Losing weight with Holden. Morning qigong exercises with Li Holden

Lee Holden's 20-minute Qigong practice fills the body with energy for a productive day.

It’s not for nothing that the expression “got off on the wrong foot” exists.

The morning largely determines the mood with which the whole day will pass.

What is Qigong

– these are ancient oriental exercises to improve health, harmonize body and soul.

If we decompose the word into parts, we get the combination “qi”, which means energy, and “gun” - development.

The vital energy circulating in our body is called qi. It heals and strengthens our cells.

The purpose of the practice is to make this energy circulate. This happens best when the body and mind are relaxed. This is precisely the essence of the ritual: to free the mind, relax the body, activate the chi energy, which heals the human body.

How to practice

The Qigong system has become popular in our time thanks to Lee Holden, who adapted ancient knowledge to modern realities. In the end it turned out effective program for awakening.

There are 2 main complexes with exercises: for 10 and for 20 minutes. Just a few minutes will energize you.

The most optimal time for classes - morning. However, there are practices for evening time as well. They are aimed at freeing the body from accumulated stress. The 10-minute complex is intended for beginners. In the morning it can replace exercises:

A 20-minute complex is more effective. He's different additional exercises: stretching, bending, exercises for the spine. The combination of certain movements and breathing speeds up metabolism and improves blood circulation. Exercises work on internal organs if you breathe correctly.

Massage in progress internal organs, tension is relieved. The condition of the heart, digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract improves. The condition of the muscles in the body also changes: they relax, and stiffness in movements disappears.

And if there is no tension in the body, both physical and emotional, then there are no barriers to qi energy. Thanks to a daily morning or evening ritual, qi energy increases and develops. Watch a video of a 20-minute morning Qigong practice:

And this video shows you a 20-minute evening Qigong practice from Lee Holden:

What result will you get?

You will receive the first boost of energy immediately after the exercise. Significant changes are noticeable within a month. These include:

  • easy morning rise;
  • general improvement in well-being;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • saturating the body with oxygen through special breathing techniques;
  • muscle tension goes away, of which modern man has a lot due to constant
  • sitting, working at a computer and using a smartphone;
  • the immune system is strengthened, colds are less common;
  • stabilization of mood, easier coping with stress, etc.

Advantage over other methods

Why Qigong? It may seem easier to leave your morning exercises or add regular classes sports, but this is not true. Here are just a few reasons:

  1. There is no need to make any effort. The movements are soft and natural. Thanks to this, the complex is accessible to the elderly and pregnant women.
  2. Fast healing. This happens due to the fact that the qi energy activated with the help of the complex first circulates through the problem areas of your body. Accordingly, it is this part of the body that is healed first.
  3. Doesn't take much time. Even in a busy schedule, you can find 10 or 20 minutes for your health. If you don't have time in the morning, why not do it in the office before the start of the working day or during a break. In addition, Qigong practice has a cumulative effect. Once the results are received, they do not disappear immediately. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to miss class once. But it is important to understand that the effect will remain if you skip an activity from time to time, and not if you do it from time to time.
  4. Result without pain. If you are still convinced that physical activity you need to exercise until your muscles hurt, then Qigong will help you get rid of this misconception. The first result will be after the first lesson. In this case, you will not need a good physical fitness or exertion of willpower.
  5. Suitable for anyone. The main goal of practice is to improve the condition of the body. Therefore, if any part of the body hurts and doing an exercise causes discomfort, just skip it. There is no need to force yourself, that is not the purpose of this complex.
  6. For free. You don’t need any additional preparation to practice Qigong: buy a uniform, special equipment, or go to a fitness club. The main thing is to find time and a few meters of free space.

Daily Qigong practice fills you with energy and improves your well-being. In this case, nothing will be required except 20 free minutes, a few meters of free space and own body. A boost of energy after exercise appears on the first day.

Longevity in Chinese medicine is associated with kidney energy. The kidney area controls longevity, sexual energy, the endocrine system, bones, brain, and general vital functions.

The kidneys are a very important energy system. You can think of the kidneys as the batteries of the body. They hold the spark, the essence, the life force, which spreads to all parts of the body. One of the reasons why kidneys are a source of longevity is that they are the foundation, the roots from which vital energy originates. The kidneys can be called the indicator light of the body. If it shines weakly, it means that all body systems are also weak. We want the kidney energy to remain strong, and that is what these exercises are designed to do.

I'm concerned about bone health and strength recovery. What holistic approach to this issue would you recommend in order to age smoothly?

Qigong is a wonderful way to age gracefully, without losing your health, while remaining cheerful. I think that would be wonderful.

Bone health is another function of the kidneys, so to strengthen bones, you need to strengthen kidney energy.

There is an exercise in qigong - breathing for bones. This is a great exercise, let me quickly tell you about it. It will strengthen the energy of the body and bones.

Think of your bones as porous crystals.

Place your arms in front of you at chest level. Take a deep breath.

As you inhale, open your fingers and palms and feel the golden light entering your hands and through them into your bones.

Imagine the energy flowing through your fingers and palms into your bones in your arms, shoulders, spine, hips, legs and feet.

This exercise is called Bone Breathing. Spend 10-15 minutes on this exercise. It can be performed lying down, sitting, standing.

Imagine golden light penetrating your hands, filling your bones with golden light like crystals. This will strengthen and heal your bones.

There's one more thing exercise for healthy bones. One of the healthiest things you can do is jump. Jumping exercises are good for strengthening bones. I would recommend shaking, up and down exercises. Gently lower your heels to the ground. As you rise onto your toes, gently lower your heels to the ground. This will give your bones beneficial vibrations. It is good if you do this exercise to maintain healthy bones. You will feel a great surge of energy when you do this exercise.

Is it possible to drink coffee or tea several times a day? What else can you do other than eat healthy foods, do yoga and qigong to live long and stay healthy?

You know, people who live longer than a hundred say that social support helps them. Find things you love to do, do them with other people - this will open the energy of the heart. If you enjoy exercising, start doing it with friends or family for social support. It is very good to practice qigong with friends. In this way, group energy is created - a wonderful form of energy.

As for tea and coffee, I think tea is amazing to drink, any tea, I drink a lot of tea. I am a big fan of green teas, oolong. My favorite tea is pu-erh, it perfectly stimulates digestion, prolongs life and gives a boost of energy. P-u-e-r is wonderful tea. I think tea is a wonderful food for longevity.

Coffee is also beneficial. It’s just worth limiting the amount of sugar and milk we add to it. So to answer your question, I say yes - you can drink several cups of tea or coffee throughout the day. I'm more inclined towards tea, but I wouldn't want to limit coffee lovers in their love of coffee. Just reduce the amount of sugar and the concentration of coffee, because it affects the functioning of the adrenal glands. Fine. Thanks for this question.

Is there anything we can do to stop our vision and hearing from deteriorating as we age?

The eyes are associated with the work of the liver. That's why any exercise that helps the liver improves vision. We did liver exercises in the pain section.

When your hands have too much energy, place them in front of your eyes or ears. Try to hold the qi ball in front of you and put your hands forward. Move your arms back and forth. When you feel the warmth of the energy between your hands, raise them to your eyes without touching them, feel how the warmth, light, energy falls directly into your eyes.

Inhale energy with your eyes, optic nerve, mind, open this path. Let the inner eye awaken and the healing light penetrate into the eyes. Now spread your arms to your sides, in front of your ears. Don't touch your ears, but keep your hands very close. Direct the chi to your ears. It is best to do this exercise immediately after practicing qigong, especially after smooth movements.

What exercises will help fight addiction - to food or smoking?

To overcome any addiction, massage your ears. The ears have a close connection with your nervous system. When you massage your ears it helps soothe nervous system, reduces cravings for something.

Even heroin addicts use this exercise. They massage their ears to overcome this addiction. As we all know, heroin is the most addictive drug. This tip works great. Use this exercise to overcome addiction to food or smoking, or simply to balance the nervous system.

Use your thumbs to grab the inside of your ears and your other fingers to grab the outside of your ears. Circular movements start massaging top part ears. These points perfectly calm the nervous system.

Draw circles over the entire surface of the ears, along the inside of them, squeeze them, touch them. Let the qi circulate in the ears. This will help calm the nervous system. Do this exercise before you have another helping of ice cream, and notice whether you want more.

This exercise should be done preventively, after which you will do right choice. If you want cookies, chocolate, ice cream, instead of eating them, maybe it's better to eat fruit, drink a cup of tea, do something healthier and see if you can get enough that way.

What exercise is best for lowering high blood pressure?

Lowering the Skies Exercise Reduces High Blood Pressure. This exercise occurs several times throughout the program because it helps calm the mind and concentrate.

Spread your arms to the sides, lift them as you inhale. Palms face down, at head level. Hands are at head level, palms facing down. As you exhale, lower your arms, directing the energy to your feet.

If you do this exercise for 5 minutes, you will lower your blood pressure by 10 points. Give it a try. Measure your blood pressure before the exercise, perform “Lowering the Skies” for 5 minutes, and measure your blood pressure again. This will help you a lot.

As for improving metabolism, do exercises to improve digestion. Try to do these exercises three times a week. This will help improve digestion.

Also follow your diet, try not to eat late at night, make sure you eat a healthy breakfast because by eating a healthy breakfast in the morning you will stimulate your metabolism. Often people think that in order to lose weight you need to skip breakfast, but then your body starts storing fat because you remain hungry. Eat at regular intervals, avoid eating late at night, and do digestive exercises.

There is one breathing exercise that stimulates metabolism - it is called "Fanning the Fire". Do this exercise before meals. This will help transform food into energy. Place both hands on your stomach. Focus on exhaling. This breathing exercise will make the digestive exercise easier. Now focus on exhaling and exhale all the way out. It looks like this (exhales sharply). As you exhale, stretch your stomach towards your spine. Inhalation can occur on its own. Focus on exhaling. (exhales sharply). Light the fire quickly. It’s as if the furs are inflating the internal heat of life.

Lee Holden, certified acupuncturist and author, answered your questions. homeschooling programs in many languages ​​and an internationally recognized Qigong expert. He has worked with experts such as Deepak Chopra and Taoist master Mantak Chia. Now he teaches qigong to Hollywood stars and employees of huge companies.

The secrets of longevity, good health and well-being were known to the ancient Chinese a long time ago, and the whole world knows about it.

Effective qigong - a 15-minute complex designed to improve health and overcome many diseases - is basic exercises, which will be useful to everyone. The general strengthening and tonic exercises of this practice will improve the health of internal organs, joints and ligaments, and relieve many diseases.

Healing qigong – 15-minute complex

Cleansing the body is an important step on the path to long years of life without illnesses and diseases. It so happens that our life is full of stress, troubles and grief - negative experiences and negative emotions undermine us, day after day and year after year. If you don’t get rid of them and don’t treat these “energy scars” in a timely manner, then sooner or later they will develop into a serious illness.

It is necessary to cleanse your body not only physical level, but also on the emotional, energetic and spiritual. But not all of us have enough knowledge, time and energy to carefully and scrupulously master healing eastern practices, and to many they seem overwhelming and too complicated.

This is why experienced practitioners have developed special techniques - visual short video complexes, thanks to which anyone can start training right at home. Masters carefully select and filter exercises, leaving the simplest, most accessible, but effective techniques that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

One of these systems is a special qigong complex, 15 minutes of which will be enough to radically transform your well-being. Practice will help cleanse the body of the accumulation of negative energy, lift muscle tone, relieve pain and ailments, strengthen your immune system.

15-minute qigong complex (video)

You only need to spend 15 minutes a day, and qigong will be completely worth it. At systematic studies you will certainly feel:

  • A surge of strength and vigor, as if you were “recharged”;
  • General improvement in physical well-being;
  • Relief from pain discomfort in the body, diseases;
  • Stable good mood and psychological peace.

The practice also has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. It has been proven that when daily activities It is possible to delay the appearance of wrinkles and typical aging diseases, reduce the process of aging of the body, increase skin elasticity, and maintain youthfulness and mobility of the body.

Qigong exercises: 15 minutes for good health and beauty

In many ways, the effect of qigong is determined by breathing techniques. In oxygen, according to the Chinese, lives that same life-giving force - energy Qi. It is this that allows you to fight illnesses, improve your health, and find peace and harmony within your soul.

Besides this, correct breathing has another, more practical sphere of influence - a full-fledged drink of blood with oxygen significantly tones the human body, gives it a feeling of vigor, and normalizes the functioning of all internal organs and systems.

  1. Stand up straight, place your hands opposite each other, then vigorously rub your nails against the nails of your other hand. This will help activate and concentrate the flow of energy in your hands. Qi.
  2. After this, form a sphere from your hands, as if you were holding an invisible energy ball inside your palms.
  3. Next, place your hands on your lower abdomen, one palm on top, the other on the bottom. Thumbs protruded and pointing towards different sides.
  4. Inhale using abdominal breathing (inflating your belly).
  5. As you exhale, draw in your stomach.
  6. Next, bend your elbows and lift them up.
  7. Tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling.
  8. The arms are spread out to the sides, the chest is open, the fists are clenched.
  9. Then round your back by leaning forward. The hands also move forward, closer to each other.
  10. Your chin almost touches your chest, your hands are clenched into fists in front of your face, your elbows are almost resting on your stomach.
  11. Inhale and straighten up, keeping your hands clenched into a fist on either side of your shoulders.
  12. The next action is working with energy meridians. To do this, straighten one hand and clench the other into a fist.
  13. Use tapping motions to walk across your shoulder, then exhale and straighten your fingers, opening your palm.
  14. After this, use tapping claps to walk along the inside your arm down towards your hand.
  15. On the way back, work from the hand to the shoulder, and clap the palm of your hand on the outer part of your arm.
  16. Switch hands and repeat this exercise.
  17. Then place your open palms at chest level, in the upper part.
  18. Close your eyes and feel the energy flowing through your body. Qi.
  19. Then spread your arms out to the sides and down.
  20. Tilt your head to the right, close your eyes, take a breath.
  21. Tilt your head to the side and back, exhale and return your head to the starting position.
  22. Repeat this movement, tilting your head to the other side.
  23. Then extend your arms, palms up, tapping your wrists together.
  24. The next exercise is to inhale, spreading your arms to the sides while pushing your chest forward.
  25. As you exhale, move your hands to the center, palms up. At the same time, the chest seems to close.
  26. Next, place your palms at the level of your stomach, placing them opposite each other.
  27. Smoothly bring them together and spread them apart. As you exhale, spread them apart; as you inhale, bring them together again.
  28. Then raise both your arms up (sideways up and in sync).
  29. Then bring your hands together above your head, as if directing an invisible stream towards your head, and lower your hands.
  30. The palms simultaneously pass along a line from the face to the chest and to the level of the abdomen, where they again diverge in different directions - up and to the side.
  31. Complete the complex by placing both palms on your stomach. Cover your eyes.
  32. Mentally imagine how energy fills you Qi, feel the changes that have occurred within you after a set of exercises.
  33. Then simply lower your arms, relaxing them and your entire body. Open your eyes.

This technique will keep you healthy and give you physical strength no matter how old you are. Qigong exercises are ideal for any age and level physical training, even small children are allowed to engage in medical practice.

Remember that you need to breathe measuredly, smoothly and evenly during gymnastics. Your inhalation and exhalation should be equal in depth and duration. Those muscles and ligaments of the body that are not involved in each individual exercise should not be strained. Only the area of ​​the body that should be activated during practice works.

The general state during training is relaxed, no discomfort is felt, there is no physical tension. And you yourself are calm, in a normal mood, there are no unnecessary thoughts in your head.

Exercise at the same hours and regularly to achieve noticeable results; skipping workouts is highly undesirable. For classes, choose comfortable and roomy clothes. Two hours before qigong and two hours after you should not take food or drink, especially chilled food.

The pronounced effect of practice is often achieved faster with regular exercises and correct technique breathing. In classical Chinese medicine, it is recommended to practice qigong daily in the morning, or shortly before bedtime.

The qigong system presented above is a 15-minute complex that even the most inexperienced and novice practitioner can easily master. It will give you longevity and many years of health, and will allow you to get rid of both emerging health problems and those that have already existed for a long time. Qigong is a Chinese folk practice that has won recognition all over the world, ready to give everyone unfading beauty and great well-being.

Traditionally, Chinese health and wellness practices are practiced in the morning, after a night's sleep.

However, at the bottom of the article we provide a convenient qigong - a 20-minute evening complex that will allow you to perfectly end the outgoing day and meet the new one with great mood. We’ll also figure out why exercises before bed are needed at all, what they bring to the body and who is most suitable for them.

Why do you need evening qigong classes?

As noted above, practitioners often practice qigong in the morning, before breakfast. This allows you to fill your body with energy and feel great throughout the day. This is especially important for those who work a lot and hard, because such people often have an acute lack of vitality.

But evening qigong practices are now becoming no less popular. They are mainly used by people who suffer from insomnia and who simply find it difficult to relieve stress after a hard day.

It is no longer news that a person experiences a huge number of emotions and sensations during the day, and they may not always be positive. Also in modern life Stress is an almost everyday phenomenon, and yet it is they that deprive us of strength and vigor, turning our everyday life into a hopeless and dull existence.

Also, many physical ailments tend to worsen in the evening, and this is also due to the fact that the human body experiences overload on all fronts during the day. This could be psychological experiences, some kind of emotional shock, and even banal physical fatigue or chronic lack of sleep.

Helping your body in such situations is simply a necessity, because you can not only overload its systems, but also develop a completely dangerous and serious disease. Therefore, if you often feel overwhelmed at the end of the day, moral exhaustion, apathy, or you begin to experience any pain, then use the evening qigong complex to restore strength to your body and replenish your energy potential.

Evening classes using the Chinese method will also help children who suffer from hyperactivity, have trouble sleeping at night, and who find it difficult to concentrate at the end of the day in class and do homework.

Qigong will gently relieve the psyche, set you in a calm mood and productive work, and relieve the feeling of anxiety and psychological discomfort. You can practice qigong with the whole family, then it will become a kind of nightly ritual, which will further enhance the effect of the exercises.

Typically, a qigong complex before bed has the following positive effects:

  • Relieves mental stress;
  • Gets rid of the negativity accumulated during the day;
  • Gives a pleasant feeling of peace;
  • Restores physical and mental strength;
  • Strengthens health and relieves pain;
  • Promotes a sound and full night's sleep;
  • Relieves insomnia and nightmares;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Helps restore good health and mood;
  • Relaxes the psyche, as a result of which nervous conditions disappear;
  • Accumulates energy potential for the coming day.

It is important to note that many busy or working people often simply do not have time in the morning to engage in Eastern health practices. Therefore, the nightly Qigong complex from Lee Holden performs two important functions at once: it gets rid of the negativity that has accumulated during the day and allows you to fill the body with Qi flows, so that in the morning you feel cheerful and energetic.

Therefore, if you have an acute lack of free time, qigong classes can be transferred to the evening.

Although the main goal of such exercises is to relieve the negative effects of stress and get rid of everything bad that you have experienced during the day, as well as tune in to the upcoming rest, qigong in the evenings also contributes to the excellent accumulation of energy in the human body. Since the Chinese technique is based on the life-giving flows of Qi, when it enters the body, it begins to heal any abnormalities that come its way - be it both physical illnesses and psychological difficulties. The remaining Qi accumulates in human energy centers, biological active points, from where it is then consumed.

And therefore, you don’t need to think that evening qigong can somehow overstimulate the body or cause an influx of unnecessary strength before going to bed at night - this is not so. In addition, Chinese qigong acts softly and smoothly, based on graceful breathing exercises, and therefore has a cumulative effect.

You can practice the complex from Lee Holden either as needed or every evening before bed. Naturally, best results after practice will be for those who practice qigong more often. Also, experienced Qigong Teachers insist that rare and unsystematic exercises may not bring any benefits at all. positive effect. Therefore, it is best to use evening qigong exercises at least three to four times a week.

Like any other qigong, this type of practice also requires compliance with basic nuances and important rules.

Therefore, do not forget that you will need to ventilate the room before starting classes, and also change into loose clothes. It's best to turn off the TV and noisy appliances while you practice so they don't interfere with your concentration.

And remember that you cannot practice qigong on a full stomach. It is better to start qigong either an hour before dinner or three to four hours after it.

After evening practice, it will be useful to drink a cup of hot herbal tea, but not immediately after you finish exercising - some time after Chinese qigong the stomach should remain empty and should not be overloaded with anything.

Hot drinks are considered best for those who crave additional Qi energy. In addition, warm drinks based on soothing herbs are excellent for relieving stress and promoting deep night sleep. Therefore, this point is definitely worth taking note of for those people who, with the help of evening practice, want to get rid of insomnia.

Qigong complex: evening 20 minutes with Lee Holden

So, first of all, get ready to practice this healing eastern system. It is important to get rid of all bad thoughts before class, try to push all worries into the background and not engage in internal dialogues. The clearer your consciousness is, the better. This will help you focus your full attention on the qigong exercises, and therefore the results of evening practice will be more noticeable.

If you stubbornly cannot improve your emotional background or you are seriously concerned about some problem, then it is better to postpone evening practice. The same applies to situations when you feel unwell, if you have a fever or are very ill.

The room where you practice qigong should be tidy and light. Do not practice qigong in the dark or in a room where everything is crowded with furniture or there is no flow of fresh air. If you plan to practice qigong with the whole family or with your child, then keep in mind that each of you will need a lot of space, and therefore it is better to choose the largest room in the house for this. Ideally, exercise outdoors.

Twenty minutes of qigong practice before bed

Lee Holden is a true Master of Chinese practice; his training videos are wildly popular in the West and are translated into many languages. This complex is presented by Holden as the optimal evening activity that replenishes energy reserve practice in the body allows you to balance all internal systems.

  1. Raise your arms to shoulder level, bending them at the elbows, inhale and look up.
  2. As you exhale, bend your back, rounding it, bringing your elbows forward, forming fists from your palms.
  3. Then straighten up again and bring your elbows out to the sides and down, opening your back, chest and shoulder blades.
  4. Repeat the exercise, but now straightening up in one direction or the other.
  5. As you inhale, your chest becomes larger and expands.
  6. As you exhale, you contract, rounding your back and bringing your elbows forward toward your stomach.
  7. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  8. Sway slowly, first to one side, then to the other, turning your body.
  9. The hands are open, palms to the sides, as if they are raking in the air as the body turns.
  10. The movements are smooth, unhurried, and performed alternately in different directions.
  11. As you inhale, move your body forward, as if wrapping your arms around an invisible ball or making a stroke in the water.
  12. Then straighten your back and spread your palms to the side and slightly behind your back, as if you were rowing with them in the water.
  13. Stand straight, arms out to the sides, palms facing back, fingers spread.
  14. Close your eyes and tilt your head to one side, smoothly lowering it in this position down and then up.
  15. Bring your head forward and to the opposite side, repeating the previous movements of your neck up and down.
  16. Bring your hands back, as if you are grasping an invisible stream.
  17. After this, straighten your hands, turning them sides up and forward, as if letting go of what you grabbed.
  18. Without lifting your feet from the floor, gently spring your whole body, shaking your arms.
  19. This exercise wonderfully helps to get rid of the nervous tension accumulated during the day.
  20. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, palms together.
  21. Exhale while spreading your arms to your sides and shake again, gently springing.
  22. Bring your hands together above your head, then bring them behind your neck.
  23. Smoothly lower your palms to the back of your head and bring them forward towards your throat, connecting your hands with the backs of your hands.
  24. Next, the palms move down the center of the body, towards the stomach, go behind the back and massage the kidneys.
  25. Straighten your arms forward from you, spread them to the sides and down, as if scooping up air, and forward again.
  26. As you inhale, smoothly raise your arms, as you exhale, lower them down, your movements reminiscent of the graceful movements of wings.
  27. As you inhale, raise your arms up, palms facing each other, then lower them down, wrapping your arms with the backs of your palms facing you.
  28. Place your hands on your stomach, one on top of the other, and close your eyes. Breathe calmly in this position.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this complex; it is quite simple and even an inexperienced beginner can do it. If you wish, you can repeat it again or increase the duration of each exercise.

You can also additionally repeat individual exercises, for example, if your neck often hurts - pay attention to point fourteen in Lee Holden’s complex above: he develops cervical vertebrae and perfectly relieves tension in this area.

This will be especially useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or work in a sedentary position.

Also if necessary individual exercises from the evening complex you can do it right at your workplace, if you have such an opportunity. Especially this useful advice for those who are nervous a lot during the day, often suffer from stress and negative experiences. Timely discharge will allow you to immediately get rid of all unpleasant sensations, without giving them the opportunity to accumulate.

It is best to comply important rules practice qigong in this case too, so if you are in the office wearing work clothes, first be sure to take off your tight tie, get rid of your wristwatch, and unbutton your jacket.

A simple and effective qigong - a 20-minute evening complex for combating many diseases, which was presented to the world by the American Lee Holden - is a universal and affordable remedy for modern people who are acutely lacking in vitality and energy, as well as for everyone who suffers from frequent negative experiences and emotions. By strengthening your body with the help of the traditional Chinese system, you will be able to maintain your appearance without much hassle, and at the same time get rid of a bad mood forever.

A simple and effective object lesson from the guru of Taoist practice - Master Lee Holden, who will teach you to wake up with a smile.

A qigong lesson - a 10-minute complex in the morning, the video of which is posted below - is a real salvation for chronic fatigue, pain in muscles, joints, back and neck. Besides this, Chinese medicine will relieve the blues and lack of strength, give you vigor, optimism and a great mood.

Qigong - morning ritual 10 minutes

Waking up in anticipation of great achievements, even if you are an ordinary person, is what can be achieved with constant training. There are a whole lot of morning practices of different durations (for example, qigong 15-minute morning exercise complex), but this one is the shortest.

At the same time, the Master tried to fit into it the most optimal, powerful and effective exercises to literally transform your entire day in just ten minutes. Some exercises are aimed at gaining new strength and a surge of vigor, others - accelerating energy Qi inside the body, but they all have one common effect - they help you feel much better.

Lee Holden Qigong in the morning 10 min (video)

A quick video lesson from Lee Holden will fill you with vital energy and the desire to be active. It is indispensable for those who constantly lack time to exercise in the morning, but who urgently need energy replenishment.

By practicing every day in the morning, you will feel how qigong strengthens your body, brain and spirit - as if it gives you a powerful recharge. In modern life, fatigue, constant stress and negative emotions tirelessly deprive humanity of its last strength and exhaust the body.

The situation will be corrected oriental medicine: the morning qigong complex acts in all directions at once, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system, normalizes all processes in the body, puts the psychological background in order, and invigorates.

Qigong: morning exercises - 10 minutes for a great day

In the East, the sages began their day with a whole unique ritual. They trained, tempering both mind and body, and received vital forces from an energy source during their meditations Qi. Now everything is much simpler - it turned out that Qi lives everywhere, its environment is air.

And qigong is a practice that is based on breathing and the simplest physical movements. They are smooth, graceful and calm, and they are aimed at making it as easy as possible to release energy into your body Qi.

There are special energy points and channels in our body called meridians. By practicing, a person activates them with the help of his breathing and exercises, as if printing them out so that life-giving energy can enter the body Qi.

Morning practice transforms the state of body and spirit, and in addition, it also heals physical ailments. Traditionally, in China it is customary to practice qigong in the morning, immediately after waking up. It is believed that at this time the human being is most receptive to receiving energy Qi, and its healing and strengthening effect is most pronounced.

Morning qigong - 10 minutes of exercise

Train every day at the same time. To practice, wear loose, comfortable cotton clothing. It is better to ventilate the room properly before classes in order to let it into your home fresh air along with life-giving energy Qi.

Watch your breathing: breathe calmly, evenly, quietly. There is no need to take too deep breaths, they should be as natural as possible.

"Knock on the door of life"

  1. Bend your knees, standing straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Relax your shoulders and neck and maintain a calm position.
  3. Rotate your body and your hips to one side first.
  4. Make sure that your feet do not leave the floor and your knees remain bent.
  5. Your arms move freely to follow the turns.
  6. One arm is bent at the elbow and, as it turns, “hits” the palm into the abdominal area.
  7. The second is behind the body, “hits” the back.”
  8. Repeat turns to the right and left side alternately.


  1. Raise your arms above your head, fingers curled and pointing down.
  2. The knees, as in the first exercise, are slightly bent, the toes of the feet look straight, parallel to each other.
  3. As you inhale, raise your arms up to the highest point.
  4. As you exhale, lower them down, with the inside of your palm away from you.
  5. At the same time, gently bend your knees while squatting.
  6. As you inhale, stand up again, your palms turning to face your body.
  7. Stand up while raising your arms.
  8. Repeat the exercise.

"Qi massage"

  1. Stand up straight, place your hands behind you, on your lower back.
  2. Tap your hands from top to bottom.
  3. Move from the lumbar region down to the tailbone.
  4. Then straighten your palms and pat them on the area of ​​​​your kidneys, following below.
  5. By outside hips, slam both palms down your legs.
  6. Then go to inner part legs, moving higher and straightening.
  7. Repeat the exercise.
  8. Next, take your fists on your chest and tap them on both sides.
  9. Then pat one straight arm with your palm from the shoulder down (on the inside).
  10. Turn your hand over and pat from the hand to the shoulder on the outside of the arm.
  11. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.
  12. Return to your chest area again, tapping both fists on the sides of your heart.

"Buddha Holds the Earth"

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight, back also straight.
  2. Then bend your knees slightly, arms forming a circle on the sides of your body, as if you were holding a huge ball.
  3. Inhale, then bend your elbows and move them up past your face.
  4. Raise them above your head, palms up, as if holding that same invisible ball.
  5. Exhale and lower your arms down.
  6. Repeat the exercise.

"Body Harmonization"

  1. Extend your arms in front of you while standing on your feet.
  2. The palms are positioned as if you were holding some object in them, but do not touch each other.
  3. Then smoothly move them apart, as if smoothing something.
  4. Bring them back toward the center of your torso, so that the backs of your hands are opposite each other.
  5. Raise your arms at the same time to the level of your shoulders, then push them forward, palms open.
  6. Make a circle with your hands from your head down to the center of your stomach.
  7. Repeat the exercise.

"Energy Accumulation"

  1. Stand straight with your feet together.
  2. One hand is placed with the palm up in the navel area, the other, below it, describes a circle.
  3. Finish drawing a circle with your hand at the center of your face, and then smoothly move your palm down, from your forehead to your hand below.
  4. Make sure that the downward line is straight, the palm is lowered with the edge towards the nose.
  5. Change hands and repeat the same thing.
  6. At the end of it, close both hands over your navel, placing one hand on top of the other.
  7. Breathe calmly with your eyes closed.

This technique is designed for daily systematic use. It gives a charge of good health and tranquility for the whole day, helps to avoid negative consequences from stress, protects against overwork.

The miraculous effects of this short practice come from the power of the exercises themselves - they are fundamental to good physical well-being and increased energy. Qi, help strengthen its flow, stimulate all energy points and main meridians human body. Use this Qigong 10-minute routine in the morning (see video above) to prevent blockage energy channels, strengthen your body, clear your mind.

For many modern Chinese, such training is an indispensable morning attribute, like brushing your teeth or taking an invigorating shower. That is why the East has long been famous for its sages and long-livers. After all, they, like no one else on earth, managed to master the secret living matter called energy Qi.