I can't lose weight because of my thyroid gland. How to lose weight with a sick thyroid gland: important nuances

The thyroid gland is an organ of the human endocrine system. Its main function is the production of hormones responsible for the regulation of metabolism: thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine, T 4) and triiodothyronine (T 3).

Often overweight people blame precisely its improper functioning for the fact that their figure leaves much to be desired, and it is useless for them to diet and exercise. In fact, this is only partly true. Indeed, the thyroid gland and excess weight can be interconnected. But, firstly, this is noted only in 25% of cases. Secondly, her diseases are treatable, which means weight loss is possible.

What is the connection between them

Excess weight due to the thyroid gland appears when it produces insufficient amounts of hormones. This may be a consequence of various diseases. Thus, when there is a lack of thyroid in the body, a chain of processes is launched leading to the accumulation of fat reserves:

  • gets lost heart rate- oxygen starvation of tissues begins;
  • is decreasing motor activity and performance;
  • metabolic processes slow down;
  • body temperature decreases;
  • Digestion worsens, problems with stool begin;
  • blood glucose levels decrease;
  • Gluconeogenesis and glycogen synthesis in the liver slow down;
  • lipolysis (decomposition of adipocytes) is blocked, the formation of fat increases, which is “stored” mainly in the abdominal cavity;
  • Water metabolism is disrupted, severe swelling is observed.

If the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, it cannot express itself full force and somatotropin, which also promotes recruitment excess weight. And the first sign of this pathology is often, which begins to increase with incredible speed. At the same time, the arms and legs can remain moderately full.

Interesting fact. The thyroid gland is formed already at the 16th week of fetal development. It reaches its largest size during puberty. It begins to decrease only after 50 years.


To find out whether excess weight is associated with the thyroid gland, you need to make an appointment with an endocrinologist, take tests and undergo the necessary laboratory diagnostics:

  • computed tomography of the brain;
  • scintigraphy;
  • blood test for hormones (they will look specifically at thyroid hormones).

Indicator standards:

  • the volume of the thyroid gland in men is no more than 25 cm³, in women - about 18 cm³;
  • TSH concentration = 0.4-4 µIU/ml;
  • triiodothyronine = 3-8;
  • thyroxine = 4-11.

Based on the test results and clinical picture, it will be clear whether excess body weight is due to a lack of thyroid hormones or whether its cause lies in something else. In diseases of the thyroid gland, there is usually either sudden weight loss, which is called hyperthyroidism, or excess weight gain due to hypothyroidism. This is one of the main symptoms of dysfunction of this organ.

Just a note. One of the most important products for normal thyroid function is cranberry, since 100 g of this berry contains 350 mcg of iodine, necessary for the synthesis of hormones.



Long-term, persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones. One of the most common causes of excess weight.

Provoking factors:

  • various diseases: thyroiditis, thyroid hypoplasia, hypopituitarism, sepsis, pancreatitis;
  • congenital pathology;
  • poor nutrition (lack of iodine, excess of thiocyanates);
  • surgical removal of the thyroid gland;
  • radiation therapy;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • low sensitivity of cellular receptors to thyroids;
  • deiodination of hormones;
  • brain oncology.


  • lethargy, slowness, decreased performance, drowsiness, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • deterioration of memory, concentration;
  • dehydration of the skin;
  • swelling of the arms, legs, face;
  • deepening of the voice;
  • peeling nails, hair loss;
  • excess weight;
  • chilliness, low body temperature;
  • paresthesia;
  • constipation
  • iodine compounds: Iodomarin, Iodide, Betadine;
  • X-ray therapy;
  • synthetic analogs of thyroxine: L-Thyroxin, Euthyrox, Bagothyrox;
  • combination medications: Thyreotom, Thyreocomb.

With this diagnosis, tablets may be prescribed for the rest of life (like insulin for diabetics). The problem is that the body gets used to them, so dosage adjustments will be constantly required.


An advanced form of hypothyroidism, insufficient supply of tissues and organs with thyroid-stimulating hormones. It provokes excess weight gain, as it slows down metabolism by almost 60% and is characterized by stagnation, causing severe swelling.

  • foci of inflammation, autoimmune pathologies, thyroid oncology;
  • surgical interventions in nearby tissues;
  • radiation;
  • pathology of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.


  • lethargy;
  • dehydration, pale skin;
  • severe, even swelling, swelling of the face, arms and legs;
  • thinning, splitting, hair loss;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • hypotension, bradycardia;
  • high levels of bad cholesterol;
  • hypochromia;
  • myxedematous face: pale, swollen, swollen, narrowing of the eyes, unclear contours.
  • hormonal drugs: L-T4;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • correction of hemodynamic symptoms.

If untreated or under the influence of certain factors (due to severe hypothermia, use of antipsychotics or barbiturates), a person may fall into a myxedematous coma. The fatal outcome is more than 80%.

Autoimmune thyroiditis

Another name is Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland caused by autoimmune problems. It is always accompanied by a sharp decrease in hormones in the body, which invariably leads to excess weight.

  • irregularities in work immune system: her antibodies mistakenly perceive the thyroid gland as a foreign organ and attack it, making destructive changes in the thyrocytes;
  • heredity;
  • autoimmune diseases: myasthenia gravis, infiltrative ophthalmopathy, Sjogren's syndrome, alopecia, vitiligo, collagenosis, lymphoid cell hypophysitis;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • trauma, thyroid surgery;
  • iodine deficiency.


  • seals, nodes in the thyroid gland;
  • increasing its volume;
  • pain syndromes;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • overweight.
  • synthetic thyroids: thyroxine, triiodothyronine, thyroidine;
  • glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone);
  • surgery;
  • selenium supplements.

The prognosis is favorable: recovery occurs in most cases, and with it the weight returns to normal.

Nodular goiter

Another disease, without treating it, you won’t be able to lose weight. They are nodules of various sizes on the thyroid gland, which can be benign or malignant.

  • iodine deficiency;
  • heredity;
  • depression;
  • poor environmental conditions, radiation;
  • poor circulation in the thyroid follicles;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body in women;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • foci of inflammation in nearby organs.


  • visual increase in the volume of the thyroid gland;
  • upon palpation, nodes are detected (one large or several small ones);
  • overweight.
  • L-thyroxine;
  • thyreostatic drugs: Espa-CARB, Thiamazole, Propicil;
  • iodine preparations.

To fight overweight In case of thyroid disorders, it is necessary to first identify these diseases. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will have to take hormonal pills. Some take separate courses, others are prescribed for life.

Did you know that... Does the thyroid gland look like a butterfly, the right wing of which is slightly larger in size than the left?


To improve the functioning of the thyroid gland for weight loss, in addition to the treatment prescribed by the endocrinologist, you will need a special diet. There are foods that are beneficial for this organ:

  • coffee drinks, homemade juices and fresh juices, lightly brewed black and green tea, mineral water without gas, infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • cereals: barley, millet, buckwheat, oats;
  • chicken eggs;
  • low-fat milk;
  • white, sea fish, seafood;
  • red meat, rabbit, chicken, turkey;
  • rye, whole grain, bran bread (rarely wheat);
  • butter, olive oil;
  • fresh fruits, vegetables, berries.

Products harmful to the thyroid gland:

  • carbonated, alcoholic, energy drinks, cocoa, coffee, strong tea;
  • mushrooms, legumes;
  • fatty fish, caviar;
  • greens: sorrel, spinach;
  • concentrated meat broths;
  • smoked and canned products;
  • vegetables: radish, radish;
  • pork, lamb, duck, goose, meat by-products, sausages;
  • sweets;
  • cream, sour cream, fermented baked milk;
  • sauces, spices;
  • dried fruits;
  • bakery and confectionery products with cream;
  • persimmons, grapes, bananas.

Sample menu

If you are sure that excess weight is dictated by thyroid diseases, it is imperative to undergo an examination and begin a course of treatment while simultaneously changing your diet. This is a rather serious problem, since hormone replacement therapy in such cases is often prescribed for life. Dietary restrictions will also have to be adhered to constantly.

Thyroid and weight loss sometimes seem like completely incompatible concepts. Dysfunction of this gland leads to excess weight, and conventional diets cannot help. Still, the problem can be solved, but when preparing a nutritious diet, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the pathology.

The thyroid gland (TG) or, more simply, the thyroid gland is the most important organ of the human endocrine system, constantly supplying the body with a number of hormones that determine metabolic and metabolic processes. The production and distribution of energy is largely dependent on the production of triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

How do the levels of these hormones affect body weight? When they are deficient, complete processing of nutrients does not occur, which reduces energy reserves body. As a result of this, the speed of metabolic processes significantly decreases, and with them human activity. The body begins to store energy in fat form, which leads to the formation of a fat layer, i.e. overweight. In other words, if the thyroid gland is not working properly, a person becomes fat. This symptom is most typical for a pathology such as hypothyroidism. Hormone deficiency also occurs in people with a removed gland, as well as with other organ pathologies.

The opposite picture is observed with excessive production of T3, T4 and TSH, which is recorded in hyperthyroidism. Metabolic processes accelerate, burning excess energy. There is increased activity in the functioning of all organs, and the disease manifests itself in the form of weight loss.

Thus, the dilemma of the thyroid gland and weight loss is relevant for insufficient secretory function of the organ (in particular, with hypothyroidism). With this pathology, the problem of excess weight becomes quite serious, and losing weight even by 1 kg requires specific approaches.

Etiology of the problem

In order to develop a scheme to combat extra pounds, it is necessary to understand the causes of thyroid dysfunction. It can be caused by cancer, goiter, postpartum thyroiditis, but most often hypothyroidism. The following factors can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the organ: unstable production of cortisol due to problems with the adrenal glands, disturbances in the levels of progesterone and estrogen, diabetes mellitus, hereditary predisposition, and unhealthy diet.

An important factor in the functioning of the thyroid gland is the supply and absorption of iodine, and both its lack and its excessive amount are dangerous. In the first case, an endemic type of goiter develops, and in the second, hypothyroidism, and in both cases, excess body weight is observed. To eliminate this etiological mechanism, a balanced diet is important. When developing its regimen, it is necessary to introduce foods with a high iodine content, taking into account the blocking abilities of some foods for the absorption of iodine (mustard, cauliflower, turnip).

A significant increase in body weight becomes side effect accompanying the removal of the organ in question. Patients who have had their thyroid gland removed experience a noticeable deficiency of the hormones T3, T4, and TSH, which immediately affects fat deposits.

Principles of losing weight

The question of how to lose weight if you have a thyroid disease must be decided with the participation of an endocrinologist and taking into account the characteristics of the body, the causes of excessive weight, the type and stage of the disease. Losing weight due to diseases of the thyroid gland should not interfere with the main treatment of the pathology; in particular, hormonal therapy should not be abandoned. Eliminating the risk of complications has an undoubted priority over the aesthetics of the sick person’s physique.

Both a sick thyroid gland and weight loss are closely related. The desired result can be achieved by acting in the following directions:

  1. Drug therapy. In order to lose weight with thyroid hypothyroidism, it is necessary to activate metabolic processes in the body, which is achieved by eliminating the deficiency of the corresponding hormones. This effect is ensured by taking hormonal drugs, which include the necessary substances of animal or artificial origin. These medications will help you lose weight if you have problems with the thyroid gland, but their use should be under control. There may be a habit-forming effect.
  2. Power optimization. Choosing the right one dietary nutrition helps replenish the body with essential microelements and vitamins.
  3. Physical activity. Strength and cardiological training help to optimally shape muscle tissue, normalizing metabolic processes, and increasing endurance, which helps burn extra calories. Physical activity, with proper organization of training, will give a positive result. The intensity of the load should be increased gradually.

When developing a plan for how to lose weight with thyroid hypothyroidism, you cannot rely on your own knowledge. A complex technique should be prescribed by an endocrinologist, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the course of the disease. If you have a diseased gland, self-medication can lead to serious complications. In addition, we must take into account that the process of losing weight in this case is slow. If problems of this type are normally resolved, for example, in 1 week, then with the diseases in question they drag on for 3-4 weeks.

Principles of diet development

Is it possible to lose weight if you have thyroid dysfunction? In this matter important role a balanced diet plays a role. A properly selected diet can effectively reduce body weight, but to do this, you should consider the following basic tips:

  1. Cardinal starvation diet impairs the functioning of the gland and will not lead to the desired result. Moreover, the opposite effect is possible.
  2. The diet should replenish the body with essential substances, the deficiency of which occurs as a result of illness. Nutrition should be aimed at normalizing metabolic and energy balance.
  3. There is no universal diet plan for weight loss in the circumstances under consideration. The diet is compiled individually with the participation of a nutritionist and endocrinologist. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the following conditions - the exclusion of spicy, fried and fatty foods, smoked foods and pickles; increasing consumption of foods containing iodine; saturating the diet with foods with high protein content.
  4. The most beneficial are seafood, in particular seaweed, as well as garden greens (especially lettuce leaves).
  5. You need to reduce the content of fast carbohydrates in your diet.

Diet features

The quantitative and qualitative composition of the diet for weight loss is based on the following rules:

  • The basis of the diet consists of proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates should be excluded.
  • Low- and medium-fat protein should make up at least 28-32 percent of the daily diet. Proteins with high fat content are excluded.
  • Fiber is consumed daily in the amount of 26-42 g. Increased fiber content can lead to flatulence.
  • A protein breakfast combined with fiber should be provided, which provides energy saturation to the muscles for subsequent physical activity.
  • Each meal should contain at least 29-32 g of protein and include a vegetable dish.
  • The composition of the diet should not affect the effectiveness of medications (hormonal) taken. So, after taking the medicine, foods with a high content of iron and calcium can be consumed only after 3.5-4 hours. You should not combine drugs and coffee.
  • It is recommended to maintain a calorie deficit of 12-17 percent.
  • Sufficient drinking regime should be observed.


From the diet for weight loss in case of thyroid disease, it is necessary to significantly limit or completely exclude the following foods:

  • Products that have a negative impact on the development of goiter are cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi; turnips, rutabaga and turnips; soy; millet; peanut; sweet potato; some fruits (peach, pear, cherry, plum); almonds and pine nuts; strawberry; spinach; flax-seed; radish. The use of the listed products is possible only after heat treatment.
  • Simple carbohydrates are found in large quantities in sweets, honey, and sugar. To limit them, you should not consume large number sweet varieties of fruits.
  • Bakery products. It is recommended to consume bread made from bran, brown rice, pasta from low grade wheat.
  • Refined vegetable oil. In general, fat in the diet should not exceed 22-24 percent.
  • Products with a high glycemic index are limited in consumption. These include beets, corn, potatoes, bananas, carrots, oranges, watermelons, raisins.

Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated with a sufficient amount of proteins. To increase it, it is recommended to increase the consumption of protein foods - seafood, beans, lean meat, egg whites. Particular attention should be paid to vitamins and mineral components. In particular, zinc helps normalize the production of the T3 hormone. Positive Impact provides selenium. Daily norm consumption should be – zinc – up to 24-26 mg, selenium – up to 430-460 mg.

The required amount of iodine is provided by increased consumption of seaweed and fish. The most useful sea fish are hake, pollock, and cod. Iodized table salt helps eliminate iodine deficiency. It is recommended to include buckwheat and oatmeal, dried apricots, and figs in the menu.

Weight control is often difficult task and for healthy people, but if you have a thyroid condition, you may find it much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds. Hypothyroidism, or dysfunction of the thyroid gland, leads to an imbalance in the body's chemical reactions. The two main symptoms of hypothyroidism are slow metabolism and weight gain. If hypothyroidism is correctly diagnosed and an individual diet is followed, physical exercise and, possibly, drug treatment, you can lose weight despite the disease.


Part 1

Hypothyroidism and weight gain

    Symptoms Hypothyroidism has many symptoms from weight gain to dry skin. They can appear suddenly or, as with weight gain, get worse over time.

    See your doctor. The only way to confirm that you have hypothyroidism, which could lead to weight gain, is to consult a doctor. Your therapist will confirm the diagnosis and develop a treatment plan for you.

    Learn about hypothyroidism and weight gain. The cause of weight gain is complex and is not necessarily a consequence of hypothyroidism. Knowing basic information about the disease and weight gain will help you more successfully adhere to your diet and exercise plan, and possibly drug treatment for the disease.

    Stick to regularity. Regular bowel movements will help remove excess sodium and water from the body. Removing these elements and other unnecessary residues will promote weight loss and overall health.

    Exercise. Cardio exercise can help you lose weight and maintain good overall health. Discuss your cardio exercise plan with your doctor before you start exercising.

    Strength training. In addition to cardio training, strength training will also help in the fight against excess weight. They strengthen muscles that burn calories and maintain general condition health.

    • Before we start strength training It is worth consulting with your doctor and perhaps even with certified trainer, who will develop the best plan, taking into account your capabilities and needs.

Part 3

Losing weight with medication, diet and exercise
  1. Consult your doctor. This is the only person who can diagnose thyroid disease. Discuss all your concerns regarding thyroid disease, and he will examine you. If necessary, your doctor will prescribe the lowest dose of medication to treat hypothyroidism.

    Take your prescription. Your doctor will prescribe medicine, often Levothyroxine, to help keep your medication under control.

    • Ask the doctor or pharmacist any questions you have about your medications or treatment.
  2. Take your medications regularly. Take your medications at the same time every day so you don't forget to take them. If you are taking other supplements or medications, take your thyroid medications first to avoid drug interactions.

    Do not stop taking your medications without talking to your doctor. Even if you feel better, take your medications regularly until you discuss it with your doctor. Most people with hypothyroidism are dependent on medications their entire lives.

    Control your expectations. While taking medications such as Levothyroxine, expect slight weight loss. This weight loss is usually associated with excess salt and water.

Nutrition plays an important role in thyroid disease. Often, due to hormonal imbalance, people suffering from hypothyroidism gain weight. Excess weight prevents the body from functioning normally. Therefore, doctors often first advise patients with thyroid disease to follow a diet.

A weight loss diet for thyroid disease is designed to:

  • Make life easier for busy people;
  • Provide realistic recipes that beginners can master;
  • Improve your thyroid health with a healthy gluten-free diet;
  • Avoid fasting by eating nutritious foods (especially spinach and legumes);
  • Consume natural foods rich in selenium, zinc and iodine for thyroid health, as well as vitamin B12 for additional energy;
  • Save money. Low price(with the exception of two worthy investments: Chia and Quinoa seeds) allows you to spend your savings on other “delights of life.”

If you are trying to lose a lot of pounds, take the time to read the menu in detail and apply the advice of a nutritionist.

14 Day Meal Plan and Weight Loss

Consult your dietitian. Unless a qualified dietitian is familiar with your personal medical history and the medications you take regularly for thyroid disease, he cannot recommend anything to you. But changing your diet to a fitness diet is definitely worth it.

Thyroid hormone should be taken on an empty stomach: at least 1-2 hours before the first meal. This may mean you can skip breakfast entirely. It depends on your eating habits and the factors that make up your lifestyle.

Goitrogens, soy and legumes. These products are safe in moderation. If your stomach has a hard time digesting legumes, it is best to avoid eating them.

Choose quality water for drinking. Drinks are not included in the meal plan, but it is best to keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Sometimes people say that you should only drink water when you feel thirsty. But nutrition experts say that if a person is thirsty, this indicates dehydration.

Tea is also good, but anecdotal reports suggest that consuming more than 300 mg per day of caffeine (2-3 servings of coffee) may aggravate thyroid conditions and interfere with weight loss.

Limiting or eliminating unhealthy foods

This diet focuses on whole, unrefined foods as they are fundamental to healthy diet. It is actually very difficult to eliminate all processed and processed foods. But the healthy snacks listed below will help satisfy your hunger and saturate your body with healthy minerals.

Local recipes often make 2-4 servings: keep this in mind when writing your shopping list. You will have leftovers. Why not save leftovers so you don't have to worry about planning your menu for the next day. Among the listed dishes, you will not see perishable foods that should be thrown away immediately after the first meal.

Below you can follow the entire 14-day weight loss plan or simply choose your favorite recipes and include them in your diet. Many recipes from qualified nutritionists are quite simple and nutritious.

Diet for weight loss for every day

Day No. 1. Monday:

  • Breakfast: 1 large banana.
  • Lunch: Greek yogurt and tuna salad. Greek yogurt is high in protein and low in sugar, while tuna is a source of iodine and healthy Omega-3 fats.
  • Afternoon snack: 2-3 Brazil nuts. High in protein, fiber and healthy fats, nuts are also an excellent source of selenium for thyroid health. Moreover, adding nuts to your diet does not increase body weight and promotes weight loss.
  • Dinner: Chicken and sweet potatoes.

Day No. 2. Tuesday:

  • Breakfast: Chocolate cheese pudding. Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein, fiber and magnesium.
  • Lunch: Gluten-free tuna sandwich.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of carrot and cucumber juice + cheese or hummus.
  • Dinner: Egg Shakshuka + rice. This Tunisian dish is an excellent source of iodine. Plus the rice, of course, must be gluten-free.

Day No. 3. Wednesday:

  • Breakfast: Gluten-free toast with eggs.
  • Lunch: Middle Eastern green salad.
  • Snack: 1 banana.
  • Dinner: Shrimp, zucchini (young zucchini). You must choose gluten-free pasta for this recipe. In addition, shrimp is a good source of iodine, so this diet It will be very beneficial not only for weight loss, but also for thyroid disease.

Day No. 4. Thursday:

  • Breakfast: Green “Monster Smoothie” with Chia seeds. Again, this requires a blender. And don't forget to brush your teeth before work!
  • Lunch: Pumpkin soup. Vegetable soups tend to be lower in calories than regular meals rich in vegetables. Therefore, regular consumption of pumpkin and other vegetable soups promotes weight loss.
  • Afternoon snack: 2-3 Brazil nuts.
  • Dinner: You can reheat and finish the dish that is left over from the previous days. If you are striving for fast weight loss, don’t finish eating everything. You should wake up feeling 80% full.

Day No. 5. Friday:

  • Breakfast: Today you have the right to choose your favorite dish. Once a week you are allowed to pamper yourself. But it’s better to allow yourself something “harmful” in the morning, so that the accumulated fats and carbohydrates during the day go into energy, and not into extra pounds.
  • Lunch: Finish yesterday's pumpkin soup, which you prudently left for today.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of carrot and cucumber juice + cheese or hummus.
  • Dinner: Cheesy Mexican skillet taco. The idea of ​​Mexico on a Friday night creates a fun and warm family atmosphere.

Day No. 6. Saturday:

  • Lunch: Quinoa salad with nuts.
  • Dinner: Choose your favorite.
  • Appetizer: Sweet potato pancakes.

Day #7. Sunday:

  • Breakfast: Sweet potatoes with feta cheese and eggs.
  • Lunch: Finish up yesterday's food.
  • Dinner: Chicken Quinoa with golden crust with Parmesan + vegetables.

Flexibility is key to any diet. Of course, this plan may not meet all of your individual needs, so if there is an ingredient you don't eat, replace or eliminate it. For busy people, it's a good idea to prepare some meals in advance so they can be reheated quickly.

Removing the thyroid gland and losing weight are closely related concepts. Most people face the problem overweight after its removal. In order to return it to normal levels, you need to take comprehensive measures that require quite a lot of time.

Reasons for strumectomy

A strumectomy is an operation that involves removing the thyroid gland. This method of surgical treatment is indicated in cases where there are tumor processes in the gland, or its excessive activity, which leads to thyrotoxicosis.

Thus, the indications for removal of the thyroid gland are:

  • severe forms of thyrotoxicosis;
  • malignant tumors of the thyroid gland.

Surgery to remove the thyroid gland can be performed on a variety of scales. In some cases, resection of only a small part of the thyroid gland is sufficient, while a cancerous tumor requires removal of the maximum permissible volume with surrounding lymph nodes to prevent metastasis.

Consequences for the body

Patients develop persistent hypothyroidism – deficiency of iodine-containing hormones. This condition causes a number of changes:

  • Metabolic slowdown. Thyroid hormones take an active part in metabolism. The absence of the gland is accompanied by a slowdown in metabolic processes, which leads to active weight gain.
  • Bradycardia.
  • Hypotension.
  • Dry skin.

Resection or removal of the entire thyroid gland does not leave its mark on the body. The consequences of strumectomy require compliance with a number of restrictions, as well as hormone replacement therapy.

How to lose weight without a thyroid?

In order to get rid of excess weight after removal of the thyroid gland, the use of medications alone is not enough. It is necessary to use all possible methods to achieve a comprehensive effect.

Drug therapy

After surgery for resection of the thyroid gland, patients are prescribed on an ongoing basis. These medicinal substances are synthetic analogues of natural thyroid hormones. They must be taken regularly, observing the indicated dosage, time of administration, as well as the specifics of use.

The most common representatives of this chemotherapeutic group are eutirox. These two drugs have the same effect, but have a difference in price category.

Such drugs normalize metabolic processes in the body, which helps to reduce body weight in patients without a thyroid gland. The dosage of the drug is determined purely individually to compensate for hormone deficiency after removal of the thyroid gland.

Take these medications half an hour before meals. Despite the fact that you cannot do without these medications, they have a number of contraindications:

  • Acute diseases cardiovascular system. This includes exclusively threatening pathologies, such as heart attack, acute vascular insufficiency, pulmonary edema and heart failure in the stage of decompensation.
  • Diseases of the pituitary gland, which are accompanied by a deficiency of thyroid-stimulating hormones.
  • Damage to the adrenal glands. The most common disease of this endocrine gland is Cushing's disease, as well as adrenal insufficiency. Such pathologies are absolute contraindications to the use of thyroid replacement therapy.

The use of thyroid hormone medications should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication with these medications is strictly prohibited, as is dosage adjustment.

Diet after thyroid removal

Many people are concerned about the question of how to lose weight if there is no thyroid gland? This is difficult to do, but still possible. People without a thyroid gland need to follow a diet to lose weight. Dietary requirements for people after thyroid removal include the following recommendations and rules:

  • The entire diet should be divided into small and frequent meals. Thus, it is easier for the body to digest food, and metabolic processes proceed faster.
  • Exclusion of some products. These foods include those that take a long time to digest, put a strain on the digestive tract and can lead to the deposition of fatty tissue. These are products such as chocolate, sugar, confectionery, canned food, fatty, fried and smoked foods. In order to lose excess weight as quickly as possible, you need to eat exclusively light foods.
  • Limit the amount of salt, as it contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body and the deposition of fatty tissue.
  • Reduce the amount of protein and fatty foods in your diet. If possible, it is recommended to eat only lean meats, avoid fats of plant and animal origin, and reduce the amount of dairy products.

The daily diet of patients after removal of the thyroid gland is based on the consumption of seafood, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Recommended, yes sea ​​fish, since it contains a large amount of iodine.


To achieve the fastest possible effect in weight loss, patients should engage in physical exercise. The best option would be to use the services personal trainer or a rehabilitation doctor, as these specialists will help you choose the optimal set of exercises.

It will be based on physical condition person, age, gender, as well as the presence of diseases of other organs and systems.

At home, you can do the following exercises to lose weight without the thyroid gland:

  • squats;
  • push-ups;

  • swimming;
  • athletics;
  • fitness;
  • strength exercises.

Exercising after resection of the thyroid gland requires mandatory adherence to a diet. Otherwise, the opposite effect is possible if you take a large amount of food immediately after exercise.

In addition, during exercise you need to reduce the amount of fluid. The presence of excess water in the body promotes the growth of adipose tissue, which will lead to ineffective physical activity.

For patients over 40 years old physical activity are allowed only with the permission of a doctor. This is due to the fact that at this age there are already changes in the blood vessels and heart muscle, in addition to thyroid diseases. Excessive stress in such people can cause cerebral circulation disorders or myocardial infarction.

In addition, active loads should be approached with great caution by those people who have urolithiasis or cholelithiasis. Running or strong shaking can cause colic, which requires medication or hospitalization to relieve it.

Load during sports exercises should be increasing. You shouldn’t push the limits of your body during your first session. This can lead to sprained ligaments and muscles, forcing the person to stop exercising for a period of time.

For patients who want to lose excess weight after removal of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to contact a number of specialists to receive individual recommendations. These include:

  • endocrinologist;
  • therapist;
  • nutritionist;
  • rehabilitation specialist or sports trainer.

Consultation with these specialists is irreplaceable. An endocrinologist will help draw up a hormone replacement therapy regimen after resection of the thyroid gland in order to compensatoryly ensure normal metabolism.

A nutritionist is a doctor who selects individual diets. It is worth noting that the diet for a person who has had his thyroid gland removed will be based not only on medical indications, but also on age, profession and lifestyle. The diet must contain the minimum acceptable amount of nutrients necessary for normal life.

A consultation with a therapist is needed to assess the patient’s general condition. During the examination, diseases of other organs that develop with the thyroid gland may be detected and are contraindications to exercise or diet.

The services of a rehabilitation therapist are needed by older people, as uncontrolled exercise can be harmful.