How to check your fitness level. Fitness test: how to test your fitness level

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 4 minutes


The term " sports training“involves the competent use of all knowledge, conditions and methods for a targeted impact on the development of an athlete. Tests are non-specific exercises with a numerical result obtained through measurements. They are needed to understand your current health status and determine your readiness for physical activity. So, we determine the level of sports training.

Endurance test (squats)

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and, straightening your back, take a breath and sit down. We rise up as we exhale. Without stopping or resting, we do as many squats as we can. Next, write down the result and check it with the table:

  • Less than 17 times is the lowest level.
  • 28-35 times – average level.
  • More than 41 times – high level.

Shoulder girdle muscle endurance/strength test

Men do push-ups from their toes, beautiful ladies from their knees. Important point– the abs must be kept tense, the shoulder blades and lower back must not sink, the body must be kept in a level position (the hips and the body must be in line). When doing push-ups, lower yourself so that your head is 5 cm from the floor. We calculate the results:

  • Less than 5 push-ups is a weak level.
  • 14-23 push-ups – average level.
  • More than 23 push-ups is a high level.

Ruffier index

Determining the reaction cardiovascular system. We measure our pulse for 15 seconds (1P). Next, we squat 30 times for 45 seconds (medium pace). Having finished the exercises, we immediately begin measuring the pulse - first in 15 seconds (2P) and, after 45 seconds, again in 15 seconds (3P).

The Ruffier index itself is determined by the following formula:

IR = (4*(1P+2P+3P)-200)-200/10.

We calculate the result:

  • Index less than 0 – excellent.
  • 0-3 – above average.
  • 3-6 – satisfactory.
  • 6-10 – below average.
  • Above 10 – unsatisfactory.

In short, a result is considered excellent when the sum of heart beats is less than 50 for all three 15-second intervals.

Response of the autonomic nervous system to physical activity - orthostatic test

The test is carried out as follows:

In the morning (before exercise) or after 15 minutes (before eating), spent in a calm state and in a horizontal position, we measure the pulse in a horizontal position. We count the pulse for 1 minute. Then we get up and rest in an upright position. Again, count the pulse for 1 minute in a vertical position. The difference in the obtained values ​​indicates the reaction of the heart to physical activity subject to a change in body position, thanks to which one can judge the fitness of the body and the “working” state of regulatory mechanisms.


  • A difference of 0-10 strokes is a good result.
  • A difference of 13-18 beats is an indicator of a healthy, untrained person. Rating: satisfactory.
  • A difference of 18-25 strokes is unsatisfactory. Lack of physical fitness.
  • Above 25 beats is a sign of overwork or some illness.

If the average difference in shocks is 8-10 for you, then the body is able to recover quickly. With an increased difference, for example, up to 20 beats, it’s worth thinking about where you are overloading the body.

Assessing the body's energy potential - Robinson index

This value demonstrates the systolic activity of the main organ - the heart. The higher this indicator is at the height of the load, the higher the functional abilities of the heart muscles. Using the Robinson index, we can (of course, indirectly) talk about myocardial oxygen consumption.

How is the test performed?
We rest for 5 minutes and determine our pulse for 1 minute in a vertical position (X1). Next, you should measure the pressure: the upper systolic value must be remembered (X2).

The Robinson index (the desired value) looks like the following formula:

IR = X1*X2/100.

We evaluate the results:

  • IR equal to 69 and below - “excellent”. The working reserves of the cardiovascular system are in excellent shape.
  • IR is 70-84 – good. The working reserves of the heart are normal.
  • IR is 85-94 – average result. Indicates a probable insufficiency of the reserve capacity of the heart.
  • IR is 95-110 – the rating is “bad”. The result indicates disturbances in the functioning of the heart.
  • RI above 111 is very bad. The regulation of the heart is disrupted.

April 13, 2016

Let's look at how to conduct a fitness test to determine your level of physical fitness.

Level determination physical training is one of the most reliable ways to know if you are making progress in your training. And what is important: it is not at all necessary to contact fitness center specialists or use complex equipment for this. gyms. Everyone can check for themselves muscle strength, determine endurance and functionality cardiovascular system, identify opportunities in flexibility. And today we will tell you what special methods can help with this.

To check the level physical fitness muscles, respiratory system and circulatory systems usually resort to so-called tests. Such fitness tests are a kind of indicator of the sporting maximums that your body is capable of achieving for certain indicators.

The most representative ones are the push-up test, the crunch test, the 3-minute heart rate test, and the aerobic endurance test after walking 1.5 km. Below we will consider in detail the essence of each of these loads and the system of results for men and women that correspond to one or another level of physical fitness of a person (depending on his/her age).

However, first I would like to note that such testing fitness loads should be carried out more or less regularly (for example, once every 2-4 weeks). If you progress on the test, this will mean that you sports program, according to which you work in at the moment, is effective and promotes physical development. If test results remain unchanged or fall over time, then this should be a signal to make adjustments to the fitness plan.

Fitness Test No. 1. Push-ups

This type of load allows you to measure strength and strength pectoral muscles, shoulders and triceps, as well as the endurance of these muscle groups. Equipment needed: timer to count down 1 minute to complete the exercise.

Goal: Do as many push-ups as you can within a minute. Women can use a modified position called push-ups from a kneeling position.

Results for Men

Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Great > 54 > 44 > 39 > 34 > 29
Fine 45-54 35-44 30-39 25-34 20-29
Average 35-44 24-34 20-29 15-24 10-19
Low rate 20-34 15-24 12-19 8-14 5-9
Very low rate < 20 < 15 < 12 < 8 < 5

Results For Women

Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Great >48 >39 >34 >29 >19
Fine 34-48 25-39 20-34 15-29 5-19
Average 17-33 12-24 8-19 6-14 3-4
Low rate 6-16 4-11 3-7 2-5 1-2
Very low rate < 6 < 4 < 3 < 2 < 1

Tip for improving results: If you find yourself unable to do the desired number of repetitions, do not be discouraged. Try to improve your score gradually. To do this, focus on weight-bearing exercises that target the muscles of your chest, arms, and shoulders.

Fitness Test No. 2. Crunches

This type of exercise helps measure the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles. The advantage of this exercise is that it can be done anywhere. Equipment needed: Timer to count down one full minute.

Goal: perform as many crunches as possible in 1 minute.

Calculation of results: The figures below are adjusted for age and gender based on research in the field of sports medicine.

Results for Men

Age < 35 лет 35-44 years old > 45 years old
Great 60 50 40
Fine 45 40 25
Below average 30 25 15
Very low rate 15 10 5

Results For Women

Age < 35 лет 35-44 years old > 45 years old
Great 50 40 30
Fine 40 25 15
Below average 25 15 10
Very low rate 10 6 4

Improvement Tip: To improve your performance on this test, choose strength exercises that actively engage your core muscles. abdominals and lower back. Then try testing yourself again in 2-4 weeks.

Fitness Test No. 3. Heart Rate Restoration

This sports test is aimed at identifying aerobic endurance, that is, the ability of the cardiovascular system to respond to stress. In this exercise, the task is to determine how quickly heart rate returns to normal level after training load. The faster this happens, the more resilient the body.

Equipment needed: stopwatch, platform or box 30 cm high, metronome (to maintain a constant rhythm, 96 beats per minute). You can use the online metronome Metronome Online.

Goal: Do step-ups for 3 minutes without stopping while maintaining a consistent pace, then determine how quickly your heart rate returns to normal. To do this, after completing the test, sit on a bench and count your pulse (on your wrist or on your neck) for 1 minute. Rest for 1 minute and repeat the measurement. Then compare the result with the values ​​in the table.

step order

Results for Men

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+
Great 50-76 51-76 49-76 56-82 60-77 59-81
Fine 79-84 79-85 80-88 87-93 86-94 87-92
Above average 88-93 88-94 92-88 95-101 97-100 94-102
Average 95-100 96-102 100-105 103-111 103-109 104-110
Below average 102-107 104-110 108-113 113-119 111-117 114-118
Low rate 111-119 114-121 116-124 121-126 119-128 121-126
Very low rate 124-157 126-161 130-163 131-159 131-154 130-151

Results For Women

Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+
Great 52-81 58-80 51-84 63-91 60-92 70-92
Fine 85-93 85-92 89-96 95-101 97-103 96-101
Above average 96-102 95-101 100-104 104-110 106-111 104-111
Average 104-110 104-110 107-112 113-118 113-118 116-121
Below average 113-120 113-119 115-120 120-124 119-127 123-126
Low rate 122-131 122-129 124-132 126-132 129-135 128-133
Very low rate 135-169 134-171 137-169 137-171 141-174 135-155

Tip for improving your results: In order to improve your performance in this test, we recommend that you practice regular cardio training, gradually increasing its intensity.

Fitness Test No. 4. Aerobic Endurance After 1.5 km

This test measures your body's aerobic fitness level by measuring how quickly you can walk 1.5 km at submaximal speed.

Necessary equipment: comfortable clothes and sports shoes, stopwatch, stadium, playground, or flat road.

Goal: Walk 1.5 km as quickly as possible, but at a steady pace. Do not perform this test on a treadmill as this will skew the results. Also, before starting, warm up for 3-5 minutes.

Results for Men

Age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+
Great <11:54 <12:24 <12:54 <13:24 <14:06 <15:06
Fine 11:54-13:00 12:24-13:30 12:54-14:00 13:24-14:24 14:06-15:12 15:06-15:48
Average 13:01-13:42 13:31-14:12 14:01-14:42 14:25-15:12 15:13-16:18 15:49-18:48
Below average 13:43-14:30 14:13-15:00 14:43-15:30 15:13-16:30 16:19-17:18 18:49-20:18
Low rate >14:30 >15:00 >15:30 >16:30 >17:18 >20:18

Results For Women

Ecology of health: With the help of these tests you can independently determine your physical fitness and create an exercise program...

How to create an individual training program

Using these tests, you can independently determine your physical fitness and create an exercise program.

When determining physical fitness, a calculator is used, when compiling individual program classes – adder and dispenser.

Fitness calculator is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system and physical fitness using the CONTREX-2 scoring system (control-express).

The CONTREX-2 system was developed by domestic scientists S.A. Dushanin, E.A. Pirogova and L.Ya. Ivashchenko (1984), they created several diagnostic systems for primary (CONTREX-3), current (CONTREX-2) and self-monitoring (CONTREX-1).

Indicators for determining the level of physical condition according to the CONTREX-2 system are given below.

CONTREX-2 includes 11 indicators and tests, which are assessed as follows:

1. Age. Each year of life gives 1 point. For example, at age 50, 50 points are awarded, etc.

2. Body weight. Normal weight is estimated at 30 points. For each kilogram in excess of the norm, calculated using the following formulas, 5 points are deducted:

men: 50 + (height – 150)x0.75 + (age – 21)/4

women: 50 + (height – 150)x0.32 + (age – 21)/5

For example, a 50-year-old man with a height of 180 cm has a body weight of 85 kg, and normal body weight will be:

50 + (180 – 150) x 0.75 + (50 – 21)/4 = 80 kg.

For exceeding the age norm by 5 kg, 5x5 = 25 points are deducted from the total points.

3. Blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is worth 30 points. For every 5 mm Hg. Art. systolic or diastolic pressure above the calculated values, determined by the formula below, 5 points are subtracted from the total amount:

men: ADsyst. = 109 + 0.5 x age + 0.1 x body weight;
ADdiast. = 74 + 0.1 x age + 0.15 x body weight;

women: ADsyst. = 102 + 0.7 x age + 0.15 x body weight;
ADdiast. = 78 + 0.17 x age + 0.1 x body weight.

For example, a 50-year-old man weighing 85 kg has a blood pressure of 150/90 mmHg. Art.

The age norm for systolic pressure is:

109 + 0.5 x 50 + 0.1 x 85 = 142.5 mmHg. Art.

Normal diastolic pressure:

74 + 0.1 x 50 + 0.15 x 85 = 92 mm Hg. Art.

For exceeding the norm of systolic pressure by 7 mm Hg. Art. 5 points are deducted from the total.

4. Pulse at rest. For each hit less than 90, one point is awarded. For example, a heart rate of 70 per minute gives 20 points. If the pulse is 90 or higher, no points are awarded.

5. Flexibility. Standing on a step with your knees straight, bend forward, touching the mark below or above the zero point (it is at the level of your feet) and maintaining the pose for at least 2 seconds. Each centimeter below the zero point, equal to or exceeding the age norm given for men and women in the table. 1, is estimated at 1 point; if the standard is not met, no points are awarded. The test is carried out three times in a row, and the best result is counted.

For example, a 50-year-old man, when bending over, touched a mark of 8 cm below the zero mark with his fingers. According to table. 1, the standard for a 50-year-old man is 6 cm. Therefore, 1 point is awarded for meeting the standard and 2 points for exceeding it. The total is 3 points.

Table 1. Motor test standards for assessing basic physical qualities

Age, years Flexibility, cm Speed, cm Dynamic force, cm Speed ​​endurance Speed-strength endurance General Stamina
10-minute run, m 2000 m, min.
husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives
19 9 10 13 15 57 41 18 15 23 21 3000 2065 7,00 8,43
20 9 10 13 15 56 40 18 15 22 20 2900 2010 7,10 8,56
21 9 10 14 16 55 39 17 14 22 20 2800 1960 7,20 9,10
22 9 10 14 16 53 38 17 14 21 19 2750 1920 7,30 9,23
23 8 9 14 16 52 37 17 14 21 19 2700 1875 7,40 9,36
24 8 9 15 17 51 37 16 13 20 18 2650 1840 7,50 9,48
25 8 9 15 17 50 36 16 13 20 18 2600 1800 8,00 10,00
26 8 9 15 18 49 35 16 13 20 18 2550 1765 8,10 10,12
27 8 9 16 18 48 35 15 12 19 17 2500 1730 8,20 10,24
28 8 8 16 18 47 34 15 12 19 17 2450 1700 8,27 10,35
29 7 8 16 18 46 33 15 12 19 17 2400 1670 8,37 10,47
30 7 8 16 19 46 33 15 12 18 16 2370 1640 8,46 10,58
31 7 8 17 19 45 32 14 12 18 16 2350 1620 8,55 11,08
32 7 8 17 19 44 32 14 11 18 16 2300 1590 9,04 11,20
33 7 8 17 20 43 31 14 11 17 16 2250 1565 9,12 11,30
34 7 8 17 20 43 31 14 11 17 15 2220 1545 9,20 11,40
35 7 8 18 20 42 30 14 11 17 15 2200 1520 9,28 11,50
36 7 7 16 20 42 30 13 11 17 15 2200 1500 9,36 12,00
37 7 7 18 21 41 29 13 11 16 15 2100 1475 9,47 12,12
38 6 7 18 21 41 29 13 11 16 15 2100 1460 9,52 12,20
39 6 7 19 21 40 29 13 10 16 14 2000 1445 10,00 12,30
40 6 7 19 22 39 28 13 10 15 14 2000 1420 10,08 12,40
41 6 7 19 22 39 28 13 10 15 14 2000 1405 10,14 12,48
42 6 7 19 22 39 28 12 10 15 14 2000 1390 10,22 12,58
43 6 7 20 22 38 27 12 10 15 14 2000 1370 10,30 13,07
44 6 7 20 23 38 27 12 10 15 14 1950 1355 10,37 13,16
45 6 7 20 23 37 27 12 10 15 13 1950 1340 10,44 13,25
46 6 7 20 23 37 27 12 10 15 13 1900 1325 10,52 13,34
47 6 7 20 23 36 26 12 9 15 13 1900 1310 10,58 13,43
48 6 6 21 24 36 26 12 9 14 13 1900 1300 11,05 13,52
49 6 6 21 24 36 26 11 9 14 13 1850 1285 11,12 14,00
50 6 6 21 24 35 25 11 9 14 13 1850 1273 11,19 14,08
51 6 6 21 24 35 25 11 9 14 13 1800 1260 11,25 14,17
52 6 6 22 25 35 25 11 9 14 12 1800 1250 11,34 14,25
53 5 6 22 25 34 25 11 9 14 12 1800 1235 11,40 14,34
54 5 6 22 25 34 24 10 9 14 12 1750 1225 11,46 14,42
55 5 6 22 25 34 24 10 9 13 12 1750 1215 11,54 14,50
56 5 6 22 25 33 24 10 9 13 12 1750 1200 12,00 14,58
57 5 6 23 26 33 24 10 9 13 12 1700 1190 12,05 15,06
58 5 6 23 26 33 24 10 9 13 12 1700 1180 12,11 15,14
59 5 6 23 26 33 23 10 8 13 12 1700 1170 12,17 15,20
60 5 6 23 26 32 23 10 8 13 12 1650 1160 12,24 15,30

6. Speed. It is assessed by a “relay” test based on the speed at which the strongest hand squeezes a falling ruler. For each centimeter equal to the age norm or less, 2 points are awarded.

The test is performed in a standing position. The strongest hand with straightened fingers (palm edge down) is extended forward. The assistant takes a 50-centimeter ruler and sets it vertically (the number “zero” faces the floor). In this case, your hand is approximately 10 cm below the end of the ruler.

After the “attention” command, the assistant must release the ruler within 5 seconds. The subject is faced with the task of as quickly as possible large and index fingers grab the ruler. The distance in centimeters is measured from the bottom edge of the palm to the zero mark of the ruler.

The test is carried out three times in a row, the best result is counted.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the test result was 17 cm, which is 4 cm better than the age standard. There are 2 points for meeting the norm and 4x2 = 8 points for exceeding it. The total amount is 10 points.

7. Dynamic force (Abalakov’s test). Estimated by the maximum height of a standing jump. For each centimeter equal to or exceeding the standard value given in table. 1, 2 points are awarded.

Running the test: the subject stands sideways to the wall next to a vertically mounted measuring scale (student's ruler 1 m long). Without lifting his heels from the floor, he touches the scale raised upwards as high as possible. active hand. Then he moves away from the wall at a distance of 15 to 30 cm, without taking a step, jumps up, pushing off with both legs. With his more active hand, he touches the measuring scale as high as possible. The difference between the values ​​of the first and second touch characterizes the height of the jump. Three attempts are given, the best one counts.

For example, a 50-year-old man has a result of 40 cm. This exceeds the age norm by 5 cm (see Table 1). For fulfilling the standard, 2 points are awarded, for exceeding - 5x2 = 10 points. The total is 10+2 = 12 points.

8. Speed ​​endurance. The maximum frequency of raising straight legs to an angle of 90° from a supine position is calculated in 20 seconds. For each lift equal to or exceeding the standard value, 3 points are awarded.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the test result was 15 lifts, which exceeds the age norm by 4. For fulfilling the norm, 3 points are awarded, for exceeding 4x3 = 12 points. Total 15 points.

9. Speed-strength endurance. The maximum frequency of bending the arms in a lying position (women in a kneeling position) is measured in 30 seconds with 4 points awarded for each bending equal to or exceeding the standard.

For example, when testing a 50-year-old man, the frequency of bending his arms in support in 30 s was 18 times. This exceeds the age standard by 4 and gives 4x4 = 16 points, plus 4 points for meeting the standard value. The total is 20 points.

10. General endurance.

1) Persons who have not previously engaged physical exercise or who have been practicing for no more than 6 weeks, can use the following indirect method.

Performing endurance exercises five times (running, swimming, cycling, rowing, skiing or skating) for 15 minutes at a heart rate of at least 170 per minute minus age in years (the maximum allowable heart rate is 185 minus age) - gives 30 points, 4 times a week – 25 points, 3 times a week – 20 points, 2 times – 10 points, 1 time – 5 points, not a single time and if the rules described above regarding heart rate and training aids are not followed – 0 points.

For completion morning exercises no points are awarded.

general endurance is assessed based on the result of a 10-minute run over the greatest possible distance. For fulfilling the standard given in table. 2, 30 points are awarded and for every 50 m of distance exceeding this value, 15 points. For every 50 m of distance less than the age standard, 5 is subtracted from 30 points. The minimum number of points scored on this test is 0. The test is recommended for individuals who independently engage in physical exercise.

3) For group classes the level of development of general endurance is assessed using races of 2000 m for men and 1700 m for women. The control is the standard time given in table. 1. For completion regulatory requirement 30 points are awarded and for every 10 seconds less than this value - 15 points. For every 10 seconds more than the age standard, 5 points are subtracted from 30 points. The minimum number of points for the test is 0.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the result of a 10-minute run will be 1170 m, which is 103 m less than the age standard. Therefore, the sum of points for this test will be 30–10 = 20 points.

11. Pulse recovery.

1) For those who do not exercise after 5 minutes of rest in a sitting position, take your pulse for 1 minute, then do 20 deep squats for 40 seconds and sit down again. After 2 minutes, measure the pulse again for 10 seconds and multiply the result by 6. Compliance with the initial value (before the load) gives 30 points, exceeding the pulse by 10 beats - 20 points, by 15 - 10 points, by 20 - 5 points, more than 20 beats – 10 points should be subtracted from the total.

2) Those who exercise for more than 6 weeks Heart rate recovery is assessed 10 minutes after the end of a 10-minute run or a 2000 m run for men and 1700 m for women by comparing the post-run heart rate with the initial value. Their coincidence gives 30 points, exceeding up to 10 hits - 20 points, 15 - 10 points, 20 - 5 points, more than 20 hits - 10 points should be subtracted from the total amount.

For example, a 50-year-old man’s heart rate before running was 70 per minute, 10 minutes after a 10-minute run it was 72, which practically coincides with the initial heart rate and this provides 30 points.


After summing up the scores obtained for all 11 indicators physical condition is estimated as:

– low– less than 50 points;
– below average– 51–90 points;
– average– 91–160 points;
– above average– 160–250 points;
– high– more than 250 points.

There is quite large number scientifically based fitness tests to check your condition. Fitness tests are needed to determine the most important parameters of your body:

1. Level of development of the cardiovascular system.
2. Level of flexibility in certain areas of the body.
3. Condition of the spine (most important curves).
4. Level of strength and endurance in certain (most important for you) exercises: push-ups, squats, strength exercises with weight, running certain distances against time.

How to choose fitness tests for yourself?

First, clearly define the parameters you want to work with in training. You need to select tests that correspond to the parameter being tested.

Development of flexibility

If you are working on flexibility, use and also check. The last test is useful for everyone to do to avoid troubles with the lower back.

General physical training

If you are engaged in general physical training and health activities, regularly do, or. They will tell you when to pay attention to cardio training.

Regularly test yourself in test exercises: squats for reps, reps, squats with a barbell, pull-ups, long jumps, running over a certain distance, etc. If the results are growing, then everything is in order. If they decrease or do not change, it is worth taking measures to improve training program or just take a few days off.

Weight loss

If you are working on weight loss, regularly perform the Ruffier-Dixon test, weigh yourself (no more than once a week), take body measurements (once a month).

Test formula: RDI = (4 x (P1 + P2 + P3) – 200) / 10

Strength development, powerlifting

If you train for strength, regularly test your capabilities in the most important strength exercises:,. Progress is clearly visible if you keep regular training records. The increase in working weights and the number of repetitions with them speaks for itself.

Don't forget to test yourself with the Ruffier-Dixon test. It will show the condition of the heart. If the indicators get worse, you need to pay attention to cardio training.

Bodybuilding and muscle gain

Bodybuilding classes and recruitment muscle mass involve regular weighing and girth measurements of all areas of the body. Pay special attention to your waist circumference. If it grows noticeably, then you need to pay attention to nutrition (type extra pounds, not related to muscles). Also get a Ruffier-Dixon or Cooper test regularly to monitor your heart health.

Choose the fitness test that suits you and do it regularly every 2-4 weeks at the same time of day. Compare the results and draw conclusions.

Any questions you may have can be asked through the comment form under the articles.

For training to be enjoyable and beneficial, you must be able to do it. We offer fitness tests that will help determine whether you have enough flexibility, strength and endurance, how strong your muscles are and how your heart reacts to stress.

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Elasticity and muscle development test

How difficult is it for you to do the exercises, all or part of them?

The result will become clear after completing these exercises. Can you hold the number of seconds indicated in the picture? If yes, then the result is good. If not, there is something to work on.

Repeat the test after one and a half to two months.

Balance Test

When we try with all our might to maintain balance, all major muscle groups work simultaneously. Let's try!

For the test, we suggest using the “swallow”, familiar from childhood, or, as yogis call it, virabhadrasana. Start the stopwatch and take a pose.

Determine the result:

Great. You can easily maintain your balance for more than 20 seconds.

Good. Maintain your balance for approximately 10 seconds.

Satisfactory. Maintain your balance for approximately 5 seconds.

Weak. Maintain your balance for less than 5 seconds.

By the way, to hold this pose, the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks, back surface thighs and calf muscles.

Strength test

We evaluate the strength of the muscles of the upper, middle and lower parts of the body.

Take a pose called low plank. Typically, the abdominal muscles are tested by performing crunches. But some instructors prefer the bar, based on the results of which one can judge strength deep muscles housings. Take a plank pose: bend your elbows, clasp your hands or place them parallel to each other, lean on your hands so that your body weight is evenly distributed over your forearms.

Stretch your body from head to toe into a line. Hold this position as long as you can.

We evaluate the results:

Okay - over 90 seconds.

Average - from 60 to 90 seconds.

Poor - less than 60 seconds.

Cardiotest (endurance test)

The test will require a stopwatch and a step on a staircase in a park or hallway.

Record the number of heart beats per minute.

Step up and down the step at a fast pace for three minutes.

Count the number of heart beats per minute after three minutes of the test. This indicator will be the result.

Important! If it becomes difficult to keep up the pace, shortness of breath appears, it is better to take a break.

Up to 30 years old. Good - up to 90 beats per minute. Satisfactory - more than 90 beats per minute.

Up to 50 years old Good - up to 92 beats per minute. Satisfactory - more than 92 beats per minute.

From 50 years old Good - up to 94 beats per minute. Satisfactory - more than 94 beats per minute.

Bad - the pulse jumped sharply, greatly exceeds the indicated numbers and slowly decreases.

At good result you can afford any cardio exercise. If the result is weak, accustom your body to stress gradually: first, walk for half an hour a day (in the park or on a treadmill), first at a relaxed pace, and then at an average and fast pace.

Sport is the key to health, longevity and beautiful figure! Have fun!