Exercises for the back during sedentary work. A set of back exercises that you can do right at your workplace

Hi all! This article is dedicated to accountants, secretaries, and all those who, due to their line of work, are forced to move little. If it is difficult to find time to do physical exercise, if it so happens that you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then these exercises in the workplace are just for you.

Desk Exercises Everyone Will Appreciate

It's simple - watch and repeat. Together with colleagues, boss, accountant and business traveler.

In fact, inactivity is a pressing problem. Use special exercises, the so-called hidden(or ) gymnastics.

These movements (or exercises) can be performed anytime and anywhere without attracting the attention of others.

The method of “constant hidden training and physical impact on the body,” or more simply, “gymnastics for the lazy,” is an excellent alternative to traditional physical education classes.

The main task of this method is to replenish the pain that most residents of large cities experience.

The effectiveness of classes depends on their frequency and regularity.

Any exercise is performed either until fatigue sets in, or as long as there is a desire and opportunity.

You can perform the exercises statically or dynamically - this does not affect the effectiveness of the training. If no one can see you, both options are good.

If you need to make the training invisible, use the static option.

Exercises you can do without attracting attention

  1. For example, when you wash your face, you can stand barefoot on a rubber mat with a lumpy surface- this is a good tonic procedure, since on the sole of the feet there are many biologically active points associated with internal organs. Thanks to the unevenness of the mat, a natural massage of these nerve formations occurs and the body receives an additional charge of vigor.
  2. Leaning over the sink , do not bend your knees- This helps to increase muscle tone.
  3. Walk as much as possible, do not stand passively on the escalator in the subway, but, if possible, go up and down the stairs.
  4. When you go don't slouch. Learn to walk easily and naturally, then you will get less tired.
  5. While in transport, standing in line with all your might, as if you want it to touch your spine. . Do this as often as possible and you will get rid of excess fat around your waist and belly. But this exercise cannot be done immediately after eating.
  6. Still as strong as possible tighten your butt muscles. Count to six and relax. The more often you do this exercise, the faster and more graceful your silhouette will be.
  7. When doing household chores or walking along the office corridor, while no one is looking, take turns four steps on toes and four regular ones. Then four heel steps, then four normal ones. You can try it - it strengthens.

Hidden gymnastics by Vorobyov for those who hang out at the computer

  1. Sitting on a chair come off the floor with force. To increase the effect, you can press your palms on your knees. Repeat 30 - 40 times for 1 minute.
  2. Sitting on a chair lift your socks off the floor, as if overcoming resistance. At the same time, the muscles of the lower leg, foot, and thigh become noticeably tense. Repeat 30 - 40 times for 1 minute, you can also do it while standing.
  3. You can also do it 40 times tense and relax, it is especially good to do this in transport, since in winter it is absolutely invisible. Just squeeze them and relax.
  4. As you inhale, inflate your stomach, and as you exhale, inflate with all your might. pull in your stomach as if you want it to touch your spine. Count to six and relax. Repeat this as often as possible.
  5. Slide your shoulder blades back toward your spine so that your back appears flat. Repeat 30-40 times.
  6. Clench and unclench your fists, making great efforts to do this. So that the tension in the arm muscles reaches .
  7. Turn your head first to the right and then to the left 90 degrees. Repeat this at least 10 times for each side.
  8. Firmly resting your palms on the seat of the chair, raise your feet slightly above the floor. Then try to get up yourself. Slowly return to the original position. This perfectly strengthens the muscles of the shoulders and chest. While sitting, make periodic circular movements with your feet, each in turn.

Exercises in the office - exercises in pictures

Another option isometric gymnastics, which you can perform in the office without getting up from your chair, and you can do it unnoticed by others.

A sedentary lifestyle is the scourge of the 21st century. People spend their entire lives sitting – traveling on public transport to and from work, directly working time at the computer, even at home people manage to spend all their total time sitting in a chair or playing on a tablet until late, and as a result, a significant load is placed on the spine. Many people are tormented by the question of how to save the spine during a sedentary job, what exercises need to be done in order to feel cheerful? Let's look at these important issues and ways to solve them for any modern person.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

A chronic disease of the spine, in which intervertebral discs and cartilage are affected, and people experience severe pain, is called osteochondrosis. This disease awaits you if you do not start taking care of your spine in time. There are often cases when already at 20-30 years old the back hurts from sedentary work, so don’t ignore the first signs, start actively resisting them.

To avoid the question of how to properly save the spine during a sedentary job, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • You must lead healthy image life, do gymnastics or do back exercises in gym.
  • With regular exercise, blood circulation will improve and you will get fit muscle corset, a “by-product” of the classes will be that you will begin to look better and feel great, and your physical health will improve.
  • No exercise can replace self-control, so carefully monitor your posture, try to walk straight, without hunching or slouching.

Exercises for sedentary work

The most important thing you should learn when working at a computer in an office is to sit correctly. Your posture should be perfect; you should not lean on one side or cross your legs. Exercise for the office will help improve performance and relieve pain. To feel good, there are very simple, but effective exercises for the back and neck.

Warm-up for the back

  1. A very simple but effective exercise - lock your hands. To do this, you will need to sit on a chair with a perfectly straight back and clasp your hands behind your back. To perform the exercise you will need dexterity and good posture: The smoother it is, the easier it will be to connect your hands. If the stretch is far from perfect, take a pen or pencil and try to clasp your hands together. Back blood circulation will improve and you will feel better.
  2. The next exercise is to sit on a chair, stretch your arms forward, with your fingers interlocked. As you exhale, try to stretch out as much as possible, while keeping your stomach in and your head looking down. This is a great exercise to stretch your upper back.
  3. If in the previous exercise you stretched your arms forward, then here you should stretch them back. In a sitting position, bring your hands back and clasp them, then stretch as much as possible. The correctness of the execution will be indicated by the bringing together of the shoulder blades in the position chest extended forward.

Warm up for the neck

Neck exercises are important to prevent osteochondrosis cervical spine, they can be used as a charger at work. The entire neck complex should be repeated 3-5 times for maximum effectiveness:

  1. Simple but good exercise- shaking head. To do this, you will need to sit on a chair, tilt your head slightly forward and perform smooth, rocking movements back and forth, as if agreeing with something.
  2. A similar exercise, only here you will need to tilt your head first to one shoulder, then to the second. Try to touch your shoulder with your ear, do everything carefully, without sudden movements.
  3. Exercise "Who's There?" consists of turning your head to the right, trying to look over your right shoulder and vice versa. The exercise can be done sitting or standing.

Exercise Chair

Video: Office exercise

Irina Kondrasheva | 10/20/2015 | 3689

Irina Kondrasheva 10/20/2015 3689

Both sedentary and standing lifestyles are equally harmful to health. Help your body by doing just 10 minutes of these exercises at work.

Doctors joke that they can tell about the occupation and lifestyle of a particular patient better than any fortune teller. Alas, this is true. The programmer and accountant are identified by sore eyes, the driver by rough palms and a specific curvature of the spine, the hairdresser and sales assistant by rough feet and varicose veins. The degree of neglect of the disease directly depends on the length of work in the specialty.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Massive computerization has brought eye problems to the top of the “rating” of occupational diseases. Redness, dryness and a feeling of sand, bags under the eyes and swollen eyelids are a guaranteed result of many hours of “vigilance” in front of the monitor. A few five-minute breaks for eye exercises will not only save your eyesight, but also help increase your own efficiency.

  1. We rotate the pupils with our eyes closed. 10-15 each circular movements one way and the other.
  2. We blink frequently for 30 seconds, then just sit for the same amount of time with our eyes closed, relaxing.
  3. We look at the tip of our nose for 10 seconds, and then move our gaze to an object on the opposite side of the room. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercises for sedentary work

Office workers who get up from their workplace only during their lunch break need 10 minutes of rest for every 2 hours of work. A set of exercises for physical education will help avoid aggravation of a number of diseases.

1. Stretching the spine

  • We rise from the chair and stand against the wall, trying to press ourselves against the vertical surface with all parts: heels, hips, lower back, shoulder blades and neck.
  • Having fixed in this position, we stand up on our toes, sliding along the wall.
  • Repeat slowly 10-15 times.

2. Circular rotations

Circular movements of the pelvis − best way relieve tension from the lumbar spine. We perform 5 rotations, first clockwise, and then in the opposite direction.

3. Tilts

Bends with your fingertips touching the floor are performed 3 times with the obligatory bend back when returning to the starting position.

4. Working on your abs

Pumping up your abs will not only help relax stiff shoulders and back, but will also promote the flow of oxygen, which will have a beneficial effect on mental activity.

We inhale slowly, simultaneously tensing the abdominal muscles, and then also slowly exhale, relaxing. The exercise can be performed right in your office - none of your colleagues will even guess that you are pumping up your abs!

5. Stretch your legs

Jumping in place to a small height and squats will help disperse stagnant blood.

Standing Exercises

Varicose veins, aching legs, swelling, flat feet are signs of standing work. The risk group for leg diseases includes both promoters who are constantly on the move, as well as salespeople, hairdressers, factory workers and teachers who are forced to stand in one place a lot.

A lunch break or free 5-10 minutes must be devoted to prevention, otherwise problems will make themselves felt within a few years. Stagnation of venous blood can cause blood clots.

1. We do not allow swelling

Periodically clench and unclench your toes. Performing this exercise 10-15 compression-extensions 3-4 times a day will also prevent swelling.

2. Massage your shins

Self-massage of the lower leg – good remedy, which helps to cope with heaviness in the legs. We combine the minutes allocated for rest with intense rubbing and tapping movements on the outer and inside legs.

3. Legs up!

The opportunity to lift your legs off the floor is a great success that should not be missed. During the coffee break, place a second chair or ottoman nearby and put your feet up on it. Alternately stretching out the socks, we disperse the blood. After 5-7 approaches, we give ourselves 3 minutes of complete relaxation.

Don't neglect exercise at work, and your body will thank you!

A set of exercises that can be performed while sitting at your desk during breaks between work tasks. Teach your colleagues to take care of their own health and exercise with you several times during the working day. Fitness in the workplace is a great way to take care of your figure and well-being.

Everyone is well aware of the harm professional activities of a sedentary nature cause. Sedentary work increases the risk of diseases associated with cardiac activity, provokes diabetes and cancer. For the category of people with sedentary work it is necessary proper nutrition, quality rest and mandatory physical exercise. In the last article we discussed that these and other tips help.

One of the main components is gymnastics at work with this lifestyle. Exercise can reduce the risk of illness and help rest the parts of the body that are most stressed. For many office staff, it is vital to perform a set of exercises at work.

1 exercise

Sit straight on a chair with a hard back. Having clasped our hands in the back of the head, we bend back, resting on the back. It is important to strictly control your breathing. We take a deep breath, bend back, exhale, bend forward. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 2

Sitting on a work chair (there is a backrest), we keep our back straight. In this case, both hands should be at the top. One hand grabs the hand with the other, then make smooth tilts to the right, left, straining the whole muscle tissue. Recommended repetition - 10 times.

Exercise 3

This is the so-called “scissor work”. Hands are at chest level. Inhale, arms are brought together in front, exhale, diverge to the sides. The exercise is recommended to be performed 10 to 15 times a day.

Exercise 4

Sitting at your workplace, place your feet at a distance of 30 centimeters and rest on the floor. One hand holds on to the chair, the other rests on the thigh. In this position, it is necessary to make turns, while creating pressure on the back area. When making a turn, you need to hold the tense position for several seconds. Then a change of hands occurs, and turns are already made in the other direction. The exercise can be performed 5 – 10 times a day.

Exercises while sitting at work allow you to perform gymnastics without leaving your workplace. In addition, a series of gymnastic techniques reduces the load accumulated during the working day. It is necessary to carry out a set of exercises based on the degree of fatigue and swelling of certain areas of the body.

An example of a set of exercises when working at a computer (video)

How often to take breaks from work

The approximate period of time between work and rest should be every 2 to 3 hours. Taking into account all the responsibility for one’s own health, fitness in the workplace will increase the chances of maintaining physical health normal.

Also, try to take the stairs more often if you have a sedentary job. This is a simple addition to daily life will help strengthen your legs, stabilize your weight and give exercise to muscles that are not used during normal walking. Read more

For more than forty years, scientists around the world have not stopped repeating how harmful sedentary work is. However, in recent years, this problem has become even more widespread due to the fact that people in the twenty-first century give preference to those professions that do not require any physical activity. This is the peculiarity of sedentary work; the lack of physical activity entails certain problems. It should also be noted that almost any sedentary work involves interaction with a computer, which only worsens real situation cases, increasing risk factors.

What is the harm from sedentary work?

Scientists say that the body of people who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle ages five and sometimes ten years faster than that of ordinary people. Among other things, sedentary work greatly affects your posture, weight, vision and overall well-being. The spine is especially affected. Doctors admit that most office workers have back problems. As a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of unpleasant pain, which can ultimately result in a full-fledged disease. Most often, as a result of sedentary work, people develop osteochondrosis, which can later provoke other complications in the form of kyphosis, disc protrusion or radiculitis. To this whole bouquet of diseases you can also add hemorrhoids, sexual problems, venous congestion, apathy and swelling of the legs. However, this is not the entire list of diseases that develop as a result of sedentary work or sedentary image life.

Along with all other problems, doctors note a violation of metabolic processes in the musculoskeletal system in those who spend a long time in a sitting position. This deviation leads to stagnation of blood and, as a result, to the formation of blood clots, which in most cases are a problem of blockage of blood vessels. Thus, we can conclude that sedentary work is very harmful, and therefore requires increased attention from a person to his body. For constant sedentary work, it is imperative to do special exercises that help minimize health risks. Today we will look in detail at a set of effective exercises aimed at restoring the activity of the spine and muscles.

Effective exercises for sedentary work

First exercise

You don't need to get up from your chair to do this exercise. You need to clasp your hands at the back of your head and try to bend back and then forward as much as possible. In this case, you need to breathe as follows: bending back and inhaling, bending forward and exhaling.

Second exercise

It, like the previous one, is performed while sitting on a chair. To do this, you need to rest your feet well on the floor, placing them at a distance of forty to forty-five centimeters, and resting your hand on your thigh, turn your back, thus creating pressure in it. After staying in this position for a few seconds, you can return to the starting point and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

Third exercise

The next exercise is extremely simple, but at the same time very effective. Its essence boils down to the simplest lateral tilts, which knead lumbar region spine and resume muscle activity. Sitting on a chair, you need to raise your arms above your head and place your palm right hand by the left elbow. Tilts are performed slowly and alternately, without sudden jerks.

Fourth exercise

It's quite simple but extremely useful exercise, it promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain. While in a sitting position, you need to smoothly turn your head to the maximum in one direction, and then in the other direction. The intensity of repetitions can reach fifteen times.

Fifth exercise

But this exercise is more like a game. To perform it, you need to come up with a phrase of three or four words in your mind and try to draw it in the air using your nose. It is very important that the range of movement of the head is full; this is the only way to achieve the maximum effect.

Sixth exercise

This exercise aims to develop shoulder joints, it also helps increase blood circulation. It is quite easy to perform; you need to place your hands on your shoulders and perform rotational movements in both directions alternately. Approximately, you need to make ten full revolutions in one direction and the other.

Seventh exercise

Moving a little away from the table, you need to straighten your legs one by one so that they are parallel to the floor. It is advisable to do about ten to fifteen repetitions with each leg.

Eighth exercise

This exercise is aimed at strengthening most important muscle(inner thigh). It is very simple to do: you need to hold a bottle of water between your legs, or, if you don’t have one, a fist, and try to squeeze it, holding the tension for fifteen to twenty seconds.

Ninth exercise

Now we will look at an exercise that helps relieve tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back. To perform it, you need to lower your head down, relaxing your muscles, and raise your shoulders up. You need to spend about five seconds in this position, after which you can relax and repeat the exercise fifteen more times.

Tenth exercise

Another exercise aimed at strengthening gluteal muscles. It can be performed not only at work, but also in the car, for example. Sitting on a chair, you need to try to tense the muscles of your buttocks as much as possible, and hold this tension for five seconds, then relax and repeat it fifteen more times.

Pay attention!

A set of ten of the above exercises is aimed at activating the body’s work processes, improving blood circulation and increasing the activity of the back muscles. When performed regularly, you can minimize the harm that causes to our body. sitting position bodies. In addition to everything, you need to plan your workplace. This will allow you to cross off many risk factors from the list.