Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Gymnastic exercises for the cervical spine

Gymnastics for cervical spine the spine is one of the sections physical therapy(physical therapy). This is a set of exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the neck muscles, improve metabolism in the vertebral discs and reduce pain.

Spinal pathology leads to numerous complaints. A variety of symptoms, constant pain, and the widespread prevalence of spinal diseases are the reason for serious diagnosis, proper treatment and mandatory further prevention. The best method, included in the complex of preventive measures and treatment, is gymnastics for the cervical spine. It plays a major role in complex therapy.

Osteochondrosis is the cause of pain in the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis develops in the cervical region more often than in others. This is due to its anatomy: the high mobility of the vertebrae and the insignificant thickness of the intervertebral discs make it vulnerable.

Large neurovascular bundles passing through it feed the brain and are responsible for the innervation of all organs. The basis of osteochondrosis is degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. They become even thinner and their shock-absorbing properties are lost. Sharp turns or other movements lead to pinching of nerves and blood vessels.

In this case, certain clinical symptoms appear:

Sharp pain with any movement in this area, accompanied by a crunching sound;

Constant noise in the head and ears;

Dizziness and pain of varying intensity in different parts heads;

Deterioration of vision;

Promotion blood pressure:

Numb hands.

Test for osteochondrosis

There is a simple test for osteochondrosis:

1. In a standing position with your arms down, lower your head, touching your chin to your chest.

2. Throw your head back.

3. Tilt your head in one direction, then in the opposite direction, until your ear touches your shoulder.

4. Maximum turns of the head to the right, left. The chin should remain straight.

5. Smooth rotation of the head in both directions alternately.

If problems arise when performing exercises (pain, stiffness of movement), this is a sign of existing osteochondrosis.

Gymnastics for the cervical spine: rules of conduct

Special exercises have been developed to increase muscle functionality. They are based on increasing and relaxing the tone of the neck muscles. When starting to perform gymnastic exercises, you need to follow several rules:

To restore muscle tone and function, it is necessary to make them elastic. To do this, you need to perform the elements smoothly and rhythmically. You can't jerk and fast movements- they injure muscles by straining them.

For gymnastics you need a flat surface.

Each movement is performed three times

You need to exercise daily with increasing load.

Duration: starts at 7 minutes, goes up to half an hour. From 1 to 3 complexes are allowed per day.

It is necessary to monitor your posture - this will increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

If discomfort or pain occurs, it is necessary to reduce the load.

Rotate your head and throw it back with caution - this can cause severe pain. The exercise is performed after consultation with the doctor.


It is necessary to perform gymnastics for the cervical spine in the inactive phase of the disease, when there is no acute pain or limitation of movements.

All these symptoms are contraindicated for exercise: complications may develop and aggravation may intensify.

Contraindications are also cancer, bleeding and thrombosis, circulatory disorders in the cervical spine caused by instability of the vertebrae.

The ultimate goals of gymnastics for the cervical spine

The developed complexes are designed to perform the following tasks and purposes:

Increased vertebral mobility;

Muscle strengthening, providing correct position vertebrae;

Preventing compression of vascular and nerve trunks;

Optimization of metabolism to improve nutrition of intervertebral discs;

Release of endorphins, which increase the overall tone of the body and improve mood.

Neck exercises are recommended to be performed during the period of remission of the disease and to be used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes. They are especially indicated for a sedentary lifestyle or sedentary work. They are performed in the most gentle manner possible. Heavy loads and recurrence of pain should not be allowed.

Set of exercises

Gymnastics is done for the cervical spine while sitting. In this position, maximum relaxation of the back muscles occurs. The execution time of the complex is gradually increased to 20 minutes.

1. Head rotation. Rotate your head alternately and smoothly in one direction, then in the other. At the same time, keep your head level: the movement of the chin occurs in a straight path, parallel to the floor, without lowering it down.

2. Head tilts. It is necessary to smoothly tilt and raise your head up and down. The downward tilt is done smoothly until the chin touches the jugular fossa on the chest. In this case, it is necessary to relax the neck muscles as much as possible. In the lowest position of the head, try to lower it lower with gentle movements.

3. Keeping your head straight, pull your neck back. In this case, the chin should be pulled in.

4. Use your palm to press on your forehead, tilting your head forward and at the same time creating counteraction with your hand.

5. The palm is applied to the temple and pressed, simultaneously creating counteraction with the head. The exercise is done by alternating hands in turns.

6. These exercises can be completed up to 10 times. When they are mastered, they are supplemented with new, more complex ones.

7. In a sitting position, one arm is placed behind the back, the second is thrown on top of the head. Use your hand to tilt your head to the side, holding it in the most extreme position. The same is repeated in the other direction.

8. Pointing your fingers right hand to the right temple, turn your head in the same direction, trying to see your fingers. Resist turning with your hand. The exercise is alternated in both directions. In the extreme position, pause for 3 seconds and perform at least 10 times.

9. Standing with your arms down, raise your shoulders as high as possible and fix them in this position for about 10 seconds. Relax your shoulders, taking a deep breath until you feel a pulling sensation in your arms.

10. Perform while lying on the bed with your head hanging down. Alternately done on the back, on the stomach, on the side. The head is held suspended for 10 seconds with the neck muscles tense, then they are relaxed. Number of exercises – 5 times.

11. Lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms hanging along your body, raise your head and hold it for as long as possible, then relax your muscles.

Dynamic exercises

Course developed dynamic exercises, which are effective when performed daily.

In a standing position, raise your arms, stretch your whole body behind them and look at your palms. Exhale – starting position. The next inhalation coincides with moving the right arm to the side and turning the torso.

Inhale - move your elbows to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible, exhale - place your elbows straight.

While inhaling, in a standing position, tilt your torso to the right, head to the left, and while exhaling, raise your arm up. Perform 5 times alternately in both directions.

Stand on your toes, bending your body, with simultaneous raising hands up. Then, squatting, lower your arms, and as you exhale, touch your forehead to your knees.

All exercises included in the gymnastics complex for the cervical spine, despite the apparent simplicity of their implementation, are therapeutic measures that can cause harm and cause aggravation if there are any contraindications.

Therefore, before starting exercise therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe an examination and identify pathology that prevents this type of therapy.

In recent decades, the incidence of osteochondrosis in many countries of the world has increased tenfold. If previously the pathological process occurred mainly in older people due to senile changes in the spine, now the disease affects young patients aged 25-45 years. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and frequent stressful situations.

Osteochondrosis is characterized by degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, as a result of which they become thinner, lose their shock-absorbing functions, and infringe on the neurovascular bundles.

The cervical region is most often susceptible to the disease due to the high mobility of the vertebrae and the smaller thickness of the intervertebral discs compared to other parts of the spinal column. Large vessels and nerve bundles pass here, which nourish the brain tissue, the heart, and are responsible for the innervation of all parts of the body. At cervical osteochondrosis there is a crunch in the neck when moving, pain in the head and chest, tinnitus, decreased visual acuity, dizziness, increased blood pressure, muscle discomfort of the upper shoulder girdle. The set of measures aimed at preventing and treating the disease necessarily includes exercises for the cervical spine, which can be represented by therapeutic exercises and yoga.

A set of exercises for the neck area is prescribed by a doctor depending on the severity of the pathological process after a diagnostic examination. The first classes should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in physical therapy (physical therapy), which guarantees correct execution movements and the effectiveness of the therapy. After mastering the exercise technique, you can practice at home.

Exercises for the cervical spine are aimed at achieving the following results:

  • improving the mobility of the vertebrae relative to their axis;
  • strengthening the muscle corset, which promotes the correct position of the spine;
  • normalization of blood supply and innervation of tissues by preventing occlusion (compression) of neurovascular bundles;
  • activation of metabolic processes, primarily glucose metabolism, which optimizes the nutrition of intervertebral discs;
  • release of “pleasure” hormones – endorphins, which reduce pain and increase vitality;
  • physical relaxation.

A set of exercises for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine

Regardless of the specifics of the exercises, to perform medical complex There are general recommendations.

  1. Physical stress on the neck should be carried out during the period of remission (subsidence) of osteochondrosis. Exacerbation of the disease with intense pain, increased body temperature, and general weakness is a contraindication to the use of a set of exercises, as it can aggravate the course of the pathological process and cause the development of complications.
  2. Classes should be conducted daily with a gradual increase in load.
  3. During gymnastics you should avoid pain. Constant pain during physical activity requires contacting a doctor.
  4. Movements must be performed smoothly. Sharp turns and bends can lead to muscle strain, vertebral injury, and damage to blood vessels and nerves.
  5. During classes, it is important to monitor your posture, which significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy.
  6. Rotational movements of the head and tilting it back should be used with caution. The use of such exercises must be agreed with your doctor.
  7. The duration of classes at the beginning of treatment is 7-10 minutes, it gradually increases to half an hour. From one to three treatment complexes can be performed per day.

Doctors usually prescribe classical therapeutic exercises, but recently they have gained great popularity. eastern practices– yoga asanas (postures), which, when performed correctly, have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Therapeutic gymnastics

Gymnastics for the spine is a section of physical therapy (physical therapy) aimed at improving metabolic processes in the intervertebral discs, reducing discomfort and pain.

Gymnastics for the cervical spine includes a simple set of exercises.

  1. Standing or sitting on a stool with a straight back, alternately turn your head to the right and left side, while shoulder girdle remains motionless. It is necessary to try to achieve the extreme possible position without discomfort, so that the chin reaches shoulder level. Number of repetitions – 7-12 times.
  2. In the same position, tilt the head to the jugular fossa (the depression in the upper part of the sternum) and return to its original position. Then the head is pulled back as much as possible without throwing it back until the muscles of the front surface of the neck are felt tense. Number of repetitions – 10-15 times.
  3. Lower your head to the jugular fossa and alternately turn your neck to the right and left, as if trying to look over your shoulder. Number of repetitions – 7-10 times.
  4. Standing on a hard surface, extend your arms along your body. Alternately raise and lower your shoulders as much as possible while keeping your head and neck motionless. Number of repetitions – 7-9 times.
  5. Sitting at the table, your elbows rest on a hard surface. One hand should be placed palm on the forehead. The exercise consists of resisting the head and hand with maximum possible mutual pressure for 15 seconds. Then carry out the same movement with the other hand. Number of repetitions – 8-10 times.
  6. In the same position, the palm is placed on the temple of the same side and resistance to mutual pressure is applied for 10 seconds, 10-12 times.
  7. The palm is placed on the temple of the opposite side, throwing the arm over the head. At the same time, tilt your head to your shoulder and resist the movement with your palm for 12-15 seconds, 5-7 times.
  8. The “bobblehead” exercise consists of quickly shaking the head left and right with relaxed neck muscles and a fixed shoulder girdle. The duration of the movements is 15-20 seconds, the number of repetitions is 3-6 times.

Before starting the treatment complex, you should warm up the muscular frame of the neck. For this you can use massage circular movements increasing intensity of the occipital region, shoulders and paravertebral areas located on both sides of the cervical spine.

Yoga asanas

The poses and movements that underlie yoga originated centuries ago and are widely used in the modern world. Exercise, created by ancient Eastern healers, not only normalize the functioning of the spine and improve muscle flexibility, but also have a beneficial effect on a person’s mental state, which undoubtedly helps in restoring health.

Asana No. 1 “Locust Pose”

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body, palms down, and press your legs together. At the same time, raise your head, upper shoulder girdle and legs up. The stomach and thighs remain on the floor. Number of repetitions – 3-7 for 10-20 seconds.

Asana No. 2 “Elongated triangle pose”

In a standing position, spread your legs wide, raise your arms to the sides. When leaning to the right, place your left foot with your toes inward. With the right leg straight, the same hand should reach the right ankle or lie on the floor in front of the foot. Left hand extended upward, forming 180 degrees with the right upper limb. Repeat the same exercise on the left side. Number of repetitions – 4-9 for 20-30 seconds.

Asana No. 3 “Tree Pose”

Stand straight with your feet together and your chin slightly raised. Extend your arms up, placing your palms together. At the same time, try to stretch your spine as much as possible. Shoulders are lowered and fixed. Alternately raise the left and right leg, bend in knee joint and turn it to the side. The foot is placed on inner surface hips as high as possible. Number of repetitions – 3-6 times for 5-15 seconds.

Normalizes the functioning of all parts of the spine widely famous complex yoga "Sun Salutations", which can be performed every day instead of morning exercises. In addition, it improves performance internal organs, restores metabolism, strengthens the body's immune forces.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine should be treated in the early stages of the disease. A specially selected set of exercises for the neck and upper shoulder girdle plays a significant role in restoring health and preventing complications.

Spinal diseases can cause headaches, chest pain, poor vision and dizziness.

The importance of competent diagnosis, timely treatment and prevention of spinal diseases is due to their widespread prevalence, difficult pain syndrome and the occurrence of many complications.

The best means included in the complex of prevention and treatment of diseases of the cervical spine are: therapeutic exercises.

Special exercises are aimed at relaxing and toning muscles, increasing their functionality.

What is important to consider when starting to perform a set of exercises:

  • Your main task is to tone your muscles. You need to make them flexible enough, so you should perform the exercises slowly and rhythmically. Too fast, sudden movements can be harmful: they injure tense muscles, only worsening their condition.
  • Gymnastics is performed on a flat surface.
  • Necessary equipment: mat, chair, bolsters or pillows.
  • Frequency: Perform each exercise three times, then move on to the next.
  • If you feel discomfort, the load should be reduced.

Effective sets of exercises

Improving the mobility of the vertebrae, restoring the plasticity of the neck muscles

Exercise No. 1

Sitting on a chair or standing, lower your arms along your body and turn your head first to the extreme right, then to the left.

Purpose of the exercise: to ensure a state of mobility of the cervical vertebrae in which the nose and chin are located above the shoulder with maximum rotation.

An easier version of the exercise: do a series of movements in each direction with a small amplitude.

Exercise No. 2

While sitting on a chair or standing, lower your arms along your torso and lower your head down, pressing your chin as much as possible to your chest. Try to feel the chest cavity with your chin.

Purpose of the exercise: improving neck flexibility, stretching stiff muscles in the back.

Exercise No. 3

While sitting on a chair or standing, lower your arms along your body and move your head back, retracting your chin.

Purpose of the exercise: correcting the posture in which the neck and head are “stretched” forward, stretching tense muscles.

Complex No. 2

Purpose: strengthening weakened muscles, maximizing their relaxation, reducing pain.

Exercise No. 1

While sitting, place the palm of one hand on your forehead. Bend your head forward, pressing your palm on your forehead, as if preventing movement.

Purpose of the exercise: strengthen weakened muscles, develop vertebral mobility, achieve correct head position.

Exercise No. 2

While sitting, place your palm on your temple area. Alternately tilt your head left and right, pressing your palm on your temple.

Purpose of the exercise: strengthening the lateral cervical muscles, improving vertebral mobility, reducing pain.

Exercise No. 3

While sitting or standing, lower your arms along your body. Raise your shoulders to the maximum possible position and lower them.

Exercise No. 4

While sitting or lying down, massage the area between the occipital bone and the part of the back of the head where the muscles are located.

Exercise No. 5

While sitting or lying down, massage your shoulder blades at the point of attachment to the neck muscle.

Gymnastics for the treatment of hernia of the cervical spine

From the “sitting upright” position, take a deep breath and tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling.

Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Herniation of the cervical spine is the second most common herniation after the lumbar hernia. Read more about symptoms, diagnosis, as well as conservative and surgical treatment in the article.

Gymnastics for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Exercise No. 1

Lie down and straighten your body as much as possible. The left hand is on the chest, the right hand is on the stomach. Inhale evenly. Hold your breath for 10 seconds, exhale and relax.

Exercise No. 2 (continuation of the first)

Roll over onto your stomach, legs straight, avoid bending. Raise the upper thoracic together with your head and lower yourself to the starting position.

Exercise No. 3

Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. Alternately rotate your torso left and right. The interval between each turn is 20 seconds.

This disease occurs in every second person aged 25-40 years. In our article you will learn about the causes of osteochondrosis, its symptoms, as well as classic options for combating it.

Gymnastics for the treatment of protrusion of the cervical spine

Exercise No. 1

You will need a wide board with a smooth surface. Its size should allow you to lie down on the board at full height. 50 cm straps must be attached to one end of the board.

Install the board so that the top end is 130 centimeters from the floor.

Lie on your stomach on the board, put your arms through the straps, and place a pillow under your knees.

Carefully change the angle of the board, adjusting the load on the spinal column.

Exercise No. 2

Use the board used in the first exercise as a support. You can also use a wooden stool.

To stretch your back muscles, lie down on a support with your stomach touching it.

Stretch your muscles by alternately bending back and forth.

Make sure that your body weight is distributed correctly: the main load should be felt between the lower abdomen and the upper shoulder girdle.

Exercise No. 3 (lateral extension)

If pain occurs on the right side, lie on the left. If pain is observed on both sides of the spine, perform the exercise alternately on each side.

The upper part of the body moves forward, while the lower part leans back.

Exercise No. 4. Walking on all fours

Get on all fours, straighten your back and begin to “walk around” the room.

Exercise No. 5

Lie on your back with your legs as straight as possible. Pull your socks towards you, touching your sternum with your chin. Thus, the neck muscles will tighten and the spinal column will stretch.

Gymnastics for the treatment of spondylosis of the cervical spine

It is important to perform gymnastics as carefully and smoothly as possible, and to avoid unnecessary excessive stress.

When performed regularly, blood circulation in the cervical region will improve, the muscles will become toned, and the physiological mobility of the spinal column will be restored.

Gymnastics for the treatment of chondrosis of the cervical spine

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis is necessary to reduce pain, strengthen the neck muscles and prevent relapse of the disease.

  • A series of neck turns. Each turn must be performed very slowly, freezing at the extreme point for a couple of seconds. The gaze should be directed strictly straight, the head raised.
  • Head tilts. The head should be tilted in each direction until the ear touches the shoulder. The shoulders are as relaxed and lowered as possible.

Osteochondrosis is called damage to the articular cartilage, which leads to disruption of the joint. In the spine, intervertebral discs are more often affected, the articular tissues of which are destroyed under the influence of external factors.

Medicine considers the cause of spinal osteochondrosis to be sedentary image life: at the computer, without raising your head, in not the most comfortable position. Today this disease is rapidly becoming younger. And according to statistics, if previously 30-year-old girls were more concerned about the possibility of losing weight with the help of an exercise bike, today - what kind of therapeutic exercises for the neck will help get rid of pain.

How does cervical osteochondrosis manifest?

The cervical vertebrae are significantly smaller than the lumbar vertebrae. This area contains thousands of blood vessels and nerve endings. When minimal tension occurs, nerves are compressed and vascular obstruction occurs, which over time leads to the development of edema, hernias, and protrusions. When the blood supply is disrupted, an inflammatory process often occurs, which leads to pathological changes and even disability.

Symptoms of the disease depend on its type.

  • Cervical sciatica- pain radiates from the neck to the shoulder blade, spreading to the fingers through the forearm. Often the sensitivity of the fingers and hands disappears.
  • Irritative-reflex syndrome- intense boring pain occurs in the neck and back of the head. It radiates to the shoulder, chest, and often manifests itself in the forearm.
  • Vertebral artery syndrome - headache does not go away, there is noise in the ears. Suffering from dizziness and visual disturbances. He is recognized the most dangerous kind cervical osteochondrosis, which leads to impaired blood circulation in the brain. It is impossible to fight it only with gymnastics for the neck and back.
  • Cardiac syndrome- pain is localized in the neck, shoulder blades, and heart. Intensifies with sneezing and turning the head.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is dangerous not only due to constant pain, but also to the risk of complications. Therefore, if you have prolonged and intense pain in the neck area, you should definitely consult a specialist. In the initial stages of the disease, you will only be recommended exercises for the neck for osteochondrosis. In an advanced state, the disease requires drug therapy to eliminate inflammation and restore vascular patency. In some cases, it is necessary to wear a special corset to support the head.

However, in each case you cannot do without exercises for the neck muscles. Their main task is to strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine to properly support the joints of the spine. When performed regularly, gymnastics gives a noticeable effect: the intensity of pain decreases or it goes away completely, normal blood flow is restored, and well-being significantly improves.

It is only important to remember that exercises to strengthen the neck muscles do not cure the disease. It doesn't go anywhere! And it won’t bother you only when you do correct complex exercises. As soon as neck gymnastics for osteochondrosis is forgotten, discomfort will be back in a week or two.

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis

The complex includes exercises to relax the neck muscles and strengthen them.

  1. Stand or sit on a chair with your back straight. Relax your arms, lower them down. Turn your head left and right 10 times as far as you can. If pain prevents you from turning, make several sharp jerks of your head to the right and left.
  2. Stay in the same position. Lower your head down and try to touch your chin to your chest. Stop for 10 seconds. Perform 5 head tilts.
  3. Sit on a chair, relax your arms. Tuck your chin in and try to move your head back. Do 10 movements. The exercise is useful for stretching the posterior cervical muscles and is indicated for people who are forced to work in a tense position.
  4. Sitting on a chair, place either palm on your forehead. Tilt your head forward, pressing firmly with your palm on your forehead. Hold for 10 seconds, take a break, repeat 10 times. By tightening the muscles, the exercise helps strengthen the front of the neck and ensures correct head position.
  5. Stand up, relax your arms. Raise your shoulders as high as possible and hold for 10 seconds. Relax your shoulders and take a deep breath, feel your hands pulling your shoulders down. Repeat 5-10 times.
  6. Lie on your back on the floor. Raise your head, hold for 10 seconds, put it on the floor. Repeat after 5 seconds. Do 8 times.
  7. Ask an assistant to forcefully massage the muscles between the bone of the occipital region and its soft part. At first you will feel intense pain, which will be replaced by significant relief.
  8. Lie on the floor and ask an assistant to massage the upper part of the shoulder blade - the attachment point for the main cervical muscle. Painful sensations will be replaced by pleasant warmth.

These neck exercises for osteochondrosis will help you live with an unpleasant disease without discomfort.

Diseases of the spine, in which blood circulation deteriorates, are not only accompanied by pain, but can cause headaches, blurred vision and frequent dizziness. Therefore, if the cervical spine hurts, you need to immediately begin treatment and strengthening of the spine.

The most effective means of preventing (traction) diseases of the cervical spine are massage and therapeutic exercises. Special exercises relax or, conversely, tone the muscles, increase their functionality and relieve tension from the spine.

When the back muscles are strengthened, creating a strong muscle corset for the cervical spine, will acquire sufficient tone and become elastic, many diseases will disappear by themselves. The main thing is that such treatment physical activity was regular, and the increase in load on the back was gradual.

For treatment to be effective and safe, the following recommendations must be followed::

  • Therapeutic gymnastics should be performed at a fairly slow pace, observing a certain rhythm. Too fast and sudden movements can lead to increased pain or even injure tense muscles;
  • if when executing therapeutic exercises, pain will appear, preventive gymnastics It's better to stop. If such pain or a strong crunch in the cervical spine occurs constantly while doing exercises, you should consult a doctor;
  • if discomfort occurs, the load on the back should be reduced;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics for the back should be performed on a flat surface;
  • you need to start gymnastics with a minimum number of repetitions, gradually increasing the load;
  • With any load on the spine, its extension is of particular importance. This traction of the vertebrae relieves tension and makes the treatment more effective.

Complex No. 1

Therapeutic gymnastics improves the mobility of the vertebrae and restores the elasticity of the neck muscles. Treatment should begin with 3 repetitions of each exercise. Gradually the load increases.

Exercise 1

Performed while sitting upright on a chair. Hands are lowered along the body. Slowly turn your head all the way to the right, then to the left. A lighter version is also possible, when neck turns are made in each direction (right and left) with a small amplitude.

This exercise provides good mobility of the cervical spine over time..

Exercise 2

Starting position, as in the first exercise. Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest as much as possible. If possible, try to feel the dimple on your chest with your chin.

This exercise provides traction to the cervical vertebrae, stretches stiff neck muscles and improves overall flexibility of the upper back.

Exercise 3

Sitting on a chair, lower your arms and carefully tilt your head back, retracting your chin. These bends provide a good stretch for tense muscles and effective treatment pain in the neck area.

Complex No. 2

This gymnastics is also recommended for chronic diseases of the cervical spine. As a result of regular implementation of the complex, weakened muscles are strengthened, they are relaxed and painful sensations are treated. Gymnastics begins with three repetitions. Gradually the load increases.

Exercise 1

Sitting on a chair with a straight back, place either palm on your forehead. Next, forcefully bend your head forward, overcoming the resistance of your hand.

The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine, increase the mobility of the vertebrae and stretch them.

Exercise 2

Also sitting on a chair, place your palm on your temple. Alternately bend left and right, pressing your temple with your hand and creating resistance. When performed regularly, such gymnastics strengthens the lateral cervical muscles, improves the mobility of the vertebrae, and provides treatment for pain.

Exercise 3

Standing with your arms down, raise your shoulders as high as possible, and then slowly lower them.

At the end of the complex, massage your neck, lower part of the back of the head and shoulder blades.

Complex No. 3

This complex is aimed at more flexibility, restoration of elasticity of ligaments and intervertebral discs.

Exercise 1

Standing with your back straight, tilt your head to the sides so as to touch your shoulder with your ear.

Exercise 2

While standing, perform slow circular movements with your head. It is desirable that the amplitude be maximum, which will ensure good traction of the vertebrae.

Exercise 3

While standing, lower your head down. Place your hands clasped on the back of your head. Slowly raise your head, trying to overcome the resistance of your hands.