What to do if your hand is larger than the other. What to do if one muscle is larger than the other? Causes of muscle asymmetry

It happens that the muscles are developed unevenly and the size of the muscles on the right and left parts of the body are very different. For example, one pectoral muscle is larger than the other, or the biceps on the right arm is larger than on the left.

First you need to understand that all people have slightly different muscle sizes on the right and left sides of the body and within certain limits this is normal!
For example, right-handed people often have larger muscles in the right limbs, while left-handed people tend to have larger muscles on the left side of the body.
Muscle sizes are different for everyone, it’s just that usually these differences are small, so the difference is not noticeable, but if you specifically take measurements, you will see that there is a difference.
Again, slight differences in muscle size are normal.
Just as the strength of the right and left arms or the right and left legs differs - this is due to nature.
However, it happens that the size of the muscles differs greatly, this is immediately visible to the eye and, of course, does not look very good.


1. Muscle size depends on their activity
Muscles develop in response to stress, so if a person is right-handed and constantly uses their right hand more, then the muscles in the right hand will be slightly better developed.
Usually these differences are very small and invisible to the eye.
However, there are individual differences, and some people have very different muscles.

2. Muscles may develop unevenly due to the nature of the profession.
If you have to work much more with one hand, then the muscles are more active side bodies may become larger than on another.
For example, a blacksmith who constantly works with a hammer and holds it with his right hand will have larger and stronger muscles on the right side than on the left.
Even among athletes, in sports where one half of the body works more than the other, there are imbalances in muscle development, for example among tennis players or fencers.

3. Incorrect execution of exercises when playing sports
With poor technique, one part of the body will be loaded more than another, and if you do this regularly, over time the muscles will develop unevenly.

4. Various diseases and injuries
For example, with scoliosis, due to the curvature of the spine, the back and pectoral muscles may appear unevenly developed.
In addition, if blood circulation is impaired in any part of the body, the muscles in that place are poorly supplied with nutrition and may dry out.
Also, if a person has had injuries, for example, the arm was in a cast for a long time, then with immobility the muscles weaken and greatly decrease in size.


1. During training, you need to perform exercises so that the load on the left and right sides is the same.
The body builds muscles in response to loads; if you load the muscles equally, they will develop evenly! Do the same number of repetitions for the left and for the right side, and comply correct technique exercises.
If you press the barbell crookedly, or lift the dumbbells crookedly, then the load on one side will be greater than on the other.
Therefore, follow a clear technique in all exercises, control yourself by looking in the mirror, or ask your friends to watch you do the exercise.

Some people have the idea of ​​using dumbbells of different weights. For example, do a bench press with two dumbbells and take a little more weight for the lagging side.
Remember - you can’t do this! This disrupts your technique, trains you incorrectly, and can lead to injury.
Moreover, if one side is weaker, then what is the point of taking more weight for it?
It turns out that the strong side will not work enough, and the weak side simply will not pull too much weight.
You need to train correctly, follow the technique and load the muscles equally, then the muscles will gradually equalize in size and will continue to develop evenly.

2. Exercise regularly, then you can straighten your muscles.
Muscle development takes time, so be patient, train regularly and you will notice that your muscles will begin to develop harmoniously and proportionally.
If you exercise only once a week or often quit training, then where can you expect good results?

3. In case of very strong deviations, additional approaches can be used for the lagging side.
For example, if one pectoral muscle is much smaller than the other, then after you have completed all the chest exercises, you can do one additional set just on the lagging side. Also, if one biceps is larger than the other, first you train them evenly, and at the end you do one approach for the biceps that is smaller.
There is no need to give a lot of additional load to the lagging side, you will simply overload the muscles, they will recover poorly, and on next training session this side will perform even worse.
Train the muscles evenly on both sides, and for the lagging side it is enough to do just one additional approach at the end of the total complex.

To load the muscles on only one side, you need to use dumbbells or exercises on machines.
For one pectoral muscle, you can do a dumbbell bench press with one hand.
You take two dumbbells, lie down on a bench, but press with only one arm.
You take two dumbbells in order to maintain balance and do the press evenly.
You can also do a one-arm press on special simulator for the pectoral muscles.
At home, you can do push-ups on one arm.
There are special exercises for biceps that are performed with dumbbells with one hand. For example, an isolated arm curl on a special bench or one arm curl with dumbbells resting on the thigh.
For any muscles, you can choose special exercises for one side - see the tips in the section
I recommend resorting to these methods only when there is a very strong imbalance.
It also makes sense to additionally load one side if you have had injuries and need to restore this part of the body (in this case, you can do several additional approaches with light weight).
In other cases, you just need to train regularly, perform the exercises technically correctly and load the muscles equally, then they will align and develop evenly.

4. In some sports where one part of the body works more than another, athletes may experience uneven muscle development on the right and left sides.
Therefore, I recommend that all athletes include general complexes in their training. physical training and perform exercises that load the muscles on both sides, that is, be sure to work on the whole body!
Then the muscles will develop harmoniously and this will allow you to achieve great results.

So, friends, use the right training programs, strictly follow the exercise technique and exercise regularly - then your body will be developed harmoniously!

This article was written on a question from (sorry, forgot the name :))
“Hello Sergey. What to do if some muscles of the body are unevenly developed - for example, for some reason I have right side my breasts are noticeably larger than the left (maybe this is “normal” and due to the fact that I’m right-handed?..). I work out at home with dumbbells and the first solution that comes to mind is to use a different load for each hand (for example, in the same bench press, take more weight for the left hand than for the right). Is this correct? How can one mentally achieve symmetry of such muscles (the same can happen not only with the chest, but also with the biceps)?

Do you have more questions about sports and nutrition? Go to the section and you will find many of my answers!

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Many Eastern schools describe the difference between the right and left sides as the difference between feminine and masculine

Emotional Health

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right, which have completely different effects on the human body.

Left-brain dominant people usually logical, rational, well-spoken and quick-thinking. They process information sequentially, studying it in parts, and only then add the acquired knowledge into a holistic picture.

Right-brain dominant people typically visionaries who process information intuitively. They first grasp the big picture and only then go into detail. They are also more introverted and sensitive, especially to light, sound and criticism.

Our educational system is focused on children with a developed left hemisphere, because they think in a linear way, which is easier to teach. Right-hemisphere children adapt worse because they are prone to visualization and need visual images to understand this or that theory. Because of this, they are often diagnosed with distracted attention, or attention deficit disorder. However, such children simply learn the material differently, and when they get this opportunity, no problems with learning arise.

When the brain stem passes into the spinal cord, the nerves at the base of the skull, extending from the two hemispheres, cross. As a result, the right side of our body is associated with the rational, logical part, and the left side is associated with creative qualities and feelings. However, logical abilities have nothing to do with which hand - left or right - is dominant. It seems to make little or no difference. There are many left-handed artists, but the proportion of left-handed tennis players is also large!

Left and right side of the body

Many eastern schools describe the difference between the right and left sides is like the difference between female and male, yin and yang. It's not about gender, but about the masculine and feminine qualities that we all possess. If we apply this principle to the language of the mind, then there is inevitably a connection between the problems that occur on one side of the body and the internal conflict related to one or another aspect of the corresponding principle.

The right side of the body in both men and women reflects the masculine principle. She is responsible for the ability to give, dominate and assert oneself. This is the authoritarian and intellectual part of our being, related to the outside world:

  • work,
  • business,
  • competition,
  • social status,
  • politics and power.

In both men and women, the right side of the body represents the connection with the inner masculine principle.

Problems with the right side in men may indicate conflict related to the expression of masculinity, responsibility for family, difficulties of competition at work, lack of self-esteem or uncertainty about sexual orientation. Women have the right side reflects the conflict between motherhood and career, difficulties in demonstrating confidence and assertiveness in a position that is usually held by men. Some mothers have to intensively develop the masculine side, feed the family and make decisions, which can also lead to internal conflict.

Besides, the right side reflects relationships with men: with a father, a brother, a loved one, a son - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

An example of this is the fate of Ellie, who came to me complaining of a slight numbness on the right side of her body that had plagued her since adolescence. As a child, she was a real tomboy. During the conversation, it became clear that the numbness appeared shortly after her father expressed an urgent desire for her to become a true lady and study to be a secretary, while the only thing Ellie wanted was to become a military pilot.

As a result, she had to cut off her assertiveness or, more precisely, break the connection with this part of her, which caused the malaise, namely, numbness on the right side. To heal, Ellie needed to forgive her father for imposing his will on her, to fully believe in herself to follow own desires, and again revive that suppressed, unrecognized part of yourself. When I saw her last time, she studied to be a pilot, although not a military one.

The left side of the body in both men and women reflects the feminine principle. It means the ability to ask for help, accept, obey, feed and care for others, be creative, artistic, listen and trust one's own wisdom. This side is connected to the house and inner world reflection and intuition.

Men have problems with the left side reflect difficulties with showing care and sensitivity, the ability to cry and show one’s feelings, and turning to one’s own creativity, intuition and inner wisdom. Boys are told from childhood that brave men don't cry, which is why so many grown men never get in touch with their sensitive, empathetic side.

In women, the left side reflects problems with expressing vulnerability, femininity, showing care and maternal feelings, conflict between sensitivity and responsibility.

Besides, the left side reflects relationships with women: mother, sister, loved one, wife, daughter - and all the conflicts that may be associated with these relationships.

Here's what therapeutic massage specialist Jenny Britton writes:

“David came for a massage complaining of lower back pain on the left side. As I began to massage his back, he began to tell me that he had recently canceled a wedding that was supposed to take place in two months. The wedding day had already been set, the dress was sewn, and he and the bride even bought a house. David said he would be happy to continue living with her, but she insisted on getting married or breaking up completely. David decided to break up, and it was not at all easy. His back - lower left, in the area of ​​emotional support/standing up for one's rights/connection with women - was tight and tense. He said that he immediately moved from living with his mother to living with his fiancée, and only now realized how much he needed to stand on his own feet.”

Let’s say that right-handed people usually have larger muscles on their right limbs than those on their left ones, and in left-handed people, on the contrary, the muscles on the left side of the body are better developed. The size of the muscles is different for everyone, it’s just that usually this difference is not significant, so they are invisible to the eye. But if you take a centimeter and take measurements, you will notice that in fact, the size of the muscles on the right and left hemispheres of the body are slightly different.

Now let's move on to information on how to correct problems in muscle development.


During training, you need to perform exercises so that the load on the right and left sides is always the same. The body builds muscles in response to loads, so if the loads are the same, then the muscles will develop evenly. You need to perform the same number of repetitions for the right and left sides, and always follow a clear technique for performing the exercises. If you do exercises crookedly, for example, pressing a barbell crookedly, then the load on one side will be greater than on the other and the muscles will develop unevenly, so always follow a clear technique in all exercises. Monitor yourself by looking in the mirror, or ask a friend to watch you do the exercise.

Some people find it difficult to use dumbbells of different weights. For example, when performing a bench press with two dumbbells, the dumbbell on the lagging side is slightly heavier. Remember, you can’t do this! This disrupts the exercise technique, develops incorrect movement skills, and can lead to injury.

Moreover, if one side is weaker, then what is the point of taking more weight for it? It turns out that the strong side won’t finish the job, and the weak side simply won’t be able to pull it off and will get tired sooner. Remember, you just need to train correctly, follow the technique of doing the exercises, load the muscles equally, and then over time they will equalize in size and develop evenly in the future.


You need to train regularly. It takes time to develop muscles, so be patient, exercise regularly, and soon you will notice that the muscles will equalize in size and begin to develop harmoniously. If you exercise only once a week, or often quit training, then where can you expect good results?


If there is a very large difference in muscle size, you can use additional approaches for the lagging side. For example, if you have one pectoral muscle that is significantly smaller than the other, then after you have done all the exercises for the pectoral muscles, after working them evenly, you can do one additional set for the lagging side. It's the same if you have one biceps less. After you have completed the entire biceps program, you can do one additional set for the smaller biceps.

No need to give too much additional loads for the lagging side. You will simply overtrain your muscles, they will not have time to recover, and in the next workout they will work much worse. Train the muscles evenly, and load both sides equally, and for those muscles that are smaller, you can do one additional approach at the end of the total complex. Add loads to your weak side little by little. And give the muscles time to even out.

To additionally target the muscles on only one side, use dumbbell exercises or machine exercises. For example, to work one pectoral muscle, you need to use a dumbbell bench press. You take dumbbells, lie down, and perform a press with only one arm. You take two dumbbells in order to maintain balance and perform the press smoothly. You can also perform one-arm presses on a special chest machine. You can also do one-arm push-ups. There are also exercises for biceps that are performed with one hand using dumbbells. For example, curling your arms with dumbbells on a special bench that isolates the biceps. Or, bending one arm with emphasis on the hip.

Can be selected for any muscle special exercise, which loads only one side. However, I recommend using these methods only as a last resort if you have a very large difference in muscle size, or, for example, you are recovering muscles after an injury and you need to specifically work out some part of the body. Otherwise, just train regularly. Load your muscles equally and follow the exercise technique, and then your muscles will develop evenly. This is what we should strive for.


In some sports where one part of the body works much more than the opposite, athletes may experience severe imbalances in muscle development on the right and left sides. Following from this, it is better for all athletes to include general physical training complexes in their training, and do exercises that work the muscles on both sides, that is, they always work with the whole body. Then your muscles will grow evenly and harmoniously, and this will allow you to achieve great results.

  • Regular training
  • Strict adherence to exercise technique
  • Whole body work
  • These actions will help you develop harmoniously.

    If one arm is thicker than the other

    Roman Pomazanov7

    2. Also try to do chest and back exercises with dumbbells. This will eliminate one of the possible reasons arm asymmetry - asymmetrical technique of bench presses and barbell rows.

    3. If, after training in this way for 2-3 months, you do not notice a reduction in the difference between the arms, then you should introduce additional approaches to the biceps, triceps and forearm of the left hand. One additional set at the end of each exercise is usually sufficient.

    4. Try to use your left hand more often for various actions that you are used to performing with your right hand. Writing, of course, is unlikely to be possible right away, but some basic actions are quite accessible: holding a spoon, opening a door, throwing a ball. This will help increase neural stimulation in your left arm, making it stronger and larger.

    5. And another possible reason for the lag of one arm that I have encountered in practice is the presence of spinal diseases in thoracic region. If there is osteochondrosis or curvature, it must be treated. These conditions can significantly interfere with normal bench press and bent-over rowing technique. Hence the asymmetry.

    Why are there more biceps on one arm? How to fix it?

    I have larger biceps on my right arm than on my left. I always train with the same load.

    Why are the biceps larger on one arm?

    How to fix it so that the biceps on your arms are the same?

    If the biceps are very different in size, then I think that in order to correct the problem you need to do an additional isolating exercise for the biceps that you want to “build up” in the training complex.

    But in general, it is a normal phenomenon that biceps differ in size from each other, usually not by much, and this is natural; it is impossible to give the same load to both biceps.

    And in any case, each muscle does the exercise and contracts individually.

    Also, the difference in biceps may depend on the fact that your training program is dominated by isolating exercises for this muscle group, which you do with the biceps of each arm separately.

    But there are actually many reasons, but this is all absolutely normal! And I don’t even think you should worry, I’m sure no one has perfectly identical biceps on both arms!

    They explained to me that it is normal if the biceps on one arm are slightly larger than on the other. And this may be due to the fact that in right-handed people, the load goes more on the right hand, because this has already been imbedded in memory, that right hand more active than the left. Also, the difference in biceps size may be due to profession or disease, such as scoliosis.

    What should I do to correct my biceps, to align them so that the muscles are the same on both arms? This is difficult, if not impossible, because even the pros have a slight difference. You need to try to keep the load the same and train regularly. Then the muscles will gradually be more evenly developed. You can give it additional loads, but don’t overexert it too much, otherwise the difference will be in the other direction.

    Why are the right hand and foot larger than the left?

    Numbness of the limbs is a fairly indicative symptom of many diseases. If it goes numb left leg And left hand, right limbs or each of them separately, this usually indicates a pinched nerve, inflammation or damage. Also, such signs indicate the development of more dangerous and serious diseases that affect various organs and systems of the body. If your legs and arms go numb, this often indicates a stroke, ischemic attack, the presence of a tumor and other diseases.

    Many people are interested in the question, if their arms and legs go numb, what to do.

    First of all, you need to contact a specialist who can determine the causes of the sensation and make a diagnosis.

    After diagnosis, which will clarify the characteristics of the disease, you should proceed to therapy, which will be prescribed by the doctor.

    Usually, by the nature of the numbness and the presence of accompanying sensations, it is possible to determine the illness that caused them. However, you should not try to do this yourself. When choosing.

    The degree of asymmetry directly depends on the functional activity of a particular part of the human body - in more mobile and active parts the asymmetry is brighter. The arms are more asymmetrical to each other than the legs, and the movable lower jaw is characterized by greater asymmetry compared to.

    Is your right hand bigger than your left?

    Muscles of different sizes - what to do?

    First you need to understand that all people have slightly different muscle sizes on the right and left sides of the body, and to some extent this is normal. Let’s say that right-handed people usually have larger muscles on their right limbs than those on their left ones, and in left-handed people, on the contrary, the muscles on the left side of the body are better developed. The size of the muscles is different for everyone, it’s just that usually this difference is not significant, so they are invisible to the eye. But if you take a centimeter and take measurements, you will notice that in fact, the size of the muscles on the right and left hemispheres of the body are slightly different.

    I repeat that a slight difference in muscle development is normal and due to nature. Just like the strength of the right and left hands differs. However, for various reasons, it happens that muscle sizes differ greatly. This is immediately noticeable to the eye, and, of course, does not look very good.

    Now let's move on to information on how to fix problems in.

    Numbness in the toes of the left foot is a very unpleasant sensation that should alert anyone who suffers from it. If it appears in a person after a long stay in an uncomfortable position or wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes, when the legs are compressed and blood flow is impaired, then there is, in fact, nothing to worry about, the root cause must be removed and everything will work out. But if numbness in the fingers appears systematically, especially in the morning or at night, when the body is in a calm position, most likely it indicates serious illness.


    The causes of numbness in the toes of the left and right feet may be associated with problems with the spine, disorders of the heart, and thyroid gland. Let's look at them in more detail:

    In almost 90% of cases, a person experiences such an unpleasant condition due to osteochondrosis lumbar region spine. The symptoms are especially pronounced in the presence of protrusions and herniations of intervertebral discs. Oncological.

    Asymmetry of the human body is a completely normal phenomenon; in most cases, it is almost impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye. This is explained by the fact that opposite parts of the body “control” different hemispheres of the brain: the right hemisphere is responsible for the left half of the body, and the left, respectively, for the right. In addition, depending on whether a person is right-handed or left-handed, the muscles of the right or left half of the body will be better developed.

    Since most of the world's population are right-handed, their right hand is larger and longer than their left. At the same time, in typical right-handers, the left leg is slightly larger than the right.

    The degree of asymmetry directly depends on the functional activity of a particular part of the human body - in more mobile and active parts the asymmetry is brighter. The arms are more asymmetrical to each other than the legs, and the mobile lower jaw is characterized by greater asymmetry compared to the upper.

    Uneven muscle development leads to light, barely noticeable.

    Hello Roman. I have a small question. On at the moment The difference in the volume of the right and left arms is approximately 2.5 cm (the right one is larger), how can I align (make the volume more symmetrical) the biceps? Should I slow down pumping my right arm for a while, or reduce the load on it?

    This would be the most correct decision.

    1. Train your arms with dumbbells if you don't already.

    Aim to do the same number of repetitions with both hands. And not only in exercises for biceps, but also for triceps. The dumbbells, of course, must be the same weight.

    Often the difference in arm circumference is determined not by the biceps, but by the triceps. Try not so much to weaken your right hand (by ceasing to train it), but rather to pull your left hand up to its level. In addition, the human body is designed in such a way that with a uniform load, the limbs quickly equalize in strength and volume.

    2. Also try to do chest and back exercises.

    Characteristics of the disease

    At its core, any edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space of tissues. The mechanism of edema formation is based on 3 main factors:

    increase in capillary pressure; release of fluid from the bloodstream as a result of a decrease in osmotic pressure; due to a decrease in the level of proteins (albumin) in the blood and an increase in capillary permeability due to inflammatory or toxic damage.

    Most often, the cause of swelling is congestion in blood vessels.

    When the left leg swells, this fully fits into the general concept of the formation of local edema and develops according to one of the given mechanisms. In principle, the appearance of edema in the left limb is not characteristic feature. The anomaly can develop in one leg or both at the same time. The fact that the left leg was injured indicates congenital or acquired weakness of vascular tissues, which manifested itself precisely in.

    Why can your feet hurt?

    Doctors quite often hear from patients complaints of foot pain when walking. What can provoke the data painful sensations? There are a great many causes and diseases that cause pain in the feet. By nature, pain can be general or diffuse, and according to the degree of distribution it is divided into local and completely covering the entire foot. Diffuse pain, as a rule, is associated with overload, which provokes discomfort while walking; sometimes diffuse pain can also bother you at rest.

    Reason #2: Heel spur

    No. 3: other reasons

    Foot pain can be caused by a variety of diseases

    If pain is felt in the foot only when walking or when putting significant stress on the legs, and additionally.

    In the embryonic period, our body is more or less symmetrical. However, soon one side begins to dominate the other. And this dissimilarity is demonstrated in many organs.

    Thus, in adults, the weight of muscles on one side exceeds the mirror opposite ones by about 5%. In addition, in right-handed people, the right hand is stronger and longer than the left, and the nail bed thumb longer and wider on her than on the left. The left leg of 60% of earthlings is 1-1.5 cm longer than the right. And in about 66% of people, the left outer ear is larger than the right one, but the chin most often slopes to the right. The nose of right-handers deviates to the right, and of left-handers - to the left; the curl of hair on the head of right-handers is twisted clockwise, and of left-handers - in the opposite direction.

    Even the right half of the Praash’s face is more expressive than the left!

    But asymmetry concerns not only external organs. We have right-sided livers, different in light weight(right is larger than left). Our heart.

    The right leg is larger than the left. Legs different sizes. Different foot sizes.

    Everyone has probably noticed when buying shoes that one foot is larger than the other. Someone's right leg one size larger or half a size, and some are on the left. Why is this happening?

    The point is that human body is asymmetrical, that is, the right side of our body is different from the left side. It is not difficult to verify this. If you look at your reflection in the mirror more closely, you can see that the right side of our face is more developed than the left. The cheek on the right side protrudes a little more. The outlines of our mouth, ear and eye are clearer on the right side than on the left. The same can be said about our entire body. Our legs vary in strength and dexterity. The inside of the body is also asymmetrical. The liver is on the right side and the heart is on the left side. Therefore, the entire human skeleton is developed unevenly. And this affects the actions we perform and ours.

    The syndrome of swelling of only the limbs, or the entire surface of the body, always has reasons why it occurs. Liquid easily penetrates into the space between cells and has difficulty leaving the body, which leads to swelling. There are many reasons why one leg swells, or swelling is present in both legs. This may be due to dysfunction of the venous blood flow and impaired renal function.


    There are two degrees of swelling:

    expressed; not expressed.

    When the swelling syndrome is not expressed, the swelling is not visually visible, the tissue becomes loose, and fluid accumulates. This condition is called pastosity. When swelling is obvious, when pressure is applied to the skin, a dimple is formed. Why shouldn't we ignore symptoms that obviously tell us about a problem?

    There are differences in which the left leg swells, or both legs, or rather what this is connected with. If the cause is a circulatory disorder, symptoms.

    It happens that the muscles are developed unevenly and the size of the muscles on the right and left parts of the body are very different. For example, one pectoral muscle is larger than the other, or the biceps on the right arm is larger than on the left.

    First you need to understand that all people have slightly different muscle sizes on the right and left sides of the body and within certain limits this is normal!

    For example, right-handed people often have larger muscles in the right limbs, while left-handed people tend to have larger muscles on the left side of the body.

    Muscle sizes are different for everyone, it’s just that usually these differences are small, so the difference is not noticeable, but if you specifically take measurements, you will see that there is a difference.

    Again, slight differences in muscle size are normal.

    Just as the strength of the right and left arms or the right and left legs differs - this is due to nature.

    However, it happens that the size of the muscles differs greatly, this is immediately visible to the eye and, of course, does not look very good.


    People who periodically experience swelling in their legs think that this is due to problems with the kidneys or heart. But many would like to know why only the left leg swells. This article talks about the reasons for this phenomenon and how to deal with it.

    Swelling problem lower limbs known all over the world and reaches people different ages. The most important reason is the accumulation of excess fluid in the legs.

    What types of edema are there?

    My right hand is going numb: why and what to do?

    Quite often you can hear the following complaint from people: their right hand is going numb. In this case, some experience only numbness of the hand or fingers, while others experience even numbness of the entire upper limb. Why is this happening? And how to deal with this disease?

    Household reasons

    Numbness of the right hand can be associated with both pathological processes and everyday life. If you sleep on an uncomfortable bed, wear tight clothing and stay in the same position for a long time, then this can cause the appearance of this disease.

    However, in these cases, the occurrence of this symptom is extremely rare (mainly after sleep) and goes away very quickly if the limb is rubbed or special exercises are performed.

    And in this case, numbness of the hands is a completely natural process.

    Many people experience goosebumps, numbness and tingling in their fingers. These discomfort can appear for a variety of reasons. Some of them are very simple and easy to fix. Sometimes tingling sensations are manifestations of serious illnesses that require proper treatment.

    Reasons for the appearance of “needles”

    Today, numbness and tingling of the fingers is increasingly common among young people. Previously, this symptomatology was observed only in elderly people. Numbness and tingling of the fingers can have a different nature and occur in anyone. Some suffer from such manifestations very rarely. But there are people who constantly experience this condition.

    In most cases, tingling in the fingers is associated with incomplete clamping of the nerve fibers. Blood flow decreases and becomes insufficient. As a result, the fingers of the right or left hand become numb. This happens when a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

    “Owl, Owl, why is my back, head and legs itching?” “You, Hedgehog, should wash yourself”... Despite the popularity of the anecdote, which sober-minded realists always remind lovers of superstitions, interest in the superstition does not wane. Many people wonder every day what itching in one or another part of the body portends. And signs are always ready! They will tell you, give you advice, and make a forecast for the coming days and weeks.

    Itchy fingers

    We remake an incredible amount of things with our hands. Career, love relationship, hobby - fingers are involved in everything. And according to the conviction of our ancestors, they also have a presentiment of what they have to do. Is this where the expression “my hands itch” comes from?

    On the left and right hand

    Most often, signs make different predictions for the right and left sides of the body. At the same time, the right one is traditionally considered lucky, although in half of the interpretations the left one turns out to be no less generous with good predictions.

    Difference between right and left hands in palmistry

    Anyone who begins to practice palmistry quite early on is faced with the following theoretical problem: given preference to the dominant hand, what can we glean from the lines on the non-dominant hand?

    Unfortunately, there are no clear answers to the question of what can explain the difference in the lines on the right and left hands (and, by the way, this does not always happen). In this regard, fans of palmistry may be very interested in familiarizing themselves with the views of some famous authors on this problem, after which we will move on to the author’s conclusions and insights.


    “The fate line on the dominant hand speaks of a person’s life path, starting from the events of childhood and the past to the present. The other hand reflects the fate predetermined at the time of birth. Often the fate lines on the right and left palms are significantly different from each other. A clearly defined line of fate on the dominant hand with a weakly defined line on the other hand indicates that this is a “self-made” person. On the contrary, a clearly visible pattern of this line only on the non-dominant hand speaks of unrealized potential” (Katherine Harwig, “The All-Seeing Palm”, p.).

    “Your dominant hand reflects the destinies and character of which you are the creators.<…>Your dominant hand reflects your life at the moment.

    On the contrary, your non-dominant hand shows what your life can be, that is, your potential in this life. Examine your non-dominant hand and see what your character might be like if it weren't shaped by your life experiences.<…>If you are like most people, you will find that your hands are noticeably different from each other. The reason for this is that the life you have lived has been largely reflected in your dominant hand” (Katherine Harwig, “The All-Seeing Palm,” pp. 16-17).

    “Your dominant hand reflects what is happening in the moment. And the non-dominant hand will tell you about your potential, hidden abilities and desires” (Katherine Harwig, “The All-Seeing Palm,” p. 209).

    “The active hand - the right for a right-handed person, the left for a left-handed person - develops faster because it is used more often. The “passive” hand - left for a right-handed person and right for a left-handed person - can lag behind the active hand very much, or, if you are an active person, only slightly behind.

    The passive hand reflects the past, your essence and how your personality changes.

    And the active hand is directed to the future and shows how your character develops and where you are going in life. It's best to focus on reading the palm of the active hand, but it's equally interesting to look at the palm of the passive hand later and compare the two. This will help you find out what you were like and how much you have changed” (Jon Daten, “Palmistry. Lines of Fate”, p. 7).

    “The left hand reflects the possibilities and abilities that were inherent initially. Shows past events and their emotional coloring, a certain plan for life. On the left hand (for right-handers), the entry of the line of Influence into the line of Fate does not mean physical intimacy, it is an expression of emotional, friendly relations.<…>If there is some good sign on the left hand, but not on the right, this may indicate partial realization and missed opportunities.

    The right hand shows current developments, events, prospects for the future. If there is a “normal” line on the right hand, then in matters of health the decisive factor will be medical care and the correct lifestyle of the owner. If a “normal” line is observed on the left hand, but on the right (active) it is abnormal, it is assumed that main role The patient’s own immunity will play a role in recovery.

    <…>Comparing the right hand with the left, we see how a person develops. It is believed that if a right-handed person has worse lines on his right hand than on his left, then perhaps he is doing something wrong or is in the wrong place.

    If the lines on the right hand are better, the person is constantly developing and improving himself” (Evgeniy Ostrogorsky, “Palmistry. Lines of Fate”, pp. 46-47).

    “If your child is right-handed, then his left hand will reveal what he was born with, that is, inherited tendencies, or subconscious impulses.

    The child’s right hand shows how he himself charts his life path: what character traits and abilities will influence his life, how he will develop.

    As a rule, you are aware of what exactly you are doing with your right hand at the moment: waving, pointing at something, brushing your teeth with a toothbrush, opening a door. But you have much less control over the actions with your left hand. This “passive” hand is simply taken for granted, although you will be sorely missed if you cannot use it” (Ann Hassett, Reading a Child’s Palm, p. 17).

    “When addressing people with a dominant right hand, Gypsies usually say: “The left is what you were born with, and the right is how you embody it.” You can also say that the left one indicates potential, and the right one indicates how this potential is realized. One of my clients recently remarked: “I believed that the left palm reflected the internal self, and the right palm reflected the external self.” She was right, she just put it her way” (Ann Hassett, Reading a Child’s Palm, p. 17).

    “In palmistry, the dominant hand, whether right or left, is called the “active hand.” In ninety-nine cases, the active hand will present a more developed pattern of lines and marks compared to the non-dominant hand. This fact reflects the evolution of consciousness from previous trains of thought and behavioral habits to the positive changes of the future.

    In rare cases, a person does not use the hand with a more positive pattern of lines and signs as the dominant one. In the Eastern tradition, this phenomenon is interpreted as a person’s inability or extreme reluctance to accept life. A person would rather take a step back than turn to his potential” (Singh Birla, Palm & Destiny, p.37).

    “The ancient texts of the Samudrika Shastra state that the past includes the last three incarnations. Time is relative. It doesn’t matter if you only need one day or a month, a year, or maybe whole life In order for a habit to form, the inactive hand will reflect the totality of traits that made you who you are today. This totality also contains hereditary traits that may not have appeared in several generations, but will again appear in one of the descendants in the future” (Singh Birla, “Palm & Fate”, p. 37).

    “Once you identify the active hand, you can see the true picture of the progressive thinking pattern. The inactive hand reveals the entirety of pre-birth experiences... that led to certain patterns of behavior. On no active hand the habits of the past are imprinted. How far these habits will influence your present and future, you will see by comparing the strength of the hereditary traits with the progressive influences reflected on the active hand. The habits of the past will help or hinder your development depending on whether they are good or bad” (Singh Birla, “Palm & Destiny”, pp. 37-38).

    “A series of days and events are imprinted on the right hand. A person’s innermost aspirations and potential opportunities for gaining wealth, respect, and honors are marked on the left hand.<…>The dominant hand is reality, what has already been done in our life, plus our consciousness, i.e. the part that we show to the outside world. These are also certain achievements, plans, changing views on relationships, work and money. Therefore, this is the real side of life.<…>

    The other hand represents our inner life, the subconscious, that side of life that we hide from others. It can be called the “I want” hand, because it demonstrates secret desires, what kind of life we ​​would like to lead, what we strive to become.

    The life, head and heart lines on the other or minor hand show the mental, emotional and sexual energy of the body. This is where the failure occurs nervous system before he declares himself on the dominant hand, foreshadowing a possible mental illness" (Sasha Fenton, Malcolm Wright, "Secrets of Palmistry. Find out your destiny", pp. 16-17).

    “It is important to remember that the left hand is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain, which is considered responsible for imaginative thinking, and the right hand is connected to the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical and sequential thinking. On the left hand, the line of Mercury and many other lines and signs are more common, which are associated with subtle aspects of a person’s personality and do not have direct practical conscious application.<…>In people aged 20 to 30 years, the left hand will tell more about the state of adolescence, relationships with parents, previously experienced traumas and complexes from childhood, and the right hand will give more information in terms of events.

    People have more mature age the left hand will show what they can hide inside, questions and problems that have a deeply internal, personal meaning for them” (Sergey Savoskin, “Hand Reading for Beginners”, pp. 11-12).

    “...we can see that the left (passive) hand shows not only the potential future, but also the distant past, and the right (active) hand shows the present and near future. The left hand is the so-called global space passport of a person, while the right hand reflects the practical situation here and now. It tells us how events will develop if nothing interferes with them” (Sergei Savoskin, “Hand Reading for Beginners”, pp. 11-12).

    • the left hand (for a right-handed person) shows what character traits a person was born with, and the right hand tells how he changes these character traits;
    • the left hand speaks of predestination, and the right hand - how a person changed his destiny;
    • the left hand tells about a person’s potential without the influence of the external environment, and the right hand tells about implementation adjusted for these influences;
    • the passive hand speaks about a person’s past, the active hand speaks about the present and future; Thus, it is the leading hand that speaks about human development;
    • the non-dominant hand tells about a certain initial plan for life, and the dominant hand tells about this plan with adjustments;
    • the left hand speaks of subconscious motives, and the right hand speaks of a person’s conscious position;
    • the left hand speaks of the inner life, and the right hand speaks of the outer life;
    • an inactive hand tells about stable patterns of behavior of a person in three last lives, the active hand speaks of how a person is changing himself at the present time.

    Having comprehended all these somewhat similar, and in some ways contradictory points of view, we come to the conclusion that each author is only partly right. In fact, how can the left hand (of a right-handed person) talk about a certain plan for life, but the right hand cannot? And if they simultaneously talk about a certain plan, then why is it so different on different hands? Practice shows that both hands speak simultaneously about inner and outer life. It cannot be said that only the left hand speaks about the subconscious, and the right hand only speaks about the conscious position. After all, on the right hand there are also lines of the Heart, Intuition, etc., which by definition include subconscious reactions. It is incorrect to say that only the left reflects the past and only the right reflects the present and future. Both hands simultaneously show the past, present and future. But an inactive hand gives strong errors in dates and some events.

    According to the author, to real situation Vedic palmist Singh Birla came closest. Modern Western authors, reflecting on the difference in the semantic meaning of the lines on the dominant and passive hands, say that the passive one reflects how a person came into this life. And the right one is how he changed himself. But in fact, we can see a difference in the lines on both hands already in children and adolescents. At 7-12 years old, they simply could not yet have time to make deep internal transformations. After all, every practicing palmist knows how slowly and reluctantly the lines on the hands change. Yes, stress lines appear and disappear. Yes, over the years, gaps in the line of Life and the line of Fate may appear and heal, and the line of the Heart may lengthen. But there are no fundamental changes in the overall pattern of lines on the palm. This is probably possible, but in isolated cases.

    Therefore, much more rational (for a supporter of the idea of ​​the reality of past lives) seems to be the idea that the passive hand talks about our favorite patterns of behavior and implementation in a number of recent reincarnations (relatively, say, in the last three). The leading hand speaks of the map of life that we have to live now. The right hand “by default” includes those decisions that we are most likely to make, and also outlines certain external milestone events that we are unlikely to change (anchor moments of fate). Certain variations in the experience of fate are possible, but the general vector of movement must correspond to the plan on the right (leading hand). In any case, fate will encourage a person to live out his destiny either with a carrot or a stick.

    If the right and left hands are not different, then the person did not set himself global goals for internal transformation before birth. He, relatively speaking, “rests” spiritually in this life. If the right and left hands are very different, then a person is faced with the task of “breaking himself,” his habits, changing stable, but already evolutionarily outdated (for him) patterns of behavior and living his destiny.

    At the same time, the passive hand, or rather our past experience, influences us. Stable habits from the past are well manifested in the ambitions and habits of childhood. Therefore, it will not be a mistake to say that the left hand (in a right-handed person) speaks about what a person was like before the age of 21. After all, after this age, he, as a rule, enters a new rut and successfully develops in accordance with the plan on the right hand.

    But what about the following paradox? In discussions with me about the meanings in the differences between lines on different hands, Evgeny Ostrogorsky once shared his experience: together with a Sochi group of students, they somehow analyzed events in a person’s life on both hands. It turned out that events can also be viewed using the passive hand. The only problem is that the inactive hand does not accurately show the dates of events; they seem to be “smeared out”. This phenomenon will be explained below.

    Having adopted the new paradigm of reading the right and left hands, we come to the following side conclusions:

    1. Comparing the right and left hands, we cannot say unequivocally that a person, for example, “has not adequately developed his great potential” if the lines on the passive hand are brighter than on the active one. Perhaps a person’s task in life is to stop becoming a star early, throw himself into a career and burn out his life energy prematurely, dying, say, at the age of 40. If the Head line on the right (active) hand is shorter than on the left, then the person’s task (as an option): to become more practical and thorough than in past lives. If the line of the Sun on the left hand begins early, before 25 years, and on the right - after 35, then the person’s task is to go through a long period of self-searching, gain experience and wisdom, lose maximalism and excessive pride, to come to fame and satisfaction from realization in the second half of your life. Now, for the owner of such lines, what is more important is not speed, but the quality and depth of experience and understanding.
    2. Since the right and left hands are very similar along the main lines, we can conclude that changing oneself is very difficult: it usually takes a whole series of lives. Patterns of living destiny and stable character traits (a person’s energy characteristics) do not change so simply and easily.
    3. The very fact of repetition of the main line configurations suggests that we, in many respects, repeat our experience from life to life. Countries, eras, fashion, environments change, but the general trends of fate, interests, abilities and ways of realizing in life do not change so significantly. Therefore, we can talk about the phenomenon of synchronicity or similar resonance (attraction of similar events) from life to life. If, for example, in a past life you liked to break up with your partners, then in this life you will most likely experience a similar experience. If in a past life you suffered from an illness or died a violent death, then in this life your health will also be weakened or there will be a high risk of injury at a certain period of life. If, for example, in a past life you were a mystic, then in this life you will be very drawn to the study of occult literature. If you were a hippie, now you will need a lot of personal freedom, strive to go to various youth festivals, etc.

    Thus, palmistry is a discipline that can tell you a little about what kind of person you were in your last past lives. Why did you make a career, how did you strive to love, how lucky were you in relationships and love. Were you a famous person? Or they didn’t have any special ambitions.

    Birla S. Palm & fate. How to use palmistry to build successful relationships. - M., 2003.p.

    Daten J. Palmistry. Lines of fate. - M., 2004.p.

    Ostrogorsky E. Palmistry. Lines of Fate. - M., 2015.p.

    Savoskin S. Hand reading for beginners. - M., 2014. - 96 p.

    Fenton S., Wright M. Secrets of Palmistry. Find out your destiny. - M., 2006.p.

    Harwig K. All-seeing palm. Find out everything that is hidden about yourself and others through the lines and signs of your palm. modern palmistry. Short course. - St. Petersburg, 2010. p.

    Hassett E. Reading a child's palm. Unleash your child's talents and abilities. - M., 2007. - 96 p.

    Probably not everyone knows that a special training program for the gym can help with asymmetric muscle development. Of course, the use of such a program is permissible only after you are convinced that the problem does not lie in a pinched nerve and we are not talking about muscle atrophy as a result of spinal problems.

    I get questions all the time about uneven muscle growth. For example, I was recently asked for advice: “ Hello! I am 21 years old. I'm left-handed. I recently noticed that the muscles on my left arm are larger than those on my right. Please advise what to do to fix this."

    I want to say right away that uneven development of symmetrical muscles is a fairly common problem. What to do if one biceps is large and the other is small, if one pectoral muscle is larger than the other. Before you begin to eliminate the “skew,” you need to establish its presence and cause. Let's immediately decide that if one leg or arm is 1 cm larger than the other, then this is the norm, and it does not catch anyone's eye. But if the difference is already a few centimeters and catches everyone’s eye, and the problem gets worse, then it’s worth thinking about.

    The reasons may lie both in the field of training and in the field of physiology. The spine experiences quite heavy loads throughout life, which can lead to its curvature and displacement of intervertebral discs, and even pinched nerves. This problem is also popularly called pinched nerve.

    In turn, training with significant weight can aggravate these problems. By shifting, the discs can pinch the endings of the nerve fibers that lead to certain muscles, and this can only happen on one side. As a result, the corresponding muscle receives less stimulation, and its growth may slow down or even stop altogether. Therefore, if any of the symmetrical muscles lags behind in their development, first of all you should consult a doctor and examine the spinal column - perhaps the reason lies there.

    If everything is fine with the spine, there is no infringement due to curvature of the spine, then the reason may lie in incorrect training. So, if you perform most of the arm exercises with a barbell or in machines that require simultaneous involvement of both of your upper limbs, then you will subconsciously transfer most of the load to your upper limbs. strong hand. As a result, she will receive a greater incentive to grow, and the “skew” in her favor will only get worse.

    To eliminate the “skew” more weak muscle should receive a heavy load for some time - at least one month. This means that you will have to perform arm exercises either with dumbbells or in those machines where you can perform the movement with only one arm - and only that way. Great exercise for biceps, in this case there will be standing dumbbell curls. At first you perform bending only weak hand, then - half the weight of the strong one. Again - only with a weak hand and again with a strong one. Do the exercise until your weak arm gets tired. As a result, she will receive 50 percent more workload. If such training, even for two months, does not help at all, then I advise even more effective method. You will need to temporarily, perhaps even for 2-3 months, stop training your strong arm, otherwise you risk never correcting the existing problem.

    There is another technique - you take a heavier dumbbell in your lagging hand; the difference in the weight of the dumbbells should be from one to five kilograms. Perform the exercise as usual - the weaker muscle will again receive more load. But personally I am an opponent this method, since training with different weights in each hand can again cause pinching of the paravertebral nerve.

    Alternatively, for the triceps, you can alternate the movement with each arm. As exercises, we can recommend arm extensions with a dumbbell from behind the head or extensions on the upper block, performed with one hand. Again for the weaker hand it is placed more weight. I emphasize: the number of repetitions should be the same for both hands; it is selected in such a way that if you work with a weaker hand, you will almost reach “failure”. Using the same scheme, you can perform concentrated biceps curls. On my website, attached to the text of the article is my video on how to train if one pectoral muscles more than the other. Machine lat pulldowns or single leg bench presses can help if your lats or one quadriceps are lagging. A few years ago, one of my knees was shattered in a fall down the stairs and I had major surgery to repair the knee capsule, but all the muscle in my left leg was lost. Using the method of impact training only for the left quadriceps, I was able to return 90% of the volume to the muscles of the left quadriceps, and a year later I took 4th place at the WABBA World Classic Bodybuilding Championships, my first time performing at this level. This proves that the methods I recommend work not only in theory and in practice, and I believe they will help you too! Before leaving, I will tell you about one method aimed at restoring normal blood circulation in the lagging arm. Before starting each exercise, perform one set on your lagging arm with a light weight and large quantities repetitions. Then start working with a normal weight. Personally, I would add 2-3 more sets of these after completing the workout, say 50-100 reps.

    Are you interested in my training system? I have groups on every social network, as well as thematic channels on YouTube + many surprises await you.

    Before I tell you what to do in a situation where muscles are different sizes, I want to say that a slight difference in volume is quite normal. For example, if we take people whose right hand works more than the left, accordingly, the right hand will be slightly larger in volume than the left, this is quite normal. The same applies to left-handers, but everything is exactly the opposite. Often, everyone has a slight disproportion to their body.

    You can take and measure the volume of your biceps right now. After the measurements, you may notice an insignificant difference between the volumes of your right and left hands. This is as normal as the difference in strength between one hand and the other. A striking example is boxing, Thai boxing and so on, where an athlete, for example, has a signature right hook, but with his left hand he does not hit so hard. In general, this is all quite natural and with the naked eye, or rather without a centimeter in your hands, this difference cannot be determined. However, if you notice that it is visually very noticeable that muscles of different sizes, in this case you already need to think about how to fix it all. Now we’ll talk about how to get rid of such defects in muscle development.

    First of all, you must ensure that the load on both muscle groups is the same. Gain muscle tissue occurs due to its destruction, that is, a response to loads. If one part receives more loads than the other, the body will accordingly allocate more nutrients to it for recovery, from which, as a result, a difference in muscle volume can be obtained.

    You must always follow the technique of doing the exercise.. You cannot lean left or right, so as not to shift the load to one side or another. If you are doing an exercise that involves working one muscle first, then another, then you need to do the same number of repetitions with the same weight naturally. To better control every movement of the body, you need to stand near the mirror and see that everything is performed clearly according to the technique, without violations and tilts to the left, right, and so on.

    I noticed in gym that some people use different weights when it comes to training their arms, due to the fact that the left arm is weaker than the right. This should not be done under any circumstances. Also, this is often done in order to fight a lagging muscle group. Remember, if you want your muscles to develop evenly and be symmetrical, you need Necessarily perform the exercise with the same weight for both muscle groups.


    If you want to finally get rid of muscles of different sizes, you need to regularly visit the gym, since in bodybuilding there is a phase “ recovery" and phase " super compensation" I have already written about this in more detail here. If you work out in the gym only once a week, you should not expect the desired result.


    If you want to speed up the process of ridding yourself of your asymmetrical body, you can use additional approaches for lagging muscle groups. However, it mainly works for small muscles, such as biceps, triceps, deltoids, and so on. For bulky muscles, it is best to simply train with the same weight and without violating the exercise technique.

    How does this work? Let's say you've done 3 sets of concentrated dumbbell curls. To quickly increase the size of a lagging muscle, such as the left biceps, you can do a couple of additional sets of left arm curls with a dumbbell. It is better not to get carried away with this method, otherwise you can overdo it and should only use it in extreme cases. You should not give too much additional load to the lagging muscle so as not to use it. In general, train using the same loads on both sides, the same number of sets, and at the end of the training, perform one set on the lagging side.

    To work on a separate side, the best suited for such training are: simple exercise machines, which locally work the target muscle group, that is, creates an isolated load. You can also use dumbbells, as in the case of biceps. You won’t lift the barbell with one hand, it’s at least inconvenient.


    If a person is lagging in a specific muscle group, and not just one side of it, emphasis should be placed on training it. If you want to learn how to correctly emphasize the load on one or another muscle group To highlight it, make it beautiful and embossed, read.


    If muscles of different sizes, and you want your body to be evenly developed, you should exercise regularly. Perform exercises with the same weight, with correctly positioned