What does training on a treadmill give? The benefits of a treadmill for weight loss: how to exercise so that the weight comes off faster? Nutrition during exercise for weight loss

Everyone who thinks about comfort for their body imagines playing sports in a gym in this way: put on headphones, turn on your favorite music, a person, being alone with himself, can simply easily run, while simultaneously achieving improvement in his health, mood, and beauty of the figure. .

You can get this pleasure at home, or, alternatively, train at the nearest fitness center. There are even special running clubs, after all, community active activities brings people together, encourages them not to stop at the results achieved, pushing them to achieve higher performance than the next runner.

In this case, you should adhere to a certain methodology - running must be constant, with equal frequency, according to established rules, then the expected effect will be achieved, including the planned weight loss.

Before starting sports, you need to carefully study the existing requirements for preparing the body to withstand the corresponding loads.

To do this, first of all, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • observe ;
  • maintain intervals between sessions;
  • calculate individual speed;
  • carry out regular;
  • devote yourself completely to your exercises, ensuring sufficient load on the leg muscles.

An experienced trainer will tell you how best to set your schedule, sequence with strength training, as well as the duration of the race. There are several types of programs for different classes physical training– for beginners, intermediate athletes, professional athletes.

How to calculate the correct running speed and create a weight loss program yourself?

Calculating the optimal speed and building your own effective program for weight loss is possible and accessible thanks to certain calculations, as well as the preparation of step-by-step instructions:

  1. You need to start your first lesson with walking.
  2. When you feel comfortable, while walking quickly and without medical contraindications, begins alternating running and walking for half a minute for 20 minutes.
  3. Training is carried out 3-4 times a week, with a gradual increase in exercise time.
  4. The speed at the beginning of the race is 2 km/h, then a little faster - 3 km/h, devoting 2 minutes to each stage.
  5. The next step is jogging with a gradual increase in speed to 7 km/h.
  6. Changing the inclination angle for beginners from 1.5% to 0.5%, up to several times for the remaining time.
  7. At the end of the workout, the pace is reduced to 2 km/h.

To independently determine a suitable load pattern, you need to take half an hour, take a heart rate monitor, then start brisk walking within 10 minutes.

Then you should increase your running speed to 7-8 km/h, without changing the angle of the track, remaining in this mode for about 5 minutes.

At this stage, the numbers from the heart rate monitor are recorded, and the running speed is slowed down to a walking state. When your breathing calms down a little, you need to raise the inclination angle to 3-5 degrees, then continue moving for another 5 minutes, after which you measure your heartbeat again.

Interval training on the treadmill. Example #1

Initial stage, both in the first and second options - 10 minutes of quiet walking.

First interval: walking at an incline of 3-6 degrees, at a speed of 4-6 km/hour for about 5 minutes.

Second interval: The slope of the canvas is removed, running begins at a speed of 7 to 9 km/h, and continues for 2 minutes.

Third interval: run for 1 minute at the fastest speed possible for the body.

All intervals require repetition at least 4 times (in turn).

Interval training on the treadmill. Example No. 2

Warm up, 10 minute walk.

First stage: zero incline, running 7-9 km/h for 7 minutes.

Second stage: Walk for 10 minutes, increasing the incline by 2 degrees every 2 minutes. For the next 10 minutes, walk with a gradual decrease in incline with a similar frequency of two minutes.

Alternate intervals 2 times; athletes with sufficient training experience repeat this scheme four times.

Training effectiveness. Regularity of exercise on the treadmill

To achieve the planned result, you must first of all know your maximum heart rate.

It is easily calculated using the formula:

  • for men: 220 - (minus) the number of full years;
  • for women: 226 - (minus) the number of full years.

For example, calculating the maximum heart rate for 25 - year old man is carried out in this way: an acceptable high indicator for running training will be 195 (220 – 25) beats per minute.

Most high efficiency training appears during morning visits sports simulator. In the first three weeks, the muscles and cardiovascular system will become so strong that it will be possible to go out for exercise. intermediate level running load lasting 30 minutes, with an average frequency of visiting the sports club up to 5 times a week.

A very important aspect to achieve excellent result is a constant increase in loads, speed, and duration of races. After all, the body gets used to a certain rhythm and spends much less energy and calories, so more serious training will only benefit experienced runners with a stable track record.

When choosing running shoes, it is recommended to pay attention to the special professional series for track and field athletes. Sneakers of this class are designed taking into account greater shock absorption, correct positioning, and support for the foot, thereby significantly reducing the load on the spine and joints. If your goal is to lose weight, you also need to use appropriate sportswear. It will help you work up a good sweat and also help you lose extra weight.

There is no need to torture yourself at first with hungry hour-long trips to the gym. The most resilient people are capable of this. The right attitude, dedication during training, regular attendance at classes up to 4 times in 7 days will provide a long-lasting boost of energy and ease with virtually no unnecessary stress. In about an hour of training, 600-700 calories are burned, depending on the intensity of the effect on the whole body, including the movement of the arms and the tone of the abdominal muscles.


You need to monitor the freshness, quality, and nutritional value of food daily. It is necessary to understand that if you eat a bowl of porridge with a side dish before training, an hour-long exercise will not be able to burn a large and necessary amount of energy. It’s better to eat a light carbohydrate breakfast 40 minutes before and go for an intense workout; otherwise, it will be just a cardio workout. It is better to plan your next meal no earlier than 2 hours later.

It should be, first of all, low-calorie food without excess fat and sweets. The diet necessarily includes the presence of such components as complex carbohydrates, vegetables, protein. Then the body will recover better, and metabolism will improve accordingly, helping to reduce fat mass in problem areas.

How to choose the right treadmill?

For home, or determining the appropriate equipment in the gym, is no less important moment in running indoors than the training itself. In terms of functional qualities, these sports devices differ somewhat from each other.

Same as for the set of functions, different tasks, and by price, you can determine whether the proposed model is worth purchasing (fortunately, online stores have sufficient choice).

Choosing a treadmill for weight loss

To choose the right weight loss machine, experienced athletes advise taking into account the following points:

  • low price - poor quality of the car. Cheap Chinese consumer goods are not suitable for real loads, and they will quickly become unusable;
  • the presence of speed adjustment of 16 km/h and higher with a tilt angle of up to 10 degrees;
  • adjusting speed to individual heart rate is the most useful function;
  • If you choose a weight loss machine, you can use an electric treadmill; to pump up your leg muscles, you can use a mechanical treadmill.

Now the choice is quite wide, so for a small room excellent option will purchase a model with a folding mechanism. Such a useful unit can be stored under the bed to save more space.

Some reviews of treadmills are negative, and even indicate a lack of results with long-term exercise. The reasons here may be completely different - you just need to run correctly, and a small list of tips will help you understand the mistakes that are most often made during training:

  1. Do not hold the handrails with your hands, transferring your weight, and also improperly distributing the load.
  2. Posture is only straight, without tilting the body to the left, right, or forward.
  3. The arms move freely, as in normal running, helping to maintain pace and balance.
  4. A retracted stomach helps to quickly strengthen muscles and burn more calories.
  5. You need to start and end your run with a warm-up and calm walking.

Everyone wants to become slimmer, more active and more energetic, and most of them know exactly what needs to be done to achieve this. Sport is health, and on the track in moderate mode it has no analogues in terms of ease, safety and efficiency. Thanks to strength training strengthens general condition, rises muscle tone, metabolism accelerates and improved body contours are formed.

Among the many ways to make your figure slimmer, running is not the least important. Modern living conditions lead many to workout in the gym or at home with the help of special simulator. The benefits of such exercises for losing weight are undeniable, so the question of how to lose weight on a treadmill is one of the most pressing when drawing up individual program training. To achieve the desired result, you need to take into account many factors and use different types running.

Is it possible to lose weight on a treadmill?

Good cardio the load cannot but affect the condition of the body. It is a source of energy and health. It doesn't matter where you exercise: outdoors or indoors, it matters how you do it. If your treadmill workout results in you getting sweaty and short of breath, you've lost some calories. The main thing is to train regularly and do it competently, that is, monitor your maximum heart rate (MPF) so as not to overexert yourself, but also not to be lazy, giving yourself good load.

There are two opinions about losing weight using a treadmill. Some people think that running alone is enough. Others believe that the real loss of kilograms begins when the right food is added to cardio training, which affects the basic metabolism and a certain exercise regimen. It is important that you do not consume anything other than carbohydrates before training. When they are processed, energy will begin to come from consumed fat deposits.

What does a treadmill do for your figure?

No matter what exercise machines and equipment we use, everyone really wants to see a noticeable result on their figure. Treadmill strengthens the muscles of the whole body, since all parts are actively working while running. The main emphasis is on the legs, the thighs and calves work the most. If you do not hold on to the handrails, but energetically help yourself with your hands, it means shoulder girdle and the hands work just as actively. Thanks to this, you force your heart and lungs to work intensively.

How to properly exercise on a treadmill

A treadmill is a lightweight version of running. It is easier to train on it than on the street, because it helps a person through its own movement and the presence of handrails that you can hold on to. How to lose weight on a treadmill in such conditions? You need to train yourself to run without handrails and choose different degrees of inclination. This will make your workouts feel like a real street run. It is important to achieve as long a workout as possible, do not forget about warming up, wear comfortable shoes, and drink fluids in small quantities.

How long should you run?

The duration and frequency of your treadmill workouts depend on the results you want to achieve. If the goal is only to lose a little weight, tighten muscles and tone yourself, then short 15-minute workouts will suffice, preferably 5 times a week. There is no need to push yourself too hard: keep a moderate rhythm, gradually increasing the time to half an hour.

How to lose a few kilograms on a treadmill? In this case, the duration of the workout should be 40 minutes or more. Only during this time the body begins to burn fat. You can start with short runs with a constant increase in load and time. You can do this three times a week, on the remaining days you need to give your muscles rest, because such running should make you sweat well.

What muscles work

The treadmill makes all the muscles of the body more toned. They do not pump up, but “dry”, that is, the excess fat around them disappears. The toned muscle mass becomes more noticeable. Most of the load is received by:

  • The calf muscles, which are located from the knee and below. Exercises on them will make your legs slimmer, enlarge too small calves or tighten up large ones.
  • Quadriceps are the muscles that form the thighs. They are located in the upper front part of the leg. They are activated by the upward movement.
  • The biceps femoris is back surface, which is pumped up during fast running.
  • The gluteal muscles are activated during any type of running and the buttocks become elastic.
  • Shoulder girdle. It is activated by active swinging of the arms.
  • Cardiac muscle. Increased breathing makes the heart work several times harder. Pulse-dependent modes control the heartbeat and work on cardiac endurance.
  • The intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles work through intense breathing.

How many calories are burned

Exercise programs can show different data, but those that reflect calories burned are not entirely accurate. So, in the first minutes of training, not body fat, and water. Further indicators depend on the intensity of training. Brisk walking burns up to 300 calories - this pace of exercise is suitable for beginners. If we consider light running, it helps to burn up to 500 calories per hour. With such intensity, a person begins to lose weight. How to lose maximum weight on a treadmill? Run as hard as you can to achieve a loss of 800 kcal/hour.

Exercises on the treadmill

You can do a lot of different things with a treadmill useful exercises. Thanks to him, they become many times more effective. Try:

  • lunges directly along the moving surface forward and to the sides;
  • an additional step that can be done at different speeds;
  • dynamic plank, that is, walking with your hands;
  • walking;
  • running with different inclines.


You can start exercising on the simulator with normal walking. A treadmill for weight loss is suitable if your physical fitness is very weak. It is chosen by people in old age or after illness. Walking on a treadmill for weight loss is not as effective as running, but gradually it prepares the body for more serious loads, and when regular classes slowly, but leads to weight loss. By performing this exercise, you minimize the risk of overload. Optimal speed for race walking up to 7 km/h, duration – about an hour.

There is a type of walking called jogging - this is a movement close to running, which is performed at a speed of 7 to 10 km/h. While jogging, a person can observe short states"flight" when both legs are in the air at the same time. Exercising at this pace is more effective than simple walking, has a better effect on weight loss, and trains the cardiovascular system. This exercise is perfect for those who want to get rid of cellulite and tighten their body.


Running on a treadmill for weight loss starts at a speed of 10 km/h. It is recommended to perform steps from the toe. You need to realistically assess your physical fitness and not push yourself too hard from the very first workouts. The recommended heart rate while running is 120 to 130 beats per minute. A heart rate monitor will help you calculate it. As soon as exercising at the chosen pace stops tiring you, it’s time to increase the load, otherwise there will be no effect on losing weight. You need to move smoothly, keep your arms bent at the elbows, shoulders and chest straightened. Try to breathe through your nose, deeply.

Walking with an incline

Inclining the treadmill is a way to make your workout more challenging and increase the intensity. It forces the body to produce 100-200% more. During such activities, there is an intensive process of burning calories and losing weight. To achieve maximum effect from walking with an incline, during one workout, alternate all the levels that are on your simulator from smaller to larger and back again. When you get used to the full load that the machine can give, use weights (backpack, arm pads, belt).

Treadmill training program for weight loss

The training program must be drawn up individually, based on the capabilities of your body and the tasks set. On a mechanical simulator, you will have to do the calculations manually; the built-in computer will make this task easier. In any case, you need to determine several indicators for exercising on a treadmill for weight loss: duration, speed, angle of inclination of the treadmill. An increase in load and duration should occur once every 2 weeks by 5%, but you can increase one or the other, and not both at the same time.

Whatever weight you want to lose and whatever program you choose, the result may be different: instead of 5, you can lose 1 kilogram, or you can lose 8. This depends on the initial weight (overweight people lose weight faster), on the number and duration of training, from food. If you want to lose weight, you can’t rely only on training, because diet and a minimum of alcohol are the same necessary conditions. Here are two types of workout programs for weight loss:

  • Long workouts. Exercise for 40 to 60 minutes. Keep a moderate pace. If you choose walking to begin with, you can do it either daily or twice a day to lose weight.
  • Interval training. These will look like a 1 minute sprint and a 3 minute recovery walk. Over time, the task increases. Classes are held in the form of load and rest 1:1, then 2:1.


You should always start your lesson with a warm-up. This rule applies to any type of training, because it warms up the muscles and helps avoid injuries and sudden overloads. The warm-up for running on the treadmill should last 5 minutes. Bring to a speed of 5 - 6.5 kilometers without incline. After running for 2 minutes, increase your speed by 0.3 km per hour and do this every next 30 seconds until you reach 5.5 km. Periodically grab the handrails and walk for a few seconds on your toes, then on your heels. This stretches the shin.

Interval running

How to lose weight quickly on a treadmill? Interval training will help with this, that is, alternating different running speeds. There are two types of classes: with time limits or lasting as long as you can. The second option has no clear intervals and is called fartlek (speed game). It involves running to failure, then recovery walking. You can repeat it until complete fatigue sets in. Clear intervals might look like this: 1 minute sprint, 2 walks; 4 sprints, 7 walks. It has been proven that calories continue to be burned after interval running.

Treadmill training for beginners

Unprepared people must adequately assess their capabilities. How to lose weight on a treadmill if you've never exercised before? Start with simple walking for about 15 minutes a day. Breathing may become slightly rapid, but without the appearance of shortness of breath or other uncomfortable sensations. The first 2-4 weeks you should develop your body's endurance. For the first three months, there should be no intense exercise, especially interval exercise.

The effectiveness of the treadmill for weight loss

Movement brings great benefits to our body, and intense movement can literally revitalize and invigorate the body. new life. Likewise, exercising on a treadmill for weight loss leads to numerous positive results. Among them are:

  • increasing endurance;
  • strengthening all the muscles of the body, due to which the figure is tightened;
  • burning fat deposits and disappearance of cellulite;
  • improving metabolism and increasing metabolism;
  • acceleration of blood flow, which ensures better enrichment of cells with oxygen;
  • skin rejuvenation.

Video: How to run on a treadmill to lose weight

To change your weight downward, you need a comprehensive solution to the problem. Walking on a treadmill for weight loss will be effective only if you have a proper and balanced diet, which excludes foods that are unhealthy. According to experts, daily half-hour training on a treadmill will help you lose weight, strengthen your bones and stimulate your heart muscle.

Constant exercise speeds up metabolism, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and saturates it with oxygen. To reduce the amount of fat stored in the body, you should exercise for an hour or at least half an hour a day. The results of an individual weight loss program will become noticeable after a few weeks or even months of walking on a treadmill. This training regimen will not be difficult even for a beginner with minimal physical training; the main advantage of the regimen is its simplicity and ease of execution.

The benefits of walking on a treadmill for weight loss

The internal process of burning excess calories requires endurance and constant work on oneself. However, prolonged and systematic walking on a treadmill for weight loss will very soon bear fruit in the form of strengthening immune system, increasing metabolism and increasing energy reserves in the body. Experts recommend for effective weight loss exercise in the morning, because this time of day is the best for burning excess fat. Training at a normal pace is recommended for everyone, the only exception being people with leg or spine injuries.

What muscles work

Due to the varied loads during exercise, walking on a treadmill for weight loss affects most of the muscles in the human body, which contributes to the harmonious functioning of the entire body. The muscles of the lower body are actively used, because they are subject to the greatest load. When exercising on a treadmill, the shoulder girdle is also involved through rhythmic movements of the arms.

In addition, the exercise involves the abdominal muscles and intercostal muscles, which are responsible for the work respiratory system. The heart and blood vessels are also stimulated during race walking, which is why exercise is a healthy pastime for people of all ages. Sports activities They will make your figure fit and slender, however, with the help of the exercise machine you will not be able to pump up large muscles.

How long to walk to lose weight

Only regular training can help you achieve maximum results on the treadmill.. There is no need to overexert yourself during classes; you should maintain a calm but confident pace while performing the exercises. It is recommended to start walking on a treadmill for weight loss in the morning, about an hour after a breakfast rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

You are allowed to walk on the exercise machine at least every day, the main thing is not to overdo it, because depleting the body’s resources is dangerous to health. The ideal option for losing weight is one-hour classes five times a week. This intensity is not particularly difficult for most women and men, and it is recommended to take breaks for a few minutes to recuperate.

How many calories are burned

On average, about 650 Kcal are burned during one workout. This is not an exact value, because each organism is individual and indicators such as weight, basal metabolism and health status are different for all people. Exercising on a treadmill for weight loss will not bring quick results, however, after six months, subject to constant training, a sharp reduction in body fat will make you pleasantly surprised.

Since muscles without proper load can quickly lose tone, you should not skip classes without a good reason. Beautiful shapes, elastic skin is the result of daily hard work, to achieve which some people need one month, while others have to work on their body for years. However, such a noble goal justifies any means, so even small efforts can help achieve the goal.

How to properly exercise on a treadmill

The lesson must begin with a warm-up; literally ten to fifteen minutes are given to pre-warm up the muscles. After this, you can increase the load to the required limit, monitoring your heart rate. If you maintain fluctuations at a certain level, the weight loss process will be much more effective.

It is very important to learn how to hold correct posture during exercise on a treadmill. It is necessary to straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, pull in your stomach and lower your arms along your body. The body position should be comfortable. Towards the end of the workout, you should gradually reduce your walking speed to stabilize your performance. circulatory system. This technique will help prevent the risk of muscle pain.

At what speed to walk

One of the most accessible methods of body correction is considered to be walking on a weight loss machine. For people whose overweight does not exceed twenty kilograms, speeds ranging from six to ten kilometers per hour are allowed. Anyone who has faced the need to lose weight knows that the higher the speed, the more efficiently calories are burned. It is possible to conduct classes according to an interval program, which implies changing the speed at different periods of time.

Treadmill inclination angle

Not all people know that on a simulator you can change the inclination of the belt and belt according to your training goals. This program simulates walking on hilly or mountainous terrain, which exposes the human body to even greater challenges. Not only cardio is created, but also power load to the entire lower muscle group, including joints, tendons and ligaments. However, this type of load is only suitable for physically strong people.

Treadmill training program for weight loss

For weight loss, a standard training program is better. An individually developed system of exercises helps you lose weight much faster. extra pounds. The simulator provides many options for the training process, the most important thing is to determine your heart rate (HR). An interval training regimen for people whose heart rates are higher during exercise should look something like this:

  1. Ten minutes of calm walking at a speed of four to six kilometers per hour as a warm-up.
  2. Walk on an incline of three to six degrees for five minutes at the same speed.
  3. Two minute run without a slope at a speed of seven to ten kilometers per hour.
  4. Running on maximum speed within a minute.

fast walking

A person to perform any physical exercise, he needs energy synthesized in his body in the form of glycogen and creatine phosphate. If the loads are very intense, then the body will take the missing energy from its own fat reserves, so brisk walking helps to lose weight and normalize weight. But before moving on to this type of training, you should work out at a lighter pace for some time so that the body has time to get used to the new loads.

Walking uphill

For those people for whom simply walking on a treadmill is too much easy task, you need to move on to more intense exercises. The best option At this stage of physical training there will be regular walking uphill. The main feature of such exercises is a complex load, which helps to lose weight and build muscles. It is recommended to start training in the first half of the day, because at this time the body burns excess calories more efficiently.

Interval training

This type is a very effective way to fast weight loss. By alternating the degree of load, the body does not have time to get used to the exercises, so fat burning will occur at the desired intensity. Start off interval training It is recommended to start with a five-minute walk, after which you can increase the speed or incline in the simulator. As soon as the exercises no longer seem difficult, you need to add load or move on to more complex exercises.


Modern programs for weight loss, cardio exercises are often alternated with strength training to achieve maximum effect. However, even cardio exercises on the simulator themselves can help achieve the desired result with proper nutrition And moderate loads on the body. The intensity of the exercise should be sufficient for the body to consume stored fats and convert them into energy to perform exercises.


Or get rid of subcutaneous fat.

Regularly performing fast walking on a treadmill gives results comparable to interval jogging in city parks, long cardio sessions on an elliptical or stepper, but for most amateur athletes it is much easier both physically and psychologically.

What muscles work?

Let's start by understanding which muscles work when walking on a treadmill.

During aerobic exercise, we train, first of all, the heart muscle, on the condition of which the lion's share of our health depends. But also, while walking on a treadmill, the abdominal muscles are also actively involved in the work.

If your gym is equipped with modern treadmills, in which you can adjust the angle of inclination of the moving surface, then walking uphill on a treadmill will further strengthen your health. calf muscles, hamstrings, gluteal muscles and spinal extensors.

@Sebastian Kaulitzki - adobe.stock.com

The benefits of walking on a treadmill

It's no secret that walking on a treadmill is very useful, despite the simplicity of this exercise. In particular, for losing weight, brisk walking on a treadmill is ideal.

Calorie consumption for this activity physical activity is quite large - in an hour of work with average intensity we burn approximately 250-300 calories. This is equivalent to 150 grams of lean boiled beef or a generous portion of buckwheat porridge.

Regularly performing such cardio exercises increases the metabolic rate, which allows us to quickly get rid of accumulated excess fat or gain high-quality muscle mass without increasing the subcutaneous fat layer.

The undoubted benefits of walking on a treadmill also manifest themselves in increased endurance, which greatly simplifies the task when doing CrossFit or when classical training V gym. It’s not for nothing that cardio on a treadmill is a mandatory part of the training process of any experienced CrossFitter, bodybuilder, or fighter. mixed martial arts, cyclist or swimmer.

There is a lot of debate online about what exactly is best to include in your training program: Walking or running on a treadmill. It should be said that walking is no less effective in terms of developing endurance and getting rid of excess fat, and is certainly healthier. The fact is that the treadmill is designed in such a way that we do not run along it - we catch up with it. This creates unwanted stress on knee joints and over time can lead to meniscus or hamstring injuries.

  • Walking on a treadmill is recommended for those people who have knee problems. She will help support physical fitness and avoid aggravation of injuries;
  • This is a great exercise for those who are just starting to exercise. By walking on a treadmill from the first days of training, you will gain excellent endurance and save your knees;
  • Interval walking on a treadmill is perfect for athletes suffering from hypertension. It allows us to work at a comfortable heart rate (115-130 beats per minute), while running increases the heart rate to 140-170 beats per minute, which is too high for cardiovascular system hypertension;
  • also measured walking on a treadmill is good for those people who have only recently quit smoking and started to lead healthy image life, and their respiratory system is not yet ready for serious strength or cardio exercise. After a month of regular walking on a treadmill, their shortness of breath will decrease or completely disappear, the functioning of the cardiovascular system will normalize, their lungs will get used to delivering more oxygen to the muscle cells, and only after that can they begin full-fledged exercise in the gym.

@Kzenon - adobe.stock.com

Rules for effective walking

To get the most out of this type of cardio workout, follow these simple rules:

  1. Always start your workouts with a thorough warm-up. Particular attention should be paid to the knees and ankle joints, you should also warm up your quadriceps and calf muscles well.
  2. Consume enough. Drinking at least a liter of non-carbonated mineral water in small sips, you will protect yourself from disturbances in the layer balance in the body.
  3. Don't change the length of your steps. Try to take steps same length throughout the entire workout - this will allow you to maintain a uniform pace of walking and increase the effectiveness of cardio exercise;
  4. Finish your workout with a cool-down. When you are already exhausted and cannot walk briskly, do another 10-20 minutes of walking at a leisurely pace. Due to the increase in heart rate when walking quickly, during a cool-down, fat burning and metabolic processes in your body will not weaken.
  5. Decide on the optimal workout duration. Scientists believe that lipolysis processes during physical activity begin to occur at full capacity only after 35-40 minutes, but at the same time, too long cardio (more than 80 minutes) can lead to breakdown muscle tissue. Therefore, the optimal duration of walking on a treadmill is about 60 minutes.

@elenabsl - adobe.stock.com

How to lose weight by walking?

In order to enhance lipolysis processes during cardio training in the form of walking on a treadmill, there are several technical subtleties. Here are some of them:

Correct training time

The optimal time to perform cardio workouts for weight loss is in the morning on an empty stomach. At this time, processes dominate in our body, glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles are minimal, and the only source of energy is subcutaneous or visceral fat, which our body begins to actively consume. If you are worried that fasted cardio will negatively impact your muscle mass, consume a portion of complex amino acids before training.

Combination with other exercises

No less effective is walking on a treadmill after strength training or functional training. Walking at moderate intensity will increase the fat-burning effect of your workout, as you will burn even more calories.


Regularity of exercise is the key to progress. If, in addition to walking, you exercise with weights, then two hours of walking training on a treadmill per week will be quite enough. If for one reason or another, working out in the gym is contraindicated for you, walk on the treadmill 4-5 times a week.

Variety in training

Add variety to your training process. Perform brisk walking more often, almost turning into running, so you will achieve an even greater increase in endurance and reserves of the respiratory system. Also an excellent way to lose weight is interval walking on a treadmill, in which you alternate between walking at a fast pace and walking at a leisurely pace. Interval walking will be especially effective if you have a fitness bracelet or heart rate monitor - this way you can track your calorie consumption and heart rate at different walking paces and, based on this, make adjustments to your training schedule and try to increase the intensity of your cardio workouts day after day. .

Training program

Below are several interval walking patterns for beginner and intermediate athletes:

Entry level

Intermediate level

Each scheme should be repeated 3-4 times within one workout. To increase energy expenditure, you can vary the inclination angle of the moving surface of the treadmill, making it larger for low-intensity walking and smaller for high-speed walking.