What should an athlete drink in the heat? Agapov A.V.

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “what do athletes drink for their joints?”

People who play sports, even at an amateur level, often encounter injuries and various pains. Increased physical activity especially affects the condition of joints and ligaments. They may even undergo severe degenerative changes. This is also due to the fact that the athlete’s body often experiences a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, athletes are recommended to follow a special diet and take additional special medications. Vitamins are especially relevant for the joints and ligaments of athletes. They help replenish micronutrient deficiencies, nourish joint and cartilage tissue and help prevent injuries.

Why do athletes need to take vitamins?

With increased physical activity, joints and ligaments are especially affected. This leads to the appearance of chronic pain, the development of inflammatory processes and even degenerative changes. That's why it's so important to take vitamins for joints and ligaments. Athletes experiencing high loads, the danger of injury is almost constant. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives substances that will strengthen the musculoskeletal system and prevent injury to joints and ligaments. They are subjected to especially heavy loads when doing bodybuilding or powerlifting. Frequent microtraumas of cartilage tissue lead to the development of osteoarthritis, which is difficult to cure.

What problems can athletes have?

If in ordinary people arthritis begins to develop most often in old age, then athletes are familiar with this disease from their youth. Particularly susceptible to change knee joints. Most often they become inflamed in football players, runners, weightlifters and wrestlers. Other joints such as the wrist, elbow and ankle are also at risk of injury. But the most common problem for athletes is sprained ligaments. This type of injury occurs when playing any sport. And to prevent this, you need to provide the body with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for joints and ligaments.

What microelements are necessary for joints

For the health of the musculoskeletal system it is necessary proper nutrition, with which the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Many of them are necessary for joints and ligaments. If not enough of them are supplied with food, with increased physical activity, degenerative processes develop and the risk of injury increases. What microelements are most important for the health of joints and ligaments?

  • Calcium is the main mineral with which bone tissue is formed. The strength and functioning of the joints depends on it.
  • Selenium has the ability to repair damaged tissue and reduce joint pain. This trace element improves the absorption of other vitamins and minerals.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are needed to improve joint mobility and prevent any diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Boron and manganese improve metabolism and promote collagen production.
  • Phosphorus and copper strengthen bones and ligaments.
  • Hyaluronic acid improves joint mobility.

The most important vitamins for athletes' joints and ligaments

  1. Proper formation of cartilage and bone tissue is impossible without vitamin A. Its powerful antioxidant effect protects joints from damage. And due to a lack of vitamin A, immunity decreases and the risk of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system increases.
  2. Vitamin E helps slow down the aging process in the body and accelerates tissue regeneration.
  3. Vitamin C is very important not only for the prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases. It is involved in the synthesis of collagen; in its presence, vitamins A and E are better absorbed.
  4. Vitamin D helps strengthen cartilage tissue.
  5. B vitamins have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, enhance regeneration processes and accelerate collagen synthesis.
  6. Vitamin K is very important for the formation of bone mass and the synthesis of the protein osteocalcin.

What should be the composition of vitamin supplements for joints?

Of course, it is difficult to take all these components separately - you would have to take many pills at the same time. Therefore, special vitamins have been developed for the joints and ligaments of athletes. Their composition may be different, but the most effective drugs contain the following items:

  • glucosamine sulfate;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • collagen, best in the form of gelatin;
  • calcium in bioavailable form;
  • methylsulfamylmethane, which relieves pain well;
  • vitamins D, E, A and C;
  • calcium.

What pharmaceutical drugs are there?

Quite often, especially with increased physical activity, a person lacks the microelements that he receives from food. Therefore, many doctors recommend purchasing vitamins for the joints and ligaments of athletes at the pharmacy. Now there are many such drugs:

  • “Calcinova” contains precisely those microelements, the deficiency of which leads to diseases of the joints and ligaments;
  • “Calcemin” is a complex mineral and vitamin supplement that is used for any diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • “Artra MSM Forte” not only helps in the regeneration of cartilage tissue, but also participates in the synthesis of substances necessary for the normal functioning of joints;
  • “Kondronova” - very good vitamins for the joints and ligaments of athletes;
  • “Natekal” is an effective regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism;
  • “Triovit” is a complex supplement useful for people exposed to heavy physical activity;
  • “Enjoy NT” restores and strengthens ligaments and restores mobility to joints.

How to choose vitamins

Preference should be given to those drugs that have been used for a long time and have received a lot of positive feedback. Recommendations can be obtained from your trainer or physician. In addition, you need to thoroughly study the features of the active components of additives and carefully read the composition when choosing them. Now the pharmacological industry produces various vitamins for the joints and ligaments of athletes. How to choose the best drug?

  • You should not purchase supplements that contain too many different ingredients, as many vitamins and minerals can interact with each other, causing an adverse effect.
  • Preference should be given to drugs that do not contain flavors, dyes, or other substances that can cause allergic reactions.
  • Pay attention to the amount of active ingredients in the supplement.
  • Vitamin supplements are available in tablets, powders, capsules, and even injections. You need to choose those that are convenient to take.
  • Before taking any drug, even on the recommendation of a doctor, you need to carefully study the instructions, which describe all contraindications and side effects.

One of important factors To achieve new results is the body's endurance. To increase physical endurance, athletes use various physical factors, for example, hardening. They also resort to psychological means. But every year there are more and more of them on the shelves of sports nutrition stores, so it is extremely difficult to figure out which drug is truly safe and effective, especially for a novice bodybuilder. We will tell you about the most popular drugs for increasing endurance and what effect each of them has.

Physical endurance of the body- this is the ability to perform a certain action in a specified amount of time. And the result of an athlete or bodybuilder depends on this factor. This is one of the main reasons why scientists around the world are striving to come up with new and more effective doping without harm to health. By developing endurance, the athlete begins to tire less, is able to withstand heavy loads, and in this way he develops fortitude. To develop endurance, you need to eat right and perform special exercises.

Now accepted classify pharmacological agents to increase endurance as follows:

  • Exhaustive;
  • Non-depleting;
  • Mixed;
  • With a secondary positive effect.

Let's take a closer look at each of these classes.

Exhausting or mobilizing drugs are caffeine, phenamine and psychomotor stimulants. Now mesocarb, meridil, pyridrop and sydnofen are also actively used. Their action is that they activate the mediator link and quickly involve the body’s hidden reserves in the energy supply of activity. Such remedies are quite effective, however, they have side effects and contraindications. For example, after taking exhausting drugs, the development of endurance requires a long recovery period, and there is also a physical and psychological dependence on fatigue.

Non-depleting or metabolic drugs internally they are also divided into specific classes: actoprotectors, steroids, nootropics, non-steroidal anabolics, substrates and various energy-supplying compounds and adaptogens. Their advantage is that the athlete does not feel the depletion of reserve forces. It is also noted that they can be used for a long time. Contraindications are possible and are identified individually.

Mixed-action drugs stimulate gluconeogenesis in liver cells, glucose is formed through the metabolism of amino acids. The main representative is dexamethasone. It prevents cells from absorbing the produced glucose, resulting in an anti-insulin effect. In addition, dexamethasone prevents amino acids from being rapidly transported and slows down the production of proteins in the muscles, which leads to an anti-anabolic effect. However, there are side effects when taking mixed drugs. For example, osteoporosis or muscular dystrophy may occur, immunity also noticeably decreases, and antibodies and connective tissues begin to form more slowly.

Drugs that have a secondary positive effect on performance, are able to eliminate symptoms that impair performance. This class of drugs for developing the body's endurance requires studying the history of the individual development of overwork. And only after that you can proceed to receiving them. Drugs with a secondary positive effect on performance act as follows: first, gluconeogenesis is activated, then glucose begins to penetrate, resulting in resistance to acidosis and lacticderma. Next stage- replacement of substrates and electrolytes. And finally - maintaining the coupling of phosphorylation and oxidation.

Drugs to improve performance.

  • Actoprotectors help the body become more resistant to physical stress. At the same time, there is no need to consume more oxygen and heat production. Now one of the most popular actoprotectors are the drugs bemitil and tomerzol. They enhance protein and RNA synthesis, which leads to the formation of special enzymes and proteins. They affect the nervous and cardiorespiratory systems, as well as muscle tissue;
  • Amino acids help protein to be better synthesized and have proven effective as specific mediators;
  • Branch chain amino acids (BCAA)- three amino acids that are metabolized in muscles. That is why up to 35% of muscle mass is formed precisely under the influence of BCAA. Up to 10% of energy during training comes from these amino acids. Another advantage of BCAA is the restoration of muscle glycogen, which is very important during strength training, as it is quickly depleted. If you follow a low-carb diet or are a professional runner, then it is extremely important for you to consume these amino acids;

  • L-carnitine is an amino acid that is found in muscle mass and is independently synthesized in the body. Therefore, it is very important to replenish its reserves. The production of L-carnitine occurs in the liver. This amino acid not only increases endurance, but also relieves fatigue and pain, and is effective in combating overweight. Should be taken 2-3 times a day before meals, 30 minutes, with plenty of liquid. The dosage should not exceed 1 g;
  • Methionine is an amino acid that regulates the amount of microelements in tissues and helps replenish many other amino acids. Methionine intake is important for development physical endurance, since it produces adrenaline, creatine and prevents the body from dehydration. If you take this amino acid and a vitamin complex or hormones at the same time, their effect will noticeably increase;

  • Testosterone is most effective for improving endurance before competition. It increases muscle mass and aerobic endurance. It is best to take stanozolol in tablets or injections, 50 ml every 2 days for men, 2-3 times less for women. Otherwise, it will lead to the development of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • Creatine increases overall muscle mass and develops endurance. Counts food additive for athletes. Can be taken in powder, capsule or tablet form. Creatine monohydrate is considered the most effective;

  • Mildronate should be taken 3 hours before the competition, 1 g. Only in this case is it considered the most effective;
  • L-glutamine is an amino acid that makes up 60% of the total amino acids in muscles. It is imperative to maintain the required amount of glutamine in the muscles, since during stress it is released into the blood. Take L-glutamine 2-3 grams once a day;
  • Taurine is necessary for energy and metabolic processes. It normalizes metabolism and activates insulin production. In addition, this amino acid has regenerative and metabolic effects. Use taurine to improve endurance 2 times a day, 0.25-0.5 grams before meals;

  • Vitamins and minerals necessary for every person in accordance with daily norm. Athletes have a special need for vitamins, so it is best to take special complexes that are designed specifically for athletes;
  • Glutamic acid necessary for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, however, it has many contraindications and side effects. For example, you should not take glutamic acid if you have kidney or liver failure, stomach ulcers, anemia, fever or obesity. Side effects are also possible, which include insomnia, nausea, chills, allergies and abdominal pain. Take glutamic acid 2-3 times in doses of 1 gram before meals.

Why borscht, mushrooms and sandwiches are the main enemies of those who decided to follow the example of the Olympians

It is possible that many will once again want to change their lives - they will start running in the morning and finally think about healthy eating. W→O→S spoke with experts in sports nutrition about what underlies the nutrition of athletes and what rules need to be followed while on a sports diet.

Pavel Sheremet, master of sports, specialist in sports nutrition

To achieve results in sports, two things are important: load and recovery. If you do not have time to recover after training, then it is simply pointless to give the next dose of load - it throws the athlete back. Recovery is, first of all, nutrition, which gives the body energy, building material for new cells. Proper nutrition - best medicine from many ailments. The basis of the nutrition system is the same at any level of training. The most important thing in this matter is the five rules that must be followed regardless of the degree of load.

1. Maintain the order of products.

Each product belongs to a specific group, there are six in total. Here they are in the order in which they should be consumed: liquids, fruits/vegetables, grocery group, nuts/oils, eggs/dairy products, fish/poultry/meat. You can eat everything, you just need to be consistent, although again, some people have individual intolerance to certain foods. It is recommended to consume foods from no more than three groups in one meal.

Moreover, products from different groups You should try not to mix them, but eat them separately - this way they are absorbed much better. For example, if you take a sandwich that contains meat, herbs, cheese and bread, and eat it all separately from each other, then there will be more benefits. When you swallow everything at once, the body simply cannot simultaneously secrete all the substances necessary to properly digest this complex.

Artemy Manucherovich, practicing physician, sports nutrition specialist: “At some point, an athlete’s muscle growth slows down, despite intense training and properly selected nutrition. Then they start using additives (also a kind of sports nutrition), which are divided into two categories: energy drinks and proteins. Energy drinks are used for weight loss and to improve muscle definition, proteins are used to build high-quality muscles. Protein is an analogue of egg white, it is well absorbed by the body. It is especially important to take it within an hour after training. The dose directly depends on the physical activity and weight of the person: if this compliance is not observed, then taking protein nutrition can be harmful. Excess protein will lead to loss of calcium, which is responsible for many intracellular processes. Protein supplements Under no circumstances should they be the only source of proteins in the human body. So proper nutrition always remains important. Let me remind you that muscles grow not on the day of training, but on the day of rest. As for doping, formally this definition includes a whole list of drugs, which is updated every year by the World Anti-Doping Agency. In fact, even ordinary black tea can be considered doping: it contains caffeine, a stimulant that has a serious effect on the central nervous system. The most common doping drugs are: anabolic steroid. These substances, similar to the male sex hormone testosterone, help to build muscle mass very easily, but in return they cause problems with the reproductive system, liver, nervous system and heart. Unfortunately, counterfeits are very often used and distributed in Russia, which cause even greater harm to health. Under the supervision of competent specialists, doping is possible without severe harm. But the need for it arises only at a super-professional level. Amateurs should have no need for doping at all.”

Meat salads, burgers, soups are all evil.

The worst thing is borscht. None of this “healthy” soup is properly absorbed by the body, so most of all stomach diseases in Ukraine. In general, the first dishes appeared due to poverty: soup had to be cooked to feed a large family. By the way, lard is very useful product. 100% digestible, contains a lot building materials for the body, has high energy value.

Well, and lastly, perhaps - you need to drink before meals and only water, preferably a lot. Drinking during meals is bad for digestion, and afterward you need to wait at least 40 minutes.

2. You can eat from 6 am to 6 pm.

This is one of the best known and most poorly enforced rules. You need to eat strictly every two hours during this period. At seven o'clock in the evening, our stomach, roughly speaking, falls asleep: it works at less than half its capacity. Any feeling of hunger after six hours must be suppressed - this is a bad habit, nothing more. Changing your habits is the hardest thing for a person. Here is an example from history: Genghis Khan had a Chinese adviser who said: “You can conquer the whole world, you can take away people’s loved ones, you can take away their lives, turn them around as you want, but never try to change people’s habits, because you will fail.” " So we - nutrition specialists - have to perform feats that even the Great Khan did not dare to attempt.

During intensive training Our body loses not only fluid in large quantities, but also useful substances that our body needs for restoration and normal functioning. What is better to restore reserves: water or special sports drinks (isotonics), which contain all the necessary substances?


If your run lasts no more than an hour at an average pace, then your needs can be satisfied with water and it is not at all necessary to weigh yourself down with bottles of sports drinks and tubes with special gels.

Your average pace is the running pace at which you can hold a conversation without getting out of breath.

So, if your run lasts no longer than an hour and you maintain your average pace, water is your choice.


Isotonic drinks are advised to be reserved for longer challenging workouts when the applied efforts go beyond the usual loads. Many sports drinks don't have a good reputation because they contain... large number sugar, but in the case of intense training, a large amount of fast carbohydrates and a portion of electrolytes is just what you need!

With a light load, the use of isotonics does not make much sense, since the benefits from them will be about the same as from plain water.

Recovery. The sports drink contains on average from 20 to 50 kcal and from 5 to 14 g of sugar per 240 ml volume. Glucose (sugar) in this case is the fuel for the muscles. Our body can get glucose from almost any product, but it is much easier and faster to separate it from sugar. And the sooner this happens, the better, since during intense training our body simply does not have time to wait until, for example, the bread in our stomach is digested and divided into simpler components (including glucose). After long, intense workouts, there is a short carbohydrate window, and it is at this time that muscles are best able to replenish wasted sugar, which helps in recovery and preparation for the next race.

Carbohydrate window- the expected period is within 35–40 minutes after intense physical activity. The existence of such a period has not been scientifically confirmed.

After an active workout, the body needs to replenish not only fluid, but also the glycogen expended by the muscles.

During training, the level of adrenaline and cortisol in the body increases, which after training continue their effect, destroying protein tissue (muscles). To prevent this muscle shrinking effect, it is important to use another hormone - insulin. It neutralizes the destructive effects of cortisol, as it is its biochemical antagonist.

Insulin is produced when consuming so-called fast carbohydrates and blocks the action of cortisol and adrenaline.

In addition to carbohydrates, the body that received physical activity, proteins are needed. Muscle growth and physical recovery in the human body depend on the amino acids that make up protein. This means that during the period carbohydrate window It is best to consume protein foods with high bioavailability (dairy products, legumes, nuts).

Source: Wikipedia

Fast rehydration. During intense exercise, our body loses large amounts of water, sodium and potassium through sweat. Water is great for quenching thirst, and drinks with electrolytes help restore fluid and electrolyte balance much faster. Sports drinks on average contain about 80 mg of sodium and 488 mg of potassium per 355 ml volume. This mixture of water, sugar and sodium helps our body absorb the moisture it needs much faster than just water.

Isotonic recipes

It is not necessary to buy special sports drinks in stores; some of them are quite easy to prepare at home.

Apple drink


  • 2 glasses of cold water;
  • 1/4 cup apple juice;
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • sugar or honey to taste;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon or ginger.

Vegetable isotonic


  • 1 liter of vegetable juice of your choice (you can make fresh beets or carrots at home);
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 cup orange juice.

Basic isotonic drink


  • 300 ml of any fruit juice;
  • 200 ml water;
  • a pinch of salt.

Citrus isotonic


  • 20 g honey or sugar;
  • 30 ml lemon, orange or grapefruit juice;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 400 ml water.

Even simpler options are to dilute 2 tablespoons of honey in 1 liter of water or buy mineral water and release the gas from it.

When active physical work There is a loss of fluid in the athlete’s body. The amount of such water loss varies from a liter to three or four per game or start. With this liquid, salts leave through sweat, which create osmotic pressure in our body (osmos - translated from Greek pressure (push), the process of transferring substances from solutions of different concentrations through a semi-permeable membrane separating these solutions). A deficiency of these salts and the liquid component of blood is created in the body. The blood thickens. As a result, it is more difficult for the heart to cope with pumping it throughout the body, and accordingly, gas exchange processes and nutrition processes - the removal of waste products from the body's cells - slow down. The cells of the body begin to “suffocate.” The athlete begins to feel thirsty and fatigue sets in.

A situation where, during doping control after a game, an athlete cannot “squeeze” seventy milliliters of urine out of himself (the minimum qualifying portion) for two to three hours (there have been cases of six to eight hours) is standard, despite the continuous infusion of water. The body urgently replenishes lost fluid in order to balance and return to normal all the processes occurring in the body and begins to release excess only when the water-salt balance is more or less stabilized.

About how much an athlete should drink during a game or start, when to drink - to prevent thirst or to act on the fact, what to drink - water or something else, etc., they argued before, they argue now, they will argue later. There are a lot of opinions on this matter. Some have been proven, some have been invented, some are at the level of the subconscious and guesswork.

In the seventies and eighties there was one extreme - they were not allowed to drink water at all during training, and they proved this by citing scientific arguments. A few years ago, the other extreme - thirst must be prevented by drinking five hundred milliliters - a liter of water before the start or game, and this was also convincingly proven from a scientific point of view. After such premedication, the football players could barely drag their feet across the field for the first twenty to thirty minutes of the game.

How to maintain the body's condition and prevent internal processes occurring in the body from dominating the tasks facing the athlete? Or at least keep the processes of dehydration and salt loss under control?

Let’s not touch popular gaming “promoted” sports and amateur athletes. Since the former, often for money or by concluding a contract for the free supply of drinks for the team, are, as it were, an advertising billboard for manufacturers, while the latter gladly imitate their idols (“I saw Footballers drink drink “X” during the game, so they play well! We need to look for it on the Internet”, “Rocketkins made an incredible serve after taking a sip of the “Y” drink!

Let's see what they're doing professional athletes for whom it is vital to drink during competitions - marathon runners, track and field athletes, race walking and the like. The preparation of solutions for drinking is carried out by trainers and has been elevated to the rank of almost shamanism. Secrecy and spying on others are fully present. Before the start, these bottles are handed over to food stations, checked and used if necessary or according to the planned plan. What's in these bottles? Salt, carbohydrate solutions, and most often plain water. And, the methods for preparing oatmeal infusions for walkers and marathon runners are legendary!
“Promoted” manufacturers at high-ranking competitions in these sports do not even put their drinks on the tables in food outlets. There is no point, no one takes it, why spoil the image.

Hetorade has turned into a cult brand in America, the same as McDonald's and Coca-Cola, so for a long time no one there reads what is written on the label about the composition of the drink and, probably, in vain. The most powerful psychological moment gives confidence and dominates over everything else (“I drink what I need”), since even in childhood this athlete or sportswoman saw such a “champion” bottle in the hands of his idols. But in Europe this drink did not take root.

On tennis tournaments Manufacturers of goods under popular brands dominate, including those producing drinks for athletes. On Australian Open this is most noticeable. Rumor has it that participants in this tournament are required to carry bottles from these manufacturers in their bags to games and periodically drink from them during the games.

Let's look at what should be in a sports drink.

Warp. Water.

Not all water (we are considering this issue in relation to professional sports) is suitable for these purposes.
As a rule, they take what is at hand. The one given by the organizers or the receiving party. Often, such water is advertising or free sponsorship supplies. Factory bottles, what can you take from them?! Water and water, except that the labels are different.

Try to brew the same tea in Moscow and Novosibirsk - the taste of the drink will be different. Beer brewed in the Czech Republic and the same drink prepared using the same technology and using the same ingredients in St. Petersburg will have a completely different taste.

What kind of water is there?

In fact, bottled water differs not only in taste.
Where does this water come from?
Natural or artificial origin (distillation product, distillate with salts and minerals dissolved in it)?
Is tap water purified through a filter system or extracted from an artesian source?
What is the composition of salts and minerals in it?
What is the formula of water itself?
What does she remember?

“Subtleties that you shouldn’t pay attention to,” you shrug. Don't tell me. The water content in human bone tissue is about twenty percent, in muscles - more than seventy, in blood - more than eighty, in the brain - more than ninety percent. And so, when the result depends on hundredths and thousandths of a second, on the timely and correctly worked muscle group and the faster reaction than the opponent - the question is “what kind of water do you drink?” ceases to be a trifle.
Moreover, once this water enters the body it can act negatively, neutrally, and positively.Those who set high goals in sports should care about this.

Just as there are no two identical people, there is no water from different manufacturers with the same chemical composition. Moreover, from the same manufacturer it may differ, unless of course it is water of natural origin, in its properties at different times of the year, depending on the well, location of the plants and other factors.

Water is the most powerful universal solvent. It, to a greater or lesser extent, contains all the components of the periodic table, it carries elements of everything that comes into contact with it, which is why, until our times, scientists have not received chemically pure water, since in any case it contains molecules of dissolved walls the vessel in which it is located.

It is believed that water that comes into bottles from mountain peaks and is formed as a result of melting glaciers has a finer molecular structure and is better absorbed by the body because it penetrates the cell membrane more easily.

Now that a liter of water on the shelves costs more than a liter of gasoline, it is not surprising that a bottle with a branded label may contain water that was spilled from a tap in a nearby basement and has barely gone through the basic stages of purification. This is our reality.

We do not consider artificial carbonation water at all, since during active activities It is not suitable for use in sports, and it has a natural gas content can be used only after it has been removed. You can speed up the process of purifying a liquid from air impurities by heating it to a temperature of 80-90 degrees (this will be clearly visible to the naked eye - bubbles will form) and then cool it and drink it.
It makes sense to consume water with oxygen dissolved in it (this is also available) only during the recovery period, and it is better to obtain additional oxygen naturally.

In Soviet times, preparing for all major competitions, training at the Olympic base in Podolsk, I used water for athletes to drink from a local artesian well. They diluted drinks, drank just like that, and the base canteen cooked food with this water. There are no trifles in sports. Our athletes were among the strongest in the World. This does not mean that everyone now needs to go to Podolsk and stock up on miracle water, especially since time has passed and its composition has changed. This is about the issue of water quality.

Powdered sports drink

In Soviet times, dry drink mixes designed specifically for sports were very popular. highest achievements(and not only), the main focus of which was to prevent dehydration in athletes during training and competitive loads - rehydration. The main components of these wonderful drinks were natural ingredients, natural berries and fruits that had undergone sublimation processing (sublimation (freeze drying) is a process in which the product is quickly frozen to a certain temperature under vacuum conditions, then water is removed from it, bypassing the liquid stage). “Velo-ton”, “Spartakiada”, “Victoria”, and hermetically sealed bags with “Olympiada” powder, which tastes like black currant, were especially popular. It was our Soviet product, if you want in more detail - Russian-Estonian. No chemistry.

Nowadays, athletes of the current generation, accustomed from childhood to artificial flavors and sweeteners, do not delight in the natural taste of such drinks. Arguments about usefulness and naturalness do not help either.There is a plant in Russia that produces similar products, but its conveyor line is often idle due to lack of demand.

Foreign companies are widely represented in our market with this product. The most popular is Fit Active from Multipower, however, out of the entire line of flavors, only three or four are perceived with enthusiasm by athletes.

Drinks for sports and healthy image life from natural ingredients.

For many years, individual enthusiasts have been producing high-quality drinks for athletes, consisting entirely of natural ingredients. Ready and in syrups. Excellent formulations and diverse applications - from professional sports until thirst is quenched. The principle is the same - not an ounce of chemistry. But just as they started with one small production line, they are still working on it.

You don't have to look far for an example. Vitan company from Nizhny Novgorod.

Isotonic drinks.

Isotonics are drinks that have a concentration of substances dissolved in it that is similar in density to the liquid in the body, i.e. same osmolarity. Standard composition: electrolytes (potassium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium), carbohydrates, usually glucose (but fructose, sugar or their artificial analogues may also be present). The concentration of “fast” carbohydrates in such drinks is five to eight percent. It is impossible to quickly replace fluid loss with such drinks; the body absorbs them slowly.

The fashion for isotonic drinks has led to the emergence of many drinks that are positioned by manufacturers as sports drinks, but in fact are not, are produced using cheap raw materials and substitutes, contain artificial flavors, sweeteners, colors and preservatives, which are harmful to health, mildly speaking, not useful.

Hypotonic drinks

To quickly replace fluid loss, there are hypotonic solutions. Those. the specific gravity of substances dissolved in them is less than in isotonic ones. This state can be achieved by diluting the isotonic drink with water to a concentration that is acceptable to you in terms of taste and adding a pinch of table salt.
Such drinks are recommended to be consumed in hot weather, by athletes who need to quickly replenish fluid loss and by athletes watching their weight, since there are fewer carbohydrates.

Hypertonic drinks

Drinks that have a standard composition of electrolytes, but a higher concentration of carbohydrates. This drink is often used by competitive athletes during the pre-season period and in individual sports on days of heavy training. Often, the intake of such drinks is included in the pharmacological preparation program and is used according to schemes. Powdered carbohydrates are used. This powder is odorless, dissolves easily and leaves no residue in water. The taste of the drink does not change.

Energy sports drinks

Energy drinks are drinks that include stimulants and carbohydrates, supplemented with various ingredients necessary from the point of view of manufacturers. Ingredients with stimulating properties include caffeine, guarana, ginseng, eleuthero, tuarine, tea extract and others. In some drinks several of them are added at once to ensure their effect.

The calorie content of such drinks comes from regular sugar, glucose, fructose and their artificial substitutes. Often these sources of “fast” carbohydrates are mixed.

The market for these drinks amounts to billions of dollars, advertising services work day and night, cans and bottles of energy drinks, with the confidence of full owners, have taken up residence on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus.

And, by the way, in some countries the sale and production of these drinks is completely prohibited; in some they are sold through pharmacy chains. Probably, what do you think, not without reason?

What should I drink?

So what is the best thing to drink during training and games? - you ask.

I read and read, but the answer is main question, I still don’t see...

If you (this advice is also useful for those who play sports at an amateur level), eat normally and train under acceptable temperature conditions, then the answer is clear. You need to drink the most sports drink- water. Plain water. You just need to find your...

P.S. And finally, let me give you a little advice. To quench your thirst. Water, half and half freshly squeezed orange juice. A little cool. Take your time...