Khorkin's title. Svetlana Khorkina personal life and biography

He is very jealous of his personal life. Now Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov are an ordinary family, raising the athlete’s son, Svyatoslav. Finding out any details about their acquaintance or wedding is extremely difficult; one can only speculate...

in sports

The biography and personal life of Svetlana Khorkina are the subject of close interest of many fans and lovers of artistic gymnastics.

Svetlana's name in sports has become almost a household name. Already at the age of fifteen, the girl became the winner of the European championship, and then the world championship submitted to her.

At the 1996 Olympics, Sveta became first on the uneven bars. A year later, she received the title of absolute champion of the world championships and confirmed it for the next season.

The most successful year in the gymnast’s career was 2001. Again, absolute recognition in all events and first place in vaults and uneven bars.

The last major competition for Khorkina was the 2004 Olympics. Then the team became third, and in the individual championship Sveta won gold in the all-around.

After retirement

Leaving professional sports allowed Svetlana to deal with the development and support of artistic gymnastics in Russia.

At first, Khorkina worked in the Federation of this sport as vice president. In 2007, Khorkina became a deputy in State Duma. She supervised the problems of her favorite gymnastics. Thanks to her, many young talents got the opportunity to prove themselves at international competitions.

Svetlana acted as an ambassador at the Sochi Olympics goodwill and lit a fire in her native Belgorod.

Khorkina's creativity

The former athlete turned out to be talented not only on the uneven bars and in the office, but also in the literary genre.

In 2008, the autobiographical story “Somersaults in Heels” was published. In it, the author describes almost his entire life. Here you can find details about the difficult moments of her career, the injustice of the judges and the support of fans.

He also talks extremely honestly about his personal life before the marriage of Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov. Much attention is paid to who the father of her only son is.

The woman in the book explains the reasons for her participation in candid photo shoots for famous men's publications.

In mid-2017, the film “Champions: A Picture Dedicated to Three the best athletes modernity - Alexander Karelin and Popov and Svetlana Khorkina.

This year it is planned to publish another book by the wonderful athlete. The book is called “The Magic of Victory” and is dedicated to Svetlana’s achievements both in sports and in life.


The most a joyful event Khorkina considers her destiny to include the birth of Svyatoslav, her beloved and so far only son.

This story is shrouded in secrecy. In the fall of 2004, when Svetlana said goodbye to great sport, she spent demonstration performances in Mexico City. An unexpected deterioration in health forced Khorkina to seek medical help.

Imagine the gymnast’s surprise when she learned the diagnosis - pregnancy, about 2-3 months! Sveta couldn’t even imagine that you could be so happy and cry with happiness. Before this, she experienced such emotions only on the top step of the pedestal.

As for the father of the unborn child, many claimed that he was the husband of the well-known Vera Glagoleva - Kirill Shubsky. Only 6 years later, after the wedding of Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov, this information was confirmed by the athlete herself. At the same time, Kirill officially recognized the boy as his son.

The romance between two famous people lasted about 2 years. Shubsky behaved as if he was going to leave his wife and marry Svetlana. But this did not happen even after the birth of their common child, Svyatoslav. Moreover, the boy was born in Los Angeles, where expectant mother Kirill sent me to give birth.

There was another interesting detail in this story. Wanting to avoid publicity, Shubsky not only changed all of Khorkina’s personal data, but also begged his friend to admit that he was the father of the child.

Svetlana herself considers this period a dark spot in her life. They do not communicate with Svyatoslav’s father, but the boy sees him periodically.

Oleg Kochnov

After such a failure in her personal life, the champion closed herself off from everyone with a veil of silence. She raised her son and waited for a reliable and devoted man to appear in her destiny.

Retired Oleg Kochnov became this leader, and Svetlana Khorkina entrusted herself and her son to him. strong hands. She is sure that this person will not betray her and will protect and protect their family.

At that moment, several articles appeared in the press with the headline “Khorkina married an old man.” After all, Svetlana’s chosen one is 23 years older than her. The gymnast commented on these attacks with the following words: “But I finally found happiness and peace of mind. And it doesn’t matter what our age difference is. My son accepted and fell in love with him...”

Oleg Anatolyevich Kochnov after completing his service in federal bodies held the position of chief of the security service in the customs department. Then he began working in the drug control department.

Then he was invited to Amur region as assistant to the governor. After several years, the former officer became the authorized representative of this region under the President of Russia.


How exactly Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov met is not known for certain. Their wedding took place in April 2011 in a narrow circle of friends. Even the girl’s father did not know about this event, for which he was offended by his daughter for a long time.

The couple's first public appearance in their new status took place at the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Stuntmen Association. It was then that Svetlana Khorkina and her husband, General Oleg Kochnov, appeared in front of the cameras.

Currently, the couple live in Vatutinki. Svyatoslav is already 12 years old, and he respects his stepfather and consults with him on certain issues. Sveta devotes a lot of time to her family, but also manages to take care of herself. The husband tries to keep up with her - after all, they famous people and should always look good.

  1. Svetlana Khorkina and Oleg Kochnov have one common interest - a passion for weapons. In addition, the wife has a military rank - reserve lieutenant colonel.
  2. IN artistic gymnastics Khorkina left her mark. She became the author of several complex elements. Some of them bear her name.
  3. At one time, Svetlana was the host of the famous reality show “Dom-1” and participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars.”
  4. The name of the legendary champion is mentioned in the American TV series "Gymnasts".
  5. A monument was erected in her honor in the athlete’s hometown.
  6. In addition to the fact that Khorkina is married to an FSB general (albeit a former one), she manages to be creative. Recently, Svetlana recorded a disc with her own songs and tried herself as a theater actress in the play "Venus".

Perhaps every second sports history begins with the words that the man had completely unsuitable data for this event, but thanks to his incredible hard work he managed to reach Olympic heights. Story Svetlana Khorkina from among them. It is known that in childhood they did not want to accept the lanky girl into the gymnastics section, saying that such a tower did not belong here. She went to work as an “artist” for a year, but then returned to stay forever. It was through her hard work that she was able to attract the attention of her future mentor. Boris Pilkin, with whom they subsequently went through fire, water and three Olympics.

The persistent Khorkina fit perfectly into his formula for success of the four “Ts” - patience, hard work, creativity and talent. “At one time, gymnastics interested me so much that I gym It was simply impossible to kick her out,” the gymnast recalls. “Boris Vasilyevich Pilkin discovered me as a gymnast when I was a small and unknown girl.” He became her Pygmalion, and she became his Galatea.

For a girl who did not fit into the gymnastics canons due to her height, he created a special system of exercises, thanks to which Svetlana Khorkina became a real queen of gymnastics, and especially the uneven bars, which brought her the title of two-time Olympic champion. And the elements that later received her name, Svetlana’s coach saw in a dream, like Mendeleev’s table.

However, it is unnecessary to believe that she sports path was completely strewn with roses, and there were plenty of thorns too. Somewhere it was my own ardor that let me down, somewhere it was the judge’s bias. At some competitions Khorkina could perform simply brilliantly, at others she could fail elements that seemed to have been brought to the point of automatism. However, she came to the Olympic Games with only one status - favorite, and always left with medals. Although none of them three Olympics Khorkina by various reasons failed to realize one hundred percent of its potential. In Atlanta, she missed out on a medal in the all-around due to her own anxiety; in Sydney, a real pig, or rather a “horse,” was planted on her and other gymnasts by the organizers, setting the apparatus 5 cm lower than required, thus risking not only the results, but also health of female athletes. And a little earlier, Khorkina was blamed for the team’s failure in team competitions. As for Athens, those Games broke a record for the number of scandals and bias in refereeing.

But, despite all these twists and turns and collisions, Svetlana Khorkina returned to the hall every time and started the next Olympic cycle with a clean slate. Thanks to this, she became a nine-time world champion, a thirteen-time European champion, and a real sports long-liver.

How many athletes have you ever met who, not having had time to leave one Olympus, conquered another, but in a completely different capacity? Perhaps they can be counted on one hand. One of the owners of such multifaceted talent is Svetlana Khorkina, who, in parallel with preparing for her final Olympics in Athens she managed to combine a gymnastics platform with a theater one. And in 2002, the recognized queen of the uneven bars made her debut in the title role on the stage of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater in the play Sergei Vinogradov Venus. And she came to the premiere of the play herself Brenda Venus, famous Hollywood actress and last love Henry Miller, whose role was played by Khorkina.

And although the performance was received ambiguously by both the capital’s public and critics, the prima of gymnastics managed to absorb all the best that was in this new world for her. This completely fit into her personal formula for success, which was the desire to benefit from any experience.

According to the athlete herself, thanks to this experience, a lot has changed in her: “I began to look at the world differently. Things I didn't pay attention to before now I like. I became more educated, enriched spiritually.” And at the same time, she did not lose her special sporting anger, which is known first-hand to her rivals. “At competitions, everyone should tremble at the name of Khorkin,” said the gymnast. No wonder the athlete had the nickname “Iron Hora”. It was simply impossible to qualify for the third Olympics in a row any other way. The same one that became sadly scandalous and left another outstanding Russian gymnast without awards, Alexey Nemov. Yes, Svetlana herself had a very difficult time there.

It seemed that after the Sydney embarrassment, the judges were indebted to Khorkina and had to return it in Athens. And Svetlana herself wanted to leave the sport, finally rising to the highest step of the podium. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. In the team championship, she helped the team become a bronze medalist, and in the all-around she became vice-champion, losing to the American Carly Peterson. At the press conference that followed, Khorkina almost openly accused the judges of bias: “I’m just furious. Although I knew in advance that I would lose, even before I stepped onto the platform in the first exercise. Everything was decided from the beginning. And there were no illusions about this.” Then, in the all-around, Khorkina performed the vault perfectly, but received only 9.462 points for it, that is, much less than in qualification, where the same jump, but with a blot on landing, was scored at 9.512. She didn’t manage to make it even in the final on the uneven bars; she was simply not allowed to prepare them properly. However, to her loyal fans, she remains the best gymnast in the world, and they don't need gold medals to prove it. And the refereeing errors made in relation to Khorkina and Nemov served as the reason for revising the rules in artistic gymnastics.

In 1992, she became a member of the Russian artistic gymnastics team.

Svetlana Khorkina achieved her first major success at the 1994 World Championships, winning silver medal. The following year, at the European Championships, she won one silver and two bronze medals, and then became the champion of the 1995 world championship.

"Queen of the parallel bars" Svetlana KhorkinaJanuary 19 famous Russian athlete Svetlana Khorkina turns 35 years old. Three-time world champion, three-time absolute European champion Svetlana Khorkina - in the RIA Novosti photo feed.

On Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, Khorkina became first on the uneven bars and second in the all-around. The 2000 Olympics in Sydney again brought the athlete gold on the uneven bars, as well as silver in the floor exercise.

From 1995 to 2001, she became the first in all competitions held on uneven bars. Many of the elements performed by Khorkina on the uneven bars were complex and invented specifically for her because of her high stature, which is not typical for gymnasts.

At the 2004 Athens Olympics, Khorkina won a silver medal in the all-around and became the second gymnast in history to win three Olympic Games.

At the end of August 2004, Khorkina announced her retirement from her sports career.

On December 21, 2004, Khorkina took the post of vice-president of the Russian Artistic Gymnastics Federation (FSGR).

Svetlana Khorkina - two-time Olympic champion in parallel bars exercises, three-time absolute world champion and three-time absolute European champion. Absolute champion of Russia (1993, 1995, 1997). Multiple Russian champion in vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise. Winner of the Russian Cup in 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000 in all-around. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of Honor and Friendship, and the Badge of Honor "Sporting Glory of Russia".

In 2007, a monument was erected in Belgorod in honor of Svetlana Khorkina. Svetlana has a son, Svyatoslav (born July 21, 2005). According to media reports, in May 2011 she married FSB General Oleg Kochnov.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources.

She is not only a famous gymnast. Svetlana Khorkina is also a television journalist, politician, book author, actor, shooter, scientist, officer, singer and outspoken fashion model. Doesn't sound very plausible? However, all this is true. Read an article about the life of an outstanding athlete - an athlete about whom films began to be made!

Gymnastics - from four years old

Nothing foreshadowed such an extraordinary fate. Svetlana was born on January 19, 1979 in the family of a worker and a nurse, in quiet Belgorod. At the age of four, the girl became seriously ill, and to improve her health she was sent to the gymnastics section. In youth competitions, Sveta invariably took first place, and at the age of thirteen she became a member of the Russian national team. rhythmic gymnastics. At seventeen, Khorkina was already waiting - Atlanta!


After the failure at the 1992 Olympics, our gymnasts desperately needed medals! Svetlana became a medalist in both the team all-around and the uneven bars competition. From that time on, parallel bars became Khorkina’s “horse,” although at first they doubted this success. Why?

Before Khorkina, uneven bars competitions were the realm of Chinese women. It was believed that only girls 150 centimeters tall could count on winning here. Are there many Russian athletes with such dimensions? Svetlana, with her 164 centimeters, seemed like a giant against this background. At first, the coach didn’t want to practice parallel bars with her! The girl was saved by her hard work and amazing stubbornness. It ended with the two of them and their coach developing innovative techniques for “tall” gymnasts. Svetlana’s original numbers amazed the audience: the girl managed to turn her weaknesses into strengths.

In Atlanta (1996), she won gold for her performances on the uneven bars and silver in the team all-around. Khorkina had been the Russian champion since 1993, the European champion since 1994. And there were two more Olympics ahead: Sydney and Athens.

In total, Svetlana had seven Olympic medals, and two of them are gold. Khorkina became world champion nine times and European champion thirteen times. Her successes in performances on the uneven bars became especially significant: there was not a single year without gold medals. Svetlana deservedly began to be called the “Queen of the parallel bars.”

And sorrows

Khorkina's path to victory was not paved with roses. The artistic, talented and amazingly efficient gymnast still had weaknesses. Svetlana is an emotional and vulnerable person. Failures, and especially injustice, easily infuriated the girl. The scandal with the jumping horse at the Sydney Olympics became very famous. Contrary to the rules, the horse was lowered by 5 centimeters due to someone's negligence or malicious intent. The girl tried to object, but her complaint was ignored. Because of her lowered horse, Anastasia jumped poorly. Then the jump was allowed to be repeated, but the athlete was so upset that she “failed” part of the performance and left in tears. She had to give interviews to journalists in dark glasses so that TV viewers do not see red eyes.

Svetlana turned out to be an unusually “long-lived” athlete. During the Sydney Games she was already 21 years old - a very respectable age for gymnasts. Khorkina went to Athens at the age of 25. It seemed like this was the limit! Svetlana managed to win silver and bronze here, but she failed the competition on her favorite uneven bars.

After the Olympics in Athens, Svetlana Khorkina announced the end of her sports career.

Is there life after sports?

After leaving sports, Khorkina’s life became even more eventful and interesting. The multiple champion remained a celebrity. At the same time, the young woman had the opportunity to take care of her personal life and arrange her female happiness.

However, not everything was smooth here at first. Although a year after the official end of her career, in 2005, she became a mother, Khorkina carefully concealed who the father of her son Svyatoslav was, repeatedly declaring that she gave birth to a child “for herself.” For some time, many thought that Khorkin would become a couple - Kirill Shubsky, who was credited with paternity thanks to Svetlana’s autobiographical book “Somersault in Heels,” did not divorce his wife (Vera Glagoleva), so Khorkina’s personal life still remained a secret.

And only 6 years later the athlete decided to stop hiding. In 2011, at the Russian Association of Stuntmen, Svetlana Khorkina made her first official appearance with her husband, FSB General Oleg Kochnov.

In the photo: Svetlana Khorkina with her husband Oleg Kochnov

Svetlana knows how to manage time. She has a rule: get up at exactly seven o'clock every day, even if it is a holiday or a day off. This is probably why the former athlete managed to successfully perform in many roles.

Like many other honored athletes, Svetlana actively takes part in social and political life countries.

She was elected as a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party, a member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, and vice-president of the Artistic Gymnastics Federation. In addition, Khorkina successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis and also received the military rank of captain (since she played for the CSK Air Force). Now she dreams of becoming a major and has an unusual hobby for a figure skater - shooting with military weapons.

The Olympic champion wrote books dedicated to gymnastics (“Somersault in heels” and “Gymnastics for body and soul”) and published a disc with her songs, for some time she was the host of the TV show “Home.” Svetlana also tried herself on stage: in the play “ Venus" Theater named after. She managed to successfully play the Mossovet main role. In her youth, Khorkina agreed to appear in a very explicit manner for Playboy magazine.

These are the different facets of the personality of the gymnast, whose performances constituted a glorious page in our sport.

Svetlana Khorkina is one of the main characters in the recently filmed film “Champions: Faster. Higher. Stronger." The role of Khorkina was played by Christina Asmus, who herself was a former gymnast and is now a successful actress and young mother. A sports background, diet and self-discipline are the main secrets: she looks incredibly organic in the role of the slender Khorkina - the trailer for the film convincingly proves this.

The film "Champions: Faster. Higher. Stronger" will be released in February 2016.

Svetlana Khorkina does not need a special introduction, since the regalia and titles she has won put her name at the highest level in sports career. She became a three-time European champion and three times took first place in world competitions - no one had received such regalia before her. The athlete also received numerous awards for sporting achievements, including the “Order of Friendship” (1997), the “Order of Honor” (2001), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2006). And this is not all of her merits.

That is why the biography of Svetlana Khorkina deserves separate consideration in order to understand how she managed to reach such dizzying heights in the sports field.


The future celebrity was born in the city of Belgorod on January 19, 1979 in an ordinary family. Her father was a simple worker, and her mother worked in a hospital. The girl was sent to sports at the age of four. In her childhood, Svetlana Khorkina was an active child, from whom energy simply “bounced.” The future could play with the boys on the street all day long. One day the girl got sick, and the doctor recommended that she go in for sports. Sveta’s parents chose gymnastics. Very soon the girl began to make progress, for which she received praise from her coach Boris Pilkin, who immediately saw in the persistent little girl a calling to be an athlete. She was the best at competitions among children. After this, Khorkina’s preparations for the Olympic Games began. As a result, she was given an offer to compete for the country at international competitions. She was only 13 years old then.

After this, a new milestone came in Svetlana’s life. Khorkina suddenly felt the full burden of responsibility that was placed on her; she realized that she could not let down her country, her parents, her coach. At that moment the girl realized that she no longer belonged to herself. However, the future star Russian sports She didn’t forget that she had a personal life. The future professional athlete still managed to communicate with friends and look for her soulmate during the break between training and competitions. Gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, in addition to being a persistent and purposeful person, is also an attractive and extravagant woman.

Climbing Olympus

Between 1993 and 1998, she won Russian, European and world champion titles in various gymnastic disciplines.

At the 1996 US Olympics, she received gold medal for exercises on the uneven bars and in the team all-around. Previously, the palm belonged to Chinese gymnasts, who were the best in uneven bars exercises.

It is noteworthy that at the very beginning the coach doubted Svetlana’s success, since she is tall, which is not the best for a gymnast. best quality. However, Khorkina was persistent in her desire to participate in international competitions and made every effort in training. And the mentor could not help but notice such perseverance and desire, so he began to think about what training method would be most optimal for Svetlana. As a result, for the uneven bars exercises, elements were introduced that no one had previously performed, and Khorkina coped with them brilliantly.

Her hard work and perseverance helped her win gold at the World Championships in 1999 for her uneven bars exercises. A year later, at the Olympics in Sydney, she was again first on uneven bars and second in floor exercises and team all-around.

For her services in gymnastics disciplines, she was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia in artistic gymnastics.

Personal life

Everyone will agree that the beautiful and charming Svetlana Khorkina, who is carefully hidden from the press, cannot help but have a gentleman. However, it is known that the athlete is not married. She has a child whom she is raising alone. However, the gymnast said in an interview that she has a full-fledged family.

Svetlana Khorkina, whose personal life is known only to her mother, never tires of repeating that main man in her life it is her son. She is happy that she has such parents who did a lot to make her successful in life.

Political activity

Today, Svetlana Khorkina’s work schedule is scheduled minute by minute, since she leads an active lifestyle. Her areas of interest also include politics. She is a member of the United Russia party, as well as a member of the lower house of the Russian parliament of the fifth convocation.

“Sports and politics have a lot in common. Everywhere you need to set goals and do the maximum in order to achieve them,” says the gymnast.

She currently holds the post of assistant to the head of the Youth Affairs Committee in the Russian State Duma. At the same time, the athlete said that she went into politics not for the sake of money, of which she already has plenty, but in order to defend the rights of young citizens of our country. And real help to our youth hometown She has already provided support to Belgorod. Sports complex Svetlana Khorkina is always open to boys and girls who love aqua aerobics, kickboxing and football.


The gymnast loves to drive a car, she enjoys shopping, and she enjoys playing billiards. Svetlana - honorary citizen city ​​of Belgorod.

Svetlana Khorkina writes books on gymnastic exercises: “Gymnastics for the soul and body”, “Somersault in heels”. She released a collection of her own songs.

The athlete also tried her hand at the theater stage, playing in the play “Venus,” directed by Sergei Vinogradov.

Svetlana has received invitations to play roles in films, but has not yet decided to do so, expecting that something will be written for her. interesting scenario, and then she will agree. At the same time, she is considering the option of starring in some series. She also plans to sew exclusive sportswear- she even came up with her own logo. In addition, the athlete intends to become a presenter on television. She starred on the cover of the glossy Playboy magazine.

Once again about merit

Svetlana Khorkina can be proud of her achievements. She won 12 gold medals and became European and world champion 3 times each. Moreover, she is an Honored Artist in Gymnastics and a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Beginning athletes have someone to follow by example!