Konstantin Santalov: at every “hundred” I told myself that I was running for the last time. Ultramarathon is the best cure for heart disease! Konstantin Santalov!!! Why then?

Konstantin Santalov is a unique athlete in the history of world athletics. The Russian won the title of world champion in the 100-kilometer race three times, repeatedly became the winner of the national and European championships, and won competitions in the 100-kilometer race more than thirty times. The 49-year-old athlete, in a conversation with a special correspondent of the R-Sport agency Oleg Bogatov, spoke about bright episodes from the life of supermarathon runners, victories and retirements, friends-rivals, fights on the distance and lung benefits alcohol in preparation for races and recovery.

- Konstantin, have you had serious health problems since childhood?

They are as they were and remain. I have a congenital heart defect - there is a hole in the septum between the atrium and the heart. It is small, maybe literally the size of a two-kopeck coin. And it turns out that venous blood mixes with arterial blood. But this is dangerous if you start, for example, doing barbell training where there are explosive loads. Because a large release of blood can lead to heart rupture. And I was studying cyclic species sports in which the load is dosed optimally. But arterial venturial blockade is a more serious danger, because in this case, one out of seven heartbeats, roughly speaking, is lost. But everything seemed to be going well.

- Maybe such good endurance is genetic?

No, no, it happened by accident - I started studying athletics only at 13 years old. My father is a military man, and he was often transferred from one city in the USSR to another. I was born in the Ukrainian city of Verkhovtsevo, and then we moved to a place in Kazakhstan, located 30 kilometers from Almaty.

And soon it became known that there was a sports boarding school in Almaty, and the physical education teacher said that I could go there. What is an officer's son? You hardly see your parents, because they are already at work in the morning. And the decision to try to live alone, to escape from parental care also played a role. The competition for admission to the boarding school was crazy - a hundred people per place. And at first I didn’t make it, failing to meet the standards at distances of 100 and 300 meters and in the long jump. But my father said that I could run long distances, and I ran the “three-kilometer” again. They didn’t hire me right away, but in December they called me and said that one place had become available.

And at first I was a pretty mediocre runner, because guys my age were much better. My friend Sasha Saprykin and I lost about five seconds to them in the 1000 m, which is a lot. But it often turns out that someone who develops quickly then suddenly stops. And we, little by little, moved from “dummies” to a good level, eventually becoming “international athletes” (in the 100 km race).

- Were you not involved in sports at all until you were 13?

No, of course, he was engaged in freestyle wrestling. Remember Daulet Turlykhanov (two-time medalist Olympic Games)? He is a year older than me, and we were like brothers. It's a shame that he was not given first place at the Olympics in Seoul - there he was simply handsome. But for political reasons, victory could not be given to us. When I fly to Alma-Ata, I’ll definitely meet him - we haven’t seen each other for twenty years.

- What was the best result at the boarding school?

I became a first-class student and was a member of the Kazakhstan youth team, won the republican cross-country championship and became a prize-winner of championships at other distances - three-point and five-point. And he even won the USSR championship in the “Harvest” line - remember, there was such a sports society?

Kostya, the boarding school seems to be asking sports path development, and you chose the Almaty military combined arms school. Because of his father's influence?

No, it’s not entirely about dad - everything happened for the reason that a good running team was being created there. I came first, the next year they brought in Sasha Saprykin. Then others. And when we created the national team, then for four years in a row we won the USSR championship among all military schools in the country. It is curious that our team consisted of four cadets and two warrant officers.

- I heard that when you got into the USSR national team, your competitors were bewildered?

Yes. Not only did everyone in our country laugh at me, the whole world laughed at me. Because with a height of 169 centimeters, I weighed 64 kilograms, and my lean rivals usually weighed 53-55. And, for example, they constantly took doping tests from me. Because a normal person cannot run 100 kilometers twice in a week. Why did I start so often? Because when, for example, I performed in Belgium, our manager called me and said: “You need to go to France - you just perform there for the image of the country and you will earn something yourself.” And so you spend the whole week after the last race just restoring your strength - drinking beer or red wine.

And what, by the way, is good remedy recovery after 100 km? I heard from marathon runners that beer helps a lot...

Yes, beer - good option, but wine also helps a lot. Because beer speeds up the metabolism, and after a race, sometimes I can’t even go up to the second floor - my legs just don’t obey me. And if we talk about that second start in a week, then I thought - after a hundred meters it’s somehow inconvenient to get off, I’ll run ten kilometers and get off. And sometimes your legs don’t obey at all - sometimes the muscles are not just “clogged”, you touch them and experience such wild pain. And from the start I try to get ahead, accelerating everyone at above average speed. If, roughly speaking, average speed for 10 km is 38 minutes, then I run the first ten in 35 minutes. And the competitors are surprised - where is he going so fast, he ran the “100” just a week ago? I “shake them all up” and then let my opponents go forward, positioning myself behind them. We run 10, 20, 30 kilometers, I’m a few minutes behind and don’t try to catch up with them, understanding that if I catch up now, then I’ll just get off later.

In a supermarathon you constantly set goals - to reach one mark, then the next. And you constantly listen to yourself: if you feel that you have the strength, you set a new task. After all, what is a 100 km run? Yes, you must be physically prepared, but, relatively speaking, it is not your legs that run the distance, but your head. Yes, it’s incredibly hard, and I just hated myself every time at the distance. I cursed everything and told myself: that’s it, this is the last time, I’ll never run the “hundred” again.

And in that case, I ran and ran, someone gradually gave up, and at the 93rd kilometer, the world record holder from Belgium, Jean-Paul Prat, fell off. By the way, he apparently thought that someone else was catching up with him and was very surprised to see me. Because at the 57th kilometer I was four and a half minutes behind him. And he was so offended by fate that seven kilometers away he lost seven minutes to me - he just stood up.

- What year was this?

In 1993 at the commercial launch in Amiens. And a year earlier I won my first world championship. By the way, do you know about the famous fight that then thundered throughout the world?

- No.

This happened in 1993, in Torhout, Belgium. The same Belgian, South African Charl Matheus and myself are running in the leading group. And before, so many people came to the competitions... And we already

We run 40 kilometers, and they start arguing among themselves. I shout at them “Shut up!”, but they don’t calm down. It turned out that in 1989 the Belgian won a very important race for the South African in South Africa, and after that he was disqualified for a year for being banned from participating in competitions in this country - as part of the fight against apartheid. And Charl was soon caught on ephedrine. And so they began to conflict with each other on the highway.

I shout to them again: “Guys, shut up, look, 40 seconds away a crowd of 40 people is running behind us.” And first, Jean-Paul himself hit Charl - allegedly because he splashed water on his back, and then his huge brother jumped onto the track and also tried to hit the South African. I had to swing my hand to stop him, and it seems that I succeeded (with a smile) - Jean-Paul's huge brother fell into the track with a roar in fright. And a fragment of our fight was shown on television all year.

A group of pursuers caught up with us - everyone, apparently, was interested in seeing what was happening with us. And I feel like I can’t run anymore. They ran ahead, and I couldn’t catch up with them for four kilometers, although I was only 20 meters behind - my legs were hit hard. But then he slowly lost his way, caught up with the leaders, and in the end Charl retired at the 72nd kilometer, and we fought hard with the Belgian, and I eventually knocked him out. I brought him a minute and a half, going into the gap at the 78th kilometer, and he was disqualified for fighting.

- Aren’t you disqualified?

No, I didn’t fight, but tried to protect Charl - I beat the man who was attacking. And then, by the way, another runner from South Africa became second after the disqualification of the Belgian, but he lost ten minutes to me.

- Have there been situations when, at a distance of 100 kilometers, the fate of the race was determined only at the finish?

Yes, it was. At the French Championships in 1994, we again ran ahead with Jean-Paul. Each lap consisted of 20 kilometers, and the track was designed so that when you run in the wind, you run a kilometer in 3 minutes 20 seconds, and against a hurricane wind turbine - in 4.20. And our skinny athlete Kokarev ran with us, and if we put him as the leader, then we reach the 4.40 mark. And we constantly changed number one with the Belgian.
And three kilometers before the finish, the three of us are confidently in the lead. I accelerate sharply, Jean-Paul rushes after me, and we “cut down” Kokarev - in this segment he lost about a minute to us. We run into the city, and suddenly I feel like my leg is cramping. I can’t get up, I turn around and start looking into the Belgian’s face to see how he is doing. I see that he is resisting, and I am also resisting with all my might. I turn around again and see - that’s it, he’s broken. And then he lost only two seconds to me.

- Just two seconds at a hundred kilometers?

Yes, two seconds. And by the way, he was offended by me at first. He says: “You are not my brother - how can an elderly man (and he is seven years older than me) make faces at the finish line?!” But then we were laughing together when I said: “Jean-Paul, I didn’t laugh, it was because of the cramp that I got such a grin, because of the pain.”

- You’ve run marathons before, haven’t you?

Yes, starting in 1986, when I joined the national team at the age of 21 Soviet Union- just before the Games Goodwill. But I was not able to compete at them - for non-sports reasons.

- By what then?

I was finishing a military school, and our commander addressed me a little incorrectly before the formation. I instantly freaked out and started chasing him around the parade ground - in front of the entire battalion. And they slapped me with ten days of arrest. I had an explosive character, and this later affected me - I sent the head of the school’s physical training to hell over the phone. Because he wanted to send me to serve, and I was already almost a lieutenant and wanted to play sports. And instead of sports, then for a year and a half, in 1986-1987, I still had to serve in a military unit - in the mining town of Saran, 30 kilometers from Karaganda.

- Obviously, you had to forget about sports there?

I missed six months, rested a little, and then started running again. And at the USSR Championships I showed in the marathon good result, becoming the fourteenth - after such a serious pause. With a result of 2 hours 14 minutes, it was just a little short of the “international” standard.

- Was the decision to leave the army made out of resentment or was it conscious?

Of course, consciously - I wanted to run. And for training he went AWOL. And having learned about this, I was constantly hunted by two commandant’s offices - our combined arms school and the border school.

- And what specialty did you receive after graduating from college?

Rank - lieutenant, specialization - mountain military training. And I led a special company for two years, preparing guys before being sent to military operations in Afghanistan.

- How many of them died?

A lot, out of 102 of my graduates - more than 30 people in the last two years of the war.

- How did you decide to compete in the 100-kilometer race?

In general, by accident. The guys and I sat in the sauna and read the article. Our famous ultra-marathon runner Nail Bayramgalin wrote that someone set a world record in running 80 kilometers. And I told the guys: “Yes, I will break this record.” And we argued, and only because of this I began to prepare for a 100-kilometer run. Only because of an argument, otherwise I would have run the marathon as before.

- Was there really no jitters in the 100-kilometer race before the first World Championships?

Of course there was, there is always jitters. And not even in terms of fighting rivals - you just have to once again rape your body, to put it mildly. And after four hours of running, your legs simply give up on you - they don’t want to run. Why, by the way, can’t Africans run such a long distance? World marathon champions, world championship medalists, and winners of the London Marathon came to the start with us... But they are not enough for the last one and a half to two hours - they do not have enough endurance. Because they run by virtue of their natural abilities - they have nature and a little training. And we run on the basis of good training, and then - to whom God gives what.

Three victories at the World Championships - which one was the most difficult? Although I understand that none of them were simple...

The third was very difficult - in 1996. The fact is that I had one leg that was “non-working” - I injured it two weeks before the start. The nerve was pinched and there was no conduction in the leg, but then it seemed to release a little. And to my misfortune, in the Moscow region I fell in love with the stayers - in a ten-kilometer race. And I lost to them at the finish quite a bit, but the injury relapsed and I was cut down again. And when I went to the start line, I said to my wife: “Valya, freeze my leg all the time, otherwise I won’t be able to run. But I can’t lose at the World Championships in my country.”

And then we also started at 10 am - we ran along the Frunzenskaya embankment, it was terrible heat, 28 degrees and dry winds. And there were no trees, no shadows around - nothing, open terrain, but we started running hard, the track was flat. And the people immediately rushed forward, and I held them back, saying: “Guys, there’s no need to rush, let’s take it easy. Because now the heat will intensify and it will be hard.” Someone then nevertheless ran ahead, for four or five minutes, but then we carefully “ate” them as a whole crowd.

And somewhere at the 65th kilometer we ran ahead with the Pole Yaroslav Janicki. And I stopped at every five-kilometer circle, and Valya froze my leg, because I couldn’t feel her at all - and that’s enough for five kilometers. And the Pole, who periodically tried to run away from me, but he couldn’t, kept asking: “What is she doing to you?” And I let him go with the wind, and catch him against the wind. And he says to me: “I also need to add, let Valya make me freezing too - I agree that you will be the first, and I will be the second.” “Okay, let’s do this: a strong group is running eight minutes behind us, and now we’ll slow down the speed a little, for a minute at each five, rest and watch the situation.”

And in the end we reach the 85th kilometer, Valya freezes us, and the Pole gets up - he cannot run further. But in the end, we still “swimmed” to the finish line - I became first, and he became second. Yanitsky lost to me about three minutes in the last 15 kilometers, and his group of pursuers missed me by literally some 30-40 seconds. But I dragged him to the 85th kilometer, and with the help of Valya’s freezing he still became second. Can you imagine how unlucky the guy was overall - he came second at the world championships five times?!

- Kostya, are there now three-time world champions in the 100-kilometer race?

Apparently not. I’m the only one, it seems, the Italian Satori could have become three times, but, if I’m not mistaken, he still couldn’t. Now the results have become lower - our galaxy has left. But then we hoped that the “hundred” would become an Olympic distance and tried to “push” it wherever possible. And now they win at the world championships with a time that would be sixth or seventh for us. After all, at that time only about twenty of our guys took to the start line, the Germans were not bad, the Poles were good, the Brazilians, the Belgians.

- What is your best result over the years?

Six hours and fifteen minutes.

- What can be called a grandmaster level?

Around six hours and thirty minutes - in this case you will always be in the top three at the World Championships. I changed the time “6.30” 12 times, the second is probably Prat, who ran out of this time five times.

- Why has there been so much interest in this distance in Russia now? Is anyone even running?

Yes, they run, but only a few. And their results are very low. Although they all prepare at the training camp, they show a time of around seven minutes, about the world record for women. And when men run according to women’s results, this, excuse me, is not the point...

- How long does a person usually leave after a 100-kilometer race?

Two weeks - only after that you completely do not feel pain in your legs.

- When you run, you become severely dehydrated...

I usually got up to eight kilograms. But water balance The body recovers quite quickly - within two days. Beer helps, but, of course, not ours, and real dry wine. To increase hemoglobin levels, in my opinion, red wine is still better.

- Konstantin, what do you even think about while running, because in more than six hours you can go crazy?

You know, in 1996 Andrei Razbash asked me the same question on the TV show “Rush Hour”. And I answered: “When I’m running, I don’t even have time to think. I have my own schedule for the distance, I have to control the time at each stage, and six hours fly by very quickly.” And while running, it is very important to learn how to change your running technique. At first you run with your shoulders tilted forward, and after about three hours you feel that you are overloaded. And you move your shoulders back, so you run “ten” - a completely different group of muscles works. I haven’t told anyone about this, but after this “ten” you feel rested. If there were good students now, I would teach them, and they would run the “hundred” much faster than me...

- Do you still maintain relations with your former rivals?

Certainly. And they are already offended by me that in the last five or six years I have not come to the world championships. The same Jean-Paul is offended, other guys - two-time champion world Brazilian Valmir Nunez, for example. We flew to him for three months to prepare for the World Championships together. At first he didn’t drink beer with us or eat our bacon. A week later, and we lived in the same apartment, he began to drink beer and gobble up lard - and eventually beat us at the 1995 World Championships! Leshka Volgin from Vladimir, world champion in 1994, then became second, and I retired at the seventieth kilometer. And he won against us - he taught us how to prepare properly (laughs)!

- Does beer really help during preparation?

Yes. Because the heat there is terrible, there is high humidity, and the beer comes out almost immediately. Two bottles a day is normal.

- When the Russian guys went to the start in a large group, did you have a common tactic - or was it every man for himself?

No, there was no single tactic, everyone fought for themselves. Usually there were six of us at the start, and three of us had to reach the finish line. I won the world championships three times and qualified six times. And one day I was running third, and one of our guys was nearby. But I didn’t want to be third, so I got off so that our guy could take the medal. And at the same time, we never had anyone on the team “strangle” anyone. At a hundred kilometers this does not work - everything is so complicated here. Because at such a distance a difference of two or three seconds per kilometer is already felt. And if you sometimes see that your friend is not ready, but you are ready, then it’s better to let him go a hundred or two meters, then he will believe in himself, come to life and beat you too. “Hundred” is a very subtle thing, here you need to clearly feel the state of your body.

- Which kilometers are the hardest? Is it believed that a marathon, for example, begins only after 40 kilometers?

Usually from the 70th kilometer to the 85th. And after 1985, you convince yourself that you just got to the start line and you only have fifteen kilometers left to run. Can't you? And when there are thirty left, it’s still more difficult. Although you get ready and run. And at the same time, I remember many cases when the guys got off at the 85th kilometer and at the 97th...

- Three victories at the World Championship and six retirements. Which one was the most offensive?

But I didn’t divide them into offensive and not offensive, I have no one to be offended by. Three victories at the world championships is enough for me. The main thing is that one of our guys wins - Leshka or Grisha Murzin - so that the team performs well. And sometimes it happened that I didn’t win the world championship, but won all the other competitions of the year.

- What could you say to young athletes who are now entering the distance?

I would like to wish them to understand that after finishing their career, life does not end and they must be prepared for this. In sports we realize our ambitions and try to throw out everything we have. But we must never forget that then another life will begin. But it can be very difficult to rebuild, because you are used to one life schedule, and then everything will be different and much more difficult. And a person must be prepared for this, because often athletes, having completed their careers, find themselves at a dead end and cannot find a way out. I wish this weren't the case.

On May 15, the 13th World Ultramarathon Championships will take place in the French town of Chavaniers-et-Piers in the province of Vendée, in which Russian runners will also take part. Despite the fact that the first world championship was held in 1987, similar races have been held in Russia only since 1991. However, as soon as they appeared on the world stage, representatives of our country immediately became trendsetters. The very first world championship with the participation of Russians - in Palamos, Spain in 1992 - became triumphant for them: Konstantin Santalov and Nurzia Bagmanova won the champion titles in the individual competition, and our men excelled in the team competition. For 7 years, the Russian team has become the most titled in both the world and Europe: the Russians have 18 individual medals in the world championship program, including 9 gold, and 15 continental championships

Santalov, who became a 3-time world champion in the individual competition, a multiple European champion, a 4-time Russian champion, and was also a world record holder, is one of the strongest ultramarathon runners: suffice it to say that they achieved 13 out of 50 best results at a distance of 100 km.

This year, the athlete took on a new role for himself - competition organizer - at the 9th Russian Championship in the 100 km race held in mid-April, which took place in Chernogolovka near Moscow, where Santalov now lives. By the way, this supermarathon race has every chance of soon acquiring international status: the participation of such a celebrity in it should attract attention to the tournament in many countries around the world, especially if the marathon bears the name of Santalova.

Konstantin, how do people come to the conclusion that the classic marathon distance of 42 km is too short for them?

When a person runs long distances 5 or more years, qualitative changes occur in his body. He gets so involved in the process of running that he can no longer live without it. Running turns into a drug. If you haven't run for a couple of days, you feel discomfort. And sooner or later a moment comes when you feel: at this distance you will no longer be able to show the result that suits you. After all, we run to win. My marathon time was around 2:14. The result was not bad, but it was not enough to compete with black athletes. And in Russia it was impossible to get into the top three with him. Then I tried myself at a longer distance and realized that this was my thing. In the regular marathon I couldn’t keep up with the best, but in the ultra marathon I was ahead of almost everyone.

- That is, we can say that the marathon and ultra-marathon different types sports?

In general, yes. Of course, all this is running, but... At our competitions, marathon specialists often go to the starting line along with ultramarathon runners - and, as a rule, they do not achieve anything worthwhile. They run for about 50 kilometers and then often stop. Well, judge for yourself, how can a sprinter compete with, say, 800-meter runners? And compared to ultramarathon runners, marathon runners are sprinters.

At long distances, black athletes are traditionally the strongest, but in the supermarathon, white runners lead.

This is not surprising. Dark-skinned athletes are probably closer to nature, so they begin to show good results much faster, they do not require the same large amount of training as white-skinned athletes. But for an ultramarathon, natural data alone is not enough; you have to train for years. I've been running for 20 years.

- What happened to you in Chernogolovka? (Santalov got off at the 48th km. - L.Kh.).

- I felt unwell. Of course, he could have resisted and, quite possibly, even won. But a lot of effort was devoted to organizing the championship. I only managed to get enough sleep on the eve of the competition, and before that I slept 4 hours a day for two weeks. And there was almost no time to train: I ran for an hour every other day. You need to study for at least two hours every day. In addition, when the psyche is not sufficiently prepared for a long run, the body works for wear and tear. You should be prepared both psychologically and physically for a long distance.

- What do you mean?

- People run 100 kilometers not with their feet, but with their heads. After 30 km, your legs become tired, you feel bad, and then you start fighting with yourself. You can’t feel your legs, you don’t want to continue, but you have another 70 km to run! Then the mind and psyche can save. Of course, troubles don’t always start so quickly: sometimes, after 100 km you’re as fresh as a cucumber. But sometimes even after ten kilometers you don’t have the strength to move your legs. I recently started a 100 km race in France. I couldn’t run right away: after all, almost without a pause I got from the snow to the asphalt, and even in the heat. However, he suffered and won. But such extra efforts are undesirable. Running should be fun. But torturing yourself is wrong.

- Let's go back to that very 30th kilometer. What to do when you no longer have the strength?

You must be able to concentrate. It’s best to fight, against your opponents, to take your mind off the thoughts that your strength has run out and you need to quit! When everything hurts, you can’t think about it, you should do other things: drink on time, eat, make sure you’re ahead of your competitors.

- This is a second wind?

- Yes, there is no second wind! This is complete nonsense. Visibility. As a rule, the first half of the race goes by much faster than the second. Let's say a person runs fast, but at some point his speed begins to drop, and 10-15 minutes later the body begins to recover and the illusion of a surge of strength appears.

- But such differences are undesirable?

- Naturally. You must constantly run at the same pace. At the championship in Chernogolovka, we ran the first 10 km sections in just over 37 minutes. And the last winner, Anatoly Kruglikov, passed in 41, 44 and 45 minutes. Imagine how difficult it was for him to achieve this distance because of such a difference! But Alexander Motorin did not start very fast compared to others, but he ran smoothly and eventually took second place. That's what it means steady running and a competent attitude to business.

- How many years have you been performing at this high level?

- Since 1991. During this time, he won about 25 international ultramarathons.

- Do you train on your own?

Yes. I already have a lot of experience. In addition, I almost graduated from the physical education institute: I was too lazy to take state exams, and there was no time.

- Is this sport developed abroad?

- There are several very popular 100-kilometer races in the world in Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy. The most famous “Comrades” in South Africa attracts 16 thousand people to the start line. This marathon, however, is not entirely sporty, as even its name “Comrades” suggests: any help is allowed, you can almost carry a friend in your arms to the finish line. Something like the Camel Trophy running game. But those who have run through “Komrads” at least once are treated there in much the same way as we once treated the Heroes of the Soviet Union. Such races have been held for almost 70 years. In European countries there are an average of 2 thousand participants, which is also quite a lot. After all, you still have to decide to go to the start of the 100-kilometer distance!

- But for you this is almost work?

- When there are no competitions for a long time, I start to get bored. I need to fight, run, fight with myself, with my rivals. At major international tournaments, 15-20 runners of approximately the same level gather. That’s where the real struggle is: everyone is watching each other, so that no one runs away. Terribly interesting!

- So, an ultramarathon is not self-torture at all, as it might seem at first glance?

- This is the same running, only in a different mode. In a traditional marathon, the athlete gives his all and then recovers for a month. And in an ultramarathon, the optimal pace is set, and athletes take special nutrition along the way. If the body is able to quickly absorb food, then a person can run long distances. If not, nothing can be done. Another thing is daily or 6-day running. This is self-torture. I once ran: you only sleep for an hour and a half, the rest of the time you’re on your feet.

- So, you can still sleep?

- Certainly. Sleep and eat as much as you like. But the rivals are fleeing at this time.

- Even marathon runners sometimes quit the race because their legs wear out too much. And 6 days to run...

After this remark of mine, Konstantin exclaimed:

Yes, I no longer remember if I have toenails! - and began to take off his shoes. Then he continued philosophically: Sometimes, when you run often and a lot, they don’t even have time to grow back.

- How long are you going to live like this?

- And I have no other choice.

- Why?

- Congenital heart defect. When I run, my resting heart rate is 32-36 beats, and if I stop, it drops below 30. Therefore, I need to run constantly. Not necessarily, of course, 100 km. However, someday you will have to do something else. But be sure to take it seriously. Naturally, running will take a back seat. However, as long as I am able to compete for the Russian national team and be one of the top three winners at the world championship, I have no right to stop competing.

- Yes, you are a fanatic!

- No way. Of course, you need to train a lot, but you also need to be able to relax. Some clock up fifteen hundred kilometers a month! This is of no use. This way you can be left without family and friends, and a person should have something in life besides sports. Sport should bring joy, and not replace everything else.

- How do you restore your strength?

- And I’m starting to drink beer.

- Beer?

- Yes, 5 liters per day.

- But why beer?

Because I love him. Joke. In fact, this is vitamin B in its pure form.

- Were you satisfied with your ultra-marathon in Chernogolovka?

- In principle, yes. We used a slightly different judging system, and it worked great; there was no need to place 40 people along the track to track the run. Only four of us were tried. Thanks to the guys who made a special computer program.

- What are the prospects for the tournament?

- I really want foreign masters to come to it. My dream is not just to hold the next Russian championship in Chernogolovka, but also to make this race a traditional international one. Or even organize a European ultramarathon championship there in the coming years. There are all possibilities for this.

Prepared by: Sergey Koval

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    2. The Service can be used by the User with or without registration. These rules apply equally to the use of the Service with and without registration.
    3. Registration on the Service provides the User with the opportunity to use wider functionality of the Service. The login and password created by the User are sufficient information to provide the User with access to the Service.
    4. The fact of using the Service (regardless of the User’s registration on the Service) constitutes acceptance of this Agreement. The use of the Service is carried out solely on the terms of this Agreement, which is public offer in accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The fact of using the Service is a conclusive action confirming the User’s acceptance and full unconditional consent to the terms of this Agreement.
    5. The individual registering on the Service confirms that he has reached the age permitted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to accept this Agreement.
    6. By registering on the Service, the User confirms the accuracy and completeness of the data provided.
    7. By registering on the Service, the User confirms that he has all the necessary rights (including intellectual rights) and authority to post on the Service information and/or results of intellectual activity that are posted by the User.
    8. The service, which includes the Site, is a protected result of intellectual activity - a computer program.
    9. The exclusive right to the Service belongs to the person specified in clause 5. of this Agreement (Service Administration).
    10. In accordance with this Agreement, the User is granted the right to use the Service under the terms of a simple, royalty-free, non-exclusive open license.
    11. The methods and limits of using the Service are determined by this Agreement.
    12. Access to some functions of the Service may be provided to the User for a fee. The commercial conditions for providing the User with access to one or another functionality of the Service are governed by the relevant separate agreements between the User and the Service.
  2. User rights and responsibilities
    1. The User undertakes to read this Agreement in full before using the Service and/or before registering on the Service.
    2. The User undertakes to use the Service in strict accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
    3. By registering and using the Service, the User agrees to the terms of this Agreement. If the User disagrees with the terms of this Agreement, the User is obliged to refrain from using the Service.
    4. The User has the right to use the Service in accordance with its functional purpose, including for the purpose of getting acquainted with information about sporting events, providing information about himself as a participant sporting events, familiarizing yourself with information about other users of the Service, interacting with other users of the Service and in accordance with other functionality that may be provided by the Service.
    5. The User has the right to run on a computer and use the functionality of the Service for the purposes specified in clause 2.4. of this Agreement.
    6. The User has the right to use the Service throughout the world.
    7. The User does not have the right to modify the Service software or attempt to decompile the object code of the Service programs or use another method of converting the object code into a readable form.
    8. Elements of the Service used in its design (including, but not limited to: photographs, drawings, sounds, graphic design elements, trademarks, service marks, etc.) are protected results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization. The User has no right to use these elements except as part of the Service.
  3. Limitations of liability
  4. Final provisions
  5. Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich

Privacy Policy

  1. General provisions
  2. Information and personal data
  3. Limitations of liability
    1. The Service does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User through the Service.
    2. The Service (including the Site) may use cookies and other technologies to personalize your experience with the Service. By using the Service, the User expresses his consent to accept and receive cookies and to the use of other similar technologies by the Service.
    3. The User undertakes not to transfer the login and password from the Service account to third parties. The Service is not responsible for the User transferring his login and password from the Service account to third parties and for any consequences associated with this.
    4. The Service Administration processes the User’s personal data in order to fulfill the agreement between the Site Administration and the User, namely the User Agreement. In this regard and on the basis of Article 6. Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”, the User’s consent to the processing of his personal data is not required. In addition, in accordance with paragraph 2. clause 2. v.22. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” The Site Administration has the right to process personal data without notifying the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects.
  4. Guarantees
    1. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Administration of the Service on the terms of the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data, good faith, compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the purposes defined in this Policy, compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data with the purposes of processing personal data.
    2. The Administration of the Service guarantees that information and personal data of Users are stored on the territory Russian Federation.
    3. The Service Administration undertakes to take all necessary legal and technical measures to protect information and personal data used in the operation of the Service.
    4. Storage and processing of information and personal data transferred by the User to the Service is carried out throughout the entire period of existence of the User’s account.
    5. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties without his consent (except for the cases provided for in clause 3.2 of this Policy and the cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation).
    6. The Administration of the Service undertakes not to independently transfer information and personal data of Users to other users of the Service. At the same time, the User understands and agrees that his personal data may be available to other users of the Service through the functionality of the Service.
  5. Final provisions
    1. In the event of a reorganization of the Service, the process of processing information and personal data of the User may be transferred to another operator. The User is notified of such cases by a special notice on the Site.
    2. The Service has the right to make changes to this Policy with mandatory notification, which will be available to the User on the Site.
    3. In all matters not regulated by this Policy, but relating to the collection, storage, and processing of information and personal data, the User and the Administration of the Service are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4. This Policy applies only to the Service. The Service Administration does not control and is not responsible for third party sites that the User can access via links available through the Service.
    5. If any disputes arise between the User and the Service in connection with this Policy, both parties are obliged to strive to resolve such disputes through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the dispute may be brought to court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with mandatory compliance with the claims procedure. The claim is sent by the party intending to go to court to the other party in advance. The period for responding to a claim is 30 (Thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt.
  6. Information about the service administration:

    Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich