Khadu gymnastics from Evid Arabuli in a comprehensive workout. Khadu gymnastics - a complete, easy workout for the whole body

Hadu exercises are useful for strengthening the muscular frame of the spine. Regular exercise will definitely have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Hadu gymnastics: subtleties and features

Sooner or later, people face various problems caused by pain in the back, joints and spine. It is thanks to Hadou's exercises that many people have significantly improved the condition of their muscles, ligaments and joints. This gymnastics is suitable for people of all ages. Hadoo is not magic! In order to improve your health, you will have to work hard. But the result is worth it.

Today we will talk in more detail about how to learn how to do the exercises correctly, why and when they are used, why people prefer Khada and who is Zviad Arabuli anyway? This universal gymnastics will help you improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the near future. You will feel lighter, pain and inflammation will disappear.

Even when doing exercises while sitting, you are using tiny muscles, and thus increases the flow of nutrients, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the structure of cartilage and tissue. Also, the Hadu set of exercises is simply irreplaceable if you want to lose extra pounds.

How did Hadou gymnastics come about?

Zviad Arabuli is an ordinary Georgian boy who at a young age (at the age of 20) realized that health is not eternal, and if he does not urgently take action, then things will be bad. Later he moved to Moscow, where he received a license that allowed the guy to personally develop ways to strengthen human health. He named the developed set of exercises Khada, in honor of his native Georgian village. Hadou became quite popular after the famous Russian trapeze artist managed to restore his health thanks to her.

After some time, Arabuli moved to Kyiv, where he began to actively teach in various fitness centers exclusively using his own methodology. Gymnastics turned out to be quite successful, and the young man became a famous and sought-after coach. The exercises are based on the Hatha Yoga complex, and there are also several ancient exercises from the USSR. The main task is to use absolutely all muscles, even those that a person does not use daily.

Khadu gymnastics for every day

Khadu gymnastics is very useful as it makes a person flexible. Regular exercise will have a good effect on your posture, gait, and will help you forget about back pain forever.

Women love the Hadu exercise complex because it can significantly reduce their waist size by strengthening the muscles in the abdominal area. Eat special exercises for the face, which produce a rejuvenating effect. Breathing exercises will improve blood circulation, oxygen supply, and heart function.

As you might have guessed, gymnastics consists of many types of exercises that can be divided into specific groups. It is simply unrealistic to master all of them at once, so we recommend that you start with the standard basic complex. You can choose a cycle of exercises that you will do in the morning. After all morning exercises- this is always very useful.

Rejuvenating gymnastics Hadou

The rejuvenating complex consists of breathing exercises, as well as a complex for the face, back and eyes. Try to exercise regularly for several months. Do stress on different parts of the body. It will be wonderful if Hadoo becomes a part of your life, because you will understand how wonderful it is to feel young and strong.

Hadu - gymnastics that prolongs life

Health-improving gymnastics Khadu is known in many countries. It is suitable for people of all ages with various diagnoses. When performing exercises, it is almost impossible to get injured, and there are almost no contraindications. Pregnant women, postpartum women, people with disabilities, children, and those who cannot lift weights - everyone can happily improve their body with the help of Hadoo.

During exercise, joints and vertebrae return to their places and become stronger. This helps protect a person from injury from falls and from overload during work. Gymnastics strengthens the body, a person feels strong, cheerful and happy. So this is a kind of recipe for longevity.

The important thing is that you can do Hada at any time and not necessarily in the gym. You don't need equipment or exercise equipment, just comfortable clothes and a mat.

Hadou gymnastics for the face

It is not surprising that Khadu has a beneficial effect on the condition of the human face, thereby demonstrating a rejuvenating effect. Try doing the exercises, and you will realize that you had no idea how many dormant muscles there are in the face area and how pleasant it will be to stir them up.

We have already mentioned above that Khada is often used for weight loss, but these exercises will also be very useful for the eyes. Do eye exercises after you have stretched your entire body. First, try looking left and right 50-60 times, while turning your eyes with slight pressure. Close your eyes periodically to warm them up.

We do the same thing, only we look up and down. Then start moving your eyes diagonally. At the end, you need to make rotational movements with your eyes in one direction or the other. Fresh blood will flow into the eyes; ideally, the eyes should be covered with a film of secretory fluid. But this does not happen right away. If the muscles are inside eyeballs If you have worked well, you will feel some fatigue.

Zviad Arabuli: Khadu gymnastics for osteochondrosis

First of all, Hoodoo gymnastics is useful for those who suffer from osteochondrosis. These exercises are simply heavenly pleasure for your tired spine. You work without heavy weights, until complete fatigue, slowly, straining, and using even the deepest muscles.

Zviad Arabuli and strength gymnastics Khadu (basic complex)

Full basic complex includes several exercises. We will give examples of some of them, but we also recommend watching a training video to make sure you do it correctly.

stand straight, relax, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and arms hanging freely. Now take a deep breath and squat a little. You need to straighten your back well, arching back. As you exhale, take a natural fetal position so that your back is bent into an arch, but continue to keep your head straight and straight. At the same time, you should feel your abs tense and your stomach should be pulled in;

  • the starting position and principle of action are the same as in the previous exercise. Only this time we will also work with our hands. Inhale - spread your arms bent at the elbows, exhale - bring your elbows inward towards your legs;
  • We perform the same exercises, only you need to squeeze the air bar with your hands. As you exhale, you tense up and forcefully push the “barbell” forward;
  • We do not change the starting position, we only change the exercise for the arms. As you inhale, hold your palms near your temples, with the backs facing inward, and your elbows at head level. Exhale - move your arms as if you were diving;
  • stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Try to tense your neck muscles, but do not clench your teeth. Stretch your arms to the sides, bend them at the elbows, as if you were holding a barbell. This is a breath. As you exhale, you need to arch your back forward and bend the air bar. At the same time, the whole body must be tense so that you fully feel every movement;
  • we do not change the initial position. Bend your arms and lean forward slightly. The neck is tense, turn it left and right 8 times. Then we repeat the second exercise;
  • stand straight, keep your hands at your sides, neck very tense. Your task is to tilt your head back a little; you can bend your arms slightly. Starting all over again, make sure that your back does not bend, but only your neck;
  • stand straight, tense your neck. Now bend forward and stretch your back well, and stretch your arms back to form an arrow. Now we take the starting position, but bend our back into the fetal position, and stretch our arms down.

When performing all exercises, make sure that your breathing is deep and your abs tense. If you believe the reviews, then after 2 months of training you will notice a serious result.

At all times, women of all ages and nationalities have desired to have a beautiful, smooth face without wrinkles. An entire branch of the cosmetology industry is built on the production of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle products. Wanting to prolong their youth, women often undergo risky procedures and go under the surgeon’s knife.

However, there is a fairly simple and effective practice aimed at facial rejuvenation. This is hadu gymnastics for the face. It was first developed and put into practice by Zviad Arabuli. He was born in 1967 in Georgia, and from 1996 to 2006 he moved to Moscow. Here he founded several groups that practiced according to his methods. This technique is based on movements containing alternating stages of tension and relaxation. Zviad Arabuli gave the name to his gymnastics - Khadu, after the name of his native village. Since 2007, Zviad Arabuli has lived in Kyiv, teaching his unique technique, and also teaches classes at various fitness centers.

Basic principles

1. No weights! All exercises are designed to be performed without heavy sports equipment. Muscle tension achieved with own weight, due to the placement of the body in the correct position. Exercising without heavy sports equipment, the danger of various injuries and sprains disappears.

2. No sudden movements! The exercises are performed measuredly, smoothly, with the greatest tension, achieving complete fatigue. Due to fatigue, that's all internal organs and systems (such as the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular) work with greater load, which is why the recovery mechanism is launched. Unable to reach desired effect, doing the exercises half-heartedly.

3. We give work deep muscles. Khadu gymnastics affects those muscles that are not usually used in the body. Developing “sleeping” muscles increases the overall tone of the body, strength, and endurance. Integrated approach to training will help restore youth, health and prevent aging.

Khadu gymnastics for the face is the performance of certain exercises that will help prolong the youth of the face and slow down the aging process. I would like to note the recognized effectiveness of this technique. It is a worthy, safe and free alternative to surgery and expensive cosmetics and procedures. The Hadou technique differs significantly from similar developments, but it is called very effective. Facial gymnastics by Zviad Arabuli allows you to get noticeable results in a fairly short time. By adopting the recommended exercises, the oval of the face will be tightened, the skin will be smoothed, the overall tone of the skin will increase, and a healthy complexion will appear.

A set of facial exercises developed by Zviad Arabuli contains three essential points:

Each exercise should be performed intensively in order to maximize stimulation of all muscles;

By engaging and tensing the facial muscles, blood flow to all parts of the face is activated;

And the third point is that all exercises require the maximum possible physical effort.

Thus, this gymnastics is only one element of a set of exercises developed by Arabuli and aimed at strengthening the muscles of the entire body. But it is she who has earned particular popularity among women, as it is a solution to the problem of maintaining the youth and beauty of a woman’s face. In addition, facial gymnastics is surprisingly simple and effective. Thanks to Zviad Arabuli, an effective method of supporting your body using the internal reserves of your body, and not through external artificial factors, has appeared.

Rules for performing Hadu gymnastics for the face

This technique was developed by a man and has a tough approach. It is necessary to strictly follow all recommendations for performing exercises.

There is no need to make any changes to the developed equipment, since the developed complex is complete, well thought out and tested. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, Hadu gymnastics will ensure you get the most effective results. Significant physical activity activates blood flow.

Much attention is paid here to correcting the muscles of the face and neck. The described type of exercise does not contain direct tactile effects on the skin of the face. Gymnastics is performed solely by moving the face. Therefore, the effectiveness of the exercises performed depends directly on the quality of muscle work. Each exercise must be performed until the stage of fatigue is reached.

Facial exercises using the Hadou method

Before starting gymnastics, you need to warm up your face: consistently stretch and compress your face. To stretch, open your mouth as much as possible, then squeeze your eyes tightly, using your cheeks and eyebrows. It is recommended to feel all the facial muscles as much as possible and noticeably warm them up. At the same time, you can turn your head, but keep your eyes open.

The next movement of the eyebrows is to either lower them down or raise them up, depicting the appearance of a frowning and surprised person. Gradually speed up the pace of execution;

Then make a rat's face, first good, and then evil;

Pronounce the sound “u-o-s” or in the English manner - “wow”;

Move your lips left and right, moving them as far as possible in each direction.

Stretch and squeeze your lips and eyes as if you want to scare your reflection in the mirror. Do the exercise several times at an average pace, then start accelerating the pace. Without stopping squeezing and unclenching your entire face, turn your head alternately to the right and left.

The next action is stretching down. Tilt your head lower, then repeat the same up and to the sides.

It is important to follow the instructions exactly and do the exercises regularly.

Rejuvenating facial gymnastics is simple to perform, safe and effective. It's free and brings good mood. At the same time regular classes not only help smooth out wrinkles and tighten the face, but also gives the skin a fresh, radiant look and a healthy glow.

Khadu gymnastics for the face - video and principle of performing anti-aging, life-prolonging exercises. This technique is an effective alternative to surgery and various innovative cosmetological achievements. Gymnastics continues the set of exercises for the facial muscles, but it is truly unique, aimed specifically at working the facial and neck muscles. The Hadu technique is somewhat different from similar gymnastics, however, it can be called the most effective, since it allows you to achieve the required, expected results in a fairly short time. Using these exercises, your facial skin will become more youthful, the oval of your face will acquire beautiful, even outlines, and its outline and silhouette will return to normal.

Lifting gymnastics for the face - video, effectiveness, success and efficiency.

This set of exercises includes several main aspects:

Interesting on the web:

  • when performing gymnastics in an enhanced mode, the facial muscles are stimulated;
  • active blood flow is ensured to the facial muscles;
  • this gymnastics requires sufficient physical activity.

The last point is not surprising, since a series of exercises was created by a man who, in addition to everything, also developed a general program aimed at the whole body as a whole. That is, facial gymnastics is only one element from a general series, but it is precisely this that has become widespread among women, who are always striving for rejuvenation.

The simplicity and effectiveness of Hadu exercises have made them extremely popular; the highest effectiveness of the complex is a full-fledged alternative to new developments in surgery, cosmetology, medicine and cosmeceuticals. This means that today people strive to change their body with the help of the powers of their body, and not through non-artificial intervention.

How to properly perform Hadu gymnastics for the face? Special rules and main norms for the best result.

Khadu gymnastics for the face is popular among women, since special exercises are aimed at correcting the muscles of the neck and face. However, you need to pay utmost attention to the accuracy and precision of performing the exercises; in addition, it is not advisable to abuse and get overly carried away by the instructions. This technique is distinguished by its masculine approach. These exercises themselves are a complete, developed complex, therefore, if you make any changes to it, the consequences can be very undesirable. For example, subcutaneous fat The layer on the face may become excessively thin, causing the face to appear thin and gaunt. If you apply Hadou gymnastics correctly, you will very soon get the desired result.

  1. First you need to warm up your face. To do this, you need to stretch it and then compress it. To stretch, open your jaw slightly, and to contract, squeeze your eyes tightly using your cheeks and eyebrows. Try to feel your facial muscles as much as possible and warm them up thoroughly. At the same time, you can turn your head, just don’t close your eyes.
  2. Facial exercises using the Hadou technique:
  • move your eyebrows down and up, as if frowning and surprised, while speeding up the pace;
  • make a rat's face, first cute, and then evil;
  • pronounce the sound “woo” or “wah”;
  • move your lips left and right.
    Stretch and squeeze your lips and eyes as if you want to scare the mirror, then turn your head. Start speeding up the pace of your exercises by half. Stretch downwards, to do this, bend lower, then repeat the same upwards and to the sides.

Khadu gymnastics for the face is a unique set of rejuvenating exercises. This is one of the most effective alternatives plastic surgery and various innovative developments in the field of cosmetology. The Hadu technique is truly unique; it is designed for a special study of the facial muscles. Of course, the technique has significant differences from similar gymnastics, but it is considered the most effective due to the fact that the person practicing it achieves the desired result in a record short time.

What are the possibilities of gymnastics? Here are the main ones:

  • facial skin rejuvenation;
  • giving the face the correct, attractive contours;
  • normalization of its silhouette.

Let's take a closer look at what Hadu exercises are.

The set of exercises is patented by Zviad Arabuli, a leading specialist in the field of hatha yoga. He developed it over twenty years ago, and has been actively improving it since then. But why did he name his brainchild exactly that – Hadou? The fact is that the ancient Arabuli family traces its roots to the small Georgian village of Khadu, located in the mountains.

According to the author himself, the principle of the technique is the development and harmonization of the body, as well as forcing it to self-heal. You don't need any special equipment to perform these exercises. physical training or special simulators, it is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. The only thing that may be required is good motivation and the desire to train.

Pay attention! At first, the gymnastics described in the article were intended to build muscle mass, which is why she enjoyed considerable popularity among bodybuilders. Over time, it was improved to rejuvenate the body and get rid of many diseases.

Basic principles of the system

The Khadu technique is absolutely safe for health, it is incapable of causing any harm to health (provided that certain rules are followed - for example, you need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, and make all movements slowly and smoothly). It is also worth noting that a person should subconsciously regulate the load - this will protect him from injury.

Below are the basic principles of the anti-aging system.

  1. You need to move slowly, smoothly.
  2. The voltage should be maximum.
  3. Exercises should be performed until the muscle group being trained is completely tired.

Each of these principles is very important; compliance with them is a prerequisite for improving health and harmonious development of the body.

Facial lifting gymnastics – about effectiveness and success

Before proceeding directly to the Hadou exercises, it is necessary to understand a number of important aspects that this gymnastics includes:

  • exercises intensively stimulate facial muscles;
  • they involve significant physical activity;
  • Directly when performed, more intense blood flow is created.

As for significant physical activity, there is nothing surprising here - the technique was developed by a man (by the way, in addition to this Zviad has also created a comprehensive program that is aimed at general development the whole body). It turns out that facial exercises are nothing more than a component of the entire series, but it is this one that is extremely popular among women who want to rejuvenate themselves.

Hadu - easy to perform and effective

Pay attention! The widespread use of Hadu gymnastics is explained by its ease of implementation and effectiveness. Moreover, due to the highest effectiveness of the technique, it can be considered a worthy replacement for plastic surgery and the latest trends in the field of cosmeceuticals and cosmetology.

It follows from this that people are now trying to improve themselves not through artificial intervention, but exclusively using the resources of their own body.

Correct execution of Hadu exercises

It is important that during execution special attention is paid to accuracy. Also, you should not overuse exercises or get too carried away with them, since the technique, as we have already found out, implies a masculine approach to business. In fact, the actions below are a full-fledged and complete complex, therefore, if certain changes are made to them, this can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. For example, a person may reduce the subcutaneous fat on their face too much, causing it to look skinny and gaunt. But if Hadu gymnastics is used correctly, the desired result will soon appear.

Stage one. Preheating

First, the face warms up. For this purpose, it should be compressed/stretched for some time. When squeezed, the eyes close tightly (using the eyebrows and cheeks for this), and when stretched, the jaw opens slightly.

Pay attention! During the procedure, you need to feel the facial muscles as much as possible and warm them up thoroughly. Typically, you are allowed to turn your head, but your eyes should still be open.

Stage two. Directly performing the exercises

After warming up, you can begin the exercises themselves. Below are the most effective, and therefore the most common, of them (for the convenience of visitors, the information is presented in table form).

Table. A set of Hadoo exercises for the face

Surprise and frown
It is necessary to raise/lower your eyebrows, as if frowning and surprised by something. When performing, the tempo needs to be increased.
"Rat Face"
Wow (pronouncing “wow” or Learning English)Nothing complicated, just say “wow” (or, alternatively, you can say “woah”).
Lip movements
The lips must be moved alternately left/right.

* - the exercises are illustrated with photographs of how the creator of the method himself trains the facial muscles.

One more exercise deserves special attention - a certain variation of the already known “We are surprised and frown.” A distinctive feature of the exercise is that it involves the hands. For more details, see the thematic video below.

Video - Exercise for facial muscles

According to Arabuli himself, such manipulations train 60 percent of the motor area of ​​our brain.

Pay attention! Each exercise should be performed 40-60 times daily, gradually increasing the pace.

Hadoo technique and safety rules

If you follow these simple rules, you can not only achieve a rejuvenation effect, but also prevent injuries.

  1. All manipulations, as noted above, must be performed smoothly.
  2. At the initial stages of familiarization with the methodology It is recommended to take short breaks between exercises.
  3. The load on the muscles should increase gradually.
  4. If you experience dizziness or any other discomfort, then you need to take a break to rest. Then the manipulations can be continued. In the near future, the body will adapt to such stress and these difficulties will disappear.
  5. You should breathe smoothly, not jerkily (inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth), while keeping your lips tightly compressed.

And in conclusion - one more good advice. When executing the muscles should seem to stretch to the back of the head. The forehead muscles are also involved in the exercise.

Video – Gymnastics by Zviad Arabuli

Greetings, dear reader! Now we will tell you about wonderful gymnastics, the author of which is Zviad Arabuli. Hadou gymnastics is his brainchild and quite successful. Try it! And you yourself will be surprised how powerful the result will be. In this case, you can get rid of several problems at once.

You will feel lightness in your body, improve blood circulation, and Khadu is also an excellent remedy for weight loss.

It can also be used as a rejuvenating gymnastics, because it can maintain our youth and longevity.

How Hadou gymnastics was born

Zviad Arabuli, a guy from Tbilisi, who at the age of 20 realizes that his health is going downhill.

And if he doesn’t take care of it right away, then later it will be excruciatingly painful for the lost time.

Such thoughts led to the fact that in 1996 he moved to Moscow and received an official patent for the invention of “methods for strengthening human health.”

And he successfully began teaching classes using his own methodology. Then, in 2007, fate brought him to Kyiv, where he began teaching in various fitness centers.

This technique is based on. But it also has similarities with exercises that were used back in Soviet times to restore the health of people who worked in enclosed spaces, for example, astronauts.

You will use all muscle groups, including the deepest ones, which are everyday life are little used by us.

This will improve your overall body endurance, and you will also be able to use large muscles more effectively.

With the Hadou technique, you will become more flexible because each set of exercises takes into account. Which, by the way, has a very beneficial effect on posture and the spine in general. Thus, you can get rid of osteochondrosis or other back problems.

It also contains breathing exercises, which improve heart function, blood flow, and oxygen supply to the body.

Khadu allows you to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Women will especially appreciate the tightening and strengthening effect after performing such gymnastics.

After all, with age or after childbirth it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of a tummy, but this technique will improve your well-being and your reflection in the mirror. But facial exercises will perfectly tighten the skin and delay age-related changes.

Gymnastics Hadou - basic complex

There is enough large number exercises. But we suggest you first master the basic complex.

This is a set of blitz exercises that includes the basic part of Hadou gymnastics. It will take you no more than 18 minutes.

Do not forget to control your breathing during each exercise - it should be deep enough.

And also prerequisite correct execution there is a tense press. Literally immediately you will feel a surge of strength. According to reviews from people who have already tried this technique, after 2 months you can feel a significant improvement in your well-being.

Hadou gymnastics for the face

At first glance, this may seem like a joke, but in fact, the same principle of engaging sleeping muscles is involved here. Try it, and you will immediately feel how long it has been since you worked for you

We wish you to always be in in great shape. We look forward to meeting you on our website.