Who in Russia wears an olive beret? The maroon beret of the special forces group Surrender to the blue beret.

Nowadays, the beret is associated primarily with the uniform headdress of military personnel of certain branches of the military. The most of them is the blue beret of the paratroopers. Its indispensable attribute is the fold on the right side. Why is this being done?

Sign of the Elite

The armed forces, like any other complex hierarchical structure, have their own insignia. They are used to designate junior personnel - soldiers and sergeants, middle - officers from lieutenant to major, and senior - officers with a rank above lieutenant colonel.

In addition, insignia in the army serve to determine whether a serviceman belongs to a particular branch of the military. One of the most striking and indicative insignia is the beret. It speaks of its wearer’s belonging to the elite of the armed forces. To determine which elite branch of the military a fighter belongs to, a tradition arose of bending the beret to the right or left side.

Right and left

Army berets appeared in the armed forces of our country only in the 1960s. Originally they were crimson in color. The familiar blue beret of paratroopers was introduced into everyday use only in 1969. Until this moment, to indicate belonging to one or another branch of the military, the practice of twisting the beret to the left or right side appeared.

Special forces and internal troops began to bend their berets to the left. They now wear maroon and olive (green) headdresses respectively. In turn, the marines (black berets) and paratroopers (blue) began to push the berets to the right side.

Special case

During parades, military personnel of all branches of the military wear berets slanted to the left. Firstly, this is necessary for the unification and uniformity of the uniform of all military personnel. There is an opinion that this is done in order not to block the face. The fact is that a soldier tilts his head to the right while walking in parade formation, so bending his beret in the same direction can cast a shadow on his face.

Others argue that the fold to the left is necessary so that the flag-shaped badge, which is attached to the right side of the beret during parades, is visible. After returning to places of permanent combat deployment, the paratroopers recapture their berets back to the right.

Combat berets

Some argue that the tilt of the headdress in elite branches of the military, including the Airborne Forces, depends on whether the wearer of the beret participated in combat operations or not. A bend on the left side supposedly means that the serviceman has been to war or participated in special operations, and if it is on the right, then he has no combat experience.

However, for the most part in the army, such a statement is considered stupid. After all, the most eloquent indicator of the presence or absence of combat experience is still medals and orders, and not the side of the headgear.

Pound test

It is worth noting that the beret's crease is airborne troops ah is no less serious a test than a forced march or a parachute jump. The ability to correctly beat off his headdress has always served as a sign of the experience of a paratrooper, his real belonging to the elite army caste. A real paratrooper always knows how to properly return a beret.

Not everyone succeeds the first time. There are different “recipes” for how to break a beret. Experienced paratroopers advise using a sugar solution rather than water to moisten headgear. Others are experimenting with wax. After moistening the beret, it is given the desired shape.

The right to wear a maroon beret is considered a source of extraordinary pride for the special forces of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and passing for a maroon beret can, in all likelihood, be considered the most difficult test for all military personnel of the internal troops and for employees of special forces of internal affairs bodies.

During the testing process, the stability of military personnel is subjected to the most diverse and multifaceted tests. Their endurance skills are tested by colossal physical activity, strong-willed qualities, the desire to pursue complete success, and, naturally, the level of moral and psychological preparation are tested.

Special Forces VV: a little history about the maroon beret

What special meaning does wearing a maroon beret carry? And in general, why do these berets actually have an unusual red color, speckled? It is known, for example, that airborne troops, as well as GRU special forces, wear sky-blue berets as their everyday uniform. Not long ago, the right to wear similar headdresses was given to Air Force personnel, and only under certain special circumstances.

So, if everything is quite clear with the paratroopers and GRU officers, then what explains the colors of the berets of the special forces of the internal troops? The right to wear a maroon beret is reserved for air force servicemen and special forces soldiers who have sufficiently high professionalism, physical, moral and psychological qualities, and who have successfully completed qualification tests.

Moreover, the provision of a maroon beret can be carried out for displaying courage and bravery during the performance of official duties, as well as for outstanding achievements in the formation of special forces. The maroon color matches the color of the maroon shoulder straps worn by conscript soldiers of the USSR Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The same color was present on the bands of headdresses in the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

Initially, maroon berets were adopted as a uniform headdress for special forces of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1978 in one special unit. This was the 9th special forces training company in the 3rd battalion, in the 2nd regiment of OMSDON (Separate Motorized Rifle Division for Special Purpose). The head of the military training of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General A.G. Sidorov, supported and approved this idea.

Moreover, he personally gave instructions to place an order to one garment factory to sew the first 25 berets from maroon-colored fabric. In addition, to make it clear to everyone that a special forces soldier was standing in front of him, they decided to tilt the maroon beret not to the right ear, as is customary when wearing ordinary berets, but to the left. The very first soldier to become the owner of a maroon beret was a conscript soldier - Sergeant Georgy Stolbusenko.

There was talk that the 9th company was formed specifically for the 1980 Olympics. Moreover, it was believed then that it was after demonstration performances maroon berets before the start of the Olympics itself, those who were planning provocations suddenly lost the desire to do this, seeing who they would have to meet if something happened.

Special forces explosives: endurance or strength, which to give preference to?

And these days, in these, as in many other Russian special forces, special attention is always paid to the development of endurance, and not to increasing the level strength training. For elite special forces of the Air Force, this is of no small importance, because in order to pass the exam for a maroon beret, they have to make a twelve-kilometer forced march with full equipment. In the process of passing the distance, warriors will have to face many tasks. And the forced march is not the only element of the tasks that will need to be completed during the verification process for the right to wear a maroon beret.

Special forces: surrender for a maroon beret, standards

Before testing, a certification commission is formed in the unit. Before this, the number of potential participants is determined, and their professional suitability is also checked. All this happens by passing physical training standards. In addition, fire, tactical, and special physical training are assessed. If these tests are rated lower than “excellent,” then military personnel are simply not allowed to take the exams.

The tests that potential competitors will have to face include a three-kilometer run, pull-ups, and a special complex with four exercises. Exercises include push-ups, squat-press, abdominal swing, and jumping up from a half-squat position. All this is done in order 7X10. Preliminary tests are completed two to three days before the start of the main tests.

What is the purpose of the tests for passing the maroon beret?

The main goal of qualification tests is considered to be the selection of the most trained military personnel who have enhanced individual physical and fire skills. Such fighters will be treated in a special way in the future, because they will be very valuable specialists who will have to deal with real, especially dangerous criminals.

As already mentioned, the test is based on a 12-kilometer forced march. Each fighter wears all the equipment, including uniforms and personal weapons. Actually, at this stage of the competition, most of the likely participants are eliminated. However, if an insufficient number of fighters has been eliminated, the distance increases until the required number has been eliminated.

A forced march includes running through the mountains, crossing swampy areas and bodies of water, carrying comrades, crawling on bellies, and others. Following the forced march, the warriors go through a fire-assault obstacle course. After passing it, a single shot is fired upward with a personal weapon to check the condition of the weapon. In case of a misfire, participants will be disqualified.

Next, fire training is carried out, despite the strong fatigue of the fighters, which significantly affects the accuracy and accuracy of fire. After the shooting range, the military begins the assault on the “five-story building.” Using special equipment, they descend from the roof and open fire on targets. At the same time, it is prohibited to hit targets simulating hostages. Upon landing, the fighters must have time to use the radio station to report the end of the assault operations.

Acrobatic challenges and hand-to-hand combat

And finally, the decisive and most difficult test is continuous hand-to-hand combat. Examinees who have reached this stage will fight for 12 minutes, 3x4. During the battles, the warriors will fight each other, and the two remaining rivals will be owners of maroon berets. This is very difficult, because the tested special forces are on the verge of exhaustion, and their opponents (“krapoviki”) are in excellent shape.

During the period of hand-to-hand combat The main condition for the subjects is to prevent knockout. However, when fighting passively, warriors may receive a warning. During battles, warriors can be seriously injured, but this is the high price to pay for receiving a maroon beret.

The current test for obtaining a maroon beret

To date, military personnel undergoing military service in the internal troops do not pass examination tests to receive a maroon beret. Now the so-called veteran's surrender for the maroon beret is carried out. Only people who have completed military service, as well as contract soldiers, can take part in it.

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The beret as a headdress for military personnel appeared in the mid-20th century. The first berets were crimson in color and were worn by soldiers and officers of the airborne troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Later, blue was chosen as the color of the sky. Passing the exam for the Blue Beret of the Airborne Forces is much easier than for GRU special forces.

The maroon beret appeared as a distinctive symbol of special forces in 1978. At that time, the USSR was preparing to accept Olympic Games, which, as you know, were supposed to take place in 1980 in Moscow.

this year a maroon beret appeared

Taking into account the sad experience in Munich in 1972, the task was set to ensure high level safety at international competitions.

About the maroon beret of the GRU special forces

On the basis of the 9th company of the Special Forces of the 3rd battalion of the 2nd regiment of the Hotel Motorized Rifle Division named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (OMSDON) a special purpose training company was created. The maroon color of the headdress was not chosen by chance: on the one hand, the color of dried blood, and on the other, the color of the shoulder straps of soldiers of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. That is why the first 25 berets had this color.

Sergeant Georgy Stolbusenko is the first soldier to receive the maroon beret of the GRU special forces.

URSN commander Sergei Lysyuk and ZKR for special training Viktor Putilov became the founders of a new tradition.

The book "Alpha Team" made a strong impression on them. The author (Miklos Szabo, a former Green Beret of the US Marine Corps) talked about the process of training and education in the US special forces. In addition, the book described the exam for the right to wear a green beret. The grueling tests are reflected in the new exam.

The maroon beret is not just a special forces headdress.

The right to wear it can be obtained after passing a special exam. In addition, the maroon beret can be awarded for courage in performing service and combat missions and for services in the development of special forces units of the VNG of the Russian Federation (Rosguard), the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Purpose of the exam

An examination for the right to wear a maroon beret is held at the end of each training period. According to the plan, military personnel of special units improve their professional level. The most prepared of them become candidates for the maroon beret exam, the standards of which not every test participant can meet.

Objectives of qualification tests

  • identify the most trained military personnel who are able to act in case of sudden changes in the situation;
  • increase the level of professional training of special forces units;
  • improving stress tolerance, developing high strong-willed qualities and creating an incentive for the growth of business qualities.

To obtain the right to take the exam, you must prove yourself with positive side. Each special forces detachment has a council of maroon berets, whose members know what a special forces soldier should be like. The tasks of the council include making a decision on each candidate who decides to join the elite unit.

Standards for maroon beret

Surrendering a beret consists of several stages:

Do not confuse this test with the running exercise of the same name. One circle includes 10 push-ups with fists, 10 times bringing your legs to your chest, 10 times press, 10 jumps (“Spreader”, “Marine Corps”).

Requirements for physical training growing every day.

Therefore, over the past 1-2 years, comprehensive standards have been added to the standards for maroon berets. strength exercises on the horizontal bar.

It is necessary to perform 7 circles, each of which includes an inversion on the bar, a pull-up, a power-up and a leg lift. The exercises are performed once and in the same sequence.

If at least one standard of the exam for the maroon beret is not met, then further participation in the selection is not allowed. Before taking the maroon beret in Russia, each candidate is required to undergo powerful, exhausting physical training.

How to pass a maroon beret in Russia

The change for the maroon beret usually starts at 6 am. The equipment of each candidate is the same: uniform for the season, body armor (at least 10 kg), helmet, gas mask, machine gun. During the surrender, the loss of any element of equipment is not allowed. Each person also receives one blank cartridge.

All tests take place on one day, one after another:

  • 10 km forced march;
  • passing the fire-assault line;
  • assault on a high-rise building;
  • performing special shooting exercises;
  • acrobatics;
  • demonstration of hand-to-hand combat complexes (3 without weapons and 1 with weapons);
  • hand-to-hand combat.

Forced march

At the appointed time, all candidates line up on the parade ground, and the senior commander gives the order for the march. Immediately after the start, a very high pace is set in order to remove as many participants as possible. It lasts for 2-2.5 km. After this, candidates enter a smoke-filled area and use gas masks, in which they continue the test for some time.

In addition, various commands are given during the march:

  • being ambushed;
  • overcoming water obstacles, rubble, natural obstacles, etc.;
  • enemy air attack;
  • evacuation of the wounded;
  • push-ups and bringing your legs to your chest.

After 2 hours, the forced march ends and the passage of a special obstacle course begins.

Overcoming the obstacle course

Instructors are not allowed to help and anyone who is more than 50 m behind the main group is disqualified from the test.

During the passage of checkpoints, smoke bombs, simulated explosion packages, and shelling with blank cartridges are widely used. Here, candidates act as part of fighting trios, and the failure of one can lead to the removal of the entire group. Therefore, special attention is paid to coherence and mutual assistance.

After passing stage 2, the functionality of the weapon is checked. If the machine gun does not fire, the participant is removed from the distance.

Assault on a high-rise building

The assault on a high-rise building involves fulfilling the standard “Descent from a high-rise building by assault.” In 30 seconds you need to go down the rope from the 5th floor. On the 4th floor you need to hit the target with a machine gun, and on the 3rd floor you need to throw a grenade. Any errors or exceeding time limits will result in withdrawal.

Shooting exercises

According to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 632 “On the procedure for passing qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret,” the level of fire training is checked by performing a special exercise.

2 targets with 4 kill zones are located at a distance of 20 meters. In 20 seconds, you need to hit each of them one by one, firing 20 shots. The exercise is considered completed if zone “A” is hit 19 times, and zone “B” 1 time. Entering zone “D” results in the participant being removed.


  • kip rise;
  • kick followed by somersault;
  • forward somersault.

Having completed all these exercises in a row, they move on to demonstrating special sets of hand-to-hand combat techniques (katas).

Hand to hand combat

The final test is training matches lasting 12 minutes.

Fights are fought between candidates and in case of passivity, the pairs are “broken up” by instructors. Most often, it turns out that during the entire period each candidate will fight with the instructor at least once.

Only after passing all the tests does a serviceman receive the right to wear a maroon beret, which is recorded in the military ID and personal file. In addition, a numbered certificate of passing the exam is issued. The presentation takes place at a ceremonial formation the next day.

A serviceman breaks ranks, takes the beret, kneels, kisses him, dresses him and says “I serve.” Russian Federation and special forces!

Verification of candidates

After the reorganization of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation into the Russian Guard, OMON and SOBR officers are also allowed to take the exam. In each special forces detachment, internal selection is carried out among all comers.

Typically, selection consists of passing standards and completing a forced march. After this, the one who received admission, in the composition separate group prepares according to a special program to pass the main test, which is based on passing the exam for the blue beret of the Airborne Forces. They study the features of exercises, increase endurance and strength.

Where is the exam held?

The exam is held 2 times a year (April-May and September-October):

  • in Smolensk on the basis of OSPN "Mercury";
  • in Novosibirsk on the basis of the Iskitim training center;
  • V Krasnodar region in the 8th mountain training center “Hatsavita”;
  • in Khabarovsk on the basis of OSPN "Typhoon";
  • in the Leningrad region on the basis of the Kirovsky training center;
  • in the Sverdlovsk region on the basis of OSPN "Ural".

IN different years tests took place in Grozny on the basis of the Severny Training Center (34 OSPN) and in Novocherkassk Rostov region(10 TC, 7 OSPN “Rosich”).

Nowadays, just excellent preparation is no longer enough.

Particular attention is paid to the fighter’s outlook, intelligence and mental abilities. In addition to knowledge of theory (characteristics of weapons, rules of medical care, etc.), they can test knowledge of the history and structure of the state.

Additional Requirements

The fire training stage has also undergone changes. The exercise has become more complex and includes:

  • hitting moving and emerging targets from a machine gun at a distance of 25 to 100 meters;
  • defeat with a pistol after crawling 50 meters (the target is a moving enemy patrol at a distance of 10 meters);
  • installation of anti-personnel MON-50 and withdrawal to the starting line.

When passing the maroon beret, some instructors help their colleagues, which, of course, is prohibited. For example, running is deliberately set at a slow pace or shooting results are not assessed so strictly.

Only contract workers are allowed to take the exam.

In addition, there are cases when “krapoviki” deliberately do not allow military personnel to take part in the test or remove them from the Candidate Master of Masters or the Master of Masters in martial arts. An athlete can simply win a hand-to-hand fight with an instructor, and then the latter should be deprived of his maroon beret.

Veteran's change for a maroon beret

Those who previously served in special forces, but for some reason were unable to meet the standards for passing for a maroon beret, can obtain this right at the veteran's passing, which takes place once a year at the Vityaz training center in the Moscow region.

After confirming his involvement in service in special forces (certificate of service, mark on a military ID, etc.), the person wishing to do so is included in the list of participants. After a week-long training camp at the training center, the exam itself begins.

The conditions are a little easier than those that exist for active specialists. However, the loads are still simply prohibitive.

The cost of fees is 10,000 rubles. The price includes a week of accommodation, preparation for the exam program, 2 sets of uniforms (for training and for passing) and a T-shirt with the symbols of the Special Forces.

Information about the veteran's surrender day can be published on the Internet on the website of the veteran organization SSN.

Maroon Beret Day in Russia

In Russia, each branch of the military has its own special units. For the SSN of the Army and Navy, the dates of professional holidays are determined in the calendar. For GRU special forces - October 24, for intelligence units - December 5, and for Russian Guard special forces - August 29. Each specified date is included in the calendar as “Maroon Beret Day.”

The beret is a soft, round-shaped headdress without a visor. It came into fashion during the Middle Ages, but for a long time it was considered an exclusively men's headdress, since it was worn mainly by military people. Currently, berets are part of the military uniform of various troops of the Russian Armed Forces, each of which has its own characteristic coloring of berets, which can be used to determine whether the employee belongs to one or another branch of the Armed Forces.

Historical background

In our country, they began to include this headdress in military uniforms in 1936, following the example of the West. Initially in the army Soviet Union dark blue berets were supposed to be worn by female military personnel and only in the summer. At the end of World War II they were replaced by khaki berets.

Massively used in uniforms Soviet Army This headdress began much later, having appreciated all the advantages of the beret: it is able to protect the head from various precipitation, is extremely comfortable to wear, and due to its compact size and soft material, this headdress is extremely convenient to put away if necessary, for example, in a pocket.

In 1963, the beret officially became part of the uniform of military personnel of certain special forces structures.

Today, in the uniform of the Russian Armed Forces, there are such varieties of headdresses as black, light blue, blue, maroon, green, light green, orange, gray, cornflower blue, crimson, dark olive and olive berets.

  • Black berets indicate that the serviceman belongs to the Marine Corps.
  • A blue beret on a serviceman’s head indicates that he serves in the Russian Airborne Forces.
  • The blue beret belongs to the military uniform of the Russian Air Force.
  • - uniform headdress for employees of special forces units of the Russian National Guard.
  • The Green Berets belong to the intelligence elite of the internal forces.
  • Light green headdresses are worn by representatives of the Russian Border Troops at ceremonial and official events.
  • Orange berets are worn by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Grays are special military units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Wearing a cornflower blue beret indicates that its owner belongs to the special forces of the FSB of Russia and the special forces of the FSO of Russia.
  • Crimson berets were worn by those representatives of the troops who served in the Airborne Forces until 1968, since they were then replaced by blue berets.
  • The dark olive beret is the uniform headdress of the special forces units of the railway troops.

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Military men wearing olive-colored berets are perhaps the most difficult to identify as belonging to any type of military force.

Olive color: belonging to the troops

The olive beret is part of the military uniform of the Russian Guard. Until 2016, it was worn by representatives of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and special forces of the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense. These troops carry out activities to ensure the internal and public security of Russia from various types of illegal attacks.

The troops have the following purposes:

  • ensuring the territorial integrity of Russia;
  • protection of the country's objects of special importance;
  • interaction with other troops of the Russian Armed Forces;
  • ensuring the safety of Russian citizens;
  • suppression of the activities of terrorist groups.

Very little is known about those who wear olive berets, since information about their activities is classified; wearing such berets is a great honor and pride for their owners and a lot of effort must be made to earn the right to own them.

Receiving an insignia

To earn the honorable right to wear an olive beret, you must go through several stages of the most difficult physical and psychological tests, because only the best employees wear olive berets. The olive beret is submitted once a year. Absolutely every Russian military serviceman can participate, but not all military participants are able to pass the olive beret exam; the selection of candidates is extremely strict. According to statistics, only about half of candidates reach last stage examination tests. To pass the standards to receive a beret, you need to be thoroughly prepared, both physically and mentally.

The following requirements are imposed on a military service member applying for the right to own an olive beret:

  • demonstration of physical fitness;
  • passing a forced march through difficult terrain with water obstacles;
  • ambush detection;
  • rescuing the victim;
  • overcoming an assault barrier;
  • demonstration of aimed fire skills;
  • demonstration of hand-to-hand combat skills.

Change for an olive beret starts with preliminary stage, which includes types of physical activity such as pull-ups, push-ups, and cross-country over a distance of 3 km. On next stage During the exam, the applicant for the olive beret will have to go through an obstacle course, storm a building and demonstrate hand-to-hand combat skills.

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During the two-hour obstacle course, the applicant, wearing equipment weighing more than 12 kg, must overcome water and other difficult obstacles. This test is carried out without respite or delay. The applicant must then demonstrate marksmanship skills. A 12-minute sparring session with a change of partners ends with a submission for the olive beret. Note that there are some similarities with

The military, like representatives of all other professions, have their own distinctive uniform and attributes within it. These include all kinds of jackets, T-shirts, shorts, gloves, and hats. One of these elements is the blue beret, which is mainly worn by employees of Russia and some other countries.

History of origin

The uniform for employees is constantly changing. They are trying to make it better, more comfortable and convenient. The headdress is also an important attribute in any military man and therefore undergoes some changes. But, for example, not everyone knows that at first it was supposed to wear a crimson beret. This was a worldwide tradition, and in many countries it has even been preserved to this day. Its founder was the artist Zhuk, who is also the author of many books on small arms. But in 1968, the top officials of the state decided to replace them with blue berets. War began to be associated not with the color red, but with a radiant light blue. This headdress was more suitable for parachute units and was very popular with the employees themselves.

Of course, a single style of military uniform has always existed, but blue became an official element by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense only in 1969 on July 26. Until this moment, there were no documents establishing such rules.

Differences between berets

It is known that the uniform of the military differs depending on ranks. This also applies to hats. For example, a blue beret for sergeants or soldiers has a star in a wreath on the front, and for officers there is an Air Force badge. On the berets of the guards units on the left is the emblem of the Airborne Forces with a red flag, the creation of which was the idea of ​​​​Margelov, a Soviet military leader. In 1989, on March 4, new rules regarding wearing uniforms were issued, which stated the mandatory placement of flags on the berets of military personnel. However, such headdresses did not have a single appearance, because they were manufactured independently in each individual part.


Berets for the military are produced according to the standard approved by the Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense (from first-grade wool). Correspondences can be determined visually in natural sunlight or using an instrumental method. The blue beret should also retain its color and shape when washed and rubbed. Employees' hats range from sizes 54 to 62, which are determined by head circumference.

Who wears blue berets

In general, hats differ depending on the activities of employees. Military personnel of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation and Bulgaria, airmobile troops of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, artillery units in Israel, as well as special forces units of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Belarus wear a blue beret. By the way, this item of clothing replaced the crimson headdress at the suggestion of General Ivan Ivanovich Lisov, whose initiative was warmly approved by General Margelov. Soon after the start of wearing such a beret, statistics showed that military personnel liked this color.