What can you tell us about onions? Everything about onions: benefits and harms, what substances they contain, what to cook

Onions can perhaps be considered the most versatile vegetable in any kitchen. It is always at hand, is often found in recipes, and you can easily grow it yourself. I will tell you about the beneficial and medicinal properties of this vegetable, as well as the possible harmful effects on our body.

I'll start with what vitamins and nutrients are contained in onions. The composition of this popular vegetable includes: fructose, sucrose, maltose, B vitamins, minerals sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, malic acid, citric acid, essential oil, pectins.

Medicinal properties of onions

Surely everyone cried while peeling or slicing onions. This is due to phytoncides - volatile substances with medicinal properties. The healing effect of this vegetable on our body is expressed in the following properties:

  • able to remove germs and bacteria;
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • fights viruses;
  • useful for intestinal and stomach disorders, atherosclerosis;
  • promotes sexual activity;
  • serves good remedy against worms and scurvy;
  • drinking onion juice helps with insomnia;
  • alcohol tinctures are used as a diuretic;
  • good wound healing agent;
  • prostate cancer prevention agent;
  • removes headache;
  • onion gruel prevents the formation of blisters at the burn site;
  • By lightly rubbing the gums with onion, you can get rid of toothache;
  • fried onions in butter or boiled in milk softens coughs and serves as an expectorant.

I’ll tell you why onions are useful and harmful, in addition to their medicinal properties.

The benefits and harms of onions

Except therapeutic effect that this vegetable has, there are also others beneficial properties:

  • improved appetite;
  • helps increase the secretion of digestive juices;
  • accelerates menstruation;
  • improves food absorption;
  • anti-itch remedy for mosquito bites;
  • onion juice relieves pain from snake, wasp or bee bites;
  • serves as a good remedy for hair loss;
  • helps in removing calluses and warts;
  • has rejuvenating properties;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • strengthens the skeletal system;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • By rubbing your face with an onion slice, you can get rid of age spots.

However, it is always worth considering contraindications for the use of a particular product. For example, onions will do more harm than good in the following cases:

  • onion tincture is harmful for people with heart and liver diseases;
  • onions increase blood pressure;
  • may cause an asthma attack;
  • increases acidity, which causes irritation to the digestive organs.

What to cook from onions

The whole onion is used: both the leaves and the bulb itself. It is added as a flavoring ingredient to soup, various sauces and gravies, minced meat, meat and vegetable dishes, salads, mushroom dishes, as well as for canning, sausage products.

I often cook with onions(red, white or regular). To find these recipes on the website, you can follow the link.

Onions are usually fried until golden brown or eaten raw.

Frying onions

Pre-fried onions can be served with scrambled eggs, porridge (unsweetened), potatoes, meat dishes or pasta. It's interesting that onions are fried in different countries differently. Russians traditionally cut onions into rings and roll them in flour, which gives them a beautiful crust that has a loud crunch. In France, it is customary to additionally dip chopped onions in milk to give it special tenderness. But in China, a golden crust is not in demand; there they chop the onion, put it in a frying pan, greased with oil, alternately salt and pepper, add a little honey and apple cider vinegar (it can be replaced with lemon juice), stir for a few minutes over low heat. Basil is sometimes added for a special flavor.

Stew and bake onions

Here are a couple of recipes where stewed onions are not flavoring agent, but the basis of the dish. 1) Cut the onion into half rings, add plums in the same quantity, cut in half (without pits), salt, a little sugar, pepper and water. Close the lid tightly and simmer for several minutes. 2) Place the lightly fried onion in a baking dish at the very bottom, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Mix sour cream and eggs, pour everything into the mold. Sprinkle grated cheese evenly on top and place in the oven for a few minutes.

Stuffing onions

You won’t surprise anyone with stuffed poultry, fish, or zucchini. What about onions? Stuff the onions with mushrooms like this: cook whole onions for 3-5 minutes, carefully remove the core, leaving only the outer wall intact. And then a flight of fancy: you can stuff it with mushrooms with cream, chicken fillet with olives and cheese, etc.

Pickling onions

Leave the onion in vinegar, add salt, pepper and let sit. This side dish will come in handy as a side dish for meat dishes. Pickled onions are also used in salads, for example.

Onion dessert

We're talking about soufflé. Take 2 onions large sizes, chop and sauté in a spoon butter and with a small amount of water for 10 minutes over low heat. At the same time, mix half a glass of cream, a spoonful of butter, and 2 tablespoons of flour and boil everything for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add 2 yolks to this sauce, after beating well, mix and let cool. Then add a little salt and pepper to the resulting mixture, add the beaten egg white, pour into the mold and bake for about half an hour.

Onion jam

However, such jam is served only with poultry dishes and vegetable side dishes. 7 or 8 onions are cut into half rings and lightly fried. Add 2.5 cups of sugar (brown is best used). Bring the mixture to a boil and stir over low heat for 45 minutes. Finally, add 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 15 minutes before the end of the time.

It is worth noting that onions are still more useful in their raw form than after processing. But if you diversify the cooking methods, then the first place in preserving the benefits, taste and aroma remains with baking.

Gorky's play “At the Lower Depths” made a huge impression on the public at the beginning of the 20th century. The world of people who had sunk to the last degree of squalor at the very “bottom” of life was exposed without embellishment, into a world of cheaters, prostitutes and killers of thieves of various stripes. Maxim Gorky imbued the play “At the Lower Depths” with a protest against the social foundations of capitalist society and a call for a calm, equal and fair life.

Getting to the topic “Luka: Characteristics” (“At the Bottom”), it should be noted that people living in the cheapest shelter, reminiscent of a dark and dirty basement, became ugly victims of the cruel and unfair orders of society, when a person, thrown out of normal life, begins to live in wolf laws and turns into a powerless and pitiful creature.

Luke: characteristics

“At the Bottom” is a play that brings together several different characters. One of the residents of the shelter is old man Luka, who became the most ambiguous and contradictory hero of the play. It is with him that the main philosophical question of this work is connected: “What is better - compassion and “sublime and comforting lies” or truth?” Is it necessary to be so imbued with compassion that you then use lies as a saving tool?

"People" and "people"

Delving deeper into the topic of “Luka: Characteristics” (“At the Bottom”), it can be noted that it is this hero who becomes the only person who truly sympathizes with the inhabitants of the shelter. He notes that there are “people” and there are “humans”. “People” are by nature very weak and weak-willed, they constantly need the support and strength of another, and for them faith and hope can serve as a powerful incentive. “People” are, on the contrary, strong-willed people. These are those who do not need pity, compassion, or soothing lies. This is exactly what Hero Satin is, who believes that a person, first of all, must be respected, and pity only humiliates him, although Satin himself is a big cheater who deliberately lives by lies and deception.

The play "At the Bottom". Luke

Luke tells Tick's dying wife Anna that she should not be afraid of death, and that she will soon be happy in Heaven with God. He gives the actor hope for a city where alcoholics are treated for free; however, he forgot the name of the city, but promised to remember.

In the play “At the Bottom”, Luke is affectionate, kind and merciful to everyone. He doesn’t say much about himself, he only jokes that he “was crushed a lot, that’s why he’s soft.” He has no good or bad people, he finds something good and bright in everyone, and he consoles and instructs everyone. He tells the prostitute Nastya that if you believe that you had true love, then you had it.

In the play “At the Bottom,” Luka advises the thief Ash and Natasha to go to Siberia for a free life, where it will be much easier for them to start all over again.

The unfortunate residents of the shelter had no choice but to believe his words, which, although they sounded implausible, gave faith, like rays of sunshine in pitch darkness.

A white lie or a bitter one, but really?

Luke in the play “At the Bottom” with his philosophy in some way calls for Christian humility, patience and sensitivity to others. He says to one of the heroes: “What is the truth to you?” After all, it can become like a blow to your head.

The goodness that this hero carries within himself awakens in a homeless person, even a doomed one, the desire to live and be better. But when the old man disappears, the whole life of many people in this damned place will collapse.

In conclusion to the topic “Luke: Characteristics” (“At the Bottom”), it should be noted that there is no definite answer to this eternal question, but Gorky himself believes that truth is better than compassion. The author himself expresses complete confidence that only truth and a correct understanding of the significance of human compassion will help save humanity.

Project work

All about onions


1A class students

MKOU "Zalininskaya Secondary School".

Project Manager:

primary school teacher

Davydova N.A.



    Preparatory stage.

    Identifying the problem. Setting goals and objectives.


    Planned result.

    Main stages of work:

    Main stage. (research)

    Basic information about onions.

  1. Where did he come to us from?onions

  2. Variety of onions

    Medicinal properties of onions

    About the onion.

    Proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, fairy tales.

    The final stage.

    Conclusion. Summing up.




Folder "Onion dishes."

Folder “Medicines from onions”

I .1.Identification of the problem. Setting goals and objectives.

In winter and spring, people often suffer from colds. In February of this year, we had a quarantine at school: our class did not study for more than a week due to the fact that most of the children got sick. How could this have been avoided? Prevention could be done, for example, eating green onions.

This winter we wanted to grow green onions in our classroom. For our work, we chose a goal: to try to grow green onions ourselves, to find out and collect information about this plant, to collect interesting facts, proverbs, sayings and much more about onions. We took the bulbs and planted them in boxes filled with sawdust. The boxes were placed closer to daylight. The very next day, small green feathers began to appear. They have grown up. This is how we managed to grow green onions in our class for the first time.

We became interested in the benefits of onions and why people love them so much. To answer these questions, we looked for information on the Internet and encyclopedias, and asked adults. We have compiled thiswork plan .

    Collect information about the origin of onions and their diversity.

    Learn about the healing properties of onions.

    Collect riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, and tales about onions.

    Collect recipes for onion dishes.

Find out what diseases and how can be cured with onions.


The project is aimed at expanding and generalizing knowledge about cultivated garden plants, how to care for plants, and awareness of the importance of vegetables in human life. Every year, many children see their parents plant onions, harvest them in the fall, and use them for various purposes. But have you ever thought about how onions grow, what conditions are necessary for their growth? And how is it useful? When conducting joint activities– planting onions, all the children showed a desire to help and plant them themselves. The idea arose to implement the “All About Onions” project and invite the children, together with the teacher, to plant an onion and observe how and how quickly it grows into a feather.

3. Planned result.

1.Children will learn to plant and care for onions and get acquainted with the conditions for their cultivation, learn about the benefits of onions.

2.Children will get acquainted with literary works about onions, how onions are used in cooking and medicine.

4.Main stages of work:

STAGE 1 – preparatory.

Plant onions in containers. Collect riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, and tales about onions. Collect culinary and medical recipes with onions.

STAGE 2 – main (research).

Observe the growth of onions and conduct experiments. Establish connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - people. During the research process, introduce children to fiction about onions: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles. Conduct classes and conversations.

STAGE 3 – final.

Analyze and summarize the results obtained in the process of children’s research activities.

Organize an exhibition of drawings about onions and crafts made from onions.

II .Main stage. (research)

1. Basic information about onions.

Onion- And herbaceous plants belonging to the subfamily . The scientific Latin name was given , comes from the Latin name , and this, in turn, is probably related to the Celtic word- burning ; another version - comes fromLatin word-smell .

There are more than 900 species in the genus , which grow in . Representatives of the genus grow in meadows, steppes, and forests.

Representatives of the genus have a large oblate-spherical structure, covered with reddish, white or purple shells. Perennial (cultivated species, sometimes biennial), bulbous or herbaceous plants with almost undeveloped bulbs, have a pungent onion (or garlic) smell and taste

Blooms in June-August.

The seeds are angular or round. Fruits in August-September.

Chemical composition.

Bulbs contain nitrogenous substances (up to 2.5%), various(10-11%) ( , , , ), , , and its , , various , salts and , , and , A (3.75 mg%), (60 mg%), (50 mg%), (0. 20 mg%), (10.5-33 mg%), and with a pungent odor that is irritating and nose. Home integral part essential oil are disulfide and other sulfides, the main some of which, en C 6 H 12 S 2, contains a lot.

2. Where did it come to us from? onions

Onions - one of the most ancient vegetable plants. It has been cultivated for five thousand years. Onions are known all over the world, and they came to us from Asia, where ordinary shepherds were the first to eat onions. At first it was believed that only green shoots could be eaten, but over time they began to eat the bulbs of the vegetable.Onion cultivation began in ancient China and then moved to India. At that time, trade was actively developing, so onions migrated to Egypt, where they became simply a cult plant, as evidenced by numerous frescoes and sculptures.Archaeologists found remains of onions inEgyptian pyramids, and on sarcophagi and walls of buildings - various images of it. Since ancient times, onions have found their way to Greece, where they are considered a means of getting rid of all diseases. Warriors Ancient Greece they smeared their muscles with onions before important competitions, believing that the onion would become their reliable assistant. In Rome, onions were actively used for intestinal problems.

Onions have long been grown and cultivated in Rus'.Old Russian cuisine widely used onions for preparing dishes and seasonings from them. Foreign travelers and diplomats who visited Rus' noted that most Rusyns eat dishes so spicy that they are impossible to eat. Onions became the staple food of common people in Rus'. Bread and kvass, and raw onions - these are the main foodstuffs of peasants, artisans, and soldiers. People, naturally, could not know in those days about the phytoncidal properties of onions, which have a beneficial effect on increasing the body’s immunity and its resistance to diseases. In one old Russian herbalist there is the following description of the healing properties of onions: “It softens the womb pleasantly, but it induces thirst and destroys the stinking spirit from the mouth... when used internally, it has an excellent effect on a weak stomach and poor digestion, convulsions of hysterical women, mucous and convulsive shortness of breath, water and stone disease. During prevailing infectious diseases, it is very useful to add onions to breakfast food, to make onion soups with the addition of salt, pepper, and a little vinegar.”

3. Variety of onions.

There are also sweeter types, for example, Spanish

and red onions are great to use in



Shallot has a delicate sweetish aroma and

is a source of the same vitamins as onion



Garlic heads have a white, almost papery appearance.

husk, sometimes with a pinkish or purple tint.


Leek has a more delicate taste thanonions

and garlic


Green onions or salad onions are unripe onion

onion with an underdeveloped bulb, it is harvested when

the green feathers are still quite fresh.


Chives or chives are an aromatic herb with

tiny bulbs, eaten only

green feathers. Their purple-pink flowers too

They are edible and decorate salads nicely.

4.Healing properties of onions

Onions have long been considered a powerful remedy against diseases.In Ancient Greece, according to the ancient Roman physician Pedanius Dioscorides, onions were recommended to stimulate the appetite and “as a cleanser.” The Romans and Greeks attributed to the onion the ability to arouse inexhaustible vitality, energy, courage and large quantities used it in the food of warriors.

Healing properties onions were also known in the countries of the Ancient East, where they said: “Luk, in your arms every illness passes.” Ancient Slavsthey used it for many diseases, and during the years of severe epidemics, they hung bunches of onions in the huts. “The onion cures seven diseases,” said the Russian proverb.

During the Middle Ages, the bow was so popular and people believed in its healing and protective power that they used it as a talisman capable of protecting against the evil eye, the spell of a witch, being hit by arrows, and being wounded by a sword, spear, or halberd. Knights, clad in impenetrable metal armor, wore an onion on their chest.In the Middle Ages, people believed in the ability of the bow to protect against arrows and swords. Medieval knights wore a simple onion on their chest as a talisman.

Nowadays, scientists have discovered that volatile substances in onions - phytoncides - destructive for many pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria.The discovery of phytoncides belongs to the famous researcher Academician B. N. Tokin. It was he who first noticed that the volatile substances of mashed onions have a detrimental effect on yeast cells. Many scientists are now working to develop a type of onion that does not cause tears. But the fact is that this special taste and smell of onions has a beneficial effect on the human body. So onions that do not cause tears will have a completely different taste and smell. It has been noticed that people working in greenhouses where all year round grow green onions, rarely get colds and flu, even during the most severe epidemics.

It is known that chewing an onion for three minutes is enough to kill all bacteria in the mouth. It is also recommended to eat raw onions for vitamin deficiencies and to prevent influenza. Green onions contain many useful substances, especially vitamin C. 100 g of green onions will satisfy daily requirement person in this vitamin. Fresh onions improve digestion and promote better absorption of nutrients. Two centuries ago, onions were used to treat typhoid, flu, scurvy, decreased vision, impotence and other diseases, as well as wounds, burns, and hair loss.

5. about onions.

    Onion (Allium) is a genus of biennial and perennial plants belonging to the subfamily


    The Latin scientific name - allium - was given by Carl Linnaeus and comes from the Latin name for garlic, and it, in turn, according to one version, is associated with the Celtic word all - burning; another version derives the name from the Latin halare - to smell.

    There are more than 900 species in the Onion genus that grow in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Representatives of the genus grow in the steppe, meadows, and forests.

    228 types of onions are vegetable crops.

    It is difficult to establish the homeland of onions. Most researchers believe that onions

comes from southwest Asia.

    There is very ancient - from the Bronze Age - evidence of the use of onions in Europe.

    In the Babylonian collection at Yale University are three small clay tablets that are the first cookbooks known to us. They describe a “culinary tradition of astounding richness, elegance and skill,” with many aromas and flavors still familiar to us today. It turned out that in Ancient Mesopotamia the entire onion family was simply adored. Mesopotamians widely used not only ordinary onions, but also leeks, garlic and shallots.

    The onions and garlic were known as early as 3000 BC. e. The historian Herodotus, who lived in Ancient Greece 2,500 years ago, noted that there was an inscription on how much garlic and onions were consumed as food by workers. It read: “1600 talents of silver were spent on onions and food for slaves.”

    Scientists archaeologists discovered an image of a bow on the tomb of Tutankhamun, dating back to 1352 BC. e.

    It is known that 5000 years ago onions were grown in,.

    Onions were necessarily included in the provisions of noble knights in the Middle Ages, during the Crusades. The French exchanged their captured compatriots with the Saracens, paying eight onions per person.

    Onions came to America thanks to the expedition of Christopher Columbus; first they were planted on the island of Isabella, and then spread throughout the continent.

    If we calculate onion consumption per capita, Libya becomes the world champion, where, according to the UN, the average citizen eats more than 33 kg of onions per year. “We add onions to everything,” say the Libyans. In second place is Senegal, whose residents on average consume about 22 kg of onions per year. Residents eat somewhere around 9.3 kg per person per year. But the residents, whom the British traditionally consider “onion eaters,” actually get by on a modest 5.6 kg per person.

    In India, not a single meal is complete without onions. Fluctuations in the cost of onions are noticeable to every common person. The political weight of onions comes from the fact that this vegetable is an integral part of life in almost every Indian home. Perhaps the most significant case of this kind was in 1998, when analysts attributed the defeat of the ruling BJP party in the Delhi elections to the rise in onion prices.

    The widespread onion got its name from its external resemblance to.

    The leek is one of the national symbols of Wales. In the 6th century, according to legend, the bishop and educator David of Wales, during the battle against the Saxons, which took place in an onion field, called on his soldiers to attach a leek to their helmet to distinguish their comrades from their enemies. Therefore, on March 1 every year, the people of Wales celebrate a national holiday - St. David's Day.

    Onions contain more natural sugar than apples and pears. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when the caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.

    Onions are an excellent fat burner. There is even a special onion diet, during which you need to consume onion soup.

    People say that onions cure seven ailments. It has been noticed that people working in the greenhouse where green onions, even during the most severe epidemics they do not get the flu.

    Onion serves as a pain reliever for bites, and. To do this, you need to immediately rub onion juice into the bite site.

    It has been scientifically proven that the substances that cause the taste, smell and tears from processing onions can fight cancer cells.

    Riddle: “The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.” The reason for such tear-producing onions lies in a special substance - lachrymator (from the Latin lacrima - tear). When the bulb is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolves in water and, in particular, in human tears. This produces sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And now it is clear why onions are peeled by wetting it or a knife with water - the lachrymator dissolves in water and is practically not released into the air. If onions are frozen before peeling, the activity of the lachrymator also decreases sharply.

    Onions improve appetite, food absorption, and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

    Onions have bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fight viruses and accumulate the life-giving energy of the earth.

    Onions can be used to treat bites. To do this, simply apply chopped onion to the bite site. It will draw out the poison, reduce swelling and speed up the healing of the skin.

    Onion juice is a highly effective cough syrup, but it is quite unpleasant to consume in this form. Therefore, when you cough, it is better to put a piece of onion in your ear. This way, the onion juice will enter the bloodstream and relieve an unpleasant cough.

    Onions bring down the temperature. If the child has a high temperature, you need to cut the onion into rings and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Then, using socks, we apply the bow to the feet. It is worth putting pieces of onion in your ears. The fever from this medicine subsides very quickly.

6. Proverbs and sayings about onions

III .Final stage

1. Conclusion.

Our experiment showed that green onions grow well in a bright and warm place from small bulbs. The children enjoyed growing green onions. This is a useful and exciting activity. Several children continued to grow green onions at home in order to make tasty, healthy dishes with them and not get sick.

The children got acquainted with the history of onions, their diversity, and what significance they have for people. We learned how to plant onions “on greens” and care for them. Using a microscope, we examined onion cells and found out why onions make your eyes water. We collected proverbs, sayings, and riddles about onions. We found out that there are many fairy tales about this vegetable.

Green onions help fight winter and spring ailments: colds and flu, and other diseases. If you use onions constantly, and especially in the cold season, you will not be afraid of any diseases!

The work was completed

students of class 1 A of MKOU Zalininskaya secondary school:

    Agarkov Vladislav

    Agarkova Ksenia

    Biryukova Angelina

    Biryukov Rodion

    Grebennikov Ivan

    Drozdov David

    Evglevsky Ian

    Karnaukhova Anastasia

    Kolenchukov Daniil

    Lebedko Arseniy

    Mishin Alexander

    Pashkova Anna

    Bad Arina

    Bad Olga

    Sadirova Jasmina

    Simonenkova Sofia

    Sogachev Dmitry

    Sogachev Ilya

    Timokhin Ivan

    Tkachuk Ekaterina

Project Manager : teacher primary classes

Davydova Natalya Alexandrovna.

Onion is a perennial plant of the Onion family that produces small seed bulbs. They germinate easily once in the ground. Its fruit is, in fact, what we eat every day - a spherical capsule. Leeks are a biennial plant and also belong to the Onion family. In practice, it is grown as an annual crop, since it blooms in the second year, and the healing qualities of the leaves are significantly reduced.

The variety of varieties of this plant is quite large. Basically, slight differences exist in the shape and size of the heads, the color of the pulp and scales, but the taste can also be noticeably different. There are spicy (due to the presence of phytoncides), semi-sharp and sweet varieties. If we talk about the benefits of onions, the difference between individual varieties is insignificant.

Interesting! Most of us are accustomed to bulbs measuring no more than 10 cm and weighing up to 150-200 g, but there are much more interesting specimens. The Spanish onion variety Valencia is characterized by specimens weighing up to 1 kg. And not so long ago in Russian media I got a photo of a bulb whose weight is 2 kg 850 g, and it was grown by a German gardener. But this turned out to be not a record. In Mexico, real giants were grown, weighing up to 4 kg.

The homeland of onions is considered to be South-West Asia and the Mediterranean, but in wild culture it is found neither here nor there. It is known that the bow was widely used during the Roman Empire and was popular in Ancient Greece. Today it is grown all over the world, including in Western Europe (Belgium, France, Holland) and Russia. It appeared in our country relatively recently, several centuries ago. Onions are harvested in late summer and early autumn.

Interesting! Knowledgeable people advise collecting green onions on the waxing moon, from morning to noon, and onions closer to the full moon (in the third lunar phase) and in the evening, almost at sunset.

What are the benefits of onions?

The Moscow Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences has established recommendations according to which every adult should consume 7-10 kg of onion throughout the year. In addition, it is widely used in the household - it is used to purify water, paint eggs for Easter, and use onion peels to make decoctions and infusions used in gardening. But you need to use this infusion for 15-20 minutes, until the phytoncides have “dissipated.” Onions are a valuable source of bee nectar and an excellent honey plant.

Leeks. Green onion activates metabolism and, thanks to this property, is of particular value for people with overweight. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, favors the functioning of the liver. Large quantity Potassium salts cause a noticeable diuretic effect of the leaves of the plant. Like onions, leeks help fight the manifestations of sclerosis.

Onions - beneficial properties and contraindications for use in medical practice

All types of onions are widely used in medicine, as helping to treat a number of diseases, in addition to medicines.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Preparations based on onions are widely used to treat patients with atony, colitis of non-dysenteric origin, and a tendency to constipation.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension, especially those with atherosclerosis as a background. Onion is good for lowering blood pressure.
  • Avitaminosis and other metabolic disorders.
  • Colds. The essential oil in the bulb is known to kill pathogens. It is recommended to increase the consumption of onions during influenza epidemics.
  • Abrasions on the feet are lubricated with a mixture of chicken fat and onion gruel.
  • Eye diseases. Water infusion “clarifies” vision well fresh onions. A mixture with honey treats thorns.
  • Cleansing wounds. This helps with onion gruel applied to the wound, which also draws out inflammation well.

Since ancient times, healers have used the vegetable in their healing recipes. In China, traditional healers used onion tea to treat fever and headache, cholera, and dysentery. In Tajikistan, there are recipes for treating kidney stones with a decoction of onion seeds. Russian herbalists also recommend using onions to treat dropsy, kidney stones and bladder stones. It was believed to soften phlegm, promote digestion and increase sex drive.

The diuretic effect allows you to successfully fight edema, while at the same time being a storehouse of vitamins and minerals for the body.

Green onions have many of the properties of onions, and in addition, they treat gout, rheumatism, and help with physical and emotional stress. The analgesic effect of leeks on insect bites is also valuable. To make the pain go away, just rub the bitten area with feathers. A mixture of 300 g of onion juice and 200 g of leek juice was used to treat liver cancer - take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Leek feathers have one unique property that is not found in any other plant. During storage, the amount of ascorbic acid in the white part does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases almost one and a half times.

Both onions and leeks bring both benefits and harm if used without caution. It is not recommended to consume fresh onions if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys in the acute stage. Leeks can be harmful in acute inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.

Medicinal recipes containing onions

  • To treat diabetes in combination with atherosclerosis and high cholesterol in the blood, take 100 g of onion, grate it and add one glass of sugar. After 3-4 days, the mixture can be consumed 1 tbsp. every 3 hours. The course lasts a month.
  • When there is ringing or noise in the ears, put cotton wool soaked in the juice of fresh onions. Cotton can also be placed in the nostrils to prevent the flu.
  • During flu epidemics, dilute onion juice with water 1:3, place it near you and inhale. Repeat this 2-3 times a day. The mixture purifies the air from bacteria and viruses.
  • For gastrointestinal atony, take 1 tbsp before meals. juice or gruel.
  • Onions can be used to expel worms from the body. To do this, make an infusion of one medium onion and a glass of boiled water. After 8-12 hours of infusion, drink half (or one third) a glass on an empty stomach for 3-4 days. Roundworms such as roundworms and pinworms respond well to this treatment. A good anthelmintic effect will also occur if you eat a raw onion on an empty stomach.
  • Inflammatory skin diseases, acne, as well as various ulcers and frostbite are treated with the application of the gruel.
  • For habitual constipation, hemorrhoids and intestinal inflammation, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. juice from a fresh vegetable before each meal.

Traditional medicine promises that your teeth will never hurt if you rub them with onion juice in the morning.

Fresh onion juice, especially red onion juice, improves vision. They put 1-2 drops in their eyes. The procedure is carried out no more than 1-2 times a month.

Inhaling steam from a baked vegetable helps with upper respiratory tract diseases and sore throat.

What else can onions be useful for?

  • For skin cancer, baked or boiled onions are applied to the sore spots 1-4 times a day.
  • Bronchitis complicated by asthma can be cured with the following recipe. Chop and place half a kilogram of onion under a load. Pour the resulting juice into a glass vessel and add half a kilogram of sugar. Keep the mixture in the sun for 2 weeks and take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. Continue the course until complete recovery.
  • For a severe cough, a decoction of the husks of 10 onions in 1 liter of water helps. After cooking, the liquid should reduce in volume by half. The strained broth is drunk 2/3 cup 3 times a day, adding a little honey.
  • You can get rid of freckles if you wipe them (the mask should be in contact with the skin for no more than 5 minutes and should not get into the eyes) in the morning and evening with a mixture of onions, horseradish and sour cream.
  • Fresh onion gruel, which is rubbed into the scalp, strengthens hair.
  • The following mixture helps with baldness: juice of one onion, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. burdock oil, raw yolk, 2 tsp. liquid soap. Make a compress for 1-2 hours and rinse your hair well.
  • To prevent hair from falling out, rub a solution of cognac, onion juice and a decoction of burdock roots into the scalp in a ratio of 1:4:6.
  • An infusion of 25 g of onion skins per half liter of boiling water will help fight dandruff. After 15 minutes, you can rinse your newly washed hair.
  • For prostate hypertrophy, you can take 1 tbsp 3 times a day before meals. fresh (treatment is best done in July-August) onions and honey.
  • Both onions and green onions will help with intestinal atony, atherosclerosis and hypertension. An alcohol tincture is made from onion and alcohol in a ratio of 2:10. Take 20-30 drops 15 minutes before meals. Continue the course for up to 4 weeks.
  • Trichomonas diseases in women can also be treated with onions. Use tampons soaked in a 1:1 mixture of thick onion juice and glycerin. It is advisable to carry out such treatment after consultation with a doctor. The first time a tampon is inserted for 6 hours. If there are no negative sensations, the duration of tamponation is increased to 12 hours. The course consists of 20-25 procedures. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator; the required amount is heated before use.

When taking drugs orally fresh onions Bad breath may appear. You can get rid of it by chewing it. walnuts or black crust of bread.

Rauza Khairullina
Project “What do we know about onions?”

District children's competition projects for preschoolers

"My first discoveries"


"What are we we know about onions

Nomination: "I am a researcher"


Pupils of the joint venture

"Kindergarten "Sun"

GBOU secondary school s. New Mansurkino

Achilova Gelnaz

Sadreev Linar

Rakhimova Albina


Khairullina R. G.

Nurutdinova L. M.


During the game, we noticed that there were few children in the group. When asked why there are no children, teachers answered: "They get sick". And then we remembered how our parents, cooks, and our grandmothers constantly told us talked: “Eat onions, the more often you eat them, the less you will get sick.” But we don't love onion: it is bitter and tasteless, but at the same time we don’t want to get sick. How to make yourself love onions...

What's happened "onion" We we know, since we live in a village and have a good idea of ​​how vegetables are grown. We see how parents plant onions, harvest them in the fall, and use them for various purposes, but have we ever thought about how onions grow, where they come from, what conditions are necessary for their growth? And how is it useful? The teachers suggested that we solve the problem using the example of growing onions, as this would give us the opportunity to learn about Luka everything, love it, eat it and get sick less.

We were interested in this problem, it seemed interesting to us, and we decided to engage in research activities.

This is how the topic of our research arose - "What are we we know about onions


We are few we know about onions and their benefits.

Justification of relevance topics:

Onion is a vegetable that helps our health.

We have put forward a hypothesis

1. Onions need light, heat and water to grow.

2. Onion is healthy vegetable for health.

In connection with the hypothesis put forward, the goal was determined research:

To study the influence of the environment on the germination and development of onions from seeds.

Show the importance of onions in human life to all the children in our group.

Research objectives:

1. Study information material about growing onions from seeds and the benefits of onions

2. Conduct several experiments with onion seeds

3. Observe the plant under study

4. Observe how onions affect our health.

Research methods

1. Search and analysis of literature on the problem.

2. Conversation with adults and work on the Internet.

3. Watching TV

4. Observation

5. Comparison

6. Generalization of the obtained data.

Object of study: black onion.

Subject of research: features of sprouting onions, the effect of onions on health

The research work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, together with parents and teachers, we found the necessary information on the Internet and processed it.

In the practical part, we used experimental research methods, based on the results of which we drew the appropriate conclusions


1.1 The comprehensive meaning of the bow.

1.2 Onions as a vegetable crop.

Onion is a truly amazing plant. Almost no housewife can do without it. Onions are included in the recipes of many dishes; they are added to salads, first courses, and second courses. Both green feathers and the bulbs themselves are used. We are so accustomed to onions that we sometimes forget that at any time of the year we have at our fingertips a cheap means of combating many diseases.

1.3 Bow folk medicine

No plant is used in folk medicine as widely as onions.

1. Fresh onion juice diluted with water treats inflammation of the oral cavity.

2. Grated onion mixed with honey helps get rid of cough

3. Onion gruel is one of the remedies against hair loss.

4. Fresh juice removes warts and acne

5. Cut onions applied to the temples help relieve headaches.

II. Practical part

2.1 Research methods:

We carried out a series of experiments.

For observation, we used the seeds of the onion plant Stuttgarter Riesen

(Appendix No. 1-No. 8. Observation calendar, p. 12)

The purpose of the experiment is to find out how the condition of the seed affects seed germination

2.2. Influence of seed condition on germination.

Equipment: onion seeds, damp gauze, two containers with soil and trays.

1. Some of the onion seeds were placed in gauze soaked in water for several days.

2. Sow dry and germinated onion seeds in two containers with soil.

3. Place the containers with the sown seeds in a warm place.

4. Water the plants in both containers with the same amount of water.

5. We compared how long it would take for the plants to sprout.

2.3. Research results:

6. Seed condition Date

sowing date

shoot What we see

Dry 08.10. Through

week Grow well

Germinated 08.10 On the second

day Grow well

dry seeds sprouted seeds

Based on observations we made conclusion:

seeds soaked in water and germinated germinate faster than dry seeds.

2.4 The influence of soil temperature on the rate of seed germination.

The purpose of the experiment is to find out how soil temperature affects seed germination.

Equipment: onion seeds, 2 containers

1. Soaked onion seeds.

2. Several germinated seeds were placed in warm soil, and a few in cooler soil.

3. The rate of seed germination was observed for several days.

2.5 Research results

Soil temperature Sowing date Germination date What we observe

warm 08.10. A week later, shoots appeared on the seventh day. Upon further observation, development is normal, the leaves are green. The plant is developing well

cold 08.10 On the 10th day Shoots appeared on the tenth day.

The plant is developing normally.

warm soil cold soil

Conclusion: Soil temperature affects the rate of seed germination. Seeds sown in warm soil germinate much faster than seeds sown in cooler soil.

The purpose of the experiment is to find out how light affects seed germination and seedling development.

2.6. The effect of light on plant growth.


1. Sow onion seeds in two containers with soil.

2. Place the containers with the sown seeds in a warm place place: one - in a well-lit place, the other - in a dark place (closet).

3. Water the plants in both containers with the same amount of water.

4. After 1-3 weeks they were compared.

2.7. Research results

Where the plant was located Date of sowing Date of germination What we observe

On the windowsill 08.10. A week later, shoots appeared on the seventh day. Upon further observation, development is normal, leaves are green.

In the closet 08.10 On the second day Shoots appeared on the seventh day. Upon further observation, the plant is pale and weak. long, leaves frail.

in the closet in the light

Conclusion: light is of great importance for plants, because only in light can plants grow well, develop and form a special green substance, chlorophyll.

2.8 The influence of water on plant growth.

The purpose of the experiment is to find out how water affects seed germination and seedling development.

Equipment: onion seeds, two containers with soil and trays.

1. Onion seeds were sown in containers with soil.

2. Place the containers with the seeds sown in them in a warm, bright place.

3. The first container was watered, the second was not watered.

4. The development and growth of plants was observed for 1-3 weeks.

2.9 Research results.

The effect of water on plant growth

Watering Date of sowing Date of germination What we observe

Moderate 08.10. A week later, shoots appeared on the seventh day. Upon further observation, development is normal, the leaves are green. The plant is developing well

We do not water 08.10 The seed did not germinate in the soil

Conclusion: Water affects the growth and development of plants. When watered, the plant develops quickly. And if there is no watering, the plants do not develop at all.

didn't water, watered

3.1 Research activities

3.2 Onion treatment: folk recipes (Appendix No. 10, p. 12)


We posted information on the stand with folk recipes using onions. We asked parents to use them and then tell us about the results. This is what happened.

Experiment No. 1

Diamond's mom:

“Almaz fell ill with the flu, I cut an onion in half, applied it to his nasal passages and asked him to inhale deeply for 2-3 minutes. The procedure was carried out 3-4 times a day. The disease passed faster.”

Experiment No. 2


“During physical education classes, I fell and the bruise hurt. At home, my mother grated 1 onion for me, laid it in an even layer on gauze, applied it to the bruise and held it for 25-30 minutes. The pain subsided. The next day, as usual, I went to kindergarten.”

Experiment No. 3

“Many in the group do not eat well, they have a clear lack of appetite, we suggested that the cooks serve us onion salads for lunch (my parents prepared recipes for making onion salads and gave them to the cooks. (Appendix No. 9, page 13)

At first we didn’t want to eat onions, but we tried a little each time and finally fell in love with them. We gained an appetite and began to eat better.

Experiment No. 4

Dasha's mom:

“When my daughter caught a cold and started coughing badly, I started using fresh onion juice and half and half honey. Dasha took 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day. It helped. The cough began to decrease.

Experiment No. 5

Linara's mom:

“My son had a bad toothache. I took an onion, cut it in half and placed the cut side on left hand on the elbow bend, since the tooth hurt on the left. I secured the bulb with a bandage on my hand. After 10-15 minutes the pain went away and the bulb was removed.”


Indeed, onions have healing and medicinal properties. This is proven by our observations during research.

This vegetable maintains good spirits and a cheerful mood. In three months of eating onions, we have all changed. They became cheerful, sociable, and most importantly, they began to get sick less often. Our advice everyone: “Use onions more often!”


We are satisfied with our work. Observing the development and growth of the vegetable crop - onions, working with the literature, we came to the following conclusions:

1. To grow, a plant requires light, warmth, watering, and good care.

2. At home, you can grow almost any plant yourself, creating favorable conditions for it.

3. Onions - cheap and effective remedy fight against many diseases

Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed.

Finishing our project, we want say:

So let's, friends, take care of our health.

On project This was discussed today.

We will love onions

And we can surprise everyone with our health!