Physical education sponsored. An approximate set of exercises for a physical break for mental workers

confectioner", OK 8. Use physical education to preserve and strengthen health in the process of professional activity and maintain the required level physical fitness.



Budgetary institution of vocational education

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

"Nizhnevartovsk Polytechnic College"

Department physical education and life safety







Methodological manual for the discipline " Physical culture» developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education in the profession of cook, confectioner, approved by order No. 1569 of December 9, 2016 “On approval of the federal
state educational standard of secondary
vocational education by profession 01/43/09 Cook,
confectioner", OK 8. Use physical education to preserve and strengthen health in the process of professional activity and maintain the required level of physical fitness.

Compiled by: Head of the Department of Physical Education and Life Safety L.R. Samigullina

Considered at a meeting of the Department of Physical Education and Life Safety,

Head of the Department of Physical Education and Life Safety

L.R. Samigullina

  1. Explanatory note 4 pages.
  2. Approximate complex industrial exercises

Gymnastics for cooks and pastry chefs 6 pages.

  1. Physical education minutes and physical education breaks 7 pages.
  2. List of used literature 9 pages.

Explanatory note

Gymnastics during practical training sessions for chefs and pastry chefs

Gymnastics helps prevent diseases caused by specific working conditions in certain professions.

The work of cooks and confectioners in terms of energy costs is classified as Group III. It involves working in a standing position, carrying heavy loads, working the muscles of the arms and legs, unfavorable microclimatic conditions (high temperature, high humidity and air pollution) and working with dangerous mechanisms and apparatus.

In professions related to heavy physical activity, gymnastics eliminates the adverse effects that stress has on the same muscle groups, involves previously inactive muscle groups into work, or changes the nature of the activity of working muscles. Exercises for complexes industrial gymnastics, the time and methodology for their implementation are chosen taking into account the characteristics of the work, physical development and physical fitness of workers, changes functional state body during the working day, sanitary and hygienic working conditions.

There are many professions where the load on the neuropsychic sphere is very high and increased attention, vision, and hearing are required, that is, fatigue occurs nervous system. As a rule, such professions are associated with limited physical activity. Such professions include the profession of a cook and pastry chef. If you stay in a standing position for a long time and motor activity the intensity of metabolism and blood circulation decreases, blood stagnation appears in the pelvic organs and legs, muscles weaken, and posture worsens. People whose profession involves low mobility are more likely to suffer from headaches and heart disease. vascular system, metabolic disorders, etc. As a result, we are faced with the concept of “occupational disease”. There is a special set of exercises for standing workers.

To maintain efficiency and improve health, I use special industrial gymnastics, which should be carried out periodically during practical work, lasting about 5 minutes. under the direction of the duty officer.

We conduct introductory gymnastics before starting work, and we perform physical education breaks and physical education minutes during breaks and during the lesson.

Performance at the beginning of the day is somewhat reduced, and it takes some time for the body to fully engage in work and enter the usual optimal pace. Physical exercises of introductory gymnastics provide accelerated entry into work, promote high and stable performance, preventing the early onset of fatigue.

Introductory gymnastics are usually carried out 10 minutes before the start of practical work. Its duration is 5-7 minutes. For introductory gymnastics, I select a set of special physical exercise taking into account the nature of production movements, rhythm and characteristics of the work performed. Remember the call sign “Get ready to exercise!”

I offer an approximate set of industrial gymnastics exercises for chefs and confectioners. I periodically replace physical exercises in complexes (about once every 10-14 days) with new ones that are similar in their effect on the body.

If the work requires you to be on your feet for most of the workshop, I recommend individual physical education breaks or physical education minutes (2-3 minutes) during short breaks in work in order to reduce fatigue resulting from prolonged standing, forced uncomfortable working posture, strong attentional strain, and vision. .

I set the time for physical education breaks and physical education minutes depending on the class schedule - the first half of the day or the second. In the first part of the practical lesson, a physical training break should be done after about two hours of work; it can also be done in the second half of the lesson. Gymnastics classes take place directly at work stations, preferably accompanied by music. The room is ventilated before performing gymnastics.

Gymnastics and physical training breaks can significantly reduce fatigue. When working while standing, the muscles of the back and neck, which support the head and back in an upright position, experience increased tension - and the blood flow in them is increased. static load, on the contrary, is lowered. In this case, tense muscles compress the nerve fibers emerging from the spinal cord, disrupting the conduction of nerve impulses. And as a result, after a while, your arms, neck, and back begin to become numb or numb. If you do not take any measures, then osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine will not take long to appear.

An approximate set of industrial gymnastics exercises for chefs and confectioners

(starting position in all exercises except the fourth exercise - sitting on a bench or chair).

1. Sliding your heels along the floor, stretch your legs forward, right hand turn on

behind the head, to the left side - inhale, relax your arms down - exhale, do the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. Legs are pulled forward, arms in front of the chest, torso is rotated

to the right, arms spread to the sides, return to the starting position, the same in left side. Repeat 8-10 times, breathing is arbitrary.

3. Sliding along the floor with your heels, stretch your legs forward, raise your arms up and bend. Then they bend forward, touching the floor in front of them with their hands, straightening up, raising their arms up, joining their legs and returning to their original position, repeating 6-8 times, breathing freely.

4. Standing facing the table, take hold of it with your hands, left leg are pulled back

then squat on the toes, straighten up, do the same on the other leg, repeat voluntary breathing 8-10 times.

5. Legs are extended forward, hands on the belt. Alternately pull back and

raise their toes, slightly bending their knees, then turn their legs to the right, toes touching the floor. The same in the other direction. Repeat 10-12 times, breathing is arbitrary.

6. Sitting on a chair, arms are extended along the body, then, bending back,

raise their arms up, and also raise their legs somewhat, with their toes touching the floor.

Leaning forward, clap your hands under outstretched leg, return to their original position. The same with the other leg. Repeat 6-8 times, breathing is arbitrary.

7. Sitting on a chair, put your hands to your shoulders, stretch your left leg

forward, return to their original position and move their arms to the sides, then

relax them down, repeat voluntary breathing 5-6 times.

8. Stretching, arms raised above the head, hands clasped “in the lock” - inhale, hands lowered - exhale.

9. The leg is set aside on the toe, hands behind the head - inhale, lowering the hands

and placing your foot - exhale.

10. Arms extended forward, hands relaxed and down. Squatting, arms down, exhale, straightening your arms back, rise on your toes, inhale.

11. Jumping in place on your toes, hands on your belt.

12. Arms to the sides, turns the torso and head alternately to the right and left.

13. Raising your arms up, bend back – inhale, then bend forward, keeping your hands on your belt – exhale.

14. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of the chest. Alternately withdrawing the right one, then left hand to the side, inhale, lowering your arms - exhale.

Each exercise is repeated 6-12 times.


  • It is very important to observe during the work correct posture. This is ensured by selecting equipment of certain sizes and heights.
  • The cook should stand straight, without slouching.
  • The cook and pastry chef can perform some operations while sitting on high stools.
  • Properly organized workplace helps to avoid unnecessary movements and
  • prevents premature fatigue.

Thus, the performance of a specialist largely depends on the degree of physical fitness.

Physical education minutes and physical education breaks

Physical education minutes and physical education breaks can significantly reduce fatigue.

Fatigue ( physiological state organism, arising as a result of excessive activity and manifested in decreased performance) can occur in any type of activity - both mental and physical work. Fatigue is characterized by a decrease in labor productivity, impaired attention, and impaired muscle function: a decrease in strength, speed, accuracy, coordination and rhythm of movements.

The speed of fatigue depends on the specifics of work: it is much faster

occurs when performing work accompanied by a monotonous posture,

muscle tension, rhythmic movements are less tiring. Important role The person’s attitude towards the work being performed also plays a role in the appearance of fatigue. For many people, during periods of emotional stress, prolonged

time there are no signs of fatigue and a feeling of tiredness.

Usually, when it is necessary to continue intensive work when fatigue sets in, a person expends additional strength and energy - the indicators of individual body functions change (for example, during physical labor breathing and heart rate increase, increased sweating, etc.). At the same time, work productivity decreases and signs of fatigue increase.

A tired person works less accurately, making first small and then serious mistakes.

Insufficient rest time or excessive workload over a long period of time often lead to chronic fatigue, or overwork. A distinction is made between mental and mental (spiritual) fatigue.

These professions are now united by inactivity and increased attention, which results in increased nervous and physical tension. An organism designed by nature to physical activity and unsuitable for long-term static load, begins to malfunction. Diseases such as osteochondrosis and spinal curvature acquire the status of occupational diseases.

The greatest risks during sedentary work are primarily the cervical and thoracic regions spine - they bear the main load. The muscles of the back and neck, which support the head and back in an upright position, experience increased tension - and the blood flow in them under static load, on the contrary, is reduced. To make matters worse, tight muscles put pressure on the nerve fibers coming out of the spinal cord, disrupting the conduction of nerve impulses. And as a result, after a while, your arms, neck, and back begin to become numb or numb. If you do not take any measures, then osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine will not take long to appear. We offer you a set of exercises for the spine, which you can do right at your workplace, almost unnoticed by others. The basic rule is that all exercises should be performed smoothly, at a slow pace, without jerks or sudden movements.

It is advisable to perform the complex at least twice a day, repeating each exercise 10-20 times.

Approximate set of exercises

1. "Pendulum". Turn your head clockwise/counterclockwise, while trying to keep the tip of your nose motionless. Repeat the same with your head lowered and held high.

2. Slowly turn your head to the left as far as possible. Having reached the limit, tilt your head back, feeling a stretch in the neck muscles on the opposite side. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

3. Lower your head down and try to “wipe” your chin on your chest. Tilt your head back and make a couple of rotational movements.

4. "Chinese dummy." Place your elbows on the table and clasp your hands together. Place your chin on your hands and tilt your head to the left. Having reached the limit, add two or three nods in the direction of head movement. Repeat on the other side.

5. Straighten your spine, like a soldier at the command “at attention”, leave your hands lying on the table. Pull your shoulders back, squeezing your shoulder blades together as much as possible, and hold this position for about a second or more.

6. Lower your arms down and relax them. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, feeling the tension in your trapezius muscles.

7. "String". Straighten your back, place your hands on the table. Arch your back to the left side, then to the right, while the top of your head should remain motionless. The movements of the spine in this case resemble the movement of a vertical string.

In addition to performing the given set of exercises, do not forget about the proper organization of the workplace.

All of these factors contribute to the rational organization of the labor process and the fight against fatigue.

List of used literature:

1. A.B.Zherebtsov “Physical training and labor”, Moscow.2011.

2. B.V. Petrovsky “Popular medical encyclopedia”, Moscow, 2013.

3. Monica Thiel. “Set of exercises for the spine” Moscow. 2011.

Shcherbakova Galina Vyacheslavovna
Job title: physical education teacher
Educational institution: GBPOU VO "BTPIT"
Locality: Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"Prevention of occupational diseases by means and methods of physical education"
Publication date: 28.02.2016
Chapter: secondary vocational

Summary of a lesson in physical education on the topic “Prevention of occupational diseases by means and methods of physical education.” Case technology. Author: Galina Vyacheslavovna Shcherbakova, physical education teacher at the Borisoglebsk College of Industrial and Information Technologies. This lesson is taught during the study of the academic discipline FC01 “Physical Education”. Target audience: third-year students, profession "Cook, confectioner" Lesson time - 1+1 Type of case - educational Type of case - analytical A modern lesson using the case method allows students to actively develop, activate their knowledge, receive and process a large amount of new information , organize your own activities. Gives you the ability to express your thoughts and defend your ideas. Purpose: to introduce students to “Prevention of occupational diseases by means and methods of physical education”, to find out the importance of physical education in the professional activities of “Cooks, confectioners”. Objectives of the lesson:  to introduce students to sets of exercises used for the prevention of occupational back diseases;  learn to analyze and justify your choice of physical exercises for the prevention of occupational diseases;  use physical education and recreational activities to improve health, achieve life and professional goals;  formation and development of information competence;  development of ordered, structured thinking skills, focused on the ability to work with information;  fostering a culture of exchange of opinions, free from aggressive assertiveness;  developing an understanding that there are situations where self-control is necessary to achieve a positive result, especially in group work situations.

Teacher's task
: tell students about for various reasons the occurrence and development of diseases associated with the professional activities of a cook, pastry chef and dwell in more detail on spinal osteochondrosis.
Group assignment:
students are invited to comprehend and talk about the causes of occupational diseases in a given profession, the prevention of spinal diseases using physical education. Based on the proposed sets of exercises, students must choose one set that can be used when conducting industrial gymnastics to prevent osteochondrosis. Students need to explain and justify their choice of exercises for the complex.
Purpose of the work:
to interest students in physical education classes in order to increase the degree of resistance of the body in relation to the adverse effects of environmental conditions in which work activities take place, to help increase its adaptive capabilities, preserve and improve health. 1. A short lecture on the causes of occupational diseases. On the path to professional success, one cannot help but pay attention to such a problem as the influence of professional activity on the human body and health. With a long stay in a standing position and low physical activity, the intensity of metabolism and blood circulation decreases, blood stagnation appears in the pelvic organs and legs, muscles weaken, and posture worsens. The body, designed by nature for physical activity and not adapted to long-term static load, begins to malfunction. Diseases such as osteochondrosis and spinal curvature acquire the status of occupational diseases.
- an inevitable candidate for spinal osteochondrosis. He spends most of his working time in an uncomfortable position. The development of the disease is also facilitated by keeping the body in the same position (often standing), monotonous and physically difficult work (lifting weights): frequent exceeding of the permissible strength and duration of the load on the spine leads to the development of the disease, thereby reducing the endurance of the spine to physical activity is reduced. Intervertebral cartilage, under constant stress, becomes deformed and pinches the nerves of the spinal column, thereby causing unbearable pain. The cervical and thoracic spine regions are primarily at risk when working as a cook - they bear the main load. The muscles of the back and neck, which support the head and back in an upright position, experience increased tension - and the blood flow in them under static load, on the contrary, is reduced. To make matters worse, tight muscles put pressure on the nerve fibers coming out of the spinal cord, disrupting the conduction of nerve impulses. And as a result, after a while, your arms, neck, and back begin to become numb or numb. If you do not take any measures, then osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine will not take long to appear. As a result, we are faced with the concept of “occupational disease”.

Let's consider step by step what happens with osteochondrosis
. 1. Changes in the spine occur due to its tense state to maintain an upright position. The muscles are the first to fail. They tense up and begin to hurt 2. Weakened muscles are unable to maintain correct posture - lordosis and kyphosis of the natural curvature of the spine 3. The gap between the vertebrae decreases, and the pressure on the spinal discs, on the contrary, increases. The spinal segment is thus blocked - in this place the mobility of the spine decreases. This is what happens to the spine with a weak muscle corset

drawing up





industrial gymnastics and determining their place during the working day.
How to deal with osteochondrosis, how to prevent this insidious disease with the help of physical exercise? Based on the proposed sets of exercises, students must choose one set that can be used when conducting industrial gymnastics to prevent osteochondrosis. Students need to explain several exercises from the complex and justify their choice. The method of industrial gymnastics includes two components: the method of compiling industrial gymnastics complexes and the method of carrying them out during the working day. Both components are closely related to each other; they determine the effect of the training. If a well-designed set of physical exercises is carried out at the wrong time, then it will bring little benefit, just like a set compiled without taking into account the basic methodological requirements for various types of industrial gymnastics.
The methods for compiling and conducting complexes in various types of industrial gymnastics have significant differences. If the place of introductory gymnastics is clearly defined - before the start of work, then the timing of other types of industrial gymnastics largely depends on the dynamics of a person’s performance during the working day.
Basic concepts.


- these are sets of special exercises used during the working day to improve general and professional performance, as well as for the purpose of prevention and recovery. Types (forms) of industrial gymnastics are: introductory gymnastics, physical education break, physical education minute, microbreak active recreation.

- organized, systematic performance of specially selected physical exercises before the start of the working day in order to quickly train the body. A typical complex of introductory gymnastics consists of 6-8 exercises that are close to working movements and have a diverse effect on the body. The duration of introductory gymnastics is 5-7 minutes.
Physical education break
- performing physical exercises designed taking into account the characteristics of a specific type of work activity. A physical pause allows you to prevent the onset of fatigue and ensure the maintenance of a certain level of performance. The duration of the physical training break is no more than 5-10 minutes.
Physical education moment
refers to small forms of active recreation. This is an individual form of short-term physical training break for local impact on a tired muscle group. It consists of 2-3 exercises and is carried out several times during the working day for 1-2 minutes directly at the workplace.
Active recreation micropause
- this is the shortest form of industrial gymnastics, lasting only 20-30 seconds. The purpose of micropauses is to reduce general or local fatigue by partially reducing or increasing the excitability of the central nervous system. Micro-breaks use muscle tension and relaxation that can be used repeatedly throughout the workday. Self-massage techniques are used. The work of cooks and confectioners in terms of energy costs is classified as Group III. It involves working in a standing position, carrying heavy loads, working the muscles of the arms and legs, unfavorable microclimatic conditions (high temperature, high humidity and air pollution) and working with dangerous mechanisms and apparatus. In case of improper organization of the labor process at a catering enterprise, all these factors can have adverse and even harmful effects (industrial hazards) on the performance and health of workers. To improve the working conditions of enterprise workers, it is necessary to: observe the work and rest regime, harden and train the body, create conditions for microclimatic comfort in production shops, maintain
correct illumination of workplaces, organize good living conditions in production. Rational organization of the labor process. Human performance during the working day is not constant. It has been proven that it increases at the beginning of the working day, reaches a maximum after an hour and a half of work and remains at this level the longer, the better the work performed is organized. Then performance decreases and again reaches a maximum after a well-organized lunch break. Fatigue of the body occurs as a result of heavy, intense or long-term work, improper organization of the labor process, uncomfortable working posture, poor organization of rest, which leads to a feeling of fatigue and deterioration of well-being. Taking into account fluctuations in human performance, it is advisable to carry out all labor-intensive processes in the first half of the day and at the beginning of the afternoon. To reduce fatigue during the day, you should diversify the types of work, which is completely feasible in catering establishments. Typical scheme of introductory gymnastics. 1. Organizing exercises. 2. Exercises for the muscles of the torso, arms and legs. 3. General impact exercises. 4. Exercises for the muscles of the torso, arms, legs with swing elements, 5-8. Special exercises. An approximate set of industrial gymnastics exercises. For those working standing (the starting position in all exercises, except the fourth exercise, is sitting on a bench): 1. Sliding your heels on the floor, stretch your legs forward, put your right hand behind your head, your left hand to the side - inhale, relax your arms down - exhale, the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times. 2. The legs are extended forward, the arms are in front of the chest, the torso is turned to the right, the arms are spread to the sides, they return to the starting position, the same to the left side. Repeat 8-10 times, breathing is arbitrary. 3. Sliding along the floor with your heels, stretch your legs forward, raise your arms up and bend. Then they bend forward, touching the floor in front of them with their hands, straightening up, raising their arms up, joining their legs and returning to their original position, repeating 6-8 times, breathing freely.
4. Standing facing the table, grab it with your hands, take your left leg back, then squat on your toes, straighten up, do the same on the other leg, repeat voluntary breathing 8-10 times. 5. Legs are extended forward, hands on the belt. Alternately, pull back and lift the socks, slightly bending the legs at the knees, then turn the legs to the right, with the toes touching the floor. The same in the other direction. Repeat 10-12 times, breathing is arbitrary. 6. Sitting on a chair, stretch your arms along the body, then, bending back, raise your arms up, and also raise your legs slightly, with your toes touching the floor. Leaning forward, clap your hands under your outstretched leg and return to the starting position. The same with the other leg. Repeat 6-8 times, breathing is arbitrary. 7. Sitting on a chair, put your hands to your shoulders, stretch your left leg forward, return to the starting position and move your arms to the sides, then relax them down, repeat voluntary breathing 5-6 times.

Appendix 1

Sample exercises for compiling a complex production

gymnastics for the profession “Cook, pastry chef”

Working with a case
Lesson stage 1
Preparatory part
When working with this type and type of case, students know the topic of the lesson in advance. It is suggested in advance to search for information on the topic and get acquainted with it. Work is immediately organized in microgroups (2-4 groups depending on the size of the study group) to find a solution to the problem posed. The teacher gives explanations on the topic of the lesson, working with the case, shows and explains a set of exercises used to prevent occupational diseases possible in this profession. Lesson stage 2
Main part
Students' work using ICT. Students, justifying their choice, independently compose a complex of industrial gymnastics from the proposed exercises. At this stage of the lesson, a discussion of the selected sets of exercises is organized, students give an explanation of several exercises from the set, and thereby justify their decision. Each group is allotted 7-10 minutes (30 minutes in total). Students with a special medical group receive a separate task; they will be offered exercises that they will choose and present in slides during the lesson, with evidence-based justifications. 30-35 minutes are allotted for studying and explaining case materials, discussion and justification. Lesson stage 3

Final part
takes 15 minutes and is dedicated to summing up the lesson. The teacher also draws students’ attention to other sets of exercises and briefly explains for what diseases or prevention they are used. Summing up the lesson, homework in groups, general task: 1. Independently compile and conduct a set of exercises for industrial gymnastics with a group of students. 2. Students of a special medical group, tasks individually for each. At the next lesson, the teacher conducts a survey, evaluates student work, a set of exercises, correct answers to questions, and well-designed presentations. Teacher assessment of work in groups and individually.

1. Alekseev S.V., Uselko V.R. Occupational hygiene. - M: Medicine. 1988. - 576 p. 2. Artamonova V.G., Mukhin N.A. Occupational diseases. Textbook. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Medicine, 2004. - 480 pp.: ill. 3. Balsevich V.K. Physical education for everyone and for everyone. - M.: FiS, 1988. - 208 p. 4. Bern L. Pain in the back and neck Publisher: Olimp-Business. - M., 2002. - 192 p. 5. V.A.Koeva. Occupational safety in public catering establishments": textbook / – Ed. 2nd, additional and processed – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006. – 224 p. 6. V.A. Kabachkov, S.A. Polievsky Vocational and applied training of students in secondary vocational schools: monograph - M.: Higher School, 1982. 7. Secrets of vigor: How to restore performance [Text] / A. F. Sinyakov. - M.: KSP LLP, 1995. - 208 p.

Morphemics- a branch of the science of language that studies what significant parts a word consists of.

Word formation- a branch of the science of language in which it is studied from what and with the help of what words are formed.

  • Word structure
    • What parts can a word consist of?
    • What are parts of words used for in language?
    • How are words sorted out according to their composition?
  • Formation of words
    • From what and with what help are words formed?
    • List the ways to form independent parts of speech.
    • How are compound words formed?
    • What is word-formation parsing?

485. Analyze and classify words according to how they are formed.

Boletus, mower, listener, subtitle, fishing, safe, fruitless, harrow, duty officer (in class), spring, run in, university, chair-bed, head teacher, deliberately.

      Transition from one part of speech to another:

486. Sort the words according to how they are formed. Write down the words from which they are derived. What words did you not use? Why?

Physical education, sponsored, nuclear-free, launch vehicle, high school student, land on the moon, bicycle racing, KVN, stove-maker, non-alignment, land, program, plane.

487. Write it off. Explain the spelling of the highlighted letters in the words of the poems. In what cases did you need knowledge of the composition of a word to explain the spelling of two letters?

      On average ss which lane
      Cornflower ra ss vets
      Swimming through the sho ss e.

(A. Nedogonov)

488. Analyze the words. Indicate the composition of the words and indicate the method of their formation.

Sample. Heater; heater ← heating[th].

Fish, diesel, asphalt, crevice, flare up, dry up, frost-resistant, legendary, mocker, interlocutor, boundless, tenant, dent, dark, misfortune, athletics, pioneer, bad taste, enthusiastic, beautiful, feeding, dress up, super-speed, winning, background, station, messenger, inhuman, nonsense, fish farm, rake, complex, pilot, quick-frozen, climb, lyceum student, land.

489. Describe the text in connection with linguistic means that clearly reflect the style of this text. Write it down using missing commas.


For our Motherland, May 9 will always be sacred and people will always mentally return to May 1945. In those spring days, a great journey marked by many sacrifices was completed. And our human duty is to congratulate each other on the holiday to always remember those who are not with us, who died in the war.

Celebrating the Victory, we will always remember what qualities of our people helped to defeat the enemy. Patience. Courage. Greatest durability. Love for the Fatherland. May these qualities, tested by the fire of war, always accompany us. And victory will always be ours.

(Marshal G. Zhukov)

Identify four ways to form these words. Write them down and the word from which they are derived. Physical education, sponsored, nuclear-free, launch vehicle, high school student, land on the moon, bicycle racing, KVN, stove-maker, non-alignment, land, program, starship.


Physical education - physical education. (addition). sponsored-chief (prefix-suffixal). non-nuclear-nuclear. (prefix). launch vehicle - rocket and launch vehicle. (addition). gymnasium student - gymnasium - (suffixal). lunate-moon. (adj.suffixal). bicycle racing - bicycle racing. (addition). KVN club of cheerful and resourceful people (addition). non-alignment-accession (prefix). land-ground. (adj.suffixal). program-program. (add-on). starship - fly to the stars. (addition).

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