Leg workouts for weight. Massive leg training for men in the gym – professionals reveal the secrets of effective pumping! The best leg exercises

Harmoniously developed body muscles are something that not only people should strive for professional bodybuilders, but also amateur athletes training at home. Using a horizontal bar, parallel bars and a dumbbell set, you can form wide back, rounded deltoids and voluminous biceps. But a developed torso combined with thin hips will look ridiculous. Therefore, in home program Training must include exercises for the leg muscles.

Why train your legs?

As we have already noted, a set of exercises for the legs is necessary to create a harmoniously developed silhouette. But external aesthetics are not the only advantage of such loads. Let's look at other advantages of lower body training for men:

  • are the largest in the human body. This means that by performing (, etc.), a man stimulates the hormonal system. As a result, there is an increased production of growth hormones, which are responsible for building muscle throughout the body.
  • If a man is involved in running, martial arts or game disciplines (volleyball, basketball, etc.), leg exercises will allow him to further strengthen his hips and legs. As a result, he will be able to move more sharply, his jump height and movement speed will increase.
  • If available overweight, lower body training will help overcome this problem. Exercises for pumping up the legs involve several large muscle groups, which speeds up metabolic processes, increases the consumption of calories and, as a result, effective weight loss.
  • Let’s say right away that it is impossible to build powerful legs like bodybuilders at home. This requires serious weight loads. But create beautiful relief lower body and slightly increase muscle volume is quite possible. Leg training at home is ideal for this.
  • Leg exercises done at home will help increase blood circulation in the lower body. This is useful for cardiovascular system, since it creates moderate load to the myocardium. In addition, such exercises will allow a man to maintain a healthy genitourinary system.

The best leg exercises

At home, as a rule, there is no power rack with a barbell or a Smith machine. Therefore, we recommend using weights, dumbbells, as well as improvised objects (for example, water bottles or a backpack with a load) as weights. Working with own weight in this case it is useless.

Squats with dumbbells

If you want to quickly pump up your legs, you can’t do without squats. The exercise comprehensively works the muscles of the lower body.

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Place your feet at shoulder level or slightly wider.
  3. As you inhale, bend your legs, move your pelvis back, and lower yourself into a squat.
  4. As you exhale, rise up.

  • Move at an even pace, avoid sudden body drops and rapid rises.
  • Keep your spine straight.
  • Try not to lean your body forward or bring your knees inward.

Lunges forward

Exercise helps not only to pump up the leg muscles, but also to strengthen the small muscles responsible for body balance. Use weights, dumbbells, and water bottles as weights.

  1. Take the shells, lower them to your sides and straighten up.
  2. Inhaling, put your leg forward (about 1 meter) and lower into a lunge.
  3. At the bottom point, freeze for a second, then, exhaling, return to a vertical stance.
  4. Repeat starting with the other leg.

  • Make sure that the angle between the thigh and shin of the “front” leg is straight.
  • Take your time, perform lunges smoothly, controlling your balance.
  • When moving, do not lean forward, keep your back vertical.


The exercise helps to work the lower body, as well as the back muscles. Use one heavy weight as a weight.

  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hold the kettlebell with both hands in the groin area.
  3. Inhale, simultaneously lean forward and move your pelvis back.
  4. Touch the projectile to the floor and exhale as you return to the upright position.
  • When performing deadlifts, avoid rounding your spine.
  • From bottom position rise solely by straightening your legs. And only at the top point “connect” your back.

Calf raises

The exercise is designed to strengthen. We recommend using a backpack with books as weights.

  1. Prepare a stable platform 7-10 cm high.
  2. Place your backpack on your back and stand with your toes on the edge of the platform.
  3. You can lean your hand on a wall or furniture.
  4. As you exhale, rise onto your toes, and as you inhale, lower yourself smoothly.
  5. At the bottom point, keep your heels elevated.

Periodically change the position of your feet (parallel, toes in, toes apart) to shift the load on different parts of the lower leg. This way the calf muscles will be fully worked out.

This exercise allows you to pump up your legs and buttocks at home. Use two weights or dumbbells as weights.

  1. Stand with your back to the sofa (distance – approximately 1 meter).
  2. Take the implements and lower them to the sides of your hips.
  3. Take one leg back and place your toe in the seat.
  4. As you inhale, lower yourself into a lunge; as you exhale, return to a vertical stance.

  • Move smoothly, keeping your balance in check at all times.
  • Make sure that the knee of the “front” leg does not extend beyond the toes.
  • Keep your back vertical, do not slouch your shoulders.

Stepping onto the platform

The exercise comprehensively loads the muscles of the lower body. Use dumbbells or weights as weights.

  1. Prepare a stable platform 50-60 cm high.
  2. Take the implements and hold them at the sides of your hips.
  3. As you inhale, place your right foot on the platform.
  4. Then, exhaling, straighten up on your right leg and cross your left leg.
  5. Come down to reverse order and repeat the movements, starting with the left limb.

  • Take your time, otherwise you may lose your balance and fall.
  • If you don’t have dumbbells or weights, we recommend using a loaded backpack.

Side lunges

The exercise is good for the buttocks and muscles. inner surface hips Use dumbbells or a backpack with books as weights.

  1. Take dumbbells and bend your arms at chest level.
  2. Spread your legs wide (80-100 cm).
  3. As you inhale, lower yourself to right leg, as you exhale, rise up.
  4. Repeat the movement to the left.

  • When doing this, try not to lift your socks off the floor.
  • The knee of the supporting leg should move in the same plane as the foot.

Exercise "Chair"

Exercise creates static load, which allows you to diversify the training and “shock” the leg muscles. Use weights or dumbbells as weights.

  1. Press your back against the wall, put your feet forward 50-60 cm.
  2. Hold the apparatus at your sides with straight arms.
  3. Without lifting your back from the wall, lower yourself into the “squat” position (the angle at your knees is straight).
  4. Stay in a static pose for 40-60 seconds.

If you want to make the technique more difficult, lift one leg forward and maintain this position until the end of the approach.

To pump up your legs at home, we recommend that men follow these tips:

  • Before each lesson, stretch your ankles, knees, hip joints.
  • Avoid stretching your leg muscles before strength training, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Recommended training volume: 5-6 exercises of 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions (except for calf raises and “chairs”).
  • Recovery pause between approaches – 2 minutes, between exercises – depending on how you feel.
  • Do not exercise through pain (especially in joints). If there are discomfort, better postpone the lesson.
  • Try to choose the weight of the equipment so that the last 2 repetitions of the set are difficult.
  • Between sets, massage your thighs and calves to avoid clogging the muscles with blood.
  • Number of classes – 1 time per week (we recommend combining leg training with classes for the back, arms, abs, chest).

Sample training plan

Let's look at an example of a simple leg training program for beginners. There will be no complicated supersets here. Only basic exercises that build volume and develop leg strength.

  1. (5-7 minutes) + warming up the joints.
  2. Calf raises (4/15-20).
  3. Squats (4/10-12).
  4. Bulgarian lunges (3-4/10-12).
  5. Deadlift (3-4/10-12).
  6. Side lunges (3-4/10-12).
  7. (3-4/15-20).

At the end of your workout, massage your leg muscles and perform simple stretching. This will help you recover faster and avoid severe ones.

Leg workout for home in video format

  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. The barbell is held in free hands (with a straight back).
  2. Lean forward as far as the stretch allows (an indicator is a flat back, which should remain in this position throughout the entire movement).
  3. Take a short pause and return to the starting position with a powerful movement.

3. Leg press

An excellent basic exercise for training legs in the gym, which reduces the load on the spine. Works the quadriceps and buttocks, although the focus of the load can be changed by positioning the legs.

  1. Place your feet on the platform, press down the weight, and remove the locking handles.
  2. Slowly lower the platform down, bending your knees.
  3. At the lowest point in the knee there should be a right angle; excessive bending should not be allowed, as this harms the joints.

4. Seated leg extension

One of the most popular leg isolation exercises in the gym. Aimed at thoroughly working out the quadriceps muscle. It also puts a little stress on the calves.

  1. Place your feet so that upper part“lift” was under the roller.
  2. Secure the body by grasping the handles.
  3. Extend your legs at a slow pace, making a minimal pause at the top point.
  4. When extending, you cannot straighten the leg, this will create an increased load on the joint, so it is necessary to leave a minimum bend in the knee.

5. Lying leg curl

A necessary element of leg training in the gym for men. Exercise not only develops the thigh biceps and buttocks, but also improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

  1. Take a lying position and fix the roller just above your heels.
  2. Slowly raise your legs while extending your knees.
  3. At the top point, take a short break and return to the starting position.
  4. To maintain the load in the muscles, the legs should be extended until a right angle is formed at the knee.

6. Forward Lunges

is one of the best leg exercises in the gym that can be adjusted to suit any needs. Loads almost everything, with an emphasis on the quadriceps.

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Dumbbells (if necessary) are held in free hands.
  2. Take a step forward with your free leg, maintaining balance (emphasis on your other leg).
  3. Lower yourself until a right angle is formed in both knees (it is forbidden to touch the floor with the knee of the supporting leg).
  4. Rise up slowly and without jerking, returning to the starting position.

7. Reverse/side lunges

In this exercise, it is enough to step not only forward, but also backward or to the side, shifting the load to the external or inner part hips

  1. Take a step back (or a wide step to the side), keeping your back straight.
  2. Maintain a minimal pause and at the same pace (without jerking) return to the starting position.
  3. The width of the step depends on the length of the legs.

8. Lunges in place

Can be done with large scales(barbell or dumbbells). The difference from regular lunges is that more load is placed on the hamstrings.

  1. Place one foot forward one step and take the emphasis (the emphasis is on both legs, evenly distributing the center of gravity).
  2. Sit down as far as the stretch allows (or 1-2 cm before your knee touches the floor).
  3. Get into the starting position.

In this type of lunge, the movements are not done one by one, but in a whole approach for each leg.

9. Jump Squats

Great exercise, which develops explosive force and works almost all the muscles of the lower body. Can be performed with or without weights.

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder level, bend your arms and hold them opposite your chest (preferably interlace your fingers).
  2. Do a squat as deep as possible, then jump up with maximum power.
  3. At the top, spread your arms out to the sides and slightly back to stabilize your body.
  4. Get down on the floor strictly on your toes.

10. Standing calf raise

Classic exercise for legs in the gym for men, which is aimed at working out the calves. It can be performed with or without weights.

  1. Stand with your toes on any ledge or stacked plates. Dumbbells are held in free hands, the back is straight.
  2. At an average pace, rise onto your toes, making movements only in ankle joint.
  3. The exercise should be performed until there is a pronounced burning sensation or in the amount of 15-30 repetitions.

11. Squat on one leg

This is a very difficult and technical exercise that targets all the leg muscles. It not suitable for beginners who recently bought a membership and don’t yet know how to pump up their legs in the gym. Provides incredible load on the legs and develops coordination and balance.

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart (or slightly narrower).
  2. Begin to slowly bend your supporting leg at the knee.
  3. Bring your other leg forward in parallel (you don’t have to straighten your knee all the way, maintaining a minimal bend).
  4. At the mastering stage, you can hold onto any support with your hand to stabilize your body position.

12. Steps onto the platform

A good exercise for all the muscles of the lower body, which can be used both (without weights) and for muscle development (with weights).

  1. Stand straight in front of the cabinet, keep your hands on your chest (crosswise) or in a free position.
  2. Take a step onto the pedestal (it is important to place your entire foot on the pedestal, not just the toe), and then shift your support to your front leg.
  3. Lift your back leg and place it on the counter.
  4. Lower the opposite leg down, returning to the starting position.

13. Hack machine squats

A good alternative for athletes who are looking for how to pump up their legs in the gym without putting significant stress on the spine. Focuses on the quadriceps.

  1. Secure the weight on your shoulders and place your feet in the middle of the platform (width and height, depending on the area being worked on).
  2. Slowly lower yourself down until your thigh is parallel to the platform, then return to the starting position (without fully extending your knee).

14. Seated calf raise

This exercise allows you to powerfully pump your calves using heavy weight. Performed with a barbell.

  1. Sit on a straight-back bench and position the bar (preferably in a Smith machine) so that it rests just above your knees. For convenience, use a roller.
  2. With a powerful movement, rise onto your toes as high as possible.
  3. After a short pause, return to the starting position.
    1. Lean your body forward and hold onto the support with your hands.
    2. Place your partner just below the lower back (in the tailbone area, closer to the buttocks).
    3. Slowly stand on your toes, trying to get as high as possible.

    Example of a leg training program in the gym

    A standard leg training program looks like this:

  • Warm up.
  • Squats with a barbell.
  • Romanian cravings.
  • Lunges (any variation).
  • Bending.
  • Extension.
  • Bench leg press.
  • Seated calf raise.
  • Standing calf raise.


There is no need to do all available exercises in one workout, this will lead to and reduce strength and muscle growth. It is optimal to perform 2-3 and 2-3 isolating exercises per workout, evenly distributing the load across all muscle groups of the lower body.

Leg training in the gym in video format

For most athletes, regardless of level or experience, leg training is absolute hell. Some plow until they lose consciousness, devoting all their energy to working the muscles of the lower body, others perform no more than 1-2 exercises, confidently ignoring this muscle group as a whole. However, the realities of strength sports are such that few people can boast of massive and sculpted legs. Moreover, this even applies to professional athletes, a considerable proportion of whom do not become leaders only because the “bottom” is lagging behind.

Such foundations need to be changed and this article is intended precisely for such purposes. In it we will look at everything related to leg training from A to Z, including technical features, important recommendations, and even secrets that the pros prefer not to disclose.

In general, training legs for weight for men in the gym does not require any secret knowledge. Just be patient and do everything necessary exercises and try to add variety to your program more often. The leg muscles respond very well to physical activity, especially if it is observed correct technique, which makes all exercises as effective as possible.

It is unlikely that you can use anything to its fullest extent without studying detailed instructions. With exercises for the legs, things are just the same. It is impossible to get the full benefit from each repetition and approach without understanding how the muscles being pumped work. Of course, a thorough study of the function and structure of each muscle is not necessary, but in general terms the structure and task of each muscle zone must be understood.

If we evaluate in general, the concept of “legs” is divided into the following muscles, each of which requires separate exercises:

  • Quadriceps femoris muscle (quadriceps) – extends the leg at the knee, takes part in tilting the pelvis forward;
  • Biceps femoris muscle (femoral biceps) – bends the leg at the knee, participates in extension of the body;
  • The gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles (buttocks) – straightening the torso and moving the legs back;
  • Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles (calves) - flexion at the ankle joint.

Each group consists of several muscles. For example, the quadriceps muscle includes 4 heads, the biceps, respectively, two bundles. This also needs to be taken into account, because to pump some heads you will have to use separate exercises.

IN strength sports a lot of myths have formed that significantly distort the idea of ​​what it should look like proper training leg muscles. As a result, massive and strong legs They are very rare in athletes. Many athletes spend time and a lot of effort doing grueling workouts, but do not get even 50% of the desired result. Therefore, it is very important to dispel the main myths regarding leg exercises that bodybuilding accumulates every year.

Myth #1 – You can’t build powerful legs without “secret techniques”

The lack of results for many athletes makes them believe that without “secret techniques” that only professionals know, it is impossible to pump up their legs. However, the reason for such theories are numerous errors that are made not only at the stage of thinking through micro and macrocycles, but also at each separate training. Add to this technical flaws in the process of performing exercises and you get a formed reason for the failures of tens of thousands of athletes.

Myth No. 2 – The monotony of training does not hinder progress.

Leg muscles are no different from other muscle groups, so any monotony will reduce the rate of progression. As a result, muscle and strength growth will slow down significantly, even if you do the most effective exercises for pumping your legs in every workout. Try to add variety to your training, use different styles (strength, high-repetition, static-dynamic, etc.), include supersets, dropsets and other techniques at least once every two weeks. This will help avoid adaptation, as a result of which the muscles will respond with growth to the received load.

Myth #3 – Squats alone are enough

Of course, barbell squats are one of the cornerstones of all strength sports. Only a couple of other movements can compete with squats in terms of efficiency and benefits. However, squats alone are not enough. Otherwise, everyone would do only one exercise and get huge legs. Remember that leg training is the most voluminous in terms of the number of exercises and load. This is the only way to achieve the desired growth in strength and mass.

Otherwise, it’s enough to train regularly, remember to rest and, of course, provide your muscles with everything they need for growth with the help of quality nutrition.

Training the leg muscles of professional athletes is not always an example of ideal work in the gym. It is important to understand that pros have their own priorities and realities, which will not always be relevant. However, some rules and training features of experienced athletes help to correctly use their efforts in the gym and accelerate progression.

#1 – Focus on powerful compound exercises

The more muscle fibers involved during an exercise, the better. And not only for the legs, but also for all the muscles of the body. Therefore, try to pay maximum attention to squats, Romanian deadlifts, lunges and other volumetric movements.

No. 2 – Properly combine basic and isolation exercises

It is important to find a balance between different techniques, exercises, types of load, etc. Try to do basic exercises with heavy weights in the first half of the workout, when energy reserves muscles have not yet been used up. Isolation movements are best used in the second half of the workout, as finishing moves for a specific muscle or area.

#3 - Don't exercise too often

It is important to take into account the features of leg training when thinking through a program in cycles. The muscle group recovers the slowest, and the legs are constantly under stress throughout the day. This further extends the recovery time. Therefore, think over your rest so that your legs are fully restored between workouts.

#4 – Remember Muscle Balance

Imbalance in muscle development always leads to a slowdown or complete stop of progression. This is a dead-end path, as a result of which you are guaranteed to have to devote months to tighten up lagging muscles. Remember that strength exercises for the legs and buttocks, all muscles of the lower body should be involved in the work.

#5 – There are no bad exercises, only incorrect execution.

This suggests that technology is paramount. If some exercise has become popular over the decades of development of strength sports, then it will definitely be used. But only if all technical specifications. For example, when you round your back, the Romanian deadlift immediately loses at least half of its effectiveness.

Follow these tips, approach your training wisely and with knowledge of theory, and you will be guaranteed an increase in mass and strength.

Now let's look at all the leg training exercises that you need to include in your training arsenal. They will be fully enough to progress for years, forgetting about stagnation and plateau. Compound and isolation movements need to be considered separately, so we'll divide the best exercises for leg mass into two categories.


Classification basic movements quite simple. These leg and glute workouts work multiple joints and large number muscle fibers. As a rule, this category includes the most complex and basic exercises in strength sports.

For more than 50 years, the mainstay of leg training in any mass program has been squats. This is one of the most versatile movements in strength sports. It is important to understand that squat technique is critical.

Try to squat as low as possible while training your legs, this will engage your glutes and increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

In a leg program, changing the technique of some exercises can completely change the load received. Front squats are by no means an alternative to regular squats and it is incorrect to consider them only as a replacement. Among the obvious advantages are an increased load on the abdominal muscles, the ability to sit down much lower than with a barbell behind your back, as well as less load on the spinal column. This is one of the best exercises for developing leg mass, which can be performed with a barbell, sandbag, kettlebell and other equipment.

Any athletes who know how to pump up their legs must do bench presses on the machine. This is an excellent mass-building exercise.

It is very important to adjust the chair correctly and perform the bench press to its full amplitude. Also remember that by placing your feet on the platform, you can change the load and switch it to individual muscles.

Lunges are one of the most versatile movements. Such exercises for the leg muscles can be done both in the gym and at home. Moreover, there are many types of lunges (forward, backward, in place, curtsy, with a step to the side, etc.), which completely change the nature of the load. Thanks to this, you can specifically pump absolutely any muscle in the lower body.

In terms of effectiveness for leg volume, this exercise comes immediately after squats. Moreover, most often it is combined with squats in supersets and complexes. Straight-legged deadlifts ideally develop the muscles of the buttocks, hamstrings and lower back.

It is important to remember that throughout the entire exercise your back should be perfectly straight. Any distortion will reduce the effectiveness of the traction and can lead to injury.

If the main goal in training is to develop exclusively the muscles of the legs, then hack squats can be an excellent alternative. Firstly, due to the locking of the core and the angle of movement, you can use much more weight than in squats. However, the main advantage of the exercise is the absence of severe stress on the spine.

Calves are the main sign of a pumped-up athlete who knows how to train his legs in the gym. Calf raises best replicate the basic function of the calves, which is why this exercise is considered one of the most suitable from an anatomical point of view.

To pump up your legs in the gym, a man needs a variety of loads and even the most effective exercises need to be modified. Changing the position of the barbell can cause many muscles to work completely differently, so try to alternate squats week by week, performing the exercise with the barbell on the front and on the back. It is not recommended to do both options in one workout.


This exercise will always be on the list of the most effective isolation movements for leg training. Extensions are performed in a sitting position, as this allows you to eliminate as much as possible all muscles except the quadriceps.

It is important to remember that the movement uses the quadriceps muscle, so it is important to do it through the full amplitude. Also, you should not take too much weight; in extensions, priority should be given to technique and muscle concentration.

One leg extension

In some gyms, the equipment allows you to do single-leg extensions, which can be very useful for pumping up your legs. A similar technique, in which the entire approach is performed alternately on one leg and the other, makes the exercise more effective. Also, with a similar technique, you can do extensions more cleanly.

This is a workout classic. back surface legs for all bodybuilders, regardless of level. It is best to combine flexion with extension; working out the antagonist muscles significantly increases the benefits of both exercises.

It is important to remember that when performing the exercise, the gluteal muscles are also involved, which is why the movement is often used in circuit training and various complexes.

If your gym has a seated curl machine, add this exercise to your leg training routine. Performing curls while sitting is considered more comfortable and allows you to better load the hamstrings, leaving your buttocks out of the work.

If you need a hard calf workout while training your legs, then your best bet is to use a bench press machine. This will help you lift significant weight without the risk of injury. It is important to remember that you should always install the clamps; this will help you give your all without fear of tearing the platform down.

Such simulators are found only in advanced gyms. If you have the opportunity to perform standing curls, be sure to train in this style and include the exercise in your training program. This good option in order to add variety to the performance of bending in the gym.

Now let's look at an example of a specific program in order to clearly understand how to pump up your legs in the gym. Of course, this does not mean that you need to use only one training plan. This leg training program will be an excellent basis; over time, you can add new exercises to it or replace individual movements with the same type.

For beginners

The program for beginners should be as simple as possible. The basis is made up of basic exercises; isolating movements are included in the training plan to a limited extent.

Girls can use cyclic training. But in this case, any circuit training for legs and buttocks should also be based on basic exercises.

A beginner's basic workout should look like this:

  • Squats with a barbell – 3*12, 10, 8;
  • Romanian deadlift (on straight legs) – 3*12, 10, 8;
  • Extensions in a sitting machine – 3*12, 10, 8;
  • Bending in a lying machine – 3*12, 10, 8;
  • Calf raises while standing or in a machine.

This plan allows beginners to train effectively for up to two years, making changes to the program every one and a half to two months.

For advanced

For experienced athletes, a weight training program for legs should include a more thorough workout of all leg muscles, so the number of exercises will be significantly higher.

It is also important to understand that monotonous exercises will not be enough. Microcycles need to be designed to include strength training legs was combined with static-dynamic work when it comes to mass.

The basic program will look like this:

  • Superset: barbell squats and Romanian deadlifts – 4*12, 10, 8, 6 for each movement;
  • Lunges (alternate lunges forward and backward for weeks) – 4 * 12, 10, 8, 8 on each leg;
  • Seated leg extension;
  • Lying leg curl
  • Superset: standing calf raise, sitting calf raise with a barbell – 3*15, 12, 10.

This is a hard leg workout that is guaranteed to give results. experienced athletes who already have good base And physical training. You also need to periodically add to the program front squats and squats with broad setting legs

It’s not for nothing that many athletes believe that training leg muscles is the most hellish job in the gym that you can imagine. It takes all your strength, requires long-term recovery and giving 200%. Using supplements can significantly speed up not only the rate of progression, but also muscle recovery. First of all, we are talking about the most necessary additives, the effect of which is undeniable:

  • Whey protein;
  • Creatine;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes (in any season except summer, if the diet contains a lot of fruits and vegetables);
  • Omega-3.

If in addition strength work If you start cardio exercise, especially in the morning or evening, then before it you need to drink a portion of BCAA (it is advisable to choose those that contain glutamine).

Supplements that can directly improve performance include:

  • Pre-workout complexes (caffeine + green tea can be used separately at the beginning of training);
  • Beta-alanine;
  • Arginine, to improve pumping.

Many athletes confirm that with such a set the training is superb and even the hardest leg workout will bring joy. If we consider the maximum, then we can add complexes for restoring and improving sleep, as well as CLA, to the list.

For those who are just deciding whether they need sports nutrition, we recorded the video below:


Remember that even the best leg training program will lose effectiveness over time due to muscle adaptation. To avoid such situations, it is best to use exercises that are similar in type (for example, back squats and front squats, hack machine, etc.). Otherwise, the right food, the right supplements, plenty of sleep and rest, this is the ideal growth formula.

Powerful and sculpted legs are a sign of excellent health in both men and women. Think about it, men are instinctively drawn to women with beautiful hips and buttocks. Women also like men with toned calves. This is one of the reasons why we all need to exercise our legs. Today we will talk about this. You will learn what exercises you can use to pump up your legs well.

How to pump up your legs?

Let's start with the fact that this is a large muscle group. When we train it, our small and stabilizing muscles are actively involved in the work. And also, by working the leg muscles, you strengthen your ligaments. Conventionally, they can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Anterior thigh.
  2. Posterior thigh.
  3. Gluteal muscles.
  4. Calf muscles.

To fully work out the leg muscles, it is necessary to pump up each of these parts. However, you need to start with a basic exercise that includes all these groups - barbell squats. Execute 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions, and move on to a more detailed study of each muscle. For this purpose, we will need to perform isolation exercises.

Yes, for elaboration anterior thigh must be done:

  1. Extension.
  2. Leg press.

Leg press- very effective movement. It is an alternative to classic squats. The difference is that the body is switched off. Movement is carried out only due to the work of the knee joint. This exercise doesn't take as much strength as squats, but it does a great job of pumping up the front of the thigh.

In the leg press, work is carried out with large weights. The average athlete can lift 200 kilograms in this exercise, and there is nothing supernatural about it. It is performed in special simulator.

The advantage of the leg press is that you can choose different positions of the legs in this exercise, and thereby involve different muscle fibers in the work. And also at the top point you can work your toes and pump up your calf muscles.

If you have problems with the lower back and knee joints, then it is better not to do this exercise. And in squats you need to take a small weight. In this case, for a more detailed study of the quadriceps, leg extensions in the simulator are ideal for you. This is very good exercise, which will not take much effort from you, but will perfectly emphasize the shape of your hips.

Hamstring exercises

Working your hamstrings shouldn't take much effort. After all, all the exercises are elementary.

Deadlift is a basic exercise, which means it involves the whole body in the work. However, our goal is to work the hamstrings. This means that we will take a light weight so that other muscles do not prevent us from properly loading the hamstrings. This exercise should not be performed by beginners, as it requires high flexibility in the lower back and legs.

Bend forward with a barbell pump up not only the hamstrings, but also psoas muscles. This option is more suitable for beginners, because it is an alternative deadlift, only less dangerous.

Hamstrings, like others pulling muscles, love intense training. The main indicator that you are doing everything right is a burning sensation in your muscles. They will help you achieve this leg curls in the simulator. Take such a weight that you can perform 10-12 repetitions per set. As you complete the last 2-3 repetitions, you will feel a pleasant burning sensation in your muscles. You may feel a strange ticklish sensation. This is exactly what you need.

Exercises for the buttocks

To pump up the buttocks, we need to stretch them to the maximum at the lowest point. They will help you achieve this squats with dumbbells and wide stance. This exercise is ideal for girls, because they only need small weights to stay in shape. So, the execution technique:

  1. Legs are spread wide. You have a dumbbell in your hands.
  2. Squat down to parallel level with the floor.
  3. Hold at the bottom for 2-3 seconds to feel the tension gluteal muscles.
  4. With a powerful movement, stand up and tighten your buttocks.
  5. You don’t need to stay at the top point for more than 1 second.

When performing this exercise, it is important to remember to arch in the lower back.

For men and girls who can easily perform sumo squats, they are ideal lunges with dumbbells or barbell. The bottom line is that at the bottom point, the leg laid back is stretched to its maximum, and the second leg is in contraction. Thus, lunges help you achieve maximum development of your buttocks.

It is important to understand that in the exercises suggested to you for the buttocks, it is necessary to use adequate weight. If you use too much weight, it will reduce the effectiveness of your workout and may injure you.

Exercises for the calf muscles

Everything here is extremely simple. To pump up your calf muscles, you need to stand on your toes. Dumbbells are not the best weights here, since you will be doing a lot of repetitions with them.

Try to perform this exercise better in a special simulator. They are in every gym. The main thing is to choose the right weight. The calf muscles work in a short amplitude, which means they need intensive training. Therefore, try to choose a weight so that you can do about 20 repetitions per set.

Leg training program

Now we will bring to your attention very effective program workouts for legs. We will not describe the program for beginners, since they only need classic squats. This program will be intended for athletes who have been training for more than six months:

  1. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders - 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
  2. Leg press - 3 times 12-15 times.
  3. Leg curls in the simulator - 3 sets of 12-15 times.
  4. Working out the calf muscles - 3 sets of 20-25 repetitions.

You need to train with this program once a week. Every 2 months it is necessary to train with light weights and a large number repetitions. If in your training process there are such high intensity training, - Very good. After all, they are great for stimulating growth. muscle mass legs and help wake up “dormant” muscle fibers.

Before training you need warm up properly. It's better to spend 15 minutes at the beginning of your workout and save several weeks of recovery time if you injure your knees.

To pump up your legs you need to visit gym. At home, you will never achieve the desired muscle volume. The main rule for success in this matter is regular visits to the gym. Never miss a workout. This will help you achieve your goal in the shortest possible time. People who skip workouts usually don't have impressive results.

Don't choose a gym based on whether they have any fancy machines. To pump up your legs, having a barbell is quite enough. And it doesn’t matter how new or beautiful it is. Iron is the same everywhere. You need to walk between sets. This will prevent your blood from pooling in your legs. While you are recovering your breath after a hard approach, walk around the hall. It's easy for you and good for your feet.

Now you know everything about working out the leg muscles. Practice according to our training program, and in a few months you will surprise your friends with large hips. Good luck to you!

A man’s beautiful and harmonious figure attracts a woman’s gaze not only with a toned torso: shoulders, biceps, triceps and abs, but also with toned and sculpted hips, buttocks and calves. A man can achieve perfection with the help of competent home training.

Home training for men's legs

Why does a man need to pump up his legs? Probably so that they can withstand daily stress if you have to walk or stand a lot all day long. For those who are busy with office work and driving a car, leg training is necessary to prevent joint diseases and not forget how to walk long distances without shortness of breath.

Running is very beneficial for legs. If a man is into sports, then trained legs will prevent tendon rupture when lifting weights or performing other exercises to pump up the torso. In addition, a pumped up torso with thin and weak legs somehow doesn’t go together! No harmony!

With desire, perseverance, and patience, it will not be difficult for a man to put his body in order even at home. You just need to set aside 1-1.5 hours for exercise three times a week and gradually increase the load. To progress and tone your muscles, you should not put heavy loads on them on the first day, especially with additional weight.

To increase the effectiveness of home training, you should adhere to a low-calorie diet enriched with microelements and vitamins.

A little about the anatomy of the legs

It doesn’t hurt to remember the structure of the muscles in your legs in order to correctly distribute the load during training.

The muscles on the thighs are among the most massive muscle group our body. Acting on the hip and knee joints, the femoral muscles: quadriceps (quadriceps) and biceps (biceps) develop the greatest strength.

Quadriceps femoral muscle(the largest) are formed by 4 heads:

  • lateral;
  • medial;
  • straight;
  • intermediate.

The quadriceps is responsible for straightening the tibia at the knee, and the rectus muscle is involved in flexing the thigh. The biceps femoris performs the opposite function of the quadriceps. The biceps consists of two heads: long and short. Biceps answers:

  • for bending the tibia at the knee;
  • for torso extension with big muscles her buttocks;
  • external rotation of the shin.

The adductor muscles of the thigh include: gracilis, pectineus and adductor, consisting of the longus, brevis and major muscles. Adductor muscles: adduct the thigh and rotate it outward.

- the most massive in our body. It is responsible for extension and slight outward rotation of the hip, straightening and fixing the torso.

The biceps muscle is called the gastrocnemius. It consists of two muscles: superficial and soleus. To ensure volume, it is the soleus muscle that should be enlarged so that it “inflates” the superficial one. Then the result can be seen and touched with your hands. But you shouldn’t forget about the superficial muscle either.

While walking, both muscles actively work. In a standing position, the superficial muscle is loaded; in a sitting position, the soleus muscle is loaded.

Important points for training

There are three places on your legs that you need to pay special attention to when pumping up your legs:

  • quadriceps thighs (front) when extending the leg at the knee;
  • biceps (back, under the butt) when bending the leg at the knee;
  • lower leg muscles: gastrocnemius and soleus (behind the knee) when lifting the body onto the toes.

It is important to know that muscles are attached to bones by tendons. To avoid tearing them, you need to load your legs gradually. The strength of bones and joints also needs to be taken into account and the load correlated. We know that the femur bone extends upward from the knee joint. It is the most durable and can withstand the load of the weight of a truck. The tibia and fibula go downwards. The knee cap or patella protects the knee. Inside the knee there is a cavity (bursa) with synovial fluid. It lubricates the cartilage and reduces friction.

It should be borne in mind that incorrect actions during training, impacts and lifting incommensurate loads can cause dislocation of the patella and knee, sprain, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the joint capsule, rupture of the meniscus and cruciate ligaments, and fracture of the condyles of the tibia.
It is important to pay attention to the joints:

  • hip when moving the thigh relative to the pelvis;
  • knee when moving the thigh relative to the lower leg;
  • ankle when the foot moves relative to the lower leg.

When the lower leg is fixed during extension of the body, the load falls on the biceps and buttock muscles.

You can get powerful hamstrings not only by bending your legs, but also by straightening your torso with your knees fixed, that is, by doing training, as well as deadlifting.

As for the lower leg and its muscles: the gastrocnemius and soleus, the gastrocnemius begins to work when the knee is straightened, and the soleus - when bent knee. This means you need to pump them while standing and sitting

We pay special attention to such an exercise as. It contributes to impressive muscle growth. But it carries a very heavy load and with repeated use, the knee cartilage begins to wear away, which leads to inflammation. Therefore, it is important to warm up well during your warm-up.

Warming up the body before leg training

We start with a short exercise (preferably in the morning) with a variety of elements: squats, bending, stretching, etc. We combine exercises with massage rubbing, kneading and vibration movements of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, buttocks and legs. To massage the back, buttocks and thighs (from behind), we use manual belt massagers with rollers, studded jade rollers and Lyapko, brushes with natural bristles on a long handle.


  • warming up the body and preparing muscles for stress;
  • providing the body with energy by activating work cardiovascular system and blood flow.

Sets of exercises for legs

Each part of the leg should be loaded with separate (its own) exercises. You need to start working by training your legs (thighs and shins), then move on to working your calf muscles, starting with the stronger soleus muscle.

Complex 1

The complex is designed to form leg muscles, provide good stretching, and tone blood vessels and joints.

First day:

Lunges are a very effective exercise.

  1. To load the buttocks and thighs, we perform springy lunges forward. We stand straight, our feet are shoulder-width apart, we put our hands on our belts, we put one leg forward (back straight), we bend our knee to an angle of 90°, we lower the knee of the second leg to the floor, we spring, we tense our thigh, we keep our balance and rise. We repeat for each leg 20-30 times and do 4 approaches.
  2. We move the hip to the side, transfer the weight to the exposed leg, make a wide lunge to the side and spring, bending the knee. We push off with our feet and return to the stance. We repeat for each leg 20-40 times and do 4 approaches.
  3. We lunge back with one leg, the other straight. Let's spring on the first leg and return to the stance. Repeat 15 lunges x 4 sets on each leg.
  4. We rise on the toes of both feet with an emphasis on the calf muscle. Repeat 30 times x 4 approaches.

Performing lunges forward, backward, and to the side, half the reps can be done with dumbbells, weights (or water bottles) in your hands to further challenge your leg muscles.

Second day:
Squats are important to do correctly

  1. To pump up your legs, perform squats (basic exercise), keep your hands behind your head, your back straight, your legs shoulder-width apart. We squat until an angle between the thighs and shins is created at 90°. We return to the rack and rise onto our toes. We do 4 sets of 20 times.
  2. We rise on the toe of one leg (4 approaches x 15 times);
  3. We squat on one leg (4 sets of 10 times), holding the support with one hand.

Complex No. 1 is supplemented daily with new exercises:
1. Exercise “spring”
We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, keeping our back straight. We slowly rise onto our toes, raising our heels high. To make the exercise more difficult:

  • pick up dumbbells;
  • we rise on one leg, then on the other;
  • we rise on one leg with weights, then on the other;
  • repeat 20-30 times + 4 approaches;
  • We stand on a platform up to 10 cm high, lower our heels as much as possible, stretching our ankles. We hold a dumbbell in one hand, and hold on to the support with the other.

2. Exercise “walking on your toes.” We rise on our toes and walk on straight legs for 3-5 minutes.

For elaboration different parts calf muscle The feet can be kept parallel (the middle part of the muscle works), the heels can be moved (the soleus muscle works) or the toes (the superficial muscle works).

3. Exercise “jump with dumbbells”. We take 3-5 kg ​​dumbbells in our hands (add weight gradually), squat to a right angle between the thigh and shin. Jump as high as possible and return to the squat.

4. Exercise “holding a load” for pumping up muscles, strengthening the ligaments of the thighs and buttocks and burning fat. We find support for both hands (door frames or chairs on both sides). We place a 3 kg weight (weight) on the toes (gradually increase the weight to 16 kg). We raise our fingers to balance the weights, then slowly raise our straight leg on the floor and hold it as long as we can. We change the leg. Repeat 5-6 times x 4-7 approaches. The purpose of the exercise is to provide static load to the hips and buttocks. The leg, free from the load, also tenses when maintaining balance.

After 10 days of performing this complex, the volume of the thighs will increase, and the ribbing of the thigh muscles will begin to appear. These are good prerequisites for subsequent basic exercises with a barbell. To give your muscles a rest, you need to change the order of the complex + additional exercises. We increase the loads gradually. To achieve significant results, the main thing is not the amount of load, but the regularity of leg training.

Complex 2

If you have a barbell at home, perform squats (3-4 sets):

  • without weight in hands – 20-25 times;
  • with light weight – 15-20 times;
  • with average weight – up to 15 times;
  • then only with the working weight – up to 10 times.

This squat pattern will speed up the flow of blood through the muscles and joints of the legs and deliver nutrition and oxygen to the cells.

Interesting to know. Squats for bodybuilders develop quadriceps, while squats for powerlifters develop big muscles, since large weights are taken.

Powerlifters place the barbell on their shoulder blades to shift the center of gravity, place their legs wide to engage the gluteal muscles, and lean the body forward a little to engage the legs. The muscles gain weight (this is a plus), but so do the buttocks (this is a minus). Bodybuilders squat to maximize the load on their leg muscles.

Nuances during squats

  • feet stand shoulder width apart;
  • toes are turned to the side by 45 (90 between them);
  • the bar is located high on the trapezoid to prevent a large forward tilt;
  • the gaze is directed forward to stabilize the body and simplify movement;
  • for stability, the barbell is taken slightly wider than shoulder width so that it is comfortable to hold;
  • To push with the heels and reduce the load on the knees, plates are placed under the heels.

DO NOT lean forward or push with your toes, as they will overload knee joints. DO NOT push your knees in front of your toes.

  • When exercising to develop the quadriceps, push only with your heels.
  • There is no need to squat hard, only to parallel, since you can put a lot of stress on your knee joints, and this is unsafe.
  • Breathing: when squatting, inhale; when returning, exhale.


  • with a narrow stance of the feet, the quadriceps is loaded and the push with the heels becomes more difficult, especially if the ankle is not flexible enough;
  • with a strong turn of the toes, the buttocks are more loaded;
  • When the feet are placed wide, the gluteal and adductor muscles are loaded.

Complex 3

  1. Slow rises on the toes while holding the support to distribute the same load on both legs and slow returns to the IP. You can stand on a stand 10 cm high. We take the load in our hands after the second approach, a total of 4 approaches x 30 repetitions.
  2. Lifts on toes at an angle of 90°. We do it slowly.
  3. Calf raises while sitting on a low stool to pump up the calf muscles.
  4. Barbell calf raises (if available).

When rising onto your toes, your toes and heels should be parallel, lowering to the maximum depth, contracting your calves. When lifting at the top point, the calves contract again. Then the heels are brought together, then the toes are brought together.

Complementing the complex:

  • walking up stairs and running with leg weights;
  • interval running (with acceleration and deceleration) on a “treadmill” with increasing incline angle (if available in the house). Sneakers must have shock absorbers. You need to stand on your entire foot, rolling it a little and pushing off with your toe. Bend your knees slightly to unload the spine;
  • working on an exercise bike (if available) with medium or powerful pedal resistance to develop leg muscles and increase their volume.

Leg training diet

Eat right! To receive sculpted legs necessary protein diet. Fats are eliminated, carbohydrates are reduced, since they are sources of energy. Proteins – build and maintain muscles. Meals should be fractional (5-6 meals a day, with small portions of dishes). At the same time, fat will be broken down and muscle mass will build.

You should eat the following basic foods: white chicken and lean turkey meat, fish, squid, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg whites, vegetable proteins.

Conclusions. It is impossible to preserve our body as a single whole by achieving certain proportions in one place, excluding others. If a man wants to pump up his torso and arms, he first needs to pump up his legs. They use more muscles and therefore produce more testosterone. As testosterone increases, muscles begin to grow, including in the upper half of the body. And who will a man with inflated chest and arms and thin legs resemble?