What effective exercises can you do to pump up your buttocks? The best exercises with a fitball for perfect buttocks.

It's time to take the exercise ball out of the closet, dust it off, and start getting your lower body in order. IN gym You should also not bypass this projectile. Simple and effective, the gymnastic ball is capable of doing what many exercise equipment cannot do - it makes even the smallest and most difficult muscles of the body work In addition, it corrects posture and improves coordination of movements without harming the joints. The main thing is not to fall :) But this is what fitball teaches best - a sense of equilibrium and balance. In 2008, fitball was named the most useful invention in the fitness industry. In short, it must be present in your home. We won't bore you with long introductions. The complex given below is a special case of the article: “ Fitball: 10 exercises for the whole body" From the inventory you will need a fitball and a mat (if possible). We have selected a corresponding photo for each exercise, but if you want to see it in action, then click “watch” - an animated GIF image will open.

Fitball: effective exercises for legs and buttocks

1. Wall squats with ball support

(we train the buttocks, thighs and legs)

This is the same Jen Selter in the photo. As you can see, the girl uses this exercise to train her famous buttocks.

Starting position: stand near a wall (feet shoulder-width apart) and place the fitball behind your back so that it is between your shoulder blades and buttocks. Leaning on the fitball, move your feet slightly forward so that your legs and body form a slight angle.

Execution: While inhaling, lower yourself into a squat until your bent legs form a 90° angle at your knees (your thighs should be parallel to the floor). Don't go lower - take care of your knees. Don't bring your knees past your toes! Stay at the bottom for a while, then slowly return to the IP. At the top of the movement, do not lock your knees, leave them slightly bent. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

(we train the buttocks, back surface and quadriceps muscle of the thigh)

Starting position: stand straight, place your hands on your waist for comfort. Place your shin on a fitball and extend your leg. The back is straight, the gaze is directed straight ahead.

Execution: Roll the exercise ball back, thus performing a squat on the supporting leg. It is important that the bend angle of the supporting leg forms 90° (the thigh will thus be parallel to the floor). This is not the case in the photo, but you need to try to achieve this exact squat depth. Do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps (or as many as you can) on each leg.

(training the buttocks and lower abs, learning to maintain balance)

Starting position: Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, palms down. The shins are located on the fitball, the heels rest against the ball.

Execution: Raise your pelvis as much as possible by bending your knees and rolling the exercise ball towards you. Hold at the top point for a couple of seconds, tensing your buttocks. Then roll the ball back, straightening your knees. It is important not to let your buttocks rest on the support. Perform the exercise for 1 minute, then take a 30-second break and repeat the exercise as many times as necessary (or possible).

4. Exercise: “circles in the air”

(we train legs and abs)

Starting position: Lie on the floor, place your arms along your body, palms down. Raise your legs and place them with your heel resting on the fitball.

Execution: lift your pelvis off the mat, stretch one leg up in a “candle” position - the knee is straight, the toe reaches towards the ceiling. Start drawing an imaginary circle with the toe of your foot, first 10 times clockwise, then 10 times counterclockwise. Change your leg.

Advice: It is important that the fitball fits your size. Sit astride him - if your thighs are parallel to the floor, everything is ok.

(pull up sides hips)

Starting position: get down on your knees, lean the side of your torso on the fitball, grab the ball with one hand to fix the position. Extend one leg.

Execution: Begin to slowly raise your leg until it is parallel to the floor. Do the exercise 10-15 times, then change sides.

(we train the buttocks, legs and lower back muscles)

Starting position: Take a prone position, arms parallel to each other, wrists directly under shoulder joints. The shins of both legs lie on a fitball.

Execution: Start with any leg that is comfortable for you, raising it as high as possible. Pull your toes, tensing your leg muscles. Keep track of your balance! At the top, hold for a couple of seconds, then lower your leg and repeat the movement with the other leg. Do 12 times for each.

We are all different, and this also applies to the shape of our buttocks. Some people in this zone do not have enough volume, while others, on the contrary, have too much of it there. However, coaches “prescribe” both strength exercises: they allow you to correct the shape of the buttocks and make them more elastic. “Using a fitball allows you to use both the buttock muscles and stabilizer muscles in one workout,” comments Tatyana Yurina, bodymaker at SuperPopa studio and author of the set of exercises that we will show today. — An undeniable advantage of this complex is also that this particular combination of exercises helps to work out the large, small and medium gluteal muscles, that is, the entire zone of interest to us without exceptions.”

Ready to start class? Repeat after Tatiana.

How to build a workout

* Start your session with a warm-up. 5-7 minutes will be enough joint gymnastics or aerobics at a moderate pace.

* Build a training session based on the circular principle.“Perform the exercises sequentially, leaving no more than 40 seconds of rest between them. . Rest between circles - up to 60 seconds. Start by performing two circles, gradually increase their number to four,” advises Tatyana.

* Perform each exercise for 10-15 repetitions.“Increase the load gradually,” comments Tatyana Yurina.

* Watch the execution technique.“Bending your knees to a straight or obtuse angle will help reduce stress on your joints,” says our expert.

* Exercise 2-3 times a week. If possible, complement these workouts with a 20-30 minute cardio session.

To complete the complex, you will need a mat and a fitball (we wrote here how to choose one).

Lunge with fitball

Stand sideways to the fitball, place it on it right leg, placing her on the ball inner surface right foot. Flexing left leg, move your pelvis back a little and lean your body forward. Place your palms in front of your chest, bending your elbows. Slowly straighten your left leg and return to starting position. Execute 10-15 repetitions in each direction.


Stand against the wall, press the fitball against it, leaning your back on it. Bend your legs, roll the fitball down the wall, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair. Stay down for 30 seconds while performing short springing movements. Extending your knees, return to the starting position.


Fitball is a multi-colored gymnastic equipment made from elastic material, so durable that you can sit, lie, or jump on the ball. Withstands loads up to 300 kg. Manufacturers offer a huge selection of exercise machines - for every taste and budget. Balls with hypoallergenic coatings are available to give people with latex allergies a chance to exercise.

Make sure that during classes the ball does not come into contact with objects with sharp edges, with clothing - in the presence of jewelry and lightning that can tear or puncture the ball. Clothes for classes should be tight-fitting to the body (a top or short shorts are better), a wide, loose suit can be wrapped around a ball. The sole of the shoe should not slide on the surface.

The diameter of the ball varies in the range of 35 - 180 cm. Small ones are designed for exercising arm muscles, large ones are megaballs, for outdoor entertainment.

For daily workouts balls with a diameter of 45 - 75 cm are used. The choice depends on the person’s height:

  • 45 cm – up to 158 cm;
  • 55 cm – 158-168 cm;
  • 65 cm – 169-179 cm;
  • 75 cm – 180-190 cm.

To check if the ball fits, you need to sit on top with your feet on the floor at a 90-degree angle.

Who is the training for?

Exercises with a fitball are recommended for people of all ages. For many years, the ball has been used for medical purposes for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from orthopedic diseases. A participant in regular training primarily improves physical condition, strengthens the muscles of the legs, back, abs, buttocks, inner and outer thighs. Such exercises are great for relieving stress and anxiety.

Classes are broken down like this:

  • for older people (program 50+);
  • special training for pregnant women, recovery physical fitness after childbirth;
  • classic, where ball exercises are included in fitness training;
  • specialized programs - rehabilitation and preventive.

Balancing on a ball activates the body, strengthens skeletal muscles responsible for maintaining correct posture, increases joint mobility, improves coordination, helps get rid of difficulties associated with vestibular apparatus. The classes help people with neurological disorders. The main help for women is to model the body: reduce the volume of the hips, make firm buttocks, flat stomach, tighten your leg muscles.

Trying to control a gymnastic ball involves deep muscles, which are difficult to work out with other simulators. After a set of exercises, a correct posture, the woman begins to move with grace and charm, forgetting about the troubles with the spine.

We will describe a training program for strengthening the abs, buttocks, thighs and legs. The exercises are used for independent training.

Exercises for abdominal muscles

The main task is to remove lethargy and tighten the abdominal muscles. The exercises are extremely simple, they differ from regular exercises in the ease of training: performing on a fitball is noticeably easier, the effect is noticeable quickly.

The described exercises are suitable mainly for beginners. Here is a description of a workout with a higher load:

Exercises with gymnastic ball performed carefully, without jerking. You need to rise and fall carefully, do not fall back, and watch your lower back. The head is in a neutral position; you cannot lower it or press your chin to your neck. Pay special attention to the positioning of your feet.

Training problem areas

For the buttocks, working out the inner and outer parts of the thighs, and legs, squats and bends are suitable, as in regular exercises. The exercises are complex, but significantly effective for modeling these problem areas:

Exercises with a fitball for problem areas are recommended to be performed comprehensively, in combination with other methods of body shaping: massage, anti-cellulite wraps, diets. You will simply fall in love with the simulator, feel the fullness of life, and leave several years behind. Daily efforts will definitely bring stunning results.

Fitball – special sports equipment in seeing a ball for fitness. The ball can be used not only by absolutely healthy young people, but also by the elderly, pregnant women, children, and especially those who have problems with excess weight.

This ball can be used for both exercise therapy and gym, and for exercises at home. With its help you can pump up the muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks.

How to choose the right fitball for fitness

When choosing a fitball, you need to take into account various parameters that allow you to achieve desired effect, are responsible for the quality of the ball.

One of the main criteria when choosing a fitball for fitness is safety:

  • Resistance to ruptures - inside the ball there must be a built-in anti-burst system, thanks to which the fitball does not burst or tear into pieces when damaged, but slowly deflates.

This way you can avoid injuries during fitness activities. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the ABS or BRQ designation on the ball.

  • A hand holder in the form of staples, handles or horns reduces the likelihood of injury. The holder is especially relevant for pregnant women and children.

Sometimes the manufacturer additionally makes a stand in the form of legs, which helps to maintain balance during exercise.

The surface of the fitball can be smooth and massage, depending on the desired purpose:

  • Smooth surface suitable for sports and health training babies and pregnant women.
  • The massage surface is used for relaxation and exercise therapy. This ball will help relieve fatigue and tension after physical activity.

When choosing a fitball, the angle between the shins and thighs should be 90°, thus the weight of the person sitting on it is evenly distributed and this prevents injury to the joints.

The diameter of the fitball should correspond to the person’s height:

  • 55 cm – the smallest diameter is suitable for children 5-10 years old;
  • 65 cm – height should be from 150 to 170 cm;
  • 75 cm – height from 170 to 190 cm;
  • 85 cm – if height is above 190 cm.

You can also select a ball according to the size of your hand by first measuring the distance from your shoulder to your fingertips:

  • 45 cm – length according to hand measurements is at least 55 cm;
  • 55 cm – measurements 56-65 cm;
  • 65 cm – arm length 66-75 cm;
  • 75-90 cm – arm longer than 75 cm.

Also the ball must be high quality, then it will last a long time, and the likelihood of injury with it will be lower. When choosing a ball, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • seams - should be practically invisible, and should not cause discomfort during exercise;
  • nipple - completely pressed inward and cannot be felt;
  • the fitball is evenly inflated and corresponds to the stated size;
  • moderate rubber smell;
  • material that is warm to the touch indicates good quality.

The fitball can withstand a load of up to 300 kg, but given the activity of the trainee, Weight Limit a person must weigh up to 130 kg.

At more weight, you need to use the help of a trainer or order a special ball that can withstand such loads.

Basic rules for performing exercises with a fitball

By following simple principles when training with a fitball, you can achieve quick and long-lasting results. The basic rules for training with a fitball are given in the table.

Principles Description
Quality trainingWhen doing fitness, focus on the tension of the muscles being trained, and not on the pace of the exercise.
Complex exercisesDon't stop there problem areas: thighs, buttocks and abs. Losing weight will be more effective if you train the whole body
Increasing loadThe more you inflate the fitball, the more difficult it is to perform exercises with it, so you can gradually increase the complexity of the tasks
The principle of circular exercisesBeginners are advised to choose 5-6 exercises for themselves and alternate them several times.

Effective abdominal exercises

Using a fitball, you can pump up all abdominal muscle groups thanks to the following exercises:

  • Sit on a fitball, rest your feet on the floor, keep your arms crossed on your chest. Gradually, using your legs, lean back.

During the exercise, your back should rest against the ball, and your knees should be under your ankles. When performing the exercise, the head is suspended, but does not tip back.

While in this position, begin to perform crunches at a slow pace, starting with the head, then involving the shoulders and back. There should be a feeling of tension in the abdominal cavity.

Do 8-10 repetitions in 2 sets. Rest between sets for about 60 seconds.

  • You need to take the same position as in the previous exercise, but your hands are on the back of your head, your fingers are not crossed.

Perform in the same way as the previous one, 10 repetitions in 3 sets. The break between approaches should be reduced to 30-40 seconds.

  • The starting position remains the same. There is a ball or dumbbell weighing 1-3 kg in your hands, your arms are straightened and located near your ears.

The exercise is performed with outstretched arms for 15 repetitions in 4 sets, then the number increases to 20 repetitions.

Effective exercises for the buttocks

You can significantly tighten your buttock muscles by doing simple exercises using a fitball:

  • Lying on your stomach on a fitball, your arms are bent behind your head, your head is looking down, your legs need to be straightened and your toes resting on the floor. As you inhale, the back does not tense, the body is stretched forward. Return to the starting position as you exhale.

The difficulty of the exercise lies in maintaining balance. To begin with, 10 repetitions in 3 sets will be enough. Gradually increase to 20-25 times.

  • Lie on the floor with legs bent, place the fitball under your feet. Next, pressing your lower back to the floor, try to lift your buttocks up as much as possible, while holding back as much as possible.

You need to perform the exercise starting with 10 repetitions of 2 approaches, bringing up to 20-25 times.

  • Place a fitball under your shoulder blades and lift your pelvis without lifting your feet off the floor. Start with 10-15 repetitions in 3 sets, working up to 20-30 times.

Effective hip exercises

Exercises on a fitball involve not only the muscles of the buttocks and abs, but are also suitable for working out the thighs, which makes training with it comprehensive.

The exercise is performed standing, the fitball is between the legs near the knees. The ball does not touch the floor surface. You need to gradually squat until your knees form a right angle, then you need to hold the ball in this position for 30-40 seconds. Perform 15-20 repetitions in 2 sets.

The exercise is performed while lying on the floor, arms are located along the body, calves and heels should be on the fitball. The hips must be lifted up, lifting them off the floor, and a slight burning sensation should be felt in the muscles of the abs and thighs.

To maintain balance, hold on with your hands. Take a deep breath, without removing your feet from the exercise ball, and raise your knees towards your hips. Hold this position for several seconds and, as you exhale, straighten your legs. Increase the number of repetitions to 10-12 times.

Stand in front of the ball, throw one leg over it, rest your toe on the floor with the other leg, or stand on your shin. Gradually squat on one leg, while the second leg should not fall off the fitball. You need to maintain balance with your hands, your back should be straight and not lean forward.

Squat as you exhale, while inhaling, return to the starting position. Perform 10-15 times, 2 approaches on each leg.

Static exercises with fitball

Static exercises using a fitball will help you use the muscles of the whole body at the same time. To perform such exercises, you need to keep your body as still as possible.

Static exercises with a fitball for the abs, buttocks, and thighs will have a tightening effect, increase muscle tone, and improve coordination of movements.

Bend your elbows and lean your elbows on the ball, your feet rest your toes on the floor and do not bend. You need to find a balance point on the ball and try to maintain a straight line for 8-10 seconds. You should control your pelvis: do not tilt it down and do not lift it too high.

To perform, rest your shoulders on the floor, raise your back and hips, bend your legs at the knees and place your feet on a fitball. Having caught your balance, hold it for 8-10 seconds. When performing this exercise with a ball, the abdominal and buttock muscles are also actively involved.

How to increase the effectiveness of exercises with a fitball

The following tips from trainers will help enhance the effect of exercises with a fitball:

  • comfortable sports uniform;
  • drinking enough liquid;

Exercises with a fitball for the abs, buttocks, and thighs will be much more effective if you drink enough water during training
  • balanced diet, without junk and fatty foods;
  • performing a warm-up before starting a workout and a cool-down at the end;
  • At the end of the workout, in order to relieve tension from the spine, it is recommended to stand on a bridge, using a ball under your back, and stay in this position for some time.

Exercises with a fitball for the abs, buttocks, thighs, carried out regularly, will help solve several problems at the same time: tighten muscles, make beautiful relief, remove cellulite, throw off overweight, develop coordination of movements, relieve back pain.

Exercises with a fitball for the abs, buttocks, thighs:

An effective set of exercises on a fitball for the buttocks and thighs:

With the help of a fitball you can do the following: strength training both cardio and stretching.

Another feature is the use of several muscle groups at once. So, performing exercises with a ball for the buttocks will additionally transform your legs, hips, back and abs.

Fitball will be especially useful for overweight people and pregnant women. It does not put stress on the joints and does not have a negative impact on health.

People with varicose veins veins can be happy to acquire a bright assistant. A fitness ball not only does not aggravate this disease, but also helps to saturate the veins with oxygen, which has a healing effect.

What muscles are involved?

Let's talk about the buttocks. The gluteal muscles of our body consist of three parts:

  • Large ones are located on back surface pelvis and are responsible for convexity and relief;
  • Middle - located on the sides of the pelvis and are responsible for beautiful line hips;
  • Small - attached next to the middle muscles and perform the same functions.

By training each of them, doing exercises for the buttocks on a fitball, you will help your butt become convex, toned and elastic.

It is important to understand that training on a fitball are not insulating. This means that in addition to the glutes, many other muscles will be involved. Below are the most effective exercises with a fitball for the buttocks, thighs, abs and lower back muscles.

Pay attention! The size of the fitball that suits you can be calculated as your height – 100 centimeters. Having chosen the one you need, sit down on it, pressing your feet to the floor. Your thighs should be parallel to the flat surface and your knees should be at an angle of 90 degrees.

Top 3 Ball Moves for Beginners

These movements are quite simple to perform and do not require serious physical training. They are quite suitable for beginners.

1. Hyperextension on a fitball for the buttocks (extension in the lumbar region)

The exercise is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes. The primary muscles involved are the iliocostal, lumbar and mid back muscles. Additionally, the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscles are tensed. The ball exercise differs from others in that, among others, it involves many more stabilizer muscles.


  1. Starting position - lie on your stomach on the ball, arms bent behind your head, legs straight with support on your toes, looking down, your back completely relaxed (as if hanging from a gymnastic apparatus);
  2. As you inhale, the back muscles straighten and the body stretches into one straight line, the lower back is slightly tucked so as not to overstrain it;
  3. As you exhale, we return to IP again.

The difficulty of these actions lies in maintaining balance and coordination.

You should start with 10 repetitions in 3 sets. You can gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20-25.

Be sure to watch the video before starting the lesson:

Important! Before any sports activities DO warm up!

2. Wall Squats

The work is aimed at working out the butt and the front of the thigh. The difficulty is easy; if you wish, you can weigh yourself down with dumbbells or do squats on one leg. There is also something worth paying special attention to.


  1. The starting position is to stand with your back to the wall and press the ball tightly against it with your lower back. The legs are set slightly forward and shoulder-width apart;
  2. Tighten your abs, take a breath and, keeping your balance, squat down, your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Stay at the bottom for a few seconds, feeling all the tension in the buttocks;
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

The ball should roll up and down along your spine. Be sure to watch your lower back; it should be pressed tightly against the gymnastic instrument. For greater load, follow this.

You need to do 15-20 repetitions for 3-5 approaches.

More detailed information find out from the video:

See also:

3. Jumping

One of the most simple activities with a gymnastic ball are jumping on a fitball for the buttocks. This movement is similar to, which has many.

You need to sit on it, press your feet firmly to the floor and start making intense jumps. Do not lift your feet off the floor and your heel from the ball. It is advisable to make jumps as quickly, rhythmically and energy-consuming as possible. Such movements perfectly strain the entire body as a whole, and the butt especially.

You need to jump for 3-5 minutes in several approaches.

Learn more from the video:

Carefully! Complicated pregnancy or local skin diseases may be contraindications to exercising with a fitball.

2 more exercises for the buttocks on a ball of increased difficulty

If you have good enough physical training and want to work your gluteal and other muscles even more effectively, the complicated exercises presented below with a ball for the abs and buttocks are suitable for you.

1. Gluteal bridge

A complex exercise aimed at working the abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks. Improves coordination and endurance of the entire body. Be sure to monitor your breathing and do not squeeze your stomach so that oxygen can be distributed well throughout the body.


  1. Starting position - lie on the mat on your back, feet stand on the ball and pressed tightly to it;
  2. As you inhale, you need to push your pelvis upward. Watch your lower back; it should not bend too much. At the top point, the muscles of the abs and buttocks will be maximally tense. It is advisable to stay in this position for a moment.
  3. As you exhale, gently lower your pelvis onto the mat.

It is necessary to perform 10-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

More details in the video:

2. Reverse bridge (raising the pelvic area while rolling the ball)

A more complicated version of the exercise is above. The core and femoral-gluteal muscles are included in the work.


  1. Starting position – back on the floor, legs on the fitball, while the feet are not pressed to it, arms lie along the body;
  2. While inhaling, you need to tense the muscles of your abs and buttocks, raise your pelvis and roll the ball towards you and stay a minute;
  3. Without lowering your lower back onto the mat, roll the ball to the starting point. Balance should be maintained by resting on your hands.

Do 12-15 repetitions in 3-5 sets.

The video shows a simplified version of this movement:

Pay attention! You can complicate the bridge by adding a barbell/dumbbell plate to the pelvic part, or perform the actions alternately on one of the legs.

Don't forget to cool down after your workout, which can also be done using a fitball.

It wouldn’t hurt to review your diet: less fatty and unhealthy foods, more protein and vegetables. Observe drinking regime– two liters of clean still water per day. Add a scrub, a hard washcloth/brush and a massage with your favorite cream to your body care.

A little patience and perseverance, practice and moderate proper nutrition and the beauty who will soon look at you in the mirror will sincerely say “thank you.”

Useful materials:

  • through exercise?
  • How to lose weight in your lower body in just 20 minutes a day.
  • How to get rid of it?
  • and are included in the TOP 10 best movements for the buttocks.