How many calories does cleaning burn? How many calories can you burn cleaning floors?

Obesity is currently the number one problem. Many people want to lose weight, or at least not gain a few extra pounds. It's just that there is no willpower. This is a very complex and long process; you need to radically change your diet. This article will not outline options for different diets or tips on how to lose weight. Here we will describe ways to avoid gaining a couple more extra pounds. Nothing complicated, no restrictions on food. Just doing household chores is kind of the same physical activity.

So let's start with cleaning. Surely every woman does this, but she doesn’t know how many calories it takes. All further data is calculated for 30 minutes of work.


Wiping dust consumes 80 calories. If a woman washes windows, she spends 280 calories. By mopping floors, you lose 130 calories. Vacuums carpets - 205 calories. Sweeps floors - 108 calories. Cleans plumbing and burns 275 calories. Wipes a mirror or glass - 265 calories are consumed. Washing tiles is 20 calories, but dishes are 50 calories. Changing linens on a double bed uses 35 calories. Just putting everything in its place is 115 calories. General cleaning uses 96 calories. Rearranging furniture - 223 calories. If you are renovating your apartment, you will lose 150 calories.


When a woman irons while sitting, 40 calories are spent, and when ironing while standing, 70 calories are spent.


It takes a lot of time to prepare food, as well as extra grams of fat. A whopping 75 calories. Peel vegetables with a knife - 30 calories.


Let's move on to washing. This type of activity uses up a lot of energy. You can lose up to 60 calories by hand washing small items. Hand washing curtains, blankets and other similar items - 110 calories.


If you live in a multi-story building and don't have an elevator, this is great. There is no better physical activity. Walking up the stairs takes as much as 270 calories. If you run up the stairs, you will lose 600 calories. Walking down stairs is less - 131 calories.


Do you live in a private house and have your own garden? You are incredibly lucky. Since doing things in the garden, you can greatly adjust your figure. For example, digging beds takes 180 calories, planting seedlings – 150, watering beds – 160, weeding – 170 calories, fertilizing – 200 calories. Tree trimming - 178 calories. Planting seedlings - 170 calories. Pick fruit and lose 180 calories. Cleaning leaves – 148.


Winter sport

Winter will come soon and at this time you can go skiing, which will burn 303 calories. Snow removal takes 220 calories. Ice skating can burn between 180 and 600 calories. This is a highly effective sport for weight loss.

Cycling – 250 calories.
Swimming – 226.
Beach volleyball – 298 calories.
A walk in the forest burns 62 calories, and picking berries and mushrooms burns 182 calories.


At home, you can turn on some music and dance a little. Slow dancing takes 230 calories, fast dancing much more. Jump rope to a song and you'll burn 460 calories. Run in place and burn 359 calories.


If you have a child, give him some of your time. Playing active games with children takes 190 calories, walking with a stroller takes 75 calories, giving a child a bath takes 94 calories. Taking a shower yourself costs 50 calories. Just lying down and soaking in the bath – 20 calories. Talk on the phone - 40 calories, play board games– 25 calories. Getting dressed - 48, doing makeup and hair - 62 calories.

Completely simple and everyday tasks, and how much extra energy is burned!

You know what the most intensive training in a fitness club can be replaced with household chores that we don’t really like, which for some reason consume large number energy. For example, cleaning after renovation lasting about three hours burns more than 1000 kcal. Are we intrigued? Then let's study together the calorie consumption when doing basic household chores in order to lose weight.

For reference: Europeans have increased significantly in volume since 1980 - average weight men and women respectively increased by 8 and 6 kilograms. And this is a consequence not so much of overeating, but of a sedentary lifestyle that we provide for ourselves. After all, instead of walking, we drive a car; instead of manual work, we use household appliances everywhere.

If you don’t have the time, energy or money to visit gym and maintenance physical fitness, then we pull ourselves together and start doing routine household work: if you wash the floors by hand in a few hours you will lose 120 kcal, cleaning an apartment with a vacuum cleaner burns 250 kcal, washing windows - 612 kcal, rearranging furniture - 612 kcal.

It’s hard to believe, but cleaning apartments in Moscow, in addition to your basic income, can improve your well-being and radically change your appearance: such a workout burns about 3500 kcal in two to three hours of continuous work, i.e. it is much more effective than a long distance race.

How many calories can we lose at home?

Studies of the female body have shown that manual labor in 15 minutes can burn:

  • washing dishes – 10 kcal;
  • dusting – 20 kcal;
  • ironing – 50 – 70 kcal;
  • cooking - 75 kcal.

From all that has been said, we can draw several conclusions:

  • keeping the house clean is our trump card in the fight against excess weight;
  • having perfect shapes You can invite a cleaning company to do the cleaning or entrust such a responsible task to your husband, and spend this time in a cafe with your girlfriends.

So whether to lose weight or not – decide for yourself!

Hate cleaning but love working out? Do you have enough time for cleaning, but not enough time for training? So combine business with business - mop the floors and do laundry, while burning calories and pumping up muscles.

House cleaning is great way burn calories, but just like working out, the more effort you put in, the better the results will be. Therefore, get ready for serious work right away. Wear comfortable clothes and sneakers to reduce the risk of injury.

To ensure your workout is effective, we recommend starting with a warm-up. Perfect for her washing dishes. In 30 minutes you will burn 50 calories. To increase the intensity, do lower body exercises. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, rise onto your toes and hold this position for about ten seconds, and then slowly lower down. Repeat this exercise ten times for two or three sets, taking minute breaks from time to time.

Furniture polishing and dust removal Great for arm exercises. For polishing, use wax, not a spray - rubbing wax is much more difficult, which means the arm muscles will receive more high load. You can burn 130 calories in an hour.

Ironing clothes not that difficult, but have you tried doing it while standing on one leg? Try it! Don't forget to change legs. It is better to place the basket with laundry on the floor for ironing. Bend or squat for each item. Don’t forget about the main rules: keep your back straight when bending. When squatting, bend your knees at right angles.

Include in your " training plan» cooking. Grind, mix, beat. All of these actions will help you burn more calories. If you really want to get results, make your own bread - kneading the dough is not as easy as it might seem. While you are cooking, you can burn about 150 calories.

Vacuum. Moving forward and backward is a great workout for your abdominal muscles. You burn about 190 calories per hour of vacuuming. We advise you to turn on moving music that will set the pace. Hour washing floors will help burn about 240 calories, the same amount you will lose in 45 minutes of dancing. Clean the bath for 15 minutes and get the same load as you would get by jumping rope.

Wash the windows and burn 167 calories in 30 minutes. A great arm workout guaranteed. You can also do 20 squats after every window you clean, making it the perfect end to your home workout.

As a professional trainer, I will say that not a single household activity can replace fitness training. Fitness is health, beauty and harmony. In training there is a gradual increase in load and intensity, warm-up and cool-down, exercises united by a specific goal. Cleaning most likely will not give the desired effect. But I have a couple of suggestions for you that will help you do the necessary cleaning for the benefit of your body.

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Cleaning for weight loss

To lose weight, many women follow strict diets, but at the same time the body is in a state of stress.

You can lose weight by visiting a fitness club, but many simply do not have the time or money for this.

Some people don't realize that doing housework burns a lot of calories.

But cleaning for weight loss is an excellent alternative to dieting! So combine business with pleasure and lose weight and put your apartment in order.

Clean up while staying in good mood, rhythmic music to which you can perform dance movements will help you.

Remember! With general cleaning combined with rhythmic movements, you will burn approximately 200 kcal per hour.

When we combine ironing with dancing, we will burn 160 kcal per hour.

Every day, making the bed, we spend 32 kcal in ten minutes. When you do the following exercise you will get good load on the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks: we keep our back straight, we place our feet so that one is in front of the other, when we bend down to the level of the bed, we squat.

When washing the floor or cleaning the carpet with a Samsung vacuum cleaner, for example, you will spend up to 50 kcal in ten minutes. If you keep your back straight and sit down at the level of a mop or vacuum cleaner and continue working, you can increase the number of calories you burn.

If, when hanging the laundry, you straighten your back, stand on your toes, tense your thigh muscles, and pull in your stomach, then in ten minutes you will lose 30 kcal.

For more significant weight loss, you can combine weight loss cleaning with the effect of a sauna. To do this, take a hot shower and apply a special mask, then wrap your body cling film. Then, while doing homework, you will improve blood circulation, and this will cause sweating, because the film improves heat transfer and ongoing fat burning processes.

Scientists are convinced that by cleaning your home you will lose 50,000 calories in a year, because when you clean, you walk about thirty-six kilometers in a year.

And in terms of efficiency, daily house cleaning is comparable to visiting the gym. For example, if you spend two hours a day cleaning the floor, you will burn four hundred calories.

In addition, while cleaning we train the main muscle groups.

Hand washing, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, washing dishes helps burn extra calories.

Data are given for ten minutes without additional movements for women of 3 weight categories:

Name of activity /Person’s weight 50 kilograms 70 kilograms 90 kilograms.

Making the bed, washing dishes, sewing, knitting, ironing - 15 kilocalories, 21 kilocalories, 27 kilocalories,

Reading, writing - 10 kilocalories, 14 kilocalories, 18 kilocalories,

Studying and working on a computer, telephone conversations - 15 kilocalories, 21 kilocalories, 27 kilocalories,

Sweeping the floor, vacuuming, dusting - 20 kilocalories, 28 kilocalories, 32 kilocalories,

Washing the floor, washing by hand - 25 kilocalories, 35 kilocalories, 45 kilocalories,

Window washing, repairs - 30 kilocalories, 42 kilocalories, 54 kilocalories,

Work in the country, working with the land - 45 kilocalories, 63 kilocalories, 81 kilocalories,

Cleaning furniture - from 30-50 kilocalories.

More about burning calories: Calorie calculator

When using a weight loss method such as cleansing for weight loss, you will not only lose overweight, but you will also keep the apartment clean at all times.

From my own experience: a friend of mine, using this method of losing weight, lost ten kilograms. But, she not only diligently cleaned the house every day, but also limited herself in food.

Recently, a very large number of different diets have emerged. But despite all their differences, most are inclined to believe that it is necessary to count the calories that we get from food and that we spend.

Cleaning floors with a comfortable mop

Today we would like to tell you how many calories are burned during cleaning and in particular during washing the floor. Perhaps this data will help you plan your daily routine as part of a diet.

Scientists around the world constantly monitor the process of human development, and have long noted that now humanity is growing not upward, but in breadth. This is quite understandable, since most of us lead sedentary image life, eats without special restrictions and devotes little time to his health. No matter how much we talk about diets and sports, most often these are just words.

Therefore, to correct the situation, many people are already starting to play sports, trying to go to gyms and swimming pools. But even if you don’t visit gym, you can work on your weight at home.

Washing floors with a rag on your knees

We all know how much energy household chores, which seem so simple, take up. Indeed, many cleaning or organizing activities require a large number of calories from the body to operate. Therefore, let’s put off going to the gym for now and calculate how many calories are burned doing household chores.

Estimated energy costs for household chores, averaged data from many sources:

  • 60-80 kcal per hour is killed only by being in harsh kitchen conditions with temperature changes and high humidity;
  • 200 kcal per hour of preparing food for cooking: cutting meat, washing fruit, peeling and cutting vegetables;
  • 200 kcal per hour is consumed when washing dishes, despite the apparent ease of this activity, the back muscles take on more energy consumption;
  • 200 kcal can be lost in an hour of cleaning the closet, while ironing only takes 150 kcal/hour;
  • 150 kcal per hour is spent on the process of making the bed, which must be done every day in the morning, but if you have not done this, do it now;
  • 300 kcal are consumed in one hour when wiping off dust with a damp cloth; if you climb into hard-to-reach places, calorie consumption increases, but does not rise above 350;
  • 250 kcal are spent for 1 hour of working with a vacuum cleaner, after all, the device tries harder than you, so move more actively around the apartment;
  • 300 kcal - that’s exactly how many calories are burned per hour when washing windows, and since this process is very labor-intensive and slow, it’s an excellent half-day activity;
  • 350 kcal per hour is burned when washing the floors with a mop, but if you wash the floor with a rag while kneeling, then the calorie consumption approaches 400;
  • the same number of calories per hour (400) are spent when washing tiles in the bathroom, treating them with compounds against mold and mildew;
  • 350 kcal per hour will be spent by you when washing the sink, toilet, bathtub, shower stall; to a greater extent, calories are consumed due to difficult working conditions;
  • 300-350 kcal per hour will be burned during hand washing, the number of calories will depend on the volume of items.

Please note that complex cleaning consumes even more calories, so try to combine complex tasks with light ones, for example, after simple manipulations with dust, take up washing the floors, and then again choose a less labor-intensive job - disassemble the shelves in the bathroom.

Thorough cleaning of the floor

It is very important to burn more calories by not taking frequent breaks while cleaning. Maximum calorie consumption is achieved after 15-20 minutes of vigorous activity, i.e. from this time forward, every action will destroy as much energy as possible.

If you take a long break, the muscles will cool down and it will take another 15-20 minutes to reach the optimal mode. By this time, you will already feel some loss of strength, so you won’t be able to hold on at this pace for long.

Therefore, count on your strength for at least 1-2 hours of systematic work without a break; during this time you will spend a huge amount of calories, which you will gladly replenish later.

If we take average data, then in an hour of cleaning you will in any case spend about 300 kcal. It’s easy to calculate that for half a day of active weekly cleaning you will spend about 1200 kcal. An impressive amount, but to achieve it you will have to work hard.

The cleaning is done, it's time to rest

Energetic music, which you can choose at your discretion, will give you excellent tone. To the rhythms of your favorite songs, things will go more actively, and time will fly faster. You won’t even notice how you’ll lose a lot of calories.

But even after putting things in order in the apartment, putting yourself in order, you will spend extra calories. After which, looking at the cleanliness of the house, you will be satisfied with yourself and your work. Just don’t try to overeat at night, after such a good, physically difficult day of work. How much effort has been spent, is it really all in vain?

If humanity as a species does not stop getting fat in the coming years, then soon neither diets nor the use of environmentally friendly products will help to lose the kilograms that homo sapiens gained in the process of evolution. The current generation of people is undergoing the same changes that occurred 200 years ago, when the height of Europeans increased by 30 cm. Only now we are increasing in volume: if in 1980 the average weight of men was 73.7 kg, women - 62.2, then in at the beginning of the new millennium, these figures were 81.6 and 68.8 kg, respectively.

Typically, evolution is a slow process, changes in the body occur insignificantly. However, now humanity has changed the environment within one or two generations, and this has entailed a restructuring of metabolism, which for millennia was aimed at combating hunger. We are indomitably gaining weight not only due to the abundance of high-calorie foods. Extra pounds- a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle that a person allows himself thanks to a car and household appliances.

So don't sigh and feel sorry for yourself when you have to do housework.

In 10 minutes you will spend:

  • 30 kcal – if you peel vegetables with a knife;
  • 50 kcal – if you wash the dishes by hand after lunch;
  • 70 kcal – if you wash the floors with a mop;
  • 120 kcal – if you do the same on your knees;
  • 120 kcal – if you wash the tiles in the bathroom;
  • 110 kcal – if you scrub the bathtub and sink to a shine;
  • 60-80 kcal – if you wipe dust from furniture;
  • 60 kcal – if you clean carpets and furniture with a vacuum cleaner;
  • 35 kcal – if you change the bed linen and make a double bed;
  • 60 kcal – if you hand wash your tights and underwear;
  • 110 kcal – if you wash the curtains by hand.

Moreover, it is the big wash and general cleaning that are good, because only after 20 minutes of work the muscles reach working capacity and burn maximum quantity fat per unit of time. If you want to burn as many calories as possible, stay on the cleanliness enthusiasm for about an hour, two or three. Clean at a good pace while listening to rhythmic music.

And when you, completely exhausted, take a shower and wash your hair (another minus 20 kcal), blow-dry your hair (30 kcal), you can consider that the day has not been lived in vain! True, after unprecedented feats at home, I really want to sit down and pamper myself, selfless and hardworking, with cake, candy, ice cream... Stop, stop! Do you really want to start cleaning all over again?

Piece of cake (370 kcal)– 1 hour of continuous vacuuming, or 35 minutes of bath cleaning, or 1 hour 15 minutes brisk walking shopping, savings bank, dry cleaning and taking the child to kindergarten.

Ice cream serving (280 kcal)– 55 minutes of hand washing dishes or 25 minutes of hand washing curtains.

Small chocolate bar (400 kcal)– 1 hour of continuous dusting or 40 minutes of floor washing in three deaths.

Pear or apple? In the world, only 38% of people have normal weight, the remaining 62%, alas, cannot boast of this. Women often gain weight in a pear-shaped manner, gaining excess fat in the hips, while men gain weight in an apple-shaped manner, growing a solid abdomen. If we talk about health, then it’s better to be a “pear”. Fat accumulated in the abdomen can disrupt the normal functioning of the thoracic and abdominal organs and, as a result, metabolic processes. Excess weight is often the cause of sexual dysfunction.

Eh, I'll lose weight! In California, a company is flourishing that provides overweight clients with their unusual photographic portraits: in them the person looks like he has lost about 20 kilograms. Moreover, the company’s employees do not engage in any embellishment: the person in the photograph does not at all resemble Hollywood idols, he still looks like himself, only slim and fit. The mood of a person who tortures himself with all kinds of diets and cruel restrictions increases significantly - looking at such a portrait, he purposefully moves towards a very real ideal.

Telephone calls that curb your appetite. American patients suffering from overweight, now the computer will make phone calls and make sure they eat less and exercise. The study, conducted by the Center for Health Advancement in Washington, took part in 300 people leading a sedentary lifestyle and not watching their diet. The doctors wanted all these people to do a little exercise - at least a half-hour walk every day - and eat better.

The system asks the patient about his habits, and answers are made by pressing keys in tone dialing mode. As a result, the computer, having assessed the interlocutor’s lifestyle, offers him a task. Despite the general reluctance of people to communicate with a computer, this system proved popular. After just three months, more than a quarter of the study participants' physical activity complied with the doctor's recommendations.

It turned out that people are more willing to make frank confessions to a computer than to a real person. In addition, the machine works around the clock.

Montignac- French nutritionist. It offers a typical moderately low-calorie diet, very close to the so-called Mediterranean diet. Montignac excludes foods with a high glycemic index from the diet and almost prohibits saturated fats. The Frenchman recommends focusing on fiber, vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, and choosing fish rather than meat. Eat bread only at breakfast, and exclude bread at other meals. Breakfast Montignac suggests starting with juice or fruit on an empty stomach - that is, filling the stomach with low-calorie foods. The diet turns out to be effective from the very first weeks of its adherence, since preference is given to foods rich in appetite-reducing fiber.

Low carbohydrate diets. Their essence is that when the intake of carbohydrates, a source of energy, into the body is sharply limited, the body begins to process accumulated fat reserves. These methods include the Atkins diet. One of its varieties is the so-called Kremlin diet, popular today in Russia. You can eat as much meat as you like, but strictly limit your carbohydrate intake; first of all, you should avoid sweet, flour, potato dishes, bread, and rice.

However, low-carbohydrate diets have serious contraindications for those who suffer from chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, and kidneys.

One of the frequently encountered questions from women on this resource, who are primarily engaged in housework.

How many calories are burned while cleaning the house?

I hope this article will be useful to many of them...))

While cleaning and doing other housework, our bodies burn calories—sometimes even more than we can imagine. Therefore, many experts argue that cleaning and washing dishes can actually contribute to weight loss. And vice versa: women who do not clean are more susceptible to obesity.
We present to your attention some types of housework and the number of calories that are burned:

  • Sweeping the floor burns 240 kcal per hour. If you turn on fast music and move to the rhythm, it will speed up the burning of calories.
  • Washing floors – 325 kcal per hour. If you get down on your knees and scrub hard, you'll burn more calories.
  • Cooking – 150 kcal per hour. The more we do with our hands,
    standing on your feet instead of sitting, the more energy you spend and the more weight you lose.
  • Washing – 260 kcal per hour. It is advisable to place the wash basin on the floor and bend and straighten frequently.
  • Washing dishes, cleaning surfaces from dust – 200 kcal per hour.
  • Child care – 205 kcal per hour. If you get down on the floor to
    play with the child, run around the house with him and lift him up
    hands, you unnoticed are spending at least 205 kcal per hour.
  • Snow removal – 415 kcal per hour.
  • Lawn mowing – 325 kcal per hour
  • Raking leaves – 235 kcal per hour
All these types physical activity“not only help you burn a pretty good number of calories, but also help keep your house clean.

Recently, a very large number of different diets have emerged. But despite all their differences, most are inclined to believe that it is necessary to count the calories that we get from food and that we spend. Cleaning floors with a comfortable mop

Today we would like to tell you how many calories are burned during cleaning and in particular during washing the floor. Perhaps this data will help you plan your daily routine as part of a diet.

Cleaning and calories

Scientists around the world constantly monitor the process of human development, and have long noted that now humanity is growing not upward, but in breadth. This is quite understandable, since most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat without special restrictions and devote little time to our health. No matter how much we talk about diets and sports, most often these are just words.

Therefore, to correct the situation, many people are already starting to play sports, trying to go to gyms and swimming pools. But even if you don’t go to the gym, you can work on your weight at home.

Washing floors with a rag on your knees

We all know how much energy household chores, which seem so simple, take up. Indeed, many cleaning or organizing activities require a large number of calories from the body to operate. Therefore, let’s put off going to the gym for now and calculate how many calories are burned doing household chores.

Approximate figures

Estimated energy costs for household chores, averaged data from many sources:

  • 60-80 kcal per hour is killed only by being in harsh kitchen conditions with temperature changes and high humidity;
  • 200 kcal per hour of preparing food for cooking: cutting meat, washing fruit, peeling and cutting vegetables;
  • 200 kcal per hour is consumed when washing dishes, despite the apparent ease of this activity, the back muscles take on more energy consumption;
  • 200 kcal can be lost in an hour of cleaning the closet, while ironing only takes 150 kcal/hour;
  • 150 kcal per hour is spent on the process of making the bed, which must be done every day in the morning, but if you have not done this, do it now;
  • 300 kcal are consumed in one hour when wiping off dust with a damp cloth; if you climb into hard-to-reach places, calorie consumption increases, but does not rise above 350;
  • 250 kcal are spent for 1 hour of working with a vacuum cleaner, after all, the device tries harder than you, so move more actively around the apartment;
  • 300 kcal is exactly how many calories per hour, but since this process is very labor-intensive and slow, this is an excellent half-day activity;
  • 350 kcal per hour is burned when washing the floors with a mop, but if you wash the floor with a rag while kneeling, then the calorie consumption approaches 400;
  • the same number of calories per hour (400) are spent when washing tiles in the bathroom, treating them with compounds against mold and mildew;
  • 350 kcal per hour will be spent by you when washing the sink, toilet, bathroom; to a greater extent, calories are consumed due to difficult working conditions;
  • 300-350 kcal per hour will be burned during hand washing, the number of calories will depend on the volume of items.

Note that complex cleaning requires spending even more calories, so try to combine complex tasks with easy ones, for example, after simple manipulations with dust, start washing the floors, and then again choose a less labor-intensive task - disassemble the shelves in the bathroom.

Thorough cleaning of the floor

It is very important to burn more calories by not taking frequent breaks while cleaning. Maximum calorie consumption is achieved after 15-20 minutes of vigorous activity, i.e. from this time forward, every action will destroy as much energy as possible.

If you take a long break, the muscles will cool down and it will take another 15-20 minutes to reach the optimal mode. By this time, you will already feel some loss of strength, so you won’t be able to hold on at this pace for long.

Therefore, count on your strength for at least 1-2 hours of systematic work without a break; during this time you will spend a huge amount of calories, which you will gladly replenish later.

If we take average data, then in an hour of cleaning you will in any case spend about 300 kcal. It’s easy to calculate that for half a day of active weekly cleaning you will spend about 1200 kcal. An impressive amount, but to achieve it you will have to work hard.

The cleaning is done, it's time to rest

It will give you excellent tone, which you can choose at your discretion. To the rhythms of your favorite songs, things will go more actively, and time will fly faster. You won’t even notice how you’ll lose a lot of calories.

But even after putting things in order in the apartment, putting yourself in order, you will spend additional calories. After which, looking at the cleanliness of the house, you will be satisfied with yourself and your work. Just don’t try to overeat at night, after such a good, physically difficult day of work. How much effort has been spent, is it really all in vain?