Jump rope calories. Burn calories by jumping

Anyone who dreams of losing weight has probably thought more than once about finding the most effective way getting rid of extra calories.

Every woman dreams of a beautiful and slim figure. And to get rid of extra pounds and tighten the body, some women use the most drastic methods: fasting days, diets and even fasting, expensive cosmetic procedures, questionable biological supplements. Many people do not take into account that all of the above methods can only give short-term and rather dubious results. And the secret of beauty and youth is very simple and does not require large expenditures - this is proper nutrition And physical activity. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to regularly torture your body with many hours of exercise; a few are enough. simple exercises per day, provided they are performed regularly. One of the most effective methods to burn extra calories is jumping rope; they will be indispensable for those who do not have time to visit gym, because you can spend calories jumping on the spot without leaving your home.

How many calories are burned when jumping rope?

On average, jumping rope for an hour can burn between 700 and 750 calories, or about 250 calories in 20 minutes. However, for each person the number of calories burned when jumping is different. This depends on the following factors:

  • Initial weight of a person;
  • Duration of jumps;
  • Type of jumps;
  • Human diet and lifestyle.

The longer the duration and weight, the more calories the body will generally be able to burn. However, the load should be increased gradually so as not to cause severe shortness of breath, heart problems and pain in the legs, especially for beginners.

The effect of practicing with a skipping rope directly depends on the number of its rotations. There should be at least 70 of them per minute. By devoting just fifteen minutes to jumping rope, you can easily lose about 200 kilocalories while maintaining an intensity of about 100 jumps per minute. An hour of jumping - 800 calories. If you jump high, you can get rid of 500 to 900 calories. As a comparison, we can give the following example: jumping rope burns more calories than cycling, running (jumping rope for 15 minutes can be equated to half an hour of running) and swimming, but does not require special equipment and a gym.

That is why, having learned how many calories are burned by jumping rope, women losing weight are increasingly using such exercises at home. After all, losing weight on some diets is quite problematic, which is confirmed by nutritionists themselves. For healthy and proportional weight loss, uniform weight loss and muscle building is necessary, which can only be achieved with a balanced diet and simultaneous fitness or sports activities.

However, as with any other sport, you should not jump rope vigorously right away, because it will be quite difficult for an unprepared person to continuously train for an hour or longer. In general, for a beginner, the first five minutes of jumping will be quite ordeal, since at this time the body will intensively adapt to the mode of operation in conditions of lack of oxygen. But after 6-7 minutes you will feel significant relief as the body adapts to the stress. Hands are also well trained during exercise with a jump rope, because the frequency of muscle contractions is almost 30 times higher than when jogging.

Losing weight with a jump rope is very effective when you need to reduce weight in the legs and hips. After just two to three weeks of regular exercise, you will notice a decrease in volume in the hips and legs, an increase in muscle density and increased tone. In addition, jumping rope exercises help fight cellulite, which is important for almost every woman. Moreover, you yourself can regulate the intensity of the load thanks to this table.

The benefits of jumping rope

Jumping rope not only helps you burn calories and get rid of cellulite. Jumping rope is also useful for correcting posture and developing coordination of movements. Thanks to jumping rope, the overall endurance of the body increases, the legs are trained, flabby skin and cellulite on the thighs disappear, the skin of the arms is tightened, the muscles are strengthened, and the abs are trained. It also promotes health and stimulates work respiratory systems, will remove waste and toxins from the body and perfectly protect against varicose veins veins But you need to remember that only regular, systematic classes on a jump rope.

Jumping is a fairly simple activity that puts stress on all types of muscles and also requires complete dedication. This type of exercise is an alternative to cardio equipment, because it stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Another plus is that the jump rope is inexpensive, and apart from it you will not need any other equipment for your classes.

How to choose a jump rope

The calorie burning of a jump rope is directly related to the comfort of the jump rope. To choose it correctly, you should stand with your foot in the middle so that the handles are at armpit level. For example, if you are 170 cm tall, a 250 cm long jump rope is suitable.

To burn calories, the rope should have a diameter of 0.8-0.9 cm. It is recommended to determine the length of the rope using the following method: stand in the middle with both feet, and take the ends of the rope in your hands and pull it along the body. If the handles reach the level of the armpits, then this is the optimal length of the rope. If the rope is too long, it will be difficult for you to control your movements, and if the rope is too short, you will have to constantly tuck your legs. Recently, a jump rope with a calorie counter has become increasingly popular. And indeed, this is very convenient, because there is no need to count how many calories are burned on a jump rope; you just need to look at the monitor screen to decide whether you need to exercise more or whether it’s already enough. Thus, the optimal choice would still be a jump rope with a calorie counter, although it costs a little more than a regular jump rope.
Among the “advanced” jump ropes, you can purchase a jump rope with a display. She will count the jumps and the time spent training. To effectively get rid of calories, exercise should take place every day for about half an hour.

Shoes for exercise are important. Only ribbed soles on high-quality shoes will help against overload and damage to the tendons. It is also better to choose tight-fitting clothes so that the jump rope does not cling to it.

How to learn to jump rope

For efficient combustion Jump rope alone is not enough calories. Must be mastered correct technique jumping. To begin with, it will be enough to simply learn to jump in one place and twist the rope evenly and correctly.

Jumping in place. Your arms should be placed at your sides and your elbows slightly bent. Take one step and then lightly jump onto the toes of your left foot, repeat the same for right leg. per minute at correct execution There should be about 75 movements. You need to land carefully and softly on the balls of your feet, and push off the floor with your big toes. Under no circumstances should you land on your full foot. The amplitude of the jumps should be approximately 30 cm.

Once you have mastered the technique of jumping in place, you can start jumping rope. You should start jumping with a minimum frequency, this will help warm up the muscles and avoid injury. The pace should be increased gradually. To burn calories on a jump rope, you will have to jump non-stop for about half an hour. It is recommended to exercise at least three times a week.

Several simple and effective exercises with a skipping rope

"Flight"(allows you to spend 260-280 cal in 15 minutes). Stand up straight with a jump rope in your hands. Do 5 regular jumps, and after that 3 jumps with your legs tucked under you, as close to your hips as possible. Continue by performing 5 regular jumps again, etc.

"Soldier"(on average burns about 250-260 calories in 15 minutes). Become as in the first exercise by performing 5 regular jumping ropes. After this, straighten and tense your entire body and thus do 10 more jumps. Alternate these types of jumps in a circle.

"Hip-hop"(allows you to burn about 230-240 cal in 15 minutes). Starting position remains unchanged. Perform 3 regular jumps, then “step” from foot to foot, using a jump rope and repeating the springing movements on your toes. Perform 10 such jumps, and then again 3 regular ones, etc.

1. At least three hours must pass after eating. It is permissible to jump only on an empty stomach.

2. Immediately after and before training, you should not drink liquid.

3. You should stop exercising if any discomfort occurs.

4. When jumping intensely, it is permissible to take short breaks of a few seconds. You will definitely need them to catch your breath, but you shouldn’t make them longer. Otherwise, the heart rate will drop significantly and this will negatively affect the lesson.

To fully burn calories, you should warm up before picking up a jump rope. It is aimed at warming up the muscles. Bends and squats are ideal.

After a preliminary warm-up, we begin jumping smoothly, gradually accelerating. Your back should be kept straight and your knees slightly bent. Landing should be on your toes. You can jump on both legs or on each leg alternately.

The height of each jump should not be high, ideally three centimeters. The strongest and most resilient can try double jump with double rotation. Jumping with a crossed rope is suitable for loading all muscle groups at the same time.

Calorie consumption when jumping in place

For those who do not have a jump rope at home, jumping on the spot is an excellent alternative (you will spend no less calories). Let's look at similar exercises that will help you get rid of 230 to 280 calories in 15 minutes, depending on their type.

High leg lift. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Jump, raising your legs and knees to your stomach as high as possible.

Raising hands. Stand straight, feet together, arms at your sides. Perform a jump while spreading your legs shoulder-width apart and raising your arms up, crossing them behind your head. Perform the exercise at a fast pace without stopping.

Jump with a turn. Legs in a bent position, shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Perform 2 jumps, and then during the jump, turn 180 degrees in either direction and jump 2 times again.

Body rotations. Legs together and feet turned out left side. The arms are spread out to the sides parallel to the floor. While jumping, simultaneously turn your feet and body to the right, then vice versa.

"Ladder". Get into a straight plank position. Legs together, one arm straight, raised up, and the other bent at the elbow. Jump, alternately changing the position of your arms and legs (one up, the other down, etc.).

"Scissors". The starting position of the legs is as in the previous exercise. In the first jump, spread your legs apart, and in the second, bring them together again, trailing behind each other.

"Grasshopper". Get into a straight plank position without moving your arms. When jumping, bend both legs, trying to reach your hands with them, and then return to the starting position.

However, these exercises are not recommended for those who have any problems with the back and spine. How many calories are burned when jumping in place? Answer: about the same as when jumping rope. Here, too, everything depends on the type of exercise chosen, the duration of the workout and the person’s initial weight.

Contraindications to using a jump rope

  • musculoskeletal problems;
  • migraine or just headache;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • excessive obesity (calculated using BMI on a calculator on the Internet);
  • temporary disturbances in health;
  • sudden surges in pressure;
  • diseases associated with intervertebral discs and cartilage.

Many women, in an attempt to lose weight, exhaust themselves with painful hunger strikes. cosmetic procedures, use questionable drugs without even knowing how many calories are burned when jumping rope. With increased physical activity, the heart rate increases, cardio training occurs, and metabolic processes in the body accelerate, which leads to increased fat burning. A regular classes on this simulator develop muscles, make the body slim and fit. From this article you will learn how many kcal are burned when jumping rope in order to create your own individual weight loss schedule.

Energy consumption of skipping

Bouncing requires a certain amount of energy from the body, so it begins to burn accumulated fat reserves. How many calories does it cost to jump rope?

If you compare skipping with others active species sports, then in terms of energy consumption it will be ahead of running, cycling, swimming, aerobics and gymnastics. Jumping rope is the optimal price-result ratio for burning fat. Their advantages:

  • sports equipment is inexpensive;
  • allow you to practice anywhere;
  • exercise muscles, breathing, normalize heart function;
  • increase the body's endurance;
  • eliminate sagging skin and cellulite.

To achieve a noticeable effect in losing weight, skipping should be done regularly, intensively, supplementing your workouts with a healthy diet.

Visualize how many calories jumping rope burns compared to other activities

Skipping: how many calories are burned during exercise

Jumping over a rope is an important area in aerobics, shaping and is used for weight loss in women. Ladies are often interested in the question of how many calories can be burned by jumping rope.

Energy consumption when skipping will differ for each person. It depends on:

  • initial weight of a person;
  • types of jumps used in training;
  • usual lifestyle and nutrition.

Energy consumption will depend on your activity.

The table shows how much energy will be burned in people of different weights during an hour-long skipping session - jumping rope, calories

Energy consumption during skipping depends on the time devoted to training. On average, in 10 minutes of jumping, a person with a body weight in the range of 60-70 kg burns 115, in 30 minutes - about 300 kcal, which is 4-5 times higher than the energy consumption of walking.

The final effect of jumping rope also depends on the intensity of training. To achieve results in losing weight, you must perform at least 70 jumps per minute. In 20 minutes of training, 200 kcal are spent, in 1 hour - 800, with high jumps - 500-920 kcal.

During intense jumps, the heart rate increases, so during training you should take short breaks of 1-2 minutes to catch your breath.

The table shows how many calories are lost by people weighing 60 and 70 kg for different periods of skipping.

How many calories are burned by doing 100 jumping jacks?

Research has confirmed that in 1 minute a person can do a maximum of a hundred jumping ropes. How many calories does a jump rope burn in 100 jumps?

At such a high pace, he will lose 26-30 kcal. After completing 500 jumps, energy consumption will increase to 40-45, 1000 jumps - 86-110, 1500 jumps - 130-150, 2000 jumps - about 175-200 kcal.

Please note: fat burning in skipping is most effective when your heart rate is between 110-130 beats/minute.

Not everyone is able to maintain the maximum pace for a long time, performing 100 jumping ropes in a minute; how many calories are burned in this case?

The table shows the average energy consumption of jumping rope and how many calories are burned.

A jump rope with a calorie counter will help ease the burdensome calculation of the number of jumps and energy spent. It is equipped with a display where you enter your weight - a smart electronic system will record it, and after each lesson it will display the result of the exercises.

Jump rope with a timer and automatic calorie counting - will help you monitor your figure parameters


After women find out how many calories jumping rope burns, they purchase this sports equipment and begin to practice at home. After 3-4 weeks of regular training, the effect is noticeable - they decrease body fat on the hips, abdomen, the tone of the muscles of the legs and arms increases, the skin becomes more toned. You can burn calories and keep your body in shape by jumping on a rope for only 20-15 minutes/day.

A jump rope can be called a portable home exercise machine. As a rule, it costs a penny, does not require special storage conditions, takes up absolutely no space, and can be used wherever there is enough space to spread it. And most importantly, it gives amazing results!


During jumps, the heart works faster, blood circulation and metabolism accelerate, the lungs are trained, toxins are eliminated, fat deposits are actively consumed, and cellulite disappears. In just a few weeks, your significantly slimmer legs, thighs and buttocks will attract attention.

How many calories are burned when jumping rope? More than cycling, swimming and walking. Depending on the weight and pace of jumping, a person can lose 400-700 calories in an hour, or about 9 kcal per 1 kg of weight. Naturally, the more you weigh, the more fat you will burn.

  • If you weigh 50-60 kg, you can lose 400-500 calories per hour.
  • With a weight of 70-80 kg, you will burn 550-650 calories per hour.
  • If your weight is 90 kg or more, minus 700 calories per hour.

Meanwhile, an hour of sports dancing or aerobics burns only 300-400 calories, and an hour of puffing on strength training equipment- about 600. In the difficult task of losing weight and fighting cellulite, a jump rope is the best assistant.

But jumping for an hour is not an easy task. Anyone who has ever tried it has noticed how difficult the first minutes are. The fact is that you can’t jump slowly at first and then speed up. The pace is initially quite fast and similar to running at high speed. The body experiences enormous stress and functions in anaerobic mode, experiencing real oxygen starvation in the muscles. Fortunately, this effect lasts only the first 5-7 minutes. During this time, the body has time to adapt. Jumping becomes less difficult, and fat and cellulite begin to burn at a crazy speed.


Not everyone can jump. This method of losing weight is prohibited if:

  • diseases of the joints, cartilage, spine;
  • heart disease;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • too much heavy weight, obesity;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • surgical intervention.

100 jumps away from perfection


Let's start, perhaps, with the choice of “tools of labor”. And the choice, believe me, is great. There are high-speed jump ropes that make more revolutions than regular ones; weighted, putting a lot of stress on the muscles of the arms and back; children's and even electronic ones with a built-in counter for revolutions and calorie expenditure. To fight cellulite and lose weight, there is no need for unnecessary bells and whistles; a simple jump rope will do. But even among inexpensive models, it is important not to make a mistake and choose the ideal one.

The optimal cable length is quite easy to determine. Fold the model you like in half and stretch your arms forward. The rope does not lie on the floor, does not dangle half a meter away from it, but barely touches the floor - this is your size.

  • If your height is no higher than 1.52 m, a length of 210 cm is recommended;
  • Height 1.52-1.67 m – length 250 cm;
  • Height 1.67-1.83 m – length 280 cm;
  • Above 1.83 cm – length 310 cm.

Pay attention to what the cable is made of. Too light will not bring desired result, the “simulator” will spin slowly and will not give a good load. Choose from polyvinyl, rubber or nylon models. The ideal cable thickness is 0.8-0.9 cm.

The correct handles are comfortable and noticeably heavy. They should not slip out of sweaty palms.

How to dress for training?

It would seem that at home you can jump in anything. Not so. It turns out that the form of clothing also affects the result. If you want to lose more weight, dress warmer. A couple more hundred will burn along with the sweat. extra calories and excess fat cells that form cellulite. Have you decided to do without the sauna effect? Wear tight-fitting clothing that won't snag or snag you.

A sports bra for girls is a must. It will fix the breasts and protect them from stretch marks.

Do not jump in socks or barefoot. You can get injured in your knees, ankles or spine, because they bear the main load. Wear high-quality sports shoes that are springy and will absorb impacts. Bad shoes will lead to blisters and rapid fatigue.

How to jump to lose weight?

The first workouts should not last more than 15 minutes, preferably 5-10. Always start with a warm-up. After a couple of weeks, when the body has already become accustomed to the new type of exercise, increase the duration to half an hour. After another 2-3 weeks you can jump for an hour.

Less training time will not affect your figure. Since in the first half hour of sports, the body loses mainly water and carbohydrates, and only after 30-40 minutes do fat reserves come into play. To smooth out cellulite and lose weight, it is enough to exercise 3-4 times a week.

Jump on an empty stomach. Don't drink a lot of liquids. Do at least 100 jumps per minute.

During training, the back should remain straight and the legs should be connected. Rotate only your hands. Squat gently as you push off and land. Try to jump in one place, without moving forward or backward. You should land only on your toes, your heels should not touch the floor.

Let's look at the video at a fairly simple set of exercises with a jump rope for cellulite.

Finish the session by gradually slowing down for 5 minutes. Don't stop abruptly. After training, walk around a bit to get your heart rate back to normal.

Once you achieve results, do not stop practicing. Just 15 minutes a day will keep your figure in shape. in great shape and they won't allow extra pounds and cellulite will return. Of course, provided that you do not abuse sweets and baked goods.

All women dream of having a beautiful, toned figure. To achieve this goal they resort to in various ways: fasting, strict diets, expensive drugs and procedures, biological supplements, etc. Most of these methods give only temporary results, and some do not lead to visible changes at all. To receive slim figure the most effective methods are proper nutrition and regular exercise. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to spend several hours every day in the gym; you can simply choose a complex for yourself simple exercises and perform them regularly. Jumping rope can be used as such exercise; this is a great way to burn extra calories.

The benefits of jumping rope in losing weight and burning calories

The benefits of jumping rope for losing weight and burning calories are obvious. Intense jumping surpasses even running and swimming in terms of energy consumption. Among other things, exercises with a skipping rope cause muscle growth and an increase in their volume. This not only improves appearance and contours of the figure, but also increases calorie expenditure even at rest.

Jumping rope not only helps burn unnecessary calories and reduce the appearance of cellulite, but also improves health, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, removes toxins from the body, and prevents the development of varicose veins. At the same time, all the muscles of the body are trained, and health is improved.

As with other sports, you shouldn’t jump for a long time right away. For beginners, even 5 minutes of exercise often becomes a heavy load, because at this time the body adjusts to a new mode of functioning and adapts to the lack of oxygen. Already by the sixth or seventh minute of jumping, relative relief sets in.

Exercises with a skipping rope have a number of contraindications, which include:

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;

Spinal diseases;

Cartilage diseases;

Sudden surges in blood pressure and hypertension;

Severe obesity, high weight, in this case you should first lose weight, and then, as your body weight normalizes, introduce physical activity;

Overeating, full stomach.

To effectively burn calories on a jump rope, you should study and master the jumping technique. At the initial stage, you can simply learn to jump in place with both feet, and then you can move on to special exercises, accelerating weight loss.

Jumping technique

You should start practicing your jumping technique by jumping in place. In this case, the arms are at the sides and slightly bent at the elbows. Then you need to take a step and make a light jump on the toes of one foot and repeat the same actions for the second leg. The speed of the exercise is gradually increased to 75 jumps per minute. When landing, you should lean on your toes. You should not land on your full foot.

Exercises with a jump rope can be combined with other sports. Before you start jumping, you need to warm up your muscles. To do this, you can walk, run in place, or jump lightly with a small amplitude. After warming up, they move on to direct exercises and jumping with high intensity. To actively burn calories, the duration of one workout should be about half an hour. You can take it every other day.


To improve the efficiency of jumping rope and burning more calories, you can carry out special series of exercises. The most popular of them are the following:

1. Hip-hop. When performing it, simple jumps are alternated with light steps over the rope. From the starting position, make three simple jumps, then step over the rope 10 times, and then make three more jumps. This sequence is repeated several times. In a quarter of an hour of such training, about 250 kcal are burned.
2. Flight. This exercise will help you burn up to 280 kcal. From the starting position, they make five simple jumps, and then jump, bending their knees and raising their heels to their hips several times, after which they repeat five simple jumps again, then several jumps with bent knees and so on.
3. Toy soldiers. Using this exercise will help you burn approximately 270 kcal in a quarter of an hour. To carry it out, after five regular jumps, the whole body is pulled into a string and 10 jumps are performed in this position, then the sequence is repeated.

How many calories are burned when jumping rope?

By regularly jumping rope, you can lose weight, tighten sagging skin, get rid of cellulite and excess fat folds. On average, about 200 kcal are burned in one 20-minute workout. Thus, an hour of jumping rope will allow you to spend up to 750 kcal.

However, it is worth understanding that the number of calories burned depends on various factors:

The weight of the person exercising;

Duration of classes;

Type of jumps and use of exercises;


Intensity of jumps and other things.

How many calories does 100 jumping ropes burn?

The optimal intensity for jumping rope is 100 per minute. By doing this, you can burn up to 200 kcal in one session lasting about 20 minutes. This calculation is made for a person whose total weight is 70 kg. At more weight energy costs will be higher. In terms of effectiveness for losing weight, jumping rope can be equated to riding a bicycle.

It is worth noting that exercises with a skipping rope primarily affect the muscles of the legs, hips and buttocks. Their tone increases, and their appearance noticeably improves. In addition, such exercises help reduce and completely get rid of cellulite. Jumping rope also strengthens the abdominal, back and arm muscles.