How to pump up a girl's calf muscles? How to pump up a girl’s calves at home How to pump up a girl’s calves at home.

Hello, our dear friends! Every girl wants to have beautiful legs, and for this sometimes it is not enough to limit herself to the absence of fat, it is also necessary to have beautiful contours formed by muscles. And to achieve such a result you will have to work hard. If anyone doesn’t know yet, there is a whole system of how to pump up a girl’s calves at home. This is a series of physical exercises that are designed specifically for the legs.

But first you should know that muscle tissue grows due to constant loads on the legs, while forming the structure of the lower leg. Hence, daily activities sports will help you acquire beautiful relief. Over time, your legs get used to physical activity, so to achieve the desired result, it requires a gradual increase. So let's figure out how to improve your leg game.

Exercises to train your calves

The most common exercise is considered raising your toes. When performing this action, it is better to use a surface so that you can lower your heels below the level of your toes - this method will help increase the load. For example, it could be a small step or a special step platform. This exercise requires proper technique.

  • Do not bend your knees (only a very slight bend is allowed).
  • Only the lower leg muscles should work.
  • Do not interrupt the process so that the muscles do not rest.
  • Try to do the maximum load. The heel-down position places the maximum stretch on your shin, and as you lift your heels up, try to hold for a few seconds.
  • Smooth pace of movement.
  • Correct distribution of body weight.
  • Don't overdo it physical exercise to prevent stretching.

The second exercise, which helps to form the relief of the calves, is performed rise on toes, only in sitting position . For maximum effect you can use special simulator, but improvised means are also suitable. You can perform the workout with special weights on your legs to ensure the most effective results.

A block can serve as a substitute for the exercise machine, the main thing is that the heel falls below the horizontal surface on which the toe rests. The technique is similar to the previous one.

To obtain the expected result, these exercises are quite enough. A little effort and your shins will reach the desired shape. Don't be nervous about it calf muscles will become very large, this will require completely different loads.

Moreover, by using the method of how to pump up your calves at home, you will know exactly when to stop. If you want to speed up your accumulation muscle mass in the shin area, then do additional exercises after completing the main complex.

Additional loads

  • Squats with additional load.
  • Regular toe walking.
  • Jumping with a load.
  • Daily jogging.
  • Cycling.
  • Jumping rope.
  • And also any physical activity, which put stress on the ankle part of the legs - you can even run up the stairs, stepping on the steps only with your toes.

All that this scheme requires is compliance with the necessary rules. Firstly, never start a workout without warming up, because it is considered the key to successful physical education. Secondly, constantly increase the pace, just do it gradually.

Each action should be performed fifteen to twenty times. And at the end of the session, do a short restorative massage. Any girl who has decided to pump up her calves should take the stairs more often and also practice

Slender legs have always been one of the most attractive parts of the body of the fair half of humanity. Pumping up the calf muscles is a difficult task, but quite doable, let's look at the best way to do this.

Anatomy of calves

The human calves are made up of two main muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, each of which has its own functions.

The calf muscle can be clearly seen just by standing on your toes. The function of this muscle is to raise the heels in a standing position; the muscle is relatively small in size, occupying approximately 40% of the calf. It consists of fast-twitch muscle fibers.

The soleus muscle is located under the gastrocnemius and can be seen from the side. It is slightly larger in size than the calf, and its functions are limited to raising the foot when you sit. Due to its size, this muscle is much faster and easier to grow, therefore, if you want to become the owner of slender, seductive legs, pay close attention to it.

Where and how to pump calves

Answering the question of how to train a girl’s calves while working both muscles, we can say that it is not at all necessary to visit the gym, because Most exercises do not require special equipment. For example, gymnasts, whose legs can be called the standard of beauty, do not use any exercise equipment at all, working only with their body weight. Let's look at a few exercises that will help you get a little closer to your dream of beautiful legs.


1) Springs- a simple, uncomplicated exercise that, despite its simplicity, is extremely effective.

Starting position: stand level, back straight, arms at your sides. Slowly, straining our muscles, we lift our heels off the floor and stand on our toes, trying to rise as high as possible. We linger in this position for a moment, after which we also slowly lower ourselves to the starting position.

Position 1

Position 2

It is necessary to perform at least three to four approaches, 30-40 times. If you feel that you can do more, pick up a small weight, light dumbbells or, if you don’t have them, simple ones. plastic bottles with water.

If you cannot maintain your balance while standing on your toes, you can hold on to a wall, chair, closet, etc. with one hand.

Well-trained people can perform a challenging version of the spring, performing single-leg raises alternating between them.

2) Stand lifts

An improved version of “springs”, which requires a step platform. If something happens, you can replace it with a thick book or just a step.

Starting position: stand straight, arms at your sides, toes on the platform, heels in the air. Next, we still slowly rise as high as possible on our toes, after which we lower ourselves, stretching our ankles and trying to touch the floor with our heels. We perform the same number of approaches as the previous exercise.

Position 1

Position 2

If you work with a step or platform, you have the opportunity to adjust the level of rotation of the foot, thus pumping different parts of the calves. So, feet located parallel will put a greater load on the middle part of the muscles, heels together, toes apart will ensure that the inner part of the calves is worked out, and if you stand on the contrary, bringing your toes together, the outer part will be loaded the most.

3) Seated calf raises

This exercise must be performed together with the previous ones. It is mandatory to fulfill, because perfectly pumps the soleus muscle, which accounts for most of the muscle volume. If you do lifts only while standing, then you will not be able to use all parts of your calves, loading only the outer part of them.

Starting position: we sit on a chair, our back is straight, our feet are firmly on the floor parallel to each other. You need to put some weight on your knees, for example, a canister filled with water.

Position 1

Position 2

Slowly lift your heels off the floor, placing your feet on your toes, without getting up from the chair, and then return to the starting position.

Because The soleus muscle is classified as a large muscle; it is advisable to pump it with fewer repetitions, but with greater weight. So, instead of 30 repetitions, do 15, increasing the weight on your knees, but after three or four sets your calves should be “burning.”

4) Jumping rope

Everything is clear here. A simple, well-known and accessible exercise. Which, despite its banality, does not lose a drop of effectiveness.

You need to jump for a long time, literally until pain and burning appear in the muscles. Don’t be afraid to overdo it, you won’t overload the muscle; on the contrary, long-term training will help you work the entire surface of your calves, using both the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.

5) Calf raises in the gym

Great option for those who go to the gym. It is performed in a machine designed for leg presses, with a backrest angle of 45 degrees.

Starting position: sit in the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Having removed the load from the supports, slowly lower it, under no circumstances bending your knees, otherwise it will be a completely different exercise for a different muscle group. The weight should rest on your feet and move, so only they should.

Position 1

Position 2

Don't try to take too much heavy weight, better do more reps with correct technique, pushing the load to its limit.

6) Difficult exercise, requiring preliminary training of the athlete.

Starting position: standing on one leg, extend the other leg forward, and squat while holding onto something with your hand. After completing 10-15 repetitions, change legs. You need to squat as deep as you can.

Position 1

Position 2

In addition to all of the above, calves sway perfectly when doing any activity. active look sports, be it running, swimming, skiing, rollerblading, cycling, whatever. Just don’t forget to warm up and stretch your muscles before training and constantly alternate exercises so as not to get injured and prevent your muscles from getting used to the same type of load.

Many girls focus on their buttocks during training and at the same time forget about the calf muscle. However, it is he who is able to give the legs additional slimness and make them even more attractive. This article will tell you how to pump up a girl’s calves.

Anatomy of the calf muscle

To achieve the desired result in fitness, you need to have a certain set of knowledge in various areas, for example, anatomy. Knowing the anatomy of all muscle groups, you can choose correct exercises that will bring excellent results.

The gastrocnemius muscle is located on the back of the lower leg, and its superficial layers consist of bundles of tendons. You must remember that the caviar has two sections - external and internal. The first of them has large sizes, and the second is located symmetrically under the outer one.

Both sections of the calf muscle limit the popliteal cavity, and at the bottom are attached to the middle of the lower leg, which smoothly passes into the Achilles tendon. This muscle performs two functions - it stabilizes the body during movement, and also ensures the movement of the foot back and forth. In addition to the gastrocnemius muscle itself, this group should also include the soleus and peroneus longus muscles.

How to pump up the calves of a girl's legs at the gym?

Knowing the anatomy of this muscle, it is necessary to create the right training plan. Let's say right away that the basic principles of bodybuilding apply to any muscle, regardless of its size and location on the body - training should be regular, and the loads should gradually increase.

In order for hypertrophy processes to be activated in the body, it is necessary to force the muscles to actively work, which will create sufficient stress. At the same time, we must not forget about the importance of rest, because muscles do not grow during training, but after it is completed. For calves, it is enough to pump them once or twice a week.

The leg muscles have high endurance and each new activity you do should be slightly harder than the previous one. This can be achieved by increasing the number of sets and repetitions, as well as increasing the working weight of sports equipment. You should also remember that in addition to training, you need to move more in everyday life. We recommend abandoning the elevator if there is one in the house and walking more. This will help you achieve your goals.

Now we will move on to consider those movements that will help you answer the question of how to pump up a girl’s calves. If you are a beginner fitness trainer, then at first work only with own weight bodies. In the future you will need weights.

Standing calf raises

The exercise can be performed on a step platform or on the ground. The legs should be at hip level. To remove stress from your joints, bend your knees slightly. In situations where you work on a step platform, in the lower final position the heel trajectories should fall below its level.

This allows for maximum involvement of the target muscle. Scientifically speaking, at the upper end point of the amplitude of movement, the muscles stretch to their maximum, and at the lower end, they contract accordingly. It is very important to perform the movement without pausing so that the muscle is in action throughout the entire set. Perform the movement until you feel a slight burning sensation in your calves, but at least ten repetitions. After this, rest for 30 to 45 minutes and do two or three more sets.

We also draw your attention to the fact that there are two more variants of this movement, the difference between which lies in the location of the foot. If you need to actively work the outer calves, then your toes should be turned inward at 45 degrees. The inner section works actively if you turn the socks at the same angle outward.

Seated calf raises

This exercise should be in your training program on par with the previous one. The technique for performing it is similar, but the differences are that you do not stand, but sit. At the same time knee joints must be bent at right angles. The movement must be performed in three or four sets.

How to stretch a girl's calf muscles?

Very often, beginning athletes do not pay enough attention to muscle stretching. By doing so, they make a mistake and slow down their progress. Now we will look at the most effective movements for stretching the calves.
  1. Alternate stretching with emphasis. Place your hands against the wall, while bending one leg at the knee joint. Place the second one back and push it back as far as possible. The toe of the working leg (which is set aside) should point straight forward. Press the heel of your back foot into the ground until the target muscle is stretched to its maximum. Hold this position for 10 or 20 seconds, then switch legs and repeat.
  2. Folding knife. Take a sitting position with your legs straight out in front of you. Bend your body forward, trying to rest it on your legs. In this case, you need to hold your feet or shins with your hands. Without bending your legs at the knee joints, begin to pull your heels towards you. You need to stay in this position for about 60 seconds.
  3. Downward facing dog. This is one of the yoga positions that allows you to perfectly stretch the calf muscles, as well as back surface hips. Take a position on all fours, then lift your tailbone as high as possible so that your legs are completely straightened, and press your heels into the ground. The position must be held for 40 seconds.

How to pump up your calves at home?

It should be immediately noted that the exercises described above can be performed at home. The gyms have special exercise machines that are used by athletes. To progress the load at home, you can use leg weights or dumbbells. Remember that the leg muscles take quite a long time to develop and you need to be patient.

In addition to this, I would like to give a few more useful tips, capable of helping everyone who wants to know how to pump up a girl’s calves:

  • Before the main part of the workout, be sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes to avoid injury.
  • Movements must be performed with maximum amplitude.
  • It is very important to progress the load so that the body does not get used to it.
  • You can do a cardio session first and then move on to strength training.
  • After each session, be sure to do stretching exercises for the muscles you worked.
Remember that even simple walking can bring enormous benefits and speed up your progress. Can also be used to solve this problem and jog. You need to run for a long time, but at a low pace. Now let’s talk about a few more effective exercises.
  1. Springs. Take a standing position with your feet level shoulder joints. From this position, begin to slowly rise on your toes. Keep the pace slow and try to get as high as possible. After reaching the highest position of the trajectory, lower yourself down at a similar pace, but do not lower your heels to the ground.
  2. A very simple but extremely effective exercise that can be used by anyone who wants to know how to pump up a girl’s calves. You need to move in small steps and make sure that your knee joints are straightened, as is your spinal column.
  3. Jumping with weights. As additional load You can use dumbbells or leg weights. You must first perform a squat and then quickly jump out of this position. Do three sets of 15 repetitions each.
  4. Walking on a step platform. This great way not only pump up the calf muscles, but also get rid of fat deposits. You already understand that in this case you will need a step platform. First, place one leg in the middle, and then the other. In a similar sequence, return to the starting position.
  5. Squatting. I would like to immediately warn beginners that this movement may be difficult for you. However, as you progress, you will be able to start doing it. Aim for 10 repetitions and then add one more each day. The legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints, and the spinal column is straightened. From this position, rise onto your toes, and then perform squats.
  6. Jump rope. This is an excellent piece of equipment for all girls who are going to train at home. Every day you should work with a skipping rope for 10 minutes. This apparatus not only helps pump up the leg muscles, but also produces an aerobic load on the body.
  7. Exercise with a chair. To perform seated calf raises at home, you will need a chair. Sit on its edge and keep your spinal column straight. As you perform the movement, be careful not to let your heels go all the way to the ground. If you use dumbbells as weights, place them on your knees.
We also recommend pausing for five counts in the uppermost position of the trajectory. This will allow you to immediately feel the calf muscles tightening. However, it is necessary to observe moderation in everything, because overload will slow down progress.

How to pump up your calves at home, see below:

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Thin calves do not look beautiful against the general background of legs. However, moderately pumped up calf muscles will visually balance your figure and add zest to your legs. But even in order to simply give your calves a sexy shape, you will have to work hard - you will need strength training. Today you will learn how to pump up a girl’s calves.

How will your calves grow?

The calf muscles are a resilient and strong muscle group that is used during walking throughout the day. In order for the outlines of your calves to acquire relief, it is necessary to increase the volume of these muscles. Muscle growth(increase in volume) occurs with regularly applied load (stress), which the body has not encountered before. Those. two conditions must be met:

  • Training should be regular.
  • You must progress the load.

The calf muscles should be trained in the same way as other muscle groups.. A good, hard workout once a week will provide adequate stress, with a long recovery phase. What does hard training mean? This means that you should find it difficult to complete the last reps of the calf exercises. It would be a mistake to feel sorry for yourself, to underwork yourself - the muscles won’t respond, why should they grow if the load is not that serious?

One calf workout per week will most likely be enough for you, but this should not be an axiom. If your calves do not grow from one workout while maintaining the ideal exercise technique, the hard nature of the work and following the principles of and, only then add another workout.

To build muscle, you need to give your body a load that it has not received before. This is why it is so difficult to pump up a girl’s calves at home. Lack of equipment on which you can perform effective exercises and the lack of burdens will make this process long and painful. Don't waste your time and nerves on home workouts - go to the gym!

How can you progress the load:

  • Increase in working weight.
  • Increasing the number of exercises.
  • Increasing the number of approaches.
  • Increasing the number of repetitions.
  • Reducing rest pauses between approaches.

Each new workout should be at least a little BUT more difficult than the previous one, especially for the calf muscles, which by their nature are strong and resilient.

How to train calves

Let's briefly go over the anatomy of the lower leg muscles. What we call the calves are made up of two muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The calf muscles are located high on the shin and function to lift the heels from a standing position.

The soleus muscle is located under the gastrocnemius in the depths of the lower leg. It serves to raise the heels from a sitting position. A developed soleus muscle pushes out the calf muscle of the leg, making it visually larger.

How can this be useful? To develop the calves, you should use the most physiological exercises (don’t make up a bicycle - these are calf raises while standing and sitting), using both functions of these muscles.

Exercises to train your calves

The first and most important exercise in training your calves should be standing calf raises. Use a special simulator that will allow you to lower your heels below the horizontal - this way you will work with a large amplitude. Read on to understand how to properly perform standing calf raises. Put execution technique first:

  • Do not bend your knees (a slight bend is acceptable as a way to remove stress from the knee joint).
  • Work occurs only with the ankle joint.
  • Do not pause at the bottom point to prevent your muscles from resting.
  • Work through the full amplitude. Below is the maximum stretch, at the top is the peak contraction (pause for a second at the top point).
  • The pace of the exercise is smooth.
  • Choose the correct working weight without sacrificing technique.
  • For a deeper calf workout, try doing single-leg raises.

The second exercise will be seated calf raises. The best option will use a special simulator. If you don’t have something like this in your gym, don’t despair. Place a block under your socks so that your heels can go below the horizontal, take dumbbells or a barbell, sit on a bench and place the weight on your knees. The principles of execution here are absolutely the same as in standing calf raises.

These two exercises will be enough for you to build the shape of the calf muscles you need. Place them at the end of your workout, but don't take it lightly. Achieve a burning sensation on the last reps - this is a sure sign that you are doing everything right.

And don't worry about pumping up your calves. Firstly, you can stop at any time as soon as you achieve the desired shape and perform maintenance workouts, and secondly, in order to develop colossal calves you need serious loads coupled with pharmacological drugs.

How many repetitions and sets should you perform?

Taking into account the above (the natural characteristics of the calf muscles and the characteristics of the female body), take the following program as a starting point:

  • Warm-up
  • Core workout
  • Standing calf raises
  • Seated calf raises 1-2 sizes sets of 4-5 workers, 15-20 repetitions
  • Hitch

Do not perform exercises without. If you do calf exercises at the end of the main workout, then your muscles will be warmed up and ready to work, no special warm-up is required. Select a working weight so that the last 2-3 repetitions are difficult, but you still perform the exercises with IDEAL technique.

Try to keep the pauses between approaches short (from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes). Make it challenging for your muscles. On each new workout increase the load on your calves at least a little: by adding 0.5 kg to the working weight, additional repetitions, etc.

After training, do not forget about exercise, which includes short cardio and stretching. A cool-down will prevent cramps and improve the access of nutrients to the muscles being trained, which contributes to their better recovery and, therefore, growth.


The article gives insight fast way how to pump up a girl's calves. The emphasis is on training in the gym, because... this will allow you to perform the most effective exercises and maintain the principle of load progression.

Take your workouts seriously, approach them with enthusiasm and passion, and complete your look slim figure the graceful shape of his calves. Good luck!

The volume of the calf often increases quite reluctantly. However, this is not a consequence of stubbornness or inflexibility of the muscles themselves, but rather a reaction to improper training, poor exercise technique, or poor posture. In fact, calves are one of those groups that are very easy to pump up even at home, if you remove everything that prevents them from growing.

Why don't the eggs grow?

The musculature of the lower legs, like the deep musculature of the back, receives little rest during the day, as it is forced to bear the weight of the body and balance in interaction, maintaining balance and stabilizing the joints when walking. This means that it is focused on the “dry”, hardy version of development and actively uses the shock-absorbing capabilities of the tendons (in particular the Achilles tendon, the role of which in the development of the calf muscle will be discussed separately).

When posture is disturbed, joints are overextended (or insufficiently flexed), a redistribution of motor roles occurs. Lumbar lordosis almost always leads to underdevelopment, and weak hamstrings and calf hypertrophy.

The triceps surae (external calf musculature) consists of two muscles connected by a common (Achilles) tendon. This superior bifascicular gastrocnemius muscle and the deep one that lies beneath them soleus. Even lower lie the muscles that provide mobility to the ankle and fingers. In addition, there are knee and shin stabilizers.

If some part of the muscle is “excluded from the process,” it weakens, atrophies, and others take over its function. The triceps is involved in flexing the knee and extending the foot, fixing the knee in a bent position. The soleus muscle is almost always long, but the external bundles can have either long or short bellies (then they are called “short calves”).

A short calf can be brought into an aesthetically acceptable state only through hypertrophy of the underlying muscles, which “lift” it. The function of the calf muscle can be partially intercepted by the tendon, biceps, and when habitually overextended or bent knee– overdeveloped quadriceps (in this case it relaxes more strongly, and according to the rule of “synchronous muscle pulls of antagonists” the leg bends with less force from the calf).

Warm-up before calf training

To increase blood flow, warm up the joints and reduce injury, a warm-up is necessary. You should not neglect it, even if the lower leg is not trained on a separate day, but after other exercises.

Ideally, the warm-up is done lying down (on both legs simultaneously) and standing (you will have to work the joints one by one: stand on one leg while stretching the other). Warming up while sitting is not advisable. The movements are performed 4-5 times.

  • clench and unclench, spread your toes;
  • stretch your toes away from you, then pull your toes toward you and your heel away from you;
  • move your feet left and right;
  • rotate both feet at the same time: first to the left, then to the right, then multidirectional rotation
  • bend and straighten your knees;
  • sitting, take your leg by the shin, shake your relaxed foot. Repeat for the second leg;
  • while sitting, take your leg above the knee and shake your relaxed shin. Repeat for the second leg;
  • standing: crouching slightly, perform rotational movements with your knees - first to the right, then to the left;
  • standing, hands on hips, swing on hip joints, then rotate the pelvis so that the torso is motionless and the pelvis makes a horizontal “figure eight”;
  • standing, alternately, holding onto a support, shake each leg, completely relaxing it;

How to pump up your calves (calf exercises)

To pump up your calves at home, you need to do 2 of the exercises below during a workout. Training the lower leg, like other muscles, involves micro-injury followed by restoration of the fibers.

  1. Raising on your toes.
  • Stand up, holding the support with your hand, and rise onto the toes of both feet. The hand only insures.
  • The feet are parallel, 15-20 cm between them, the knees are slightly bent and fixed, directed straight forward.
  • The movement is slow, with maximum tension in the calf, extensors and flexors of the fingers.
  • The knee is motionless. At the top point of the rise, pause, then move down. The heel does not go down to the floor.
  • All repetitions should be performed as one long, stretchy movement.

Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions, then 1 approach with toes out and 1 approach with toes in (working different beams). Then perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg (with toes straight, in and out), the other leg relaxed or bent. If one leg is weaker, then they focus on the number of its failures.

To close the gap between the shins, it is recommended to focus on performing in the “toes out” position. In this position it swings inner part- note for aesthetes and girls correct magnification calves This will help reduce or eliminate this deficiency. Just don't forget to train.

  1. Raising on your toes while standing on an elevated platform.

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but the amplitude of flexion is increased.

  • Performed on a step 10-15 cm high. Hand belay is required.
  • Stand on the edge of the support with your fingers (if they are still weak, then with the ball of your foot).
  • Extending your ankle, rise on your toes, stay at the top point, and strain your calf as much as possible.
  • As you go down, stretch your heels toward the floor, stretching your muscles as much as possible.

Do 4 sets of 10 repetitions, then 3 sets for each leg until failure.

  1. Donkey shin exercise with a partner.
  • Stand by leaning forward and resting your hands on the bench. The back is straight, almost horizontal, fixed motionless.
  • The partner sits astride the lower back (not the waist!).

The principle of movement is similar (when extending the foot and lifting onto the toes, the ankle and metatarsal joints work, the knee is slightly bent and motionless), the only difference is that the double load (your own weight and the weight of the partner sitting on the lower back) falls simultaneously on both legs. Potentially harmful to the lower back.

  1. Raising on your toes on one leg with weights (kettlebell or dumbbell in hand).

It is performed similarly to exercises 2 and 3. First, they learn to do it with a short amplitude, then on a step. Weight in the left hand when doing lifts on the left leg, right leg bent at the knee and right hand insures by holding onto a support.

You can further complicate the exercise by putting weights on your legs. It is performed very slowly, with maximum tension and relaxation of the calf bellies at the extreme points of movement, otherwise the tendon will stretch too much, which can shorten the bellies.

You can pump your calves to failure only if the movement is performed slowly. It is pointless to chase the number of repetitions, especially fast ones, as this will only dry out the calf, transferring the load to the tendons. The calves rarely hurt after training and recover quickly, like all muscles with relatively short bellies.

Even if there is pain, a normal daily exercise while walking is enough to warm up the muscle. You can train for mild pain, but for severe pain it is better to rest.

Gait and shoes affect your calves!

Few people know that the influence of posture and gait on the development of the lower leg is much stronger than the effect of training. Flat feet, if not taken into account and not compensated, also prevents the volume of the lower leg from being brought into line with the BB standard (the volumes of the neck, biceps and calves should be equal or close in value). You can pump up your calves without exercise equipment simply by choosing the right shoes and adjusting your gait.

The habit of placing a bent leg on the heel leads to underdevelopment of the calf. If the foot is placed on the toe, the calf will be voluminous even without training. This is explained by the fact that the size of the calf depends not only on the triceps, but also on the muscles that provide mobility to the fingers. If the fingers do not actively participate in walking, their flexors and extensors are underdeveloped. Naturally, their participation in the increase in volume is negligible.

Flat feet or shoes that exclude the work of the toes and ankle, forcing you to walk in such a way that the foot falls on the heel and then rests on the entire surface without rolling, also lead to underdevelopment of the calf.

How to strengthen your lower leg without training or enhance the effect of training

Compliance with these rules in itself leads to the beginning of growth of lagging eggs - make it a habit.

  1. The gait must be correct. The step is wide, the foot is placed on the toe, then with a roll it falls onto the heel. You need to walk more, at least 5-6 km a day, preferably at an interval pace.
  2. Shoes should allow your toes to move in them, actively participating in walking.
  3. If possible during the day, try rocking from heel to toe or standing on your toes.
  4. Walk barefoot more often.
  5. The best running is a slow barefoot run on a grassy lawn, sand or forest dirt path. The foot must be placed on the toes and outer part feet with a roll. Running in sneakers has almost no effect on the development of the lower leg muscles.
  6. Prevention of flat feet is relevant at any age, since with age it can occur in any person. Training from this complex removes the risk of flat feet and always leads to calf growth.
  7. Special training is performed on the same day as the biceps and quadriceps training, but after them, or the next day - so that large tired muscles do not take over the load from the periphery.
  8. Training should take into account the Achilles tendon's habit of unloading the triceps. Therefore, the movements are slow, with full control, with static highest point tension or stretching. A springing effect cannot be allowed when the muscle bellies do not work.
  9. A set of lower leg exercises must include exercises that involve the toes.
  10. Sedentary work mechanically injures the femoral biceps and impairs blood supply to the triceps shin (the popliteal blood vessels are pinched). Therefore, it is very important to get up and stretch your legs (a “farmer's walk” or climbing stairs with support on your toes and active extension of the ankle is ideal).
  11. Be sure to follow a sleep schedule: if you sleep less than 8 hours, and the day after training you spend on your feet or sit motionless all day on your butt, you can’t hope for hypertrophy.