Air rifle shooting competition. Careful preparation and extreme concentration! GTO standards for air rifle shooting

Bullet shooting - a type of shooting sport in which shooting is carried out with a bullet from pneumatic, small-caliber and large-caliber rifles and pistols. It is divided into pistol shooting, rifle shooting, and rifle shooting at a moving target. Shooting can be done lying down, standing or kneeling.

The shooting sports school was opened in 1986 as part of the rowing sports school for youth sports school of the Moscow Sports Committee. In the period from September 1986 to March 1987, in the semi-basement of the Borisovo sports complex, without the involvement of contractors, work was carried out to build a shooting range with 7 shooting stations at a distance of 25 m for shooting from small-caliber weapons and 5 shooting stations at a distance of 10 m for shooting from air guns. Storage room has been equipped firearms and ammunition, a number of other necessary premises. The first groups were recruited in November and December 1986.

The goal of the school is to train high-class athletes who are capable of becoming candidates for the sports teams of the city of Moscow and Russian Federation.

During the work of the school, multiple winners and prize-winners of Championships and Championships of Russia, Europe and the world have been trained:

Laburets Ekaterina(MS): 3rd PE (Sofia-1992), 1st and 3rd PE (Brno-1993), 3rd PM (Milan-1994), multiple winner of PR and CR,

Petrukhova Irina(MSMK): 1st PE (Wroclaw-1994), 1st PE (Helsinki-1995), multiple winner of PR and All-Russian competitions,

Movsikova Svetlana(MSMK): 3rd PE (Wroclaw-1994), 3rd PE (Zurich-1995), 2nd PE (Helsinki-1995), multiple winner of PR and all-Russian competitions,

Khimkova Lyubov(MS): 3rd PE (Sofia-1996), 3rd PE (Finland-1997), multiple PR winner, prize-winner and finalist of the CR,

Kanochkin Peter(MS): 2nd PM (Barcelona-1998), 2nd PE (Denmark-1999), champion of Russia-2012, multiple winner of PR,

Aleynikov Evgeniy(ZMS): bronze medalist of the Olympic Games (Sydney 2000), 3rd World Championship (Lahti 2002), world record as part of a team, Multiple Champion Europe, Russia,

Dryagin Alexander(MSMK) 3m PE (Norway-2010), 2m CR-2011, 1m KR-2011.

Ryzhikh Anastasia(MS): 1st PE (Italy-2012), 2-time winner of PR-2012, 1st PE individually and in a team (Croatia-2013), multiple winner and prize-winner of the Russian Championships.

Luginets Nazar(MSMK): champion of the Universiade 2013, champion of Russia 2013, champion of Europe 2013,

multiple Champion and medalist of the Czech Republic, winner of the Russian Cup.

A number of winners of the Russian Championships among boys and girls, and prize-winners of the Russian Championships among juniors have been prepared.

36 athletes - Candidate of Masters, more than 80 people - 1st category, large number mass athletes

For 2012-13, 8 athletes are included in the Russian national team of the main and youth composition: Sushko Anna(MSMK), Luginets Nazar(MSMK), Dryagin Alexander(MSMK), Kirillov Artem(MSMK), Khimkova Lyubov(MS), Kanochkin Peter(MS), Ryzhikh Anastasia(MS), Titova Margarita(KMS).

Today the school has 5 trainers:

Aleynikov E.V.(ZMS), Levshin A.A.(ZTR), Boyko E.I.(2 cat.), Vasilchenko S.G.(highest category), Maleeva E.S.(2 cat.

"MGFSO" of Moskomsport occupies a leading position in Moscow in the training of high-class shooting athletes. The school expects a serious improvement in the development of bullet shooting in the structure of MGFSO and the city of Moscow, with a view to 2013-2020.

These types of weapons were used in the first competitions. With the creation of firearms, bullet shooting competitions began to take place. The earliest of them date back to the 14th century. just like the first uniform rules.

Since 1896, bullet shooting has been included in the Olympic program. At first only men were allowed to participate in the Games, but in 1996 women also joined them.

Historical facts:
  • The first shooting championship was held by the Germans in Augsburg in 1432, which contributed to the popularization of this sport.
  • In 1859, the first society of shooting enthusiasts began its work in England. And in 1860 an open tournament was held between them.
  • The Swiss were the first to organize accuracy competitions. They have been held in the form of shooting festivals since 1452. This tradition has been preserved by them even today.
  • In the United States, bullet shooting spread in 1873, and shooting communities opened in literally every city.
  • The first shooting competitions in Russia took place in 1898 in Khabarovsk. Since that time, tournaments have been held every year in different areas, including the army.
Types of bullet shooting
The discipline includes shooting from:
  • Pistol.
  • Rifles.
  • Rifles at a moving target.

The weapons used are pneumatic, small- and large-caliber. Targets are made in a printing house on a white, dense material that preserves the hole from being hit by a bullet without serious damage to its edges. However, at global competitions, electronic installations are used, where hits are assessed using modern automatic methods.

Bullet shooting involves several levels of competition: both regional and international, up to European and world championships. The development of the discipline is carried out by the International Shooting Sports Federation. According to the rules established by her, shooters compete in a number of exercises: 15 for men and 9 for women. The mandatory Olympic program includes 4 men's, 4 women's and 2 mixed exercises.

Rifle shooting

Shooting is carried out from rifles of three types:
  • Pneumatic (4.5 mm).
  • Small-caliber (5.6 mm).
  • Large-caliber (from 6.5 mm).

IN Olympic program firing from pneumatic guns and small-caliber rifles is activated. There are only two distances: 50 and 10 m, shooting is carried out from three positions separately by women's and men's teams. There is also a mixed exercise at a 10-meter distance.

Shooting positions:
  • Lying down - the athlete rests his elbows on the ground and holds the rifle in his hands. A right-hander uses his right shoulder as a support, and a left-hander, accordingly, uses his left.
  • From the knee - the shooter stands on one knee, resting his elbow on it.
  • Standing - the weapon is in the shooter’s hands, with support placed on the right shoulder and chest.
Pistol shooting

Pistols are used in the same types as rifles. The most powerful ones have a caliber from 7.62 to 9.65 mm. When shooting, only one position is used - standing, with the weapon in an outstretched hand. The distance varies from 10 to 50 m.

Shooting at a moving target

It is a series of shots fired at a moving target from a distance of 10 or 50 m. At a distance of 50 m, a small-caliber rifle is used, and at 10 m, an air rifle is used. Target in this exercise double - right and left, with a black apple in the middle for aiming. The target moves from one side to the other, passing the “window” in 2.5-5 s. The shooter must fire the shot exactly at the moment of passing the window.

Contraindications for bullet shooting
There are no serious contraindications for practicing bullet shooting. The exceptions are:
  • Acute and chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Severe myopia.
Benefits of classes:
  • Strengthening the body. It is especially important for children and adolescents: the first stage of shooting training involves general physical training, which has a beneficial effect on health. In process special training The muscles of the arms, back, chest and legs are actively involved. This helps keep the body in good shape.
  • Formation of emotional stability. Shooting helps develop great balance, concentration and self-control. Shooters learn to disengage from everything that happens around them and act calmly.
  • Possibility of long sports career. Children from 10 years of age are allowed to participate in classes. There is no upper age limit - you can practice shooting until you are old, including competing in competitions.
  • Low risk of injury. It is very difficult to get injured in shooting. This possibility exists only if the weapon is handled incorrectly, and even then such cases are very rare.
  • Increasing responsibility in relation to weapons. Future shooters are also trained in safety and proper handling of weapons. Classes develop the awareness that a rifle or pistol is not a toy and requires a serious attitude.
Disadvantages of the sport

Due to the high cost of equipment necessary for classes and lack of government funding sports schools the costs of purchasing weapons fall on the students themselves (or their parents).

Due to the high financial cost, bullet shooting is in less demand among young people and children. More popular team sport- or, as well as disciplines that involve working on the body.

Shooting does not give quick results from training. This is a long-term sport, and few people agree to do it their whole life. The first victories can be won in 20-25 years, and this does not at all attract lovers of quick fame.

Truth and fiction

Those who are not too aware of what bullet shooting is often have a very distorted idea about it, mostly associated with various stereotypes.

Here are the most important misconceptions:
  1. Shooting is dangerous. Not at all. First of all, this is a sport, and in sports there are always strict rules, one of the main points of which is compliance with safety regulations. Instructions on it are carried out before the start of classes and are repeated more than once during the training process. Before participating in the tournament, shooters even sign a special report stating that they received safety instructions. And all responsibility for what happens in the future rests with them. Classes are supervised by instructors, and at competitions athletes are supervised by judges. If necessary, they take all necessary measures, including removing the participant from the competition. Before competitions, a mandatory inspection of equipment is carried out to ensure compliance with established requirements. All of the above measures minimize the risk of accidental injury.
  2. Shooting is a way to have fun. Athletes have a completely different opinion. For them, a weapon is an inventory that must be handled competently and carefully. There are no professional people who come just to shoot for fun. Much attention is paid to the study of technology and the development of certain psychological qualities. For this, special simulators are used. Beginners are not given ammunition during the first months of training - they work “idle”, mastering basic elements, accustoming your body to a position that is not entirely natural for it when shooting.
  3. Bullet shooting is an unpopular discipline. This is not entirely true. It is less popular than team sport because it is not as actively promoted. And yet, shooting has status Olympic sports, and the national team has considerable achievements on this front. So, in 2016 at summer olympics our shooters received 1 silver and 2 bronze. In addition to international competitions, competitions are held annually in many cities. There are also active shooting societies on a regional scale.

Bullet shooting develops concentration, discipline, and self-confidence. The shooter knows how to handle a weapon and does not see it as a toy, but shooting as entertainment. He understands that the result depends only on him, and there are no other team members who can help him. If a parent wants to see their child balanced, with great willpower and a desire to win, then such a sport will probably be the best choice.

Raising a healthy nation is one of the main and most important tasks each state.

That is why the Russian Federation has developed a program and regulatory framework physical education called “Ready for labor and defense” (GTO).

This program includes a number physical exercise based on strength, dexterity, coordination, accuracy, and intended to develop a love for sports among the population.

GTO shooting rules

Shooters can shoot from different distances. For example, if the shooter belongs to the third stage, he fires from 5 meters, while participants with a higher rank - from 10 meters.

Guns must be loaded strictly on the judge’s command, as well as firing. If these rules are not followed, the shot is not counted.

Shooting is allowed from several positions:

  • while standing at the counter, fully standing;
  • sitting, leaning against the counter.

GTO standard for air rifle shooting

The GTO test program includes shooting from air rifle. However, this type of test is not mandatory, and the participant can refuse altogether. This standard can be taken within the framework of the third and ninth steps for age groups from 11 to 59 years old.

For schoolchildren

For persons school age related to the first and second stages (under 11 years old) there are no air rifle tests. Schoolchildren related to the third stage (over 11 years old) pass the standard for shooting from an air rifle from a distance 5 meters.

Photo 1. A schoolgirl over eleven years old fulfills the GTO standards for shooting with an air rifle.

For women

Significant differences between the GTO standards for air rifle shooting men and women do not.


Men fire from a distance 10 meters. Taking the test is allowed up to 59 years old.

What competitions are held

Air rifle shooting competitions have certain regulations and procedures.


Competitions can be local, regional and international level.

All competitions in this discipline must be held in specially equipped shooting ranges, shooting ranges, training grounds or in any other specialized premises.

Every month there is a new tournament. In general, the order of competition includes next steps:

  • participants' application;
  • qualifying round;
  • conducting briefings;
  • holding competitions in shooting from pneumatic weapons.

Important! Internal competition order may change at discretion panel of judges or the organizing committee.

Goals and objectives

Competitions are held in order to popularize shooting sports in the Russian Federation among the younger and older generations, as well as to develop patriotism and strong-willed qualities among those participating. The calculation is made that the participants will subsequently be at professional level defend the homeland.

It is based on propaganda healthy image life, defense of the fatherland, and also formation of shooting skills and the will to win.

Basic rules

Each participant has three test shots, the result of which is not included in the report card. Next, the arrow is given 5 shots, for which it is allocated 10 minutes. The shooter also has three minute preparation before starting the test.

Photo 2. Air gun brand IZH-38. Similar weapons are used in shooting competitions.

The fire is carried out from pneumatic weapons of the brand VP(type IZH-38, IZH-60, MR-512, IZH-32, MR-532, MLG, DIANA) standing or sitting. The distance to the target depends on the rank of the participants. For the third degree, fire is fired from five meters, for the rest - from ten meters. The organizer provides weapons for performing the test.

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For competitions, a shooting range or other site is used, which must meet the requirements of the competition. A shooting range or area includes the following elements:

  • line of fire, as well as position for firing;
  • a line or series of targets;
  • a specially fenced area where participants prepare;
  • a storage room where rifles, ammunition, medals or other items used in competitions are stored;
  • area for the panel of judges.

The line of fire itself should be divided into two zones:

  • The firing line itself, with positions for shooters, is up to one meter wide and one and a half meters deep.
  • An area for coaching staff, competition leaders, and spectators. In this case, the territory must be separated by a barrier from the firing line.

Shooting positions must be in the same plane. The front boundary of the firing line is indicated by a colored line on the floor (the width of this line is not included in the firing range).

Reference. No part of the shooter's body must be in contact with the surface of the shooting range lying in front of the firing line.

In addition, shooting positions are equipped stand with stand, on which an observation tube, a chair or stool for the participant, and a chair or stool for the judge are attached.

Shooting exercises

Within the framework of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” standard, namely in performing air rifle shooting when the target is removed at a distance of five and ten meters the following are provided:

  • shooting while standing;
  • prone shooting;
  • shooting from the knee;
  • shooting from a position similar to the location of the target.


An important aspect for successful shooting is the correct starting position. In general, you need:

  • take the appropriate position for shooting;
  • aim at the target;
  • hold your breath;
  • close one's eyes to short time;
  • after opening them, check again with the shooting target.

In most cases, after opening the eyes, the original aiming point is lost. While holding your breath and closing your eyes, third-party muscle groups can negatively affect your aiming accuracy. You need to understand which muscles will have a greater influence on accuracy.

Photo 3. Setting up for shooting while standing with an air rifle. The position of all body parts is shown.

Next, you need to find the maximum stable position all parts of the body, while the shooter should not feel muscle tension. Good result stabilization can be achieved by performing a similar operation several times.

The most difficult is considered to be shooting from a standing position.. In this case, the shooter has only two points of support, which in turn are quite far removed from the center of gravity of the shooter and his rifle.

Attention! Practice shows that first of all need to practice shooting techniques while sitting before moving on to firing while standing.

Standing shooting starts with: The shooter comes close to the line of fire, without stepping on it, approximately half a turn to the right in relation to the aiming line.

The shooter's legs must remain straight, with his feet at shoulder level. The weight of the body should be distributed on both legs, but at the same time maintain a slight tilt of the body forward towards the toes. It is worth bending your back a little to compensate for the weight of the rifle, while spreading your toes.

The rifle is mounted right hand followed by placing the rifle in the notch of the right shoulder. Left hand while holding the gun by the fore-end. Depending on the physique of the shooter, he either presses the elbow of his left hand to chest and stomach, or rests his elbow on hip joint.


A classic target is used for shooting at number 8. At the same time, for shooting from a distance of five and ten meters the same target is used.

Blowjob number eight has a common size eighty by eighty millimeters.

Reference. The diameter of the target itself is forty-five and a half millimeters. A black apple has a diameter thirty and a half millimeters. Ten - about half a millimeter.

General requirements for weapons and equipment

The following samples are allowed for air rifle shooting competitions: spring-piston (SPP), multi-compression (MC), compression (K), pre-pumped (PCP), carbon dioxide (CO2).

Collimator and optical sight. Pneumatic gun muzzle diameter - 4,5 millimeter. The bullet also has a caliber 4.5 millimeters.

Prohibited use various versions of bipods or other mechanical stops.

Security measures

To ensure maximum safety for participants, judges, and observers, it is important:

  • fire strictly at the judge's command;
  • shoot, making sure that there are no people on the line of fire;
  • exclude pointing a weapon at participants, judges or spectators;
  • check the rifle before use, in case of malfunction, contact the organizers;
  • avoid eye contact with the muzzle;
  • Do not place foreign objects into the barrel or chamber.

Responsibilities and rights of participants

The shooter must not rely on additional objects or structures while firing. The rifle at the same time must be firmly secured with both hands, and rested on the shoulder, shooting from the hip is prohibited. Slings cannot be used on rifles.

Attention! Participants must strictly follow the instructions of coaches and judges. Refusal or violation will result in disqualification. The participant is responsible for any physical or material damage resulting from careless and thoughtless handling of equipment.

Bullet shooting, i.e. shooting from rifled large-caliber, small-caliber and pneumatic sporting weapons is one of the most popular and widespread sports. Shooting sports have a long history - competitions in rifle and pistol shooting are included in the program Olympic Games, starting with the first Games in 1896, and a year later regular world shooting championships began to be held.

Unlike most other sports, accurate sport shooting is an art that can be mastered by anyone, regardless of their age and physical characteristics. Systematic lesson Sports shooting develops composure, perseverance, self-discipline and the will to win, and over oneself. In this sport, the winner is the one who controls his actions better than his opponents in the stressful environment of the competition. That is why sports shooting is a type of human activity where there really is no limit to perfection. Moreover, the opportunities for men and women to achieve high results in this sport are almost equal.

The bullet shooting department at Moskvich opened in January 2009. The department employs highly qualified trainers, among them there are athletes who have been honored in the recent past: Fedkin Yuri Nikolaevich - Olympic champion 1992, Honored Master of Sports, Turischeva Tatyana Mikhailovna– five-time European champion, multiple USSR champion, Honored Master of Sports, Suslov Alexander Mikhailovich- Honored Trainer of Russia, International Master of Sports.

From September 1, 2019 in The department trains 38 athletes. At the higher stage sportsmanship- 6 people, of which: “Honored Master of Sports” - 3 athletes, “Master of Sports of International Class” - 1 athlete, “Master of Sports” - 2 athletes.

Klimov Alexey– Honored Master of Sports, multiple winner and prize-winner of the World and European Championships, World Cup finals, world record holder, participant in the 2008 Olympic Games (8th place) and 2012 (4th place), silver medalist first European Games 2015, winner of the 2015 European Championship, participant of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro (9th place), bronze medalist of the 2016 World Cup final, medalist of the 2017 European Championship, champion of Russia 2018-19.

Alipova Yulia- Master of Sports of international class, winner of the 2013 European Championship in the team event, silver medalist of the 2015 European Championship in the team event, winner of the 2015-2016 Russian Championships, bronze medalist of the 2017-2018 Russian Championships, silver medalist of the Russian Championship 2019

Mozgalova (Klimova) Kira– Honored Master of Sports, multiple winner and prize-winner of the World and European Championships, World Cup finals, participant in the 2012 Olympic Games (5th place), silver medalist of the Russian Championship 2018, winner of the Russian Championship 2019 in team competitions.

Bobkova Marina– Honored Master of Sports, winner and prize-winner of the World and European Championships, champion of Russia 2017, winner of the Russian Cup 2018.

The Russian national team from our school includes 6 athletes.

Competitions in shooting sports are carried out on the basis of the rules of the national shooting federation, which in turn are based on the rules of the International Federation of UIT.

Competitions, competition dates, course, scores and duration

For all disciplines, the goal of the competition is to hit the target as accurately as possible. In case of the same hit (with the same number of points), the final result and rank are reported as follows:

In shooting competitions in rifle disciplines at a distance from the firing line of 10.50 m and 300 m and in pistol disciplines at a distance from the firing line of 10 m and 50 m and in the “running boar” discipline, the last series is decisive.

If the last series also shows the same number of points, then the result of the last series is counted, etc. If all series have the same number of points, then the quality of the last, penultimate shot is decisive.

In competitions on clay pigeon shooting The shootout is carried out using 25 skeet shots for each shooter. If after three shoot-offs there is a tie again, the shooters will share the same spot. At rapid fire from a pistol, if the winners (1st-3rd places) have an equal number of points, a shootout is held, the shooters perform 3 series of 4 seconds each.

In competitions in shooting from a large-caliber pistol (revolver) and a small-caliber standard pistol (30+30), the winners have a shootout of 3 series of five shots when shooting at figured targets. In all cases, the shootout is conducted until one of the shooters wins for the corresponding prize place.

Free pistol (match pistol)

60 scored shots, 15 test shots, distance 50 m, time 2.5 hours, target with 10 rings.

Small caliber pistol for rapid fire

60 shots, 4 series, each 5 shots. In 8, 6 and 4 seconds on figured targets at a distance of 25 m. Competitions are held in two stages, on one day or two days in a row. The competition is held in such a way that in each technique there are 2 series of 8.6.4 seconds.

This also includes 5 test shots at any time. In case of failure (delay, breakdown, etc.) of the weapon, the series is repeated. When determining the result, the worst holes are counted. After the third refusal, misses (0 points) are counted for all targets that were not fired.

Free smallbore rifle (50 m) and free rifle (300 m)

The preparation has three positions (types of positions: lying, standing, kneeling), 120 shots (3 × 40), before each position it is allowed to fire 10 test shots, which can be performed both at the beginning and before each series at a distance of 50 m ( free smallbore rifle) or 300 m (free rifle), time 5¼ (prone 1½ hours, standing 2 hours, kneeling 1¾ hours); There is a 15 minute pause between positions. Olympic match (60 qualifying shots prone, 15 test shots), distance 50 m, time 2 hours.

Shooting on a trench stand

During the competition, men and women shoot a series of 200 skeet, juniors - 150. A group of 6 shooters shoots in each competition. In some individual competitions, each shooter shoots a series of 25 clay pigeons. You can fire 2 shots at each skeet.

After each hit on the skeet, the shooters move one by one to each of the 5 shooting positions. A hit on the plate is counted if fragments are visible. The score is made by the competition judge and two side judges. If the plates “scatter” after the shot, then others are thrown in the same direction. 15 throwing devices are located in 5 batteries, each with 3 metal machine guns.

Ejections must be carried out in 15 different directions (5 - left, 5 - straight, 5 - right). The shooter does not know the angle of release and the direction of flight of the target. As a rule, 1 competition is held over 3 competition days (1st day - 75 skeet, 2nd day - 75 skeet, 3rd day - 50 skeet). After the first and second competition days, the throwing devices are placed by drawing lots according to a different system.

Skeet shooting

Like the trench skeet, each competition is played in groups of 6 shooters. Shooting is carried out at 200 “skeet”: they shoot at individual skeet and at doublets (one skeet is simultaneously released from both throwing machines, which fly towards each other). Only one shot can be fired at each skeet. The shooter's position is constantly changing so that each shooter can fire a shot from all 8 positions (under different conditions).

Running boar

The figure of a “boar” is visible in the “window” when running slowly for 5 seconds, and when running fast - 2.5 seconds. A total of 60 shots are fired (three series of 10 shots at a slow run and three series of 10 shots at a fast run).

On the first day of competition, 20 shots are fired while running slowly and on the second day, 10 shots are fired. Before the series, the shooter gets the right to fire one test shot each when the target is running to the left and when it is running to the left. right side. Shooters can practice shooting without a cartridge before their start.

Air guns

In competitions when shooting from air weapons (rifle and air pistol), 10 test shots and 40 test shots are performed. Completion time 1¾ hours.

Small bore standard rifle and large bore standard rifle

Shooting from three standard positions (types of positioning: prone, standing, kneeling); 60 shots (3 × 20), additionally 6 test shots are given before each position, total time shooting time 2.5 hours, 60 shots, time 2 hours, 15 test shots.

Team competition

The team consists of 4 shooters (general class) or 3 shooters each for women, juniors and teenagers.