Beautiful figure after childbirth. Dream or reality? Ideal figure after childbirth

Obstetrician-gynecologist, highest category, endocrinologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor, specialist in the field of aesthetic gynecology Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in modern methods of evidence-based gynecology Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor, candidate of medical sciences, specialist in the field of aesthetic gynecology Make an appointment

Pregnancy and childbirth are ordeal not only for all systems and organs of a woman, but also for her figure. Unfortunately, most often, looking at herself in the mirror after giving birth, a young mother experiences more grief than joy. At the same time, the list of complaints that women make about their own figure is approximately the same for everyone.

Most often, young mothers are upset by weight gain that does not disappear immediately after childbirth. Although, if you think about it, it becomes clear that this is exactly how it should be.

The weight that a woman’s body has gained over 9 months cannot come off overnight. Nature is prudent, so the weight that a woman gains during pregnancy is not only the weight of the child, placenta and uterus. This is also a fat “reserve”, which is necessary so that in case of hunger a woman can feed her baby with breast milk for some time using her “own reserves”.

Therefore, you cannot expect that your weight will return to normal immediately after childbirth. In order to completely bring it to the “pre-pregnancy” state, without causing damage to her health, a woman needs approximately the same 9 months that were needed to gain this weight.

Moreover, doctors do not recommend that nursing mothers go on any diets. The nutrition of a woman who is breastfeeding should be balanced and sufficient. Theoretically, a nursing mother, if her weight before and during pregnancy was within the normal range, needs 500 - 600 extra calories per day to ensure normal nutrition for yourself and your child. Accordingly, if the mother’s weight before and during pregnancy was below normal, then during feeding she needs more calories, but if the weight was lower, then less.

Another thing is that a nursing mother, just like a pregnant woman, does not need to eat for two and lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is these two circumstances that, as a rule, influence the fact that weight after childbirth does not decrease as it should.

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Normally, weight loss after childbirth should be approximately 1 kg per month - this will not harm the mother’s health and will soon give tangible results. Let us repeat that much depends on the efforts of the woman herself.

In order to lose weight after childbirth, you must not abuse high-calorie foods and devote at least an hour a day to physical activity.

For a young mother, if the birth took place without complications, you can start doing postpartum exercises in the first weeks after the birth of the baby. It is very useful to dance, swim, or at least walk quickly with a child in a baby carrier or stroller. Can be done gymnastic exercises, aimed at losing weight and strengthening the necessary muscle groups. However, it is necessary to ensure that exercise does not cause pain in the breast area - now this is the most vulnerable organ of a young mother.

The combination of a healthy and moderate diet with an active lifestyle and exercise will help you lose weight after childbirth by about the ninth month of your baby’s life.

By the way, breastfeeding, contrary to myths common among women, does not prevent, but promotes weight loss! It was for feeding that the body accumulated fats during pregnancy, so now, by giving them away, it loses weight easily and naturally. Of course, we are talking only about those mothers whose obesity does not depend on hormonal disorders that developed during pregnancy or in the postpartum period.

In this case, the excess weight loss program must be agreed upon with an endocrinologist and be prepared for the fact that medical intervention may be necessary.

In addition to weight gain after childbirth, many young mothers are also concerned that their figure has changed in appearance after childbirth: the waist has become wider, the chest has become more massive, the stomach and legs have become more flabby. There are also reasons for such changes in appearance.

The fact is that during pregnancy, a woman’s body not only accumulates fat, but also distributes it slightly differently than before pregnancy. In particular, the protruding belly, which is so frustrating for most new mothers, did not become so only because the muscles were stretched during childbirth.

Even during pregnancy, fat was deposited in this area of ​​the body, necessary to protect the fetus in the event of a fall or injury to the mother. So, all changes in your figure after childbirth should be treated with respect, because this does not in the least interfere with trying to eliminate the consequences of these changes.

Many women, looking at their figure after childbirth, complain about cellulite and sagging legs and buttocks that appeared after childbirth. This is also not surprising. The main reason for the formation of the notorious “ orange peel“after childbirth is the effect of female sex hormones estrogen, the level of which increases significantly during pregnancy.

If flabby muscles of the buttocks and legs can be dealt with by increasing physical activity, then cellulite is a reason to consult a cosmetologist. To combat this scourge, many ways have been invented - from massage to the use of special creams.

Cellulite is treated using herbal medicine, acupuncture, lipolysis (when electrodes are inserted under the skin into the “thickness” of cellulite, and the current destroys accumulated fat), lymphatic drainage (decomposed fat is removed with excess water), myostimulation (muscle training using electrical charges), ultrasound, mesotherapy, pressotherapy (impact on lymphatic system compressed air, which allows you to get rid of edema and significantly reduce body volume).

However, in order to find a method that will be effective for a particular woman, you need to find out exactly the cause of cellulite, and only a specialist can do this.

Another problem with your figure after childbirth, for which it is better to consult a professional cosmetologist, is the appearance of stretch marks (striae) on the skin of the abdomen, chest or thighs. A cosmetologist will help you choose suitable method effects on stretch marks - for some, a special cream will give optimal results, for others, more decisive measures are needed, and for others, stretch marks will go away on their own two to three months after birth.

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Breasts are also a frequent reason for quiet sighs, or even bitter tears, for a young mother. Of course, a breastfeeding woman’s breasts do not look like a girl’s, but if you use the right bra and do simple exercises for the muscles shoulder girdle she may become even more beautiful than she was. In addition, you need to monitor your posture all the time - very often the chest sags and the stomach protrudes for this very reason.

Finally, the already mentioned saggy belly and lack of waist cause a lot of trouble to young mothers. During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles stretched, the abs weakened, and fat layer She just doesn’t want to get out of her stomach on her own.

Therefore, it would be good to pay special attention to the stomach after childbirth. Exercises for the abdominal muscles should be aimed at reducing the percentage of fat while increasing muscle strength abdominals, giving them the desired shape.

However, we repeat that there is no need to rush. Doctors believe that you can do exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles only 6-8 weeks after natural childbirth and no earlier than 2-2.5 months after caesarean section.

It is imperative to maintain this period, because in earlier stages, stress on the abdomen can lead to many troubles, including suture dehiscence after a cesarean section or after suturing the perineum, increased intra-abdominal pressure and prolapse of the vaginal walls.

By the way, you don’t have to think that the stomach will be the same as immediately after childbirth, until the moment when the woman begins to pump up her abs. Not at all. For several weeks after birth, muscles abdominal wall contract themselves, even without special load. So you should be patient and start the fight against excess volumes and kilograms not with intense exercise, but again by eliminating sweets, fatty, fried, and other high-calorie foods from your diet.

When you can give yourself a load on your abdominal muscles, you can start doing exercises for your abdominal muscles. You can practice at home, you can attend shaping classes in sports club- it depends on the preferences of the young mother, her availability of free time and assistants with whom she can leave the child for a while.

On the one hand, classes at the club are good because they allow a woman to completely concentrate on herself, without listening to what is happening in the nursery. On the other hand, not every woman after giving birth can afford to spend 3-4 hours a week outside the home. There are specially designed complexes for such mothers. simple exercises, by performing which it is quite possible to achieve good results, in particular, to ensure that the stomach becomes flat after childbirth, and at home.

Dancing will also help to make your stomach flat after childbirth and your waist thin, and you can dance at home, with a child in your arms. Good result can bring the use of simple and well-known exercise equipment like a “health disk” or a simple hoop.

Let us repeat once again that a very important component of the figure is posture. During pregnancy, a woman gets used to standing and walking with a shifted center of gravity, when her stomach is pushed forward and her back is thrown back. After giving birth, you need to get rid of this habit as soon as possible.

To form correct posture it must be constantly monitored and supported with special exercises- it is useful to swim, walk with a book or some other light object on your head. After all, straight, correct posture is not only beautiful figure, this is the health of the spine, which is much more important for a nursing mother after childbirth.

When starting the struggle for an ideal figure after childbirth, there is no need to force things and immediately give yourself maximum stress. Everything should happen gradually and bring pleasure to the youngest mother. Moreover, healthy image life, which is necessary when forming a beautiful figure after childbirth, will have to accompany the young mother not only after childbirth, but preferably throughout her entire life.

The period after childbirth is a great time to start life again, not only because you now have a baby in your arms, but also because, having become a mother, a woman wants to become the most beautiful mother in the world. And most women after childbirth are quite capable of this if they believe in themselves and enjoy all their achievements.

The cosmetologists of our medical center “Euromedprestige” are always happy to help you in this difficult matter. Young mothers in our center can undergo a course of procedures aimed at restoring their figure after childbirth, these are: a thalasso weight loss program, getting rid of cellulite crust, a hydromassage bath, body wrap and much more.

Indispensable assistance in restoring correct posture, relieving tension in the spine, and back pain during the postpartum period will be provided by the procedures of a chiropractor or osteopath.

Young mothers can count on qualified assistance from an endocrinologist who will help get rid of excess weight accumulated during pregnancy and adjust the body’s hormonal levels.

One of the advantages of Euromedprestige is the opportunity to visit doctors of different specialties within one center, which significantly saves time and money for young parents. A set of procedures for restoring your figure after childbirth is compiled according to individual program aimed at preserving and maintaining the beauty and health of a young mother.

After pregnancy and childbirth female figure is changing, no one will argue with that. Sometimes these changes are not noticeable to anyone except the woman herself, but sometimes they are noticeable to everyone. It happens that they make the mother and her other half happy, but sometimes they upset them. In the second case, the mother who does not want to put up with unpleasant changes comes up with the idea of ​​turning to plastic surgery. How can she help?

Here, qualified doctors, modern equipment and high-quality materials will provide a solution to your problem at high level. And an individual selection of an endoprosthesis will make the changes in your breasts as natural as possible.

After this operation, you will be able to return to work within a few days. However, in early dates After the operation, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions: a gentle regimen, limiting physical activity and active sexual life. In addition, for several months you will have to forget about the existence of baths and saunas.

Traces of surgical intervention will decrease over time and turn into a thin, almost invisible white line, which, due to its location in the natural fold of the skin, will not be noticeable to others.

The birth of a child is a miracle that changes a woman’s life. Sometimes after the birth of a baby, even his mother’s facial features change.

However, most often pregnancy and childbirth leave their visible mark on the body: overweight or thinness, decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin, the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.

Young mothers are sometimes faced with a whole list of these problems. Some become depressed, others do not see this as a problem, and others begin to actively fight for their former forms.

Most models and stars of other professions amaze with their appearance already a couple of months after giving birth. And this is not surprising: looking good is their profession. Therefore, they know many secrets and tricks to help them recover.

Avoid gaining extra pounds during pregnancy

Several stars chose this path: Blake Lovely (1 child), Victoria Beckham (4 children), Beyoncé (1 child), Natalia Vodianova (4 children) and Gisele Bündchen (2 children). They all did not back down proper nutrition throughout the entire 9 months, and also did not give up physical activity, slightly changing its principles, and resumed training again just a few days after giving birth.

Model Natalia Vodianova, retained perfect body even after the fourth birth, during pregnancy she ate in her usual way: she ate a very hearty breakfast and preferred small portions for lunch and dinner.

Mother of many children Victoria Beckham each time during pregnancy I gained no more than 12 kg. Her secret is in the “5 palms” system: 5 times a day she eats a portion of food that fits in her palm. In addition, during pregnancy she did Pilates, and 5 days after giving birth she already completed her first 7-km run.

Read about how to eat right and not gain excess weight during pregnancy.

The Hollywood actress followed the example of mothers of many children. Blake Lovely, who recently gave birth to her first child. For 9 months, she ate fresh vegetables and fruits, lean venison and poultry, and worked out with a personal trainer several times a week.

Read an overview of fitness center offers for pregnant women

Her choice fell on exercises with a fitball, which helps to work out all muscle groups without heavy weights and stress on the lower back and knee joints. She also did not give up squats, lunges and jumping rope, which allowed her to maintain perfect hips.

Attention: When choosing exercises during pregnancy, it is necessary to completely avoid jumping or any vibration of the abdomen, as this can lead to placental abruption

The exercises helped improve my mood without fatty cakes and chocolate.

Another Hollywood yoga fan - Gisele Bündchen. She also excluded sugary drinks and starchy foods from her menu. By the end of her pregnancy, the Brazilian supermodel and Victoria's Secret Angel had gained 13 kg. The previous parameters and smartness returned within two months, which the girl demonstrated on the catwalk. Fast recovery Bündchen is the result of dance and martial arts training.

Beyoncé assures fans that the secret to her ideal shape after giving birth is intense physical activity, which she did not stop throughout pregnancy. The result is an ideal body just a few days after the birth of the child.

ABOUT important rules rules that must be observed when playing sports during pregnancy, read


This is what, according to some stars, helps to get back in shape within a couple of weeks after giving birth.

Angelina Jolie assures that feeding burns 400-500 kcal per day. However, it is no secret that the actress adheres to a low-calorie diet throughout her life. Her diet consists of fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits. She is also convinced that hot spices and seasonings are responsible for rapid metabolism.

Read about the use of spices and seasonings during pregnancy

The secret to perfect shape after childbirth breast-feeding the actress also calls Scarlett Johansson. Scarlet also claims that she does not sit on strict diets, but she always goes in for sports, and also takes care of the child herself, which also takes a lot of energy.


This is what allows the mother of 4 children, a 41-year-old model and actress, to stay in shape. Heidi Klum. Moreover, by sports she does not mean, but active recreation with children: games of football and baseball and swimming pool. The star loves to run, but does not accept strict diets. After 40 years, she gave up only bread and pasta.

The mother of 3 children, a former Victoria's Secret Angel, also focused on training and a sports lifestyle. Stephanie Seymour. At 46 years old former model looks perfect. Her secret to success is yoga, volleyball and legendary workouts, once developed specifically for Angels.

Read about yoga during pregnancy.

Shock therapy

Jennifer Lopez I experienced the joy of motherhood only at the age of 40.

During pregnancy she gained 22 kilograms.

However, today the actress and singer looks luxurious again. She didn’t deny herself anything for the entire 9 months, and then she didn’t deny herself anything. professional team specialists in the return of legendary forms.

Professional nutritionists, massage therapists, and trainers developed a comprehensive program for her, which included classes in gym, dance training and 5 meals a day.

For breakfast, oatmeal or low-fat cottage cheese, then yogurt, for lunch - lean meat, vegetables and seafood, for an afternoon snack of fruit and a milkshake, and for dinner - fish or meat with broccoli. At night, the actress allowed herself a glass of low-fat yogurt.

The current Victoria's Secret Angels also had to take serious measures.

Alessandra Ambrosio gained 27 kilograms after the birth of her first child, and Adriana Lima gained about 20.

Before pregnancy, both girls were on strict diets, and then decided not to deny themselves anything. And this was immediately reflected in their slender figures. However, the podium forced them to pull themselves together and quickly return their bodies to their former shape using the most severe methods.

Ambrosio I ate vegetable and protein dishes only 3 times a day and exercised intensively: exercise bike or bicycle, Pilates, yoga, running up the stairs. It was the latter, according to Ambrosio, that allowed her to get rid of not only excess weight, but also cellulite.

Adriana Lima I chose an even more stringent measure for getting rid of excess weight - daily 4-6 hour workouts. Every day she ran, worked out in the gym, went to boxing and stretching classes. Lima is sure that it was the latter that allowed her to overcome cellulite in just 2 months.

Gradual return to shape

Not giving up training during pregnancy and maintaining a healthy diet is worthy of respect.

Equally impressive are those who go from a relaxed lifestyle to a high-intensity lifestyle in a matter of weeks.

Many people think that this is natural for models and actresses. Looking great is the meaning of their life, the pillar of their professional success.

However, in Hollywood there is successful women who are not keen on diets and are in no hurry to return perfect shapes 3 weeks after pregnancy.

“There is a time for everything,” say Jennifer Love Hewitt and Reese Witherspoon.

Jennifer Love Hewitt claims that for her the opportunity to be with her daughter is more important than going to the gym. Therefore, she does not intend to devote all her efforts to restoring her figure and suddenly turn into a skinny young lady again.

Gradually returns to shape each time and mother of many childrenReese Witherspoon. The blonde is against diets and strict restrictions. She promotes moderation in diet. But she considers physical activity necessary, and simply adores it. She runs, does yoga, and attends cardio classes every day.

There would be a reason

This is how you can describe getting into shape after childbirth. Christina Aguilera. During both pregnancies, the girl mercilessly feasted on delicacies.

As a result - every time plus 20 kg.

After her first pregnancy, Aguilera’s figure shocked many, but the star herself claimed that she was happy with everything. However, the girl soon lost a lot of weight. The secret was simple - she fell in love!

During her second pregnancy, Aguilera again gained 20 kg, but this time she decided to get back in shape faster, using the Beckham system - food for one meal should fit in the palm of your hand.

Stars and reality

Of course, when getting back into shape, most stars use the services of professional massage therapists, nutritionists and trainers.

Read about recovery after childbirth

So Tracy Anderson, an instructor for Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, even created a smoothie recipe specifically for her pregnant clients. She is convinced that the cocktail will be an excellent and quick breakfast.

Do you want to try a magical drink? Then you will need a glass of raspberries, a glass of orange juice, 5 dates, a little less than a glass of Greek yogurt and 1/4 cup of oatmeal or flax. You can add ice. Beat with a blender and enjoy.

How to get in shape without Hollywood specialists? The secret is simple.

And, one way or another, each of the star mothers reveals it - working on oneself: healthy eating, physical activity and the desire to look like a catwalk girl!

How to lose weight after childbirth? Many young mothers dream of losing the excess weight gained during pregnancy. However approach the weight loss process you need to do it without fanaticism and with the understanding that you have had a child, your body has experienced stress, and the restructuring cannot be instantaneous. Now more than ever, it is important not to make the mistake of hoping to lose weight quickly using extreme measures. What rules should young mothers follow for achieving an ideal figure after childbirth?

Losing weight after childbirth: mistakes and obstacles

Birth of a child- a great miracle. For nine months, day after day, a woman raises a little man inside herself. Two hearts beat in her body, two lives tremble.

Naturally, such a complex matter does not pass without a trace. How to lose weight after childbirth? After the birth of a child, a woman will need a lot of time to regain her strength and former beauty and once again enjoy her ideal figure. But you really want to quickly put on your old clothes and be light, fit, and graceful again.

The young mother zealously gets down to business - diets, exercises... but for some reason the methods with which it was so easy in the spring to lose the fat that had grown over the winter turn out to be ineffective. Attacks of hunger and irritability turn into uncontrollable “eating”, and the diet ends with weight gain. Gymnastics begins to cause physical disgust. I want to throw up my hands and give up.

Why is this happening? Why is it not possible to restore beauty in the usual way after childbirth? How to lose weight after childbirth and regain your ideal figure?

First of all, you should understand that pregnancy and childbirth are not a period of life from which you can recover in a week or two. The body is rebuilt to carry a child. After the birth of the baby, a new restructuring begins. The body changes its metabolism. During this period, starvation diets cannot be effective precisely because the body is in the process of restructuring. An attempt to go on a diet is interpreted as unfavorable conditions for survival; the body switches to a mode of increased resource saving.

Physical activity is kept to a minimum so as not to waste calories. Not only gymnastics, but also everyday activities begin to evoke instinctive disgust. The body learns not only to survive on a reduced diet, but also to snatch crumbs in order to store a drop of fat in reserve. The woman becomes lethargic and loose.

As we see, the main mistakes of a woman losing weight after childbirth are:

1. too little food;

2. introduction too large quantity physical activity;

3. lack of understanding of the state of the body.

These mistakes can have long-term and extremely dangerous consequences. The metabolism that is established during the postpartum period will remain for many years. But at the same time, the postpartum period is an excellent chance to normalize and correct metabolism that has already been damaged by previous strict diets. By adhering to simple rules, you can effectively restore your ideal figure after childbirth and adjust your diet so that you can maintain it for years. physical fitness without taking special measures for this.

What rules should a woman follow in the first year or two after giving birth in order to achieve an ideal figure and optimize metabolism?

1. Eat well , but avoid unnecessary foods. Learn to listen to yourself and understand what you really want to eat. Remember: a kilogram of apples will never, under any circumstances, replace 200 grams of meat. Therefore, do not replace one product with another, eat exactly what you need. Thus, you will be able to fully meet the needs of your body, and at the same time not absorb “ballast” calories, which are deposited in fat reserves in the most noticeable places.

2.Don't go hungry. The body must constantly receive confirmation that you are in conditions of abundance, and you can selectively absorb only useful and necessary substances from food. To do this, increase the number of meals while reducing portions. Get used to eating often, at least four times a day, but in small portions. Also get used to having a full breakfast – this is the most important meal of the day. If you cannot eat fully in the morning, introduce the first - light, and the second - full breakfast into your regime.

3. Don't overeat at night . The last substantial meal should be completed four hours before bedtime, the last light snack - apple, kefir, yogurt - two hours before bedtime. This doesn't mean you should go to bed hungry. This means that there should be no heavy food in your stomach when you go to bed.

4. Don't snack on tasty treats between meals . It is these unaccounted small pieces, each of which in itself does not cause harm, that add up to a couple of thousand extra and unnecessary kilocalories per day. All food you eat should be eaten at the dinner table during a full meal.

5. Don't overeat, don't eat yourself to satiety. You should get up from the table when hunger has already subsided, but the feeling of heaviness has not yet set in. It is this state that is a real sign of satiety. A heaviness in your full stomach is a sign that you have overeaten.

6. Hunger is contraindicated! There is only one good reason why you can allow yourself a fasting day: you feel an aversion to food in the morning. This is a sign that you really need to fast for a while. At any other time, hunger is contraindicated for you.

7. Don't overdo exercise. You have a great machine that you constantly, whether you want it or not, train your body: a baby gaining weight. Instead of exhausting yourself with training, once again spin your child in your arms and do gymnastics with him. Bounce him on your feet and on your knees, tumble, play and fuss with him. Walk more when possible. In this way, you will distribute physical activity evenly, without overload and self-torture, combining business with pleasure, and at the same time give your baby a lot of happiness.

8. Lose weight slowly. Remember: the norm for weight loss for overweight people is 3-4 kg per month, for people with slight obesity – 1-3 kg. If weight loss exceeds these indicators, the body will begin to fight to regain body weight, gain “reserves” and rebuild metabolism.

We are all girls who take care of ourselves and worry about our figure. Many are even afraid that after giving birth they will become less attractive, as their figure will lose its shape. And the fear of this does not allow us to calmly enjoy life. And of course, no one says that pregnancy will not leave its marks on your body, but it is within our power to correct them. How we perceive it, what we do and how we deal with it shows the true result, which will not take long to arrive if everything is done correctly. I didn’t have any particular difficulties with my figure after the birth of my child; my body took its shape almost by the 1st birthday of my baby (I’m talking about a year). Of course, I made a little effort, but to be honest, for me it was taken for granted; I wrote about a lot. Therefore, I don’t even have anything to brag about :) But the heroine of this article is not a fictional character who sells weight loss products or advocates liposuction. She is a wife, mother of a beautiful 10 month old girl Alice and just beautiful woman which is worthy of admiration. Yes, her result is not minus 20, 30 kilograms - these are already serious losses that even require the supervision of doctors, but working on yourself is the main indicator from which you can take an example and be proud! Or maybe it’s everyone, the main thing is faith in yourself, the desire to be beautiful, slim and enormous willpower.

Olga is 26 years old, nickname in Sinichki is “margoShka”. Higher education. Specialty: manager of foreign economic activity. Her hobbies are drawing, English and of course sports :) The main credo in life: “Everything that is not done is done for the better!” .

She set herself a goal to lose weight and achieved it. Anyone can do this, let's find out what is needed for this? 🙂

Author: Olenka, you have wonderful result working on your figure, tell us how you achieved such success and over what period?
Olga: Thank you very much :) Honestly, I didn’t even expect that I would attract such attention to my person,
I will give an interview (the first in my life). After looking at my photos during the New Year holidays, I realized that I can no longer put off the moment of returning to my old self! After reading on the Internet how to lose weight without harming breastfeeding, I began my path to perfection. At first it was banal abdominal pumping, squats, and leg swings. Then classes on the course with Gillian (video course “ Slender figure in 30 days") + reducing the portions eaten, minimizing snacking on crackers, cookies, increasing water consumption. By the way, now I drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water a day.
Well, when it got warmer, I started running at the stadium! Nothing helps you lose weight like running, which I love! 10-15 minutes of jogging is a rare opportunity to be alone with yourself, forget about everything in the world and just run..... This is how I worked out for six months: one day either jogging, or doing abs + exercise bike + hula hoop at home, one day of rest ( well, or two, as I wanted). I lost 7 kg and began to weigh less than before pregnancy!

Author : Was it hard? How did you motivate yourself?
Olga: It wasn’t hard at all! I had the opportunity to be alone, to devote time to myself 😉 While my husband was taking care of my daughter, I could take care of myself :) And the motivation is banal and simple - I wanted to like myself again! Easy to get in
into your old jeans, feel weightless and sexy!

Author : What weight was you before pregnancy and how much did you gain during?
Olga: My “ideal” weight was 57 kg (height 170 cm). During pregnancy, I gained 14. Honestly, I was very worried about how quickly I could get back to my previous shape. After giving birth, 7 kg were gone, and the second half was securely attached to the hips and butt
Author : How did you find time to work on your body? Is there a daily routine? If yes..Which one?
Olga: Well, everything is very simple here - when my husband is at home, then I’m free 🙂 as a rule, it’s evening. With the arrival of spring, let's combine business with pleasure: let's go to the stadium! I run, and my husband walks with my daughter :). As for the routine, it all depends on the child - when he wakes up, when he eats, etc. I’ll say one thing, if I didn’t have a husband, it would be incredibly difficult to play sports with my daughter: I tried to work out my abs a couple of times, but I didn’t succeed 🙁 . I won't even explain why. ( as I understand you. author's note)
Author : What place does sport occupy in your life?
Olga: A very important place! I would like to immediately note that my mother instilled in me playing sports. No, she didn’t take me to sections - she pumped up the abs, twirled a hula hoop and did squats with dumbbells for as long as I can remember! I had (and still have) a worthy example before my eyes. No diets or
strict restrictions on food - only physical activity. Therefore, pumping the abs, butt and legs for me
activity is not new :). I love this feeling of fatigue and at the same time lightness after a run, the feeling of strength
and how your body fills with health and energy. When I was pregnant I was very bored
Based on my training, I really realized how much I would have to recover later.
My hands were very itchy after giving birth, I kept waiting for the time when I could “do something with myself” :).
I know girls who hate sports; it’s easier for them to go on diets. I don’t really understand them, and they don’t understand me.
Well, to each their own, but I am for sports! It definitely has more advantages... ( I completely agree with you. author's note)
Author : Do you consider yourself a workaholic or do you still allow yourself to be lazy sometimes? 😉
Olga: I consider myself a workaholic, but I often allow myself to be lazy). There must be a golden mean in everything:
there shouldn't be too much! Therefore, when I’m lazy, I don’t do anything, otherwise training will go into a burden
and you can hardly call it training anymore. I also consider willpower and discipline to be important: I decided to lose weight -
This means don’t stop halfway, and if you’ve already lost weight, do everything to maintain the result!
Author: Do you think a well-groomed appearance and a beautiful figure depend on material wealth? Or is this a lifestyle that every woman can do?
Olga: It doesn’t depend at all! To play sports, for example, it is not necessary to visit expensive sports clubs and buy
simulators! All you have to do is show a little ingenuity, get in the right mood and go!
Use water bottles instead of dumbbells, books instead of fitness boards, etc. The same goes for correct
nutrition, daily routine, bad we have a colossal storehouse of information - the Internet, where
a lot of educational videos, articles, blogs. It's a small matter, you just need to want it! And then any girl/woman
it will be sweet!

Author : How do you feel about the phrase “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy”? What, in your opinion, is true womanhood?

Olga: I think that there is a certain meaning in this saying! I won't discover America if I say that beautiful people easier
in life: they are always in the center of attention, it is easier for them to get a job, make new acquaintances. Another thing is
if behind a beautiful picture lies emptiness, mediocrity and stupidity -
you can't get far on looks alone... As they say, you can't drink water off your face.
Now I’ll talk about the “happy” ones. Everyone has a mirror, so we know and see all our disadvantages/disadvantages very well.
Loving yourself as you are is not enough, because few people can share your feeling. BUT! If you have short
legs, mouse-colored hair and a big nose are not a death sentence! It is enough to wear high-heeled shoes,
dye your hair bright blonde and do the right makeup to visually make your nose smaller. There is always a way out!!! Not
There are no beautiful people! There are those who are lazy and overwhelmed by their own
parents, but that’s a different story...
In a word - the beauty of a woman in my understanding is a harmonious combination
well-groomed appearance and rich inner world, one is impossible without the other!

Author : What are your methods for dealing with bad mood?
Olga: My family is my antidepressant! Or we watch some comedy with my husband, or urgently go for a walk. I call my girlfriends, read titmice (mommies forum), watch
old photos...and I also listen to my favorite music and dance - in one word, I try to completely distract myself from a bad mood)
Author : What advice would you give to every mother who wants to lose weight?
Olga: I would like to wish you great faith in yourself! Understanding that everything in our lives depends ONLY on us! The main thing is to want to change yourself, to want it so strongly and completely that nothing and no one can lead you astray from your goal! And then, the expected result is only a matter of time. Be beautiful, light and loved!!!

: Thank you, Olenka! It was very interesting. I hope my readers do too. Because it is people like Olya who motivate us to take action. You can’t sit back and cry about your problems, you need to act and change what you don’t like, what doesn’t suit you, what prevents you from enjoying life and feeling easy and happy. Every woman can become the BEST by once saying to herself: “I can do it, I will do it and I will succeed!” And so it will be. Believe in yourself and start acting today;) Only you are able to change everything in your life the way you want it;) Be happy and remember “A healthy mind in a healthy body” 😉

Hello, I am the author of this site. I am the mother of two boys, Yaroslav and Nikita, 4 years apart. We love visiting new places, meeting new people, learning something new and sharing interesting information.

Let's be friends?

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