Volleyball: rules and fundamentals of refereeing. Composition of the panel of judges (volleyball) Composition and procedures

Before the start of the match. The refereeing team prepares for the start of the match as prescribed by the official protocol. Referees must be ready to present themselves in their official referee uniform at least 45 minutes before the scheduled start time of the match. The entire refereeing team - first referee, second referee, scorer, reserve referees, line judges - must undergo an alcohol test conducted by the medical staff of the match organizers. If the first referee does not arrive on time at the appointed time, the second referee must begin the preparation procedure for the match by notifying the Match Organizers Control Committee. If the first referee fails to arrive or fails the alcohol test, or is unable to officiate the match due to some health problem, the second referee will play the match as first referee and the reserve referee will take the place of the second referee. If there is no reserve referee, the match organizers, with the participation of the first referee, must decide who will act as the second referee.

During the match . At the moment the serve is executed, the first referee monitors the placement of the serving team, the second referee monitors the placement of the receiving team. At the moment of service, the second referee must be located on the receiving team's side of the court. After the serve, he moves along the sideline to the halfway line, as close as possible to the attack line. During an attack, his position is on the defending team's side of the court. Thus, during the match, the second referee must constantly change his position. It is the responsibility of the first referee to monitor all contact with the ball - players, equipment or other objects. Accordingly, he is the first to check every touch of the ball for compliance with the rules. At the moment of attack, he looks directly at the attacking player and the ball and, with his peripheral vision, tracks the likely direction of the ball's flight. If the ball hits the net, the first referee must look in the direction of the vertical plane of the net. If players on the bench or in the warm-up area act against the rules, the second referee must immediately inform the first referee, but only after the end of the ball. Only the first judge has the right to apply any sanctions to violators. When the second referee notices an error in the host team's formation, he blows his whistle and uses official gestures to indicate the error and point out the players who violated the formation. According to the rules of the game of volleyball, every mistake made by the players is punished with a point. Therefore, it is important that each referee immediately signals a noticed error made by players in his area of ​​​​responsibility. When one of the referees whistles, the rally ends. After the whistle of one referee, the other referee does not have the right to use his whistle, since the rally is already over at the first whistle. If referees blow repeated whistles, this will cause confusion among players and spectators. The responsibility of the second referee is to respond to requests for breaks during the match (coaching breaks, substitutions, medical assistance, etc.), but only if the ball is out of play. If the second referee for any reason does not notice a request made to him to suspend the game, then the first referee can assist the second referee by responding to the request. If during the match the second referee notices unsportsmanlike behavior of any of the players, then at the first opportunity (after the end of the rally), he must inform the first referee about this, who in turn warns or punishes the offenders depending on the severity of the offense.

Replays. During international official competitions under the auspices of the FIVB, the broadcaster of the tournament hosts may request the organization of a “replay delay” if the necessary equipment for this is agreed upon by the Organizing Committee of the tournament and the FIVB Control Committee. To do this, an electric lamp is installed on a pole in front of the first referee, with the help of which the TV presenter can signal the required time delay to repeat the previous episode of the game. However, this request can be made no more than 8 times per set, and the time delay between plays cannot be more than 7 seconds each time.

Breaks between games. The official rules of volleyball state that by a competent person, in agreement with the organizers, the break between the second and third sets can be increased to 10 minutes. In this case, after the second set, the teams and referees must leave the playing hall (go to the locker room) and return back 3 minutes before the start of the third set. Actions of players and referees during regular (3-minute) breaks between games (from 1 to 4):

Teams: At the end of each set, six players from each team must line up on the end line of their side of the court. Players change sides of the court in the direction where the first referee's tower is located. Secretary Judge: After the whistle signals the end of the last rally in the game, the scorekeeper must start the stopwatch in the score counter, counting the break between sets. After 2 minutes 30 seconds, the second referee blows his whistle or the scorekeeper sounds. Teams Judges: The second referee checks the players' line-up against the line-up card, then gives permission for the libero to take his position. The ball server then gives the ball to the serving player. After 3 minutes, the first referee blows his whistle to allow the serve. Break before the deciding set. Teams: At the end of the game before the deciding set, 6 players from each team line up on the end line of their respective side of the court. In the direction of the first referee, the teams go to their benches. Team captains: Approach the table of the table referee to participate in the draw. Judges: Approach the table for the draw. After 2 minutes 30 seconds, the second referee blows his whistle or the scorekeeper sounds. Teams: The six players from each team listed on the line-up sheet immediately enter the court. Judges: The second referee checks the players' line-up against the line-up card, then gives permission for the libero to take his position. The ball server then gives the ball to the serving player. After 3 minutes, the first referee blows his whistle to allow the serve. When the leading team reaches the 8th point in the deciding set:

Teams: After the rally, 6 players of each team line up on the end line of the corresponding side of the court. At the signal from the first referee, the teams change sides and immediately enter the court without delay. Judges: The second referee checks the correct placement of both teams, the readiness of the scorer and signals the first referee that he is ready to continue the second part of the game. During coaching breaks, technical time-outs and breaks between sets, the second referee ensures that the players leave the court to allow the court cleaners to do their job. After the match. According to FIVB protocol, after the game the first and second referees stand in front of the referee's tower. Players from both teams line up on the end line of their respective side of the court. The first referee blows the whistle, and the players approach the referees on both sides and shake hands with them, then walk along the net and greet their opponents, after which they go to their benches. The first and second referees along the net approach the table of the table referee, check the game report, sign it and thank the table referee and line referees for the game. But even after this, the work of the judges is not finished yet. Even after final whistle referees must record cases of unsportsmanlike behavior among players participating in the match. As long as the teams are in sports complex, cases of unsportsmanlike conduct are recorded and entered into the game report in the "Notes" section or described in a separate report.

Volleyball referee panel

Functions, rights and responsibilities of volleyball referees

A refereeing team is created to conduct a volleyball meeting. The regulations provide for a certain composition of the refereeing team depending on the rank of the competition. When holding competitions in physical education groups, usually one meeting is held by the first judge and the secretary of the meeting, who keeps the minutes of the meeting and performs the functions of the second judge. When holding competitions within a physical education team, one judge may officiate at the meeting. When holding high-ranking competitions, a team of nine referees is appointed for one match: the first and second referees, the meeting secretary, the informant referee, the scoreboard operator or scorekeeper, four line judges and six ball servers, and international competitions two more site wipers.

Only the first and second referees are allowed to blow the whistle during the match. All other members of the refereeing team, strictly in accordance with their authority, can use established gestures to draw the attention of the first referee to the players’ violation of the rules of the competition. In the event of a violation of the serving order, the match secretary informs the second referee, who makes the final decision - to stop the match. If the match is conducted by two referees (the first and the scorer of the match), then if the formation is violated, the scorer must stop the match with a whistle and explain to the team the nature of the violation.

The first referee blows the whistle for the service, which announces the start of the game action.
The first and second referees stop the game with a whistle only when they know for sure that an error has been made and when the nature of this error is clear to them. If the game action is over, even if an obvious error is recorded, the referees are required to blow the whistle to stop the game. Here they must do the following sequentially:

An official gesture to show the nature of the mistake made;

Show the player's number (with a finger gesture) or point to the player who made this error, with a hand gesture indicate the team that should serve after making this error. Sometimes the referee has difficulty identifying the player who was touched when blocking the ball. In such situations, he points to the players involved in the blocking. This must be done slowly, each gesture must be clearly visible to the team players and spectators and understandable to them.

The referee of the match must ensure compliance with the rules of the competition and sports ethics. For identical violations, he must make identical decisions. If he made a mistake in determining whether the players had violated the rules of the competition and realized this before the ball was put into play, he must reverse his erroneous decision.

When a game action is stopped due to a reason other than a violation of the rules of the competition, the match referee must make an official gesture to announce a held ball and invite the team that served before the game action to re-serve. In this case, no point is added to either team. This situation is possible:

After players from both teams make a mutual mistake;

The referee wrongly stopped the game;

The first referee overturned the decision of the second referee when he erroneously (in the opinion of the first referee) stopped the play with his whistle;

Game action was interrupted when a player was injured;

When a second ball or other foreign object appears on the court.

Referees should not use the power to award a held ball as a way out of a difficult situation when they are in doubt about a violation of the rules and cannot determine the guilty team.
If the referee realized that before this he made an erroneous decision, which he did not cancel, then in the future he should in no way compensate for this to the injured team, otherwise he does not correct, but aggravates the error (makes a second error) and in the players’ minds , officials and spectators appears biased, thereby undermining his authority.
Referees should not argue with players or allow challenges decisions taken.
Undisciplined players who show dissatisfaction with words or gestures regarding the decisions of the referees must be immediately punished in accordance with the rules. In this case, the first referee stops the match with a whistle to warn or punish the team or individual player for improper behavior. If indiscipline was shown during a game action, the referee must stop the match after the end of the game action so that this stop does not turn out to be in favor of the offending team.

As already noted, volleyball competitions at school are not a one-time event, but a continuation of the educational training process. They are held constantly and take great place V sports life schools: children compete with each other within the class, participate in school and district meetings. Therefore, the most important condition for good organization and smooth conduct of competitions is systematic work with the asset.

Depending on the capabilities of the school, the forms of work with the asset may be different. These are seminars, which include theoretical and practical classes, meetings with experienced referees, visits to major competitions (international, USSR championships, etc.), internship at regional and city competitions, creation of a special “Referee Library”, design of the stand “Volleyball Referee” , homework, judge competitions, etc.

The program of theoretical studies of the seminar includes the following: firstly, general issues: the physical education movement in our country: the achievements of Soviet athletes; characteristics of volleyball competitions for juniors, boys and girls here and abroad, etc.; secondly, studying the rules of the game; thirdly, studying the rules of volleyball competitions, issues of organizing competitions, methods of drawing (round-robin and knockout), drawing up a calendar of games, and tables for recording results. Particular attention is paid to studying the technical report of the meeting. To do this, first young volleyball players master the technical reports filled out by qualified judges, then learn to fill out the title page themselves, draw up team compositions, score keeping, placement, substitutions of players, etc. during the “game at the table.”

Theoretical classes are combined with practical ones. During practical classes, situations are sequentially created (in accordance with the sections of the rules being studied) that require certain actions of the judges, secretary, etc. During games in practical classes, several students keep technical reports, subsequently analyzing them.

As they master refereeing skills and master the rules of competitions, young referees are involved in refereeing volleyball matches at school, in the region, in the city.

Young judges must learn the rules of the competition very well. Moreover, we must take into account that from time to time changes are made to the competition rules, which sometimes not everyone knows about.

The panel of judges and the duties of judges.

A panel of judges is created to conduct the competition. It includes:

chief referee, deputy chief referees, chief secretary, first and second referees, secretaries, line judges, scorekeepers, informant judges, participant judges and a doctor as deputy chief referee. Minimum composition panel of judges- chief judge, first judges and secretaries.

The chief judge directs the competition. Its decision is binding on the entire panel of judges, participants and representatives. He distributes responsibilities between the referees, approves the schedule of games and competition results, and draws up a report. Deputies are responsible for conducting competitions in the areas assigned to them. One of the deputies performs his duties during the absence of the chief judge. The chief secretary maintains all documentation (applications, schedules, accounting tables, etc.).

Competitions are more interesting if there is an informant judge. He not only introduces viewers to the composition of the participants, the results of the meetings, but also comments on the game, controversial issues gives competent explanations, etc.

To conduct the meeting, a refereeing team is appointed consisting of the first and second judge, secretary and line judges (2 or 4). I often meet in school competitions conducted by one judge, who both performs refereeing and maintains a technical report. However, this impoverishes the competition, not to mention the quality of its conduct. This is where the active guys can provide invaluable help.

The first referee is located on a tower at one of the edges of the net. He is the senior member of the refereeing team and decides all issues related to the conduct of the game. His decisions are final. Errors are signaled by a whistle, and all game activities are stopped. The referee only stops play when he is completely sure that a mistake has been made. If he doubts it. the game should not be stopped. After the whistle, the first referee, with a gesture or term, determines the nature of the error and shows which team has the right to serve. The first judge can overturn the decisions of other judges (from his team) if he considers them incorrect.

The second referee is positioned opposite the first referee on the sideline. At the moment of service, he is on the side of the receiving team and controls the formation. The second referee pays the main attention to the crossing of the center line, the players touching the net, the ball touching the antennas or the ball passing over or behind the antenna, and gives permission for breaks in the game at the request of coaches or team captains.

The secretary is located opposite the referee's tower behind the second referee. His main responsibility is to carefully maintain a technical report, monitor the order of players to serve (when the team receives the right to serve, he announces the number of the player who must serve).

Now a few comments directly on the rules of the game. Competitions for participants 11-14 years old consist of 3 games (up to two won), for participants 15 years old and older - of 3 or 5 games (up to three won). This is established by the competition regulations.

In each game, a team can use two breaks of 30 seconds. During a break, players are not allowed to leave the court. Only the coach can give instructions to the players at this time (without entering the court). It must be remembered that a request for a break or substitution after the referee's whistle for service is not accepted. Between games, a break of no more than 2 minutes is allowed; before the decisive game (in the order of the third or fifth) 5 minutes are given. If for any reason the game was interrupted 108

for up to 4 hours, then when resuming on the same site, the result achieved by the teams at the time of the break is preserved.

If the game is moved to another court or hall, the score of the games played is retained, and the score of the interrupted game is canceled. After a break of more than 4 hours, the match is replayed.

When serving, you must be behind the baseline within the service area. A serve is considered to have taken place when the ball does not touch the hand after being hit. Until this moment, the serving player must not cross the end line. The remaining players must remain within the court and comply with the formation requirements. When serving, the blow is struck with one hand on the ball, which is not held by the player (you cannot serve “from the hand”). After the referee's whistle, the player is given 5 seconds to execute the serve. However, referees should not be picky about players in this regard. If, when serving, a player tossed the ball and did not serve, but the ball, while falling, touched him, the serve is considered successful and the ball is transferred to the opposing team.

A team has the right to make no more than three hits in a row to direct the ball to the opponent’s side. Even if, while defending, those players touched the ball while blocking and the ball remained in play, the team retains the right to three hits. Of course, if the ball goes out of bounds from the block, this contact is considered a hit, and the team whose players performed the block is considered an error (losing a point or the right to serve).

This change from the traditional perception of the game gives the team the right to a “fourth strike.” In such conditions, favorable opportunities are created for the transition from defense to attack, which, as is known, is very difficult to achieve efficiently in volleyball, especially when defending against strong attacking blows. Changes in the rules allow the first blow (after touching the block) to complete defensive actions and transition to the attackers. The last two hits will be purely attacking. And this significantly expands the scope of the team’s tactical capabilities. In particular, the tactics that were previously called “attack from the first pass and kickback” will be developed, when the attacker, having encountered an obstacle above the net in the form of a block, makes a jumping pass to a partner, who makes the strike. And it is sometimes beneficial for blockers to “keep” the ball on their side and then play it well.

Touching the ball simultaneously by two players of the same team is recorded as two hits. In this case, the team only has one shot left, and none of the players who touched the ball have the right to take it. If several players tried to receive the ball, but one touched the ball and others collided with it, then one hit is counted and any of the players (except the one who took the kick) has the right to touch the ball.

Only front line players have the right to participate in blocking. When blocking, you are allowed to move your hands over the net, but you cannot touch the ball before a player from the attacking team touches it. It is allowed to block the first or second touch of the ball by players of the opposing team in the case when the ball is directed through the net by this touch. Touching the ball when blocked by several players is considered as one touch. However, there will also be a touch when the ball touches the hands of the blocker, then any part of the body of this player. Any player involved in blocking has the right to a second touch of the ball.

Back row players are prohibited from blocking. They can only attack from the back line, i.e. when jumping to strike, they must push off outside the attack line (they can land after the strike in the attack area - this is not a mistake).

Misbehavior of players. The behavior of individual players and teams towards officials, opponents, spectators or teammates may be unsportsmanlike, rude, offensive, or aggressive. Punishments for such behavior are determined depending on the degree of the offense.

Unsportsmanlike conduct: any participant delays the game, gives unauthorized instructions, shouts, intimidates an opponent, argues with players, referees or spectators.

Rude behavior: one of the participants behaves contrary to the rules of good manners, morality, or expresses disdain towards the judges, opponents or spectators.

Offensive behavior: actions that humiliate the personal dignity of judges, opponents or spectators and are expressed in offensive statements addressed to them.

Aggressive behavior: real aggressive actions or an attempt to take such actions in relation to judges, opponents, spectators.

Punishments for misbehavior. Depending on the degree of the player's misconduct, the first referee may apply:

Warning about unsportsmanlike behavior (does not mean a punishment, but only warns the player (players) or team (teams) from repeating such behavior during a given game);

Punishment for rude behavior (the opposing team receives the right to serve or a point);

Nature of the violation Sequence of violations Sanctions Cards shown Consequences of sanctions
Unsportsmanlike conduct First time Warning Yellow Warning
Second time Comment Red Losing a serve or point
Third time Removal Red and yellow together Removal per batch
Rude behavior First time Comment Red Losing a serve or point
Second time Removal Red and yellow together Removal per batch
Offensive behavior First time Same Same Same
Aggressive behavior First time Disqualification Yellow and red separately Delete before the end of the meeting

Removal or disqualification. Removal is used as a punishment for offensive actions and involves removing the player from further participation in the match until the end of the current game. Aggressive actions are punishable by disqualification. This penalty means that the person who violated the rules must leave the playing field until the end of the match. In this case, the team is not punished by losing a point or losing a serve.

Each of these measures should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Punishment scale for misbehavior. Repeated instances of misbehavior by the same player during the same game will result in consecutive penalties being applied on the Misconduct Penalty Scale.

Punishment scale for misbehavior

Repetition of any actions delaying the meeting by team players during the game must be punished by a warning. It is done to the team captain, but its effect applies to all team members.

Disqualification for aggressive behavior does not imply any preliminary sanctions.

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on the topic:

Volleyball: rules and fundamentals of refereeing

Completed by: Ponomareva Natalya Mikhailovna


Volleyball is a sport in which two teams compete on a playing court divided by a net. For different circumstances, various versions of the game are provided so that its versatility is accessible to everyone.

The goal of the game is to send the ball over the net to land on the opponent's court and prevent the opponent from making the same attempt. The team has three hits to return the ball (in addition to touching the block).

The ball is put into play by serving: the serving player sends the ball over the net to the opponent. The rally continues until the ball lands on the playing court, it goes out of bounds, or the team makes a mistake when returning the ball.

In volleyball, the team that wins the rally receives a point (Raffle-Point System). When the receiving team wins the rally, it receives a point and the right to serve and its players move one position clockwise.

Facilities and equipment

Playing field.

The playing field includes a playing area and a free zone. It should be rectangular and symmetrical.

The playing area is a rectangle measuring 18 x 9 m, surrounded on all sides by a free zone at least 3 meters wide.

The free playing space is the space above the playing field that is free of any obstructions. The minimum height of free playing space above the playing field is 7 m from the playing surface. For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the free zone must be a minimum of 5 m from the touch lines and 8 m from the end lines. The clear playing space must be at least 12.5 m high from the playing surface.

Feeding area

The service zone is a 9 m wide area behind each end line. It is limited on the sides by two short lines, each 15 cm long, drawn at a distance of 20 cm behind the front line, as a continuation of the side lines. Both short lines are included in the width of the service zone. In depth, the feed zone extends to the end of the free zone.

Replacement area

The substitution zone is limited by the continuation of both lines of attack and extends to the scorer's table.

Libero Substitution Zone

The Libero Substitution Zone is part of the free zone on the side of the team benches, it is limited by the continuation of the attack line and extends to the end line.

Warm-up area

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, warm-up areas measuring approximately 3 x 3 m are located outside the free zone in both corners of the team benches.

Location remote

The distance area, measuring approximately 1 x 1 m and equipped with two chairs, is located in the control area outside the extension of each end line. They may be limited by a 5 cm wide red line.

Team composition

A team can have up to 12 players for a match, plus

Coaching staff: one coach, maximum two assistant coaches;

Medical staff: one team massage therapist and one doctor.

Only these registered team members may enter the competition control area and take part in the official warm-up and match. At FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the team doctor and masseur must be accredited by the FIVB in advance. One of the players, other than the Libero, is the team captain, who

Only players listed in the protocol can enter the court and play in the match. Once the coach and team captain have signed the scoresheet (team list on the electronic scoresheet), the recorded players cannot be changed.

Team placement

Players not participating in the game must sit on the team bench or in their warm-up area. The coach and other team members sit on the bench, but may leave it temporarily. The team benches are located next to the scorer's table outside the free zone. Only team members are allowed to sit on the bench during the match and take part in the official warm-up.

Players not participating in the game may warm up without balls as follows:

during the game - in warm-up areas

during time-outs and technical time-outs - in the free zone behind their playing court.

During intervals between sets, players can warm up within their free zone using balls.


The player's equipment consists of a T-shirt, shorts, socks (uniform) and sports shoes. The color and style of T-shirts, shorts and socks must be the same for the team (exception: Libero). The form must be clean. Shoes should be lightweight and flexible with rubber or composite soles without heels. Players' jerseys must be numbered from 1 to 20. The number must be located on the jersey, centered on the chest and back. The color and brightness of the numbers should contrast with the color and brightness of the T-shirts. The number must be at least 15 cm high on the chest and at least 20 cm high on the back. The stripes forming the numbers must be a minimum of 2 cm wide. The team captain must have an 8 x 2 cm stripe on his/her jersey highlighting the number on the chest. It is prohibited to wear a uniform that is a different color from that of other players (except Libero players) and/or without official numbers.

Team leaders

Both the team captain and coach are responsible for the conduct and discipline of their team members. Libero players cannot serve as team captain or game captain.

Before the match, the team captain signs the protocol and represents his team at the draw.

During a match, the team captain is the game captain when he is on the court. When the team captain is not playing on the court, the coach or team captain must designate another player on the court, not the Libero, to assume the role of game captain. This game captain remains in charge until he is replaced, the team captain returns to the game, or until the end of the game. When the ball is out of play, only the game captain is permitted to address the officials: asking for clarification of the application or interpretation of the Rules and presenting requests or questions from his teammates. If the game captain does not agree with the 1st referee's explanation, he/she may protest the decision and immediately inform the 1st referee that he/she reserves the right to record an official protest on the score sheet at the end of the match;

The captain requests permission:

a) change all or part of the equipment,

b) check the team formations,

c) check the floor, net, ball, etc.,

in the absence of the coach, requests timeouts and substitutions.

At the end of the match, the team captain: thanks the judges and signs the protocol, confirming the result; if the 1st referee has been notified in due time, may confirm and record on the score sheet a formal protest concerning the application or interpretation of the rules by the referee.

During the match, the coach directs the play of his team from outside the playing court. He/she determines starting formations, substitutions and calls time-outs. On these issues he/she contacts the 2nd judge.

Before the match, coach:

writes down or checks the names and numbers of his players in the protocol and then signs it.

During the match, the coach:

before each set, gives the 2nd referee or scorer a duly completed and signed line-up card(s), sits on the team bench closest to the scorer but may leave, requests time-outs and substitutions, may, like other team members, give instructions to players on the court. The coach may give these instructions while standing or moving within the clear area in front of his team's bench from the forward line extension to the warm-up area, without interfering with or delaying the match.

At FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the coach must perform his functions behind the coach's boundary line.

Assistant coach

The assistant coach sits on the team bench, but has no right to interfere in the match.

If a coach must leave his team for any reason, including sanction, but excluding entering the court as a player, the assistant coach may take over as coach during his absence when confirmed to the referee by the game captain.


A team scores a point:

Upon successful landing of the ball on the opponent's court;

When the opposing team makes a mistake;

When the opposing team is reprimanded.

A team makes a mistake by performing a game action contrary to (or otherwise violating) the rules. Judges evaluate errors and determine consequences in accordance with the Rules:

If two or more errors are made consecutively, only the first error is taken into account.

If two or more mistakes are made by the opponents at the same time, it is considered a mutual fault and the rally is replayed.

Draw and the draw that took place

A rally is the sequence of game actions from the moment the server hits the serve until the ball goes out of play. A completed rally is a sequence of game actions that result in a point being awarded.

If the serving team wins the rally, it scores a point and continues to serve;

If the receiving team wins the rally, it scores a point and must serve next. ball sport game


The game (with the exception of the decisive 5th game) is won by the team that first scores 25 points with a lead of at least two points. If the score is tied 24-24, the game continues until a 2-point advantage is achieved (26-24; 27-25; ...).


The winner of the match is the team that wins three games. If the score is equal 2-2, the deciding game 5 is played to 15 points and a minimum advantage of 2 points.


If a team refuses to play after being asked to do so, it is declared a no-show and loses the match with a score of 0-3 in the match and 0-25 in each set.

A team that fails to enter the playing court on time without good reason is declared a no-show with the same result (it is declared a no-show and loses the match with a score of 0-3 in the match and 0-25 in each set) A team declared INCOMPLETE in the set or in a match, loses the game or match. The opposing team receives the points, or points and games, needed to win the game or match. The incomplete team retains its points and games.



Before the match, the 1st referee draws lots to determine the first serve and sides of the court in the first set.

If a deciding game is to be played, a new draw must be made.

The draw takes place in the presence of two team captains.

The winner of the toss chooses: either the right to serve or receive the serve or side of the court. The loser accepts the remaining option.


If teams previously had a playing court at their disposal, they are given a 6-minute joint official warm-up on the net before the match, if not, they can have 10 minutes. If either captain requests separate (consecutive) official warm-ups on the gridiron, teams will be given 3 minutes each, or 5 minutes each. In the case of consecutive warm-ups, the team that serves first warms up on the net first.


A game must always involve six players from each team. The team's starting formation indicates the order in which the players will move onto the court. This order must be maintained throughout the game. Before the start of each game, the coach must present his team's starting line-up on the line-up sheet. The duly completed and signed card is presented to the 2nd referee or scorer. Players who are not included in the initial line-up for a given game are substitutes for that game (except Libero players). Once the line-up card has been handed over to the 2nd referee or scorer, it is not permitted to change the line-up without the usual substitution. In case of discrepancies between the positions of the players on the court and in the line-up card, proceed as follows: if such a discrepancy is discovered before the start of the game, the positions of the players must be corrected in accordance with the line-up card - a sanction for this will not be sanctioned if, before the start of the game, a player is identified on the court who is not registered in line-up card for this game, this player must be replaced in accordance with the line-up card - no sanction is imposed for this; however, if the coach wishes to keep such unsigned player(s) on the court, he/she must request normal substitution(s) using the appropriate gesture, which must then be entered on the score sheet. If a discrepancy between the players' positions and the positions on the line-up sheet is discovered later, the team that made the mistake must revert to the correct positions. The opponent's points are saved and, in addition, the opponent receives a point and subsequent serve. All points scored by the erring team from the exact moment the error was committed until the moment it was discovered are cancelled. 25When a player is identified on the court who is not listed on the list of players in the score sheet, the opponent’s points are saved and, in addition, the opponent receives a point and a service. The erring team loses all points and/or sets (0:25, if necessary) gained from the time the non-registered player entered the court and must provide a correct line-up sheet and place a new registered player on the court in the non-registered player's position.

At the moment the ball is hit by the server, each team must be within its court in the order of transition (excluding the server). The player positions are numbered as follows: the three players along the net are the front row players, occupying positions 4 (front-left), 3 (front-center), and 2 (front-right); the other three players are the back row players, occupying positions 5 ( back - left), 6 (back - center) and 1 (back - right). Mutual correspondence of player positions: each back line player must be located further from the middle line than the corresponding front line player; The front row players and back row players must respectively be positioned parallel to the halfway line in the above order. Players' positions are determined and controlled according to the position of their feet in contact with the surface as follows: at least part of each front row player's foot must be closer to the halfway line than the corresponding back row player's feet; at least part of the foot of each right (left) side player must be closer to the right (left) side line than the feet of the center player of his line. After hitting the serve, players can move anywhere and occupy any place on their court and in the free zone.


A team commits a positional fault if any player is not in his correct position when the ball is hit by the server. This includes when a player is on the court as a result of an illegal substitution. If the server makes a service error at the moment of the service hit, the server's error takes precedence over the positional error. If the serve becomes faulty after a service hit, a positional fault is scored. A positional error leads to the following consequences: the team is penalized with a point and a service for the opponent; 3 players take their correct positions.

The transition order, determined by the team's initial formation and controlled by the serving order and player positions, is maintained throughout the game. When the receiving team is allowed to serve, its players move one position clockwise: position 2 player moves to position 1 to serve, position 1 player moves to position 6, etc.


A transition fault is committed when the serve is not executed in accordance with the transition order. This leads to the following consequences: the team is penalized with a point and a service for the opponent; Player transition order is being corrected. Additionally, the scorer must determine the exact moment when the error was committed, and all points subsequently scored by the team making the error must be disqualified. The opponent's points are saved. If this point cannot be determined, no point(s) will be disqualified and the only remedy will be the opponent's point and service.



The ball is in play from the moment it is hit on the serve allowed by the 1st referee.


The ball is out of play from the moment of the error, which is recorded by the whistle of one of the referees; in the absence of an error, from the moment the whistle blows.


The ball is considered "in the court" when it touches the surface of the playing court, including the boundary lines.

The ball is considered "out" when: the part of the ball that touches the floor is completely outside the boundary lines; it touches an object outside the court, the ceiling or a person not participating in the game; it touches the antennas, cords, stands or mesh behind the side bands; it crosses the vertical plane of the net partially or completely outside the transition area or the ball completely crosses the lower area under the net.


Each team must play within its own playing field and space The ball may, however, be returned from outside the free zone.


A hit is any contact with the ball by a player in play. A team is allowed a maximum of three hits (in addition to blocking) to recover the ball. If more than 3 strikes are used, the team commits the error: "FOUR STRIKES".


A player cannot hit the ball twice in a row


Two or three players can touch the ball at the same time. When two (or three) partners touch the ball at the same time, it counts as two (or three) hits (excluding blocking). If they try to reach the ball but only one of them touches it, one hit is counted. Colliding between players is not considered an error. When two opponents touch the ball simultaneously over the net and the ball remains in play, the team receiving the ball is entitled to three more hits. If such a ball goes out, it is a fault of the team on the opposite side. If two opponents touching the ball simultaneously over the net results in prolonged contact with the ball, play continues.


Within the playing field, a player is not allowed to use the support of a teammate or any device/object as support to hit the ball.

However, a player who is on the verge of making a mistake (touching the net, or crossing the halfway line, etc.) may be stopped or restrained by a teammate.

The ball can touch any part of the body. The ball must not be caught and/or thrown. It can bounce in any direction. The ball can touch different parts of the body, provided that the contacts occur simultaneously.


FOUR STRIKES: The team touches the ball four times before it is returned.

SUPPORTED KICK: The player uses the support of a teammate or any device/object as support to kick the ball within the playing field.

CAPTURE: the ball is caught and/or thrown; it doesn't bounce when hit.

DOUBLE TOUCH: The player hits the ball twice in a row, or the ball touches different parts of his/her body in succession.


The ball sent into the opponent's court must pass over the net within the transition area. The transition area is a part of the vertical plane of the mesh, limited as follows: from below - by the upper edge of the mesh; on the sides - antennas and their imaginary continuation; from above - the ceiling.

The returned ball crosses the plane of the net again, in whole or in part, through the outer area on the same side of the court.

The opposing team cannot prevent such an action.

A ball that is aimed at the opponent's court through the lower area is in play until.

BALL TOUCHING THE NET (When the ball crosses the net, the ball may touch the net.)


A ball that hits the net may be allowed to remain in play as long as the team's three-hit limit is not exceeded. If the ball breaks through a cell of the net or causes it to fall, the rally is canceled and replayed.



When blocking, a player may touch the ball on the other side of the net, provided that he/she does not interfere with the opponent's play before or during his attack shot. After an attack shot, a player is allowed to move his hand to the other side of the net, provided that the contact took place within his/her own playing area.


It is permissible to enter the opponent's space under the net, provided that this does not interfere with the opponent's play. Entering the opponent's court via the center line: It is permitted to touch the opponent's court with the foot(s), provided that any part of the foot(s) being carried touches the center line or is directly above it; It is allowed to touch the opponent's court with any part of the body above the feet, provided that this does not interfere with the opponent's play. A player may enter the opponent's court after the ball is out of play. Players may enter the opponent's free zone, provided they do not interfere with the opponent's play.


A player's contact with the net is not a fault as long as it does not interfere with play. Players may touch the post, cords, or any other object behind the antennas, including the net, as long as it does not interfere with play. When the ball hits the net, which for this reason touches an opponent, it is not a fault.


A player touches the ball or an opponent in the opponent's space before or during an opponent's attack shot. A player interferes with the opponent's play by penetrating into the opponent's space under the net. The player's foot(s) move completely onto the opponent's court. A player interferes with an opponent's play by (among other things): touching the top of the net or the top 80 cm of the antenna during his/her play action with the ball, using the net as a support while playing the ball, or creating an advantage over an opponent by touching the net, or performing an action that interfere with a legitimate attempt by the opponent to play the ball.

Serving is the act of putting the ball into play by the right back line player in the serving area.

The first serve in the first set, as well as in the deciding 5th set, is made by the team determined by the draw. In other games, the team that did not serve first in the previous game serves first.

Players must follow the serving order written on the line-up sheet.

After the first serve in the set, the serving player is determined as follows: when the serving team wins the rally, the player (or his/her replacement) who served previously serves again; when the receiving team wins the rally, it receives the right to serve and makes a transition before serving. The player who moves from the right front line position to the right back line position will serve. The 1st referee will authorize the service after checking that both teams are ready to play and the server is in possession of the ball. The ball must be struck with one hand or any part of the arm after it is thrown or released from the hand(s). You are only allowed to throw or release the ball once. Tapping the ball (dribbling) or moving it in your hands is permitted. When hitting the ball for a serve or taking off for a jump serve, the server must not touch the court (including the baseline) or surface outside the service area. After the hit, he/she may step or land outside the service area or on the court. The server must hit the ball within 8 seconds after the 1st referee's whistle; a serve made before the referee's whistle does not count and is repeated.

Players of the serving team must not, by individual or group screening, prevent their opponents from seeing the server and the trajectory of the ball. A player or group of players on the serving team sets a screen by waving their arms, jumping or moving along the net while serving, or forming a group to hide the server and the trajectory of the ball.


The following errors result in a change of service even if the opponent is in the wrong formation. Server: breaks the serving order, does not serve correctly.

After the right blow on the ball, a service becomes faulty (unless the player violates the formation) if the ball: touches a player of the serving team or does not completely cross the vertical plane of the net through the transition area; goes "for"; passes over the screen.


All actions as a result of which the ball is directed towards the opponent, excluding serves and blocks, are considered attacking strikes. During an attack shot, a discount is allowed, provided that the ball is struck cleanly and the ball is not caught or thrown. An attack is complete when the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of the net or is touched by an opponent.


A player kicks the ball into the opposing team's playing space. The player sends the ball "over". The back row player completes an attack shot from the front zone when the ball is completely above the top of the net at the moment of impact. A player completes an attack stroke on a ball served by an opponent when the ball is in the front zone and completely above the top edge of the net.

The Libero completes an attack shot when, at the moment of impact, the ball is completely above the top edge of the net.

A player completes an attack shot on the ball above the top of the net when the pass is made with the fingers of the Libero in his front zone.


Blocking is the action of players near the net to intercept the ball coming from an opponent, carried out by moving any part of the body above the top edge of the net, regardless of the height of contact with the ball. Only front row players are allowed to participate in a completed block, and at the moment of contact with the ball, part of the body must be higher than the top edge of the net.

A block attempt is the action of blocking without touching the ball.

A block is valid if the ball is hit by a blocker.

A collective block is performed by two or three players close to each other and is complete when one of them touches the ball.

Consecutive (quick and prolonged) contacts with the ball can occur by one or more blockers, provided that these contacts took place during the same action.


When blocking, a player may move his hands and arms to the other side of the net, provided that this action does not interfere with the opponent's play. Thus, it is not allowed to touch the ball on the opponent’s side before the opponent has made an attacking shot.


A touch on a block does not count as a team hit. Therefore, after contact on the block, the team is given three hits to recover the ball. The first hit after a block can be taken by any player, including the player who touched the ball on the block. It is prohibited to block an opponent's serve.


The blocker touches the ball in the opponent's space before or simultaneously with the opponent's attacking blow. The back row player or Libero makes a block or takes part in a block that has taken place. Blocking an opponent's serve. The ball goes out of the block. Blocking the ball in the opponent's space behind the antenna. An attempt by the Libero to block individually or collectively.


Composition and procedures.

1st judge

2nd judge,


Four (two) linear.

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, an assistant secretary is required.


Only the 1st and 2nd referees may blow the whistle during the match:

The 1st referee gives the signal to serve, which begins the rally;

The 1st or 2nd referee gives the signal to end the rally, provided that they are sure that a mistake has been made and have determined its nature.

They may blow the whistle when the ball is out of play to indicate that they are allowing or denying the team's request.

Immediately after the referee's whistle, signaling the end of the rally, they must show with official gestures:

If a fault is signaled by the 1st referee's whistle, he/she must indicate in the following order:

a) the team that will serve;

b) the nature of the error;

c) the player(s) who committed the error (if necessary).

The 2nd referee repeats the gestures of the 1st referee:

If the fault is signaled by the 2nd referee's whistle, he/she must show:

a) the nature of the error;

b) the player(s) who committed the error (if necessary);

c) the command that will serve, repeating the gesture of the 1st referee.

In this case, the 1st referee does not show either the nature of the mistake or the player who committed it, but only the team that will serve.

In the event of a mutual fault, both judges indicate in the following order:

a) the nature of the error;

b) players who made a mistake (if necessary);

c) the team to serve, as indicated by the 1st referee.


Permission to serve - indicate the direction of serving by moving your hand;

Serving command - extend your hand towards the team that must serve;

Changing platforms - raise your forearms in front and behind and rotate them around the body;

Time Out - place the palm of one hand over the fingers of the other, held vertically (in a T shape), and then indicate the requesting command;

Replacement - Roundabout Circulation forearms around each other;

Warning for misbehavior - show yellow card for warning;

Reprimand for incorrect behavior - show a red card for reprimand;

Removal - show red and yellow cards together for removal;

Disqualification - show red and yellow cards separately for disqualification;

End of the game (match) - cross your forearms with open hands in front of your chest;

The ball is not thrown or released when hitting the serve - raise your outstretched arm with your palm facing up;

Delay when serving - raise eight spread fingers;

Blocking error or screen - raise both arms vertically, palms forward;

Positional error or transition error - make a circular movement with the index finger;

The ball is “in the court” - point your hand and fingers in the direction of the floor;

Ball "for" - raise your forearms vertically with open palms facing the body;

Grip - slowly raise your forearm with your palm facing up;

Four strikes - raise four spread fingers;

Touching the net by a player - the served ball did not pass to the opponent through the transition area - indicate the appropriate side of the net with the appropriate hand;

Touching on the other side of the net - place your hand over the net, palm down;

A mistake when making an attacking blow is to make a downward movement with the forearm with an open hand

Transition to the opponent's court, the ball crossing the lower area or the server touches the court (end line) or the player steps outside his court at the moment of hitting the serve - point to the center line or the corresponding line;

Mutual mistake or overplay - raise both thumbs vertically;

Touching the ball - running the palm of one hand over the fingers of the other, held vertically

Warning (remark) for delay - cover your wrist with a yellow card (warning) or a red card (remark)


1. Volleyball. Furmanov A. 240 pp. Modern school, 2009

2. Volleyball is for everyone. Bulykina L., E. Fomin 80 pp. TVT Division 2012

3. Volleyball: theory and training methods. A.V. Belyaev, L.V. Bulykina. 176 pp. TVT Division-2011.

4. Official Volleyball Rules 2013. 86 pp. FIVB 2012

5. Volleyball. About some aspects of the game and refereeing. Kunyansky V.A. 2010 72 pp. Publisher: TVT Division

Posted on Allbest.ru


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