Exercises to pump the transverse abdominal muscle. Exercises to strengthen the transverse abdominis muscle

These exercises will help you get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area, making it flat and sculpted.

1. Exercises for the transverse abdominal muscles for women:

. Leg raises. This exercise at first glance it seems simple, but it is really aimed at working the transverse abdominal muscles, and leg lifts will help remove excess fat in the lower abdomen and shape lower press. For better and faster results, you can make the lifts more difficult, namely: lift your legs about 30 cm off the floor and perform leg lifts at a fast pace, plus add weights for your legs.

. Abdominal retraction. We lie down straight, legs bent at the knees, then we pull our stomach in as much as possible and stay in this position for the maximum time, until there is a strong burning sensation in the abdominal area. Then rest for no more than 30-60 seconds and repeat again at least 10-15 times, each time increasing the time of retraction of the abdomen.

. Partial bending with weights. We stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells in our hands, hold our hands at chest level, strain and draw in the abdominal area as much as possible, then make sharp bends to the right and left. Perform at least 60 times (30 on one side and 30 on the other).

. Exercise with support for the transverse abdominis muscle. We stand near a sofa or any other support, take a push-up position, strain our stomach as much as possible, then place one hand behind our back and hold the edge of the support with the other, hold in this position until we feel strong tension in the desired area, take a break and We do it on the other side. Perform at least 20 times on each side.

Many women face such a problem as distended belly . This often happens after childbirth or due to the “love” of food. In such a situation, ordinary twisting will not help. The reason here is purely anatomical. There are two layers of muscles on the abdomen: the superficial and the lower layers of muscles.

The rectus abdominis muscle originates from the pubic bone and runs the entire length of the abdomen. The external oblique abdominal muscle is located on the front and side surfaces of the abdomen and part of the chest.

The internal oblique muscle of the abdomen is located under the external oblique muscle, making up the second muscle layer press. The transverse abdominis muscle lies beneath the internal oblique abdominal muscle and reduces the volume of the abdominal cavity by tightening the ribs.

When executing abdominal exercises three rules must be followed:

1. The adductor muscles are tense.

If anyone doesn’t know, the adductor muscles run along the inner surface of the thighs from the groin to the knee. The adductor muscles bring the knees together. As you already know, when the adductor muscles work, the transverse and internal oblique abdominal muscles are simultaneously tensed. Thus, it is necessary to squeeze your knees tightly. To enhance the results, you should hold a medicine ball or a small sofa cushion between your knees (if you train at home).

2. Statically tense the buttocks.

Reduction gluteal muscles also causes tension in the transverse abdominis muscle. So, in addition, abdominal exercises should be done with tense buttocks! Moreover, you will have to “hold” your buttocks throughout the entire set.

3. We draw in the stomach (vacuumization of the press).

Press vacuumization can be used as separate exercise for the transverse muscle. Suck your stomach in as you exhale, count to four and release. Do this 100 at a time (say, in the morning), then 300, then 600.

So, remember to pull in your stomach, tighten your buttocks, and squeeze your knees tightly during exercise.


All exercises should be performed in giant set mode, that is, a set of each without breaks. Perform 10 repetitions for all exercises.


Starting position– lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. The entire surface of the feet is on the floor. The shoulders and head are slightly raised.
Turn your knees to the right, and lift your body and turn to the left.
At the top, pause for three counts. Make sure your back doesn't go too far from the floor.
Return to the starting position and move in the other direction

Inhale at the start and exhale when returning to the starting position.


Starting position – legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor with their entire surface.
Hold the medicine ball with your arms straight in front of you at chest level (if you don’t have one, just stretch your arms out in front of you).
Raise your head and shoulders without lifting your lower back off the floor.
When you almost reach the ball to your knees, begin to slowly straighten your legs.
Reach forward until you reach your toes. Legs straight, gaze directed forward.
We begin to return to the starting position, doing all movements in the reverse order.
When your mid-back touches the floor, quickly bend your knees, bringing your feet toward your buttocks. Slowly lie back.
Move extremely slowly: it should take four seconds to rise, and the same amount to return to the starting position.
Perform 10 repetitions with a 30 second break after the fifth repetition.
Exhale as you rise, then inhale quickly in position 4. A new exhalation occurs when returning to the starting position


Starting position - sit on the ball and take it stable position, placing your feet on the floor. Feet stand shoulder width apart. Squeeze your knees, tighten your buttocks.
Exhale, pull in your stomach and slowly lower your body back. Hands
hold in front of your chest.
When you return to the starting position, don’t let go of your stomach.


Starting position – lying with your back on the floor. The back of the head lies on the mat, arms are extended along the body. Raise your legs, bend your knees and squeeze. Cross your ankles. Tighten your buttocks

Raise your head and shoulders as if you were about to do a crunch. Reach your left hand toward the heel of your right foot. Raise your right hand above the floor 8-10 cm.
Don't help yourself by pulling your heel towards you.
Do not lift your lower back off the floor.
Return to the starting position, but keep your shoulders and head above the floor. Start a new repetition from this position.

First, do 10 repetitions in one direction, and then move on to the other.


In the starting position, the knees are bent. Support your head with crossed arms. Knees tightly squeezed, buttocks tense
Straighten your legs to a 45 degree angle to the floor.
The head should remain motionless from the beginning to the end of the exercise.
Lower your legs about 15 cm and point your toes far apart.
Raise your legs again by 15 cm and point your toes together.
Return to the starting position by pulling your knees towards you


Starting position – lying on your back. Raise your legs straight. Raise your head and shoulders and touch your shins with your palms.
Lower left leg(the palm of the same name slides along the leg). At the same time, move the straight line right hand back
Alternating sides, continue doing the exercise until you count 10 repetitions on each side.

The lower you lower your leg, the greater the load on your abs.
Exhale forcefully on each rep (as you lower your arm and leg). Inhale between reps


Starting position – lying on your back. Do a shoulder stand, supporting your pelvis with your hands. Elbows rest on the floor.

Place your hands with your palms on the floor and at the same time lower your legs behind your head
Spread your legs in a V shape
Gradually, vertebra by vertebra, lower your back to the mat.
The legs again “look” at the ceiling.
At the end point, squeeze your legs tightly.
Raise your pelvis again and support it with your hands

Inhale as you lower your hands to the mat and bring your feet behind your head. Exhale forcefully as you spread your legs and lower them

The exercise should not be done if there is pain in the lower back.

Weak internal abdominal muscles are not able to provide a sufficient level of contraction of the body, leading to the effect of a “falling out” belly even with a low level of fat. If your goal is narrow waist and toned abs, you need to train your internal abdominal muscles.

Exercise “Vacuum in the stomach”

The result of daily exercise for several months.

This exercise is recommended to be performed on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating. Starting position: standing straight. First, exhale all the air from your lungs, drawing your stomach inward. After this, tighten your abdominal muscles, while at the same time trying to “pull” your abs toward your ribs.

Hold the position of maximum abdominal tension for 10-15 seconds, then slowly inhale and relax the muscles. Repeat 3-4 times. The greatest effect will be achieved by performing the “Vacuum in the Abdomen” several times during the day - within a few weeks you will notice how your abs are changing.

Complex for internal abdominal muscles

Best for development internal muscles abdomen is the inclusion of the “Plank” exercise in the abdominal training program performed in gym, as well as regularly performing the “Vacuum in the stomach” exercise. Maximum effect Performing this exercise 4-5 times during the day will give you.

Separately, we note that no abdominal exercises can remove belly fat or burn fat in the abdominal area. Get rid of excess weight and create flat stomach Only a combination of regular and not “Vacuum in the stomach” is capable.


Regular execution static exercises for training the internal muscles of the abs and core - first of all, “Vacuum in the stomach” and various elbow stands - allows you to make your abdominal muscles more toned and your figure itself significantly more athletic.

The abdominal muscles are located between the chest and pelvis and limit the abdominal area. Abdominal muscles play important role in movement, stabilization and support of the trunk. This group of muscles includes the rectus abdominis (the most superficial), the external oblique, the internal oblique, and the transverse abdominis (the deepest of these four muscles).

The abdominal muscles perform various functions:

The thoracolumbar region is flexed, tilted and rotated.

Stabilizes and holds the spine in an upright position.

Protects the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

They increase intra-abdominal pressure, facilitating the evacuation process while relaxing the sphincters.

Simultaneous tension of the muscles of this group increases density abdominal wall, performing the function of a frame, due to the increase in pressure in the visceral and pleural cavities (see p. 289). These muscles help support the spine, especially when it is necessary to lift and carry loads.

Insufficient voltage abdominal muscles entails a huge load on the spine. Atrophy of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall is often accompanied by an enlargement of the abdomen, which, in turn, provokes anteversion of the pelvis (see p. 209).

A tendon strip formed by converging muscle aponeuroses and running along the midline.

The rectus abdominis muscle is the superficial muscle of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. It is formed by eight muscle bundles interconnected by tendon strips.

The tone of this muscle helps stabilize the spine and reduce the protrusion of the abdomen, thereby correcting the anterior shift of the center of gravity.


Outer surface of ribs V–VII.

The xiphoid process of the sternum.

Place of attachment


Flexion of the thoracolumbar spine.

Retroversion of the pelvis.

Forced exhalation.

The external oblique abdominal muscle is a superficial muscle of the anterior and lateral wall of the abdominal cavity and partly the chest. Its upper fibers are attached to the ribs, and the aponeurosis is involved in the formation of the white line of the abdomen. Due to the orientation of the fibers, the muscle is actively involved in turning the body.


Seven last ribs.

Place of attachment

Iliac crests.


Pelvic tilt.

Retroversion of the pelvis (bilateral contraction).

A combination of tilting the thoracolumbar spine (towards the contracting muscle) and rotation (in the opposite direction).

Forced exhalation.

The internal oblique muscle is a muscle in the second layer of the abdominal wall, located between the external oblique muscle and the transverse muscle. Like the external oblique muscle, it is actively involved in turning the body.


Iliac crests.

Place of attachment

Outer surface of the four lower ribs.


Pelvic tilt.

Retroversion of the pelvis (bilateral contraction).

Flexion of the thoracolumbar spine (bilateral contraction).

A combination of tilting and rotation of the thoracolumbar spine towards the contracting muscle.

The deepest and thinnest layer of the abdominal press is formed by the paired transverse muscle. Its fibers, bending around the waist line, are located horizontally, and the bundles have a transverse direction relative to the abdominal wall, which is why the muscle got its “talking” name.

The flat transverse abdominal muscles are located between the two-layer muscular apparatus formed by the external and internal oblique muscles and the intestines, being attached to the bones of the skeleton under the rectus abdominis muscles.

The anatomical function of the transverse muscle is reduced to maintaining internal organs, which is ensured by bilateral contraction of muscle bundles and the tone of the walls of the abdominal cavity.

Workout Features

Although the fibers of the transverse muscle lie quite deep and are not visually visible, it is this muscle that largely determines appearance and abs aesthetics. Her lack of training and weak tone Over time, it “responds” to an increase in the bulge of the abdomen.

The classic technique of performing abdominal exercises when working the transverse muscle is counterproductive, since they primarily affect the upper muscle layers.

The transverse abdominis muscle may be involved in active physical work only through a concentrated load on it. The most effective way to pump up the inner layers of the press is through exercises that give static load. Correct technique execution is shown in the photo posted under each exercise.

They are also effective standard exercises, performed with a retracted abdomen, which shifts the load to the transverse muscle and allows it to be pumped up in detail.

Performing exercises according to the principle will help to enhance the effect of exercises and effectively pump up the transverse muscle circuit training- continuously one after another.

Position of the arms, neck and head when performing

The position of the head, arms and neck during exercises to develop the transverse muscle will prevent the occurrence of injuries and can significantly increase the effectiveness of the exercise. Since the training of this muscle is based on the principle of priority of statics, to increase the load, the head must be tilted towards chest, keeping a distance between the chin and chest of 5-7 cm.

In all cases, the head should remain motionless and the gaze directed forward. For convenience, you can hold your head in this position using your fingers interlocked, which will also reduce the load on cervical region. In this case, the little fingers should be located in the crown area. Another option to ensure a stable head position is to create support with one hand, and use your free hand to control the tension of the working muscles.

In exercises where the hands are supposed to be involved, it is recommended to close the palms of both hands to increase the load on the abs.

So, being one of components core system, the transverse abdominal muscle needs regular training. The consequence of an imbalance in its development is a violation of the functional and anatomical connections between constituent elements cortex, clarity of motor coordination and endurance.

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