Olympic champions in sprint running. Russian Olympic champions in running disciplines

If you decide to go in for sports, running will be a great solution. For a number of reasons, this sport is widespread throughout the world. Running has a number of benefits:

  • This sport is suitable for all ages
  • Does not require special equipment, any comfortable shoes and clothes are enough
  • Very effective - quickly gets a person into shape
  • Positively affects the heart and well-being.

There are a number of disciplines and varieties in running; to choose the most suitable one, you need to familiarize yourself with the most striking of them. The main distances for which records are measured:

Distance Terms INtime Athlete Date/place
30 meters Stadium 3.7 s Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang Borrusia D Stadium (Germany)
room 5.56s Donovan Bailey (Canada) 02/09/1996 – Reno (USA)
room 6.39s Maurice Green (USA) 03/03/2001 – Atlanta (USA)
9.58s 08/16/2009 – Berlin (Germany)
19.19s Usain Bolt (Jamaica) 08/20/2009 – Berlin (Germany)
200 meters room 19.92s Frankie Fredericks (Namibia) 02/18/1996 – Lievin (France)
30.81s Wade van Niekerk (South Africa) Ostrava
43.18s Michael Johnson (USA) 08/26/1999 – Seville (Spain)
400 meters room 44.57s Kerron Clement (USA) 03/12/2005 – Fayetteville (USA)
1:40,91 David Rudisha (Kenya) 08/09/2012 – London
800 meters room 1:42,67 Wilson Kipketer (Denmark) 03/09/1997 – Paris
2:11,96 Noah Ngeni (Kenya) 09/05/1999 – Rieti (Italy)
1000 meters room 2:14,96 Wilson Kipketer (Denmark) 02/20/2000 – Birmingham (England)
3:26,00 Hisham El Guerrouj (Morocco) 07/14/1998 – Rome
1500 meters room 3:31,18 Hisham El Guerrouj (Morocco) 02/02/1997 – Stuttgart (Germany)

(1609 meters)
3:43,13 Hisham El Guerrouj (Morocco) 07/07/1999 – Rome
1 mile
(1609 meters)
room 3:48,45 Hisham El Guerrouj (Morocco) 02/12/1997 – Ghent (Belgium)
4:44,79 Hisham El Guerrouj (Morocco) 09/07/1999 – Berlin
2000 meters(2km) room 4:49,99 Kenenisa Bekele (Ethiopia) 02/17/2007 – Birmingham (England)
7:20,67 Daniel Komen (Kenya) 09/01/1996 – Rieti (Italy)
3000 meters(3km) room 7:24,90 Daniel Komen (Kenya) 02/06/1998 – Budapest (Hungary)
12:37,35 Kenenisa Bekele (Ethiopia) 05/31/2004 – Hengelo (Netherlands)
5000 meters(5km) room 12:49,60 Kenenisa Bekele (Ethiopia) 02/20/2004 – Birmingham (England)
26:17,53 Kenenisa Bekele (Ethiopia) 08/26/2005 – Brussels (Belgium)
26:44 Leonard Komon (Kenya) 09/26/2010 – Utrecht (Netherlands)
15km along the highway on
41:13 Leonard Komon (Kenya) 10/21/2010 – Nijmegen (Netherlands)
20000m(20km) on
56:25,98 Haile Gebrselassie (Ethiopia) 06/27/2007 – Ostrava (Czech Republic)
20 km by highway on
55:21 Zersenay Tadese (Eritrea) 03/21/2010 – Lisbon (Portugal)
Half marathon (21km 97.5m) on
58:23 Zersenay Tadese (Eritrea) 03/21/2010- Lisbon (Portugal)
One hour run on
21km 285m Haile Gebrselassie (Ethiopia) 06/27/2007 – Ostrava (Czech Republic)
25000m(25km) on
1:12:25 Moses Mosop (Kenya) 06/03/2011 – Eugene (USA)
25 km by highway on
1:11:18 Dennis Kimetto (Kenya) 05/06/2012 – Berlin
30000m(30km) on
1:26:47 Moses Mosop (Kenya) 06/03/2011 – Eugene (USA)
30 km by highway on
1:27:37 Emmanuel Mutai (Kenya) 09/28/2014 – Berlin
(42km 195m) on
2:02:57 Dennis Kimetto (Kenya) 09/28/2014 – Berlin
100 km by highway on
6:13:33 Takahiro Sunada (Japan) 06/21/1998 – Yubetsu (Japan)
Daily running record on
295 km Yanis Kouros (Greece) 1997

World records for women in running

Distance Terms Time Athlete Date/Place
room 5.96s Irina Privalova (Russia) 02/09/1995 – Madrid
60 meters room 6.92s Irina Privalova (Russia) 02/09/1995 – Madrid
10.49s Florence Griffith
07/16/1988 – Indianapolis (USA)
21.34s Florence Griffith
09/29/1988 – Seoul (South Korea)
200 meters room 21.87s Merlin Ottey (Jamaica) 02/13/1993 – Lievin (France)
47.60s Marita Koch (GDR) 10/06/1985 – Canberra (Australia)
400 meters room 49.59s Jarmila Kratokhvilova
03/07/1982 – Milan (Italy)
1:53,28 Jarmila Kratokhvilova
07/26/1983 – Munich (Germany)
800 meters room 1:55,82 Yolanda Ceplak (Slovenia) 03/03/2002 – Vienna (Austria)

2:28,98 Svetlana Masterkova (Russia) 08/23/1996 – Brussels (Belgium)
1000 meters
room 2:30,94 Maria Mutola (Mozambique) 02/25/1999 – Stockholm (Sweden)
3:50,46 Qu Yunxia (China) 09/11/1993 – Beijing (China)
1500 meters room 3:55,17 Genzebe Dibaba (Ethiopia) 02/01/2014 – Karlsruhe (Germany)

(1609 meters)
4:12,33 Sifan Hassan (Holland) July 13, 2019 – Monaco
1 mile
(1609 meters)
room 4:17,14 Doina Melinte (Romania) 02/09/1990 – Boston (USA)

5:25,36 Sonia O Sullivan (Ireland) 07/08/1994 – Edinburgh (UK)
8:06,11 Wang Junxia (China) 09/13/1993 – Beijing (China)
3000 meters
room 8:16,60 Genzebe Dibaba (Ethiopia) 02/06/2014 – Stockholm (Sweden)

14:11,1 Tirunesh Dibaba (Ethiopia) 06/06/2008 – Oslo (Norway)
5000 meters
room 14:18,8 Genzebe Dibaba (Ethiopia) 02/19/2015 – Stockholm (Sweden)
29:31,7 Wang Junxia (China) 09/08/1993 – Beijing (China)
30:21 Paula Radcliffe (UK) 02/23/2003 – San Juan (Puerto Rico)
15km along the highway on
46:28 Tirunesh Dibaba (Ethiopia) 10/15/2009 – Nijmegen (Netherlands)
One hour run on
18.517m Dire Tune (Ethiopia) 08/12/2008 – Ostrava (Czech Republic)
20000m (20km) on
1:05:26 Tegla Lorupe (Kenya) 09/03/2000 – Borgholzhausen (Germany)
20km along the highway on
1:01:56 Florence Jebet Kiplagat
Half marathon
(21km 97.5m)
1:05:12 Florence Jebet Kiplagat
02/16/2014 – Barcelona (Spain)
25000m (25km) on
1:27:05,8 Tegla Lorupe (Kenya) 09/21/2002 – Mengerskirchen (Germany)
25 km by highway on
1:19:53 Mary Keitany (Kenya) 05/09/2010 – Berlin (Germany)
30000m (30km) on
1:45:50 Tegla Lorupe (Kenya) 06/06/2003 – Warstein (Germany)
30 km by highway on
1:38:23 Liliya Shobukhova (Russia) 09/10/2011 – Chicago (USA)
(42km 195m)
2:15:25 Paula Radcliffe
(United Kingdom)
04/13/2003 – London (UK)
100 km by highway on
6:33:11 Tomoe Abe (Japan) 06/25/2000 – Yubetsu (Japan)

Rules for protecting world level running records

  1. After setting a record, the runner must undergo anti-doping control by the IAAF committee.
  2. More than 2 athletes must participate in the race
  3. The race area must have markings according to IAAF criteria.
  4. Athletes of the same gender must run in the same race
  5. According to IAAF rules, it is impossible to use the help of athletes who have become pacemakers, having fallen behind by one or more laps during the course. This is when someone hides behind someone to save power while reducing wind resistance.
  6. At distances up to 200 meters, in open sections of the race, tailwind speed is no more than 2 m/s
  7. At distances up to 400 meters, an automatic photo finish detection device must be installed at the finish line.

Speed ​​running

If the previous type of competition showed endurance records, then speed running demonstrates the ability of the human body to cope with extreme loads. The 100-meter dash demonstrates human capabilities to the greatest extent. This is an athletics discipline that is included in the Olympic Games program. The first record in this competition was set by the American Tamas Burke back in 1896. Then, he ran a hundred meters in exactly 12 seconds. Since then, records in this discipline have belonged mainly to Americans and Canadian athletes.

Only in 2007 did Jamaican runners seize the palm branch of the championship. Since then, the world record in running has belonged to them. The last, most striking result in this sport was set in 2009, and is 9.58 seconds.

New results - new opportunities

The history of running records clearly shows that a person is always capable of more. If at the end of the 19th century it was considered an achievement to run the 100-meter dash in 12 seconds, today this result has improved by 25% and is almost 9.5 seconds. Records are not only a demonstration of our achievements, but also an opportunity to show that the human body has limitless capabilities, and you just need to make an effort to achieve them.

There are legends about how fast a person can develop when running. If you approach the issue rationally, then running speed depends, as psychologists say, only on the task facing a person. The goal is the paramount factor. But health, endurance and distance are only accompanying characteristics. For example, health running does not require maximum work and is not aimed at new records. The situation takes a different direction when it comes to competitive running. There is only one goal here - to overtake your opponent, break the record, here you need to give it your all. So how fast does a person run?

Health running

If you are a beginner runner, then recreational running is just what you need. starts with normal walking. When quick step is perceived by the body easily and without discomfort, you can start running. In this variety, speed is not at all important, the main thing is to feel good. As a rule, this is regular jogging. If moving becomes too difficult, you can alternate between walking and running. There are a considerable number of specially designed experienced trainers programs that are based on alternating intensity and are suitable even for beginners. Go to normal walking needed only to restore breathing. As soon as it returns to normal, you can return to running again. At the same time, the speed of walking and running should not be too different. Average speed for a person running in km/h - 20, if he regularly trains and is ready for such races.

If running is easy, then the most best option- run the entire distance at the same pace. Doctors say that running without stopping allows you to achieve better results, train your heart and lose weight. overweight. The speed of such healthy jogging is usually about 6-10 kilometers per hour.

If physical activity is not new to you, then it is better to do workouts such as elastic running. This type of running is a powerful energy-consuming process. Are you wondering how fast a person is running at this time? Indicators can reach 12-14 kilometers per hour. The most important thing is the absence of discomfort: monitor your pulse using special devices. The modern world offers a huge number of fitness bracelets, mobile applications, which are able to count not only the number of kilometers traveled, but also heart rate, calories and speed. All this is necessary solely to ensure that running is truly healthy. Feeling good during regular training is the key to success and good results.

Sports running

If health running is based on good health, then in sports running speed and endurance come first. The length of the distance is only an accompanying factor, based on which the runner adjusts his speed in order to break the next record. The training rule is as follows: running speed is inversely proportional to distance. Simply put, the more an athlete needs to run, the slower he will do it, so as not to run out of steam halfway through.


Based on the rule described above, marathon running can rightfully be considered the slowest type of running. The distance of a standard marathon is 42 kilometers, and the runner’s main task is to distribute his strength in such a way as to cover four dozen kilometers. It is important not to run to exhaustion, so that at the finish line you can give it your all and overtake your rivals. How fast does a person run a marathon? On average, a trained runner can run a marathon at a speed of 15-17 kilometers per hour. And if you are a beginner, then you should start with eight kilometers per hour. The slower you run, the more likely you are to complete the marathon. best results.

Middle distances

This category includes distances from 800 meters to 3 kilometers. Despite the fact that the distance is much less than a marathon, the principle does not change. It is still important to distribute your strength as competently as possible for each kilometer in order to give your best at the finish line. But due to the fact that the distance is several times shorter, runners can reach speeds of even 22 kilometers per hour. The maximum running speed of a person is 45 kilometers per hour.


The fastest and most emotional is sprint running. There is no room for distribution of forces at a distance, there is only one goal - to give it your all. It is only important to have endurance and be able to develop high speed. At this moment, the body works in extreme conditions, and its work is aimed only at overcoming the stress that arises due to lack of oxygen. Here, not only endurance plays a primary role, but also correct technique breathing. The most popular direction is anaerobic respiration. The average speed of the best sprinters can reach ten meters per second.

Usain Bolt is rightfully recognized as the best of the best. The athlete's world record for running is 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. If translated into long distances, then that’s as much as 37 kilometers per hour! Impressive, isn't it? Bolt's record - maximum speed, which a person managed to develop at a sprint distance.

Of course, such indicators do not at all mean that athletes run at such speeds in everyday life. On average, during training the performance is 15-20% lower. Everything in order to give your all at competitions and show maximum results. Short-distance runners spare no effort from the very beginning.

Human performance is uncharted territory. You can find out what each of us is capable of only by testing your strength in practice:

  • Scientists say that the maximum running speed of a person is 60 km/h. True, no one has yet been able to confirm these assumptions.
  • Running is not only physical activity, based on endurance. This is also a mental process, because you need to correctly calculate how to run, for example, a marathon to the end and not run out of energy halfway through.
  • How fast is a person running? The general performance of the average adult can reach from 16 to 25 kilometers per hour. You can maintain this pace for a couple of hours, no more.
  • The fastest people in the world are speed skaters.
  • Scientists firmly believe that the ability to reach a running speed of 60 kilometers per hour is limited by our legs. They can only take a certain degree of load.
  • The longer the distance, the slower the person runs.
  • The fastest jerk at the start of a run is considered to be 48 km/h.

One thing is clear - human possibilities are limitless! It is difficult to answer the question of what speed a person can run at the maximum, because at any moment records can be broken and new goals can be achieved.

In athletics, the 1000 meter race is common. This distance is not used in world-class championships, as it is average. The 1000 meter race is more applicable to various commercial events.

Conditions for 1 km races

Races of 1000 meters are usually held on two types of sites. The first type is an open stadium, the circumference of which is 400 meters. In this case, the distance is covered in 2.5 laps. The second type is indoor sports grounds, the circumference of which is most often 200 meters. On this type of playground, the distance consists of five laps.

The specifics of running largely depend on the type of site. If the area has a small circumference, then the athlete must be prepared for constant turns. In the case where the platform has a large circumference, the athlete has to run in a straight line for a long time, which requires special development of balance.

Race standards

Race standards are affected by:

MSMK has minimum conditions:

  • for women - 2.36 minutes;
  • for men - 2.18 min.

World commercial records include more than quick overcoming distances of 1 km.

How to achieve outstanding results in 1 km running?

With the help of intensive training, of course, you can achieve significant results in running over a distance of 1 km. When preparing, the athlete must take into account the psychological, technical and physical aspects. To improve results, you need to master warm-up, training and breathing techniques. It is also important to do the right eyeliner just before the day of the competition.

The 1 km distance is considered basic, so it is included in many athlete development programs. It is a training course for those who are involved in professional running. Since the 1000-meter distance is an average distance, it is not used in world-class competitions. However, such a distance can indicate the athlete's current abilities. Analysts believe that if the kilometer distance was included in the program of the world championship, then David Rudisch would have a great chance of winning, because he showed best time in the 800 meter race - 1.40 min.

World record for 1 km run

In 1974, American athlete Rick Wohlhueter showed incredible good result in the 1000 meter race, which broke all records set before. The athlete covered a distance of 1 km in 2.13 minutes, thus setting a record North America, which, by the way, has not yet been beaten. Joaquim Cruz almost equalized the score in 1984, running the same distance in 2.14 minutes.

Australian runners have the worst performance. Australian John Walker covered a distance of 1 km in 2.16 minutes in 1980. Asians have the best results. Bahraini representative Yusuf Saad Kamel ran the 1 km distance in 2.14 minutes.

The world record for running 1 km was set by Kenyan resident Noah Ngeni, who was able to cover the kilometer distance in 2.11 minutes. It was installed in 1999 at a competition that took place in Rieti. Thus, an absolute world record in athletics was set in the 1 km race, as well as an absolute African record.

Among women

It's no secret that women also take part in running competitions. The world record for 1 km running was set by Russian Svetlana Masterkova. She was able to cover the kilometer distance in 2.28 minutes. Thus, the Russian athlete set an absolute world record in athletics among women in the 1000-meter run.

Running standards for 1 km

For women and men, rank standards are significantly different. In the case when a man receives the first rank, a woman with the same indicators receives the rank of master of sports. If a woman receives the first category, then a man with the same indicators will receive the third category. Thus, a pattern emerges: the difference between discharge standards for women and men - approximately 2 ranks.

World record for 2 km running

The 2000m distance has never been featured at the World Championships and Olympic Games Oh. This distance is often used by professional athletes as training in preparation for more serious competitions. Often a distance of 2 km is included in the program of commercial championships. The race is held in open sports grounds. To run a distance of 2 km, you need to do five laps of 400 meters. At such competitions, ranks no higher than || are assigned.

Official records at a distance of 2 km:

  • Men's race. At the competition in Berlin, which was held in 1999, the Moroccan athlete Hichamou El Guerroujo set a record of 4 minutes and 44.79 seconds.
  • Women's race. At the competition in Edinburgh, which was held in 1994, Irish athlete Sonia O'Sullivan set a record of 5 minutes and 25.36 seconds.

Coaches' opinion

Coaches advise professional athletes Use a 1 km run as training. World running records are set by athletes who clearly understand the basics of running. To prepare for long- and medium-distance competitions, athletes improve their endurance and speed by more short distances. The coaches believe that tactical thinking and self-confidence are important in order to break the world record for 1 km running. Running is not an easy thing. It is important not to try to overtake everyone, but to stick to the plan to achieve your goal. You need to understand that acceleration at the start will spend a lot of your strength, the presence of which plays a role in important role when approaching the finish line. It is important to know where to apply "acceleration", since it often plays a decisive role.

And running in particular is very popular among sports fans around the world. Many even call athletics Queen of sports. But who were the most famous runners in the world and in Russia, let's figure it out.

It's about incredible speed and about the most on our planet. All of them have worthily invested in the development of the sports movement. We have selected a list of the most famous athletes, whose records will be around for many years to come.

Famous athletes and record holders

Usain Bolt

Perhaps the most famous modern runner comes from Jamaica. is a 6-time Olympic champion, as well as an 8-time world champion. Throughout his career, he set eight record-breaking achievements. This athlete did it in a record 9.58 seconds.

Michael Dwayne Johnson

This native of Dallas, USA, preferred two hundred meters and. He managed to become the winner of the Olympics 4 times and win the world championship 9 times.

Tyson Gay

The athlete from Kentucky was born in 1982. Tyson covers the 100-meter dash in 9.69 seconds, and is second only to Usain Bolt in speed - 19.58 seconds and this is the fifth fastest in the world.

Milka Singh

Milka, who was nicknamed the “flying Singh” for his skills, was born in India in the thirties. He became famous taking first place in the 400m race in Britain in 1958. He was also the first participant in this competition, as a resident of the independent Indian government, who received gold medal and the only Indian male to win gold as an athlete. He also received a gold medal twice in Asian Games. The runner took part in the Olympics several times, but he never managed to set records there.

Asafa Powell

Also a Jamaican athlete who became the champion at the 2008 Olympic Games and the world champion in 2009. Former world record - 9.72 seconds.

Maurice Green

An athlete from Kansas City, he was a champion of the Olympics and world competitions many times. He set a record in the 100-meter dash - 9.79 seconds. Maurice Greene holds the world record for indoor racing.

Carl Lewis

Carl Lewis

A native of Alabama, he became a nine-time Olympic champion and eight-time world champion in the long jump and. Few people other than Lewis managed to win gold four times in a row at the Olympics in different years. He was recognized three times best athlete in athletics.

Nesta Carter

The athlete, originally from Jamaica, was born in 1985. He is a two-time Olympic athlete.

Nickel Ashmead

The athlete was born in 1990, and became the world champion in 2013, winning the relay. In 2013, he participated in the world championship in the Russian capital. In addition, there he managed to increase his own record in the semi-finals of the World Championship - 9.90.

Famous Russian runners

Alexander Brednev

Alexander is on the list of the most famous Russian athletes, thanks to his fast running. Soon he won the Russian championship, running the 100-meter dash in 10.38 seconds. In addition, Brednev is a champion in the indoor 60-meter run.

Alexander Brednev

Svetlana Masterkova

Svetlana is also included in the list of the most famous Russian athletes. She began her career in racing. The athlete became famous for winning the last championship Soviet Union, before its collapse. However, after this, Svetlana’s career did not continue as brightly. She took eighth place at the World Championships, after which she was injured and then went on maternity leave. However, with the help of her husband, the athlete managed to return to world sports and become a champion. Immediately after announcing her return, Masterkova won the Russian championship in the 800 meters, as well as gets gold at a distance of one and a half kilometers. These victories allowed her to reach olympic competitions, where, by the way, no one expected miracles from her.

Svetlana Masterkova

However, to everyone’s surprise, she triumphantly completed two races, where she was able to beat the other favorite athletes. Svetlana managed to come out victorious both times, leading from the very start to the finish line. After a sensational triumph at the Atlanta Olympics, Mastrekova continued her success in subsequent competitions. Her superior skills allowed her become a world record holder twice, whose records have not yet been broken. Unfortunately, the athlete was unable to prove herself at the next Sydney Olympics due to an injury. Having completed her career in sports, the famous runner did not remain inactive, but applied her abilities in another area. Now Svetlana Masterkova is a deputy of the Moscow municipal council, and also holds a leading position in the Athletics Federation.

Video. Best 100m runner of all time

Marathon – 2:03.38 – Patrick Makau (Kenya)

The legend about the appearance of the marathon says that the Greek warrior Pheidippides ran from the site of the battle of Marathon to Athens with the speed of an arrow fired from a bow. However, he would still hardly be able to compete with modern professionals marathon running. Kenyan Patrick Makau didn't have good news for the spectators waiting for him at the finish line of the 2011 Berlin Marathon, but the athlete tried his best. He broke away from his closest pursuers, who, by the way, were his compatriots, by four minutes, but, most importantly, crossed the finish line, setting a record time for completing the distance - 2:03.38, improving by 21 seconds the achievement of Haile Gebrselassie from Ethiopia, set at the same Berlin Marathon, but three years earlier.

Run, 800 m – 1:40.91 – David Rudisha (Kenya)

Kenya is famous for its endurance runners for long distances, but, of course, he can’t help but be proud of guys like, for example, David Rudisha, a specialist in 800-meter races. In 2010, the 22-year-old athlete won the World Cup and the African Championship, simultaneously twice updating the world record, which previously belonged to the Dane Wilson Kipketer and stood for 13 years. However, Rudisha did not stop there; his cherished desire was to win the Olympic Games, and in August 2012, David made his dream come true. It was as if he had no opponents in the final, and Rudisha, without any visible effort, won the gold medal, setting a new world record of 1:40.91. At the same time, it seems that even such an achievement is not the limit for the Kenyan, and hardly anyone will be surprised when the athlete is able to improve the result shown at the Olympics one more time or two.

Running, 3000 m steeplechase – 8.58.81 – Gulnara Samitova-Galkina (Russia)

In the list of world records in athletics There are a lot of names of our compatriots, although new names appear there infrequently, but every world record holder from Russia is all the more valuable to us. The 3000 meter steeplechase is a middle-aged discipline, but in Olympic family it joined only in 2008. And this reunion turned out to be triumphant for the athlete from our country. Gulnara Samitova-Galkina finished in Olympic Stadium Beijing in splendid isolation, setting a record time of 8:58.81. Over the past five years, only Yulia Zaripova has come close to the record; at the moment the second result in history - 9:05.02 - however, updating the record set by Gulnara is still quite far away.

High jump – 2.09 m – Stefka Kostadinova (Bulgaria)

Not all world records are updated as frequently. A number of achievements have remained inviolable since the last century. One of these record-breaking pillars of athletics is the achievement of Stefka Kostadinova from Bulgaria, who specialized in the high jump. For the whole sports career she had a lot bright victories, but the athlete probably remembers the 1987 World Championships in Rome with special trepidation. It was there that she set one of the oldest records in athletics today, jumping over the bar set at a height of 2.09. For 26 years, only Blanca Vlasic seriously tried to storm the record of the Bulgarian athlete, but it stood, and it is unknown when the next contender to improve the result will appear.

Pole vault – 6.14 m – Sergey Bubka (Ukraine)

The best world record of the Soviet and Ukrainian track and field athlete Sergei Bubka is not yet 20 years old, but it has already been recorded as “eternal”. If the day ever comes when someone can surpass the incredible 6.14, it will surely be the new record holder's second birthday.

Bubka improved his own record 16 times, and still did not reach his limit. Sergei conquered the height of 6.14 at a competition in Italian Sestriere, and since then no one except the record holder himself has even tried to set the bar even close to this mark. The best after Bubka were Russian Maxim Tarasov and Australian Dmitry Markov, but their result was only 6.05. To one of the greatest sporting achievements No one has yet been able to come close to humanity, and the question of whether this record will ever be broken still remains open.

Pole vault – 5.06 m – (Russia)

Record breakers often have to break through psychological barriers that no one has been able to overcome before them. A striking example of this was demonstrated by one of the most famous Russian athletes– . During her career, she set 28 world records, breaking the bar for the first time at various heights from 4.82 to 5.06. Elena became the first athlete to reach the five-meter mark, and on the day this happened, Isinbayeva was applauded by the whole world. Millions of people applauded the Russian as she won Olympic gold in Beijing with a score of 5.05. A year later, at the Diamond League stage in Zurich, Elena improved her achievement by another centimeter, and since then the mark of 5.06 has been the ultimate dream of all athletes in the jumping sector. However, it is premature to talk about overthrowing the record holder: besides Isinbayeva, only one athlete climbed to the five-meter height - American Jennifer Sur.

Run, 100 m – 9.58 – Usain Bolt (Jamaica)

Of course, we should never forget about the fastest man on the planet – Jamaican Usain Bolt. It makes hearts beat faster and lights a fire in the eyes. His mini-shows on the track receive maximum television ratings. And besides, he also runs very fast. And so fast that no one can keep up with him. Bolt currently holds three world records. At the London Olympics, Usain, as part of the Jamaican 4x100 relay team, won gold with a score of 36.84. His personal bests have not been updated since the World Championships in Berlin, but a crazy 19.19 in the 200m and a simply insane 9.58 in the 100m are the best the athletics world has seen in the new century. We can only hope that Bolt himself decides not to stop there and will be able to improve his amazing records a little more.