Liquid diets: ways to “drink” weight loss. Liquid diet for weight loss - rules and diet

Last time liquid diets are gaining more and more popularity. This trend is explained by the fact that a diet based on fluid intake not only quickly gets rid of excess weight, but also helps to gradually transition to a healthy diet.

The essence of any liquid dietis that a significant part of the food consumed should be in a liquid, ground or mushy state. According to many experts, such techniques are ideal for people who are overweight or obese to varying degrees.

Key benefits of liquid diets:

availability and speed of preparation of dishes (drinks);

lack of hunger, physical fatigue, bad mood and weakness while following a diet;

unloading and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

effective cleansing of the body from accumulated waste, toxins, salts, harmful substances;

stable weight normalization (on average 5-7 kg in one week), smooth removal of fat deposits;

the ability to reduce the volume of the stomach by preparing the body for frequent, split meals in smaller portions;

maintaining optimal water-salt balance, activating liver and kidney function.

Liquid diet for weight loss

usually comes in several varieties. The main difference between them is the composition of the daily menu. Based on this criterion, liquid diet May be:

1. Dairy diet.

Her diet provides for the exclusive consumption of milk or drinking fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, sourdough, yogurt) of any fat content. The food chosen for the diet must be fresh, free of sugar, flavoring additives, preservatives and even fruits. As a snack during the daytime, 50-70 g of homemade cottage cheese or hard cheese are acceptable. A striking example of such a technique is.

2. Cereal diet (liquid cereals).

The best option is oatmeal or muesli; porridge made from buckwheat, barley, corn, soybeans, and legumes ground in a coffee grinder are also suitable. An important condition is that the liquid state of the dish is maintained. If desired, cereals can be cooked in milk.

3. Soup diet.

The main component of the menu for this diet is various vegetable puree soups in non-rich meat or fish broths. No salt or seasonings are added when preparing dishes. Allowed vegetables include cabbage of all varieties (mainly cauliflower and broccoli), potatoes in small quantities, carrots, beets, pumpkin, celery, and all types of fresh herbs (onions, garlic, parsley, dill). To obtain a liquid, homogeneous consistency, all soup ingredients are cut into small strips, boiled and blended. Proven and most effective soups for weight loss are onion, celery, cabbage, Minestrone, and dietary borscht.

4. Fruit diet.

Involves the use of a variety of fruit and berry smoothies, jelly, cocktails, purees and natural (unpackaged) freshly squeezed juices. The diet should be started gradually so as not to provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract. It is better to start with neutral foods: green apples, avocados, sweet berries, bananas in small quantities.

5. Vegetable diet.

Includes various smoothies, vitamin mixes, puree from boiled or fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, herbs), natural juices. Dishes are also prepared without salt and spices, with the only exception being olive oil.

6. Tea diet.

Based on daily consumption of freshly brewed tea (black, green, fruit) high quality with the addition of milk or lemon. The recommended amount of tea to drink is up to 1.5-2 liters per day.

7. Classic drinking diet.

Unlike previous methods, this diet has a time limit for its observance. It lasts 20-30 days and consists of a preparatory and main stage.

The preparatory stage for restructuring the body to a new diet lasts 3 days and is based on the following menu (to choose from):

  • 200 g of any porridge without sugar and butter (buckwheat, semolina)/200 g of steamed vegetable cutlets/150 g of liquid mashed potatoes for the first breakfast;
  • 150 ml of kefir (drinking yogurt, skim milk, herbal decoction) for the 2nd breakfast;
  • 200 g of thick vegetable soup with beef and a slice of rye bread / 200 g of baked fish with herbs / 150 g of buckwheat porridge with a side dish of fresh vegetables / 150 g of grated carrots (boiled beets) for lunch;
  • baked apple / handful of cashews (almonds) / 150 ml of curdled milk for an afternoon snack;
  • 200 g of stewed vegetables/150 g of baked jacket potatoes for dinner;
  • 250 ml of kefir before bed.

The main stage of the diet is scheduled strictly by the hour ( exact time meals with a specific list of dishes and drinks):

  • 250 ml of oatmeal broth (100 g of oatmeal per 1 liter of water) without salt and sugar (8.00);
  • 150 ml mushroom (vegetable) broth (9.00);
  • 250 ml warm water (10.00);
  • 200 ml of fresh fruit (berry) juice from apples, pears, citrus fruits, apricots, peaches, cherries diluted 1:3 with distilled water (11.00);
  • 150 ml skim milk (12.00);
  • 250 ml warm water (13.00);
  • 250 ml unsweetened dried fruit compote (14.00);
  • 200 ml of beef broth (200 g of meat per 1 liter of water) without spices and salt (15.00);
  • 250 ml warm water (16.00);
  • 250 ml warm water (17.00);
  • 200 ml diluted 1:3 fruit (berry) fresh juice from apples, pears, citrus fruits, apricots, peaches, cherries (18.00);
  • 150 ml mushroom (vegetable) broth (19.00);
  • 250 ml warm water (20.00);
  • 150 ml kefir/ryazhenka (21.00).

A meager diet that includes classic drinking diet, reviews called quite tough. Nevertheless, the technique in practice gives a guaranteed result - minus 10-15 kg in 20 days or a month. Those who have tried the liquid menu on themselves claim that difficulties arise only in the first days of following the diet. Subsequently, the body gets used to being satisfied with small amounts of food and becomes saturated even from a glass of ordinary water. Due to the complexity of the diet, those losing weight often resort to easier versions.

8. Fractional (light) drinking diet.

The result of its use may be less impressive (minus 5-7 kg of excess weight in 1 month), but the diet is supposed to be more gentle. The technique allows for the separate consumption of any types of permitted products in crushed form in any order. The most common version of this diet is the 7-day method, which is a daily alternation of various liquid mono-diets (broths, fermented milk products, juices, etc.)

To maintain the effect obtained and not harm your health, you should exit the diet gradually. Every day, over the next 2-3 weeks, you can introduce one type of low-fat solid food (preferably protein): first for breakfast, then replacing other meals. Transitioning from a liquid diet to a healthy one balanced system The duration of the diet should be twice as long as the duration of the diet itself.

Among the unusual diets that enjoy some popularity, the liquid diet stands out, the essence of which is worth understanding in order to understand how useful and effective it is. It is noted that when using it, the determining factor is not so much the volume of food eaten, although it is important, but the qualitative indicators of the usefulness of the product.

Liquid diet for weight loss

Not much is known about the liquid diet, but it has been around for about thirty years and owes its appearance to nutritionists in Sweden. They claim that a liquid diet is extremely effective, as it cleanses the body and normalizes the activity of systems responsible for metabolism and directly affects weight loss.

Its essence is that the course, consisting of 19 days, is divided into periods where the first lasts for seven days, is strict, cleansing, when the body is freed from toxins, poisons and fecal debris, and the second, twelve days, is aimed at restoring the body and his attitude towards functioning in the new regime. Experts say that a liquid diet helps cleanse the body and reduce the volume of the stomach, which leads to less food consumption and a reduced need for large volumes of food.

Liquid diet with kefir

Kefir has long been considered a dietary product. It is usually used in any diet. As for this option, here the use of kefir is not only appropriate, but actively indicated. At the same time, it can be used as a more stringent version, when during the day it is allowed to consume only sour-milk drink (up to two liters), excluding any other products. If you stay on kefir for three days, such a liquid drinking diet can destroy up to five kilograms of excess weight.

Liquid protein diet

One of components The method is a protein one, for which products rich in protein are used and can support the body in working condition and compensate for energy costs for cleansing. Among them, the most commonly used are low-fat milk, various juices, kefir, and broths. A liquid diet for weight loss, the menu of which consists of liquids of various compositions, is considered the most effective in a short time.

Liquid diet - cons

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by its numerous participants; it must be remembered that it, like any other drinking diet, is not suitable for everyone, as it requires unusually strict compliance with requirements that can lead to serious health complications. It has not so many advantages as disadvantages, especially if a strict liquid diet is considered:

  • entering it on your own without consulting a nutritionist or doctor is unsafe for your health;
  • used limited quantity solid products;
  • the list of permitted liquids is limited;
  • the daily calorie intake is significantly lower (600-800 kcal) than acceptable;
  • can cause kidney and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • leads to weakness and decreased performance;
  • requires special training for proper entry into and exit from the diet;
  • a “lazy stomach” effect may occur.

Liquid diet - recipes

Nutritionists warn that the concept should not be understood literally, which is why, along with liquid food, they advise not to keep it on the menu. large number"solid" products. Otherwise, a “lazy stomach” effect may occur when it refuses to process any food. In order not to wean the stomach from working, nutritionists recommend the following products:

  • low fat cottage cheese;
  • lean well-cooked beef;
  • chicken meat;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, or, what is less healthy, skim milk.
Vegetable soup

For this technique, it is possible to prepare soup using any broth or water. For 2 liters of water or broth use:

  • beans - half a glass;
  • rice - 100 g;
  • one carrot;
  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • cabbage - ¼ small head of cabbage;
  • young medium zucchini - 1 piece;
  • onion (onion) - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • parsley and dill - to taste.


  1. Leave the beans soaked in cold water for the night.
  2. Next, transfer it to the prepared broth and cook until half cooked.
  3. Add rice and vegetables, and before finishing cooking, add chopped garlic and herbs.
  4. Leave on the stove for a few minutes and the dish is ready.

Protein shake

Reason for dialing extra pounds ov lies, first of all, in the specific nutritional features of modern man. Avoiding a clear eating regimen, we increasingly eat sporadically, and when we finally get to the table, we begin to absorb huge portions, which significantly exceed the body's needs.

This leads to two things at once. negative consequences– gain of extra pounds due to increased caloric content of food, and slowdown of metabolism, which occurs due to irregular food intake. Both of these factors negatively affect health, and an excess of fatty and smoked foods with a large number salt also provokes the accumulation of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract.

A liquid diet, aimed not only at getting rid of extra pounds, but also at reducing appetite and reducing the volume of usual portions, will help cope with most of the problems caused by such poor nutrition. In other words, by following this diet plan for 5-7 days, you will be able to eat significantly less food after leaving it.

Liquid diet: how does it work?

As is obvious from the name itself, the main sources of nutrients during all seven days of following a liquid diet will be all kinds of broths, juices and decoctions. Despite the apparent “lightness” of such a diet, liquid food contains a sufficient amount of calories, so the body will not experience any stress, as, for example, with, and thanks to the large number of natural plant components, there is no risk of developing vitamin deficiency and micronutrient deficiency.

The effectiveness of a liquid diet is explained by the following important points:

  • The consistency of the food is soft and liquid food requires less processing costs from the body, and it is almost completely absorbed, leaving no toxins behind.
  • Lots of water. Firstly, liquid helps reduce hunger due to its volume, and secondly, water is necessary for the process of lipolysis, that is, burning the contents of fat cells.

Thus, a liquid diet helps speed up the process of destruction of subcutaneous fat and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Liquid diet menu

The diet menu, in this case, includes not only the diet for the week, but also the menu for the next three days, since in the case of a liquid diet from the right way out the safety of the achieved result depends on it.

During all seven days of the diet, you need to eat according to the following scheme: starting in the morning, every hour (this must be strictly monitored) you need to drink:

  • Infusion (pour a couple of tablespoons of flakes into two glasses of water, bring everything to a boil and leave for 15 minutes. Then stir and strain).
  • A glass of warm broth from any vegetables (it is advisable to include it in the vegetable mixture - it has a positive effect on the weight loss process).
  • A glass of boiled water (hot).
  • A glass of juice diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 3:1.
  • A glass of low-fat milk (the maximum allowable percentage of fat is 1.5).
  • Again a glass of hot boiled water.
  • 250 ml of any fruit decoction or infusion.
  • A glass of weak meat broth, pre-strained.
  • 250 ml of hot boiling water.
  • 250 ml warm boiled water.
  • A glass of vegetable juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • A glass of vegetable broth.
  • A glass of hot water.
  • A glass of low-fat kefir.

Change the acceptance sequence liquid food You can’t, just like you can’t exclude or add something to your diet.

Quitting a Liquid Diet

First day

For breakfast, eat a glass of liquid puree from any vegetable mixture and a little kefir. For lunch - three or four tomatoes and kefir stewed with water, for an afternoon snack - a vegetable salad (small portion up to 150 grams) and a slice of bread. Have cauliflower puree with kefir dressing for dinner.

Second day

In the morning - vegetables and kefir, at lunch - liquid semolina porridge, the afternoon snack is the same as on the first day, for dinner you can eat mashed potatoes, and a couple of hours before bedtime - cabbage salad (you can find out about its benefits for weight loss) .

Third day

A glass of vegetable broth and buckwheat with milk, after a couple of hours - bran bread with lettuce. For lunch - soup with mushrooms and rice, after 2.5-3 hours - vegetable stew, before bed - a piece of bread with cheese or cottage cheese, a glass of tea.

Liquid diet: doctors' opinions

Despite the effectiveness of this diet plan, experts do not recommend it to everyone. The existence of problems with the functioning of the kidneys and excretory system, physical work, requiring increased energy costs and impaired water-salt metabolism are contraindications to following a liquid diet.

A liquid diet will help you easily get rid of 7-10 kilograms in just a week, provided that it is followed correctly and accurately. But it must be used with caution, since it gives additional load to the excretory system.

Have you already tried losing weight with a liquid diet? Tell us about your results by leaving your review!

There are a large number of different liquids. Some of them are tougher and require special willpower, others are softer and not so “hungry”. They also vary in duration, from several days to a month.

Liquid diet based on soups

One of the best and most current weight loss variations is based on soups. A liquid diet of this type does not require special willpower and does not force you to go hungry.

In addition, it is nice to know that this type of nutrition is designed specifically for people suffering from overweight. And here we are not talking about 2-3 kilograms. Severely obese people followed this liquid diet. The diet was tested in famous medical centers in Belgium and Switzerland.

What is not allowed and what is possible?

The main ingredients of the soup diet are vegetables, mostly with negative calorie content. This is low in carbohydrates and contains no fat. Therefore, the body will be forced to say goodbye to fat reserves and use them for its vital functions.

Prohibited products:

  • Sweets in any form and manifestation, even the healthiest ones, such as honey.
  • Flour products, bread, buns, baked goods.
  • Alcohol is also prohibited.
  • It is necessary to exclude fat, so neither fat-containing foods nor oils are allowed.
  • Any soda is also prohibited, even mineral water.


  • Unsweetened tea, coffee and water.
  • Freshly squeezed juice.
  • Vegetables: cucumber, lettuce, beans, carrots and all green vegetables.
  • Fruits: apple, pineapple, watermelon and melon.

Liquid food should be consumed within 5-7 days. There must be at least three doses within one day. The soup should not be cold; only a warm dish can be consumed.

Diet and recipes

Let's take a closer look at the recipes for simple and tasty soups:

  • The first option is the well-known “Bonn” soup. To prepare it you will need 6 large onions, 4 tomatoes, one bunch of celery and medium-sized forks of white cabbage. Chop all the products and put them in a saucepan. Add water in the amount of 6 liters. Place on high heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Afterwards, switch to low heat and cook for another 30 minutes. You can use salt and half a vegetable broth cube as spices.

  • Another simple and delicious soup with beans. To prepare it you will need celery, leeks, a couple of sweet peppers, 6 large onions and the same amount of carrots. You also need a pound of beans, 5 tomatoes and a medium fork of cabbage. This version of the soup is similar in preparation to the first.
  • The third option is also very easy to prepare. We will need 250 grams of carrots, half a kilo onions, 300 grams of celery, 250 grams of cauliflower and the same amount of parsley. All this needs to be supplemented with a head of garlic and 200 grams of leek. You only need 1.5 liters of water. Since this is a puree soup, all products must be boiled until softened. After cooking, they must be processed in a blender. You can supplement the soup with plant-based spices and seeds, such as cumin.

You can combine products at your discretion. The main thing is that soups should not contain meat, cereals or fats.

Results and contraindications

Such a liquid diet for weight loss can please you in just a week with a “plumb line” of 5-10 kg. However, it can be repeated no earlier than after 4 months. Contraindications are standard. This type of diet should not be followed by elderly people, pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under 18 years of age.

Quitting the diet

You need to get out of this smoothly. Initially, you should add a little more vegetables, then fruits, cereals, and so gradually return to a normal diet.

We must remember that the exit should take no less time than the diet itself, and even more. For example, you followed a liquid diet for 7 days, then your recovery should be at least 14 days. Only in this case can a sustainable result be achieved.


Generally, the liquid diet results and reviews are positive. Based on information from forums, they generally “lose” from 2 to 5 kg. For some, the weight lasts a long time, for others it returns within three days. Perhaps someone does not go out of their diet, so the result is individual.

Chocolate diet

This is an original diet that encourages the consumption of hot chocolate, cocoa and still water. You can use skim milk for drinks. Sugar is prohibited. You need to stick to this diet for no more than 7 days. Chocolate liquid diet menu:

  • First day. Water.
  • Second day. Hot chocolate and cocoa.
  • Third day. Chocolate and cocoa.
  • Fourth day. Water.
  • Fifth day. Water.
  • Sixth day. Cocoa and chocolate.
  • Seventh day. Cocoa and chocolate.

At the end of the week, you can get rid of 5 to 7 kg of excess weight.

Drinking diet

This version of a liquid diet for weight loss has been successfully used by many girls for several years. True, not everyone can maintain such a diet.

Despite various reviews, if you follow a liquid drinking diet correctly, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body.

Basic foodstuffs

This liquid food diet includes the following products:

  • Tea, coffee, water.
  • Broth, puree soup.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with a fat content of no more than 2%.
  • Also, a diet on liquid food allows smoothies from fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
  • Compotes and juices, but only without sugar.
  • Milk.
  • In some variations, watermelon is allowed.

In addition to the above drinks, on a liquid drinking diet it is necessary to consume vitamin and mineral complexes. After all, the diet is very poor and, accordingly, problems with skin, hair and nails may begin. This is especially true for long-term diets.

Preparing the body for a diet

It is imperative to gradually prepare the body for such stress. After all, dieting is always stressful. Therefore, you should initially exclude fatty foods, flour and alcohol. The filling of the plate should also be gradually reduced. Every day one of the meals should be made liquid, so after a few days you can completely switch to a liquid menu. And only after all this can you go on a diet.

Diet for 3 days

You need to eat at least 4 times a day. Products can be combined, for example, making cocktails from fruits and kefir. Let's look at an approximate menu for the day:

  • Breakfast. One glass of milk or fermented milk product.
  • Lunch. Freshly squeezed vegetable juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree soup. It is necessary to ensure that the dish is liquid, no thicker than kefir.
  • Afternoon snack. Kissel based on berries and fruits.
  • Dinner. A glass of low-fat fermented milk product.

Each meal should not be more than 300 grams in volume. This menu must be followed for all three days. Basically, the results of the liquid diet and the reviews on it are positive; such unloading will allow you to get rid of 5 kg.

Diet plan for 7 days

This version of the liquid drinking diet is longer and stricter. The menu, as in the 3-day diet, will be approximate and scheduled by day.

  • Day one. Consume dairy and fermented milk products, water.
  • Day two. The diet consists of only broths. They can be prepared using dietary meat or fish.
  • Day three. The consumption of smoothies and vegetable and fruit juices is suggested. Juices are pre-diluted with water.
  • Day four. The soup is a puree, you can use almost any vegetables to prepare it. Naturally, potatoes are prohibited. Watch the consistency of the soup; it should not be thick. In addition to soup, you can take tea with milk.
  • Day five. Vegetable broth is on the menu. In addition to it, fruit jelly or compote. Naturally, all drinks are sugar-free.
  • Day six. Compote without sugar and soup similar to the fourth day.
  • Day seven. Only water without gas.

Such a liquid diet for weight loss can remove several centimeters from the waist and up to 7 kg in a week. You should refrain from intensive training and other feats, since weakness, dizziness and generally not a very cheerful state are possible.

Option for 14 days

Another of the variations that offers only liquids. Here you will need more self-control, after all, you still have to sit for half a month. very similar to the seven-day one, only lasts longer. You should not go on a complete fast, as in the seventh day option.

The total calorie content of one day should be from 1200 to 1400 kilocalories. The stool should be regular, if problems arise with this, then you need to use aids(enema or laxative).

Following such a liquid diet for weight loss can give you a “plumb line” of 10-15 kg in two weeks. It all depends on the initial parameters and metabolism of the body.

Diet for 30 days

This is a very difficult diet to follow. But it's worth your time. You will have to eat only liquid food for the entire month. Along with excess weight, you can also get rid of toxins. Toxins will leave your body after the first week. After the third week, the kidneys and liver will be cleansed. And within a month, the body is cleansed at the cellular level.

If we talk about weight loss results, then in 30 days you can lose 20 kg. But don’t be upset if the numbers on the scales don’t change so quickly; be sure to take measurements of your volumes. After all, according to reviews, this diet is aimed specifically at them. True, this dietary option can lead to poor health, so it is better to consult a specialist.

General recommendations include consulting a doctor. In addition, while adhering to a liquid diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of pure still water daily. Compotes, tea and coffee are not water, so it is very important to drink plain water. This is the only way your body it will go well cleaning

Quitting the drinking diet

They didn’t come up with anything new in the case of the exit. Therefore, it is necessary to multiply the number of days of the diet by two, this is how much the output will take. If you immediately start eating regular food, the weight will return.

One caveat: at the beginning of the exit you begin to add solid food, but not meat, but fruits and vegetables. Afterwards, add porridge for breakfast. Then soups. And so on until you completely return to a nutritious diet.

How to withstand such a power system?

In most cases, it is not possible to maintain a long course of diet. But, according to reviews, there are still those girls who managed to overcome their breakdown. Therefore, we can recommend you:

  • Answer yourself the question, why do you need to lose weight? You must have a reason and incentive. This is the only way to achieve it good result and maintain a drinking diet.
  • Imagine yourself thin and airy. Think about what you could afford without extra pounds? Perhaps these are some fashionable bright trousers? Or do you have a favorite dress somewhere that hasn’t fit you for several years?
  • Draw a sheet of paper into two columns. In one, describe the benefits of losing weight and what you will gain from it. In the other column are the cons. And at that very moment when you really want some candy, look at this list. Perhaps you will make a choice in favor of being slim?
  • Reward yourself for every goal you achieve. Buy yourself some clothes and look at yourself looking slimmer. Go to the salon.

Don't hate yourself because you're overweight, at this rate you'll only ruin everything. Therefore, improve yourself and try to make yourself better.

The secret diet offered in expensive spas! It is on her that Angelina Jolie and Victoria Lima lose weight. Now you can repeat it at home, losing up to 10 kg in 2 weeks.

The liquid diet gained popularity at the beginning of this millennium and immediately created a real sensation. Even today, it remains the secret of many expensive spa centers where world stars tidy up their figure. This technique can be based on a variety of products, but exclusively on those that need to be drunk, not eaten.

A properly selected drinking diet is an excellent way to quickly lose excess weight without painful fasting while simultaneously cleansing the intestines and removing harmful substances from tissues.

Features of liquid weight loss

Throughout the entire weight loss period, the drinking diet consists only of liquid low-calorie foods. This is the main rule of all such programs designed not only for weight loss, but also for medicinal purposes. With this method of nutrition, the main load falls on the liver and kidneys, while the stomach and esophagus “rest”, decreasing in size during this time. As a result, after a diet, satiety occurs much faster and with less food, so the lost kilograms do not return.

At the right approach a drinking diet will be most effective for weight loss, and will also bring considerable benefits to the body - the weight can be 10 kg against the backdrop of high-quality cleansing, general health and rejuvenation. However, in some cases, unforeseen complications are possible, to prevent which it is necessary to visit a specialist before starting the course. The doctor will assess your health and help you develop a diet tailored to the needs of a particular person.

Pros and cons

In addition to the above advantages of drinking nutrition systems, they have several more important advantages over other diets:

  1. They are tolerated very easily, without a debilitating feeling of hunger.
  2. Safe for health, does not create metabolic stress.
  3. Completely remove toxins, waste, and decay products.
  4. Allows you to maintain physical performance, mental activity, and good mood.
  5. Saturated with essential nutrients.
  6. Based on varied menu, which does not require the preparation of special dishes and scrupulous calorie counting.
  1. A pronounced diuretic effect, which can lead to micronutrient deficiency.
  2. Adverse effects of lack of solid food on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Imbalanced diet.

Due to the diuretic effect and the removal of a significant amount of fluid, one of the unpleasant consequences of liquid nutrition can be constipation. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to use infusions or herbal preparations based on senna. In addition, senna itself is beneficial for weight loss, as it allows you to cleanse the intestines and prevent the absorption of fats by the intestinal walls.

But this rather strong laxative should not be abused. As a rule, senna is not used in its pure form, but is mixed with other plant materials to prepare infusions. The most commonly applied fee is:

  • senna leaves – 10 g;
  • dandelion – 10 g;
  • parsley – 10 g;
  • nettle – 10 g;
  • dill seeds – 5 g;
  • mint – 5 g.

All components are mixed, then 1 tbsp. l. collection is poured with 1 glass of boiling water. After 3 hours of infusion, the drink is filtered and taken after meals. In this case, the dose must be increased daily - starting with one glass, increased to two, and then reduced again to one.

Another disadvantage of a liquid diet is that you eat on a strict schedule too often, which can be inconvenient for busy people. In addition, it should be taken into account that some types of drinking techniques are contraindicated in case of cardiac, renal or liver failure, gastrointestinal diseases, during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

How to enter correctly

A liquid diet requires a lot careful preparation, since all organs and systems need to be adapted to a radical change in the principles of nutrition and diet composition. The preparatory period is designed for 3 days, during which the following menu is expected to be observed:

  • 8:00 – milk buckwheat, oatmeal or semolina porridge;
  • 10:00 – low-fat fermented milk drink;
  • 13:00 – thick vegetable soup, a portion of boiled veal with 1 slice of bread;
  • 16:00 – 1 citrus or apple;
  • 19:00 – vegetable stew;
  • 8:00 – steamed vegetarian dish;
  • 10:00 – warm milk;
  • 13:00 – portion of veal with a side dish of buckwheat porridge and herbs;
  • 16:00 – cashew nuts;
  • 19:00 – mashed potatoes with added milk;
  • 21:00 – fermented milk drink.
  • 8:00 – mashed potatoes without additives, diluted with broth to a liquid state;
  • 10:00 – herbal infusion;
  • 13:00 – carrot salad with a little honey;
  • 16:00 – yogurt;
  • 19:00 – the same puree as in the morning;
  • 21:00 – kefir.

Proper organization preparatory period plays important role in conducting the entire course. The body must enter the diet prepared so that there is no stress or disturbances in the metabolic process. Also an important part of the preparation is getting used to drinking pure boiling water instead of tea. During weight loss, such a “drink” is an important part of the diet, helping to maintain temperature balance without using up already limited food resources.

Classic drinking diet

Liquid weight loss methods can be very diverse - from fairly non-fasting to the most severe. The classic diet option is considered the most acceptable and most common. It is, if not absolutely harmless, then, in any case, not as “evil” as other varieties.

Every day you need to eat strictly on time, consuming only the liquids indicated in the menu. Skipping meals is highly undesirable. A single serving of drink is 250 ml.

The diet should be as follows:

  • 8:00 – oat broth;
  • 9:00 – vegetable broth;
  • 10:00 – clean boiling water;
  • 11:00 – fresh fruit or vegetable juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 3:1 (apple, orange, pear, carrot, tomato, celery are best);
  • 12:00 – low-fat milk;
  • 13:00 – pure boiling water;
  • 14:00 – compote of berries, fruits or dried fruits;
  • 15:00 – meat broth;
  • 16:00 – pure boiling water;
  • 17:00 – pure boiling water;
  • 18:00 – fruit juice diluted with water in a ratio of 3:1 (apple, orange, pear or grape are best);
  • 19:00 – vegetable broth;
  • 20:00 – pure boiling water;
  • 21:00 – yogurt.

Recipes for preparing decoctions:

  • oatmeal – ½ cup oats per 1 liter of water, cook for 30 minutes, strain;
  • meat - 200 g of finely chopped lean veal per 1 liter of water, cook for 60 minutes, drain;
  • vegetable, fruit, berry - 300 g of raw material or 100 g of dry raw material per 1 liter of water, cook for 10 minutes, strain.

The diet seems quite strict, but it will be so for the first 2 days. Then the body quickly gets used to it, so on the third day the food becomes quite familiar, and on the fifth day saturation is felt after every drink, even after boiling water. If this does not happen, and following a diet causes severe hunger, it is recommended to consider other options for drinking or a regular menu.

Types of liquid diets

There are a sufficient number of types of liquid diets, based on the consumption of a variety of drinks or thicker porridge-like products - smoothies, juices with pulp, pureed dishes. The main thing is that with such a food system you cannot eat anything that requires chewing - you need to drink all the food. It should be borne in mind that a significant part of liquid diets are quite safe for health, but there are some that can pose a real threat to well-being. Therefore, you need to choose them taking into account not only effectiveness and taste preferences, but also for medical reasons.


Almost all very strict drinking nutrition systems are quite difficult to tolerate, since they are very low in calories, are associated with a constant feeling of hunger, and also create severe stress for all systems. Most often, such diets are based on water or clear drinks.


The most stringent of all liquid diets is considered to be water. Its rules prohibit drinking anything other than water. In fact, this method of losing weight is a regular fast, so it is recommended to use it as a fasting day. The main rule of such weight loss is the quality of water - it must be clean, unboiled, not mineralized, without gas. Thawed or settled and then passed through a filter works great.

It is necessary to enter into the process of losing weight longer than indicated in general rules for liquid diets. Especially if the course duration is more than 3 days. You need to introduce dietary restrictions for at least one week - first give up junk food, and then completely switch to plant foods.

Sitting on the water, overcoming debilitating hunger, makes no sense. Such a hunger strike will not bring positive results, but will only lead to stress, weakness, loss of mood, and increased deposition of fat reserves.

Therefore, if water fasting causes severe discomfort, it is better to abandon it and choose a milder option for losing weight.


Another of the most stringent types of drinking weight loss methods is the so-called transparent liquid diet. It is based on the refusal not only of solid food, but also of opaque drinks.

Allowed drinks are:

  • ordinary clean drinking water;
  • juices without pulp;
  • strained compotes, vegetable decoctions, herbal infusions;
  • low-fat meat and fish broths.

In addition, it is necessary to follow several rules for the preparation and consumption of such liquids:

  • drink 200–250 ml every hour;
  • Dilute all fresh juices with water (proportion 3:1).

The main difference between the transparent method and the classical one is the absence of dairy products in the diet and the need to drink hot water. All other principles remain unchanged.


The juice diet is one of the best cleansing and health-improving techniques losing weight. It ensures high-quality removal of all excess from the intestines and tissues, saturates it with vitamins and useful elements, accelerates metabolism, improves the digestion process, and also has a healing effect. As a rule, simultaneously with normalizing body weight, you can get rid of diseases associated with obesity - atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney and liver pathologies.

There are many schemes for conducting juice diets. But only those that involve the use of exclusively fresh juices are suitable for the liquid version. They are observed for 3–5 days. In this case, the diet consists of only 1–1.5 liters of juice, which is very close to fasting.

The most commonly used types of juices are:

  • vegetable:
    • carrot;
    • cabbage;
    • cucumber;
    • squash
  • fruity:
    • pineapple;
    • apple;
    • citrus.

You can also use any other drinks. The main thing is that they are freshly pressed from pure natural raw materials.

Almost all fruit and a significant part of fresh vegetable juices cannot be drunk undiluted when following a juice diet. Depending on the saturation, it is recommended to dilute them with water or neutral juices in a ratio of 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3.

A single serving of the finished drink is 250 ml. In between drinking juice, you need to drink clean water - daily norm is at least 1.5 liters.

Losing weight using juice methods almost always leads to a lack of energy. If you have health problems, it is better to avoid this method. In any case, you should not start the course without first consulting a doctor.


A diet using liquid food is popular among the most famous stars show business, fashion and beauty. In particular, such famous personalities as Angelina Jolie and Adriana Lima lose weight using these techniques. True, each of them has its own individual program.

Angelina Jolie

The famous actress first used a liquid diet to lose weight after giving birth. But she stuck to it for 3 weeks, which is considered too long for such methods. In addition, Angelina Jolie was actively involved in sports throughout her entire period. As a result, she lost 12 kg of excess weight in 21 days.

Jolie's diet is quite complex, requiring iron willpower and unshakable motivation. Throughout the course, the actress eats only vegetable and chicken broths, drinks herbal teas, fresh juices diluted with water.

Other sources report that she takes a special diet lemonade, which she prepares according to her own recipe. For preparation, mineral water is used with the addition of lemon juice, Chinese pepper, and maple syrup. The drink is taken 5 times a day, 200 ml.

Adriana Lima

The liquid weight loss option of the famous Victoria's Secret model Adriana Lima is even more strict. She eats only low-calorie foods for 9 days in a row. protein shakes and a significant amount of water. Plus, Adriana trains 2 times a day, and she does sports not only during a diet, but constantly.

The model’s diet is quite simple - throughout the day she:

  • drinks only a cocktail of egg protein powder (300 ml 5 times a day);
  • takes complex multivitamin preparations;
  • additionally drinks 3.5 liters of clean water.

This weight loss technique is often called the “Victoria diet”, since other models of the famous agency often follow it.

On ordinary days, Adriana Lima eats meat, honey, and sometimes allows herself chocolate or donuts, but very limitedly. Although many nutritionists call this diet a direct path to anorexia, Adriana looks great. According to her, you need to constantly eat healthy, nutritious food, then taking a 9-day course on protein shakes will not cause any harm. However, this method is not only very extreme, but quite dangerous, so it can only be used after consulting a doctor.

In general, all of the above weight loss programs are stressful for the body. It is recommended to resort to them only in case of emergency, observing no more than the period established by the rules. Best used as fasting days. For more thorough weight loss, gentle drinking methods are optimal.


Liquid diets with a gentle diet are suitable for almost everyone and allow you to lose weight without hunger or discomfort. They may be less effective than strict ones, but they are definitely harmless to health and psyche.


All protein weight loss methods are known for their high efficiency. The rules of such diets sharply limit the consumption of carbohydrates and significantly reduce the amount of fat. In the case of a liquid version of the protein diet, you should consume dairy and fermented milk drinks, as well as raw eggs, meat or fish broths.

There are two main advantages of this method of nutrition:

  1. Weight loss occurs due to the breakdown of fat without reducing muscle mass.
  2. There is no constant feeling of hunger.

An example menu could look like this:

  • 8:00 – kefir;
  • 9:00 – meat broth;
  • 10:00 – milk;
  • 11:00 – fish broth;
  • 12:00 – 2 raw eggs (or eggnog without sugar);
  • 13:00 – yogurt;
  • 14:00 – meat broth;
  • 15:00 – milk;
  • 16:00 – fish broth;
  • 17:00 – unsweetened eggnog;
  • 18:00 – yogurt;
  • 19:00 – 2 raw eggs;
  • 20:00 – fish broth;
  • 21:00 – fermented baked milk.

Recipes for dietary eggnog are somewhat different from traditional ones. To prepare it, eggs are beaten only with milk or water. If desired, you can add vanillin or nutmeg.

The given example menu can be changed at your discretion or you can use only one category of products, for example, only broths or fermented milk drinks. A strict kefir mono-diet is also one of the liquid protein nutrition systems.

The effectiveness of such weight loss methods is due to the fact that protein drinks are able to provide the body with the necessary energy. At the same time, the digestion of proteins takes a lot of time, which creates a long-term feeling of fullness. A fairly nutritious diet guarantees lasting results, of course, if you eat right after completing the course.

At the same time, the protein drinking method is unbalanced, since the body does not receive all the necessary nutrients, minerals, vitamins, etc. important elements. This may have a negative impact on the condition nervous system, skin and hair, general well-being.

Also, a significant disadvantage of a protein liquid diet is considered to be increased stress on the kidneys. Moreover, it is the enlarged drinking regime further aggravates the problem, because the diet contains not only a lot of protein, but also a significant amount of liquid. Therefore, this option for liquid weight loss can be used in the complete absence of health problems.

Doctor Nazardan

The most satisfying and easy to follow of all liquid diets is Dr. Nazardan’s program. There are no restrictions other than the exclusion of solid foods and alcohol. The menu can include anything that can be called liquid, including semolina porridge, pureed soups, vegetable or fruit purees.

As a bariatric surgeon involved in the surgical treatment of obesity, Nazardan developed this nutritional system for his patients before gastric banding (a sharp reduction in its volume). The doctor offers the following menu:

  • 8:00 – milk semolina porridge;
  • 10:00 – mashed potatoes;
  • 13:00 – pureed pea soup;
  • 16:00 – steamed vegetables, chopped in a blender;
  • 21:00 – yogurt.

When following such a diet, you should use only low-fat foods and eat small portions. This will not only reduce daily calorie content, but also reduce the volume of the stomach naturally. As a result, satiety will occur faster and with much less food.

By points

Another very gentle nutritional system based on liquid food is based on a special nutritional principle that requires counting points (similar to the Kremlin diet). This technique is very popular in America. It is designed for 1 week and involves the use of certain products (in brackets - the number of points in 1 glass):

  • oatmeal decoction (5);
  • fruit or dried fruit compote (5);
  • vegetable decoction (5);
  • fresh vegetable juice diluted with water 1:1 (10);
  • low-fat kefir (10);
  • fresh fruit diluted with water 3:1 (20);
  • skim milk (20);
  • lean meat broth (20).

During the day you can use no more than 130 points. The optimal menu option should include all of the specified products. In this case it will be as follows:

  • 8:00 – oatmeal decoction;
  • 9:00 – fruit or dried fruit compote;
  • 10:00 – vegetable broth;
  • 11:00 – fresh vegetable;
  • 12:00 – low-fat kefir;
  • 13:00 – fresh fruit;
  • 14:00 – skim milk;
  • 15:00 – lean meat broth;
  • 16:00 – vegetable broth;
  • 17:00 – oatmeal broth;
  • 18:00 – compote;
  • 19:00 – fresh vegetable;
  • 20:00 – low-fat fermented milk drink.

In addition, you need to drink water, tea or coffee. Sugar and salt are completely excluded.

During the period of such a diet you can lose overweight, cleanse yourself of all kinds of toxins. As a result, a pleasant lightness will appear, your well-being will improve, and your mood will rise.

The smoothie diet is perfect for quick, easy and tasty weight loss. With such a nutrition system, you can lose 7–8 kg in 2 weeks without harming your health at all.

A smoothie is a liquid porridge-like mixture obtained by thoroughly grinding vegetables, fruits, and berries in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To obtain less thickness, add water, juices or fermented milk drinks in the required quantity.

The absence of heat treatment allows you to preserve vitamins and useful elements. And the low calorie content and consistency ensures quick loss weight.

In addition, the advantages of a liquid smoothie diet include:

  • absence of hunger, significant restrictions and harm to health;
  • beneficial effects on the body - strengthening the immune system, improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • reducing the risk of “lazy” bowel syndrome, characteristic of other drinking methods, due to the presence of pulp (fiber).

When following such a diet, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. A single serving of smoothie should not exceed 250 ml.
  2. The drink is consumed 5 times a day.
  3. Before cooking, all fruits must be peeled.
  4. The finished dish should have a drinkable consistency.

In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

An approximate daily diet may consist of the following cocktails:

Option 1:

  • 8:00 – 100 ml each of low-fat yogurt and milk, ½ banana, 1 tsp. honey;
  • 11:00 – 2 oranges, 2 kiwis, ½ grapefruit;
  • 14:00 – tomato, cucumber, some herbs and garlic, kefir in the required quantity;
  • 16:00 – 600 g raspberries, 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 19:00 – 1 carrot, ½ apple, 2 stalks of celery, water.

Option 2:

  • 8:00 – 2 oranges, ½ lime, ½ banana;
  • 11:00 – 2 tomatoes, 150 ml carrot juice, parsley, sorrel;
  • 14:00 – a handful of strawberries, 2 kiwis, almond milk in the right quantity;
  • 16:00 – 2 peaches, 1 apple, a handful of raspberries or currants;
  • 19:00 – pulp 4 apricots, 2 tbsp. l. bran, yogurt.

Option 3:

  • 8:00 – pineapple pieces, orange juice;
  • 11:00 – a handful of strawberries, 1 apple, fermented baked milk;
  • 14:00 – 50 ml each of pomegranate and carrot juice, 1 stalk of celery;
  • 16:00 – 2 tomatoes, dill, yogurt;
  • 19:00 – 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, bunch of sorrel, carrot juice.

Option 4:

  • 8:00 – 1 banana, 100 ml fresh apple, 50 ml fresh carrot, fermented baked milk, vanillin or cinnamon to taste;
  • 11:00 – 1 tomato, 100 g broccoli, 1 carrot, greens, yogurt;
  • 14:00 – 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 salad pepper, dill, parsley, basil, yogurt;
  • 16:00 – 500 g of boiled pumpkin, 100 ml of milk, cinnamon to taste.
  • 19:00 - 1 carrot, ½ apple, 2 stalks of celery, water.

There are a large number of recipes for making bright, tasty and healthy smoothies. In addition, you can create your own combinations using recommended products and following the specified rules. Nutritionists approve of this option for losing weight, since such drinks are well absorbed, do not harm the digestive tract, are excellent cleansers, and are loaded with nutrients.

Quitting the diet

Essentially, any liquid diet consists of two stages: losing weight and losing weight. This is due to the fact that an incorrect transition from a drinking diet to a regular one can not only negate all efforts to get rid of extra pounds, but also cause significant harm to health. That is why no less attention is paid to exiting the process than to losing weight directly.

A special menu has also been developed for this period.

Option 1 (for 3 days)

  • 8:00 – 200 g of liquid mashed potatoes;
  • 10:30 – chamomile tea;
  • 13:00 – 200 g of grated carrots with honey;
  • 16:30 – 200 ml fermented baked milk;
  • 19:00 – 200 g of liquid mashed potatoes;
  • at night – 200 ml of drinking yogurt.
  • 8:00 – 250 g steamed vegetables;
  • 10:30 – 200 ml low-fat milk;
  • 13:00 – 200 g of buckwheat porridge with herbs (without oil);
  • 16:30 – cashew nuts 10 pcs.;
  • 19:00 – mashed potatoes with milk;
  • at night – 200 ml of kefir.
  • 8:00 – milk semolina porridge;
  • 10:30 – 200 ml kefir;
  • 13:00 – thick vegetarian soup, 250 g of veal, bread;
  • 16:30 – 1 apple;
  • 19:00 – boiled or stewed vegetables;
  • at night - 200 ml of yogurt.

Option 2 (for 4 days)

  • 8:00 – cabbage puree, yogurt;
  • 10:00 – boiled carrot salad, fresh orange juice;
  • 13:00 – baked pear puree, berry juice;
  • 16:00 – vegetarian soup, chamomile tea;
  • 19:00 – pumpkin puree, milk.
  • 8:00 – stewed vegetables, drinking yogurt;
  • 10:00 – fruit salad, yogurt;
  • 13:00 – vegetable stew, citrus juice;
  • 16:00 – salad, berry juice;
  • 19:00 – vinaigrette, tea.
  • 8:00 – millet milk porridge, vegetable broth;
  • 10:00 – vegetable salad, compote;
  • 13:00 – vegetarian soup with mushrooms, milk;
  • 16:00 – chicken broth;
  • 19:00 – vegetable stew, beet salad, fermented baked milk.
  • 8:00 – oatmeal with pieces of dried fruit, tea;
  • 10:00 – baked apples, compote;
  • 13:00 – boiled fish with potatoes, bread, compote;
  • 16:00 – fruit cocktail;
  • 19:00 – chicken soup, vegetable salad, drinking yogurt.

Only after proper implementation and completion of the exit can the entire weight loss course be considered complete. In the future you should switch to healthy eating, reduce the amount or give up sweets, flour, fried, fatty foods, as well as everything else that can harm your figure and health. Only then will the results be permanent.

The number of kilograms lost depends on the selected menu option, initial body weight, metabolic rate and other individual characteristics of the body. That is why it can vary quite widely. On average, you can lose 3–5 kg in 1 week, and with high starting weight the plumb line can be 5–8 kg.

A liquid diet is a reliable way to guarantee weight loss and maintenance. slim figure. A properly organized regimen of such nutrition can normalize body weight, cleanse the intestines, and improve the health of all organs and systems.