How to lengthen your legs with exercises. Stretch your legs without surgery

Hello, dear readers of the site. Galina Nevskaya is in touch. In this article I would like to talk about four main ways to lengthen your legs. The information is not new, but I think it will be useful for both girls and boys.

Short legs are a very common cause for disappointment. However, it is not often that the legs actually look shorter than the torso or otherwise look bad. Most often, this reason is simply far-fetched, and most people’s figures are quite proportional. But the dream of long, slender legs, like those on the covers of glossy magazines, haunts us, because they are considered beautiful, sexy and fashionable. There are four ways to achieve your desired goal. Let's call them surgical, sports, visual and combined.

Surgical method to increase height.

Let's start with the most difficult and creepy. We are talking about nothing more than surgically lengthening the legs. After such an operation, you will become 5–10 cm taller (read more). The option is quite serious. It makes sense to use it only in exceptional cases associated with severe anomalies of the limbs or if the legs are indeed significantly shorter than the body. In addition, there are a number of contraindications that prevent correction from being carried out in this way.

Many experts agree that if the legs are not long enough just by some aesthetic standard, it is better to avoid surgery because the risk of complications is too great. The result may not be so impressive, and a lot of money, nerves and health will be spent. The operations are very expensive, and rehabilitation period may take several years.

Make your legs longer through exercise.

This method is based on the mechanism of natural body growth. In many systems of physical improvement you can find exercises that can make your legs longer and slimmer, for example, in yoga, callanetics, and some types of fitness. Visit the "Form" section if you want to know examples of special programs and exercises to increase height.

Working on machines, various exercises on the mat, and stretching with weights can make your muscles and bones longer. Of course, such activities should be supplemented by a well-formulated diet.

It is believed that leg extension is also facilitated by martial arts classes that involve swinging and kicking, for example, Thai boxing, kickboxing, karate. As an example, the names of such “long-legged” masters as Jean-Claude Van Damme and Bruce Lee are mentioned.

A visual way to lengthen your legs.

The visual method is the simplest and most conservative. It is based on the selection of clothes and shoes that create the illusion of longer legs. A general weight loss would also be useful, since people with a normal constitution, as a rule, have longer legs than those who are overweight. Many women and men successfully resort to such techniques. With simple tricks they manage to hide not only short, but also crooked, too thin or full legs.

TO women's clothing, lengthening the silhouette, include: straight dresses to the floor and below the knee, dark shades, with a print in the form of a vertical stripe; long straight trousers and so on. From shoes - boots with a narrow high top, any shoes with heels or platforms, which, in fact, are intended to visually increase the length of the legs. It is also desirable that the shoes be the same color as the tights, and that the skirts have slits on the sides.

Men's clothing should focus on uniform colors and vertical lines. With the advent of specialized models of shoes and insoles to increase height, men have the opportunity to look 3-5 cm or more taller thanks to shoes.

People with short legs Clothes with a print in the form of a transverse stripe, trousers and jeans with a low waist, afghans, breeches, capris, shorts are contraindicated. Shoes with flat soles, straps and large decorative elements are not recommended. It is also better to avoid ankle boots and UGG boots.

Combined method – visual and sports.

The combined method combines the two previous ones, being a symbiosis of a set of physical exercises, a diet for growth, massage and other body care procedures. Plus a selection of clothes, shoes and accessories that help solve the problem until the methods of natural growth increase produce results. This method is used very often by both teenagers and adults.

Let's summarize. What to do with short legs? You can try to lengthen them if necessary. The methods described above will help you with this. Try to start by visually increasing the length of your legs. It is much simpler than everything else and gives results faster than other methods.

Thank you for your attention! See you in the next articles.

Unfortunately, not all girls are gifted with “model” legs, which give grace and femininity. Everyone who does not have such “wealth” is forced to either hide what they have under robes or come to terms with reality. But still, you shouldn’t give up, because a few recommendations from fashion stylists can visually make your legs longer and make them more slender.

The heel is our main weapon

Every girl knows what exactly a heel does. But in order for you to present yourself correctly, it must be stable. Those who want to look more graceful should minimize wearing shoes without heels. The height of this part should be higher than five centimeters and at the same time not be too large so that you do not look vulgar. A small platform is also welcome - about 1.5 cm, which is counted as the length of the legs.

Shoe shape and color

To create the desired effect, when choosing shoes, it is important to look beyond the height of the heel. Color is of great importance. If you choose shoes to match the tone of your stockings or leather, your leg will visually lengthen. But the most best effect achieved if both shoes and tights are the same

In addition to this secret, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the shoes. It is better not to give your preference to those models that have a round or square toe. This ending visually shortens the leg. A slightly pointed toe gives the impression that your legs are slightly longer than they actually are. The same can be said about ankle boots. It is important to choose a model so that the ankle has a cutout in the shape of a toe. This way, the leg will not end abruptly, which will give the illusion of continuation.

Style of clothing

If a girl is interested in the question of how to make her legs visually longer, then she should pay attention to the style of the clothes she wears. It is known that some cuts of jeans, dresses and blouses can even shorten. Therefore, it is better to purchase skirts and trousers that have a high waist. This trick automatically creates the effect of long legs. Skirts in this series can have a straight, classic shape. In addition, sundresses and dresses in the style of Natasha Rostova come to the rescue. In such models that are “beneficial” for the legs, the waist should be either raised or in its natural place. Such clothes hide the actual length, and the imagination of those around you draws the correct silhouette in which your legs “grow from your ears.” In addition, such a fashionable cut gives the girl additional charm and femininity. Also, those beauties who want to make their legs longer should remember that patch pockets or all kinds of ruffles “break” the single silhouette and create the illusion of short limbs.

Correct combination of clothes

It is important to learn how to properly organize your wardrobe. Shoes, trousers and tops should be in harmony and serve a single purpose - to visually lengthen the legs. Just like shoes, skirts or pants should be made of plain fabrics, the top should be contrastingly different from the bottom. For example, shoes and trousers are black (or a skirt, tights, shoes), and a blouse is light. If there is a pattern on the skirt or pants, it will not achieve the goal, but on the contrary, it will add volume and shorten the legs. An exception may be a vertical pattern, such as stripes.

It is worth noting that such a common accessory as a belt can emphasize the waist and highlight the legs. It can be worn with a high skirt, trousers, sundresses and dresses, especially with those models in which there is no emphasis on the waist.

Some girls achieve desired effect thanks to the skinny black trousers that blend seamlessly with the ankle boots. But this method suits the minority. It is advisable to pay attention to the knee flare, which covers half of the heel and thus makes your legs longer and turns you into a feminine lady.

Short jackets

There is no consensus on short jackets and tops. Many believe that this wardrobe element actually visually shortens the torso and, accordingly, lengthens the legs. Others are sure that it is the jacket that divides the body into many parts and does not honor the legs. But in reality, this element cannot serve as an independent tool. Rather, it is an original addition that does not interfere with the goal we are striving for.

Clothing restrictions

However, many girls who do not know how to make their legs longer often make mistakes when choosing clothes and thereby visually shorten themselves.

So, the main prohibitions:

  • Any pants that have a low waist. Although this may seem beautiful and comfortable, it actually spoils the impression of your figure.
  • Capris, cropped trousers, cuffed jeans are taboo.
  • Tight bottoms (skirts, trousers) show where your legs grow from.
  • The ankle boots seem to cut off the leg and make it very short. They can be worn if the top is covered by trousers.
  • Shoes or other footwear with an ankle strap or ankle strap. They also create an impression. In addition, it is advisable to choose sandals that are not overloaded with jewelry.

Fitness for slim legs

In addition to choosing the right wardrobe, you can start working out to get the desired figure. A fitness instructor explains how to make your legs longer. Exercises should be performed three times a week. Under this condition, the first results will begin to appear after fourteen days.

Standing against the wall, slowly begin to squat until your knee bend reaches an angle of 90°. Our task is to stop in this state and stand as long as we can. After this, they will smoothly return to the original one.

Do lunges on each leg 15 times, two approaches in total. The execution scheme is as follows. When lunging, touch the mat with your back foot, while both legs should maintain a 90° angle at the knees. When lifting, the first leg should not straighten.

Raise your heel onto the back of the chair and remain in this position. Raising our hands up, we stretch in such a way as to feel abdominal muscles and slightly stretch your spine. In this position, we lower ourselves onto our feet and try to reach our toes with our fingers. The whole process is done hard and slow 50 times, after which repetitions are done on the second leg.

Now, after a couple of weeks of training, having gathered with your girlfriends, you can compete with them without hesitation in who has the longest legs, and perhaps even win. The main thing to remember is that these exercises must be done diligently.

in the photo

Today, more than ever, it has become popular to conduct photo sessions so that later social networks show your beauty to your friends. But how can you make your legs look long and slender in photos? In this case, you can use the same tricks that visually lengthen your legs in real life. So, shoes play a big role, although in the pictures they may be without heels. Important rule- This is a color that matches the legs or trousers. Also, with matching shoes, it's not a big deal if your middle toe is longer than your big toe.

Another way to show off your legs is to give them a bronze tone using a bronzer. It's no secret that tanned legs look slimmer and, therefore, longer. And the mentioned product gives additional moderate shine. But the product is not applied in a continuous mass, but only on the front side of the thigh and shin.

Also, the manner in which photographs are taken is reflected in the length of the legs. If in a standing position they are set quite wide, they will look short. Therefore, it is better to move one leg slightly forward, towards the photographer, and place it on the toe.

Many women and men dream of becoming at least a few centimeters taller. Nature has blessed some people with small stature, while others have suffered a severe congenital or acquired disease of the musculoskeletal system, which resulted in deformation of the legs.

It is possible to radically change the shape of the legs, remove deformities and lengthen them only through surgical intervention. But every person can hide imperfections with the help of properly selected clothes, and also become athletic and fit by doing physical exercise. Let's consider all methods of leg lengthening in detail.

How to increase the length of your legs is a question that worries many women. different ages. Leg lengthening through surgery usually frightens women, because the procedure is painful, expensive and requires long-term rehabilitation. But every woman can achieve visual enlargement of her legs with the help of the right clothes.

In addition, it is very important to choose the right model; the trousers must fit well and be long enough so that there is no gap between the clothes and the shoes. Breeches and cropped models are suitable for tall women With long legs, as they visually shorten the legs.

The combination of clothes and shoes also plays an important role. If a woman wears tights, they should be matched to the color of her shoes, that is, black tights should be worn with black shoes. The lengthening of the legs in such a set is noticeable immediately. You should not buy sets of clothes and dresses that visually divide your figure into 2 parts, for example, a dress with a red bodice and a blue skirt. For the same reason, you should avoid wide belts; they visually divide the figure into two parts; it is better to choose thin, elegant models.

It is very important to choose the right skirts. If long trousers lengthen the legs, then long floor-length skirts, on the contrary, make them visually shorter, so it is not recommended for women with short stature to wear them. In this case, graceful pencil skirts to the knee are suitable; they make the figure slender, proportional, and the legs appear longer.

To become taller visually, you need to choose the right dresses. It is recommended to wear plain models, without bright or unusual patterns; it is better to choose fitted and feminine dresses. Large flowers, spots, stripes attract attention to the dress, while the legs appear shorter. Also, you should not choose models in which there is a sharp separation of the upper and lower parts of the dress.

The most famous and simple method of increasing leg length is wearing high heels. A woman wearing heels becomes taller and more graceful, but it is very important to learn how to walk in such shoes so as not to seem ridiculous. In addition, shoes should be matched to the color of clothing so as not to create contrast.


Many women and men decide to enlarge their legs using a set of leg lengthening exercises. Exercising will help you get rid of excess weight, will make your figure slim, your legs thin, and they will visually appear longer. In addition, permanent physical activity can cause the femur to grow, but this is more common in young people under 25 years of age.

Before starting training, you should make sure that a person has no contraindications. To do this, it is best to visit a therapist and take blood and urine tests; if everything is normal, then you can start exercising.

It is very important to start training gradually, taking into account your physical training, beginners should not perform the complex for professionals; they still won’t be able to lose weight faster, but they can get injured. The following exercises provoke leg lengthening.

The simplest and effective exercise– running, you should start all your workouts with it. To make your legs long and slender, you need to run every day for at least 30 minutes. You are allowed to exercise anywhere, in gym, at home on the treadmill, or in the park near the house. It is very important that the training be long, that is, it is better to run at a slow pace, but for half an hour, than quickly, but for 15 minutes.

After warming up, you need to sit on a high chair, you can use a table at home, but you need to make sure that it is strong enough. In this case, you should not touch the floor with your feet; weights should be attached to your ankles.

At home, instead of equipment, you can use ordinary plastic bottles and a wide band, and the weight should be gradually increased. It is recommended to sit with weights for no more than 10 minutes, and repeat the procedure every other day. After the exercise you need to perform swings.

Leg swings with 1-2 kg weights help a lot, depending on your physical fitness. The exercises must be performed quite actively, the swings must be performed quickly.

A simple exercise on your toes will help you stretch your calf muscles and lengthen your legs. It is necessary to walk on your toes every day and simply stand by raising your feet on your toes and lowering your feet on your heels.

Lunges are very effective. Beginners should perform these exercises on own weight, and over time it is necessary to use weighting agents.

Also lengthen the legs in at a young age, when the bone growth zone has not yet completely closed, it is possible with the help of hormonal therapy. It is selected individually by the doctor, depending on the age and condition of the patient. But you should understand that hormones can harm the body, since such drugs have many side effects.

Training (video)


The surgery is performed using the Ilizarov apparatus. The surgeon makes an artificial fracture in the area of ​​the leg or thigh, depending on the indications and desire of the patient, after which the bones are restored, while the distance at the fracture site is constantly increasing.

As a rule, surgery is prescribed for people with medical indications, with severe deformation of the legs and impaired growth. It is very complex and expensive, and rehabilitation after such a procedure takes about a year. In addition, leg lengthening surgery is prohibited in case of bleeding disorders, various chronic diseases, pathologies of the skin and central nervous system.

Leg lengthening is performed surgically in several stages:

  • At the first stage, special rods are inserted into the leg to fix the bone.
  • The next step is to perform an osteotomy, which means cutting the bone.
  • A week after the operation, a leg traction device is installed, which lengthens the leg. The leg lengthens by 1 mm per day, and the legs will lengthen from 50 to 140 days, depending on the desired result.
  • After reaching the desired length, the device is fixed until the bone heals.

Leg lengthening surgery guarantees results; the size will be increased, but long-term rehabilitation is required after surgery. In addition, serious complications are possible that can affect a person’s future life and even lead to disability. For this reason, surgery is performed only in extreme cases and not for cosmetic purposes at the request of the person.


After leg lengthening surgery, a rehabilitation period begins, its duration ranges from 6 months to a year. Since the patient has been in a passive state for a long time, the muscles have weakened, they need to be strengthened through proper physical therapy. If rehabilitation goes poorly, bone fractures at the site of osteosynthesis are possible in the future.

Patients are also required to undergo physical therapy, which will speed up tissue restoration, and massage to improve blood circulation and nutrition to the affected area. The patient is recommended a special diet aimed at restoring bone tissue, and it should be low-calorie to prevent excess weight gain.


After leg lengthening surgery, the following complications are possible:

  • Bleeding and hematomas;
  • Infections;
  • Severe pain;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Severe swelling;

All these conditions require timely treatment, sometimes surgical intervention, for example, to remove large hematomas. Also, during leg augmentation, the device may break down, in which case the surgical intervention will have to be repeated.

But before you decide to take serious measures, remember that we are all individual, and beauty is not about the size of your waist or the length of your legs. And in general, for that matter, proportions play a huge role. Not convinced? Then let's get back to the topic. We have collected 4 effective ways for you that will make your legs longer.

Ilizarov apparatus

One of the most effective ways Leg lengthening is the Ilizarov apparatus. But keep in mind that this method is also the most radical. With the help of this miracle device, you can “grow” your legs or thighs, and only the surgeon will decide what exactly to lengthen in your case. How does it work? First, the doctor breaks the integrity of the bones, and places knitting needles in places of fractures, thanks to which the legs begin to gradually lengthen. But you will have to help the process yourself: tighten special nuts four times a day. Not the most pleasant sensation, but your legs will become longer by one millimeter every day. And in two months your legs will “grow” by as much as 6 centimeters. It's up to you to decide, of course. Are you ready to go through this rather painful process, and then also follow a certain regime for several months (without dancing, sports and long walks)? Beauty requires sacrifice, no doubt about it.


Oh, almighty implants! They are able to increase many parts of the body, including the length of the legs. Implants inserted into the calf muscle area can not only lengthen the legs, but also eliminate asymmetry and curvature. But even here there are pitfalls: for example, the remaining suture or even the implant itself may be visible. In addition, it is not uncommon for the implant to move out of place. We do not doubt your courage, but be sure to weigh the pros and cons before deciding to take such serious measures.


They say that everything ingenious is simple. We reveal the secret of long-legged insta-girls: a bronzer with a shimmer effect. Many fashionistas apply bronzer directly to their legs, concentrating on their shins. The result is optical elongation. After all, tanned and smooth legs definitely look slimmer (thanks to vertical highlights and glow) than they actually are. So you can postpone your visit to the surgeon until better times, stock up on bronzer and conquer everyone with your feet and ears.


There are, of course, other ways to lengthen your legs. The simplest is to load yourself with daily physical activity aimed at stretching the hip and calf muscles. Nothing complicated: just run, do stretching, leg swings and other exercises. And don't be lazy! And most importantly, don’t forget about the little tricks. Choose high-waisted jeans and trousers, medium or short skirts, wear high-heeled shoes and be sure to watch your posture.

Many who want to increase their height ask how lengthen your legs with exercises What needs to be done for this and is it possible to realize this dream without surgical interventions? Is it really worth exhausting yourself to increase your height? After all, there are simple and useful exercises, which increase growth and improve health.

The first thing you need to do to lengthen your legs with exercises to increase your height is to check your current height and put the desired mark, for example, in a room on the wall. Measure your height and write it down on a piece of paper and put it on today's date. When you do our exercises, check your height once a month and write about your results in the comments below.

Go swimming

To lengthen legs with the help of exercises, swim for 40 minutes 3 times a week, various types, but mostly breaststroke and freestyle. Then growth will increase faster.

Hanging on the horizontal bar

To lengthen your legs with exercises, do simple hangs on the horizontal bar for a while. Do 3 sets of 15 minutes every day.

Running and walking

You also need to walk and run to develop strength and muscle growth in your legs.

High jump

Also to lengthen legs with the help of exercises, do simple high jumps. Gradually set the bar higher and try to jump as high as possible.

Do yoga or gymnastics

To lengthen your legs with exercises, do squats, warm-ups, and do the splits. Yoga and gymnastics are very useful, especially in childhood, and those who practiced it grew up healthy and tall.

Basketball and football

Also, to lengthen your legs with exercises, maintain regular workouts and don’t skip them. Also try to eat only healthy and natural food, which contains more proteins and vitamins. Because you need exactly those products that will help increase height and lengthen your legs.

Sports tips in pictures and videos