A new way to get around on two wheels. Modern means of transportation around the city

Over the past decades, the market of various vehicles expanded significantly. If earlier there were cars, motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, roller skates and several other vehicles, now just the names of modern technological types of transportation can make your head spin. Monobikes, Segways, longboards, jumpers - these are just a small part of modern devices that allow you to move around the city and enjoy it. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

Modern means of transportation around the city. TOP 8

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Jolly Jumper

JollyJumpers translated from English it sounds like “boots of speed.” This creative invention allows you to run at speeds of over 30 km/h. In such unique “boots” you can jump more than 2.5 meters in height.

JollyJumper (or simply Jumpers) have a unique spring mechanism - the structure is tightly attached to the legs and serves as their “continuation”. "Boots of Speed" - exciting entertainment and great way quickly pump up your ankles, abs, hips and buttocks; they also allow you to move quite quickly from one point of the city to another.

It is very easy to learn how to stand in jumpers, since its frame itself is very stable and durable. Therefore, they are suitable not only for young people, but also for adults.

The price for such “walking boots” starts from 4 thousand rubles

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Segway- the most popular modern type of urban transport, which has long been recognized in the West. Its design is simple: a convenient platform and two wheels. As for the advantages, they are undeniable. In particular, on a Segway you can comfortably ride along the pedestrian area, forever forgetting about traffic jams.

From the point of view technical characteristics, the Segway is a kind of electric self-balancing scooter. Its platform balances automatically when the position of the body changes: tilting forward serves as an impulse for movement. To reduce speed, simply tilt the body in the opposite direction. Stopping and reversing also occur when the body is tilted towards you. The speed of the Segway is up to 50 km/h, and its weight can reach up to 45 kg. When the battery is fully charged, you can travel about 40 km. This makes the Segway an excellent alternative to a car when driving short distances in good weather conditions.

Recently, mini-Segways have become popular because they are ultra-light and compact. For example, the Robin-M1 model reaches speeds of up to 15 km/h. Its charging lasts for 3 hours. The weight of this model is 18 kg, which is lighter than some models of baby strollers and comparable to the weight of a bicycle. This type of vehicle is also attractive because it can be transported in the trunk of a car. Some models have built-in GPS and remote shutdown systems.

This modern two-wheeled vehicle can be purchased from 100 thousand rubles.

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Electric bicycle (bicycle hybrid)

The hybrid bike can be described briefly: comfortable, fast, quiet. A hybrid bicycle differs from a regular bicycle in 3 design features: it has an electric motor, a battery and a controller. Although outwardly a bicycle hybrid is practically no different from a bicycle.

You can also set the electric bike in motion using regular pedals. The advantages include the ability to independently regulate the degree of physical activity. loads and overcome obstacles without much difficulty. You can charge the battery of the bicycle hybrid from a power outlet; the energy reserve is enough for 20-40 km. If the battery runs out on the way, we start pedaling - it’s simple.

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The fashion for motorskates came to us from the countries of Southeast Asia, but in Russia this type of transport is still considered exotic. The main feature of its design is that speed and braking are controlled via a hand joystick. Motoskates are usually equipped with simple two-stroke engines with a volume of 50 cubic centimeters. This allows you to easily overcome difficult obstacles such as mud, sand or steep climbs.

Riding a motorskate is convenient, comfortable and easy; it overcomes any obstacles: sand, snow, mud. Anyone can learn how to operate a motorskate and ride it is much easier than riding a skateboard or snowboard. Maximum speed can reach 45 km/h. The weight of the device is about 30 kg.

Prices for motorskates start at 20 thousand rubles.

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Electric scooter

Electric scooter– a universal city transport, which is convenient for both adults and children to ride. Maximum load up to 120 kg.
In just 5 seconds, you can reach a speed of up to 15 km/h on an electric scooter. You can charge the electric scooter from any network. Battery life depends on the model and battery type you choose.

The main advantage of this type of city vehicle is that it is safe and environmentally friendly and can be stored in an apartment. Some models even have a folding frame.

You can find this and other types of modern electric transport in the online store www.moyo.ua/gadgets/elektro_transport/

The price for a children's electric scooter model starts from 4.5 thousand rubles.

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Fatbike- another type of transport that is rapidly gaining popularity. This is a bicycle that differs from the usual one by having thick tires. Thanks to this design feature and reduced tire pressure, you can safely ride on a fat bike on sand, ice and snow. By the way, you can see this bike more often in winter. Due to thicker wheels and a reinforced frame, the weight of a fatbike ranges from 14 to 25 kg.

In addition, a fatbike can be made more technologically advanced by adding an electric motor to it. Thus, the fatbike becomes a hybrid bicycle that can be used all year round.

The price of models for adults starts from 14 thousand rubles

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Hoverboard– this is the same Segway, only without a steering wheel. The absence of a steering box makes this type of transport lighter, more mobile and at a price several times cheaper than the classic model. The weight of the device does not exceed 12 kg. The maximum speed that can be reached is 15 km/h. A hoverboard is an ideal option for training vestibular apparatus And lumbar region. The only difficulty is that it is quite difficult to learn how to operate it. In the first weeks of training, it is recommended to wear the following equipment: knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet, because Falling from this device at the first stage is almost inevitable.

The price for a hoverboard starts from 8 thousand rubles

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Unicycle(or unicycle) - the same hoverboard, only with one wheel. The balance of the unicycle is controlled by tilt sensors and gyroscopes located in the wheel itself. The main condition observed when managing it is the ability to maintain balance. Maximum speed up to 15 km/h. Weight does not exceed 10 kg. This is the only vehicle presented that, when folded, can be carried in a bag. The unicycle helps train body coordination. This is why it is better for beginner monobikers to ride with a helmet and knee pads. And this modern means of transportation is popular only among teenagers.

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Scientific progress does not stand still. The emergence of new composite materials, as well as ultra-light and strong alloys, coupled with the development and popularization of mobile electric transport, gives us technologically advanced vehicles every year. Modern means of transportation around the city, thank you for your attention!

If your own car scares you because of the price and the prospect of sitting in traffic jams for half a day, and moving in the classic way given to us by evolution seems archaic to you, then you should choose alternative options for traveling around the city. In some cases, this is not only faster, but also much more useful, practical and gives a lot of positive impressions.

1. Hoverboard

The ancestor of all hoverboards was the Segway. One day it became clear that it was possible to do without steering, leaving only two wheels and a platform for the feet. So at the beginning of the second decade the first hoverboards appeared, which almost immediately became the most popular species transport all over the world.

And there is nothing to be surprised here, because the hoverboard looked (and still looks) very futuristic, attracting glances and attention. But his goal, of course, is not only this. The most important thing is that it is a great way to get around the city. We advise you to pay attention to the model, which can be found in the specialized store eKoleso.SU. The SUV in the name means all-terrain. This is ensured by inflatable 10-inch wheels - they will be quite capable of bumpy roads and rural roads. In city driving you will find an excellent smooth ride and reduced vibrations. The maximum speed is about 15-20 km/h and the power reserve is the same. All this is complemented by built-in Bluetooth speakers, a remote control or an application for monitoring and fine-tuning the hoverboard. This model is also self-balancing, so you can ride it with any weight.

2. Bicycle

It’s hard to call a bicycle an alternative transport, but that’s exactly what it is in relation to cars and your two, we’re just too used to it. You've probably heard the history of this vehicle more than once, so we'd better recommend ones that fit any budget.

If it does not exceed 20 thousand, then look at the popular Stels. In this price segment, these are the best and inexpensive options for city bikes that will do their job well. If you need a higher class, and your budget allows you to spend 20-40 thousand, then the best option there will be a Merida brand. Mountain models from the Big.Seven series are perfectly suited for urban conditions, with 27 speeds, hydraulic brakes and amateur-level components. In a budget of 40K and above, the leader among high-end bicycles will be Cube - the German company has its own research laboratories, a lot of interesting technological solutions and produces some of the most popular bikes in its class. Look at the Aim models - you will be pleased not only with the cool designs of these bikes, but also with reliable components and high-quality materials.

3. Electric scooter

Scooters have not been left behind by technology. Since the early 2000s, they have regained their status as full-fledged transport, which is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. Once they were electrified, they fell in line with all other alternative transport.

In terms of practicality, scooters are similar to many means of transportation, including electric ones. Take, for example, all models have a really interesting modern design, well-thought-out folding mechanisms, and high-quality slim batteries. The E-tow has several modifications, differing in battery capacity, speed from 27 to 30 km/h and maximum range on a single charge from 27 to 35 kilometers. All models have a battery hidden in the deck, shock absorbers and a small display on the steering wheel for monitoring operating modes and sensor readings. This scooter is easy to fold and put in a backpack or carry into transport - the weight does not exceed 12 kilograms.

More budget option- electric scooter FitRider T1S. The battery is mounted on the steering column, and the trick is that it can be replaced in a few seconds with another one (if you buy another one). Then you will be able to travel about 50-60 km a day - more than enough for urban conditions.

4. Longboard

In recent years, longboards have been gaining popularity at breakneck speed, because they are light and compact, and the rider feels like a surfer on a wave on a longboard. But what is a longboard? It's like a skateboard, only a little longer and much more comfortable: a wide wheelbase gives stability, and large and soft wheels make moving from point A to point B incredibly comfortable. A huge plus is the choice of disciplines: dancing or boardwalking (dancing and intricate steps on the board), freestyle (tricks that amaze the imagination of passers-by), freeride and downhill (mind-blowing descents from the slopes for adrenaline lovers).

If you are a beginner, then don’t be afraid - in a week you will feel confident on the board, and we will help you make your choice: the coolest dance, freestyle and just cruise boards are created in a Russian workshop

Have you ever seen or imagined a “man on wheels”? No? Then we would like to introduce you to hoverboards, unicycles, and Segways.


Hoverboard(two-wheeled scooter, self-balancing scooter English. Gyroscooter) - a personal electric vehicle, made in the form of a transverse bar with two wheels on the sides. Uses electric motors powered by an electric battery and a series of gyroscopic sensors to self-balance and maintain a horizontal position of the footpad.

This device is also called in Russian-speaking countries: electric scooter, hoverboard, mini Segway, smartway, gyrocycle, smart Segway, and in England - hoverboard


The invention of this type of transport goes back to the 90s of the last century, when the first prototypes of vehicles using automatic balancing systems in their design appeared. Perhaps the ancestor of modern gyrotransport of this type can be called the invention of Segway. This device also has two wheels and a footrest. In rare cases, the model may be equipped with a seat. However, the main difference between a Segway and a hoverboard is the absence of a steering column. Here control is carried out not by manipulating the hands, but by moving the body weight from side to side. For example, to move forward you need to lean in the appropriate direction, to brake and move backward - vice versa. Turns are carried out by shifting body weight in the desired direction.

The first modern hoverboards began to appear only in the early 2014s. Then a few Korean and Chinese companies took up mass production and modernization of existing prototypes, but in the process of reducing the cost, unreliable materials and electronics that functioned with malfunctions were often used.


This unit consists of several key elements:

  • 2 electric motors;
  • Gyroscopic sensor system;
  • A control device that processes all information received from sensors;
  • Hoverboard body;
  • Lithium-ion battery.

Depending on the model, the hoverboard may contain additional devices: information display, control panel, Bluetooth module, speakers for playing music, lighting fixtures etc.

Operating principle

When the center of gravity of the body moves forward, gyroscopic sensors detect this movement and the motor begins to rotate forward. Accordingly, when the body tilts forward, the device moves straight. By leaning back, the user sets the movement in the opposite direction. When you transfer your body weight to one leg, only one motor turns on and, as a result, the hoverboard turns. All actions of the control device and motors occur in a fraction of a second. Often, after a few minutes of practice, the user can already confidently stand on the hoverboard.


In many countries, the operation of hoverboards and hoverboards has been banned both on roads and on sidewalks. For example, a similar ban applies in the UK (their use is allowed only in private areas with the consent of the owner).

Dozens of reports of spontaneous combustion indicate that low-quality lithium batteries used in inexpensive hoverboards can ignite both during charging and during use. Several airlines have already banned the carriage of hoverboards in the cabin and in luggage due to the risk of spontaneous combustion. Amazon has banned the sale of several models on its store.

Falls from hoverboards can cause serious injuries, including fractures.

Off-road hoverboard (mini Segway) Smart Balance 10 Wheel SUV with bluetooth speakers, SAMSUNG batteries and remote control!

This device has 10 inch inflatable wheels and is more adapted for driving on roads, while hoverboards with 6-8-inch non-inflatable wheels are more designed for riding indoors or on smooth surfaces.

So, the benefits Smart Balance 10 Wheel SUV compared to Chic Smart (Smart Balance):
✔ Wheels with a diameter of 10 inches (for Smart like Chic Smart or Smart Balance they have a diameter of 6 inches)
✔ Higher suspension, now you can not be afraid to drive into holes or drive over obstacles.
✔ Due to the air-inflated wheels, the service life of the metal base of the Mini Segway increases, as vibration when riding is reduced and the ride becomes smoother.
✔ Smart Balance 10 Wheel SUV has thicker and more durable plastic.
✔ The bright design of the Smart Balance Wheel SUV hoverboard will not leave anyone indifferent.
The Mini Segway Smart Balance Wheel SUV is heavier than the Mini Segway of the Chic Smart or Smart Balance type - its weight is 13.5 kg (the weight of the Chic Smart / Smart Balance is 10 kg).
Based on our experience, we believe that the Mini Segway Smart Wheel SUV clearly wins over the Chic Smart and Smart Balance. The height of the suspension is a sufficient argument, and at the same time, the long life of the metal base of the device, due to the reduction of vibration, the appearance of a smooth ride! Not to mention the more durable and thicker plastic.
The Smart Balance Wheel SAV hoverboard is equipped with light signals; the front light can illuminate small sections of the road to avoid obstacles in the dark.

Based on the principle of dynamic balance, it can move forward, backward and stop freely. Simple controls, mobility and ease of use - all this is ideal for using this device on the roads.

How a hoverboard works and how it works

A hoverboard is a compact two-wheeled vehicle with an electric drive powered by a battery.

The main design elements of a hoverboard:

  • two wheels;
  • foot platform with two pedals;
  • two electric motors (one for each wheel);
  • battery;
  • gyroscope and sensor set;
  • control electronics.

The device is very mobile and maneuverable. He is able to move forward and backward, as well as turn left and right. The speed of the hoverboard can reach 10-15 kilometers per hour.

Externally, the device has a very simple and compact design. Its weight usually does not exceed 10 kilograms. This makes the hoverboard not only very functional, but also easy to carry and transport. It fits in the trunk of a car without any problems. As a last resort, you can safely take your vehicle under your arm and ride with it on the metro or trolleybus.

Operating principle of a hoverboard

What truly makes a hoverboard a special means of transportation is its unique operating principle. The user stands on the platform and controls the device, slightly changing the position of his body. For the device to move, it is enough to lean forward slightly, transferring your body weight to your toes and pressing evenly on the pedals. To reverse, the user needs to lean back slightly. By changing the angle of the body, you can easily adjust the speed of the hoverboard. Returning to the original vertical position, you stop the device.

Maneuvering the hoverboard is also very easy. To do this, it is enough to shift your body weight by slightly increasing the pressure on the corresponding (right or left) pedal on the platform.

The high-precision gyroscope reacts sensitively to any change in the user’s body position. The electronic control system seeks to restore balance and turns on the electric motor in the desired mode. Thanks to this, high maneuverability is achieved. You will be able to master the control of a hoverboard in the shortest possible time and will quickly become a real ace. Then you'll be surprised how mobile this little piece of tech makes you.


From the outside it may seem that the person on the hoverboard is not in the most stable and reliable position. However, in fact, this is not at all the case. The applied principle of dynamic balancing ensures that the electric motor itself maintains optimal balance. This makes it almost impossible to fall off the hoverboard. We can say that riding it is much safer than riding a bicycle. Therefore, the device can be used by both adult users and children.

Why buy a hoverboard?

So, why should you definitely buy a hoverboard:

  • It will give you unprecedented mobility. The wheels of the hoverboard easily overcome uneven surfaces, small curbs, stones and other small obstacles. It can easily pass where a car cannot, and quickly get you to work or an important meeting.
  • Riding a hoverboard brings great pleasure. With it you can take pleasant walks alone or with a whole group.
  • It is very portable and can easily be placed in the trunk of a car. Tired of riding? No problem, just take the hoverboard under your arm and go further by transport.
  • The hoverboard is safe and easy to operate. Thanks to this, it is quite suitable for children and teenagers.
  • Finally, a hoverboard is very stylish and fashionable.

Buy a hoverboard and you will find out what true mobility and freedom of movement are!

Attention! Hoverboards manufacturer Smart Balance are supplied to our stores by different suppliers, who reserve the right to repackage the goods in their own boxes, print their own instructions, as well as warranty cards. The name on the box and in the instructions may be Smart Balance, Falcon, Leadway, Novelty Electronics, Roadweller, CROSSWAY, Palmexx, etc.

Warranty period for a hoverboard – 12 months
Battery life: 6 months.


Unicycle- an electric self-balancing scooter (unicycle) with one wheel and footrests located on both sides of the wheel. The scooter uses various sensors, gyroscopes and accelerometers along with an electric motor for automatic balancing, controlled by body tilt.


The wheel is in a plastic case with a handle for carrying the device. On the top panel there is an on/off button, a battery charge indicator and a charging connector. On the right and left there are two symmetrical footrests on which the rider stands. The footrests of unicycles are usually folded for easy portability of the device. Inside the unicycle there is a powerful (250-2000 W) electric motor, gyroscopes that regulate the balance of the wheel, and rechargeable batteries. The unicycle has neither a back nor a front side; the operation of the device is completely symmetrical.

Operating principle

When the power is turned on, the gyroscopes begin to work and align the wheel relative to the axis, thereby maintaining balance. The rider needs to maintain balance relative to the wheel. When the center of gravity moves forward, the segwheel picks up speed, backwards it slows down or changes direction. When coming to a complete stop, the user of the device must lean on his leg.


The world's first unicycle appeared in the early 2010s in the USA. It was manufactured by Inventist under the Solowheel brand. This vehicle soon became popular with various manufacturers. The unicycle is most common in China, where it is used as daily urban transport, as well as during walks. The unicycle market is also most saturated in China, where all the major manufacturers of such devices have settled. One of the largest manufacturers of unicycles is the company Ninebot, famous for that a few years earlier she bought the Segway company, a developer of another type of self-balancing transport.


Today there are many different models of unicycles. Most of them have similar parameters:

  • Weight: 8.5 - 22 kg
  • Maximum speed: 10 - 35 km/h
  • Travel range on one charge: 10 - 130 km.
  • Wheel diameter: 12,14,16 inches (occasionally 18 inches or more)
  • Additionally: Bluetooth speaker, FM radio, headlights, removable wheels for learning to drive.


Electric scooters, including unicycles, cannot be used on roads in some countries. Using unicycles requires wearing protective equipment due to the danger of falls. In Russia, the use of unicycles is not regulated in any way, and the rider is treated like a pedestrian. One of the dangers of riding a unicycle is hitting a small obstacle: in this case, the wheel slows down sharply and cannot keep up with the rider who has leaned forward due to inertia, causing him to fall. From this point of view, the safest are the most powerful unicycles, since high instantaneous power allows the wheel to sharply accelerate and “drive up” under a person leaning forward.

The electric wheel is a new, unique and already widespread form of transportation. It first appeared in 2010 in America. It was developed by an American inventor, a native of China. Now electric wheels are actively entering our daily life. If you often travel around the world, you have probably seen the happy owners of these wheels. Those who leisurely stroll on them with their friends, or ride in city parks. You can ride on electric wheels in virtually any weather, because the temperature at which it operates correctly ranges from -10 to +40 degrees.

The pleasure of riding an electric wheel

The delights of its operation can only be experienced by yourself, since you can go on and on about what sensations and emotions you will experience from driving this vehicle. In our century, when humanity began to care about the environment, this transport has become simply irreplaceable. We can say with complete confidence that this is the transport of tomorrow. Already, the majority of residents in developed countries such as China and the United States prefer electric wheels to conventional transport. Since they are very mobile and can be taken with you anywhere. This little electric miracle can be carried on public transport due to its light weight and small size.

An electric wheel for everyone!

If you think that this modern gadget is very expensive and you can’t afford it, you are mistaken. The cost of this small modern miracle varies from 16 to 70 thousand rubles. Therefore, even if you do not have a big budget, you can afford it. It will also be an excellent gift for any occasion, such as a wedding, anniversary, birthday. This gift is suitable for any category of citizens. Please your family and friends with such a modern and very functional gift!



The two wheels of the Segway are located coaxially. The Segway automatically balances as the rider's body position changes; For this purpose, an indicator stabilization system is used: signals from gyroscopic and liquid tilt sensors are sent to microprocessors, which generate electrical signals that act on the motors and control their movements. Each wheel of the Segway is driven by its own electric motor, which reacts to changes in the balance of the machine.

When the rider's body tilts forward, the Segway begins to roll forward, and as the angle of the rider's body increases, the speed of the Segway increases. When the body leans back, the scooter slows down, stops, or rolls in reverse. Steering in the first model occurs using a rotary handle, in new models - by swinging the column left and right.

The Segway reaches a speed of about 50 km/h and has own weight about 40 kg (without battery), its width is 60 cm, and permissible load- 140 kg. The battery provides a range of up to 39 km. These figures may vary depending on the model. Compact but quite powerful (2 hp) electric motors have been developed specifically for equipping the Segway device with them. Each of them is connected to its own wheel through a gearbox. The machine can move not only on asphalt, but also on the ground.

The inventor spent about ten years developing the Segway, presented to the public in 2001.

It can drive through even the narrowest roads. This device has two batteries and their full charge can travel up to 38 km. Its sensors and two accelerometers can sense movement as soon as you move. They fire 100 times every 1 second. (During this time you won’t even have time to blink that many times). In just a few minutes you will be able to master this electronic device, which you will hardly be able to give up later or even imagine your life at all. “Segway” technologies: this device has a balancing system that can easily keep a person in balance. You are able to control it simply by moving the center of gravity of your body.


Today in the United States, Segways are used by postal workers, golfers and many others. Patrol police officers rated the Segways' speed, maneuverability and height; Segway police are similar to mounted police ( English) and is used where the horse does not fit in, and to restrain the crowd ( English) is not necessary (for example, at airports). Experienced Steadicam operators use Segways to quickly move around the set without shaking. The concept of a "car-free city" is popular among some intellectuals in the United States, who see the car as a device harmful to nature and society as a whole, and therefore the idea of ​​​​getting around the city on an electric scooter has been received with great enthusiasm in the media. However, the rather high cost of the device, comparable to the price of a cheap car, led to a gradual decline in interest in the device among the public. In addition, more primitive versions of the device - without gyroscopic stabilization and with four wheels - are available for a quarter of the price of a Segway.

In Russia, Segways are used by police in Naberezhnye Chelny and Moscow (Bauman Garden, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve).

The SuperSegway company, which sells and rents Segways, has assembled an ensemble in Armenia that dances on Segways. Both hands of the Segway dancer are free, control is done with the knees.

Segways on public roads

Segways do not fit into the modern road network: the driver of a Segway on the roadway is at risk, and on the sidewalk it puts pedestrians in danger. Therefore, there are laws restricting the use of Segways (in different countries they differ).

A number of US states have passed laws allowing Segways to be ridden on sidewalks. It should be expected that rising gasoline prices will lead to a further increase in sales of this type of transport. Organizations that protect the rights of pedestrians in the United States also received the innovation without enthusiasm due to the danger of turning sidewalks into roads for vehicles, which will bring nothing but harm to pedestrians.

In other countries:

  • Allowed: in many countries of the world.
  • They are equivalent to bicycles, especially where there are separate bicycle paths: Sweden, Saarland in Germany.
  • Off the sidewalk are considered the same as motorized wheelchairs (and therefore are allowed for certain categories of people): Netherlands.
  • Off the sidewalk, they are considered mopeds (that is, they must be equipped with license plates and a full set of external lighting devices; drivers require a certain age and compulsory motor insurance): Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan.
  • Banned until law is passed: Australia, UK, New Zealand.

In some countries with developed cycling infrastructure (for example, Germany), laws are being considered that would equate Segways to bicycles.

Homemade Segway

The appearance of the Segway could not help but touch technology lovers. Attempts have begun to make a self-balancing robot - and even full-size Segways capable of carrying a person. For example, Trevor Blackwell’s website humorously describes “the difference between a Rolls-Royce and a Ford T.”

Canadian Ben Gulak has built an electric unicycle that operates on the principle of a Segway. Uno with two wheels located very close to each other. Something between a Segway and a motorcycle, it reaches speeds of up to 40 km/h and can therefore be driven on roads public use. The only controls are the “on/off” switch; the unicycle is controlled by tilting the body.

Another device based on the same technology, but with only one wheel, was presented by Slovenian inventor Aleksander Polutnik. This is an Enicycle motorized unicycle. Enicycle is equipped with an electric battery designed to last for about 3 hours and an electric motor built into the single wheel. The balance in the saddle is monitored by a gyroscope and suspension - a shock absorber with a spring. The control principle is exactly the same as that of a Segway.


On September 27, 2010, 62-year-old millionaire Jimi Heselden, owner of the Segway company, died while riding a Segway. He lost control and fell off a cliff into the River Wharf (Great Britain).

What is a Segway? This is a two-wheeled miracle, thanks to which a person can move while standing still. It is quite compact, fast and easy to use. Even a child can operate this vehicle, and in terms of maneuverability, a Segway can surpass a cyclist and even a pedestrian. It quickly and easily turns on the spot and quickly picks up speed. Since the Segway runs on electricity, it is charged from a regular household outlet. You can charge it in any shopping center or cafe. Do you want to amaze your children or friends? Then Segway is what you need. It does not pollute the environment with its exhausts, i.e. is environmentally friendly. He is silent.

Segway protection

The Segway has an electric key, it’s called “InfoKey”, it will be an anti-theft system for you. If you put your electronic vehicle in security mode, in the event of an attempted theft, the siren will turn on and the platform will begin to vibrate. Each controller is original. You can take it with you and view information about the battery level, driving speed, operation and system capabilities. A Segway is an excellent means of transportation, which, most likely, everyone will have in the future, and very soon we will not be able to imagine ourselves without it.

Instead of waiting for several hours in the cold for a bus, you can plan the most convenient route in advance. “iWhereBus” will help with this. With its help, you can find the nearest stops, find out the route of any bus, study the metro map and get directions on any transport.


You can find your way from home to work and to any other place even without an Internet connection.

Thanks to augmented reality, you can simply rotate your phone in space and see on the camera where the stop you need is located.


Inconvenient visualization of the routing function.

Disgustingly implemented routing in the metro - unlike Yandex.Metro, here you can’t even choose an alternative route.

The built-in metro map is not presented in a format familiar to any person, but in the form of an alphabetical list of stations.

There is no rubricator in the “Routes” section. To see trolleybus routes, you have to scroll down for a very long time on absolutely all bus routes.

"Moscow Transport"

A universal application for motorists, pedestrians and public transport passengers, developed by the Moscow government. Here you can find out about the presence of traffic police fines, check any taxi driver by car number for a work permit, find out where your car was towed, as well as get directions, find out the location of parking lots, gas stations, public transport stops and much more.

This application even has the ability to send messages to drivers by car number - however, for this they must be in the application database. But, unfortunately, from the popular implementation of all the good ideas, it is clear that the developers know very little about the logic of application navigation.


Things could have been much worse.

In the “Filters” section you can find out the location of all points useful for a traveler, from gas stations to public transport stops.

In the “Help” section, news about the situation on the roads is regularly updated, as well as traffic rules, travel costs various types transport and much more.


A terrible metro map, inferior in all respects to Yandex.Metro. When I tried to use it, it froze forever.

Terrible functionality and terrible Soviet design, developed under Leonid Ilyich.

Users report outdated information about parking spaces.

It is possible to display non-existent fines that are not available on the traffic police website.

The application as a whole does not live up to its name, since it does not provide useful information and significant amenities for people using public transport.

"Moscow Parking"

The most important obstacle to moving around the city on foot is most often a car - either one that prevents you from crossing a pedestrian crossing, or your own, which does not allow you to jump out into the fresh air and make the rest of the way under the flowering crowns of fragrant linden trees. This application will help you instantly and painlessly get rid of your tired car: by opening “Moscow Parking”, you will see the location of all parking lots in the city, you can leave your car in one of them and walk the rest of the way.


All lovers additional information will find in the application the number, address and cost of parking, as well as the number of remaining spaces.

When navigating the map, the number of parking lots in different areas is displayed.

If desired, you can enable a filter on the map by cost, number of remaining seats and other parameters.


When paying for parking and topping up your parking account through the app, be prepared to sacrifice a few percent for the commission.

The information in the application is not updated very quickly, so be prepared to run around looking for a parking meter or a long-demolished parking lot.

According to users, money debited from the account sometimes does not reach the recipient, as a result of which you may incur fines for non-payment.

Road Bike


Road Bike shows all nearby cycling routes on the map - this is the main plus for which you can already launch the application.

If you decide to leave the Internet world for a while, you can download part of the map for offline use.

Statistics lovers will find here everything you can calculate while riding a bicycle. There's even a compass and weather.



Unfortunately, aimless walks around the city tend to get boring quickly. Therefore, anyone who wants to breathe fresh air for as long as possible at all costs can plan a route that even the greatest tour guides in the country have never thought about. With a list of 38 routes, you can quickly get detailed information about each and immediately hit the road.

For curious guests and residents of the capital, there is a not-so-terrible alternative from the Moscow government, with audio tours: “Discover Moscow” (iOs, Android, Windows Phone).


Depending on your interests, routes can be ranked by purpose: sightseeing, shopping, romantic walk, and so on.

In the “Events” section you can bring yourself up to date with current cultural events, see their location on the map and set a reminder.

Augmented reality will save you from having to fiddle with the map.

Each route has detailed information with length, required time, nearest metro stations and detailed description.

Simply by turning your phone horizontally, you can see photos of the selected route.


Internet access is required for the application to function fully.

Currently there is no possibility to create and add your own routes.

"Audio guide"

A good alternative to silent and thoughtless walks along the historical streets of Moscow. Currently, several versions of the application are available in the App Store with routes along Triumfalnaya and Tverskaya squares, Ostozhenka, Gogolevsky Boulevard and Tverskaya. Once you are nearby, don’t be lazy to turn on one of these audio guides in your headphones, and, as Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Alexey Borzunov, responsible for the voice acting of the application, said, you will immediately forget even about the bad weather.

Just recently, for a Russian child, high-quality roller skates or an ordinary skateboard were the ultimate dream. They were asked for birthdays and waited for a whole year, so that later with their heads held high they could ride through the yard, street or city center.

Now, if children ask their parents for some kind of means of transportation, adults increasingly have to go online to see what their beloved child wants.

And adults themselves, who grew up in the nineties, do not shy away from the craze for rollerblades and skates. exotic species transport. Such “adults” are now called indiscriminately. But they are not offended and continue to cross skateboards with bicycles, attaching an electric motor to this “little beast”, equipping skateboards with 14 wheels, lengthening the board, increasing the wheels...

In general, we’ll try to understand the unusual types of transport popular among “hipsters” today, which will make you turn around, become interested, and maybe even go online.


Let's start with one of the most popular of the unusual ways to get around the city - roller surfing. This is a combination of surfing, snowboarding and skateboarding on wheels. The rollersurf has two platforms that are connected to each other using a torsion spring. Rollers with wheels, the radius of rotation of which is 360 degrees, are located at an angle and are attached to the platforms.

It sounds too abstruse, so it’s better to just watch a video of how you can ride around the city on this vehicle, constantly moving your legs back and forth very often. Despite the apparent clumsiness, when riding a roller surf, you can get a lot of thrills, which is why this type of transport has become popular among young people.

Three-wheeled scooter

Hipsters wouldn't be hipsters if they didn't find a way to modify the most ordinary scooter. The solution turned out to be terribly banal - increase the number of wheels. But hipsters wouldn't be hipsters if they just attached three wheels to a scooter. No, there are also such varieties of this transport, but they won’t surprise anyone.

The “hipster” three-wheeled scooter has a fundamentally new design. There is not one frame leading to the rack with the steering wheel, but two. Moreover, both of these frames, at the other ends of which there is a wheel, can move horizontally. Acceleration occurs not due to repulsion from the asphalt with the foot, but due to the movement and extension of the legs.

A three-wheeled scooter is not the fastest form of transport on a flat surface, but it works the thigh muscles very well, especially the muscles on the inner surface.


As those who know English have already understood, we will talk about a means of transportation around the city using jumps. “Jumper” is translated from English as jumper.

The transport, called “jumpers,” are two spring structures that are tightly attached to both legs, reminiscent of bizarre-looking low stilts. But if ordinary stilts increase the speed of movement by increasing the step length, then jumpers use the energy of a jump. By pushing off the ground, you can jump forward a couple of meters - and this is in just one step. From the outside, a person moving on jumpers looks like a cross between an ostrich and a kangaroo. And besides significant acceleration, the jumper experiences sharp, unique sensations.

The longboard is one of the most popular types of advanced skateboards. It has a surface that is increased both in length and width, on which it is comfortable to stand and easier, compared to a standard skateboard, to maintain balance.

The wheels, when compared to a skateboard, are also larger, which provides greater cross-country ability and less discomfort when moving on the not always smooth asphalt surface of the city.

Longboard. Photo: flickr.com / Fermín R.F. Segway is one of the most unusual, but already firmly established in our world, types of transport. Just five years ago, an ordinary Russian could be surprised by a video of a person standing vertically on some structure of two parallel wheels and a steering wheel, like a scooter or scooter, leaning forward, driving at high speed, and the wheels are driven by an electric motor. And today Segways can be seen in almost every second park.

True, until the Segway turned into individual remedy movement. It is reliable, fast and comfortable after a few workouts, but it is too expensive. Therefore, for now, the possibility of traveling on it comes down to renting it for a short time - to have fun.

Segway. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

If we have already moved to motorized modes of transport, then we cannot help but recall electric bicycles. The answer to the question of what it is lies in the name itself. An electric bicycle is an almost ordinary bicycle to which an electric motor has been adapted.

Depending on the power of the motor, an electric bicycle can be either a regular form of transport for moving around the park or a serious means of transportation on city highways, reaching speeds no less than those of cars.

An electric bicycle, with all its lightweight design, can serve as a means of transportation over considerable distances. And you can charge it both at home and at work. This is what makes it so popular.

Electric bike. Photo: flickr.com / Hans Dorsch

Electric scooter

The essence of an electric scooter is approximately the same as that of an electric bicycle. It’s just that the motor is smaller, has less power and is attached not to a bicycle, but to a standard scooter.

Such scooters develop greater speed compared to conventional scooters and do not force their owner to waste extra effort. Getting to work with them is more than convenient. And its light weight and small size allow you to easily take it with you on the bus or the subway.

A relatively long-known form of transport is roller skiing. As you might guess, this type of transport is ordinary skis with a reinforced structure, to which wheels are attached at both ends of the ski. You can move on them in the same way as on regular skis, with the help of poles.

But if earlier roller skis were the prerogative professional athletes, who, with their help, kept fit in the summer in order to winter season come fully armed, now these skis are gaining popularity among the general population.

True, it’s not very convenient to move around the city with them - you’ll constantly cling to passers-by. But if you have a place in mind with a lot of free space, smooth asphalt and a minimum number of obstacles, then you can try roller skating.

Roller skis. Photo: flickr.com/DuluthXC

Another one of modern species a type of transport that is gaining popularity is the speedboard. This is one of the types of longboard, which is designed for downhill from the mountain.

What distinguishes a speedboard from a longboard is its more rigid design, designed for increased loads, high speed bearings mounted on wheels, and a special surface design that is as close as possible to the ground - even below the level of the wheels. This is done in order to lower the center of gravity and thereby increase the stability and controllability of the device at high speed.

This type of transport requires a more or less free long slope with excellent, smooth asphalt.

Speedboard. Photo: flickr.com / Taylor Barrett


A revolutionary form of urban transport is the bikeboard. It is a symbiosis of a bicycle, a scooter and a skateboard.

Its front wheel resembles a bicycle, although it turns out to be slightly smaller when compared. This wheel is controlled by the steering wheel. A board is attached to the front structure, on which there will be a person accelerating with kicks. Rear wheels may have different structures. They can be like a skateboard - two small wheels on one axis. But instead of them there may be another one similar to a bicycle wheel.

The first option is more authentic and retains more of the skateboard look. The second is more practical and has greater cross-country ability.

bicycle skateboard

Judging by the name, one would think that a bicycle skateboard is the same as the bikeboard described a little earlier. But in fact, this type of transport is absolutely unique.

Actually it's two big wheels, reminiscent of bicycles, only without spokes. They are connected to each other by a frame, like a roller surf. The surfaces on which the wearer's feet rest are located on the inner radius of the wheel. It's like you're putting wheels on your feet. The design is driven by the same serpentine motion as a roller surf. The only difference is greater cross-country ability. This type of transport has not yet gained great popularity in our country, but it is still ahead.


The name of this type of skateboard comes from the English snake - snake. The board really resembles a snake, as it consists of three surfaces alternately connected to each other. These surfaces can move, so when moving, the board seems to wriggle, like a snake does.

On a snakeboard, you can accelerate both by pushing off the asphalt with your feet, and by imitating the already familiar “snake”, which is used in roller surfs and bicycle skateboards.


As we understand, the name of the balance bike comes from two words: “run” and “bicycle”. Hence the intuitive understanding of the mechanism of this vehicle. It should look like a bicycle, but with all this you will also have to work with your legs.

That's how it is. This one is more childish look transport is an ordinary bicycle, which is missing one important part - pedals. Sitting on a regular saddle, the child should simply push off the asphalt with his feet, setting the bike in motion.


One of the most unusual types of skateboards is the flowboard. If you look from above, you can generally confuse this board with a regular skate - both in size and shape it is very similar.

The difference is in the wheels. Instead of the standard four wheels of a skateboard, a flowboard has... fourteen. They are located in two rows in the same places as the skateboard. This unusual design increases the maneuverability of the skateboard, but you still need to get used to it.