Tonus club exercise equipment. Fitness for the lazy - classes in toning clubs

Ask any girl: does she have a dream? - Of course, eat and not gain weight! Extra pounds are not easy for ladies: they are tiring physical activity, spending long hours in the gym and being sore all over the next morning.

Reasons to go for lazy fitness

  1. A large selection of special wellness simulators - toning tables, vibration platforms, infrared therapy - will make you forget forever about monotonous boring classes in other fitness clubs - relax and get results!
  2. Lazy Fitness Really Works! The skin becomes firmer, cellulite gradually disappears, and excess weight disappears day by day.
  3. You don’t need much physical effort, but your muscles are still strengthened, blood circulation increases, and your body generally gets healthier!
  4. Just imagine: after a hard day at work, you will not have to force yourself to do tedious strength training, but just have a great time, relax and lose a little weight!

Discount body shaping classes

It seems that there is nothing left to add to the mass of benefits of lazy fitness, but we have a surprise - add a discount! Subscriptions to tone clubs in Moscow with BuyCoupon have become even cheaper. Purchasing a coupon significantly reduces the price - give yourself a gift to your loved one! By participating in the promotion at the fitness club, you can also get a special offer:

  • additional session on a vibration machine;
  • solarium subscriptions to get an even, beautiful tan.

Engage in lazy fitness - this is an opportunity to cope with overweight without dangerous pills, harsh diets and tedious physical activities that turn into real tests!

A healthy lifestyle is impossible without proper physical activity. Most young people have been sitting at the computer a lot lately and moving little. To keep their body in good shape, guys and girls prefer to go to the gym. In Russia there are many sports complexes offering services high level. Each visitor can be presented personal trainer, which will not only help you choose exercises to work on problem areas, but will answer questions regarding nutrition. “Tonus Club” provides excellent opportunities to visitors. Reviews about the fitness center can be heard mostly positive.

Company information

The founders of the company managed to register their own brand in 2002. The fitness center is known to many people today. And those who managed to use his services leave only positive reviews about him. Initially, the Tonus Club functioned only in the capital. Moscow was the only city where people could get high-level fitness services. Since 2005, the company has operated on a franchising basis. “Tonus Club” began to appear in other cities. St. Petersburg became one of the first cities in which a branch was opened.

The Tonus Club company is distinguished not only by the presence of modern equipment and a huge number of representative offices. Real professionals work here who help you gain beautiful bodies to everyone who wants it. Trainers offer weight loss plans that are not harmful to health. Corporate training is regularly conducted. Specialists improve their skills every year.

Who are the services provided for?

First of all, the activities of the Tonus Club company are aimed at middle-aged women. The subscription is most often purchased by representatives of the fairer sex who have problems with excess weight. However, girls with perfect figure are also frequent visitors. After all, keeping your body in good shape is daily work. You need to eat right and follow your trainer's recommendations.

Older people can also visit the Tonus Club. Reviews from doctors show that recommendations for each client are developed in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body. Women over 50 are not offered the same workload as 20-year-old girls.

In the fitness center you can work out on the latest equipment, designed in accordance with all European requirements. Additionally, massage services are offered. The health club "Tonus" offers many opportunities to keep the body healthy. Below we will describe the services that are most popular among the fair sex.

Tone tables

Proper physical activity is based on working out the main muscle groups, as well as a relaxing massage. Excellent opportunities are provided by the original complex called the “tone table”, consisting of two exercise machines. One of them is moving and the other is fixed. The first provides the necessary impact on the muscles. The second is the necessary fixation of the body. Thanks to this, the harmful load on the body and spine is completely eliminated.

This technology is most suitable for elderly visitors to the Tonus Club center. Reviews from doctors show that such simulators do not have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. After classes, you practically don’t feel tired. Toning tables are great for daily training.

Cedar barrel

It has long been proven that paired procedures have a positive effect on the body. High temperature allows you to remove accumulated toxins and other harmful substances. Classic baths appeared a long time ago and are popular today. However, in modern sports complexes There is not always enough space to organize a high-quality steam room. The creators of the Tonus Club fitness center (Moscow) found a way out of the situation. A cedar barrel is a mini-steam room for one person.

A special large barrel is created from expensive wood. This material retains heat well and does not allow moisture to pass through. However, this procedure is not suitable for all women. Representatives of the fairer sex, those suffering from hypertension, as well as expectant mothers will have to refuse the service. It should be taken into account that high temperature stimulates blood circulation.

Infrared blanket

Great way to get rid of extra pounds- sweat a lot. It is on this principle that the operation of an infrared blanket is based. The procedure is somewhat similar to visiting a sauna. However, a special installation provides deeper tissue heating. Thanks to this, women can quickly get rid of excess weight and cellulite. The procedure will be even more effective if you combine it with moderate physical activity.

Thanks to deep heating, infrared radiation helps burn fat, improve skin condition, and improve blood circulation. It is useful to use infrared pants or a blanket before working out in the gym. Special radiation creates a warming effect. A woman can immediately begin more complex exercises.


This is another setting that helps rapid decline excess weight. The procedure is very popular among visitors to the Tonus Club company. Reviews show that many people use lymph nodes not only for the sake of future results. This is just a pleasant procedure that is somewhat reminiscent of a massage. Thanks to gentle stimulation problem areas removed from the body excess liquid. Along with it, toxins and harmful substances are removed.

Lymph pants help improve metabolism and also stimulate blood circulation. The condition of the skin improves significantly, the legs become slimmer, and cellulite disappears. An interesting fact is that lymph pants remove excess weight not only from the hips, but also from the waist. The figure improves evenly. It is no coincidence that this particular procedure is chosen by women visiting the “Tonus Club”. Reviews show that you don’t have to make a huge effort to lose weight. The main thing is to have the desire and the right approach to the problem of weight loss.

Roller massager

An excellent alternative to the classic manual massage presents a roller massager. The design of the device allows you to influence large areas of the body. Beech rollers are attached to the large drum and rotate around their own axis. The degree of pressure, as well as the depth of impact, is regulated by a specialist. The procedure stimulates blood circulation, helps remove fine wrinkles, and has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

Experts recommend continuing the massage for 20-30 minutes. Women who have visited the Tonus Club for the first time should start with a short exposure. Prices for a classic massage differ significantly from working with a simulator. Human labor is always valued more highly. But if you believe the reviews of visitors, there is no big difference between roller and classic massage.

Magnetic mat

This is a preventive procedure in which magnetic fields are gently applied to the female body. As a result, it is possible to get rid of fat deposits, improve blood circulation, and even out the skin. In addition, it improves general condition body. Women suffering from migraines note that attacks become much less frequent. Clients with hypertension also feel great.

Doctors note that the magnetic mat is one of the most useful procedures in the Tonus-Club company. You can only hear positive reviews. Magnetic waves affect nervous system, normalizing its work. In addition, this effect stimulates the production of collagen, which is necessary for a woman’s beauty and strong immunity.

Tone tables - 6 pcs. Losing excess weight - with regular classes 2 times a week visible results can be achieved within two to three months. The effectiveness of classes on toning tables is 7 times higher than traditional aerobics, shaping or fitness classes. And at the same time, students do not feel tired either during or after classes. Reducing cellulite - massage tables will help cope with this problem. Increasing muscle firmness and elasticity, formation muscle corset, increasing the flexibility of the whole body, forming graceful lines of the figure. Positive Impact on the spine - relieving back fatigue, which is especially important for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those suffering from poor posture and osteochondrosis. Relief of back pain. Improved posture. Relieving stress and getting rid of chronic fatigue syndrome - an eight-minute rest on a relaxation table not only relieves accumulated fatigue, but also improves blood circulation and metabolism, helps remove harmful waste and toxins from the body, and accelerates lymphatic drainage. Increasing the overall tone of the body. Improved mood after each session. Increased motor activity; Vibration platform: helps get rid of cellulite corrects the figure promotes weight loss improves complexion, as it enriches tissues with oxygen stimulates lymphatic drainage improves blood microcirculation 10 minutes of exercise on the VIBRO PLATFORM is equal in effect to: one hour of training in the gym with exercises on simulators; two hours of tennis; two hours of abdominal exercises; two hours of fast running!

Bath, sauna
IR blanket, IR pants: The method is based on heating the body with special infrared sources. Infrared heat has a positive effect on the entire body. Infrared rays, like their natural counterparts (for example, sun rays), are not only harmless, but also useful. Infrared rays penetrate into adipose tissue to a depth of up to four centimeters and cause improved blood circulation and acceleration of natural metabolic processes in the body. The effect of “deep heat” is fundamentally different from the effect of a sauna, since in the first case the depth of tissue heating is 10-15 times greater. The very first session provides an immediate reduction in waist or hip volume by 1.5-2.5 cm. To consolidate and enhance this result, it is recommended to undergo a course of 10-15 procedures. The effect of infrared pants lasts 48 hours after the end of the session. Therefore, procedures are allowed once every 2-3 days.

Cardio equipment
Vacuum trainer: This is an elliptical cardio trainer built into a capsule in which reduced pressure is created. By combining movement and vacuum, the simulator helps in the most short time reduce the volume of the abdomen, buttocks, legs and improve the condition of the skin with cellulite. When exercising on the simulator under the influence of low pressure, microcirculation of blood and lymph in the deep layers of subcutaneous tissue increases. During normal training, the muscles do not recognize the energy necessary for contractions in problem areas, since these parts, due to their thick layers, are poorly supplied with blood. With the help of a vacuum, the upper layers of the skin are better supplied with blood, and the muscles recognize additional energy. This helps to improve metabolism and tissue nutrition, break down fats, enhance cell regeneration, and accelerate recovery processes in cells and tissues. Collagen begins to be actively produced in the skin, the number of its fibers, according to research, increases significantly, and the skin is noticeably smoothed and tightened. In addition to the aesthetic effect, exercise on a barosimulator has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and helps remove toxins from the body;

Wellness simulators are similar to inventions described by science fiction writers: you lie down, do nothing, and the simulator itself lifts your legs, bends your arms, and massagers affect problem areas. The kilograms go away, and at this time you can take a nap. That is why fitness for the lazy is suitable for women of all ages with any physical fitness.

You can come to Wellness clubs without makeup or hair, and not be afraid to meet the puzzled looks of men. The clubs always have a friendly atmosphere where you can relax and chat with friends while working out. Let's figure out what procedures and equipment the tone clubs offer.

Tone tables

These are some of the most popular exercise machines that do all the exercises for you. They raise motor activity, strengthen muscles and joints, relieve stress and fatigue. Typically, within an hour you need to go through up to eight exercise machines. different groups muscles, such as the thighs, abdomen or legs. The training time on each machine is about 10 minutes, and an hour of training is equivalent to seven hours of intense exercise.

Vibration platform

Favorite exercise machine of the queen of foreign pop music, Madonna. A special platform creates vibrations that cause all the muscles of the body to involuntarily contract and relax. Exercises on a vibration platform help improve blood circulation in the body, saturate cells with oxygen, and accelerate the breakdown of fat.

A simulator with which you can get rid of cellulite in the shortest possible time. A stepper, elliptical or exercise bike is installed inside the capsule, and the rarefied air locally affects problem areas and effectively fights extra centimeters on the stomach and hips. In addition, the vacuum trainer helps remove toxins from the body.

Hippo simulator

This is a horse riding simulator that trains balance and is an excellent exercise machine for strengthening the abdominal and back muscles. The equestrian trainer moves along a special trajectory and constantly deviates you from the center of gravity, forcing your body to return to starting position to maintain balance. As a result, even those muscle groups that cannot be worked on with conventional exercise machines are used.

Another effective method fight against extra pounds. Infrared rays penetrate deep layers of skin and fat, stimulate blood circulation, and accelerate the removal of toxins from the body. As a result, fat cells break down and leave the body. naturally. Thanks to their special design, infrared pants, shorts or a blanket create a sauna effect and have an additional healing effect.

Power Plate Trainers

Power plate studios appeared relatively recently in Russia. These innovative simulators are based on NASA developments for astronaut training. Power Plate works based on the principle of gravitational attraction of the body to the earth. The platform moves imperceptibly in three directions, forcing the body to maintain balance. Just 15 minutes of training on the simulator replaces one hour strength training in the gym.

Can get rid of cellulite in a few sessions. It consists of beech rollers and allows you to independently massage the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, legs and arms. The massager acts directly on problem areas, helps smooth out stretch marks and simply massages any part of the body. As a result, blood circulation improves, metabolism increases and centimeters “melt before our eyes.”

Massage for weight loss

Among weight loss procedures, weight loss massage occupies a special place. It increases muscle elasticity, saturates cells with oxygen and improves metabolism. In the practice of professional massage therapists there are many different massage techniques that can remove extra centimeters from problem areas. The most popular of them are anti-cellulite, vacuum massage or abdominal massage.

How often should you visit the tone club?

To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to exercise at least three times a week. The duration of training on toning tables should be approximately 1 hour, on a vacuum simulator 30 minutes, on a vibration platform 10 minutes, on a roller massager 20 minutes. Any club will help you choose a training program and procedures depending on your goals and health status.

The results of training in tone clubs are noticeable quite quickly. In addition, many clubs provide the opportunity to pass trial lesson for free. Wellness exercise equipment is a simple and enjoyable way to get a great figure and a great mood!

Before we talk about Tonus club, let’s try to reliably understand what a Wellness center is and how it differs from the usual fitness clubs. Wellness is maintaining excellent physical, spiritual and emotional shape without bullying own body. Indeed, it sounds tempting: a good athletic performance without grueling training. This concept intrigues many women, which is why the network of such health centers in the capital is very popular.

What is the difference between this establishment and the usual ones? gyms, and how it will surprise its visitors. First of all, it should be noted that this is not a 24-hour club, its opening hours are strictly limited, and you can only get here by appointment, and not on a first-come, first-served basis, so to speak, as we are all used to.

To the great surprise of all visitors, there are no crowds of European exercise equipment, which are usually seen in all fitness clubs. The equipment in this center is completely different, and some people even see it for the first time in their lives and don’t know what it’s called.

Wellness center equipment

So, Tonus club provides various exercise machines that do not require serious physical effort, but as a result they productively correct a problematic figure, relieving it of extra pounds and cellulite. Thus, the vacuum simulator is specially designed to effectively combat orange peel Moreover, it allows you to lose weight by 10 kg in the shortest possible time. The roller massager has made the profession of a massage therapist absolutely useless, since it also performs a high-quality massage of all problem areas and at the same time enriches tissue cells with oxygen, regulates metabolic processes and normalizes blood circulation. The task of an equestrian simulator is to strengthen the back muscles and abdominals, while developing flexibility and speed of reaction.

Of course, special attention should be paid to toning tables, which are especially popular today among Hollywood stars, and this is not surprising, because the procedure, which takes only an hour, helps improve posture, relieve back and lower back pain, and also creates a sporty silhouette , eliminates cellulite and extra pounds. In addition, the activity fills the body with a charge of vivacity, relieves the everyday blues and significantly lifts the mood. In addition, you should not ignore the vibration platform, because its uniqueness lies in the fact that you just need to stand and do nothing, and the conductive vibrations will “do their job” on their own, forcing all muscle groups to work spontaneously. As a result, blood circulation and metabolism are normalized, and all problems with excess weight and cellulite disappear. There are also a number of individual programs, which will not only make external changes, but will also significantly improve health.

The massage bed is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the back and spine, strengthening weakened immunity and improving cardiovascular system. Pressotherapy acts as an effective therapy varicose veins veins, and thermotherapy productively removes toxins and waste from the body, breaks down salts, burns fats and corrects problematic female figures. Magnetic therapy will be appropriate for acute and chronic diseases of various etiologies, to increase immunity, prevent thrombosis, rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

Of course, as in other fitness centers, in Tonus club There is a solarium, which allows you not only to relax as much as possible, but also to acquire a uniform tan of the desired shade.

We can conclude that the equipment of this establishment is unique, and an individual approach is provided to each client. So, first you need to undergo testing, identify all problem areas and diseases, and then knowledgeable specialists select the most optimal program for each case. Thus, the training takes place without any special physical effort, and is completely focused on problem areas of the body, that is, those places that are needed lose weight.

Prices Tone Club

If we talk about prices, then, as reported on the website, they are quite reasonable, that is, they are not too different from traditional fitness centers and gyms. In addition, there are favorable discounts that help save the family budget.

The cost of an annual subscription is not indicated, although the prices of individual procedures are specified, which already gives at least some idea of ​​the existing tariffs.

The peculiarity of this place

The Tonus Club network is growing every year, and many people are switching to just this - a sport “for the lazy,” so to speak. Easy workouts, which are more like relaxation, really give their results, and the figure gradually takes on a more perfect appearance. The only thing that's disappointing is the lack of a swimming pool, which would help you freshen up after classes.

Today, this Western trend, which came to us from Hollywood, has found a huge number of supporters, and has helped many solve their health problems and become noticeably prettier.

Presentation of the Tonus Club