How to pump up your side muscles. Bends with weight

For various reasons, people experience changes in their figure as a result of fat deposition on the sides and abdomen. Many people don’t like this, and then they decide to look for ways and methods to get rid of such accumulations. This article tells you how to pump up your sides, proper nutrition and effective training.

Before starting exercises, it is worth studying the recommendations that will help you achieve results at a faster pace and maintain them for as long as possible.

The tips are:

  • avoid exciting and stressful situations - during such a period, the body begins to actively produce the hormone cortisol, which provokes the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area;
  • prohibited are alcoholic beverages and beer containing phytoestrogen, which leads to the appearance of a “beer belly”;
  • maintain a routine and proper balanced diet, avoid strict diets;
  • Drink enough clean, still water, which supports metabolism and removes waste and toxins.

A person who has wondered how to pump up his sides and has decided to get rid of this problem should take such advice seriously and strictly follow them.


It is also important, trainers note, to warm up the muscles before starting exercises by doing a warm-up.

It may consist of the following exercises:

  • steps in place for one minute;
  • swing your legs bent at the knees from the center to the sides, alternately with each leg;
  • raising and lowering the body on the toes;
  • performing circles with arms and shoulders;
  • turning the body to the sides;
  • half squats;
  • circular movements of the body.

It's good when training is accompanied by energetic dance music.

The exercises shown below (how to pump up your sides at home), if performed regularly, will allow you to perfectly work on problem areas and get the desired result.


This exercise is considered quite difficult, as it allows you to work almost all muscle groups at the same time. For most unprepared people it causes difficulties, and this is understandable. Therefore, you need to start with small time intervals (30 seconds each), gradually increasing them every day if possible. In addition, it is important correct execution movements, otherwise the training will result in side effects in the form of injuries and sprains.

Before you pump up your abs and remove your sides using a plank, you need to learn how to correctly assume the position. The classic plank is a stand on the elbows, which are located shoulder-width apart and perpendicular to them, and on the toes with the body extended in a line:

  • the head should be in line with the back and legs;
  • do not bend your lower back down or bend it up;
  • eyes look at the floor;
  • legs straight;
  • the stomach is retracted;
  • For stability, you can lean on your palms or clasp the fingers of both hands together.

The exercise works well on the sides and abdominal muscles, especially with more complicated variations: standing with a raised arm, leg, or on the side. You can move on to performing them if the classic plank is already easy to perform.


When clients ask trainers how to quickly pump up their sides, the latter usually advise doing crunches. This exercise works the core muscles, which support internal organs, oblique and rectus abdominal muscles.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  • lying on your back, legs bent at the knees;
  • hands are placed on the chest or under the head (more difficult).

Next, the body is lifted, in which they try to reach the knee of the opposite leg with the elbow of one hand. At the same time, you need to round your back and make sure that it is the abs that are tensed, and not psoas muscles. The exercise is performed alternately in different sides, in three sets of five repetitions. If the movement is difficult at first, you can stretch your arms in front of you as you rise. If possible, the load is gradually increased.


This exercise is familiar to everyone since the days school physical education. It perfectly works the oblique muscles, thereby removing body fat.

To pump up your side muscles with this exercise, you first need to take starting position:

  • lie on your back, place your hands in a lock at the back of your head, spread your elbows to the sides;
  • raise your legs 30° from the floor and bend your knees;
  • Raise your shoulders slightly and stretch your neck forward.

Perform circular movements with your legs like riding a bicycle - two sets of twenty repetitions.

The exercise can be complicated: during a circular movement with one leg, pull the elbow of the opposite arm to the knee, then do the same with the second elbow and leg. This will be one repetition.

Mill and slopes

This exercise is great for solving the problem of how to remove your sides and build strong abs. It is easy to perform and is suitable even for those unprepared for physical activity people.

The starting position is a stand with a straight back, legs spaced shoulder-width apart. It is required to tilt the torso forward and alternately perform circular swings hands like a mill. Make ten circles, straighten your body. Repeat all over again five times.

The sides can also be cleaned perfectly with the help of tilts, which must be done without weights. During training you need to use various types tilts - back, forward, sideways, Roundabout Circulation body. All exercises are performed twenty times in two approaches.

While performing bends:

  • feet are placed shoulder width apart;
  • hands rest on the sides;
  • back straight;
  • eyes look forward;
  • do not lift your feet off the floor;
  • the body should not collapse.

Leg raises

Another labor-intensive exercise, since you can pump up your sides with its help only with some effort. The movements are designed to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles and hip abductors.

This is done as follows:

  • initial position - lying on your side with emphasis on the corresponding elbow, the second hand is placed behind the back of your head, your back is straight, your shoulders should not slouch;
  • while inhaling, raise your upper leg to a distance of forty centimeters from the floor;
  • as you exhale, slowly pull the second one towards it and hold in this position for three seconds;
  • inhale and as you exhale, slowly lower both legs to the floor.

Repeat the exercise twenty times and turn over to the other side.

While performing movements, you should try not to lean your body forward or backward; to maintain balance, you can lean on the floor with your free hand.

Exercises with devices

In this part of the article we will look at how to pump up your sides using various devices.

The most commonly used items for training are:

  1. Hoop. The second name is hula hoop. A very common projectile of various sizes, weights and additions in the form of massage balls that improve blood circulation. Twisting at the waist allows you to get rid of fat deposits in this area and on the sides. Trainers advise beginners to use light hoops first, and then heavier ones. At the initial stage, you need to spin for a limited time, then gradually increase the duration. Exercises with this apparatus are contraindicated immediately after eating, people suffering from diseases of internal organs, pregnant women and women during critical days.
  2. Dumbbells. Excellent sports equipment that increases the load. For weight loss purposes, light weight dumbbells are used.
  3. Jump rope. A device familiar from childhood that helps not only burn extra calories, but also trains cardiovascular system.
  4. Fitball. Big rubber ball, often with massage spikes. By doing exercises on it and trying to maintain balance, you can warm up your abdominal and back muscles well.
  5. Rotary disc. The projectile helps to effectively burn fat on the stomach and sides. Exercises on it can be performed both standing and sitting.

Systematic training will definitely yield results, you just have to set a goal and don’t deviate from the path.

Every man in his soul dreams of being a winner, of being better than others. Beautiful and sculpted abs are something that can attract absolutely all girls.

Bodybuilding provides every man at any age with one unique opportunity. It lies in the fact that a person can show himself and others how much he loves and knows how to work. Any work is evaluated based on the result, especially directly related to physical training.

Among various groups The muscles that stand out are the oblique abdominal muscles.

Pumped up oblique abdominal muscles are not only beautiful, but also useful, as they support the spine well during movement.

They are of particular importance for several reasons:

  • this muscle group is a kind of corset that stabilizes the human spine during bending and other torso movements;
  • they emphasize the beauty of the abs and ensure their elasticity; as a result of their pumping, a person will feel confident and relaxed not only on the beach, but also in other public places;
  • relief oblique abdominal muscles make the waist thin and beautiful, as a result of which the attention of many is focused on the figure of its owner beautiful girls;
  • oblique abdominal muscles need to be developed by athletes competing in contact sports (boxing, karate, wrestling and other martial arts).

Exercises to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles

There are many different exercises for developing the oblique abdominal muscles, but not all of them are equally effective. However, it is useful to know them all. This will help everyone choose the right exercises for themselves. All types of training programs can be safely performed right at home.

Bend the body forward from a standing position

Standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms up. As you exhale, the body lowers forward, while you need to slightly twist the press at the waist and touch the toes of the opposite leg with your hand. As you inhale, stand up straight. Then repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

Number of repetitions: 20 times.

Side bends with sliding hands

Stand straight, keep your arms along your body. Begin to lean to the right, while the body movement should be slow, and your arms should smoothly slide along the sides of your body. When bending to the right, the left side of the torso stretches all the way to the waist. As you exhale, you need to take the starting position while standing.

Number of repetitions:Repeat the exercise 10 times in each direction.

Turning the torso to the sides

To begin, you need to bend your elbows. Hold them in front of you and, as you inhale, turn your body to the right side, keeping your legs motionless. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: You need to make 10 turns in each direction.

Lying hip rotations

You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees and pull your heels up, preferably close to your buttocks. Keeping your hands on the back of your head, inhale and at the same time lower your hips to the side. The main goal of the movement is to touch your knees to the floor. As you exhale, slowly rotate your hips in the opposite direction.

Number of repetitions: 10 times.

Raising the body from a lying position with bent legs

Before starting the exercise, you should lie down, bend your legs and place them on your right thigh. Exhaling, lift your body as high as possible and hold at the top of the movement for a couple of seconds. Now you can inhale and slowly lower yourself to the floor. Shift your legs to your left thigh and repeat on the other side.

Number of repetitions: 10-15 body lifts on each side.

Raising the shoulder blades with body rotation from a lying position

Lying on your back right leg place it point-blank on the floor, place the left one on top of it. Left hand Stretch out on the floor, palm up, with your arm perpendicular to your torso. The other hand is located under the head.

Pressing the back of my head on right hand, you should tense your abdominal muscles and lift your chest towards your left knee. This movement is done until the shoulder blade lifts off the floor. After this, you need to smoothly take the starting position. Keep your elbow pointed to the side during the exercise and do not lift your pelvis from the floor.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 8 times.

Raising the shoulder blades with outstretched arms while lying down

First you need to lie on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms up and keep them shoulder-width apart. Now you should tense your abdominal muscles and begin to lift your shoulder blade along with your corresponding arm. It is important to ensure that the shoulder blades are brought as close to the spine as possible and that the pelvis does not lift off the floor.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Touching the heels of the feet with the fingers while lying down

Before performing the exercise, you will need to lie on your back and bend your knees. Keep your shins parallel to the floor, raise your head slightly, and extend your arms in different directions. As you exhale, try to touch the heel or shin of the corresponding leg with your fingers. For convenience, use light cheating: move your legs slightly towards your hands. At the same time, try to slightly tilt your shoulders back.

Exercise in progress in 2-3 approaches . In each of them, touch your legs 8-10 times with your hands.


To perform this exercise you will need a medicine ball weighing from 2 to 5 kg. Standing straight, take the projectile in your hands and extend them up above your left shoulder. Keeping your abs tight, slowly lower the ball diagonally in front of your body.

The end point of the arm movement is located next to the right thigh, while the athlete should be in a half-squat. Don't hesitate and quickly rise to the starting position.

The level of tension and contraction of the oblique abdominal muscles depends on the speed of the movements. Move the ball in this order 6-8 times to the left and the same amount to the right.


Sculpted oblique abdominal muscles will make your figure more beautiful. The tips and techniques given in this article will help you achieve the desired result.

There are internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. External part this muscle group quite large and visible. They are attached to the ribs in small bundles, while the bundles of fibers of these muscles themselves are also connected to the serratus anterior muscle and wings.

Well-developed and sculpted obliques always look exciting. At the same time, everyone understands how much hard work is needed to achieve such a good result.

In order to have a beautiful and toned stomach, it is necessary to train all its areas. Many athletes (both beginners and experienced) often train only the upper and lower press completely forgetting about existence side press. But in vain! Developed oblique muscles give the abdomen a more aesthetic appearance from the outside and emphasize its prominence. How to pump up lateral muscles press? What exercises are best for this part of the abdomen? Is it possible to achieve good results while training at home? You can find answers to all these questions in our article.


Our stomach consists of several parts, namely: straight, oblique and transverse muscles. The oblique muscles are the same lateral press that is discussed in the publication. They promote flexion and extension of the torso and are responsible for turning chest in different directions, and also support our back.

What are the benefits of training the lateral abdominal muscles?

The development of oblique muscles not only improves appearance abdomen, but also has many health benefits. Firstly, constant training in this area has a positive effect on digestive system, prevent bloating, and also reduce the load on the spine. Secondly, doing side press exercises helps you do better basic exercises such as barbell presses. horizontal bench, weighted squats, deadlift etc. Often these muscles are trained by bodybuilders, team sports players, gymnasts, track and field athletes and figure skaters.

How to pump up your lateral abdominal muscles?

  • Adjust your diet. Many novice athletes naively believe that they can get rid of a big beer belly if they do various exercises for the abdominal muscles. If you are also one of them, then we have to disappoint you: working out your abs will not get rid of your big belly. Fat layer can only be removed with proper nutrition and cardio training, and after the amount of your subcutaneous fat will noticeably decrease, you can begin to build the relief of your abs.
  • Don't train your abs too often. If you do full-body strength training and do various types of compound exercises (bench press, dips, dips, planks, etc.), then your abs will receive a good indirect load while doing them. Do 2-4 abdominal muscle classes per week, for example, after completing each strength training. Believe me, this will be quite enough to achieve a good result.

  • Train more than just your abs. Any experienced bodybuilding specialist will tell you that to develop a beautiful and aesthetic physique, you need to perform exercises for all muscle groups.
  • You should not exercise on a full or empty stomach. Eat 1-2 hours before training. During this time, the food in your stomach will have time to digest, but you will not yet feel hungry.
  • While performing the exercises, try to feel the side press as much as possible. Many people don't focus on their obliques during exercise, which causes them to work entirely different muscles. This leads to the fact that a person does not get the result that he originally expected.
  • Warm up well. This applies not only to abdominal training, but to all training in general. A good warm-up will not only allow your body to warm up and get back to work, but will also protect your joints from various types of injuries.

Got it? In this case, let's move on to the description of the exercises, thanks to which you can pump up your lateral press at home, as well as in the gym.

Alternate crunches

This is for real classic exercise, for which you do not need any equipment. The technique for doing it is very simple:

  1. Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place your hands at the back of your head. We recommend placing something under your back (for example, a special mat) so that you are comfortable throughout the entire exercise.
  2. so that your right elbow touches your left knee.
  3. Return to the starting position, then repeat the same movement, but now touching your right knee with your left elbow.
  4. Do the exercise the specified number of times.

Perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Lateral body lifts

Another simple and effective exercise, which can be done at home without any problems. It is performed as follows:

  1. Lie down on the floor or bench. It is necessary to position yourself on a horizontal surface in such a way that half of the body does not touch it.
  2. Fix your legs somehow or ask a friend to hold them for you.
  3. Do about 30 sit-ups and then repeat on the other side.

In total you need to do 3-4 approaches. If at some point this exercise becomes too easy for you, you can use weights to increase the load.

Crunches on the bar

If the previous exercises could be performed without any additional equipment, having only one floor at hand, then in this case you will have to use a horizontal bar. Fortunately, there are crossbars in almost every yard, which means that almost all people have the opportunity to exercise on this sports equipment. Despite the fact that the mechanics of the exercise under discussion are somewhat reminiscent of ordinary leg raises on a horizontal bar, there is a significant difference between them. Crunches on the bar specifically work the lateral abs, while hanging leg raises work the lower part of the abs. You need to do it like this:

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar with an overhand grip. Hands should be approximately shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your knees.
  3. Raise your legs to the left, and then repeat the same movement on the other side.
  4. Complete the required number of repetitions.

Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.


In this and the next exercise we will need additional equipment, namely dumbbells. If you don’t have such shells, then don’t be upset. Alternatively, you can use any other weight that you can do at home. For example, you can take bottles and fill them with water, sand or rocks. To pump up the oblique muscles, this will be quite enough, since it is too heavy weights in the following exercises can be very dangerous.

We'll start with the slopes. If you are a beginner, you can do this exercise without weights at first. It is done like this:

  1. Stand on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Raise your hands up and clasp them together.
  3. Without arching your back, lean to the right, then return to your original position and lean to the left.

In total you need to do 3 sets of 15 times on each side. You can learn more about how to do dumbbell dips in the video below.

Many fitness and weight loss experts do not recommend doing this weight training exercise very often as it can greatly expand your waistline.


This exercise, unlike frequent dumbbell bending exercises, will not widen your waist.


  1. Hold a light dumbbell with both hands.
  2. Make 12 chopping movements so that the body twists towards the opposite shin.
  3. After completing 12 repetitions on one side, repeat the same on the other.

Now you know how to pump up your lateral press at home and in a fitness center. We hope that the information presented was very useful to you and you learned a lot of new things. We wish you success in building beautiful and sculpted abs!

Pumped up abs are pride and a reason for admiration. Fit and sculpted belly can only be obtained as a result of training, the implementation of which allows you to always feel active and cheerful.

The lateral abdominal muscles are activated only when the body is rotated. This is the reason that they practically do not work in everyday life.

The oblique muscles are most noticeable on the abs. They run along an oblique path, starting from the chest and ending at the bottom of the abdomen. Cut left extrinsic muscle occurs as a result of turning the body to the right, and the right - to the left.

Oblique internal muscles are located under the outside ones and are impossible to see. The right internal oblique muscle contracts when turning the body to the right, and the left one contracts to the left.

To pump up the lateral abdominal muscles, you need to know and follow the following rules:

  • 2-2.5 hours before training you need to eat lightly;

It is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach. Lack of energy does not allow you to give your best and reduces the effectiveness of your workout. You shouldn't overeat either. Exercising with a full stomach can cause dizziness, nausea and other unpleasant consequences.

  • You need to start your training with a light warm-up;

To warm up your muscles, you need to jump, run on a treadmill or in place, and perform simple exercises such as bending, rotating, and turning.

  • You should not overexert yourself - exhaust yourself;

Classes should take place two to four times a week. This is quite enough to pump up sculpted and beautiful abs.

  • When performing exercises, you should feel a muscle stretch;

When you feel that the muscles in your abdomen are not tense, the exercise is performed incorrectly.

  • Do not eat after training for an hour.

When you feel very hungry after exercising, you can drink a glass of water or eat an apple.

The muscles on the abdomen are quite difficult to stretch, and rapid fatigue is a normal reaction of the muscles to stress. The main thing is to carry out the training according to your level of training, moving from mastering easy to more difficult exercises.

A set of exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles

Level one

The complex is designed for beginners, allows you to tighten muscles, is not designed to pump up large and bulky muscles bodybuilder. The first level exercises will be an excellent start and preparation for moving on to more complex training. When performing the complex, the frame must be strained. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise you may get injured.

Feet are shoulder-width apart, hands are connected behind the head. The body is tilted to the maximum possible in one direction and then in the other direction.

Tilts are performed smoothly, without haste, with the body fixed at the end point. For five or six approaches, do at least 20 inclinations. If it is not enough, you can increase the load with dumbbells whose weight does not exceed 10 kg.

Abdominal exercises using dumbbells lead to increased mass and a thicker waist. This is especially important for girls to take into account.

They lie sideways on the bench so that their legs are on it, but their body is not. The legs are fixed with a holder or a partner is asked to hold them. The body is lifted up 30 times in several approaches from each side.

To increase the load, weights are used.

Ideal training for pumping up oblique muscles if a horizontal bar is installed in the house.

Hanging on the crossbar bent legs alternately carried to the right and left sides, pulling them to the chest. Hands should be shoulder width apart.

Level two

The second level complex allows you to give your abdominal muscles definition. By performing it on a regular basis, you can not only tighten your body, but also reduce your waist size. All exercises of the complex are performed from 10 to 15 times, doing 3 or 4 approaches.

Leg and body raises

Lay on a flat surface. Straighten your legs. The hand is placed under the head. From the starting position, both the knee and the body are simultaneously raised so that they touch. Return to the starting position and change hands.

Take a lying position. Hands are folded at the back of the head, legs are bent at the knees. The body is lifted and rotated alternately in each direction, touching the opposite elbow with the knee. That is, the right knee touches the left elbow, and the left knee touches the right elbow.

Knee Raises

Lying on your side, lean on your elbow, straighten your legs, place your free hand behind your back. Both legs are raised to the chest without touching the floor. Turn onto the other side and perform similar lifts.

While hanging on the bar, without bending your knees, perform lateral raises. At the maximum point of lifting, the legs are held back.

Level three

The complex is ideal for those who work on their abs for a long time. The number of repetitions and approaches performed is controlled individually. It all depends on the degree of physical fitness available.

Feet are shoulder-width apart. The bar is placed on the trapeze. Bend 15 times in each direction, pausing at the end point for a couple of seconds. Return to the starting position.

The body must remain straight when bending and returning to the starting position. Do not bend forward or backward. The correctness of the exercise is indicated by a feeling of muscle tension. To increase the load, plates are added to the bar.

Tilts with rotation

An enhanced version of bending using a bar, which involves bundles of oblique muscles.

The bar can be used with or without plates. While in a standing position, bend forward and to the sides. Each bend is accompanied by twisting of the body and rotation of the elbow towards the opposite knee.

Turns on the horizontal bar

Hard exercise. A well-trained and strong person can perform it.

Hanging on the horizontal bar, place your hands shoulder-width apart. Legs straight at the knees are raised parallel to the floor. Describe an arc with your feet in the air. They try to make the amplitude of movement as maximum as possible.

You need to do the exercise with one hundred percent effort. Turns are performed 10 to 15 times.

Ideal for reducing your waist size.

You need to stand sideways to the frame. Grasp with both hands upper block and perform 12 chopping movements towards the shin, while twisting the body.

Pumped up lateral abdominal muscles will make your figure more toned and perfect. There is no need to immediately take on complex exercises if your level of training does not allow it. It is better to start from the first level and gradually increase the load, moving on to more complex training. The main thing is to practice regularly and diligently. This will be a guarantee excellent result, good health and mood.

By the term abs, most people mean the rectus abdominis muscle, which is clearly expressed in thin people, but there are also oblique muscles, commonly referred to as the lateral press . It is much more difficult to pump them up, since the oblique muscles are poorly activated during regular crunches.

From this article you will learn how to properly work out obliques . We will tell you the most important aspects of their training and point out the mistakes that prevent novice athletes from achieving the desired result.

Best exercises for side press

The approach to side press training depends heavily on training program specific athlete. The fact is that the oblique abdominal muscles are involved when performing such basic exercises as barbell squats and deadlifts, while they are fully worked out due to the fact that large working weights are used in the base.

Therefore, if you pull and squat, then you don’t need to purposefully do a few abdominal exercises, it will be enough "finish off" it with one exercise of several multi-repetition approaches. If classes are conducted at home, or you do not do basic exercises, then the abdominal work should be more voluminous.

The lateral press is formed by two groups of oblique abdominal muscles - external and internal . The latter do not represent any aesthetic value, since we do not see them, while the outer ones consist of separated (divided) fibers that form distinct relief stripes on the side of the abdomen.

Functional purpose of oblique muscles - bending the body in lumbar region, twisting to the right and left, abducting the pelvis back, while they always act together with the rectus abdominis muscle. Also, the abdominal muscles are a kind of protective shell that holds the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

For most people, a sculpted, clearly defined press is a symbol of physical perfection. The majority of those who come to the clinic place emphasis on training these muscles. gym beginners, but the situation here is twofold - thin people don't need to work out their abs , since it is already visible to them, while for some reason the efforts of overweight people are not rewarded with the desired result.

The visibility of the abdominal muscles directly depends on the amount of fat in the body, so if you want to have a sculpted stomach, it is important not only to pump it up in training, but also diet which will allow you to maintain the required percentage of subcutaneous fat (10-15%).

However, when working on your lateral abs, it is worth considering that the overall shape of your waist greatly depends on the volume of the oblique abdominal muscles. And if for people with a narrow waist such changes will be beneficial, since they can correct excessive thinness, for athletes with wide waist they often cause harm by making the waist area even wider and worsening the proportions of the body.

Changing your diet and approach to training to get sculpted abs

To have ripped abs you need to be "dry", that is, have a minimum percentage of subcutaneous fat. The amount of fat deposits in our body depends on the ratio of two factors - the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. If more is consumed than is burned, the body stores the excess in the form of fat deposits, but if the difference is negative, then on the contrary, it uses the available fat to cover the lack of energy.

The fastest way to get sculpted side press is by following these recommendations:

  • maintain a deficit of 500-600 calories daily ;
  • eliminate fast carbohydrates (sweets and flour, white bread), all carbohydrates should be slow - rye bread, cereals, durum wheat pasta;
  • consume large number protein products to prevent burning of existing muscles during the drying process.

It helps to bring the first outlines of the abs closer, and it makes sense to do them every workout. Running or cycling can be done for a separate time, but keep in mind that the duration of cardio should exceed 60 minutes, since fat burning begins only after 20-25 minutes of jogging , for which the body uses all energy reserves received from food. More short workouts produce much less effective results.

The best side press exercises and how to do them

The athlete stands with dumbbells in both hands, placing his feet shoulder-width apart, and performs alternating bends on each side. The amplitude of movement is small, tilts are made smoothly, without inertia. It is not recommended for girls due to the risk of thickening the waist.

You need to lie sideways on a hyperextension bench with half your torso hanging over the bench. Lifts are done on each side separately; at the top point of the amplitude, the body should not rise above parallel with the line of the legs.

You need to hang on the horizontal bar and raise your legs bent at the knees, bringing your pelvis into the right and left side one by one. The exercise can be made more difficult by performing it with straight legs.

It can be performed either on a press bench, trying to touch the kneecap of the opposite leg with your elbow, or on the floor with unfixed legs, in which case, when twisting, the knee must be brought to the elbow so that they touch in the central part of the body.

Belongs to the category static exercises, which perfectly work the internal oblique muscles, thereby improving the athlete’s posture. The plank is a stand in which the body is supported on two supporting points - the feet and the forearm. With progress in implementation this exercise it is necessary to increase the time you hold the plank, you can start with 30 seconds and aim for 2-3 minutes.

All dynamic exercises with your own weight it is necessary to perform in the range of 15-20 repetitions, the last approach in each exercise is to the maximum, until failure or a strong burning sensation in the muscles. Exercises with additional weight are done for 12-15 repetitions, and the weight used should be relatively small and not affect the athlete’s technique.

Abs can be trained in two ways - doing 1-2 exercises after each workout or setting aside a separate day for it. Experienced athletes often endure working out small muscles- trapezoidal, calf, abs, neck and forearms in separate training, because due to constant fatigue abdominal muscles if they are worked on regularly, progress in basic exercises. For beginners, this factor is not critical.

Optimal frequency of abdominal muscle training - once every one to two weeks. To avoid muscle adaptation to training process We recommend changing exercises every 8-10 weeks. Train hard, eat right, do cardio, and you'll get ripped abs in no time!