will need dry kelp seaweed and cling film. Brew the raw material with boiling water, cover, after steeping, apply the warm mixture to the stomach, distribute and wrap tightly cling film. It’s good if you manage to lie down under a warm blanket for 20 minutes during the procedure. If not, it’s okay, do your usual chores around the house, the effect will still be there.

If you can overcome laziness and take care of your stomach at home every day, follow these recommendations, then in a month there will be no trace of the ugly fold of skin left. Thanks to the exercises, the muscles will tighten, and massage and wraps will help tone the skin. The result will definitely please you, the main thing is to be persistent and try to devote time to these procedures every day.

A serious test for the skin. During a strict diet, the body experiences a lack of nutrients, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, becomes flabby and sags. Losing weight with heavy weight they face this too. According to experts, even with a healthy weight loss rate of 3-5 kg ​​per month, skin restoration can take about six months. There are ways to help speed up the process.

During a diet, the body does not receive enough nutrients. Dietary extremes such as low-carb diets with a minimum amount of fat do not leave their mark on the skin. To provide the body with everything it needs after losing weight, you need to determine your, calculate,.

The skin is the body's shield, so the use of creams containing collagen and elastin may not have an effect - the cream does not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin (calorizer). But including in the diet foods that help the body produce elastin and collagen itself will ensure skin regeneration.

It is necessary to abandon jumping movements and running. They help burn calories and train heart endurance, but are harmful to the skin. Get busy. They will help build muscles that will shape your figure. It's one thing when the skin hangs on the bones, and quite another when it fits a chiseled muscular frame.

As additional load To get rid of a belly apron, exercises aimed at... These are straight, reverse and side planks with leg lifts, gluteal bridges.

Massage from a specialist and give good effect, as they improve blood circulation and relieve stress. The main thing is to massage regularly and correctly, observing the sequence of movements and moving strictly according to massage lines. If it is not possible to regularly visit a massage therapist, learn the principles of self-massage.

Anti-cellulite and lifting massages have worked well in the fight against sagging skin. Gives a noticeable effect honey massage, but it is considered aggressive - sometimes it leaves bruises on the skin. Be careful with the abdominal area where vital organs are located. The average massage course is 10 procedures.

Similar to a massage - improves blood circulation and reduces stress. Special compositions for wraps can be bought in the store or prepared independently from clay, algae and oils (calorizator). Make sure there are no contraindications to wraps. For example, it is not recommended to do this for vein diseases, and it is prohibited for kidney diseases. The average course of wraps is 10-15 procedures.

There is a whole class of cosmetics for body skin care. To get rid of an apron on the stomach, corrective creams and scrubs will be relevant.

Corrective cream affects the top layer of skin, however, it should not be neglected. Choose a cream that contains vitamins and minerals, they nourish the skin. It's good if the composition includes caffeine. Even the most best composition will be useless if applied incorrectly. Do not spare the cream for yourself, rub it in with massage movements from bottom to top.

A scrub is necessary to cleanse the skin of dead cells. Clean skin recovers better. Choose scrubs based on or seeds. The cream must be used daily, and the scrub three times a week.

Getting rid of the belly apron and sagging skin in other parts of the body requires integrated approach. The speed of skin restoration is a matter not only of care, but also of genetics. Sometimes surgery is unavoidable. For example, when people lose 50 kg or more or lose weight in mature age. Abdominoplasty is a common surgical procedure, but it is advisable to resort to it when other methods have failed.

Skin-fatty deformation of the abdomen ( skin-fat apron– “panniculus”) is characterized by fatty and skin excesses of the anterior abdominal wall and their pronounced ptosis, which looks like a large hanging fold. The skin-fat apron can extend down to the groin area and thighs, causing the development of diaper rash in the folds of the skin, itching, irritation, and an unpleasant odor. A belly disfigured by an apron of skin and fat cannot be hidden with carefully selected toiletries; it is a hindrance in everyday activities, complicates intimate life, and leads to uncertainty and complexes.

The indication for plastic correction of abdominal tissue deformation is the presence of skin fat apron varying degrees of severity, usually in patients who are obese or have experienced massive weight loss. Before surgery, the patient's weight must be stable for at least one year; dietary therapy and special gymnastics. If a patient has undergone gastric reduction surgery, he should refrain from tummy tuck surgery for a year.

Methods for removing skin-fat apron

Panniculectomy surgery is performed in a hospital and is performed under general anesthesia. Its duration is several hours. After the operation, the patient is required to stay in the department for an average of one week.

During a panniculectomy, two surgical incisions are made: vertical - from the lower part of the sternum to the pubic bone and horizontal - in the pubic area, where excess adipose tissue and skin. Then the skin flaps are sutured, a catching drainage tube is placed in the wound, and an aseptic dressing is applied to the postoperative suture.

In the postoperative period, the dressing is changed regularly, and painkillers are administered if necessary. The patient is recommended to wear a support bandage continuously for two months and is prohibited from lifting anything weighing more than 4 kg.

If it is necessary to tighten the abdominal muscles, a patient with a skin-fat apron undergoes abdominoplasty, either separately or in addition to abdominal liposuction to improve the body contour. Small subcutaneous fat deposits can be removed using mini abdominoplasty, which leaves behind a smaller post-operative scar. Sometimes liposuction is enough to reduce the volume of the abdomen.

Abdominoplasty in the presence of a skin-fat apron is performed under general anesthesia using preliminary markings from an access in the lower abdomen. The duration of abdominoplasty is usually 2-3 hours, mini-abdominoplasty – 1-2 hours.

During the operation, a skin-fat flap is formed on the anterior abdominal wall, muscle discrepancy is eliminated, excess skin is identified and excised, and subcutaneous fat. Before suturing the surgical wound, thin (3-4 mm) silicone drains are installed. The wound is sutured in layers with a continuous intradermal suture.

After the operation, you will need to wear compression garments or a bandage for about 2 months. The sutures dissolve on their own after two weeks.

After about six months, the postoperative scar turns pale, becomes soft and becomes comparable to the skin. The surgical suture for abdominoplasty is long, connecting the ridges iliac bones above the womb. Mini abdominoplasty leaves a seam only above the pubic area. Scars after abdominoplasty are easily hidden under underwear or a swimsuit.

Complications of plastic correction of abdominal deformity

Any of the methods of plastic correction of skin-fatty abdominal deformity can be complicated by infection of the postoperative wound, bleeding, the formation of seroma (an encysted accumulation of clear fluid in the wound), the formation of an unaesthetic scar, and temporary loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​the surgical incision.

Removal of the skin-fat apron by surgical methods gives excellent results and in most cases maintains a long-lasting effect provided a balanced diet is followed.

Many representatives of the fair sex are faced with the problem of an apron belly. Is this problem solvable? The article will discuss ways to get rid of a sagging belly.

How to remove an apron on your stomach after a caesarean section

Many young mothers face the problem of a sagging belly after the birth of their baby. During pregnancy abdominal muscles and the skin is under quite a lot of stress. No wonder, because the volume of the abdomen increases, the muscles are tense, the skin stretches.

Not everyone correctly and adequately assesses the capabilities of their body. Pregnant women often refuse to wear a bandage, use creams against stretch marks and to maintain skin elasticity and tone. Few people think about preparing their body to carry a baby. About the need to lose weight, strengthen your abdominal muscles, and pay attention to your skin. As a result, after nine months of joyful anticipation and the birth of a child, the young mother is “as a reward” left with an unpleasant, saggy belly-apron.

It is often caused by surgery C-section. But even with natural childbirth There is a risk of sagging in the abdominal wall.

How to remove an apron belly at home?

After the operation, it is forbidden to play sports and strain the abdominal muscles for some time. Therefore, in the first time after childbirth, the best assistant is a postoperative (postpartum) bandage. You should wear it constantly, you can even leave it overnight. Of course, it will restrict movement, and it may be hot in it. But it is better to endure temporary inconveniences than to suffer with all your life ugly belly. An alternative to a bandage can be compression garments. It is softer and more comfortable to wear.

Within a month, the attending physician will allow you to start on the lungs. physical exercise. You can start pumping up your abs, doing crunches, breathing exercises. You can read about which exercises to choose.

Removing an apron on the stomach without surgery can be done in combination with sports and diet.

An important point in getting rid of an apron belly is precisely dietary food. Drinking regime, avoidance of smoked meats, sweets, fatty foods, starchy foods - this important rule struggle with the stomach.

Removing the apron on the stomach - abdominoplasty surgery

A small apron belly can be corrected with diet, sports loads, massage and healthy wraps. But if the skin is very sagging, these measures may not bring any results. Sometimes a woman loses significant weight and gains excellent physical fitness, but the “apron” doesn’t want to leave.

In this case, it can help. It is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, eliminating diastasis, hernias and getting rid of sagging belly and excess skin.

Abdominoplasty is one of the most difficult plastic surgery. It is performed under general anesthesia. After this, the patient undergoes long-term rehabilitation.

The result of the operation is amazing. The belly takes on a girlish shape.

Self-massage of the abdomen - removing the fat apron

For slightly fatty aprons, a professional massage of the abdomen and sides can help. It is performed both by specialists involved in anti-cellulite massage for weight loss, and independently. Usually a course of massage in combination with diet and drinking regime helps get rid of belly fat or reduce it a little. Massage is a rather painful procedure, which leaves bruises. It is aimed at breaking down the fat layer and reducing excess skin.

You can only get rid of a sagging belly with a thick layer of fat in this area through surgical methods. There are several of them. And the choice depends on the degree of development of the problem, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Read in this article

Causes of skin changes on the abdomen

The culprits behind the formation of the apron:

  • fluctuations in body weight;
  • pregnancy;
  • performing a caesarean section;
  • weak abdominal muscles.

Strain classification

The problem manifests itself with varying degrees of severity, that is, the lower edge of the apron can reach:

  • pubis (1st stage);
  • genital areas (2nd stage);
  • first third of the thighs (3rd stage);
  • their middle (4th stage);
  • knee level (5th stage).

When should you remove the skin apron?

The problem should be addressed if it:

  • affects blood circulation in the abdomen and the functioning of internal organs;
  • interferes with intimate life;
  • provokes irritation and diaper rash on the skin;
  • disrupts the patient's psychological balance.


Abdominoplasty is not performed if:

  • high degree of obesity;
  • serious heart and lung diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • scars above the navel left after other operations.

If a woman plans to become pregnant later, intervention is also not worth carrying out.

Types of fat apron removal with abdominoplasty

Depending on the characteristics of abdominoplasty, there are:

  • extended, that is, during the intervention the navel is transferred;
  • limited when he remains on same place, since only the lower abdomen is corrected;
  • mini, in which excess skin of the abdominal wall is removed, but the navel is not transferred.


Before surgery, the patient must:

  • take tests prescribed by your doctor;
  • give up bad habits and blood thinning medications;
  • stabilize general condition body;
  • 8 hours before it, do not eat or use cosmetics.

Execution method

The operation is divided into stages:

  • making an incision in the lower abdomen and detaching skin and fat;
  • navel separation;
  • elimination of hernias and muscle discrepancies;
  • excision of excess fat and skin;
  • tension of the left tissues towards the womb;
  • fixing the navel in a new place;
  • suturing the wound with installation of drainage.

To learn about what mini-abdominoplasty is and how to perform it, watch this video:


During the recovery period the following are required:

  • dressings 2 - 3 times a week until the sutures are removed;
  • wearing a compression bandage (1 - 2 months);
  • giving up bad habits;
  • a diet that ensures normal bowel function;
  • avoidance physical activity 5 - 8 weeks.

Possible complications

Problems after abdominoplasty are:

  • bleeding;
  • seromas and hematomas;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • local infection;
  • rough scars;
  • violation of abdominal sensitivity;
  • unsatisfactory aesthetic result.
a) Scar and b) tissue necrosis after abdominoplasty


The price of the operation depends on its scale, the qualifications of the doctor, and the region. It begins from 100,000 rub. It can reach 500,000 rubles.

Panniculectomy and its features

Panniculectomy is the removal of excess fat and skin from the abdomen using a scalpel, without changing the muscles of this area. It can be combined with abdominoplasty, but the method can also be used independently.


The main advantage of panniculectomy is that it gives a good aesthetic result while making small changes to the problem area. Rehabilitation is faster and with less discomfort than after abdominoplasty.


A ban on surgery exists in the same cases as with abdominoplasty. Some contraindications are relative. And if the condition is stabilized, a panniculectomy can be done.


The preliminary stage is similar to what is needed before abdominoplasty. This is a standard examination, bringing the body to an optimal state. It is important to give up bad habits.

Execution method

The operation is done in stages:

  • the patient is given anesthesia and the skin is treated with an antiseptic;
  • incisions are made from the sternum to the pubic bone and perpendicular to it above the pubis;
  • Excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen is excised;
  • the edges of the wound are sutured and drainage is installed.
  • wound suppuration;
  • necrosis;
  • numbness of the skin;
  • seromas, hematomas;
  • scarring.


The price of panniculectomy varies from 100,000 rubles. up to 400,000 rub. The factors influencing it are the region, the level of the clinic, and the specifics of the procedure.

Prevention of complications after getting rid of fatty apron

Bandage after abdominoplasty and panniculectomy.

Negative consequences of operations can be prevented:

  • seek help from a really good doctor at the initial stage of the problem;
  • carefully prepare for the intervention;
  • follow the surgeon’s recommendations during rehabilitation.

Which is better - panniculectomy or abdominoplasty?

Which operation is preferable depends on the subtleties of the problem. If the fold is hanging due to muscle separation, a panniculectomy will not help. In addition, with it, incisions are made in more visible places than with abdominoplasty.

Surgery is not a final and irrevocable solution to the problem. After it you need to monitor your weight and exercise. Otherwise, the apron may grow back.