The best exercises for pumping up your neck. How to pump up your neck: professional secrets of bodybuilders

Pump up your neck muscles not the best important task for a bodybuilder, but it is also worth paying attention to. When an athlete has a powerful neck, this visually significantly increases the mass of the upper body. In addition, a well-toned neck significantly reduces the risk of injury to the cervical vertebrae, especially if you engage in contact sports. When performing barbell squats and deadlifts, a strong neck also increases the athlete's strength. But, as practice shows, people either don’t spend time on their necks at all, or do it incorrectly. In this article you will learn which exercises are most effective to use for developing neck muscles, which muscle group is best to combine its training with, and also which neck muscles should be given attention first.

The neck consists of a whole cascade of muscles, each of which performs its own function. Accordingly, in order to pump up your neck proportionally, you need to diversify your training program exercises that will allow you to “hook” every muscle. On the other hand, some muscles are larger, others are smaller, some are deep inside, others are closer to the surface, so they respond differently to training. Some muscles are easier to hypertrophy, others are more difficult, and since, as we have already noted above, neck training is not a priority in bodybuilding, it is worth focusing on those muscles that most affect appearance athlete

Anatomy of the neck muscles

Trapezius muscle – located in the back of the neck and occupies top part back, the muscle has a triangular shape, but both muscles, that is, the left and right side form a trapezoid. The trapezius performs three functions: it brings the scapula to the spine, lifts the scapula up and lowers it down.

Scalene muscles – are located behind and are represented by three bundles: anterior, middle and posterior. The anterior scalene muscle of the neck is responsible for raising the upper rib during breathing. The middle scalene muscle, in addition to the functions of the anterior muscle, can also turn cervical region spine. The posterior scalene muscle performs the same functions as middle muscle, but in a slightly different range of motion.

Splenius muscle – is located on the side and is represented by two beams that allow you to turn the head and neck to the side independently of each other. In addition, these muscles together extend the cervical spine.

Sternocleidomastoid muscle - consists of two heads, which begin at the mastoid cane and the lateral part of the superior nuchal line, and end at the sternoclavicular joint. The muscle allows you to throw your head back and tilt it to the side. In addition, this muscle is actively involved in breathing.

Neck exercises

Shrugs - This is a very well-known exercise that bodybuilders most often perform to train their necks. Shrugs are performed by lifting shoulder girdle and clavicle upward due to contraction of the trapezius muscle. You can read in detail about the technique of performing shrugs. We definitely recommend performing this exercise, even if you are not trying to purposefully pump up your neck. The trapezius muscle is the largest muscle group cervical spine, so its hypertrophy is immediately noticeable, as a result of which it is she who needs to pay special attention.

- This is not as popular a bodybuilding exercise as shrugs, but it is very popular in contact sports. From this we can conclude that the exercise is not very effective in building muscle mass, but it is extremely effective in developing the functional qualities of the neck muscles. Thanks to the wrestling bridge, it is possible to “attach” the head to the body much better, therefore reducing the risk of injury to the cervical vertebra. The wrestling bridge is performed quite simply in a technical sense; it is important for you to stand on the “bridge”, distributing the load between your heels and forehead. Start doing the exercise against the wall, holding the floor with your hands, after which, when you learn to control your body while doing the bridge, you can roll your head a little to develop the strength of the neck muscles.

Flexion and extension – can be performed sitting or lying down, and lying down, both on the stomach and on the back. When the exercise is performed lying down, a plate is usually used, and when performing the exercise while sitting, they use a special cap with a cable to which a weight is attached. In general, the exercise is not difficult, but it has a disadvantage, which is that the load created on the neck muscles is not constant, which negatively affects its training.

Simulatorbest way pump up your neck, since it eliminates the disadvantages of the previous method, while at the same time having all its advantages. Moreover, the machine allows you to perform bends, both forward and backward, and to the sides, so you can pump up all the muscles of your neck with its help. Unfortunately, not everyone has such a simulator. gym, as a result of which you may need a partner. The idea is very simple, instead of using the pads of the machine, you rest your head against your partner, who creates the necessary resistance while bending your neck.

With a ball - this is also very effective way pump up your neck, and it’s also the safest way, but progressing the load in this exercise is problematic. Accordingly, no progression means no hypertrophy. Perform the exercise slowly, like all neck exercises, without jerking and in a large number of repetitions.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you – this exercise, in addition to the anterior delta of the shoulder girdle, also engages the sternocleidomastoid muscle, but only in the upper phase of the amplitude of movement, therefore, if you want to pump up your neck with it, then you need to take less weight, increase the amplitude, reduce speed and perform the exercise very “cleanly”. You can read how to properly perform dumbbell lifts in front of you.

How download correctly neck

Long warm-up
– this rule applies not only to warming up the neck, but in this case it must be observed. Proper warm-up begins slowly, gradually increasing the intensity and amplitude of movements, but in this case the final intensity is quite low. The fact is that sharp and fast movements can lead to protrusion and prolapse of the discs of the cervical vertebrae. That is why, if you want to pump up your neck and not injure it, then warm up before training it for at least 5 minutes.

Moderate speed - I want this rule emphasize again, since it should be followed throughout the entire neck workout. Firstly, the exercises should be performed at a slow pace, and secondly, the exercises should be performed in the repetition range of 12 to 20 so that you do not have to lift heavy weights to achieve the desired results. You should never reach muscle failure while training your neck. All exercises are performed smoothly and in the same speed range throughout the entire range of motion, that is, there should be no acceleration or deceleration.

Graduality – this rule applies to mastering the working weight; in this case, you should try to master the working weight very slowly. To pump up your neck, you don’t need to strive at all costs to increase your strength, since this approach will lead to injury. Yes, without progression of the load there will be no growth, but you can also progress by increasing repetitions, reducing the rest time between approaches, and you can perform the exercise more slowly. The working scheme looks like this: You perform an exercise for 12 repetitions with some weight, gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20, and then increase the weight, starting again to perform 12 repetitions.

It's better to shake your neck just with the forearm, or separately. However, you shouldn’t spend too much time on neck training; 10-15 minutes will be enough. Shrugs can be added to your shoulder or back training by performing this exercise regularly. If you want to pump up your neck, then you can set aside a separate day for training it, for example, after training your legs. It is important that you do not need to work your back and shoulders the next day, as this will prevent the muscles from recovering. Remember Those walking in the right direction will overtake those running astray!

Developed and strong muscles in the neck are not only evidence of the strength and endurance of an athlete, but also one of the most important criteria assessing his discipline and systematic training. If still on preliminary stage When planning training, the athlete does not think through in detail how to pump up his neck correctly, as a result he can acquire ugly proportions.

Cervical spine: anatomy

The organ consists of 18 small muscles responsible for various movements of the oral cavity, circular rotations heads and the like. Here are the main muscles:

  • Sternocleidomastoid. It is located on the side, and when a person looks forward, it becomes like the Latin letter V.
  • The second muscle is attached to the hyoid bone and is located under the chin.
  • Trapezoidal. This muscle is responsible for the function of rotating the head, and in addition helps to keep the upper part of the spine in a straight position, brings the shoulder blades together, raises the shoulders, etc.

In addition to these main ones, there are many auxiliary and additional muscle groups.

The importance of neck muscle training

A powerful neck is not only aesthetic beauty, but also the health of its owner. The aesthetics of this well-developed part of the body is undeniable, because with a sculpted chest, arms and shoulders, it simply must not disturb the harmony.

  • Women should also work this muscle group, because open area The neckline is always a lady's trump card. Women's training should not contain movements with excessive weights, because for women, elegance of outline is preferable rather than the size of muscles.

  • A trained neck will prevent rapid skin aging, sagging and the appearance of a double chin, and in general, improves your appearance.

  • A trained man also needs this group to maintain health. Developed tissues will prevent the appearance of pain in the upper part of the spine and osteochondrosis. This section contains a large number of blood vessels and nerve endings, so training will ensure normal intracranial pressure and the absence of migraines and spasms. In addition to the above, a trained upper section provides support for the spine, which is never superfluous.

Preparing to start classes

To pump up your neck muscles and avoid health problems, you should start and end your training with warming up and stretching. In addition, it is necessary to select an adequate load, since excessive weight or resistance can cause serious injury to the body.

In order to sufficiently warm up and prepare the muscles before training, you need to carry out several basic warm-up elements:

  • rotations and tilts of the head in all directions;

  • tilting the head diagonally;

  • stretching back and forth and to the sides using your arms.

Pay attention! It will be enough to perform each of the options 10 times to prepare the muscles for increased loads in the exercise. Stretching and bending should be performed slowly, feeling the tension of the fibers, and fixing at the maximum peak point for 3-5 seconds.

It is necessary to finish the training with the same stretching as in the video below, since the fibers tend to shorten. Shortening of muscles is an extremely undesirable phenomenon due to dangerous consequences for the body. Short-term shortening after exercise in the absence of stretching becomes long-term and even permanent, which leads to blockages, spasms, hypertension and severe headaches.

Important! If an athlete has pain after going to the gym, this may mean that he did not stretch effectively enough, did not prepare the tissues, or tried to stretch too much. heavy weight.

Exercises with weights to develop the neck muscles

Athletes often train in combination with deltoids and trapezius. However, if at the end of the workout you perform several isolating elements (purely on the neck), the effect produced will double.

  • Raising the head from the “lying on your back” position. This type of exercise is best performed on a flat horizontal surface. The head, upper spine and shoulders should remain suspended. A weight plate from a barbell is placed on the center of the forehead, previously covered with a towel, and held in place with both hands. Exhale - the chin slowly reaches towards the chest, inhale - return to the starting position. 6-8 repetitions. This element will help those who are interested in how to pump up their neck at home (instead of iron, you can take any weight), because all tissues are being worked on. This exercise can be performed with dumbbells.

  • Raising the head from the “lying on your stomach” position. Work on the same principle as in the previous exercise, only you need to lie on your stomach and hold the pancake with your hands on the back of your head. Exhale - the head stretches back, and so on for 6-8 repetitions.
  • Traction with a strap. A special strap will help you quickly pump up your neck, the first side of which is thrown over the head, and the other is used to attach the load. Original posture-body leaning forward to a right angle. Exhale - the head slowly lowers lower until the weight touches the floor, and after that the athlete returns to starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

Important! Inflating your neck with a strap is quite dangerous. This type of exercise can only be performed by professional experienced athletes with previously prepared muscles.

Exercises without additional weights

Exercises for pumping up the neck without additional weights are quite simple to perform. With their help, you can pump up your neck at home without the use of additional devices. The main thing is emphasis on stretching and increased caution, smoothness in every movement. If done correctly, you can develop your neck without expensive trips to the gym. Due to the fact that these elements are performed without weights, they can be repeated 15-20 times. The main condition is adequate load without exhaustion.

  • Bend forward with resistance. Place your chin on the base of your palms and pull it towards your chest, trying to overcome the resistance of your hands.
  • Bends with resistance back. The principle of execution is the same, but the hands are clasped at the back of the head, and the head is pulled back.
  • Turns using hands. Hold your chin with your hand, and at the same time turn your head, overcoming resistance.

  • Rotation with emphasis on the head. Take emphasis on your head and toes. Move your head along to different parties. Experienced athletes can additionally pick up weights.
  • “Wrestling bridge” and rotation. Take the “wrestling bridge” position and perform forward movements similar to the previous ones. If the athlete is experienced, he can afford to perform it with additional weights in the form of a pancake on the chest.

Important to know! This element of training can negatively affect the condition of the cervical vertebrae, so it is suitable only for advanced athletes or wrestlers.

  • Head tilts. To accomplish this, you cannot do without the help of a partner. The initial pose is standing on all fours. The head is intercepted in the forehead area with a towel, and its ends are held by a partner. The chin is pulled down towards the chest, overcoming resistance.
  • Head lifts. From the same position, ask your partner to hold your head with both hands. Overcoming its strength, try to raise your head as high as possible.

Important! Resistance should not cause additional negative feelings.

  • To pump up your neck on the horizontal bar, you need to do pull-ups wide grip, gradually alternating direct and reverse grip.

If you do not have the opportunity to pump up your neck in the gym, then the exercises described above are a worthy way out of the situation. We hope that the proposed training will help you become the owner of a proportional body and a beautiful, toned figure.

Video: How to pump up your neck at home

We all go to the gym with a purpose. pump up different muscle groups. We pay a lot of attention to the muscles of the arms, legs, chest and other things. And we absolutely forget about the neck muscles.

But the neck is almost always visible. So why are neck muscles often overlooked? After all, the result of the lack of an integrated approach to training all muscle groups is a disproportionate body.

Today we will talk about what muscles are meant when it comes to the neck, we will tell you how quickly pump up your neck muscles in the gym or at home and we will offer you a set of exercises for the neck muscles.

Cervical muscles - secrets of anatomy

Neck training is often given too little attention, and sometimes completely forgotten about. Although these muscles involved in many processes. With their help, we perform turns and tilts of the head, as well as hold the head, perform chewing movements and much more.

The cervical spine also plays an important role. But this area of ​​our body is one of the most vulnerable therefore, neck muscle training should be treated with extreme caution and only after careful study of the issue.

One awkward move and you are, at best, disabled. Besides everything else, It is through the cervical spine that blood supply and impulses enter the brain. Due to the fact that many people behave sedentary image life and spend a lot of time at the computer, our vertebrae become weaker and more susceptible to injury.

Before starting training visit your doctor for consultation. Some people are only allowed to lightly stretch their cervical spine.

Now let's take a closer look at what muscles we are talking about when we decide to pump up our neck. Overall, the neck consists of large quantity muscles, which are involved in different processes. But we will talk about the three largest and most visible ones, which we will have to work on in the future.

  • Sternocleidomastoid muscle. It is located on the front and side. Both muscles form a Latin letter V on both sides. This muscle takes part in absolutely all head movements.
  • Muscles of the hyoid bone. They are located just under the chin. It is their poor condition that leads to the formation of a “double chin.”
  • Wide trapezius muscle. It is responsible for turning the head and also helps keep the upper part of the spine in an upright position.

Since the location of the muscles is quite diverse, to work out the neck You will need more than one exercise. And due to the increased risk of injury, it is required integrated approach and thoughtful execution of exercises, but only after consulting a doctor and in the absence of contraindications.

Now let's look at a set of exercises and figure out how these exercises will help pump up a wide neck. But first let us introduce you a number of recommendations, which will allow you to avoid injuries and quickly achieve results in your training.

Recommendations for performing exercises

  • Always start any workout with a warm-up. For the cervical region, it will be enough to perform 3-5 circular movements of the head, tilting the head to the sides and forward/backward. This will help warm up the muscles. Perform the movements slowly, lingering at the extreme point for several seconds.
  • Each exercise from the complex perform 6-8 times with weights or 10-15 times, if you do not use additional weight.
  • Do not use heavy weights as a burden. Do not overload the cervical spine. Be aware of possible injuries. If you're new to this, don't use weights at all.
  • This complex better to do every day with little or no weight, than to carry out “killer” workouts 2-3 times a week.
  • As a burden you can use weights in the gym or a special head helmet, to which additional weight is attached. For an easier option, you can use your own hands to create resistance.
  • Each exercise do it as slowly and concentrated as possible. Sharp jerks are strictly unacceptable here.
  • And of course Don't forget about proper nutrition. After all, you probably train all muscle groups, and they need energy and material for construction -. Therefore, your entire diet should be aimed at growing muscle mass, and meals should be every 2-3 hours.

Physical exercises for the neck - technique and errors when performing

Many people wonder how to pump up their neck at home and whether it can be done at all. Now we will present several exercises that are performed without weights and will be basic for performing exercises with additional weight.

Neck flexion

Lie on the bench on your back so that your shoulders, neck and head are supported. Control the position of your head, do not throw it too low. As you exhale, lift your head, pointing your chin toward your chest. Hold for a few seconds at the top point.

Return to the starting position while inhaling. You can place a weight on your face as a weight, or use your own hands to create resistance as you lift your head up. There is also a special head helmet to which the weight is attached.

When using a pancake don't forget about hygiene– place a towel between the projectile and your face.

Neck extension

The position is similar to the previous one, only on the stomach. As you exhale, raise your head as high as possible, hold at the top point and inhale as you return to the starting position. We use the same weight as in the previous exercise.

Lateral flexion

Lie on the bench with your right side, right hand You can hold on to the bench or rest it on the floor. The head is parallel to the floor. As you exhale, raise your head until it touches your shoulder, hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position as you inhale.

Then turn on the other side and perform the exercise in the same way. We use the same weights as in the two previous exercises.

All these exercises are also can be performed while sitting, only in this case you will have to additionally control the position of the body.

Wrestling bridge

Another very effective exercise for the neck muscles is the so-called “wrestling bridge”. This exercise is widely used in their training by athletes who engage in wrestling. It helps strengthen the neck muscles. But it is unlikely that you will be able to increase muscle size with its help.

Despite the general simplicity of the technique, many beginners make some mistakes that often lead to injury.

Common Mistakes

  • Sudden movements during the exercise. All movements must be performed slowly.
  • Using too much weight.

Some gyms even offer special exercise equipment for working the neck muscles. But the number of such gyms is very small, so not worth it focus on this.

Moreover, such an exercise is absolutely not recommended for beginners. The likelihood of getting injured during execution is very high.

At the end it is worth adding that the training It’s important to end with stretching. target muscles. To do this, it will be enough to do the same exercises that you did as a warm-up.

To understand in more detail the technique of performing neck exercises, we suggest watching the video.

Neck exercises – video

From this video you will learn about a simple and very effective technology performing neck exercises at home, which will help you avoid injuries during exercise.

To summarize, it is worth noting once again that the cervical region is very vulnerable spot on our body. That's why worth considering to training with utmost seriousness and study in detail all the nuances and possible difficulties.

Work slowly, focusing your attention not on taking a huge weight of weight, but on high-quality execution technique. This is the only way you can achieve your goal and don't harm yourself.

Have you already included neck muscle exercises in your training program? Do you use weights? Share your plans and results in the comments.

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Date: 2014-11-12 Views: 35 598 Grade: 5.0 To be honest, I personally am not a fan of neck training. Probably because it’s of little use in powerlifting and weightlifting. But, nevertheless, this part of the body is quite popular among men. After all, a strong neck can help you out in fights. And a person with a “bull” neck has a more menacing appearance. Well, be that as it may, neck training requires not only a certain set of exercises, but also great caution. Because cervical vertebrae quite mobile. And, no matter what neck exercises you do, all movements should be smooth and without jerking. And according to tradition, we will begin the “debriefing” with anatomy.

A little anatomy

As you can see, the largest and most noticeable muscle in the neck is the sternocleidomastoid. She tilts her head forward and to the side. Also, lateral head tilt is provided scalene muscles. Tilt of the head back (extension of the neck) is given to us by the splenius muscle and the trapezius muscle. By the way, about trapezoids. If you want to pump up big neck, then we should not forget about them. details on how to do this. Thus, it is clear that to fully pump up the neck you need to perform 3 movements:
  • Bend the neck forward (neck flexion),
  • Bends back (neck extension),
  • Lateral bends.

Neck exercises

1. Flexion and extension of the neck while lying on a bench

These are the two simplest and most common exercises that do not require any equipment or skills. They are shown in the video below (watch from 2.00).
If you have never shaken your neck before, I advise you to take a 2.5 kg disk. Believe me, this is enough to get started. I will say again that the cervical vertebrae are quite mobile, and the neck muscles are very tender. Therefore, to begin with, you need to take less weight and do all movements smoothly and preferably in full amplitude. That is, bend and straighten your neck as much as possible. It is better to alternate these two exercises. For beginners, 2 approaches (for each exercise) of 10-15 repetitions will be enough. By the way, instead of using a barbell disc, you can ask for help from a partner who will press on the back of your head or forehead.

2. Flexion and extension of the neck in a crossover

The essence is the same as the previous exercise and there is no fundamental difference. It’s just that instead of a disk or a partner, there is a weighted cable. How to do this is shown in the video below (watch from 4.00)

3. Flexion and extension of the neck, standing or sitting

To do this, you will need to make or buy a small device that fits on your head. The essence of this exercise is the same as the previous two. Absolutely nothing changes for the neck muscles. Only your posture changes. How to do this, watch the video (watch from 2.00). Which of the three above exercises you will do is up to you to decide. Fundamentally, this does not solve anything. But if you can straighten your neck while sitting quite comfortably, then bending it like this is probably inconvenient. That is, you need to put this hat on backwards so that the weight is behind your back. Personally, I have never seen anyone do this.

4. Lateral neck bends while lying down

It is done in the same way as lying flexion and extension, but only lying on your side. Both a barbell disc and a partner’s strong hand are suitable as weights. Some even manage to crush themselves with their hand or through a towel. The video below shows this exercise (watch from 3.50) If you are a beginner, then do this exercise 2 sets on each side and 10 - 15 repetitions with light weight.

5. Neck training on a wrestling bridge

This is perhaps the most powerful exercise for the neck muscles. But it is also the hardest and most dangerous. I don't recommend it for beginners. This exercise has many different options, both dynamic and static. You can see all of them in the video below. I advise you to start the wrestling bridge only after you have already strengthened your neck more light exercise described above. 2 – 3 months will be enough for this.

Basic principles for neck training

1. Always do neck exercises at the end of your workout. Then your body is as warm as possible. This means there is a lower risk of injury. 2. Always stretch your neck in a circular motion before exercising on it. 3. All exercises should be done smoothly and without jerking. Remember that it is quite easy to displace cervical vertebrae and pinch a nerve. 4. When training your neck, do not forget about. Trapezius is the foundation for the neck. With large trapezoids, the neck looks much larger. If you are going to shake your neck today, then it makes sense to shake your trapezes in front of it. 5. The neck muscles are quite weak and intolerant. Therefore, for beginners, 2 sets of 10–15 repetitions will be enough to start with. 6. If you want to train your neck from all sides, but you need to do flexion, extension and lateral bends neck. This is what it might look like sample workout necks for beginners:
  • Monday: lying neck flexion + extension 2-3x10-15. Weight 2.5 – 5 kg.
  • Friday: lying side neck bends 2-3x10-15. Weight 2.5 – 5 kg.
7. Do not do more than 2 workouts per week on your neck. Even if you keep up

The neck muscles, just like the biceps or triceps, can be developed and pumped up. To do this, you don’t have to be a wrestler or go to the gym, it’s enough to systematically perform special exercises Houses.

Before performing any physical exercise It is necessary to warm up those muscle groups that will be subject to stress. General warming up of the body will also not be superfluous and will contribute to overall physical strengthening.

The neck is the part of the body where injuries are most dangerous and can even lead to hospitalization.

This is fraught with long, painful treatment and the need to undergo a rehabilitation course. The reasons may be different: pinched nerve, vertebral displacement, muscle strain. To avoid such troubles, a thorough warm-up is required before physical activity. This requirement is relevant for everyone, beginners and experienced athletes.


The neck is easy to stretch. This is done:

  1. Circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise. You need 2 sets of at least 20 repetitions each.
  2. Tilt your head to the sides and forward, backward. 1 approach in each direction, number of repetitions – 10 times.
  3. Move your head forward and backward. They should not be harsh but with the achievement of maximum amplitude - tilt.

This technique will make the neck muscles elastic and stretch them, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.

A set of exercises performed lying down

Exercises for the neck, which will tone the muscles relatively quickly, are simple from a technical point of view. They fully answer the question: “How to pump up your neck at home?” To complete them no need special sports equipment with weights, you only need a small mat or something similar. The work will take place in the first stages with your own weight.


The simplest but effective exercise are rifts. To complete them you need:

  1. Lie on the mat with your back so that your head is on it, raise your pelvis at an angle of approximately 30º and, without using your hands, begin longitudinal movements of your head.
  2. At the lowest point, the shoulder blades should touch the mat, at the top, it should be reached with the supra-forehead part of the head. Beginners can do a small amplitude.

Professionals touch the surface of the floor, carpet, or mat with the tip of their nose at the top point. This exercise develops muscles of the back of the neck.

After this, you can roll over and take a lying position, rest your forehead on the mat and begin progressive rolling movements of your head forward and backward:

  1. You need to touch the surface of the mat with your nose and the crown of your head.
  2. The arms here serve as supports to maintain balance; they are in line with the shoulders, elbows are placed to the sides.

This is an exercise develops the muscles of the back of the neck and uses its external side.

A set of exercises performed while standing

Neck exercises can also be done in a standing position.

  1. It is necessary to clasp your head with your palm to the level of your earlobe and pull with tension towards the hand that is clasping your head.
  2. After this, the head is moved in the opposite direction with tension in the neck.
  3. Then the head is returned to its original position by hand - tilted.
  4. After a certain number of repetitions, the hand changes and everything is repeated in the same order.

Here the main attention should be paid to the force applied by the hand to the head. It should be adequate to the degree of preparation of the neck muscles; there is no need to make the movement quickly or sharply. This is fraught with injury - pinched nerves.

It is much safer when the bases of the palms are placed under the chin, while the wrists should be in contact with each other. With their help, pressure is applied to the chin, the head is thrown back, and then with effort it returns to its original position.

This is another effective, practical and easy option for pumping up your neck at home. It is necessary to combine sets of exercises performed while standing and lying down to ensure uniform development of the cervical muscles.

Frequency of training, number of approaches and repetitions

To strengthen and pump up your neck muscles, it is enough to train it 3 times a week. It is advisable to select training days so that there is a break of at least 24 hours between them. Rest must be provided muscle fibers, otherwise the effect of training will be the opposite.

Overtrained muscles mean injuries and lack of visible progress.

Regarding the number of approaches and repetitions, there is a universal system of 3 approaches of 15–20 times. This scheme must be applied to each of the above exercises. For an even load and development of the neck, it is advisable to do the same number of repetitions in each direction, including training by clasping the head with your hand.

Neck exercises should not be done more than 20 times in one approach. It just doesn't make sense. A huge number of repetitions does not bring practical benefit, and the muscles will not develop.

If doing the exercises has become easy, you should complicate them. You can pick it up when you roll your head while lying on your back small dumbbell or plastic bottle with sand. So, by progressively increasing the load, you can achieve impressive results. But you should stick to the golden mean in everything and approach training wisely.

A huge, inflated neck creates the effect of a cobra hood, which looks ugly, but when moderately developed it looks great.

To work with weights, you can later buy a special helmet. But this is done after strengthening the neck. It is recommended to work with additional weight no earlier than 6 months after the start of training.

When should you expect the effect?

“How to pump up your neck at home quickly?” - this is the question that worries most people. You should immediately disappoint everyone who wants to achieve maximum effect, it won’t be possible to do this quickly. A minimum of six months of systematic full training so that their effect becomes a little noticeable.

Those who want to achieve the effect in 2 weeks should not even start exercising, the muscles will only hurt in vain.