How to quickly tighten your hamstrings. Exercises for the hamstrings - flawless legs

The back of the thigh is the main breeding ground for the hateful orange peel in females. And the butt seems okay, and the legs are quite slender, but the flabby rear part spoils the whole external picture. Let us remind you that we have already analyzed in detail the features of training and, and also described from the external surface.

Now let's talk about the back of the legs. This area of ​​the body is divided into several muscles - the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles.

Having decided to bring problem area in the form, you need to pay attention to 2 tasks:

  • Burning excess fat – any aerobic and cardio exercise will help here;
  • Bringing the area into a state of tone - basic and multifunctional strength exercises will help in this matter.

The most important thing in getting rid of extra centimeters is regularity. You need to exercise at least 2-3 times a week, combining different types training for different groups muscles.

Locally ONLY in the desired area you will not lose weight. The result will not be late - after 3-4 weeks regular classes With the exercises presented below, looking in the mirror will become much more pleasant.

Before you consider best exercises For back surface hips at home, you need to stretch.

How to stretch your hamstrings?

Stretching is the foundation of any workout. Poorly stretched muscles not only work worse, but are also extremely susceptible to all kinds of injuries. It is recommended both before training - warm-up, and after - cool-down. Before starting classes, it is better to warm up your joints well., and also perform dynamic warm-up - running, jumping, jumping rope. For a cool-down, gentle stretching of the muscles involved in training is better suited.

The following exercises are good for stretching your backside:

  • Fold– sitting on the floor, legs straight, back straight. We raise our arms up and then smoothly lower ourselves down to our feet. Try not to bend your knees and press them firmly into the floor.
  • Deep lunge with straight leg– one leg is bent at the knee, the other is pushed back as far as possible. Try to keep your knee straight.
  • - lie on your stomach. As you inhale, clasp your ankle with your hands and arch your back and sway slightly, like a boat. As you exhale, relax and return to starting position.

All exercises must be performed slowly, as if freezing for a certain time.

You can also do the leg stretch shown in this video:

So, when the stretching is done, you can start doing hamstring exercises at home. Below you will find the top 5 best-in-class movements aimed at the area of ​​interest.


One of the most effective base loads For posterior muscles hips. The front of the legs and the torso of the back are also involved. We also recall that given thrust is one of the best movements.

Implementation complexity is medium. Concentration and stamina are required. It is better to use dumbbells or a barbell of a comfortable weight from the equipment.


  1. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight, arched in the lower back, weights in the hands in the groin area;
  2. Inhaling, bend at the back, hands with weights slide along the body to the middle of the shin;
  3. Without stopping at the bottom point, we exhale and return to the starting position.

Watch the video for more details:

You should try to push off from the bottom point with the biceps and the muscles leading to it. If you don’t feel the area being trained, all your efforts are in vain.

Deadlifts should be performed in 3-4 sets of 6-10 times.

Carefully! The dumbbells or barbell must move strictly along the body. The farther the bar is from the body, the greater the negative load on the spine and the chance of injury.

Single leg squats

Squats themselves are very effective for the lower body. But it’s single-leg squats that will really load and help you lose weight on your backside. There are 2 types of this load, they differ in the location of the non-supporting leg. The difficulty of implementation is high, in addition to coordination, such a training of the hamstrings will perfectly work the necessary area and help.

Option one- standard


  1. Starting position – straight back, supporting leg slightly bent at the knee, the other, bent, pressed against the body;
  2. While inhaling, we squat as deeply as possible;
  3. After exhaling, we return to the original position.

Option two- pistol

  1. Starting position – the body is stretched out like a string, one straight leg is extended forward until it is parallel to the floor;
  2. Inhaling, a squat is performed;
  3. As you exhale, return to the upward position.

Watch the video for more details:

If it is difficult to perform actions on the floor, place your supporting leg on a support - a chair, stool or bench.

You need to implement the exercise to characteristic voltage in the muscles. For starters, 15-20 times in several approaches is enough. The time between sets is 30-45 seconds. If the load is easy, try it.

This is interesting! Such squats help change, and therefore effectively combat.

Jumping Lunges

A combination of aerobic and power load will have a wonderful effect on tightening your figure. Difficulty due to jumping quite high.

In addition to the main muscle group being worked, lunges will help tighten the buttocks and calf muscles.

  1. Starting position – Legs together, back straight, arms at your sides, gaze directed forward;
  2. As you inhale, lunge forward with your right leg, exhale while hovering;
  3. On the next inhalation, we jump and land in a lunge on the other leg.

Learn more from the video:

You can do this exercise with or without weights. For beginners, you should start with 10-12 repetitions on each leg in 2-3 sets.

For the necessary coordination of movements, help yourself when jumping with characteristic swings of your arms.

Leg raises while lying on your stomach

Excellent static load for girls and women, acting primarily on the biceps femoris muscle. The difficulty is not high, the main thing is to concentrate on the area being worked and feel the muscle tension in it. This movement is also called.

  1. Starting position - Lay a mat, lie on your stomach, arms and legs straight and extended down;
  2. As you inhale, we lift 2 straight legs up 15-20 centimeters from the floor level, hold for 2-3 seconds;
  3. Exhaling, we come to the starting position.

More details in the video:

You can perform actions on both legs at once, or separately on each. To begin with, 15-20 repetitions in 3-4 approaches will be enough.

You can perform the exercise without weights or use weights on your calves or ankles.

Supine calf curls

A functional exercise that involves the back of the thigh, buttocks, back muscles and abdominal strengthening. The difficulty is small, the main thing is to save correct back arch to avoid injury. For greater efficiency, you can use 2 small elevated supports - you can place weights from a barbell/dumbbell or towels folded several times.

Most people play sports without dreaming of becoming professional athletes and receive medals, and to remain strong, resilient, have an athletic figure, stay healthy and young longer. Choosing various types training, attention should be paid to the biceps of the thighs. This muscle group is subject to less stress than others due to sedentary work, inactive lifestyle.

Performing exercises on specific parts of the body will help a woman get rid of cellulite and tighten her skin. It is permissible to carry out separately or include it in a complex type of training.

  1. Classes cannot be started without preparing the muscles for the main load. Spend 5 minutes warming up, consisting of: aerobic exercise. This includes running, jumping rope, and walking up stairs.
  2. Exercises for the back of the thigh are repeated 15-20 times with breaks between sets of 30 seconds. It's better to start with 1-2 approaches. Gradually the amount is shown to be increased. If severe pain begins during exercise, the activity is interrupted to avoid injury.
  3. For training, choose special comfortable clothes and shoes. Sportswear It is better to choose from cutting-edge synthetic fabrics. This one stretches well and removes moisture. Shoes are chosen that are breathable, lightweight, designed to protect against injuries and reduce the load on the feet.
  4. In order for the training to be useful, you need to conduct classes 2-3 times a week. It is better to add lightweight elements to morning exercises, reaching maximum effect, keeping the body in good shape.
  5. The workout should end with stretching. Stretching improves blood flow, accelerates muscle recovery, and muscles become more elastic. Stretching helps the body relax after an intense workout.

Examples of simple and effective types of exercises

Exercises for the hamstrings are suitable for training at home. Optional special sports equipment. In the absence of dumbbells, the exercise machine can be easily replaced with water bottles. To achieve maximum results and avoid injury, it is important correct technique. After doing a short warm-up, start your workout.

Special exercises for the gym

Yoga for stretching the hamstrings

Grabbing the big toes. Stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart. Leaving your legs straight, pulling your knees in, bend forward. The head and body move as a single unit when moving. Two fingers of both hands (index and middle) grasp the toes pressed to the floor. At the same time, the fingers stretch upward. The body slowly rises until the arms are fully straightened. As you exhale, the chest and buttocks rise higher, creating a slight bend in the lower back. The muscles of the back of the leg contract. It is recommended to perform these movements several times.

Triangle pose. To perform, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a big step forward with your right foot. The torso leans sideways towards the leg so that the spine is stretched, but not arched. To relieve painful tension from the muscles, the front leg can be slightly bent.

Capture thumb legs. To perform this asana, lie on your back, straighten your legs, and place your feet against the wall. Right hand the toe of a similar foot is grabbed and straightened. Exhaling, the foot reaches towards itself. You will feel a stretch in the back of your leg. After holding for 30 seconds, lower your leg. Do the same with the left leg.

Heron pose. It is carried out while sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your left knee, pressing your buttock muscles to the floor, slightly tilt your pelvis forward. As you exhale, carefully begin lifting your right leg. The foot is pulled towards itself with a new exhalation, stronger until the biceps of the thigh are stretched to the limit. After holding the pose for a few minutes, lower your leg. Perform with the other leg.

Head to knee pose. The starting position is the same as the previous asana. One leg is straightened, the second bends at the knee, becomes as close as possible to the buttock, and lowers to the left on the floor. Rotate the pelvis to set the correct direction of movement, the body begins to twist forward towards the right leg. Hands bent at the elbows grasp the right foot. Continue reaching down until your forehead rests on your shin. Remain in the pose for one or several minutes, then change legs.

You should not constantly work in an intense mode, this will lead to overexertion and serious injuries. It is better to alternate heavy workouts with light ones.

Remember, to strengthen the back of the leg and give elasticity to the skin, you will have to train intensively, paying attention to proper nutrition. To achieve great results It is useful to accompany training with a course of massage.

The back of the thigh is a problem area for most women. It is susceptible to the formation of cellulite, which causes the skin there to become loose and lumpy. You can tighten it by strengthening your muscles. Men involved in sports also need to pay attention to the development of this muscle group. Otherwise, your legs will look disproportionate. Besides weak muscles inhibit progress in squats and other basic lower body exercises.


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    Muscle anatomy

    A large area on the back of the legs is occupied by the biceps femoris muscle. The semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles are also located there.

    This muscle group performs bending of the legs at the knees and their subsequent extension, as well as moving the pelvis back when tilting the body down. Accordingly, in order to pump up the muscles of the posterior thigh, it is necessary to perform exercises that imitate the listed movements. You can train your hamstrings both at home and in the gym.

    Typically, men focus their leg training on developing the quadriceps. But this is wrong. Strong hamstrings are essential to lifting weights in squats and some other lower body exercises. If this muscle group is lagging behind, you can forget about deep squats. In addition, strong muscles help avoid knee injuries and sprains.

    In most exercises aimed at developing the muscles of the hamstrings, the buttocks are also included in the work, since they perform similar functions.

    Effective exercises for home workouts

    You can train your hamstrings at home. As equipment you will need to use dumbbells, a barbell or rubber expanders. If you can’t buy shells, you can take plastic bottles with water or sand.

    To notice results, you need to exercise at home regularly. But you should not overuse training, otherwise the muscles will not be able to recover.

    You should do no more than 2 classes per week. The following should be carried out no earlier than 24 hours after the muscle pain from the previous workout.

    Effective exercises for losing weight in arms - training at home and in gym

    Romanian deadlift

    Basics basic exercise for the biceps - Romanian deadlift. It allows you to stretch the back of your legs well and strengthen your buttocks.

    But this exercise is dangerous if the technique is not followed. Therefore, beginners are recommended to perform it without additional weight until the movement is brought to automaticity.

    The correct technique for performing the Romanian deadlift:

    • pick up an apparatus (barbell or dumbbells);
    • place your legs slightly narrower than your shoulders, feet parallel;
    • from this position, begin to lean down with a straight back;
    • The pelvis should be pulled back, the knees should be slightly bent;
    • the weight should practically slide along the legs, otherwise the load will move from the hamstrings to the arms and back;
    • lower the projectile to the middle of the shin;
    • you should linger at this point, feeling the stretch in the back of your legs;
    • then straighten up, pressing your heels into the floor and lifting the weight with the strength of your thigh biceps and buttocks.

    You must not bend backwards at the top, otherwise you may get injured. Your back should remain perfectly straight throughout the entire movement.

    Perform the exercise at a slow pace, feeling the work target muscles. Inhale when lowering, and exhale when lifting.

    In addition to the classic version, you can do Romanian deadlifts on one leg. This exercise allows you to work out the muscles in more detail and, if necessary, correct their imbalance.

    Romanian single leg deadlift

    Leg curls with dumbbells or band

    At home, you can perform such an effective exercise as lying down leg curls with a dumbbell. It is advisable to do it on a bench, and not on the floor, so that your legs hang in the air. Then the amplitude of movement will be most complete.

    Exercise technique:

    • lie on your stomach on a bench or similar horizontal object;
    • the knees should extend slightly beyond its edge;
    • You need to hold a dumbbell between your feet;
    • firmly grasp the bench with your hands, pressing your body against it;
    • as you exhale, bend your knees, lifting the dumbbell to a right angle;
    • fixate at the top point, making a peak contraction;
    • After this, straighten your legs, but do not fully straighten your knees so that the tension is maintained.

    If you don’t have a bench or other suitable object at home, you can do leg curls while lying on the floor. In this case, it is best to use weights or a rubber fitness band rather than a dumbbell. She is pressed to the floor with one leg, and the other is bent at the knee.

    Lying leg curl with rubber band

    Good morning

    This exercise received such an unusual name because it resembles a bow when wishing good morning.

    Several muscle groups are involved in the execution process: buttocks, extensors, muscles of the middle and lower back and the back of the thigh.

    Correct technique:

    • place the barbell on your shoulders;
    • lean forward, moving your pelvis back and slightly bending your knees;
    • when the body becomes almost parallel to the floor, it is necessary to straighten up, straining the biceps of the thigh and buttocks;
    • The back should be straight throughout the entire movement, the shoulders and chest should be turned.

    "Good morning"

    You need to bend by moving the pelvis back, and not by simply bending at the lower back.

    In this exercise you should not take heavy weights, as you may injure your back.


    Squats are aimed at developing the muscles of the lower body. They involve many muscle groups, but usually the quadriceps receive the most load. To shift the emphasis and maximize the use of the hamstrings and buttocks, you must follow several rules:

    • the movement should begin by moving the pelvis back, and not bending the legs at the knees;
    • you need to squat deeply - to parallel with the floor or lower;
    • At the same time, the lower back should not peck, and the back should be rounded;
    • the knees cannot be brought inward, they should point in the same directions as the socks;
    • It is necessary to get up from a squat using the force of the buttocks.

    If you squat correctly, the load will fall on the butt and hamstring muscles, which is especially important for girls. After practicing the technique, you can take weights - put a barbell on your shoulders, pick up dumbbells or bottles of water.

    Gluteal bridge

    It will help to work out the biceps of the thigh and buttocks in isolation. gluteal bridge. This exercise is easy to perform both at home and in the gym.


    • lie on your back with your knees bent;
    • as you exhale, raise your pelvis, straining your buttocks so that your body forms a straight line;
    • stop at the top and squeeze the muscles as much as possible;
    • then return to the starting position, but do not lie on the floor so that the tension does not go away.

    To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, it is necessary to use weights. To do this, you can take a pancake or a small barbell.

    Glute bridge with a plate

    Home workout program

    To create a training program from the above exercises, you need to put them in in the right order. The table shows rough plan workouts for hamstrings and buttocks.

    It is advisable to perform exercises 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time the muscles need to recover. On rest days, it's a good idea to train other muscle groups or do cardio.

    In the gym

    You can also work out in the gym. There are somewhat more opportunities there, as special simulators are installed. In addition, the gym has more equipment and you can train in a frame that allows you to safely take a barbell for squats, Romanian deadlifts, etc.

    In the gym you can perform all the exercises that are suitable for home exercises. Besides this, there are a few more additional ones.

    Leg bending in the simulator

    Almost all gyms have a lying leg curl machine. To pump up your hamstrings with its help, you need to customize the design to suit you. This should be done in such a way that your knees hang slightly over the edge of the machine, and the roller is above your ankles.

    After this setup, you can proceed directly to the exercise. Correct technique:

    • lie down on the exercise machine bench, place your legs under the bolster;
    • as you exhale, bend your knees, almost touching your buttocks;
    • “squeeze” the biceps at the top and then straighten your legs;
    • There is no need to fully straighten your knees so as not to damage them and maintain tension in the muscles.

    It is important to hold the handles tightly and not arch your lower back, as this shifts the emphasis of the load from the muscles of the back of the thigh to the lower back.

    The leg curl machine is of the block type, when the weights are placed in tiles (blocks). It can also work with free weights when adding plates is required.

    You can use a similar design to perform this exercise while standing. The technique will be almost identical.

    Less commonly, you can find a seated leg curl machine. Its advantage is that there is no pressure on the lower back.

    Hyperextension with round back

    Another exercise that targets the hamstrings and glutes is hyperextension. It is performed in special simulator, which first needs to be adjusted to suit you. To put it into operation the right muscles, and not the lower back, the cushions of the exercise machine should be lowered as low as possible.

    Technique for performing hyperextension:

    • take a position on the simulator;
    • cross your arms over your chest or behind your head;
    • as you inhale, lower yourself, rounding your upper back so that the angle between your legs and body is 90 degrees;
    • the gaze should be directed downwards;
    • as you exhale, you should rise so that the body becomes parallel to the floor;
    • perform the required number of repetitions.

    Hyperextension with round back

    It is advisable to lower slowly, and rise sharply due to the efforts of the rear muscles of the thigh and buttocks.

    There is an opinion that this exercise negatively affects the back. To avoid problems, you can only slightly round your upper back and keep your lower back straight. Once the technique has been learned, you can pick up a barbell plate and press it to your chest. But take heavy weight not necessary in this exercise.

    Gym training program

    The workout plan at the gym will be slightly different. An example of a training program is given in the table.

    The last two exercises can be performed as a superset. That is, you first need to do the required number of repetitions of hyperextension, and then immediately, without interruption, proceed to performing the gluteal bridge.

    You should exercise in the same way as at home: 1-2 times a week. Next workout cannot be carried out until the muscle pain from the previous one has passed.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

The back of the thigh has a large muscle that needs to be developed not only by athletes, but also by people who care about their figure. Hamstring workout, will tone the muscles, relieve possible problems associated with the disease of ligaments and blood vessels.

TOP 5 most effective exercises for the hamstrings

Exercise 1. Deadlift

You need a stand and a rod. The weight of the bar depends on your physical condition and muscle development. Girls are not recommended to lift a barbell of more than ten kilograms (five on each side). The load should be on your legs, do not involve your back and body in the work, they should not be mobile.

  1. Stand on the stand and squat down. The barbell must be held at arm's length, but preferably without touching the floor.
  2. Slowly straighten your legs until the bar is level with your knees, then squat down again. Make sure that the load goes only to the leg muscles.
  3. Returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise ten times in several approaches.

As a result of training, performing this exercise, your hamstring muscles will noticeably tighten and strengthen. There will be an opportunity to give yourself stronger loads. It will be possible to increase the weight of the barbell. All muscle groups in the legs will begin to work at full strength.

You will see the effect after two weeks of daily or alternating (every other day) training. To achieve the effect of the exercise, be sure to perform it correctly.

Exercise deadlift, standing on a stand, must be combined with other exercises. If you are new to such workouts, it is better to do them every other day. This is necessary for muscle recovery after exercise and their gradual development without the risk of injury and overload.

Exercise 2. Dumbbell swings

To perform the exercise you will need a dumbbell. The severity must be selected based on your muscle potential.

  1. The feet must be placed wider than the shoulders. The dumbbell must be held at arm's length from the chest. Stand up straight.
  2. With your arms tilted, guide the dumbbell between your legs. Thus, it should be between the knees and under the buttocks.
  3. As you straighten your legs and straighten your body, return the dumbbell to its original position. (Hold it in front of your chest with your arms outstretched).

If performed correctly technically, you will develop top part muscles of the back of the thigh and muscles of the buttocks.

The effect is achieved after several workouts.

Video exercises:

Do not hold the dumbbell at the top point. Set the rhythm of the exercise while inhaling and exhaling. The result you can achieve depends on the technique of execution.

Exercise 3. Squats on one leg

There are two options for performing the exercise. In one of them, the free leg is bent and pressed against the body with the hands, and in the other, it should be straightened parallel to the floor. The second option is popularly called “Pistol Exercise.”

  1. You need to stand on right leg, while slightly bending it at the knee. Left leg it is necessary to bend it, raising the knee up; for convenience, you can clasp it with your hands.
  2. The supporting leg will be in the process of training and physical activity. Squats on the supporting leg are the basis of the exercise.
  3. After completing the squat, return to the starting position. You need to repeat squats 15-20 times in one approach.

This exercise gives the necessary load on back thighs, toning and tightening her.

The effect of the exercise depends on your efforts. This must be done before the appearance pain in the muscles to achieve better results.

Video exercises:

Since the load on the legs alternates, it must be distributed equally. The same number of squats on each leg will give the desired effect. While one leg is resting, the other is working, so there is no need to separate the approaches with breaks. If you have difficulties with balance, you can lean one of your hands on the wall; it will be necessary to gradually get rid of this habit.

Exercise 4. King's Row

Another effective exercise for the back of the thigh is the King's row.

  1. Stand on your right leg and bend your left knee. In this case, it is necessary to direct it not forward, but backward, so that the foot is parallel to your back.
  2. Hands must be pulled towards the floor with your fingers, and your back slightly bent.
  3. When bending your supporting leg, reach your toes towards the floor. It is advisable to touch it.
  4. After completing the exercise several times, repeat it, changing your leg.

The effect of this exercise can be seen after several sessions, as it acts gradually, without causing muscle overload.

At correct execution you will feel the back of your thigh stretch.

Video exercises:

The exercise must be done in several approaches. Make sure you perform the technique correctly. If you don't feel tension in gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh, then you are doing it incorrectly.

Exercise 5. Jumping lunges

Lunges are the most common exercise for developing the hamstrings. This exercise does not have to be done in the gym; it is well suited for home use. In addition, the lunge exercise does not require additional equipment such as a dumbbell or barbell.

  1. You need to stand in the basic stance: arms along the body, legs together. Make sure your back is straight.
  2. Lunge forward with your foot. It is best to start the exercises with the right leg.
  3. When jumping up, switch legs. In order for the jump to be sufficient long distance from the floor, help yourself with a wave of your hands.

In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to perform this exercise daily.

The exercise tightens the leg muscles well and keeps the body in good shape.

Video exercises:

It is best to perform the exercise in sports shoes. Doing this exercise barefoot may cause injury. The most common of these is a foot bruise. Keep your body balance normal when jumping, try to keep your body straight, without leaning to one side or another.

In order to develop your body, you need to choose the right exercises. Training the back of the thigh should be combined, that is, consist of various loads, in this case the muscles will become strong and toned evenly. Make sure you perform the exercises correctly and repeat them in several approaches.

Girls, please advise how to tighten the hips from the back under the butt.
It seems that all the fat is collected there and the skin there is still not elastic at all.
The rest of the body is in good condition, but the hips spoil the whole look.
Sports are present in my life, I try to eat clean. Since I was 15 years old, my skin has been flabby in this very place.
Are there any treatments that can help, or is liposuction my last hope to see toned legs?
I want it like the one below, but mine is closer to the top photo, only thinner.

Lunges, lunges, lots of lunges are the best exercises for your hips.

Cardio training plus strength training plus proper nutrition, Imagine. Everything is as old as the world.

And they correctly write that lunges are effective for the thigh muscles.

Platform leg press, light weight, many repetitions - great exercises for legs. In the shower, afterward, scrub with coarse salt and grapefruit essential oil, just to make your butt burn. Well, if the gym has a hamstring machine, use it to finish off the platform. And as they said above - lunges.

Good anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks and thighs.

I have exactly the same ass as in the first photo, plus ears with inside hips

Cavitation plus myostimulation plus radio lifting - for the hips and buttocks, as well as sleep 8 hours a day, healthy eating, running and sex.

I also had the same problem with the back of my thighs. But I was just fuller, then I lost weight, and this made my skin kind of flabby. Then I started to build my butt well, doing squats, a lot of squats. And it's okay, everything has changed.

The first photo is far from a bad ass.

Strength exercises with good weight, from cardio and other nonsense your legs will lose a little weight, but they will remain flabby.

Exercises for legs, hips and buttocks, and, of course, massage!!! Take a brush and rub it with the scrub, warming it up until the skin becomes red and stings. Then take the oil (photo below) and apply it to the places where you will massage. Take silicone jars and move them along the lymph flow lines (photo below). You can do a massage with cups every other day, but a scrub plus a brush every day! 100% after 10 uses it will give a very good result. The main thing is to go towards your goal every day and not give up halfway or at the beginning.
PS. Don't look for excuses and don't feel sorry for yourself. Beautiful pops to all.

If the photo above looks like your butt, then sports only exist in dreams. Lunges, Romanian deadlifts, hyperextension on a straight bench, back swings with a load for the thigh muscles and, of course, proper nutrition.

It can be like an anti-cellulite massage. Helped me a lot after giving birth.

Deadlifts (aka stiff-legged deadlifts) are my advice for the thigh muscles.

Powerful, a lot strength exercises and proper nutrition.

Sports are present in life. What kind of sport is this, chess or shooting?

From this cupping massage on the thighs, stars appear on the veins.

Is it true? And I just wanted to start using them.

If you have a predisposition to vein diseases (varicose veins, for example), then you shouldn’t.

After the cupping massage, I walked around with blue-red-purple thighs and butt for a month. A good brush, scrub, contrast shower, good rubbing with oil (for example, as above) helps for the back of the thigh. Review your diet, no soda or fast carbohydrates. If you smoke, quit, and, of course, exercises for the hips - swings, lunges and squats. Good luck.

Do squats and lunges for your hips, run! And about the presence of sports in your life, you are deceiving yourself.

And during breastfeeding Do you think it makes sense to lose weight?

If cupping massage is wrong, then yes. In any case, I had nothing. If you have varicose veins, then you can’t.

Do these contraindications for massage also apply to the stomach?

The massage was simply done incorrectly; this should not happen from cupping.

I was told that my blood vessels are located close to my skin, and I bruise easily if I just press lightly, so, in general, it’s not surprising. A honey massage has the same effect.

I have the same thing, the blood vessels are also located close to the skin. The first time I had a cupping massage, I walked around covered in bruises and looked like I was beaten. And then I read on the Internet, it turned out that I was doing the massage incorrectly. Not along the lines, I didn’t warm up the muscles and skin before. Then I started doing it again according to all the rules, the goal was to tighten the skin in general. There were no more bruises at all. Although, maybe the skin has gotten used to it?! So I did and did, I see the jeans became loose. I tried it on, and indeed 5 cm went away in circumference, in 7 times. The skin has become much better, cellulite is melting. But, and, of course, all this time I observed drinking regime, studied at home using video. I was waiting for the wrong fat to go away so I could pump up my thigh muscles and beautiful ass. Whatever you say, exercise alone will not remove the fat that accumulates around the butt. Especially on the bottom of the back of the thigh.

Here I agree, it should be in combination: diet - massage - exercise. Convinced, I’ll try to repeat the cupping massage again, and this time I’ll try to do everything right.

The main thing is not to suddenly tear the jars away from the skin during massage, do it very carefully. Good luck to you, you need to fight for your beauty.

Sports plus proper nutrition equals excellent result. For the back of the thigh, including.

Take a bath with sea salt and any citrus oil, you can do rubbing and massage with this mixture, a coffee scrub with oil, a clay mask, a contrast shower, tightening and figure-sculpting products.

Everyone's completely obsessed with these toned butts. Spring, you say? Yes, but it’s too late to come to grips with this issue in the spring; these are the sleighs that need to be prepared in the summer.

Well, I came to my senses too.

Why not?
And in general, you can’t eat a lot of things while breastfeeding.

Well, better late than never. Even though I’m lazy, I try to at least work out while watching TV, and then maybe I’ll pluck up the courage and go to a new gym. Or for a massage.

You good coach needed!! And you will have smooth thighs.

I went to fitness, and until I stopped feeding, I didn’t lose a single kg, now I’m in my second year, I’m feeding again, but I don’t see the point in starting, my body is resisting, and I really want to lose weight.

Well, I don’t know, I started working out and going for massages, probably too late. When Dona was 8 months old and there was no need to worry about her milk, she fed her until she was 1.5 months old, and from time to time she dropped it and put it back on. The body reacts differently, I don’t see the point in prioritizing weight loss! It will come of course!

Thank you, with the second one there is no fanaticism for losing weight, like with the first one.

In the gym, work with a barbell, lunges, squats, if you want toned thighs. Swimming and running. Exercise 3 times a week. And so that you can barely crawl out of the hall. For elasticity, baby cream with the addition of 3 drops helps me essential oil neroli. Well, if you’re lazy, then go straight to the surgeon.

Just tell me what. If you eat clean and work hard in the gym, then everything will smooth out and tighten up. Don't lie to others and don't lie to yourself. It is also worth considering how much feces to eat per day so that your diet does not exceed the required amount of energy.
Drink a lot, stop arguing “I can’t, why, I already have enough.” Nothing is enough - if you drink two or three glasses of water a day!
You need to drink a lot, sleep well, reduce stress and work hard in the gym. And not just swinging your legs in different directions, and just exercises for the hips, but seriously with the base.

It all depends on the degree of “sagging skin” on your thighs.

Massage is the most effective remedy along with exercise and proper nutrition.

For your hips, you need to do not just exercises, but sets in the gym. For example, these.
Leg raises 3x15 plus lunges.
Leg retraction plus sumo squat 4x12.
Standing hip plus leg swings in the 5x12 machine.
And I personally also benefit from lateral leg raises with dumbbells, I do 4x12.

Wraps also help great for the hips and smooth out the skin. I know it from myself.

Damn, eat sweets and flour! Lie on the sofa and don't move! But! The most important thing is to rub the creams in intensively!!! And you will be happy, lazy ass.

Do lunges, run and go more water, and 0 flour.
Coffee scrubs and that's it!

What a horror. Sports can help you. AND honey massage. Try it, it’s a very effective remedy, it destroys cellulite well, it will tighten your thighs.

Lunges obviously won't help here. You need to straighten your hips with weights. Squat with a barbell. Romanian deadlift, etc.

Here are some more advisors. As soon as I see it, they crap on someone else’s ass with the snap of a finger, all of a sudden they all became idiots, well, well.

Deadlift plus deadlift, better weight more, but with a small number of repetitions. Within 4 months, the visible cellulite on my thighs left me.

You forgot to add that those with thin and sensitive skin with a predisposition to varicose veins are prohibited from cupping massage!

I wrote about this below; by the way, the contraindications include only varicose veins, and not a predisposition to it.