Menu and features of the pearl barley diet. Fluffy diet: diet for weight loss Barley recipes for the Fluffy diet

Have you decided to get rid of excess fat on your hips, belly and other parts of your body to achieve a slim and attractive figure? Then you need the Pushinka diet, in which weight decreases very quickly, and the body does not suffer, because the main dish is pearl barley porridge. With the right approach, you can get rid of up to 35 kg in 1.5-2 months. This result is achieved due to the low calorie diet.

Diet Pushinka - menu

According to many reviews, this diet is truly effective. Barley, which is part of it, contains fiber, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, a number of vitamins and minerals, for example, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, etc. Cereals perfectly satisfy hunger, help improve skin tone, stimulate collagen production, and improve the condition of nails and hair.

The diet menu consists not only of porridge, but also other components: vegetables, meat, low-fat fish, dairy products. All of them are considered not only low-calorie, but also hypoallergenic, making this diet suitable even for allergy sufferers. True, such a diet has disadvantages. Nutritionists do not recommend using it for more than a week. The fact is that a strict diet can cause complications in the form of:

  • muscle dystrophy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • decreased immunity;
  • problematic skin rashes.

You can lose weight quickly with a diet, and stretch marks will not appear on your body. It, like many other methods, has several disadvantages. It should not be used by pregnant, lactating women or people with any chronic diseases. Maintaining a diet, according to reviews, is very difficult, because... it is like a mono-diet. In addition, it is important to exit it correctly:

  • First you need to add other cereal porridges to the menu.
  • Then increase the portions of vegetables and dairy products.
  • From 2 weeks it is necessary to introduce new meat dishes.

For 7 days

The main component of the Pushinka diet is barley porridge. To prepare it, you need to wash 100 g of dry cereal, then fill it with water in the evening. It is best to use a thermos for this. In the morning you will have to change the water, after which you can cook the porridge. Fat cannot be added to it, but it is recommended to use salt to a minimum. The resulting porridge should be divided into 5 servings. With this diet, water is allowed to be drunk without any restrictions. You will have to give up carbonated drinks, tea and coffee. Diet for 7 days:

  • On Monday: pearl barley porridge and an apple..
  • On Tuesday, add two bananas to your porridge.
  • On Wednesday: pearl barley, but in addition to it you are allowed to eat 15 g of raisins and nuts.
  • On Thursday, eat porridge, but for lunch you can eat up to 100 g of veal (boiled), and for dinner - a pack of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • On Friday, in addition to pearl barley porridge, it is recommended to eat 100 g of beef and one banana.
  • The menu for Saturday is a repetition of the diet of the previous day.
  • On Sunday: pearl barley porridge and 100 g of lean meat.

Diet for one and a half months

How to lose weight by 35 kg? To solve this problem, there is a special version of Pushinka, designed for one and a half months. The main product, as with the 7-day diet, remains pearl barley porridge. If you want to make your waist and hips less voluminous, and your body slim and sculpted, then follow your diet strictly and strictly. Before using this method of losing weight, it is recommended to consult an experienced doctor so as not to harm your body.

Remember that fast weight loss negatively affects health, because Normal weight loss should not be more than 2-3 kg per month. If you still decide to go on a diet, then remove sweets, baked goods, salty, smoked and fried foods, seasonings, coffee and tea from your menu. Limit physical activity to a minimum during this time. Sample menu for a 1.5-month diet per day:

  • Breakfast: porridge, 200 g low-fat yogurt/cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: porridge.
  • Lunch: porridge, a piece of fish (baked).
  • Afternoon snack: porridge, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: pearl barley, a glass of kefir.


An excellent option for a diet is a dish of cottage cheese with fruit. It can even be used as a dessert if you really love sweets and find it difficult to maintain a diet without them. Such a tasty and healthy fruit delicacy will delight any girl who wants to maintain her figure or make her slim and beautiful. In addition, children will love the dessert.


  • Cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • Sour cream (low-fat) – to taste;
  • Banana - to taste;
  • Orange – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the orange and banana pulp into small pieces.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with fruits.
  3. Add to total weight a little sour cream.
  4. Whisk everything thoroughly.

A good and satisfying option is meat soup. The recipe is very simple, especially since the soup is enough for at least 2 meals. You don’t need any special ingredients for cooking – everything is extremely easy and simple. Even a novice housewife can cope with the recipe. In the end it will turn out great dietary dish, which will suit any table.


  • Meat –1 kg;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Celery, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place 1 kg of defrosted meat in a saucepan with water. Boil for 20 minutes.
  2. Grind onions, celery, bay leaf and peppercorns.
  3. Reduce heat and add the listed ingredients to the pan. Add a little salt.
  4. Cook the dish for 1 hour, after which you can serve.

Video: pearl barley diet menu

On modern woman there is a lot of pressure from society with its stereotypes and clear guidelines: only a young, well-groomed and slim woman. The approach to cosmetics, nutrition and clothing is based on this basis - everything around literally screams that excess weight is terribly bad!

If we abstract from the unnatural images imposed by fashion, we can draw a reasonable conclusion: excess weight is, first of all, harmful to health. Only then does it indirectly affect the state of appearance. That is why women all over the world strive to lose weight in any way, primarily to achieve harmony with themselves. Everyone wants to know how much a piece of fluff weighs and what joy one’s own slender reflection in the mirror brings. That's why new diet under the poetic name “Pushinka” was accepted by society with a bang.

The benefits obtained and the main subtleties of the diet

The new diet promises minus 35 kg in 48 days. It was during this period of time and this many kilograms that its creator named Irina managed to lose weight. In its effect, the diet is similar to the diet of a hunter or fasting days, since it involves alternation usual intake food with a strictly written menu by Irina. The diet also includes avoiding a number of prohibited foods.

In general, this diet for one and a half months should be well tolerated and provide useful action on the body. Like any dietary restriction and use of certain types of foods, the new diet has its contraindications.

If we list all the advantages of the diet, the following points should be highlighted:

  1. Efficiency. The diet “works” and leads to noticeable weight loss.
  2. It is not too “hungry” and is well tolerated.
  3. Availability healthy products supports normal functioning of the body.
  4. Eating with this diet helps to actively cleanse the body of waste and toxins, which is especially important for modern urban residents who live in poor environmental conditions and eat synthetic food.
  5. The balanced composition promotes the use of accumulated fats and the preservation of muscle mass, as well as the production of collagen necessary to maintain the elasticity of tissues and skin.

Important! Only a reasonable approach to your diet will make losing weight healthy. Any extremism and fanaticism in the use of diet will lead to negative consequences for health and appearance.

Allowed and prohibited products

The diet is based on a cheap and accessible cereal - pearl barley. It provides satiety and saturates the body with useful substances. In dry form, you are allowed to eat no more than 100 grams of cereal per day. To save maximum quantity pearl barley is not boiled with nutrients, but is poured with water overnight to swell, like buckwheat in the buckwheat-kefir diet. Before use, a portion of soaked pearl barley must be boiled for an hour and divided into 5 parts. This amount of porridge is eaten throughout the day.

Products that need to be crossed off the menu:

  • Salt.
  • Coffee.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Alcohol

Authorized products:

  • Pearl barley.
  • Kefir - low-fat or lean.
  • Low-fat fish.
  • Fresh white cabbage.

Important! When using the Pushinka diet, you must definitely take a complex of vitamins and minerals, since you will not get enough of them with food.

Menu by day in detail

There is no point in creating a special menu every day, since it uses only 4 permitted components in different combinations: pearl barley, cabbage, kefir and lean fish. It is important to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water to avoid dehydration and activate the removal of toxins.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Pearl barley porridge and “skinny” kefir (1 glass).
  • Lunch:
  • Pearl barley porridge.
  • Boiled or baked low-fat fish (no more than 100 grams) and pearl barley as a side dish.
  • Fresh white cabbage salad and pearl barley.
  • Pearl barley porridge.

Important! Since this menu is actually a rather harsh mono-diet, it is difficult to tolerate. The creator herself admitted to “breakdowns” when she departed from her own diet for 1–2 days. In order not to gain weight, it is recommended to periodically introduce small indulgences into your meager menu in the form of unsweetened fruit or a more varied variety of vegetables in a salad.

Negative aspects of the diet and its possible harm

If you strictly follow all the rules of “Pushinka”, then serious weight loss is guaranteed. But along with it you can get extremely unpleasant consequences for the body. Too strict a diet and sudden weight loss can lead to sagging skin, deformation muscle tissue and numerous negative effects on the functioning of internal organs.

Before using this highly reduced diet, you should consult a doctor and undergo examinations.

It is prohibited to use “Pushinka” in the following cases:

  • Children under 18 years of age and elderly people.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • People who have various problems with the digestive tract, especially chronic diseases during periods of sharp exacerbation.
  • If you are allergic to one or more components of the diet.

The duration of the diet raises many questions among doctors and nutritionists. It is advisable not to use it for more than 10 days in a row, since it does not contain salt and involves a very limited range of products.

Pearl barley is a heavy food. The absence of first courses on the menu and too much pearl barley can cause constipation, so a woman will have to take care of cleansing her body. If the effects are minor and the body digests cabbage well, you can increase its portion. If this does not help, you will have to resort to a laxative.

Difficulty is also caused by leaving the diet. Often, returning to your previous lifestyle entails not only the return of lost kilograms, but also the “building up” of a dozen new ones.

Important! Do not place excessive demands on your body. Remember, the slower the excess weight goes away, the greater the chance that it will never come back.

If you need to lose a lot of kilograms, then the “Pushinka” diet can help with this. By adhering to the proposed diet, you can actually lose up to 35 kg in one and a half to three months. excess weight.

Diet "Pushinka" - what is it?

Find perfect figure many women dream. There are many ways to achieve good results. But the main and most effective thing is diet. The Internet was literally blown up by the once sensational “Pushinka” diet.

For lunch, baked or boiled fish is added to it.

The afternoon snack consists of porridge with the addition of cabbage (you can eat as much of the latter as you want).

For dinner - another portion of pearl barley.

You can drink another glass of tea at any time.

The diet is low-calorie. Therefore, although weight loss is rapid and highly desirable, it can lead to negative health consequences. To avoid this, you must follow the following recommendations.

  1. You should drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, otherwise dehydration may occur.
  2. Some people prefer to compensate for the vitamins they lack in their diet with special complexes.
  3. Follow your diet and eat five times a day.
  4. Exercise: swim, run or walk gym and for fitness.
  5. You should not radically change your diet by immediately going on a diet. "Fluff" belongs to the category radical methods losing weight. Therefore, you need to prepare your body for it in advance. For example, reduce your calorie intake for at least 7-10 days and get used to plain water. Then it will be easier for the body to endure the shock, and the “Pushinka” diet will pass without negative consequences. Please keep in mind that it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you need to switch to normal food.


Many have noted the effectiveness of the Pushinka diet. Reviews and results can be seen on numerous forums, where comments are often accompanied by very eloquent photographs taken before and after losing weight. Here are the advantages of this diet.

  1. The diet is well balanced.
  2. You are unlikely to suffer from hunger, since almost all foods are filling.
  3. All products are rich in vitamins and microelements. For example, pearl barley promotes the production of collagen, which makes the skin elastic and well-groomed. In addition, it has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, due to which wastes and toxins are eliminated from the body much faster. Kefir, in turn, restores the microflora in the intestines, cabbage saturates the body with vitamins, minerals and, of course, fiber, and fish contains many healthy fats and amino acids.
  4. Already in the first week of the diet, the body is greatly cleansed of toxins.

Do not drink tea, coffee and carbonated drinks while on a diet. Instead, simple clean water will help the body stay in good shape and successfully endure this difficult regime.


Experts note a number of disadvantages of the proposed diet. These include:

  • the poverty of the diet, when the body does not receive enough of the beneficial substances and microelements it needs;
  • It is very difficult to maintain such a regime, there is a high probability of failure;
  • loss large quantity kilograms in a short period of time is also considered a disadvantage, since the body experiences extreme stress at this time;
  • Stretch marks may appear on the skin, and it will begin to sag - the only effective way to combat this is sports activities;
  • You should also know that the body is the last to part with fat deposits, but first leaves muscle mass; therefore, only physical activity can stimulate body fat and force them to leave the body.

“Fluff” can have a negative impact on health, especially if it is already undermined by any diseases. For example, if you have diabetes or vitamin deficiency, it is extremely undesirable, otherwise it can aggravate the condition.


If you still manage to successfully stay on a diet, then in three months you will forget about tens of kilograms of excess weight. Of course, each organism has its own characteristics, and this cannot but affect the loss of kilograms. However, the average result that the Pushinka diet gives (reviews confirm this) is from 30 to 35 kg.

It should be taken into account that the most big loss weight gain will be observed in the first days. Then every day you will lose a kilogram. Further the result will improve, but not so quickly. Therefore, you need to prepare for precisely such features and if weight loss stops for some time.


The fact that the “Pushinka” diet gives very good results is confirmed by both women who followed it, specialists, and fitness trainers. However, the latter also note the disadvantages of this regimen, which, in their opinion, is that only 4 products for such a long period of time to maintain health are very few. Therefore, the fact that the girl periodically returned to her usual diet during the diet may even have helped her maintain her health.

She assures that the lost kilograms have not returned. However, experts say the opposite: the fat will most likely return, since rapid weight loss is fraught with precisely such dangers.


This is how the “Pushinka” diet is designed. The menu and its rules are strict, but effective. However, before you decide to try this diet, you should definitely consult with a nutritionist, and in the process of following it you need to constantly monitor your well-being.

It is noteworthy that the author of the Pushinka diet is not a certified nutritionist, but an ordinary woman named Irina. Irina had big problems with overweight and was at risk of developing such serious diseases as disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Having decided that she could no longer carry 35 extra kg, the woman developed a nutrition system to finally say goodbye to excess weight. Irina was pushed to her own method by multiple food allergies, which did not allow her to use ready-made programs. This is how a diet was born, thanks to which Irina’s husband later called her fluff.

The woman lost weight in 3 stages. To do this, she needed 20 days of one month, 21 days of the second and 7 days of the third. Total plumb for 48 dietary days, extended over 3 months, amounted to 35 kg. What are the advantages of this technique?

  • By sticking to Pushinka's diet, you will really lose weight. The effectiveness of the diet has been proven by its many followers.
  • The diet is quite balanced.
  • You are unlikely to feel hungry because you will be eating nutritious foods throughout the day.
  • The ingredients from which dishes are prepared at Pushinka will enrich the body important elements. Thus, it stimulates the natural production of collagen, which will significantly improve the condition of the skin and make your body elastic. Pearl barley is known for its beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, as well as on the processes of removing various debris from the body: broken down fat cells, waste, toxins. Kefir will restore the intestinal microflora, fish will be saturated with amino acids and healthy fats, cabbage will be filled with fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • A good incentive is to lose weight quickly in the first week of the diet. This occurs by cleansing the body of waste, toxins and excess fluid.

Pushinka diet rules

  • Do not use salt when cooking.
  • Whatever additional products are included in the meal, pearl barley porridge is not large quantities should be present at every meal.
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of purified drinking water every day.
  • Avoid tea, coffee, and sweet drinks with carbonated water.
  • Be sure to take a vitamin and mineral supplement while on a diet.

Pushinka diet: menu, allowed foods, recipes

With a stretch, Pushinka’s diet can be called a mono-diet. In the center of the menu is pearl barley porridge, and this is... main product diet, which should be included in any meal. Initially, Irina chose only 3 products for herself. These are pearl barley, fish and low-fat kefir. But, as the woman herself admits, she did not want to harm her body, so she turned to specialists so that they would approve her menu. Nutritionists generally agreed with this selection of products, but recommended adding vegetable fiber in the form of white cabbage. So Pushinka became even more varied and tasty.

So, for a period of 3 months you will have to eat the following foods every day:

  1. pearl barley in the amount of 100 g per day;
  2. white cabbage in unlimited quantities;
  3. up to 100 g of any type of fish, including fatty fish;
  4. 250 g of the lowest-fat kefir you can find.

As for salt, Irina herself admits that she deviated a little from the diet rules and added salt to fish and porridge. Try to keep your salt intake to a minimum - this is an important condition for rapid weight loss.

Pearl barley porridge on Pushinka should be prepared according to a special recipe. Prepare a new portion of pearl barley every day so that you always have fresh porridge, because over time, any food loses its beneficial properties.

Pour 100 g of cereal with cold boiled water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water, place the cereal in a pan with a new portion of water and boil the porridge for an hour. Add seasonings and herbs to the finished pearl barley. You can use natural soy sauce without additives or a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Here sample menu for every day:

  • breakfast: a portion of pearl barley, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • second breakfast: a portion of barley;
  • lunch: a portion of pearl barley porridge, a piece of boiled or steamed fish baked without oil;
  • afternoon snack: a serving of pearl barley, cabbage salad;
  • dinner: a serving of pearl barley porridge.

The Pushinka diet through the eyes of a fitness instructor

The Pushinka diet has an unambiguous positive side- this is unconditional weight loss if you follow all the rules of the method. But fitness instructors report numerous shortcomings of the program and contraindications.

Firstly, under no circumstances should you stick to a pearl barley diet for so long. Irina’s weight loss lasted for 90 days, of which 22 days she ate not according to her own menu, but “at random.” These so-called breakdowns may have saved her life, experts in the field say. healthy image life. After all, 4 products for a person for such a long period is catastrophically not enough.

The diet is difficult to maintain, because it does not allow liberties. Eating a diet completely without salt and practically nothing but pearl barley - for most women, such a diet will sooner or later cause a nutritional breakdown. For lovers of sweets, such a menu will seem like torture, because you cannot even treat yourself to sweet fruits.

Sports experts say that losing 35 kg in 3 months is too much stress for the body. It is comfortable for the body to lose up to 1 kg per week, although some fitness instructors insist on a figure of 0.5 kg in 7 days. Of course, overweight people want to lose weight quickly, but too intense weight loss will affect their health, primarily on their hormonal background and nervous system.

And one of the most unpleasant aspects of the Pushinka diet is the loss of muscle rather than fat tissue. That's how it works human body, that in the absence physical activity, aimed at building muscles, when losing weight, not fat mass, but muscular.

Diet Pushinka reviews and results

The result of a three-month weight loss program for you is unlikely to be 35 kilograms lost. As people losing weight say in reviews, most of them quit the diet at the beginning or middle because of the rigidity of the menu and rules. Many experienced weakness, dizziness, and general malaise due to the poverty of their diet and lack of nutrients and calories. Those losing weight complained of heart problems, sagging skin on the body and especially the face. However, with all this, many managed to lose from 5 to 15 kg.

Pushinka diet: before and after photos

No matter how much those losing weight talk about their weight loss successes in their reviews, photo reports of the results will always be more eloquent.

Do you want the scale arrow to move to the left? Read the article on how to do this in a week or month.

When choosing a diet for weight loss, many are guided by the name and the promised result, and not by the set of products or the author of the method. This approach is quite understandable, because those who suffer from overweight, I want to reset it effectively, and no difficulties scare me anymore.

The “Pushinka” diet is one of those methods that requires serious efforts and willpower from those losing weight. Using this system, you can lose up to 35 kg in 3 months, but you should not expect that this time will be easy - you will have to constantly train your endurance and remind yourself.

Essence and features

The peculiarity of the method is that it was developed not by a nutritionist or even a therapist, but by an ordinary girl named Irina, who is in no way related to the world of medicine. Irina suffered from excess weight, but due to allergies to many foods used in diets, she could not find a suitable method for herself. The girl had no choice but to develop her own technique, based on her personal predispositions.

The Pushinka diet involves constant consumption in combination with fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, chicken and fish. Cereals are consumed in large quantities and appear in every meal.

Pearl barley is made from barley. It has a beneficial effect on intestinal health, improves appearance skin, hair and nails. The porridge satisfies well and does not protect against... Vegetables and fruits supply the body with vitamins, and fermented milk products help cleanse the intestines. All dishes are low-calorie, so they do not accumulate on the waist and hips.

The advantages of Pushinka are as follows:

The technique also has disadvantages. It can be called a kind of mono-diet, in which it is necessary to consume only one product for several days in a row. It is not easy to maintain this principle of nutrition, especially if the body has previously received harmful but delicious food in large quantities.

In addition, it is worth considering that the creator of the method is not a nutritionist, and the girl was unable to choose a balanced menu. For this reason, it is not recommended to follow the diet for more than two weeks, despite the fact that Irina herself adhered to the diet in three stages: three weeks in the first two months and 1 week in the last month.

Reviews and results about the “Pushinka” diet from Irina:

Attention! According to reviews, following the “Pushinka” diet you can lose up to 35 kg of excess weight.

Pushinka's principles

The main feature of the technique is the method of preparing the porridge. In the evening, 100 g of cereal is washed and poured with cold boiled water, leaving to swell overnight. In the morning, drain the water, transfer the barley into a saucepan, pour cold water and finish cooking. Then the resulting amount of product is divided into 5-6 equal portions, which must be eaten at equal intervals. To keep the porridge warm, heat it in the microwave or in a dry frying pan.

In order for the diet to provide the intended results, the following principles must be observed:

It would be good to follow these nutritional principles not only during the diet, but also after it, since they will help normalize digestion and have a beneficial effect on overall health. Fractional meals Eating small portions of your favorite foods is the key to consolidating the results achieved during weight loss.

Fluffy menu options

The principle that the creator of the diet herself used is not very rational; it is better to choose a method that is less stressful for the body. There are 2 variations of Pushinka - for a week and for a month. A seven-day diet is more balanced and gentle, while a thirty-day diet is effective but strict.

If you choose the weekly option, then the menu for the “Fluff” diet for each day looks like this:

  • breakfast - a fifth of the resulting porridge and a glass of kefir with a fat content of 1%;
  • first snack - a fifth of porridge;
  • lunch - a fifth of porridge and 120 g of boiled or (pike perch, pollock, cod, flounder);
  • second snack - a fifth of porridge, salad of cucumber, tomato and red onion without oil, salt and spices;
  • dinner - the last portion of porridge and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Irina admitted that sometimes she deviated from the strict principles of the diet and added salt to the fish, but overall The rules and menu for the “Pushinka” diet must be strictly followed.

It is advisable not to do this. The food will be tasteless, especially in the first days, since over many years the body has become accustomed to eating an unlimited number of spices, but you need to pass this test. Gradually, the bland food will taste better than the salty one.

The thirty-day menu is more varied, since eating the same thing for a whole month is not only a morally difficult task, but also harmful to health. The body will not receive enough components useful for functioning and will begin to deplete. For this reason, the menu is compiled for a week, and then repeated cyclically until the end of the diet.

Reviews and results with photos about the “Pushinka” diet:

The weekly menu for the “Pushinka” diet looks like this:

  • 1 day– pearl barley, divided into 5 doses in equal proportions and 1 green apple, which can be eaten at one or several times;
  • Day 2– porridge, divided into 5 servings and 100 g of prunes, dried apricots, nuts or dried apples;
  • Day 3– 5 equal portions of pearl barley, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a handful of nuts or dried fruits;
  • 4 day– pearl barley divided into 5 portions, 120 g of boiled or steamed veal without salt and spices, half a standard pack of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 5 day– standard number of servings of pearl barley, 120 g of boiled, steamed or baked lean fish in foil, 1 green apple;
  • Day 6– 5 servings of pearl barley and shredded white or red cabbage without oil, salt and spices;
  • Day 7– pearl barley porridge, divided into 5 meals, and 120 g of boiled lean beef.

Such a diet is difficult to maintain, if only because animal protein is not present on the menu every day. If desired, you can add small pieces of boiled meat to the porridge, but then the weight loss result will be less pronounced.

Important! If necessary, it is allowed to replace products with similar nutrients. For example, fish can be replaced with seafood, meat with chicken, and vegetarians may even prefer beans to animal protein.

Quitting the diet

The disadvantage of many one-component weight loss methods is that after their completion, weight loss is lost. To prevent this from happening, after Pushinka you should correctly switch to a normal diet. Quitting a diet usually takes the same amount of time as it took.

At first, pearl barley is left on the menu; it should be given to 2-3 meals. Additionally, you can consume vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities, fermented milk products, and other cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. They should be cooked with water or half and half with milk.

After this, more high-calorie foods are introduced into the diet; meat, chicken and fish appear on the menu more often, albeit in the same bland form. Sometimes you can allow yourself a couple of slices of dark chocolate or 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

Results and reviews

Irina herself lost 35 kg in three months on Pushinka, but such a result is difficult to achieve, especially if a person does not suffer from obesity, but has only a few extra centimeters on the waist and hips. On average, in one week of this diet you can lose up to 5 kg. At the same time, we should not forget that the results of the diet can be negative - many people who are losing weight complained that due to an unbalanced diet, problems began with gastrointestinal tract or heart.

In this regard, there are various