Instructions on where to attach ski bindings. How to properly install a ski mount? SNS or NNN: which system is better?

    Installing ski bindings is not easy. It is necessary to install them in such a way that when lifting the ski with two fingers approximately at the center of gravity, the ski takes a strictly horizontal position. Sometimes this requires several attempts, the permissible error is 1.5 cm.

    First you need to mark the center of gravity on the ski track. To do this, you need to turn it over with the sliding edge up, and place the ski track itself on the edge of some object (it could even be the back of a chair, for example). Then find a position for the ski so that it is parallel to the floor. When the center is found, mark it with a pencil.

    If the skis came with a template with holes that need to be made, apply it to the ski track and put marks. If there is no template, use this one as a basis, for example:

    When the mount is installed, do not rush to ride, wait at least a day, let everything set well.

    When you purchase something like skis, the store tells you that for a certain amount of money they will install a binding for you. Don’t rush to pay, because the amount of 500 rubles may be useful to you. Watch the video , where installation instructions are written in detail.

    Thanks to it, you can install the mount yourself, since everything is laid out there on shelves.

    Install the ski mount simple enough. They are screwed to the skis with screws that are included in the binding kit. These screws are already required length and width, you just have to choose a screwdriver for them.

    It is necessary to take into account ski center of gravity. Typically on skis used for racing, the kick occurs in the middle of the ski. That is, the toe of the boot should rest in this place, and therefore the front of the fastening should also be here.

    Finding the center of gravity of a ski is not difficult. To do this, place the ski, smooth side down, on index fingers hands brought together and positioned in front of you. The procedure begins with the ski first lying on wide-open hands, the fingers of which are then brought together. The ski is on top. The heaviness of the skis prevents them from lying on one finger all the time, and as a result the skis will balance strictly in the middle.

    Try it, this is a well-known trick from the section Entertaining physics. This way you can find the center of gravity of any long objects.

    Then, where you found the center of gravity, place the fasteners and trace the holes in them with a pencil. Don't confuse right and left. They should be marked P and L, just like the skis themselves (or carefully read the instructions to see what they say about the differences).

    Drill holes, but do not drill through, put stops on the drills. Screw the fasteners. If it is planned that an overweight person will be skiing, then the holes for the screws can be filled with glue (for example, epoxy resin).

    There are skis that already have a mount installed, but there are also skis on which you can install the mount yourself.

    This procedure is very important because you must position the fasteners correctly so that the center of gravity is central. And all fastenings must be well screwed and also be in one place.

    This video shows very well how to install bindings on skis:

    Before installing the binding, we will need to determine the center of gravity in your skis. And you can determine it by placing the skis in the middle on the edge of a knife or ruler, but you need to put the skis upside down on the other side. At this time, move the ruler or knife until you get balance on both sides of the ski - the ski will stand horizontally. And mark the balance point directly on the outside.

    And then you can proceed to the installation itself, based on the center of balance we have chosen, that is, the center of gravity. Along this line we determine the location of the fastening - usually along with the fastenings there is a template, which must be correctly positioned relative to the point we have identified. First, we mark where the fastening will be, and then we mark the locations of the screws and drill holes somewhat smaller than the length of the screws themselves. Pour a little epoxy glue into these holes and you can screw them on.

    And now about checking:

    In order to install ski bindings correctly, I suggest watching the video instructions, from which it will become clear what, how, and in what order needs to be done.

    As they say: it's better to see once than...

Skiing is a great way to relax in winter. Even if you are a fan of the summer heat and spending time on the beach, you are unlikely to refuse a ski run. And there is no need to talk about those who cannot imagine themselves without this sport. Skiing is becoming increasingly popular. In stores sporting goods There is a wide range of accessories associated with it. In this article we will look in detail at how to install ski mounts for boots.

A little about sports equipment

The choice of equipment largely depends on the riding style: mountain, flat walks or long hikes. In each of these cases, a certain type of ski is needed. If a novice athlete has minimal equipment requirements, then experienced skiers have incomparably higher requirements. When purchasing equipment, such nuances are taken into account that “dummies” have no idea about.

Most popular look skis - cross-country. The reason is quite clear. A skier needs certain places to ski. And treadmills can also be used for riding in the forest or city park - as long as the weather is suitable. In addition to special sportswear, skis and poles, you need to purchase mounts for boots.


Fastenings are important component ski designs. By means of fastening, force is transferred from the leg to the ski itself. Different models differ in their design, so the natural question is how to install ski mounts for boots.

Important! People of the older generation remember primitive models that could be put on shoes. There was no talk of any convenience. Modern models have a completely different task - ensuring stability and comfort when walking.

There are 3 types of fastening devices:

  • Nordic Norm 75mm. These fasteners are also called welt fasteners. This is a morally outdated model that is gradually losing ground. Those who like this kind of “retro” and people who are attracted by the low cost of the accessory are preventing them from completely abandoning it.
  • The NNN system developed by Roteffella is a more recent one. It consists of two longitudinal guides that secure the boots.
  • SNS is an innovative, high-level system with one longitudinal guide. This is the most convenient option. The foot has full control of the ski. Their cost is higher than NNN, but they significantly improve in convenience and practicality.

To install the fasteners, you can contact specialists. However, it's not that difficult. You can completely cope with this work yourself.

Tool set

Before attaching ski bindings to boots, prepare the following tools (in addition to the skis themselves, of course):

  • Fastenings.
  • Marking template.
  • Ruler and marker for marking.
  • Awl.
  • Screwdriver.
  • PVA glue.

Algorithm of actions:

  • First determine the center of gravity of the skis. Many manufacturing companies apply it right away, but experienced athletes do not trust this marking, preferring to check it themselves. Using a marker, mark this location.

Important! This precaution is not at all superfluous. If the center of gravity is correctly determined, the ride will be comfortable, the ski will not “weigh” to the sides. The procedure for finding the center of gravity is extremely simple. Place the ski on the edge of the ruler and move until you have a “scale” parallel to the floor line. The location of the center of gravity is indicated by a ruler.

  • The resulting line coincides with the axis of the fastening device. Place the mount on the surface of the ski and mark its desired position. If you need to fasten Nordic Norm 75, then the bracket screws will be located on the marked line.
  • An important point is to correctly mark the holes. Here they often use a special conductor or a paper template, which comes complete with fasteners.
  • The proverb “measure twice, cut once” works in this case one hundred percent. Before you start drilling, check the distance between the holes on the fasteners and between the markings. Naturally, they must match.
  • The most crucial moment is drilling. As a rule, the instructions indicate the depth of drilling the hole and the diameter of the drill.

Important! When drilling, the drill should be used at low speeds.

  • Blow out the drilled holes and fill them with glue. Sometimes glue comes with the fasteners. If there is no special glue, PVA is quite suitable. The glue fills microcracks formed during drilling, provides a waterproofing effect and improves fixation. However, some athletes claim that glue is completely unnecessary. Solve this question for yourself.

Important! Epoxy should not be used as the solvent may damage the skis.

  • Place the binding on the ski surface again and begin tightening the screws. At first - not very tightly, to make sure that everything is installed correctly, and then - finally.

Important! For NN 75 bindings, you will have to insert the boot and check how it is centered.

  • Now all that remains is to wait a little (about 10 hours) until the glue dries completely.

Ski trips- a favorite type of winter recreation. Even an inveterate lover of hot summer will not refuse to breathe fresh air in a snowy forest. What can we say about those who cannot imagine their life without skis!

It should be noted that currently skiing in our country actively developing, and the stores offer a wide range of equipment for different types. Some people prefer cross-country skiing, and some, on the contrary, love leisurely walks. There are also those who find the flat terrain boring and ski from the mountains. It should also be mentioned tourists who travel winter hiking on skis.

For all these activities needed different types skis, and the higher the level of the athlete, the more stringent his requirements for equipment. The smallest nuances are taken into account, which beginners and amateurs may not even be aware of.

In the available variety of skis and related sports, everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves, and ordinary cross-country skis will surely win the palm.

Still, fans skiing you have to look for places where you can ski, but amateur ski tourism is not for everyone. But treadmills can be used in the nearest park or forest, and do this at least every weekend. Those who are especially adventurous can even take part in some local competitions!

So, to diversify your winter leisure, just buy the necessary clothes and equipment: skis, poles and bindings. It’s worth dwelling on them in more detail.

Ski bindings and their types

Fastenings– this is very important element ski design. They transmit forces from the leg to the ski and set the direction of sliding. The older generation probably remembers grandfather’s models: a belt clamp was attached to the ski, which secured the leg at the back with an elastic band. The only advantage of such “inventions” is that they could be worn on any shoes, even felt boots. And if we compare the described samples with modern ones, then the importance of the role of fastenings will be completely obvious: they provide comfort and stability at any move.

Three main types of cross-country ski bindings:

Nordic Norm 75mm, or the so-called welted. This is an outdated model that is gradually falling out of use. Connoisseurs of such antiques and the extremely low price prevent them from finally saying goodbye to it.

NNN system from Roteffella appeared later and has two longitudinal guides that stabilize the boot. In terms of functionality, it is in no way inferior to the previous version.

SNS system from Salomon, with one longitudinal guide. This is a modern fastening standard high level. The soles of boots for such fastenings allow the foot control the ski during any move.

The last two systems are now the most popular, but there are no obvious advantages or disadvantages compared to each other, so you can choose any. In terms of price, they will cost more than NN75, but they are much more convenient and practical, and You can save on installation these fasteners. Usually the instructions recommend seeking help from specialists, but it is quite possible to perform such an operation on your own. All you need is a little confidence and the right tools:

  • Skis and bindings;
  • Template for marking;
  • A screwdriver with a blunt Phillips bit and drill bits;
  • Ruler;
  • Marker;
  • PVA glue.
  • Awl;

Procedure for installing fasteners

For all types of bindings, you first need to find the center of gravity of the skis. On some models, the manufacturer has already marked this place, but usually it is advised not to trust the factory branding. Such balancing is necessary for normal comfortable riding, when the ski does not “weigh” in any direction. Finding the center of gravity it is done very simply. You need to place the ski on the edge of, for example, a ruler, and move it along it until the “scales” freeze parallel to the floor. The ruler in this case will indicate the center of gravity, which will need to be marked with a marker.

So, the desired point has been found. U modern models the center of gravity line coincides with the axis of the boot bracket attachment, so you need to attach the front part of the attachment to the ski and mark it with a marker correct position . If it is necessary to install Nordic Norm 75, then there should be two screws of the fastening bracket on the marked line. In other words, you need to place the device so that there is an edge on the balance line thumb legs.

An important step is marking the holes. For him, the ideal option would be to use a special jig, which allows you to accurately find the position of the fasteners. If there is no such conductor, then A paper template will also work, which is usually supplied with fastenings. If this is not there, you will have to mark the ski with an awl through the holes in the mount attached to it. By the way, since the fastening consists of elements that move relative to each other, you should use it assembled for marking, so that later there will be no mismatch in size.

Check for self-control. A drilled ski cannot be restored back, so an extra check will not hurt. Having measured the distance between the holes on the mount, you need to compare them with similar parameters on the finished marking.

Drilling holes according to the marks made. Usually the instructions indicate to what depth the screws need to be drilled, and what length and diameter the drill should be. If there is no suitable length, you can take any and wrap it with electrical tape on top, leaving only the necessary millimeters. Using a drill at low speeds, you need to drill holes in the marked places.

Filling with glue. Blow the finished holes to remove dust and fill them with glue. Sometimes it may come complete with fasteners, but if it is not there, then simple PVA will do. This will help fill the cracks formed during drilling, waterproof and provides more reliable fixation. Sometimes it is recommended to use epoxy for this purpose, but it is better not to do this, since the solvents in the resin can damage the ski. By the way, there is an alternative opinion that claims that glue is not needed, but everyone can decide for themselves. In any case, this is not difficult to do, and the glue will not interfere.

Assembly of the structure. You need to attach the mount to the ski again and start tightening the screws, first not completely, to make sure that the installation is even, and then finally, so that there are no backlashes. For NN 75 you will have to first insert the boot and check its alignment on the ski. Wait for the glue to dry. After the fasteners are installed, you need to wait another 10-12 hours for the glue to completely dry.

This video explains in detail how to install SNS mounts.

Installing ski bindings yourself is doable. The main thing is to have self-confidence and the right tools.

Both at a professional and amateur level, it is perhaps one of the most popular winter pastimes for a huge number of people. Some people prefer to actively relax at the nearest rental point for this sports equipment, while others purposefully go to famous ski resorts, basically, for the same thing.

What determines the choice of fastening?

Of course, one of the main roles in high-quality and enjoyable skating is played by the equipment itself. The range of skis today is very large, and they differ both in manufacturer brands and in their purpose (cross-country, mountain, jumping). The price range is also wide, so you should immediately decide on the amount planned for purchase.

Sometimes lovers of winter skiing are faced with a very serious problem. How to properly install bindings on skis? You can entrust the installation process to specialists, but if you want to save some money and simply gain additional experience, you should understand the technology of this work yourself.

What does a ski binding consist of?

The design of this element, which is designed to ensure safety, includes a heel and a front head, which must be adjusted in accordance with the parameters of a particular person (weight, shoe size, etc.).

On the mount itself there are special pins, the function of which is to fix the boot. There are also special brackets and bends that allow the leg to move freely inside, but prevent it from slipping. Usually these elements are shaped like the toe of a boot, which cannot but have a positive effect on the comfort of riding.

The heel of the mount is designed to provide the skier with safety during falls. In modern samples, this ability is called vertical elasticity. In addition, with the help of this part of the fastening the level of vibrations entering the boot is significantly reduced.

How to ensure installation of the retainer?

So, proper ski mounting is accomplished in part by proper drilling. This should not be done by eye or using marks. Often you can purchase a special conductor from the manufacturer, thanks to which a good result will be guaranteed.

For making holes, there is a large selection of drills, each of which is suitable for one or another type of ski: section 4.1x9.5 mm - for metal coatings, 3.5x9.5 - for wooden surfaces, and 3.5x7 mm will be a good solution for junior sports equipment whose thickness is less than that of adult models.

After drilling all the necessary holes in the ski surface, a small amount of glue is added to each of them, and then the mount itself is mounted. The screws should fit tightly, without moving.

This information may be useful when thinking about how to install a binding on your skis.

Cross-country skis: installing bindings

It is these elements that allow you to clearly transmit forces and set the direction of sliding when moving both in the classical style and in skating. It is very important to focus on how to properly install bindings on cross-country skis, since without this knowledge, even well-chosen equipment will not only not bring absolutely no joy from skiing, but can also expose the owner to serious danger.

Categories of cross-country ski holders

Currently, there are three types of fastenings for equipment of this type, so each one should be disassembled separately.

One of them is the outdated Nordic Norm 75mm, called “welt” by the masses. Its main advantage is its relatively low price, but otherwise its technical characteristics leave much to be desired. It does not fix the foot well and, despite the rigid fastening of the toe of the boot, the entire sole slides due to insufficient lateral and longitudinal stability. The skating style of running in this case is practically impossible, and the classic style comes out little better. Such installation of fasteners will not bring the owner pleasure from riding, so attention should be paid to the other two types of fasteners.

These samples belong to models of a new, innovative generation. These include the SNS system and the NNN system.

It will be quite difficult to compare these two mounts as each is an extremely high performance device.

The operation of these two systems is based on the technology of using flexors and guides, which greatly simplifies the task of how to install fasteners. On skis with such clamps, the sole of the boot fits firmly and comfortably, and the additional stabilization during classic skiing gives a feeling of confidence and greatly facilitates the process of movement.

Functional features of the SNS and NNN fastening systems

The level of fixation of each of these two samples is touring, sometimes even equipped with automatic fastening. This option is perfect for amateur skiers whose skiing skills are not yet very well developed.

The SNS system appeared a little earlier, and its main difference is that the fastening design includes only one longitudinal component, while the NNN type has two.

It's no secret that the main difference between cross-country and alpine skiing is the connection of the boots of the former with one or another type of binding. And since the differences between the two above-mentioned systems are quite insignificant, the emphasis here should be placed exclusively on the choice of shoes. Having decided how to properly install bindings on your skis, you should choose boots that will match your skiing style and have unique comfort and design, and only then figure out the standard of their fixation.

Alpine ski bindings

This type of sports equipment is suitable, as the name suggests, only for skiing on the slopes. Such skis are not suitable for running, since they have different length and width parameters, and also differ from other models in their technical characteristics. But, one way or another, it is extremely important to know how to install bindings on skis of this type, since descents from the peaks require higher level safety, which can only be ensured by securely fixing the entire structure on the leg.

Installation procedure for mountain ski bindings

To avoid poor-quality work results, all actions for equipment of this type must be performed strictly according to the following instructions:

1. A line is drawn at the center of gravity of the ski, which you can find with your own hands.

2. The fastener is laid so that its front edge reaches exactly the drawn mark. The boot is carefully inserted into the clamp, which is adjusted so that its entire base is located in the center, since only in this case will the installation of bindings on alpine skis be correct.

3. Then the boot is removed, and at its location small holes are made through the holes in the latch, which can be made with an awl or a drill with a cross-section of 1.5-2 mm in diameter. Next, use a screwdriver or screwdriver to tighten the included screws.

4. The boot is tightly secured in the holes made. At the same time, it is important to follow the entire algorithm of actions so that at the end of all work the latch is moderately rigid, fits the leg comfortably and meets all the requirements of safety standards when skating.

This instruction will help you understand how to properly install bindings on skis intended for riding on mountains and steep slopes.

Knowing how to install ski bindings is important for amateur and professional skiing. The convenience and safety of using the equipment depends on this. Let's consider the main nuances of this important aspect.

General information

The modern market offers the widest range of skis for various types skating They differ in manufacturer brands, purpose, price category and material. Not all beginners know how to install ski bindings? In principle, this work can be entrusted to specialists. However, this will require additional financial investments and time. In fact, it’s quite possible to figure out this technology on your own.

Design features

The ski locking device is designed to securely hold the heel and front head of the boot. In this case, appropriate design adjustments must be made, affecting the safety of operation of the equipment. When adjusting the bindings, the athlete’s anthropometric data are taken into account.

The element itself is equipped with special pins designed to fix the boot. In addition, the package includes a set of brackets and bends that prevent the leg from slipping, ensuring free movement within the structure. Knowing how to properly install a ski mount for boots will ensure maximum comfort when skiing, regardless of the purpose of the device and other factors. It is worth noting that in the heel part, modern clamps are very elastic, reduce the level of vibrations and maximize ease of use.

Types of fastenings

Modern retainers are divided into three main categories:

  1. Welt fastening type Nordic Norm 75 mm. Its advantage is its affordable price, despite the fact that the technical parameters leave much to be desired. The support of the foot is not very good, the rigid design does not provide full control of the toe of the boot, the sole often slides due to the lack of sufficient lateral and longitudinal stability. The skating style, like the classic version, will not give you much pleasure.
  2. Innovative instances of NNN and SNS type. To know how to install a mount on skis of these types, you need to remember that they are a design with the highest possible performance parameters. Such systems operate using systems of flexors and guide elements, which greatly simplify the task of installing elements. The sole of the boots fits firmly and comfortably on such equipment; additional stabilization in any riding style allows you to feel confident and make the process of moving easier.

More information about NNN and SNS systems

The fixation class of such devices belongs to the tourist category, often equipped with automatic latches. This option is ideal for beginners. The differences between the NNN and SNS systems lie in the presence of two longitudinal constituent elements in the first category (the SNS variation is equipped with one analogue).

To know how to properly install the mount on your skis, you should remember that the difference between the cross-country and mountain versions lies in minor details that fix the boots directly to the equipment. Therefore, the main emphasis should be placed on the choice of shoes. Sports boots must correspond to the riding mode, be comfortable to wear and have a distinctive design. Then you can start fixing them.

How to properly install a binding on cross-country skis?

Initially, proper drilling work must be done. This work is done using a special device that allows you to set the areas for processing as accurately as possible.

When drilling, select the appropriate drill diameters, each of which is suitable for a specific type of ski. Among them:

  • 9.5 * 4.1 mm - for metal surfaces.
  • 9.5 * 3.5 mm - for wood and its analogues.
  • 7.0 * 3.5 mm - for juniors and beginners. Typically, the thickness of such equipment is less than that of adult professional modifications.

After all the necessary holes have been drilled, a little special glue is added to the slots on the canvas, after which they begin to install the fastener. The screws should fit tightly into place, without play or displacement.

How to install a mount on skis of mountain modifications?

This operation is performed in several stages:

  1. The center of gravity of the skis is located, which is outlined by a line.
  2. The clamps are placed in such a way that the front part of the structure aligns with the edge of the drawn mark.
  3. The boot is carefully inserted into the mount, ensuring that its base is centered. This is one of the important points in the arrangement of fastenings for alpine skiing.
  4. After “trying on” the boot is removed, and additional sockets for self-tapping screws are made through the holes in the place where it is placed. This can be done using an awl. And the fasteners are fixed using a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  5. Next, the boot is securely fixed thanks to the holes made. Strict adherence to the instructions will allow you to achieve a tight fit to your leg, the desired level of shock absorption, rigidity and safety.

The presented guide will provide an opportunity to understand the features of fixing ski bindings aimed at overcoming mountain and steep snow-covered slopes.

Mountain bracing equipment is only suitable for climbing slopes and steep sections of trails. Running on such skis will be uncomfortable, difficult and ineffective. Such equipment has completely different dimensional parameters and technical indicators. In addition, reliable and competent installation of clamps is a guarantee of comfort and safety.

It was also discussed above how to install the mount on cross-country skiing. This type of equipment is designed for skating and classic running. But this does not mean that the installation of shoe clamps can be done poorly. This type of sport is associated with many health risks and requires a careful and responsible approach at all stages, including the selection and adjustment of bindings.