Restoration of the spine according to Dikul. Valentin Dikul: exercises for the back and a complex of morning exercises from a famous doctor

Restoring the functions of the spine after a fracture is quite difficult. But strengthening muscle corset makes this a reality. Dikul’s technique for spinal diseases is aimed at relieving pain and restoring a person’s mobility, sometimes helping to avoid disability. The author himself experienced all the hardships of a diseased spine, returning from complete immobility to normal life.

What is the essence of Dikul’s technique?

The muscular corset supports our spine, and if it does this poorly, then the spinal column has no chance of recovery. Therefore you need to create optimal conditions to restore the functions of the spine, namely, to restore the optimal condition of the muscles (strengthen weak ones and relax tense ones). Or, as the author says, distribute energy. Moderate loads contribute to the fact that the blood in the vessels does not stagnate, and this in turn allows you to nourish all the internal organs and the spinal column. Sclerotization of the intervertebral discs creates conditions for the development of osteochondrosis and the formation of a hernial protrusion. The Dikul technique for spinal osteochondrosis also allows you to release the pinched nerve, which is the cause of pain. Restoring joint mobility and returning to a full life is the main goal.

Dikul system: principles of restoration

  • The main thing to understand is that these exercises are not intended for the gym, and we are not trying to achieve sporting achievements. This therapeutic exercises, which must be performed in doses, in strict sequence, which is the key to the success of recovery.
  • Exercises cannot be interchanged.
  • It is necessary to perform the exercises consistently, without changing their order and degree of load (first, we “work out” simple ones for a long time, then move on to more complex ones). The load cannot be increased.
  • It is possible and even necessary to reduce the load if you feel pain or find it difficult to exercise. Do a lighter version of the exercises. Over time, you will cope with the required number of repetitions and achieve required execution exercises.
  • Be sure to follow the number of repetitions in each exercise according to Dikul’s treatment method.
  • Between approaches we take a break - rest for 2-3 minutes.
  • Take it slow and smooth movements with the same speed and amplitude.
  • If you think that the load is too small, do not increase the number of repetitions, but use additional equipment: rubber bands, weights (at the legs), dumbbells. The muscles should feel the load.
  • Dikul teaches breathing according to the following system: when tense, inhale, when relaxed, exhale, do not hold your breath.
  • Exercise regularly, that is, every other day, and not from time to time.
  • Belief in success must be present! Positive attitude and fortitude help to cope with difficulties, the result does not always appear quickly, so do the exercises methodically and do not allow the muscles to atrophy.

Dikul's technique in action

The Dikul technique for diseases of the spine, such as hernia, allows you to get rid of back pain, flabby muscles tone, restore blood supply (and nutrition) to the spine. By studying according to the Dikul system, you can return to a full life.

The technique is also useful for the prevention of back diseases. Physical inactivity helps to weaken the muscle corset, thereby increasing the load on the spinal column. The muscles should “hold” the spine, and not “hang” on it, creating the preconditions for the formation of protrusions and hernias, and curvature of the vertebrae. The Dikul system is designed even for children and does not require special equipment. Ease of execution accessible to everyone. The main thing is to do it regularly.

To restore weak back and neck muscles, a special complex was developed by Valentin Dikul: exercises for osteochondrosis must be done daily, then they will give good results. Dikul gymnastics for cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis can, if desired, be combined with power loads, which allow you to relieve tension from your back and restore the vertebrae. It is recommended to start exercising after the recommendation of a doctor and under the guidance of a competent specialist.

Dikul's technique has become very widespread throughout the world. This system has officially existed since 1990 (it was registered in the patent office), and during this relatively short period of time, a huge number of people got rid of or significantly reduced the manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis. And many have avoided disability as a result of serious and advanced stages of the disease.

Indications for the technique

A set of exercises by Valentin Dikul is indicated for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • functional disorder of the spine;
  • compression fracture of the spine;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • Cerebral palsy, and such pathologies in adults are practically not amenable to treatment with this method;
  • functional disorders of joints and large vessels.

Contraindications to the technique

Like every treatment, the Dikul technique has contraindications, but there are not many of them. Exercises should not be performed if there are pain symptoms. If there is persistent pain, then you should refrain from exercise until the pain goes away.

Dikul exercises should not be done by people who have compression or body syndrome. In all these cases, osteochondrosis must be treated in other ways.

Types of exercises

Here are some exercises that are recommended to be performed for osteochondrosis:

  1. From a kneeling position, leaning on outstretched arms. Raise your head slightly and exhale, lower your buttocks to your heels, then inhale and bend forward. Do the exercise slowly, repeat 10 times. Whenever pain it is necessary to reduce the range of motion.
  2. Same starting position. You need to connect your knees and lower your pelvis first to one side, then to the other, trying to plant your buttocks on the floor. At the same time, the feet are pressed tightly to the floor, the movement must be performed 15 times in each direction. If pain prevents you from sitting your buttocks on the floor, you should do the exercise until pain appears.
  3. The situation is the same. Make arbitrary swings of your legs to the sides and back.
  4. From the same position, while inhaling, you need to bend your back down as low as possible, and as you exhale, bend it up. Repeat this exercise 15–20 times.
  5. Lie on your back, arms extended along the body, knees bent and pressed together. Lower your knees to the left and then to the right, without lifting your hands from the floor. The amplitude of the exercise depends on the occurrence of pain; ideally, the knees should touch the floor.
  6. Remaining in a lying position, clasp 1 leg with your hands and press it tightly to your stomach, then do the same with the other leg. If pain does not bother you, press both knees to your stomach at the same time.
  7. Push-ups. The knees are connected, the chin is slightly raised, the rise is done while inhaling. If a person is physically developed enough, you can rise on your toes.

There are separate complexes exercises that are designed for each part of the spine. In addition, for hernial formations there is also its own method of exercise.

Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor when choosing a complex; only he can tell you exactly which exercises will be useful and effective in a particular case. At first, it is advisable to do the exercises with an instructor.

This way the patient will learn to do them correctly, and the instructor can also adjust some exercises to suit the characteristics of his body.

What can you achieve with exercise?

By performing exercises according to Valentin Dikul’s method, blood circulation improves, pain goes away, oxygen supplies the brain in sufficient quantities, and normalization occurs. blood pressure. Exercises help correct posture, restore sensitivity to the upper limbs and eliminate osteochondrosis completely. If necessary, exercises can be supplemented with drug treatment.

Dikul's gymnastics for cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis is considered the most effective complex that is guaranteed to rehabilitate problematic segments of the spine and returns the patient’s ability to move normally. In addition, the system of exercises is aimed at relieving pain symptoms and strengthening the entire body as a whole.

There are some rules that must be followed to achieve the maximum effect from exercise therapy:

  1. The number of approaches must be performed in the quantity in which they are recommended; you should not be too zealous and overload your body too much intensive training. It is worth preparing the body for increasing approaches gradually, otherwise the result may be the opposite.
  2. You need to exercise regularly, it is best to do it every other day, giving your body and muscles a rest.
  3. It is necessary to achieve a full range of motion, each exercise is aimed at a specific muscle group. However, if you can’t immediately perform the full amplitude, you don’t need to force it, but each time you need to increase the amplitude at least a little.
  4. You should not do the exercises abruptly or jerkily. The entire complex is designed based on slow and smooth movements.

  • biostimulants - Humisol.
  • Any medications must be prescribed by a doctor and selected individually; the course of treatment and dosage are also determined by a specialist.

    At the same time, it is worth taking into account individual intolerance to some components of the drugs, therefore, if the condition worsens, the patient must consult a doctor to reduce the dosage of the drug or completely discontinue it.

    Valentin Dikul, a highly qualified and world-famous specialist in the field of spinal problems, is confident that strength training for spinal diseases is not only not contraindicated, but also necessary. Only long-term exercises with elements of power load can relieve muscle tension from the back, as well as restore and realign the vertebrae.

    Dikul gymnastics for osteochondrosis is becoming more and more popular every day. This is due to the fact that among the most common diseases on the planet, the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which includes serious disorders of the spine, occupies one of the first places. And over time, the number of people with this diagnosis only increases.

    Among the diseases that affect people over 20 years of age are: widespread have spinal diseases, and spinal treatment using the Dikul method is an excellent help in combating them. Osteochondrosis causes many inconveniences. Changes in the spine that affect the intervertebral discs lead to its deformation and even dissection.
    It is noteworthy that if this disease is not treated, but left to chance, it will negatively affect the work of some internal organs. In turn, diseases of internal organs can also cause osteochondrosis.

    Causes of osteochondrosis

    There are many reasons that provoke the development of osteochondrosis. Previously, it was believed that such a disease appears only in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, i.e. mainly in humans mental work. But this is far from true. Symptoms of osteochondrosis can occur even among adherents of an active lifestyle who regularly play sports.
    The main causes of the disease:

    1. Weakened back muscles.
    2. Vertebral injuries.
    3. Slouch.
    4. Curvature of the spine.
    5. Working with heavy objects.
    6. Constantly uncomfortable posture.

    You can get rid of this disease using Valentin Dikul’s system of therapeutic exercises. The methods of this gymnastics are truly capable of working miracles.

    Valentin Ivanovich Dikul

    This man became famous thanks to the system he developed for treating musculoskeletal disorders. He tested this system personally on himself. In his youth, he received an injury that seemed to completely put an end to his ability to move normally. Doctors gave the worst prognosis and were sure that the young man would never be able to regain his capacity. However, thanks to his persistence and hours of daily exercise, Dikul was able to prove that a cure was possible.
    Dikul's technique is based on constant physical exercises that are aimed at restoring spinal cord cells. At one time, such exercises helped Dikul himself make significant progress in the fight against the disease.
    The recovery process takes a very long period of time. But the results that come from training are worth the time spent.
    A set of exercises developed by Valentin Ivanovich helps very well in the treatment of osteochondrosis. A system of exercises with strength loads is included in the complex of therapeutic gymnastics. First, this is general strengthening adaptive exercise therapy, which smoothly transitions into more complex exercises. It is very good if such a course of treatment takes place under the supervision of a qualified instructor. But if there is no specialist, it is quite possible to perform all the exercises yourself.
    Gymnastics according to the Dikul method includes:

    • stretching exercises;
    • establishing proper breathing;
    • relaxation techniques after exercise.

    Contraindications to the Dikul technique

    A huge advantage of the exercises developed by Dikul is that they have a minimum of contraindications. Nevertheless, they exist. For example, contraindications for cervical osteochondrosis the following:

    • temperature above 37.5°C;
    • cerebral circulatory disorders;
    • persistent pain syndromes;
    • compression syndrome.

    In these cases, it is better to refrain from active physical activity, and treat osteochondrosis in other ways. Any disease can be overcome. Sometimes it is very difficult, but the most insurmountable obstacles recede when faced with willpower and a firm decision to be healthy. The main thing is to believe in yourself and the capabilities of your body!

    How to cure osteochondrosis?

    Currently, there are a huge number of different methods and methods for treating spinal injuries, but one of the most popular in our country is effective complex exercises by Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. This technique helps in almost 100% of cases to help eliminate defects in the structure of the spine.
    One of the most serious back diseases is osteochondrosis, which results in changes in the condition of the intervertebral discs. A significant cause of the disease may be the rudimentary nature of the muscle corset, which must serve as an assistant to the back in working with the intervertebral discs. One of the most effective ways treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis is therapeutic exercises, allowing people to return to a full life.
    A huge number of people were able to get rid of back pain thanks to Dikul’s gymnastics. During exercise, blood circulation in all muscles of the body (especially the spinal muscles) noticeably improves, metabolism is normalized, which is also important.
    Therapeutic gymnastics helps restore the strength and functionality of the muscle corset and has a beneficial effect on the mental state.
    For the treatment of osteochondrosis in the Dikul system, there is a special set of exercises with some features and requirements, subject to which you can completely restore your health.

    Treatment of the spine using the Dikul method and its features

    This technique is one of the most widespread technologies even on a global scale. Dikul gymnastics has existed for 10 years, and during this relatively short period of time, about 7 thousand people were able to completely recover from a disease such as osteochondrosis, and about 5 thousand of them had the opportunity to master this technique on their own. Gymnastics not only allows patients to return to full activity, but also gives people the opportunity to avoid disability.
    Valentin Ivanovich Dikul, Doctor of Medical Sciences, in the past he himself experienced a serious illness that could have led him to disability, but with the help of perseverance and ingenuity he was able to return to active life and develop your own methods for treating back diseases.

    Subsequently, Valentin Ivanovich became the author of a huge number of exercise sets to help treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system for people with the most terrible diagnoses.
    If during the recovery period the patient does not perform the recommended set of exercises with the help of a physical therapy specialist, the risk of muscle atrophy increases markedly, and the ligament apparatus becomes flabby. It will be extremely difficult for the body to recover. If the patient maintains muscle tone, then he has every opportunity to recover from any back disease.

    Massage and gymnastics will stimulate recovery nervous system on the affected area.

    Valentin Dikul – developer unique technique rehabilitation of patients after severe injuries. The originality of the teaching is in the direction of human efforts to restore the functions of the body. Joint gymnastics Dikulya– this is not just a set of specific exercises. This is a healthcare system backed by detail. personal experience and knowledge, successfully demonstrated in practice.

    Popularity of Dikul gymnastics

    Dikul’s joint gymnastics is popular among patients and people who care about their health. Valentin Ivanovich himself was able to recover from a compression fracture of the spine and return to a full life. Numerous followers of the unique technique obtain amazing results in restoring the functions of the spine.

    To prevent the tree from breaking, it is given support. A muscular corset serves as such a support for the spine. Without movement, muscles atrophy and lose elasticity. The spinal column is deprived of support, and this is a direct path to osteochondrosis and scoliosis. The mobility of bones, discs and large joints sharply decreases. , which often gives into the hand or.

    Relieving muscle blockade and strengthening the muscle corset is the goal of complex treatment of spinal diseases such as disc herniation, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and others. This therapy is used in rehabilitation centers. The basis of the basics is physical therapy. Due to the loads, spasms in damaged areas of the spine are relieved. So fast and effective recovery possible when training on special simulators. After eliminating the cause of pain, the patient begins next stage– creation and strengthening of the muscular frame.

    Who is indicated for joint gymnastics?

    • curvature of the spine.

    Shown gymnastics complex and for prevention purposes, people over 35 years of age who suffer from physical inactivity. It will be useful for those whose activities involve standing for long periods of time. The effect of training appears gradually, the first results are noted after some time with regular training.

    Objectives of joint gymnastics

    A systematic approach to performing exercises provides a person with the necessary loads. Thanks to this effect on the body, patients note the following physical and moral results:

    • strengthening the muscles of the back and abs;
    • decrease ;
    • rejuvenation of the body;
    • strengthening and development of joints;
    • spine flexibility;
    • fight against excess weight;
    • increased vitality;
    • strengthening the nervous system;
    • normalization of metabolic processes;
    • increased activity;
    • surge of strength.

    Dikul gymnastics is indicated for patients of all ages, has almost no contraindications, and takes a minimum of time. The full complex includes:

    • manual procedures;
    • one of two sets of physical activity;
    • physiotherapy;
    • drinking regime.

    To get lasting, long-lasting results, you need to be patient. First positive effect will appear after 3-4 months of regular training.


    Complex physical exercise has some contraindications. These include:

    • oncological diseases;
    • infectious diseases in the acute phase of their course;
    • cerebrovascular accidents.
    • heart problems;
    • severe stage nervous system diseases;
    • body temperature above 37.5;
    • pronounced compression of the spine.

    If the patient has a history of urolithiasis or epilepsy, classes must be started with the permission of a doctor.

    Complex of joint gymnastics

    The Dikul joint complex is divided into two types. The purpose of the first is to support joints and develop muscles. It is recommended to be performed daily in the morning and evening; it is suitable for the patient’s rehabilitation period. The first complex is divided into two parts: in the morning the legs and back are trained, in the evening – the arms, stomach and chest. A systematic approach strengthens the muscle corset. For the first three months you are allowed to exercise without weights. Exercises are performed smoothly, with even breathing. Number of repetitions – 10-15 times without stopping, 6 approaches.

    The goal of the second type of gymnastics is to develop the flexibility and elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. It is more complex than the first and is approved for use by patients with reconstructed joints. Exercise helps strengthen individual muscle groups. As you get used to the loads, you need to use weights and counterweights. Additional weight, like the complex itself, is selected individually.

    A set of exercises to relieve acute pain

    It is performed when the pain is still severe and there is limited mobility in the lower back, neck, and when walking. The pace of classes is slow and smooth. None special simulators and no equipment is required for this.

    1. Starting position – standing on your knees. Arms straight, head looking forward. As you exhale, lower your buttocks onto your heels. Exhale as you bend forward. Repeat up to 12 times. The pace is slow; try not to rush. If pain occurs, the amplitude can be reduced.
    2. Do not change body position. Knees together, chin raised. Rotate both legs from side to side. Breathing is voluntary.
    3. The starting position is the same. Raise your chin, knees together, feet on the floor. Smoothly lower the pelvis to one side until slight pain occurs, then smoothly to the other.
    4. In the same position, bend your lower back down, throwing your head high, and push it up, lowering your chin to your chest.
    5. Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Slowly lower your knees to the right, left. Do not lift your back from the floor. Repeat up to 10-12 times.
    6. From the same position, alternately pull your knee to your stomach with both hands. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat up to 10-12 times.

    Basic exercises of the complex

    1. Starting position – lying on your back. Turn the thigh of the left leg all the way. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Return to previous position. Repeat for the second thigh. When performing, try to keep your torso motionless.
    2. Without rising from the floor, spread your legs to the sides. As you inhale, turn your body to one side to the limit, freeze for 3-5 seconds, exhale. Turn in the other direction, observing the breathing pattern.
    3. Stay in the same position, straighten your legs. Pull your socks towards you until they stop. Perform several sliding movements with your toes to the right, then to the left, straining your feet. Do not lift the body off the floor.
    4. Starting position - lying on your back, legs straightened, spread to the sides. Cross your arms over your chest, clasping your shoulders tightly with your palms. Bend left and right from the starting position, fixing the body for 3-5 seconds in the lower position.
    5. Roll over onto your stomach, stretch your arms along your body, palms up. Raise your shoulders and legs without using your limbs. Fix the body in the limit position for 3-5 seconds.
    6. The exercise is performed standing. Bend forward, arching your back parallel to the floor.

    Exercise therapy classes according to Dikul require a sufficient number of repetitions. The training pace is moderate and smooth. The body relaxes, muscles stretch and tense. Compliance with the rules of exercise gives a positive effect from gymnastics.

    Muscle strengthening complex

    Exercises to create and strengthen the muscle corset should be performed in a specialized gym. The complex includes:

    1. Pull the lower block to the stomach. It has two goals: it stretches the lumbar region and creates a muscle corset.
    2. Horizontal leg press - for building muscle mass in the leg area and alignment of the pelvic spines. Indicated for combating by stretching the lumbar region and working out the abs.
    3. Traction vertical block to yourself. Works a lot of the muscles of the upper back, relieves axial load and stretches the spine upward.
    4. Sitting with dumbbells (minimum weight). Hands are lowered, while inhaling, spread to the sides, place dumbbells at shoulder level. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Number of repetitions - 15-20 times, 1-2 approaches. The upper spine and shoulder girdle are worked out.
    5. From the same position. Hands with dumbbells are lowered. As you exhale, raise the dumbbells in front of you at shoulder level and fix them, turn your hands horizontally, and lower them as you exhale. The number of repetitions is 15-20. If pain occurs, reduce the amplitude. The rotation of the brushes is carried out in shoulder joints, and not in the elbows.

    Complex of joint gymnastics for the elderly

    Joint gymnastics is designed to prepare the body for stress, balance it, strengthen ligaments, tendons, and muscles. During exercise, the hormone of happiness is released in the body, mood improves, energy and vitality increase. This is especially necessary for older people. A special complex of joint gymnastics has been developed for them.

    1. Lying on your back, straighten your legs. Bend one leg, placing it behind the knee of the other. Change by performing the exercise in the other direction. At the initial stage, 5 repetitions are enough. Gradually increase their number, bringing up to 20 repetitions with each leg.
    2. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Slowly move your knees apart different sides trying to reach the floor with them. Start with 5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 20.
    3. Standing facing the wall, rest your hands on it. Alternately perform rotations with straight legs. Don't make the circle too big. When performing, you need to warm up your joints and not strain your muscles.
    4. Lying on my back lower limbs pull forward. Raise your legs one by one to a vertical position, fixing each at the top for 10 seconds.
    5. Lie on your stomach face down, place your hands behind your head. When lifting your torso up, spread your arms to the sides. The number of repetitions is 5-20 depending on physical fitness.
    6. Perform the exercise while lying on your stomach. Bend your arms at the elbows and place your palms under your chin. Raise your legs one by one.
    7. Lie on your side and perform 10 leg swings. Then 10 leg rotations hip joint. Repeat everything for the second leg.
    8. Lie on your back, straighten your lower limbs. Alternately pull the leg bent at the knee towards your chin. The number of repetitions is 10-20 for each leg.
    9. To warm up the neck muscles. Sit on the floor. Place your head first on one shoulder, then on the other. In the same way, tilt your head forward and backward. The pace is slow and smooth.
    10. Sitting on a chair, turn your body, reaching your arms back. Perform in one direction, then the other.

    The same exercises are used in a complex for beginners, but the execution of each is doubled. The author of the technique himself is an example of recovery and return to normal life after a severe spinal injury. Joint gymnastics according to Dikul gives results with a systematic approach.

    Dikul's technique, if we consider its main direction - the treatment of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias - this is a therapeutic process of dynamic traction of the spine and strengthening of muscles (primarily the back) according to an individual program using special rehabilitation equipment (TechnoGym), aimed at forming one’s own muscle corset with an emphasis on problem areas .

    The second, no less important, area of ​​our work is the correction of scoliosis of varying severity, kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis, posture correction, especially in adolescents. In this case it is used Dikul's technique aimed at restoring muscle symmetry

    Initial contact with the Center (initial consultation) includes the following stages:

    • Examination by a doctor: neurologist or traumatologist-orthopedist
    • Consultation with doctors of other specialties (as indicated).
    • Computer-optical diagnostics, which allows assessing the imbalance of the muscular corset, the presence of overstrain zones and the parameters of spinal curvature.
    • Exercise test. Test exercises are selected based on computer-optical diagnostic data and taking into account the patient’s diagnosis and complaints. The response to a particular load is recorded and evaluated. Subsequently, this data is used to compile individual program exercise therapy classes.
    • Consultation with a physical therapy doctor (based on test results).
    • Final appointment with a neurologist (orthopedic traumatologist). Determining a treatment plan. Recommendations.

    To clarify the diagnosis, the patient may be prescribed additional examination:

    • Magnetic resonance imaging
    • Computed tomography
    • Ultrasonography and ultrasound diagnostics
    • Densitometry

    Therapeutic process.

    The program includes: classes on special rehabilitation equipment (TechnoGym), physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, additional procedures as prescribed by the doctor (massage, manual therapy, acupuncture, etc.).

    The basic course of treatment includes 3 cycles of 12 sessions, the main element of which is sessions on rehabilitation equipment with regular adjustments to the program.

    The main goal of the course is to strengthen the muscle corset and create a “decompression effect” on problem areas of the spine and, as a result, relieve (reduce) pain, increase the range of motion in the joints, increase the flexibility of the spine and the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus.

    • The course of treatment includes gymnastics prescribed by a physical therapy doctor.
    • Joint gymnastics
    • Breathing therapeutic exercises
    • Yoga therapy gymnastics aimed at increasing flexibility and mobility of the spine and joints.
    • Pilates gymnastics aimed at relaxing the muscles of the back, upper and lower extremities.

    During the treatment period, the patient is engaged in each sector of the rehabilitation room under the supervision of an instructor. physical therapy who teaches the patient correct technique performing exercises. Correction of the program and dosing of physical activity is carried out by a physical therapy doctor. To assess the effectiveness of treatment, computer-optical diagnostics are repeated at sessions 6 and 12.

    Treatment is prescribed taking into account the characteristics of the main and concomitant diseases of each patient and includes (if indicated), in addition to classes in the rehabilitation room, sessions manual therapy, dry traction, acupuncture, physiotherapeutic procedures, shock wave therapy, massage, etc. General monitoring of the patient’s condition and the dynamics of treatment is carried out by the attending physician (neurologist or orthopedist-traumatologist)

    The treatment methods of V.I. Dikul allow people not only to get rid of pain, but also to significantly improve their quality of life.

    “...If you don’t take care of your spine, then soon it will take care of you.”
    V. I. Dikul