Amino acids bcaa are harmful. What are BCAA's made of and how are they made?

Hello my dear readers. Today we will talk about whether amino acids cause bcaa harm for the body? I think it was the fear of side effects that stopped many people from buying sports nutrition. Unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet. Let's look for answers together. First, let's figure out what btsaa is and why it is needed.

BCAA are amino acids with a branched side chain in their structure. Our body cannot synthesize these substances. They are irreplaceable. There are only three of them in this complex: valine + leucine + isoleucine

  • Leucine regulates protein synthesis in the body, as well as nitrogen balance. It is this amino acid that makes up the bulk of all proteins;
  • Valine is a source of energy in muscles, as well as one of the important components of tissue synthesis;
  • Isoleucine is needed for hemoglobin synthesis and blood sugar regulation. This amino acid is also necessary for the metabolism of leucine.

All these substances are involved in the construction of new muscle fibers. And also, they play an important role in restoration processes. They enter our bodies exclusively through food or supplements. BSAA amino acids are most often found in sports nutrition.

Myths about harm

There are many myths surrounding these beneficial substances. At the same time, there are no clinical trials confirming their harm. I would like to go over the main “horror stories” in a few words. I hope this will finally dispel your doubts.

In sports nutrition, you simply get a concentrated set of BCAAs. Those. The daily intake of such amino acids in the diet corresponds to several scoops. Just because the product is concentrated, it does not become chemical. These are still natural ingredients.

Myth #2: BCAA amino acids cause ulcers, gastrointestinal upset. Research shows that even exceeding daily norm, you won't get poisoned. If you systematically abuse these substances, you can only harm your kidneys. In this case, for a long time it is necessary to exceed the daily intake by 10-15 times.

Myth #3: Proteins and BCAAs lead to impotence. It was always strange for me to read about this. Millions of men around the world use sports nutrition. However, none of them spoke about its harmful effects. Moreover, there are no clinical trials to confirm this.

Upon purchase food additives just pay attention to the composition. Various dyes, sweeteners, and preservatives found there cause gastrointestinal upset. They can also provoke allergies and negatively affect liver function. It is better to buy amino acids from well-known companies and with a minimum of additives.


The mechanism of action of these amino acids has been well studied. Unlike various myths about harm, it has an evidence base. I want to introduce you to the most important beneficial properties.

For building muscles

One third of the amino acids in muscle proteins are BCAA. Therefore, this complex is the main material for muscle growth. If there are not enough free amino acids in the body, muscle growth stops. For an ordinary person, the protein that he gets from food is enough. For athletes, during and after training, the need for BCAAs increases sharply.

During and after strength training, the concentration of BCAAs decreases. The amount of leucine in the body changes especially dramatically. To restore the concentration of amino acids, metabolic processes are activated.

As a result, muscle proteins are destroyed. They are the main source of replenishment of leucine, isoleucine and valine.

If taken post-workout and while supplementing with BCAA, muscle protein breakdown will not occur

Scientists also believe that leucine is one of the main sources of energy. Its oxidation produces more molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) than glucose in the same amount. But ATP is a universal source of energy for the body.

Also, BCAA amino acids cover the increased consumption of glutamine during training. This substance not only plays a big role in muscle growth, it regulates protein synthesis. It also increases the production of growth hormone.

For weight loss

Taking BCAA stimulates the production of leptin. It is this hormone that regulates our weight, appetite, fat consumption and accumulation. Leucine, which is part of sports nutrition, quickly saturates the body. Appetite suppression occurs. When playing sports, calorie consumption increases because fat is burned along the way.

How to drink and who needs it

These three amino acids are significantly different from the rest. They are metabolized exclusively in muscles, so they are indispensable for athletic people. In addition to their effect on muscle growth, they have other advantages. Taking BCAA improves endurance and physical indicators. These substances have been clinically proven to strengthen the immune system. In addition, bcaa contribute rapid recovery body. If your lifestyle involves heavy physical labor, taking BCAa will also not hurt.

For weight gain

The effectiveness of any sports nutrition depends on its quality and correct intake. This complex of amino acids can be taken in the morning. And also during and after training. The following energy drink is considered optimal:

One or two scoops of amino acids + a few spoons of sugar + a glass of water

All ingredients are mixed. The body receives the carbohydrates it needs for energy. Restored by fluid water balance. And BCAA replenish the amino acid balance. If you are looking to build muscle, this shake can be taken right after waking up. This will help avoid morning catabolism (destruction of muscle tissue).

To reduce weight

If you are losing weight without sports loads its reception is inappropriate. To cover your daily protein requirement, it is better to use whey protein. The supplement itself will not burn fat. Although it has a beneficial effect on metabolism. If your weight loss is complex and you play sports, feel free to buy this product.

It is especially necessary if you combine strict diet with physical activity. In this case, the body will compensate for the amino acid deficiency by destroying muscles. This is why it is recommended to take BCAA between meals. This will prevent catabolism, reduce appetite and preserve muscle.

Whether you are losing weight or building muscle, a single dose of BCAA should be 1-8 grams. Frequency of administration on average 3 times a day

As for which supplements to choose, first of all pay attention to the composition. Sometimes manufacturers produce BCAAs in small doses. The price remains quite high. Food runs out quickly. Because for the daily dose you need to eat almost 1/3 of the jar.

Also pay attention to solubility. In their pure form, such amino acids do not completely dissolve in water. A thin film forms on the surface. BCAAs also have a bitter taste. This supplement can be combined with almost all types of sports nutrition.

Many interesting topics await us! Until next time.

Nowadays, few athletes do not use sports nutrition. One of the most important and common complexes is the BCAA amino acids, but many still have the question: is it harmful or not? Let's figure out what side effects this supplement has and what positive effects it has.

Before you consider main question, you should understand what BCAA amino acids are and what their composition is.

Taurine is a healthy amino acid. As part of the athlete's diet, whether beginner or professional, it stimulates the entire body during training with heavy loads. Taurine is used in combination with creatine and glutamine to stimulate activity nervous system and brain, increasing reaction speed.

What are BCAs?

BCAs are long-chain amino acids. They include only three essential amino acids for humans: isoleucine, leucine, and valine, which are allocated to a specialized class due to the unique structure.

In the human body, the share of these amino acids is forty-two percent of the total number of essential amino acids, which emphasizes their importance for stable life and activity.

Important! According to research, it has been proven that branched chain amino acids help maintain muscle mass and strength during active activities, as well as during periods of stress, and they also increase the degree of endurance.

BCAA composition

As is already known, BCA contains three amino acids. Let's look at their action in more detail.


It is a valuable source of energy for muscles and is necessarily involved in cellular processes. There are also disadvantages to the effects of this amino acid if taken incorrectly, such as:

  • reduction in muscle mass in the human body;
  • decrease in blood sugar levels;
  • the occurrence of a state of drowsiness, lethargy.


It has a major influence on proper muscle growth. Leucine ensures the formation of protein in muscle and liver fibers, and also helps organize the protection of its molecules from destruction processes. In addition, this amino acid balances the amount of serotonin at the highest level, making a person less tired. Leucine also delivers additional energy to muscle fibers.


It is also a source of additional energy for muscle fiber cells, similar to leucine. It keeps serotonin levels at the highest levels, resulting in the body being much less tired.

Important! BCAA, which has a generally positive effect on the body, can lead to a negative effect if used incorrectly. For example, negative consequences applications may be as follows: gastrointestinal upset, drowsiness.

Now, based on the effects of the BCA amino acid complex, let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of them.

Read also the article “” on our website.

Effect of BCAA on the human body

Previously, we considered the priority qualities of amino acids belonging to the type of essential BCAA, which leads to the conclusion that they are necessary for the human body. Without these amino acids, correct muscle growth and their ideal construction is impossible, since BCAAs ensure the correct occurrence of all processes of filling muscle cells with additional fuel.

But this is not all the positive effect of BCAA. Multiple human studies have shown that these amino acids:

  • become the main supplier of glucose when there is less glycogen in muscle fibers.
  • taken before training, they protect muscles from destruction processes, while acting as the main supplier of the required energy;
  • participate in the production of insulin;
  • significantly accelerate the increase in muscle mass when used correctly;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • suppress the feeling of hunger;
  • provide protection to the body from unnecessary external influences.

Besides positive effects BCAA may be harmful. But these are rare cases. Let's see in what cases this may occur. side effects when bcaa amino acids are consumed. They will cause harm to the body only in the following situations:

  • If you drink them on an empty stomach. The fact is that BCAAs help stimulate the digestion process and ensure increased secretion of gastric juice. The absorption of BCA occurs very quickly, and the stomach continues to perform its functions idle, which often leads to belching, heartburn or stool upset.
  • In case of overdose. This leads to disruptions in the stable functioning of the liver, as well as the kidneys, so adhere to the established norm.
  • If you have liver disease. You should consult your doctor. Amino acids have a negative effect on the liver, putting a lot of stress on it.
  • If a young woman is breastfeeding. In this case, the effect on the girl’s body will be positive, but it can cause harm to the baby.

After the breakdown of protein foods into amino acids bcaa - organic compounds with amine and carboxyl groups, the construction of muscles, cells, hormones, and antibodies begins. If the body produces 12 amino acids itself, a person receives 9 from food. It would seem, why do we need BCAA (branched-chain amino acids) when you can eat meat, eggs, dairy products and get your daily protein intake. However, among bodybuilders and powerlifters the need for it increases significantly. To ensure that the body receives lysine, valine, and isoleucine in full, athletes are advised to additionally consume sports nutrition.

BCAA composition

These 3 essential acids differ in their molecular lattice and aliphatic (side) chain structure. Amino make up 1/3, are responsible for the formation of muscle tissue, and participate in many processes. Each of them performs specific functions

  1. Isoleucine– source of energy. Deficiency leads to chronic fatigue, apathy, decreased volume muscle mass. Promotes the healing of microtraumas of fibers received after strength training, increases the body's endurance.
  2. Valin supports nitrogen metabolism, accelerates regeneration, and prevents protein denaturation (destruction).
  3. Leucine stabilizes glucose levels, stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone, cell and tissue renewal. Bcaa leucine gives energy and enhances the effects of the others.

What are BCAA's made of and how are they made?

For the production of additives use cereals and animal proteins. To turn them into powders and tablets use 4 ways:

  • extraction;
  • biofermentation;
  • chemical;
  • enzymatic synthesis.

The last two technologies are rarely used. Mainly exploited biofermentation method. Essential amino acids are obtained from pyruvic and aspartic acids and certain types of strains.

The purified product is no different from those produced by the body.

What are bcaa amino acids used for?

Taking sports nutrition is necessary to activate the intracellular signaling pathway mTOR, answering:

  • for growth, cell migration;
  • metabolism in muscle tissue;
  • formation of nucleotides.

Since protein is synthesized provided there is a sufficient amount of organic compounds, it is necessary for athletes to cover the deficiency of amino acids after class in the hall. BCAA is also needed by men so that after intense workout suppress catabolic processes. This is especially important during the drying period, when the body works under stress. If there is a shortage Immunity decreases, weight growth stops.

The supplement is an energy substrate

Professional athletes know why BCAA are needed. During and after power loads intense oxidation of amino acids occurs, their concentration drops sharply. The process is necessary to break down glucose and maintain energy balance. To keep the level within normal limits, metabolism increases, but this leads to the destruction of protein. An additive will help avoid this.

Sports nutrition for insulin secretion

The complex accelerates the production of insulin, the delivery of glucose and amino acids to muscle tissue. After training, it is useful to immediately take a powder with fast carbohydrates. Leucine quickly increases hormone secretion and activates the regulatory protein PI3K, which is responsible for cell survival and division.

BCAA sports nutrition for weight loss

The supplement indirectly activates fat burning due to increased calorie consumption, since protein synthesis- the process is energy-consuming. Strength training and high protein concentration create optimal conditions to increase volumes and calorie consumption.

BCAA sports nutrition: when and how to take it

To those who drink protein shakes, the BCAA amino acid complex is not needed. Dosage calculated based on body weight.

  1. Weighing 60-80 kg 15 g is enough.
  2. If it is 80-100 kg, norm – 20 g.
  3. With body weight above 100 kg 25-30 g of product is required.

The indicated volumes refer only to the weight of the protein. Manufacturers do not produce BCAA powders, capsules or solutions in pure form. Although complex supplements are made from whey protein, after thorough purification, the mixture contains only 95% amino acids.

Sports nutrition is useful during the period of cutting and weight gain.

  • In the first in case it prevents muscle destruction;
  • in the second– stimulates growth.

The daily norm is divided into 2 doses. Btsashki are taken daily in the morning, evening or after work in the gym. In addition, some drink during exercise to maintain a stable energy level, while others drink before bed to restore fiber.

Which form to choose

BSAA is most often taken in powder. Amino acids reach their destination faster and immediately begin to work. Moreover, the dispersed mass easily mixes into a protein shake.

  1. Capsules washed down with water. Gelatin shells take longer to dissolve than powder. Recommended take 2 pieces 1-3 times.
  2. Manufacturers offer BCAA drinks- complexes in the form of tablets with a liquid substance inside. They are inferior to the previous ones in terms of results. Consume 3-5 pieces during training and 4-6 after, as well as 3 pieces in pauses between meals..
  3. Bcaa complex liquid Absorbed faster than powder. Norm45 ml before and after work in the gym. Daily norm3-4 times.

Supplements can be combined with all types of sports nutrition. To gain weight, take it together with citrulline and anabolic steroids. To find out why BCAA is needed in sports, you can include it in your daily menu and compare the results before and after taking it a month later.

They are not produced naturally, but enter the body with protein foods.

Recently, experts are increasingly talking about the low effectiveness of individual amino acid intake. They support their point of view by the fact that eating a healthy piece of steak is much cheaper and healthier, and there is even more protein. The only difference is that in this case the amino acids will enter the body a few minutes later than when taking BCAA.

BCAA and its composition

Contains three branched chain amino acids. They are necessary for the human body and can only enter it from the outside, because they are not naturally synthesized.


This essential amino acid was discovered by accident, it was found in moldy cheese, and then it was described by scientists Laurent and Gerard. In medicine, it is used in the treatment of liver diseases and anemia. Among beneficial properties It is worth noting the synthesis of protein in the muscles and liver, the normalization of serotonin levels, due to which the athlete gets less tired, the decrease in blood glucose levels, and, as a result, stimulation of secretion. In addition, the breakdown produces b-hydroxy-b-methylglutaric acid, which is similar in structure to cholesterol and anabolic hormones. And, therefore, it simplifies the formation of androgens.

The daily requirement for this amino acid in adults is 31 mg. per 1 kg. weight.


This is an essential amino acid that is involved in energy metabolism. An ordinary person needs 1.5-2 grams per day. isoleucine, but for athletes this figure is much higher. There is a lot of this amino acid in meat and nuts. This is why BCAA can be replaced with these products. The only problem is that you can’t eat a lot of nuts, as they are quite high in calories. And the meat in large quantity hard to digest. Just like leucine, this amino acid stimulates the secretion of hormones, and also strengthens the immune system.

Its reception must be carried out according to all the rules. Otherwise, you can provoke the following undesirable consequences:

  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • decreased blood glucose concentration;
  • increased drowsiness and lethargy.


In the BCAA supplement, valine plays an important role, as it is indispensable for muscle growth and synthesis. In addition, through experiments on mice, it was proven that additional intake of this amino acid increases the body’s resistance to stress (protects against temperature changes and pain). Like leucine, valine is a source of additional energy for muscles and maintains serotonin concentrations. high level, thanks to this the athlete gets less tired after training.

Valine is found in cereals, meat, nuts, as well as other amino acids in the supplement.

Important! Taking BCAA supplements and L-carnitine cannot be combined. Since amino acids can slow down the absorption of the latter.

Misconceptions about negative impact

There are many different myths surrounding BCAA. The most common of them:

  1. “BCAA is a dangerous chemical” - it is not. Organic compounds that form protein are found only in natural products. In BCAA they are in concentrated form. But this does not make sports nutrition chemical.
  2. “BCAA causes irreparable harm to the gastrointestinal tract, provokes gastric ulcers” - as clinical studies prove, even if you exceed the daily dosage, intoxication will not occur. The supplement can only harm the kidneys if taken for a long time and exceeding the daily norm by ten to fifteen times.
  3. “Dietary supplement causes sexual dysfunction” is a statement that is not supported by any clinical studies. Most likely, this myth arose due to bitter experiences with hormone-based sports supplements. They caused problems with potency.

Real Side Effects

Adverse reactions occur due to improper administration sports supplement. BCAA can cause belching, heartburn, and problems with bowel movements. This occurs when the drug is taken on an empty stomach.

Amino acids activate the work digestive system, gastric juice begins to be produced in more(in other words, the gastrointestinal tract is functioning in full mode). Because of this, undesirable consequences arise.

Conditionally to side effects This may include muscle strains and tears, wear and tear, and damage to joints. BCAA increases endurance and helps muscle growth. Because of this, people involved in bodybuilding and other sports significantly exceed permissible physical activity. This is where injuries happen. For a supplement to be beneficial, you need to take it wisely.

Positive effect

The positive properties of BCAA are well studied and proven by research. When the body lacks amino acids, muscle growth stops. For a person leading a measured lifestyle, there are enough substances. But for athletes, they are not enough.

For intense physical activity concentration of free essential amino acids decreases in the body (especially leucine). To compensate for the deficiency, metabolic processes are activated, which destroys muscle proteins, which are sources of amino acids. This does not happen when taking sports nutrition.

BCAA supplement is a source of energy. The chemical reaction of leucine produces more ATP than the same volume of glucose. BCAA cover excessive consumption during sports activities. This element plays important role in gaining muscle mass, controls protein synthesis, increases the concentration of growth hormone.

BCAA not only helps build muscle, but also promotes weight loss. The supplement normalizes leptin synthesis. This is an element that regulates appetite, consumption and accumulation of fat.

Leucine saturates the body, thereby dulling the feeling of hunger. Regular loads burn calories and fat - a person loses weight. This is a huge potential benefit of the supplement.


Despite the fact that BCAA contains amino acids necessary for the body, not everyone can take the supplement. The supplement is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pathological conditions of the pancreas (primarily diabetes);
  • irregularities in work gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcer, increased acidity;
  • severe diseases of the gallbladder, heart, kidneys and liver.

When a person good health, there are no listed contraindications, BCAA will not harm the body if you strictly follow the instructions for use.

It is not recommended to take the supplement without consulting a specialist: some people experience intolerance to the components. If you do not take this into account, you can provoke undesirable consequences, such as allergies.

Despite such a number of positive properties of BCAA, the popularity of this supplement has been declining in recent years, due to the low rationality of its use. As we said at the beginning of the article, eating normally is much cheaper than using expensive supplements. Professional athletes constantly drink amino acids because sponsors supply them with them for free. The price of BCAA is not small at all, 300 g. will cost 700 rubles. And depending on the manufacturer and volume, the cost can reach up to 5,000 rubles and more.

You can find many articles on the topic on the Internet. - harm to the body. Most of them are written by people who understand nothing about chemistry and biology, or sports nutrition. Moreover, they don’t even know how and where they get these compounds.

It's time to put things in order in the information space by explaining to everyone interested how safe they are for health.

Harm of BCAA. Scientific facts, myths, speculations

The first question that every reader should ask is whether it has been proven harm to the body BCAA science?

To answer this question, it is enough to understand what these same amino acids are, what they contain and what they are needed for.

BCAAs are branched chain amino acids. They are found in regular meat, fish, dairy products,... That is, they are natural components of proteins of natural origin. It is from these very natural proteins that they are obtained.

Therefore, when newspapers write that BCAA can cause problems in men, it is the same as writing “meat = impotence” or “fish is killing your children.” In fact, some articles turned out to be alterations of research materials.

Leucine, valine and isoleucine are among the essential amino acids that we need to get regularly from our diet. This is true for both guys and girls of any age.

You ask about articles about real people who have been harmed by supplement use? Such cases actually occurred. But we were talking about counterfeit goods, in other words, fakes. They contained harmful substances that had nothing to do with sports nutrition.

The most popular of the components is leucine. It is not synthesized by our body. Contains:

  • In fish (especially a lot of it in oceanic rocks);
  • Milk. Not only cow, but also goat, camel;
  • In eggs;
  • In black and red caviar;
  • Soy;
  • Some cereals, nuts, etc.

Harm of BCAA to the body person- nothing more than a myth. It is constantly replicated by “yellow” publications both online and in print media. However, for any substance, incl. useful, there are norms for the body. Below the norm and above the norm is always harmful, and sometimes even dangerous.

In particular, excess leucine negatively affects cellular metabolism in muscle tissue. Therefore, it is not recommended to be consumed separately or in large quantities.

Uncontrolled use of any additives can lead to hazardous health consequences. Therefore, before you start using it, you need to find out:

  • Daily and one-time norm for your body under standard and intense loads, on non-training days;
  • The content of each amino acid in one serving.

Keep in mind that you regularly receive BCAAs through food. Therefore, when taking increased doses in the form of powders and tablets, you risk exceeding the dose. Your trainer or nutritionist should advise you.