The hand in the shoulder twitches. Legs twitch on their own

Very often a phenomenon occurs such as involuntary twitching of the muscles of the arms or legs, or both arms and legs at the same time. The muscles can be either tense or completely relaxed. This can happen during physical activity, at rest or in sleep.
With a question about the reason for involuntary short-term muscle contraction, they come to an appointment with:

  1. To the therapist
  2. Psychologist
  3. Neuropathologist
  4. Psychotherapist

But what answer do doctors give to such a question?

Why does involuntary twitching of the muscles of the arms and legs occur?

Unambiguous and general in all situations there can be no answer to this question, since in different people under different situations and the state of their health, both physical and psychological, the reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon can be completely different.

Common reasons:

  1. Lack of certain substances and microelements in the body. Muscles, consisting of protein and water, with a lack of these substances begin to weaken and spasms may occur.
  2. Excessive emotionality and constant nervous tension of a person can also lead to the fact that he cannot give quality rest to his nervous system, and conditions may arise characterized by a tendency to the occurrence of so-called nervous tics in various parts of the body.
  3. Excessive physical overload the body receives can also lead to numbness, tightness, and twitching of the muscles in the arms and legs.

What to do if a muscle in your leg or arm twitches

  • Create the healthiest and most balanced menu and stick to your chosen diet. The correct combination of vitamins, microelements and other substances needed by the body will help neutralize a possible deficiency of some elements needed by the nervous system and muscles for their normal functioning.
  • Be sure to monitor the required amount of rest and try to ensure that the rest is of the highest quality. Proper alternation of work and rest guarantees long-term health of the body as a whole.
  • Quality night's sleep. It is also an important component in the system of combating twitching of body muscles.
  • Calming herbal teas And natural remedies will help you relax after a busy day and restore strength.
  • Specially selected breathing exercises They will also help get rid of nervous tension, and also help improve overall well-being.

Spontaneous twitching and contraction of the muscles of the arms and legs can occur in almost every person. The intensity of this manifestation, as well as the frequency and duration, may vary, but for any person, muscle twitching brings discomfort and sometimes anxiety into life.

If you decide to seek help from a specialist, it is better not to delay this decision, because timely treatment speeds up the healing process and contributes to the rapid normalization of a person’s life.

Remember that twitching of the muscles of the arms and legs is not a fatal symptom, it is a temporary phenomenon that, by adjusting your life and all its aspects, will allow you to feel all the joys of life and live a full life!

During their life, everyone has at least once experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon as involuntary muscle contraction. It occurs suddenly, puts you in an awkward position, causing the muscle to contract convulsively.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any medications have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

What is involuntary muscle contraction?

More often (if we do not talk about serious neurological pathologies), a nervous tic occurs - a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles of the face or neck. These movements are erratic and painless.

This is mainly winking, licking lips, chewing, a jerky half-smile, trembling a cheek or eyelid.

Contractions of other parts of the body are called hyperkinesis. They mainly occur in the muscles of the arms or legs.

Involuntary contraction can occur in the face or limbs, but in the muscles of the thigh, abdomen, and occur during sleep.

What are the causes of contractions in children and adolescents

Involuntary muscle contractions affect about 10% of children during puberty or earlier.

Among teenagers, boys are susceptible to this; this pathology has a “male” character, but more emotional or larger girls are also not immune from tics.

Causes of muscle contraction in children:

  • Increased fatigue at school.
  • Psychological situation in the family, in the team.
  • A hereditary factor in the transmission of a tendency to increased excitability and irascibility from the father.

But it should be noted that tics in adolescents usually do not require treatment if they are caused by fatigue and not neurological problems.

They go away with age.

Nervous tics can be a consequence of various lesions of the central nervous system, for example, epidemic encephalitis or other diseases.

There is no point in relying on chance; observation and treatment by a specialist is required.

Causes of muscle contractions in adults

These contractions may occur in adults. The causes of involuntary muscle contractions are similar to those in adolescents:

  • Excessive loads.
  • Insufficient rest.
  • Prolonged or frequent experiences, worries.
  • Severe stress.
  • Anxiety and even severe fear.

And if all these worries do not find expression, then their “accumulation” leads to the appearance of tics as the body’s reaction to negative emotions.

When the underlying causes of such contractions are neuropathic, another sudden series of twitches can occur even due to bright light, loud sound, or sudden and rapid changes in images on the TV screen.

The occurrence of tics can be caused by previous injuries (mainly to the brain): bruises, concussions, and others leading to brain disorders.

Injuries to the limbs also lead to some temporary atrophy and subsequently lead to spasms of the striated muscles.


How to treat this pathology

During treatment, certain difficulties arise. Treatment for tics usually takes a long time and must be prescribed by a doctor:

  • But with this phenomenon, which arose due to excessive physical activity, massages will be of great benefit. The latter will be both relaxing (possible with the use of oils) and somewhat harsh, active, so that the massaged part of the body “burns” after the session. This will allow problem area relax, stop contracting uncontrollably.
  • Extra rest is helpful. Walks, good sleep, pleasant time, communication with people or, conversely, solitude (whoever you like more) - any positive emotions will gradually give the desired effect.
  • For many, consultations with a psychotherapist or psychologist will help to identify the causes of tics and their treatment.

These specialists will identify where the pathology came from, why, and help cope with the problem through friendly communication, testing, and the use of other methods.

This applies to tics that arise from anxiety and stress.

If the cause of the problem is an excess of physical activity, then you should limit yourself to it at least for some time. But sometimes for this you have to change your field of activity, because for people who are forced to stand on their feet for hours due to duty, muscle spasms in the legs are far from uncommon.

If we are talking about treatment by a specialist, then the doctor, having determined the degree of pathology, can prescribe medication:

  1. Haloperidol.
  2. Pimozide.
  3. Magne B6.

It hardly needs repeating that you should not take these drugs spontaneously.

They say: self-medication is sometimes akin to suicide. Here the decision will be made only by the doctor.

Treatment of “non-pathological” muscle spasms

Not all types of spasms are pathological. This applies to cases where the muscles “cramp” due to being in an uncomfortable position for a long time or being in cold water for some time.

The sensations experienced at such moments are similar to cramps; they are painful, sometimes accompanied by muscle numbness, inability to move a limb, or a desire to rub the problem area at any cost.

It does not require treatment. Here it is enough to cancel the original cause of the spasm and give a massage, preferably with a warming ointment.

Tics caused by physical or mental fatigue, stress and anxiety usually occur during the daytime. At night they happen less often.

But if in a dream you notice muscle contractions and spasms, and even more so cramps, this may already be a sign of more serious diseases. There is no point in postponing a visit to the doctor, because wasted time, if it concerns health, can subsequently lead to big problems.

Prevention of this pathological condition

There are a number of conditions that must be observed, even if after treatment it seems that the problem is behind you. Everything can start again.

To prevent this from happening, you need to:

  • Eat properly and balanced to provide the body with enough microelements and vitamins. The absence or shortage of these can also be the cause of various muscle spasms.
  • Eliminate bad habits. Smoking, alcohol and coffee in large quantities lead to changes in blood vessels, and this is related to the problem under consideration.
  • To avoid seizures calf muscles You should wear comfortable shoes to avoid the feeling of tightness.
  • Establish a gentle daily routine, allowing sufficient time for sleep.
  • Try to worry less, learn to control negative emotions, try to create a favorable microclimate in the family and work (study) team.
  • Listen to the signals that the body gives, do not ignore alarm bells, and do not put off going to the doctor if you suspect a deterioration in your condition.

If the necessary conditions are met, then with the help of a specialist and efforts, the problem can be cured or minimized.

The main thing is to take care of yourself and not consciously refuse medical care.


Human muscle tissue consists mostly of water and protein, and non-protein elements - essential fatty acids.

All these substances must be delivered to the body through food, so a malnutrition leads to complications such as:

  • Poor digestion;
  • Constipation;
  • Bladder incontinence or vice versa;
  • Muscle tension and relaxation for no reason;
  • Overlapping of organs due to relaxation muscle tissue;
  • Poor coordination of movements.

To get rid of the problem of involuntary muscle contraction, you need to reconsider your diet, include in it the necessary vitamins and microelements that take an active part in the regulation of muscle activity.

The main regulators of muscle function include:

  1. Potassium, which helps normal muscle contraction. Products that hold the record for the presence of potassium are dried apricots, prunes, beans, fresh peas, seaweed, and nuts.
  2. Potassium antagonists are calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin B6, which ensure timely relaxation of the muscle structures of the body. Calcium in large quantities found in cheeses, cottage cheese, beans, broccoli, almonds, pistachios. Magnesium - millet, oatmeal, cashews, walnut, buckwheat, peanuts. Vitamin D - liver, eggs, sea ​​fish, and vitamin B6 - cedar nuts, sea buckthorn, pomegranate, chicken meat, bell pepper.
  3. Vitamin E, which is a "builder" muscle mass, is responsible for the indestructibility of muscles. With the help of this vitamin, muscle nuclei are formed and the work of muscle enzymes is normalized. It is found in hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, rose hips, dried apricots and wheat.

If involuntary muscle contractility is detected, you should not immediately rely on vitamins; you must first visit a doctor who will identify the lack of a vitamin or microelement in the body, based on which a course of treatment will be based.

Traditional methods to help

Before starting drug treatment, many people want to try folk infusions and decoctions to relieve muscle spasms.

There are several ways to solve this problem, the main ones being:

  1. Dried poppy flowers must be rubbed to a powder consistency, then a tablespoon of the resulting flowers must be poured with twenty tablespoons of milk and honey added. The resulting mixture should be eaten three times a day, one tablespoon.
  2. 2 tablespoons of dried birch buds should be poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, take 3 tablespoons every day.
  3. A tablespoon of dry adonis should be poured with 300 milliliters of boiling water, allowed to stand for a couple of hours, filtered and consumed one tablespoon per day.
  4. Lemon juice should be applied to the affected area, allowed to dry, then wrapped in a warm cloth or polyethylene and left overnight.
  5. Combine raw chicken yolk, one teaspoon of turpentine and apple cider vinegar. The resulting substrate should be used to wipe the areas affected by muscle spasms.

The course of prevention with similar infusions and external ointments is from one and a half weeks to 20 days.

Consequences and complications of convulsive conditions

Involuntary muscle contraction These are sudden, involuntary spasms of striated muscle tissue that are accompanied by painful sensations. The most common manifestation of muscle cramps was found in the lower extremities - the muscles of the thigh, lower leg, calf, and foot. There is a spasm of the muscles of the arms, abdomen, and chest.

Uncontrolled muscle contractions that occur will mediate the following outcomes:

  • Rupture and disruption of muscle tissue;
  • Cardiac arrhythmia;
  • Various injuries resulting from a fall with sharp, unbearable pain;
  • Bone fractures, where the most dangerous thing is fractures or displacement of the vertebrae;
  • Pulmonary edema, cerebral hemorrhages.

The cause of the formation of cardiac disorders is an increase in the concentration of lactic acid and potassium in the blood serum; these changes lead to an imbalance in the heart rhythm. Involuntary spasm of muscle tissue can disrupt cardiac activity, lead to complications of the pulmonary system, these modifications can lead to death.

All of the presented manifestations occur when muscle contraction is observed for a long period and is chronic due to various pathologies. Single manifestations muscle cramps can occur in healthy people, then there is no danger to health.

Cramps at night

Convulsive syndromes affect the lower limbs, there is a logical explanation for this, because the legs move all the time, and sometimes walking or running is part of the work.

Common causes of muscle cramps at night are:

  1. High load on the leg muscles, this can be intense training, weight lifting, running, long walking.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle and long stays in sitting position when blood flow to the legs is disrupted.
  3. Traumatic conditions of the legs.
  4. Diabetes mellitus.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Vascular atherosclerosis.
  7. Varicose veins.
  8. Disturbances in the activity of the thyroid gland.
  9. Stress, depression.
  10. Insufficient intake of vitamins, microelements, and minerals from food.

The occurrence of seizures at night is provoked by a lack of vitamins (vitamin B6, E and D), microelements (calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium). Because it slows down during sleep heart rate, then cells that actively work during the day do not receive the daily portion of the listed elements.

Involuntary contraction of the abdominal muscles

Many have encountered the problem of spasms abdominal muscles, this happens due to the fact that the functioning of the digestive tract is disrupted. And these failures happen if there is poor nutrition, bad habits, lack healthy image life, stress and prolonged depressive states, the main root cause is pathology internal organs. Spasm can cause destructive processes in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and genitourinary system.

The central way to eliminate these unpleasant manifestations is a balanced diet, giving up bad habits, a proper daily routine, and moderate physical activity.

You need to completely avoid strong alcoholic drinks, fatty, fried foods, flour products and harmful products(chips, sparkling water, chocolate bars, fast food), food should be moderately seasoned with spices, too spicy, hot or cold food is harmful gastrointestinal tract, irritates mucous membranes.

Have you encountered obsessive, excessive movement phenomena that occur against your own will? Or have you noticed muscle twitching in your loved ones and friends?

According to statistics, excessive movements belonging to the group of hyperkinesis bother a wide range of people. This disease has long been popularly called a nervous tic. And if you delve into historical data, you can find out that many great people of different eras had obsessive movements not related to the will of a person, for example, Mozart, Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin and other personalities.

The word tic is of French origin and refers to a condition in which muscles throughout the body twitch rapidly. Most often, motor muscles contract, but cases of involuntary nodding of the head, winking, swallowing or tugging at clothes are not uncommon.

Today, the most common thing is when facial muscles twitch. . This manifestation is expressed by a series of successive twitches: a sick person can raise and lower his eyebrows several times, blink or twitch his nose, click his tongue, and some make circular movements head, as if a tight collar was bothering them.

Almost all people suffering from nervous tics experience discomfort and awkwardness in front of others. And the more they experience nervous tension within themselves, the more strongly the nervous tic defect manifests itself. Moreover, from anger, fear and other experiences that cause pain, involuntary movements intensify, muscles in the left leg and in other parts of the body are activated and twitched.

The causes of situations where muscles twitch throughout the body can be very diverse.

Firstly, viral infections that affected and caused complications in the central and systemic areas.

Secondly, traumatic brain injuries, intracranial pressure, insufficient blood circulation in the brain.

Thirdly, high mental and emotional stress in work activity, which forces a person to constantly be in a state of excitement and depression.

Fourthly, the hereditary factor. It affects twitching of the neck, head and face.

People around a sick person should help with empathy, sympathy, and understanding of his condition. Moreover, a painful facial tic can be reduced to zero if you persistently and persistently fight neuralgia. A noticeable positive result is brought by taking sedatives and anticonvulsants.

Also, muscles throughout the body calm down and do not twitch during active physical activity. During such work, useful nerve impulses are extinguished by less powerful ones that cause discomfort and painful sensations.

Too intense involuntary movements can be relieved with intramuscular Botox injections. This medication relaxes muscles and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses.

But you can’t stop at medicinal effects only. First of all, you definitely need to improve your immunity, get acquainted with and master relaxation techniques for the body’s muscles. Long walks on foot are an excellent option. physical therapy, swimming, auto training.

If muscles throughout the body twitch due to fatigue, overexertion, then honey compresses and organization proper nutrition, work and rest schedule, light physical activity in the form of exercises. You need to include foods containing more magnesium in your diet. These are black currants, cherries, blueberries, watermelon, nuts, beets, and sea fish. And, conversely, coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks should be removed from the menu.

Dear doctor! I am writing to you with the following question: I am 25 years old, female, I have never suffered from nervous diseases before, in childhood I had nothing except ARVI and chronic runny nose, there was no measles, at the age of 18 I had chickenpox without complications, in the last two years - a couple of times tracheitis with long-lasting cough. So it seems like nothing more. Symptoms - my muscles twitch for several days. It was more like something rolling or pulsating under the skin, sometimes in the calf, then under the knee, then in the buttock, then in the arms somewhere, in the stomach. Occasionally it happened that the leg twitched a little, like it shuddered, but there was no large amplitude of movement. And the little finger on my hand twitched a couple of times. Once on the cheek. Most often, something rolls under the knee and in the calf muscle. It happens for half an hour or an hour of nothing, sometimes there are 5-7 such nasty things per hour. There is only a sitting and lying position, if you stand or walk there is no. They are not provoked by anything, they arise on their own. Probably, if I’m nervous, there are more of them. Sometimes attacks of trembling (whole body, especially above, like chills, but without fever). Several more times, either a vein or something under the skin on the side of the head on the right began to pound, quickly and quickly. For three weeks, my arms and legs began to quickly become numb, my legs just in a sitting position, especially my feet, and my arms, if I propped up my chin, etc., tingling, fainting, before, in order to be able to try harder, I had to squeeze it like that. For three more days - when I lie down in the dark and close my eyes, or if I wake you up - sometimes something quickly, quickly pulsates before my eyes, like patterns, but not colored, like something unfolds, contracts, rotates, pulsates, either in time with the heart , or these pulsations in the limbs. If you sit down, open your eyes, do a couple of exercises with your hands, it goes away, but if you lie down, it starts again. It may last 5 minutes, maybe more than an hour, then it goes away. A very unpleasant feeling. There is heaviness in the head, in the back of the head, but not severe and not all the time. A month before this, clicks appeared and remain in the throat (ears?) when swallowing, sometimes in the throat discomfort(like a slight cold), but the ENT specialist does not see the pathology. Several times it happened that with my head down or lying down, when I was very tired or nervous, my voice became strange, like with distortion, trembling or something, like a vibration, “trrr-trrr”, it looks like a special computer effect, if you clear your throat became normal. The person heard my voice and clicks, this is not my hallucination. I have trouble with my memory, names and titles fell out, my friend’s name, the names of Japanese actors well known to me, my friend and these actors have been known to me for 2 years. (although I can easily remember the names of all the characters in the series that I watched when I was 17-18 years old, the names of the characters from the books that I read as a teenager). I’m panicking, trying to remember, and there’s emptiness. After some time, the name comes to mind on its own, almost all of them, some of them were not remembered without prompting. Before this, three months - irritability, tearfulness, emotional lability, anxiety for three months, an incomprehensible confidence that I would not live to see winter, nightmares of a medical kind and all sorts of thoughts that I had some kind of terrible disease. Two months ago ring finger I was numb for two days, but it passed. And one attack of twitching of all the muscles, at night, contracting here and there, without moving the limbs. It didn't happen again. Thyroid hormones are normal. My periods began to last fewer days than before (I have polycystic ovary syndrome). FLG and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity are normal. The temperature is normal. The pressure is 130/80, sometimes 140/90, it could be higher, but there is no way to measure it at home - there is nothing with which to measure it. there is no loss of sensitivity, there are really no headaches - but sometimes there is pressure on the lower part of the face when bending over, and sometimes there is a slight pressure on the temple and one point on the top of the head, a couple of times there was a slight throbbing pain in the right side head, with heaviness. easily removed with analgin. Appetite and temperature are normal (although more often 36.9 than 36.6). no nausea. pain - sometimes just under the breasts, as in the ribs themselves, a couple of times there was a shooting in the spine in the middle section, today the shoulder and collarbone hurt, maybe it turned awkwardly, about 15 minutes passed, the neck, shoulders and knees are very crunchy. Sometimes there is a slight unpleasant pressing sensation in one ear and then in the other (but it doesn’t stuff up). Three weeks ago, a neurologist diagnosed astheno-depressive syndrome and prescribed glycine, took it - to no avail. A week ago, a psychotherapist prescribed Adaptol 500 three times a day. Plus, she started taking ascorutin once a day (the blood vessels in her nose had been bursting for a long time), and multitabs B vitamins three times a day. Saw. Adaptol calmed me down, but these twitchings and pulsations began. Three weeks ago, the neurologist didn’t reveal anything strange when hitting with a hammer, eye movements are fine, I can calmly poke my finger into my nose with my eyes closed, I can maintain my balance with my eyes closed, if I move my foot and lips in every possible way, there are no pathological reflexes. There was a lot of stress during the year. Please tell me which examination is best for me to undergo? Doppler ultrasound of head and neck vessels? Brain MRI? MRI of the neck? ENMG? EEG? There’s just not enough money for one thing, and there’s nowhere to get another 2 weeks.

Many people have experienced leg cramps. Such involuntary muscle contraction may be associated with a serious disease that requires mandatory treatment. Sometimes muscle twitching can occur for no reason, then they speak of physiological spasms that do not require treatment.

If involuntary muscle contractions occur very often and are accompanied by severe pain, then you should consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps such a symptom is a signal from the body that disturbances have occurred in it that require intervention.

In a healthy person, the muscles are constantly in good shape, they contract and relax. Thanks to muscles, we can not only move and maintain a static position, but we can also live, because this tissue is involved in the most important metabolic processes of the body.

Most often, painful twitching of the calf muscles develops. The symptom may appear during active physical activity or during a period of rest, which happens most often. When muscles are warm and relaxed after strenuous exercise, they are more susceptible to cramping.

Typically a cramp lower limb accompanied by severe pain, so the patient needs to provide first aid. You can help yourself, the main thing is to know the procedure in such cases:

  • First of all, you need to sit or lie down to reduce the load on the cramped leg and prevent injury if you fall.
  • Then you need to achieve relaxation of the muscle, to do this you need to take the foot in your hands and pull the toe towards you. The patient will feel pain, but after this the attack will immediately begin to pass.
  • To prevent your leg from hurting later, you need to rub the sore muscle and massage it well. And after relieving the pain, it is recommended to perform stretching exercises.

If seizures occur throughout the body (generally), this may be a sign of epilepsy. In this case, the patient is placed on a flat surface, with the head placed on its side to open the airway. You should not put hard objects into the patient’s mouth, as this can be dangerous to his health. If you experience convulsions throughout your body, you should immediately call an ambulance.


Muscle twitching is treated differently, depending on the cause of the symptom. If muscles twitch due to vitamin deficiency, then it will be enough to start eating right and taking vitamins so that cramps no longer appear.

If your muscles begin to twitch after a hard day at work, then you should think about changing your profession. Many people who work on their legs wonder why cramps appear in the evenings. This may indicate degenerative changes in the joints, which require proper and timely treatment.

For more serious pathologies, diet and exercise will not be enough; you will most likely need to undergo drug treatment, and the doctor will also prescribe a set of physiotherapeutic procedures. In some cases, even surgery may be necessary.

In any case, you should not self-medicate, because seizures can indicate a variety of diseases that are treated differently. If you constantly ignore cramps and do not consult a doctor, other symptoms may soon appear, such as pain, impairment motor activity in the limbs.

Video: Neuroses and muscle spasms