How to teach a child to stand up for himself. Physical protection methods

Teaching a child the basics of personal safety is an urgent need of our time. A trained child senses possible danger and acts according to the proven formula: “anticipate; if possible, avoid; if necessary, act.”

It is very rare for a child to actually act, because preventive measures greatly reduce the likelihood of getting into some unpleasant situation. But it is impossible to foresee everything.

And then the following happens: “The investigation established that on the night of March 19, 2008, a 22-year-old handyman from one of the local agricultural enterprises forcibly entered the house of his friends... There was only one minor daughter of the owner at home. Threatening with a knife, ... tried to abuse the girl, but the latter offered active resistance. Unable to complete his plans, ... left, threatening to kill the victim and stabbed her several times in the arms and body. In the morning, the minor told her relatives about the incident, who reported it to law enforcement agencies. The attacker was detained. The criminal investigation is currently being completed and will soon be submitted to court.”

This incident shows that an attack can occur even if the child follows all safety rules (note that the parents needed to strengthen the door in a timely manner).

In this case, the girl managed to provide decent resistance. How did she do it? This is not indicated in the news text, however, judging by the fact that the criminal armed with a knife was unable to achieve his goal, the girl acted decisively.

A child is unable to successfully resist an adult. Only physically prepared and well-trained teenagers can fight. What can it do small child 8-11 years old? Child safety experts offer the following options for solving this problem.

Paula Statman, a well-known American family psychotherapist and consultant on issues of personal safety for children, advises: “Scream, run and tell. Children easily remember this rule and willingly follow it when attempting to kidnap. Teach your child special words in case someone grabs him in public: No! No! You are not my father! You want to kidnap me! This will probably scare off the kidnapper and attract the attention of others. In a certain sense, these words are more effective than Help! or Stop!, which passersby often perceive as a family quarrel. When they see a child struggling with a child, they may think that it is the son receiving a beating from the father. The child should shout out words that will surely attract the attention of passers-by and make them believe that:

  1. this person is a stranger to the child
  2. a child is taken away against his will
  3. the child needs help"

(Statman Paula. The safety of your child: How to raise confident and careful children // Translated from English by S. A. Yurchuk. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004. - 272 p. (Series “Childhood Psychology: Modern View”) .

Dubyagin Yu. and Bogacheva O. recommend the following: “If there are no people on the street, it is best to shout loudly: “Fire!” If they try to take a child away or forcefully put him in a car, the child should shout something like the following: “My name is... My home phone number... My parents' name is... Call my parents, the text can be changed, but its main components must remain, i.e. names, phone number and request to call. Remember that the text should be as short as possible and not contain unnecessary information; the child should always remember it, and when going outside, you once again ask to speak it.”

(Dubyagin Yu., Bogacheva O. “School of survival, or 56 ways to protect a child from crime”).

Doctor, master of sports in sambo and talented writer Evgeny Gatkin writes: “...If you teach him only to anticipate and avoid danger, you can raise a fearful person. This will not help in the art of survival. Caution, or in other words, cowardice, will do a disservice in critical situations. Untrained to resist an aggressive environment, caught by surprise, a child always becomes a victim... It is necessary to teach a child to adequately respond to aggression from the very beginning. early age... It is necessary to cultivate in a son or daughter the ability to resist aggression at their own level, using means available to them... The child should know that if someone tries to grab him, he can escape by screaming loudly. You need to yell in such a way that your own ears are blocked... It’s just that a child should not develop the psychology of a potential victim.”

(Gatkin E. Ya. Encyclopedia of personal safety, or the Art of living without risk / Evgeny Gatkin. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2005. - 510, p.: ill.).

These books should be read by every parent who wants to receive qualified advice on teaching their child the basics of personal safety, because the authors of the books are professionals in their field. We, in turn, propose a scheme for a short-term fight between a child and an aggressive adult in a situation where escape due to being grabbed by the hand is not yet possible.

As a critical situation, consider the following: a stranger unnoticed approaches the child and grabs his hand. What to do in this case? In most cases, the child is not ready to confront a strong and determined opponent. But there is still a chance. It lies in the fact that a stranger usually does not see a worthy opponent in a child and believes that there will be no resistance to him. If the child has certain training and skills in conducting short-term combat, the chances of release appear, and are very real.

His motto should be “Break out and run away!”

The following scheme for conducting a short battle is proposed.

As noted above, child safety experts recommend shouting that this person who is fighting with the child is not his relative. For example: “You are a stranger, I don’t know you! This is not my dad! This is not my mom! Help!" You can shout out your first and last name and home phone number so that passers-by can contact your parents. But the words: “You are a stranger, I don’t know you!” must be learned and rehearsed many times. It should be noted that if there are no people around, it is wiser to first shout: “Fire!”, as recommended by Yuri Dubyagin and Olga Bogacheva. There's a good chance someone will get curious and look out the window.

The most important self-defense skill is the ability to scream correctly and loudly. You need to shout out words that will help everyone around you understand that the child is in trouble and needs help.

What self-defense techniques can a child learn? Many manuals recommend screaming, biting, kicking, that is, showing violent resistance. Let's specify the general recommendations into a specific resistance scheme.

Having become acquainted with self-defense manuals, we will select a description of ways to free a child’s hand from being grabbed.

So, firstly, it is vitally important to shout out loud: “You are a stranger, I don’t know you!”

Secondly, you need to clench your captured hand into a fist and place your free hand on this fist without bending your wrist. Paying attention to the position thumb attacker, you need to use your free hand to sharply jerk the captured hand in the direction of the opponent’s thumb. Using not only the strength of both hands, but also the whole body, we turn as sharply as possible towards the enemy’s thumb. At the same time, our hand breaks out of the enemy’s grip.

The description looks long and cumbersome. The technique itself lasts a split second (if the child has practiced it on mom or dad at least several hundred times).

Thirdly, if the opponent is so strong that it is very difficult to break free, the child’s task is to loosen the grip. This can be caused by a kick to the shin or knee. Please note that kicking the knee can cause serious injury to the attacker. Strikes to the shin, as a rule, do not lead to subsequent injuries, while effectively putting the attacker into a state of painful shock, regardless of the mass and size of the adult enemy being attacked. Such strikes require a sense of balance as a certain amount of precision is required. It is difficult for a child to follow all the rules of hitting, so you can start with a simplified version. The blow is delivered approximately in the same way as someone hits soccer ball. Parents can prepare some soft, but fairly strong and tough object (the easiest way is to buy a makiwara) and ask the child to practice kicking. A self-defense trainer will help you “place” the blow correctly, and the child’s task will be to further practice and improve it.

Again, we note that miracles do not happen. A girl who has never even kicked a ball will simply not hit the leg of an adult subject. If she takes an appropriate course on how to strike and then practices under the guidance of her parents or instructor, the effect will be remarkable. A second-grader who is carried away by the learning process can hit her partner, who is gaping for a second, so hard that he will limp for a week and scold himself for moving the makiwara to the side, which opened his shin for a blow. Practicing, testing and testing again. Then the skills need to be “refreshed in muscle memory” so that you are always ready.

Fourth, run quickly in a safe direction. You need to run quickly, constantly changing the direction of movement, so that a heavy adult opponent is forced to waste time making maneuvers around turns. The more a child practices running, the more chances he has to escape even from an adult pursuer. A dexterous, agile and maneuverable child will not give him a single chance.

After leaving a dangerous situation, the child should tell his parents or caring adults about the encounter with a stranger, trying to at least approximately describe the signs of the attacker.

Do not forget that during the entire liberation operation the child must continue to shout at the top of his voice: “You are a stranger! I don't know you! Let go!”

For parents who want to get acquainted with various combat schemes, enrich their self-defense arsenal and choose techniques for training and preparing their children, I recommend turning to the following book: Stepanov M.V., Mayorov O.V. Security code: How to survive in our city. - M.: Grifon, 2007. - 496 p.

A scream plus a blow to the shin plus release from the grip plus rapid running in a safe direction are the components of a child’s minimal self-defense system in the event of an attempt to grab him by the arm by an adult.

But in order for this system to work, it is necessary to practice all these actions: repeatedly and in full force. Go with your parents into the forest and scream at the top of your lungs, endlessly pull your hand out of your father’s and mother’s grips, kick the makiwara and run short and long distances. Then the child, if necessary, will be able to act aggressively, decisively and effectively.

Parents who are thinking about teaching their children self-defense lessons should clearly understand the capabilities of these techniques. You should never delude yourself about their effectiveness in the case of children. Firstly, no self-defense techniques will help a fifth-grader defend himself against an adult man who is two to three times larger, and secondly, in the case of physical struggle with a group of people, even if they are the same age, most defenses will not give the desired result. Please note that the effectiveness of Western and martial arts greatly exaggerated by the means of the film industry. After all, all the stunts shown in the movies were rehearsed many times and performed by professional stuntmen using computer special effects. Therefore, for parents thinking about how to teach a child to stand up for himself, - you need to look at things sensibly and not think that an orange kung fu belt will protect your son or daughter in most situations.

Martial arts are effective only in the hands of an adult who has a certain level of skill. Let us quote a statement from one of the most famous masters of martial arts, who, perhaps, is one of the few who has reached the peak of perfection in our days - Bruce Lee. " Ninety-nine out of a hundred martial arts are complete nonsense. Everything looks beautiful from the outside, but in practice it doesn’t work at all. If a fragile girl weighing about forty-five kilograms is attacked, then all she can do is hit the attacker with all her might in one of three points on her body: the groin, eyeballs or shin. And after that you need to run away immediately.»

We also recommend that you read our review “How to teach a child to protect himself from insults without getting into a fight.” You may also be interested in our article about existing safety standards in playgrounds, because these standards are usually violated, and recently playgrounds are increasingly becoming the cause of injuries to children. Therefore, parents need to clearly understand what kind of play equipment should be used for children.

We teach a child to stand up for himself - giving him confidence in his abilities and a chance for success

So there is no point in teaching children martial arts, there is no point in teaching them to stand up for themselves? Of course it does! After all, first of all, any active sport- this is training the spirit, secondly the body, thirdly - physical development and strong character helps to gain authority among peers, which is important. Also keep in mind that by combining a strong character and a trained body you can achieve excellent results not only in protecting oneself from peers. Strength and active sports give the child the opportunity to overcome their weaknesses. Rise above your character, expand the scope of your capabilities - this applies to both boys and girls. In fact, for this it is not necessary to choose a martial art; your child can practice swimming and hockey and athletics, and, if you wish, in order to learn to stand up for yourself, you can simultaneously send him to a boxing or self-defense section for a short period of time. The main thing is don't do it too early. Practice shows that if you do not plan to make your child a fighter, but only want to teach basic self-defense techniques, then it is better to enroll him in the strength section after ten years, and even better, even from 11-12. Children at this age are already more focused and patient, they are able to absorb information, draw conclusions and not perceive missed shots as a tragedy. Although if you are planning to “provide” your child with a black belt, and maybe the title of world champion, then, of course, it is preferable to start earlier, maybe from the age of six, to give the child a head start.

Remember, just “waving your hands” is not so difficult, especially at the level of school clashes with classmates, it is much more difficult to cultivate such a character in yourself that those around you do not even have the desire to enter into physical conflicts. And to do this, you need to train not so much muscles or study techniques, but to provide your child with the opportunity to learn the technique of social adaptation, teach him to stand up for himself without getting into a fight, and help him gain psychological stability and self-confidence. Then most of the issues with protection will disappear on their own. The best victory is the one achieved without a fight. And as we said above, it is almost impossible for a primary or even middle school student to physically defend himself against a teenager or adult. So if your son or daughter is offended and beaten by older guys, this is a question for the management of the educational institution and law enforcement agencies, where you need to apply with the appropriate statements and medical examinations.

What defense style should you choose to effectively teach your child to stand up for himself?

In the modern world, there are many types of martial arts that help protect yourself. Almost every one positions itself as the best for development and protection; every one says that with its help a child will be able to stand up for himself. But you should always take into account that training in the gym and a street fight are completely different things. Not on the street protective equipment for the body, there are practically no rules, the fight can start spontaneously and end quickly with just one strong blow, and those fighting are subjected to strong emotional pressure that interferes with them, be it fear or hatred. You also need to understand that there may be several attackers and they can use sticks, stilettos, knives and other dangerous objects. Therefore, training in gyms, even with the use of wooden weapons, is often unable to prepare a fighter to face real danger. Also keep in mind that many martial arts require a long course of training (about seven years before the first master's belt) and they are effective only at levels close to master's. That is, even after studying aikido for three to five years, your child will not reach the required level to defend himself in a real, not training, confrontation.

In general, let's look at martial arts in more detail and think about where it is better to teach a child to stand up for himself.

Example of basic punching technique

To begin with, we will present several diagrams of striking techniques so that you can imagine that no matter what defense styles you choose for your child, in a street brawl he is unlikely to avoid punches directed at him. Therefore, first of all, of course, the child must be able to resolve conflicts without fists and resort to them last.

Hitting technique. Side impact.

Hitting technique. Low blow.

Hitting technique. Direct hit.

Kickboxing, Boxing and Muay Thai

Boxing and its variations are good for actually protecting yourself in a street conflict, since in 9 out of 10 cases fights consist of powerful short blows to the body and head. And this is precisely where boxers and kickboxers are strong. The disadvantages are that their work does not take into account grabs, throws, escapes and releases from them, they work a lot with gloves, and when working with fists the sensations change. Also in boxing, the weight of the opponent often plays a decisive role, so a lightweight teenager will have a significant disadvantage in this.

Thai boxing- this is a tougher version of the usual one, using elbows and knees, but retaining a certain part of the disadvantages of classical kickboxing and boxing. The Thai variety of boxing is a very tough sport, it is unlikely to be suitable for children, for whom it is quite possible to limit themselves to ordinary boxing, but the masters of Thai boxing are strong fighters.

That is, these combat techniques are quite effective for quickly teaching striking techniques to children aged 11 and older. In most cases, boxers have an advantage in a confrontation due to a good reaction and the ability to quickly work with their hands, which in 90% of cases is enough for a “showdown” and protection from their peers.

SAMBO and various hand-to-hand combat techniques

The advantage of this style is that it was originally intended to protect oneself in extreme situations and no more. Therefore, there are no many “extra” components of martial arts, no spiritual lessons or meditations, just a means to incapacitate the enemy. Moreover, SAMBO, which was developed by USSR specialists for hand-to-hand combat in a combat zone and its softer civilian version can be considered the most popular and one of the most effective techniques.

But keep in mind that this is a very traumatic and tough sport, which is not suitable for everyone and certainly not suitable for small children.

Wrestling - freestyle, Greco-Roman and judo

Wrestling schools are very common in the post-Soviet space. They require developed muscles and short distance to the opponent. From a practical point of view effective technology is judo, where not so much emphasis is placed on muscle mass a wrestler, and what is required is mastery of the technique of throws, grabs, etc. Although, in the conditions of street confrontation, wrestling technique still loses to striking and combined techniques, since the wrestler does not always manage to get close enough and capture the opponent. And in the event of an attack by several people, “fussing on the floor” loses its meaning altogether. Moreover, it is worth considering that wrestling significantly affects appearance person, therefore, for example, not every girl will agree to end up looking like a “wardrobe” with flat ears.

In the end different types wrestling is a good fit for strong, stocky guys who like to “play” with their muscles, from the arsenal of freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, as well as judo, it is better to choose the latter.

Eastern martial arts

The widest class of martial arts, which became popular in our country after the collapse of the USSR, not least thanks to American militants. But, as we said above, their importance is often overestimated, especially in different styles in which there is a minimal arsenal of punches to the head, for example, in taekwondo and some types of karate. After all, in a street fight, they mainly fight with their hands at close distances, and with a “beautiful” swing of their legs in a roundhouse, few trained opponents will be knocked out.

Martial arts, which have a strong emphasis on working with traditional oriental weapons, turn out to be ineffective in practice. After all, you must admit, few people walk down the street with a samurai sword, staff or nunchucks - which means the skills to work with them are practically useless. And that’s why, for example, ninjutsu looks very beautiful, but in real fight may not be very useful.

The soft style of aikido, although it is designed only for self-defense techniques and for neutralizing the enemy without causing him significant harm, is well suited for “skinny” children who can take not with force and harshness, but with soft moves, throws and trips. Although, of course, if we talk about effectiveness in force confrontation, in order for a child to be able to effectively apply aikido in practice with trained opponents, he needs to study for at least five to seven years. But to stop a presumptuous classmate, the very fact of visiting a martial arts school and a couple of simple techniques is often enough. It is also worth knowing that the level of the student of this martial art will be lower than that of a fan of a tougher style, with equal qualifications.

Also note that existing non-contact techniques combat training, for example, non-contact karate cannot give the student a sufficient level of sensation of real combat, which immediately affects the ability to stand up for oneself in the street. There are often cases when a child seems to be trained in technique, but simply cannot step over the psychological barrier and actually hit someone in the face, and the whole conflict comes down to passive defense and missing large series of blows.

We can ultimately say that oriental martial arts are very diverse and vary greatly in practical effectiveness. Therefore, parents need to understand for themselves what they want from this or that section, teach their child to defend himself in a street fight, or simply give him the opportunity to become calmer, more confident and physically developed. They want the child to become a master or just be able to learn a few basic stances, strikes and blocks. And you should always take into account the features physical development, age, gender and character.

Conclusions on how best to teach a child to stand up for himself

Parents should take into account that for a child, a psychological sense of confidence is more important than muscles, and confidence should be in their loved ones, in friends, in the adults around them. Practice shows that those children whose parents support them and are always ready to help are already reliably protected. If parents are ready not to judge, but to provide support, then the son or daughter feels as confident and calm as possible, which in most cases is enough for a comfortable feeling in the team.

If you decide to send your child to the martial arts section and teach him to stand up for himself, then try to take into account our brief recommendations, given above.

For teenagers, this is what will be discussed in this article. Teenagers are completely different people than adult men or women, and self-defense techniques for them should be a little different. Of course, the essence itself will not change at all, but certain moments will be completely different. The self-defense option depends not only on physical preparation, but also on psychological one. I would like to note that during physical training the psychological preparation, - there’s no way without it.

Self-defense for teenagers

If you are one of the parents, then let me give you some advice. There are many options for self-defense, many techniques, cunning, sneaky strikes, but at the same time it is very desirable to still have physical strength. If girls, many of them, are not taken to classes in strength training, then the guys need to be trained, or sent to the appropriate sections without fail, I think. I could, of course, be wrong. At any age, a guy will not be harmed by the horizontal bar, parallel bars, or other exercises with own weight, which received the name. Even if there is no horizontal bar or parallel bars, you can simply do push-ups on the floor. Fortunately, a lot. There is no need for any training with a barbell, kettlebells or other equipment - ordinary horizontal bars and parallel bars, which are found in almost every yard, will help teenagers and adults become stronger.

Since we have dealt with physical preparation, we can move on to the next point - psychological preparation.

Psychological preparation

Psychological preparation plays a very important role in any fight, and most often the winner is not the one who is stronger, but the one who is more determined. Physical training and psychological are very closely related. In any case, a person who plays sports will be more psychologically prepared. This sport can be either Street Workout or any martial art - it doesn’t matter. Naturally, a sport such as chess, for example, will not prepare you psychologically. A person, in particular a teenager, when training, sees changes in better side, feels stronger, and as a result, confidence. It will not be easy to break him, both in a street fight and in life in general.

Self-defense for teenagers

If we talk specifically about self-defense, then it’s probably worth dividing them into several groups - for those who are trained and those who are not.

Despite the fact that there is such a thing as self-defense, we should not forget that there is such a thing as running, which is excellent option self-defense for teenagers. If you see two strange guys coming towards you in a dark alley, with clearly bad intentions, then you shouldn’t pretend to be a hero. In this case the best remedy self-defense for a teenager, both prepared and unprepared - or, more precisely, . By the way, running is also very good sport, — develops respiratory system and strengthens the legs at a minimum. Having legs pumped up with the help of sprinting, you can give a good ride to an incomprehensible guy.

If a teenager is prepared and knows how to carry out a particular blow, then he can use it, and most likely, he will use it automatically - this is the trick of preparation. It is better for the unprepared to run away from incomprehensible guys. Well, now some general recommendations.

Kick to the groin. Naturally, this is for everyone famous blow, and it is very effective. A blow with a shin between the legs will cause any man to experience a painful shock. You just need to find the right moment.

Is your child often bullied by peers? Some of the older boys will take away the toy, others will call you a little brat, trip you up, or even hit you in the face. In such cases, many parents wonder how to protect their child? Perhaps the best way out of such situations would be self-defense courses for children in Moscow, which are held on an ongoing basis in sports club"Giant".

First training - Free!

Sign up now and attend the first lesson for free + receive personal program nutrition taking into account your taste preferences.
Hurry! The number of places is limited.

Self-defense for children, what does it give?

Let's start with the fact that self-defense lessons will help your child master skills, the presence of which will allow him to fight back not only hooligans close to him in age, but also adult intruders.

In addition, classes in the self-defense section for children can become an extremely exciting and interesting way for a child to spend his leisure time, because training process involves constantly learning new techniques and techniques, leaving virtually no room for boredom.

By attending children's self-defense courses, your child:

  • Will master effective practical skills, the presence of which will help him stand up for himself
  • Improves reaction and coordination of movements
  • Becomes stronger, more agile and attentive
  • Become much more self-confident and learn to achieve your goals

In addition, training will make him more responsible and obliging, which can be extremely useful in many life situations.

Children's self-defense courses, where is the best place to take them in the capital?

If you are serious about giving your child the opportunity to learn self-defense skills, remember that maximum effect Such exercises can only be achieved under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

The team of mentors at the Gigant sports club includes exclusively professionals in their field with successful sports career behind us and many years of experience coaching activities. Sign up for free trial lesson right now and see for yourself!

Also at your service:

  • A friendly, open, and loyal atmosphere towards newcomers, which will allow the child to quickly forget about shyness and self-doubt
  • Modern, well-equipped gym
  • The opportunity to simultaneously attend several sections operating in our club at once
  • Possibility to use exercise equipment
  • Free parking
  • Convenient location (just a few minutes from Alekseevskaya metro station).

Nearest metro stations : Metro Alekseevskaya, Metro Rizhskaya, Metro VDNH, Metro Prospekt Mira.North-East Administrative District

Our advantages

Classes in mini groups of 8-12 people

We teach you to fight, strike, and move correctly. Sparring - after 3 months and only at will.

159 champions prepared

Our athletes regularly participate in competitions. We have raised champions in mixed-fight, grappling, boxing, etc.

Unlimited club access

The ability to combine different types of martial arts and the price will not increase.

Within walking distance. Free parking!

15 min. from metro station Alekseevskaya and 4 min. from the Moscow-3 railway station.

Star coaching staff

All coaches are Masters of Sports of Russia. Winners International tournaments. Champions of Moscow. Coaching experience of 5 years.

Personal nutrition program

For free! Taking into account the type of martial arts and your taste preferences. We will improve your health and physical fitness.

What will you learn at the Giant club?

  • Lose excess weight.
  • Gain self-confidence.
  • We will teach you how to attack and defend correctly.
  • Strike accurately.
  • Move correctly in the ring.


  • We will correct errors in technology.
  • Let's expand the range of shock combinations.
  • Let's increase the force and speed of the impact.
  • Let's prepare for the competition.
  • Let's deliver a knockout blow.
  • An easy way to lose weight.
  • Learn effective self-defense.
  • Increased level of self-esteem.
  • Let's prepare for the competition.
  • Your physical condition will improve.

For 1.5 hours you will exercise according to a specially designed program and gradually increase your speed, hone your punches, achieve leg stability, and become more resilient, stronger and smarter with each workout. You will learn the stance, correct movements, movement patterns, all types of strikes, acquire quick reactions, and learn to control your emotions.

In the modern world, danger can be expected from anywhere, which becomes a cause of concern for parents of young children. It is possible and necessary to teach a child to defend himself, since today self-defense is an urgent need for children.

Experts in the field of self-defense advise sending a child to the section only when he turns 12 years old - this is the best age to start successful training

It is best if parents send their child to a special section. The trainer will teach the rules of personal safety and simple techniques that will help the child in the event of a conflict situation. However, not all parents have this opportunity, so self-defense for children should be studied at least at home.

Knowledge of self-defense techniques can help a child not only in a critical situation when the threat comes from an adult, but also in an ordinary street fight. The task of parents is not only to teach basic techniques, but also to explain to the child what they should be used for.

Important! Self-defense techniques learned by a child should not be used to provoke a fight, but only to protect against a possible attack.

In addition, it is important to teach the child to correctly assess his own strengths and the forces of the enemy. So, an eight-year-old child cannot overcome an adult during an attack, but in his arsenal there should be techniques that can help him break free and run away. In this case, the child will have the effect of surprise on his side, since the potential attacker does not expect the child to be able to resist.

Aikido Basics for Children

Aikido is a form of martial arts that can only be learned through training with a trainer. No video tutorials or step by step instructions will not be able to teach basic techniques.

The essence of Aikido comes down to the fact that during a fight, a person turns the opponent’s strength against himself. This type of martial art uses knowledge of the inertia of movement and determination of the center of gravity. In other words, if an adult swings at a child, the child should use the attacker's strength against the attacker, but not try to hit him himself. This is achieved by learning special techniques.

Aikido is designed for defense, not attack. In martial arts important role given to body position and center of gravity. Initially, all techniques are designed for the fact that the enemy is obviously stronger, so you can defeat him only with his own strength. This type of martial art is based on learning special stances that will not allow you to knock you down, but will help you break free, hold back a blow, or even knock down your opponent using the inertial force of his own blow.

Simple techniques for a street fight

Selection correct techniques self-defense for children will allow the child to save himself not only from attacks by an adult, but also to stand up for himself if he is regularly offended by his peers

You can teach your child self-defense and the rules of self-defense not only in the section, but also at home. At home, you can learn simple techniques that will allow your child not to get confused in a street fight.

The basis of self-defense is three blows: straight, lower and side. At direct impact the body is working. The person puts one hand forward and holds the other a little closer to the chest (boxing stance). The arm gains strength from the shoulder; the muscles of the back and the entire body help increase the blow. The blow goes straight, directly with the fist.

A low blow is a blow to the jaw or chest. The child should bend his knees slightly, placing one slightly forward - this will help him stay on his feet. When hitting, a springing movement is made, the blow itself comes from the back and chest.

A side kick is a spinning kick. Essentially, this is a wide arm swing with the body turned out and the arms slightly bent.

Although the description of such strikes seems simple, it takes time to learn. The correct stance, the position of the center of gravity and the force of inertia are important here. Since the child's weight is insufficient to make a really strong blow, such techniques are designed primarily to confuse the opponent and gain a small temporary advantage. Self-defense video lessons will help you accurately learn the technique of performing simple strikes.

Useful skills for children

The child must understand that under no circumstances should anyone get into a car with strangers.

In addition to self-defense classes, the following skills are important for children in dangerous situations.

  1. When attempting to abduct, the child must try to attract the attention of others. If possible, you should not talk to strangers and try to run away in case of danger. This is only true if the kidnapping attempt takes place in a crowded area. Otherwise, it is better for the baby not to irritate the kidnappers by screaming, since the attacker’s reaction cannot be predicted. If a child has been kidnapped and taken somewhere, he must remember the surroundings and the characteristics of the kidnappers, so that he can then describe them to law enforcement officials. Advice for parents: if possible, install a radio transmitter or set up tracking on your baby's phone.
  2. If a child is taken hostage, no active action should be taken. It is important to remember: help is at hand. Loud screams, attempts to break free, or hit the terrorist can lead to dangerous consequences, since the attacker may be under the influence of drugs, which is why his reaction will be unpredictable.
  3. In a street robbery, the child must give what the attacker demands. Usually this is enough for the robber to leave the person alone.

It is better to learn self-defense techniques with children in martial arts classes. Benefits of working with a trainer:

  • development physical strength and endurance;
  • correct execution technique;
  • improvement of discipline.

The coach will teach the child not only how to strike, but also how to correctly calculate his own capabilities. In addition, in wrestling sections they teach discipline, so the parent can be sure that the child will never be the first to start a fight.

You should also explain to your child how to behave with strangers. The child should know from an early age that strangers cannot be trusted, disclose personal information, or make close contact. If a stranger approaches your baby on the street, you should either quickly return to your parents if they are within walking distance, or run to a place with a large crowd of people. Also, the child must understand that under no circumstances should he get into a car with strangers, even if they appear to be old friends of his parents, or go somewhere with a stranger.

What to teach a child?

In addition to self-defense techniques, parents should teach their child how to behave in the event of potential danger. At home, you should practice techniques that can help your child evade an intruder. It is important to use the baby’s strengths here - light weight, short stature, mobility. In addition, it is important to remember that it is usually very uncomfortable for an adult to fight a short opponent, which is a clear advantage for a child.