What do athletes drink? Agapov A.V.

Why borscht, mushrooms and sandwiches are the main enemies of those who decided to follow the example of the Olympians

It is possible that many will once again want to change their lives - they will start running in the morning and finally think about healthy eating. W→O→S spoke with experts in sports nutrition about what underlies the nutrition of athletes and what rules need to be followed while on a sports diet.

Pavel Sheremet, master of sports, specialist in sports nutrition

To achieve results in sports, two things are important: load and recovery. If you do not have time to recover after training, then it is simply pointless to give the next dose of load - it throws the athlete back. Recovery is, first of all, nutrition, which gives the body energy, building material for new cells. Proper nutrition - best medicine from many ailments. The basis of the nutrition system is the same at any level of training. The most important thing in this matter is the five rules that must be followed regardless of the degree of load.

1. Maintain the order of products.

Each product belongs to a specific group, there are six in total. Here they are in the order in which they should be consumed: liquids, fruits/vegetables, grocery group, nuts/oils, eggs/dairy products, fish/poultry/meat. You can eat everything, you just need to be consistent, although again, some people have individual intolerance to certain foods. It is recommended to consume foods from no more than three groups in one meal.

Moreover, products from different groups You should try not to mix them, but eat them separately - this way they are absorbed much better. For example, if you take a sandwich that contains meat, herbs, cheese and bread, and eat it all separately from each other, then there will be more benefits. When you swallow everything at once, the body simply cannot simultaneously secrete all the substances necessary to properly digest this complex.

Artemy Manucherovich, practicing physician, sports nutrition specialist: “At some point, an athlete’s muscle growth slows down, despite intense training and properly selected nutrition. Then they begin to use supplements (also a kind of sports nutrition), which are divided into two categories: energy drinks and proteins. Energy drinks are used for weight loss and to improve muscle definition, proteins are used to build high-quality muscles. Protein is an analogue of egg white, it is well absorbed by the body. It is especially important to take it within an hour after training. The dose directly depends on physical activity and the mass of a person: if this correspondence is not observed, then taking protein nutrition can be harmful. Excess protein will lead to loss of calcium, which is responsible for many intracellular processes. Protein supplements Under no circumstances should they be the only source of proteins in the human body. So proper nutrition always remains important. Let me remind you that muscles grow not on the day of training, but on the day of rest. As for doping, formally this definition includes a whole list of drugs, which is updated every year by the World Anti-Doping Agency. In fact, even ordinary black tea can be considered doping: it contains caffeine, a stimulant that has a serious effect on the central nervous system. The most common doping drugs are: anabolic steroid. These substances, similar to the male sex hormone testosterone, help to build up very easily muscle mass, but in return they cause problems with the reproductive system, liver, nervous system and heart. Unfortunately, counterfeits are very often used and distributed in Russia, which cause even greater harm to health. Under the supervision of competent specialists, doping is possible without severe harm. But the need for it arises only at a super-professional level. Amateurs should have no need for doping at all.”

Meat salads, burgers, soups are all evil.

The worst thing is borscht. None of this “healthy” soup is properly absorbed by the body, which is why the majority of stomach diseases occur in Ukraine. In general, the first dishes appeared due to poverty: soup had to be cooked to feed a large family. By the way, lard is very useful product. 100% digestible, contains a lot building materials for the body, has high energy value.

Well, and lastly, perhaps - you need to drink before meals and only water, preferably a lot. Drinking during meals is bad for digestion, and afterward you need to wait at least 40 minutes.

2. You can eat from 6 am to 6 pm.

This is one of the best known and most poorly enforced rules. You need to eat strictly every two hours during this period. At seven o'clock in the evening, our stomach, roughly speaking, falls asleep: it works at less than half its capacity. Any feeling of hunger after six hours must be suppressed - this is a bad habit, nothing more. Changing your habits is the hardest thing for a person. Here is an example from history: Genghis Khan had a Chinese adviser who said: “You can conquer the whole world, you can take away people’s loved ones, you can take away their lives, turn them around as you want, but never try to change people’s habits, because you will fail.” " So we - nutrition specialists - have to perform feats that even the Great Khan did not dare to attempt.

One of important factors To achieve new results is the body's endurance. To increase physical endurance, athletes use various physical factors, for example, hardening. They also resort to psychological means. But every year there are more and more of them on the shelves of sports nutrition stores, so it is extremely difficult to figure out which drug is truly safe and effective, especially for a novice bodybuilder. We will tell you about the most popular drugs for increasing endurance and what effect each of them has.

Physical endurance of the body- this is the ability to perform a certain action in a specified amount of time. And the result of an athlete or bodybuilder depends on this factor. This is one of the main reasons why scientists around the world are striving to come up with new and more effective doping without harm to health. By developing endurance, the athlete begins to tire less, is able to withstand heavy loads, and in this way he develops fortitude. To develop endurance, you need to eat right and perform special exercises.

Now accepted classify pharmacological agents to increase endurance as follows:

  • Exhaustive;
  • Non-depleting;
  • Mixed;
  • With a secondary positive effect.

Let's take a closer look at each of these classes.

Exhausting or mobilizing drugs are caffeine, phenamine and psychomotor stimulants. Now mesocarb, meridil, pyridrop and sydnofen are also actively used. Their action is that they activate the mediator link and quickly involve the body’s hidden reserves in the energy supply of activity. Such remedies are quite effective, however, they have side effects and contraindications. For example, after taking exhausting drugs, the development of endurance requires a long recovery period, and there is also a physical and psychological dependence on fatigue.

Non-depleting or metabolic drugs internally they are also divided into specific classes: actoprotectors, steroids, nootropics, non-steroidal anabolics, substrates and various energy-supplying compounds and adaptogens. Their advantage is that the athlete does not feel the depletion of reserve forces. It is also noted that they can be used for a long time. Contraindications are possible and are identified individually.

Mixed-action drugs stimulate gluconeogenesis in liver cells, glucose is formed through the metabolism of amino acids. The main representative is dexamethasone. It prevents cells from absorbing the produced glucose, resulting in an anti-insulin effect. In addition, dexamethasone prevents amino acids from being rapidly transported and slows down the production of proteins in the muscles, which leads to an anti-anabolic effect. However, there are side effects when taking mixed drugs. For example, osteoporosis or muscular dystrophy may occur, immunity also noticeably decreases, and antibodies and connective tissues begin to form more slowly.

Drugs that have a secondary positive effect on performance, are able to eliminate symptoms that impair performance. This class of drugs for developing the body's endurance requires studying the history of the individual development of overwork. And only after that you can proceed to receiving them. Drugs with a secondary positive effect on performance act as follows: first, gluconeogenesis is activated, then glucose begins to penetrate, resulting in resistance to acidosis and lacticderma. Next stage- replacement of substrates and electrolytes. And finally - maintaining the coupling of phosphorylation and oxidation.

Drugs to improve performance.

  • Actoprotectors help the body become more resistant to physical stress. At the same time, there is no need to consume more oxygen and heat production. Now one of the most popular actoprotectors are the drugs bemitil and tomerzol. They enhance protein and RNA synthesis, which leads to the formation of special enzymes and proteins. They affect the nervous and cardiorespiratory systems, as well as muscle tissue;
  • Amino acids help protein to be better synthesized and have proven effective as specific mediators;
  • Branch chain amino acids (BCAA)- three amino acids that are metabolized in muscles. That is why up to 35% of muscle mass is formed precisely under the influence of BCAA. Up to 10% of energy during training comes from these amino acids. Another benefit of BCAA is the restoration of muscle glycogen, which is very important during strength training, as it is quickly depleted. If you follow a low-carb diet or are a professional runner, then it is extremely important for you to consume these amino acids;

  • L-carnitine is an amino acid that is found in muscle mass and is independently synthesized in the body. Therefore, it is very important to replenish its reserves. The production of L-carnitine occurs in the liver. This amino acid not only increases endurance, but also relieves fatigue and pain, and is effective in combating overweight. Should be taken 2-3 times a day before meals, 30 minutes, with plenty of liquid. The dosage should not exceed 1 g;
  • Methionine is an amino acid that regulates the amount of microelements in tissues and helps replenish many other amino acids. Methionine intake is important for development physical endurance, since it produces adrenaline, creatine and prevents the body from dehydration. If you take this amino acid and a vitamin complex or hormones at the same time, their effect will noticeably increase;

  • Testosterone is most effective for improving endurance before competition. It increases muscle mass and aerobic endurance. It is best to take stanozolol in tablets or injections, 50 ml every 2 days for men, 2-3 times less for women. Otherwise, it will lead to the development of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • Creatine increases overall muscle mass and develops endurance. Counts food additive for athletes. Can be taken in powder, capsule or tablet form. Creatine monohydrate is considered the most effective;

  • Mildronate should be taken 3 hours before the competition, 1 g. Only in this case is it considered the most effective;
  • L-glutamine is an amino acid that makes up 60% of the total amino acids in muscles. It is imperative to maintain the required amount of glutamine in the muscles, since during stress it is released into the blood. Take L-glutamine 2-3 grams once a day;
  • Taurine is necessary for energy and metabolic processes. It normalizes metabolism and activates insulin production. In addition, this amino acid has regenerative and metabolic effects. Use taurine to improve endurance 2 times a day, 0.25-0.5 grams before meals;

  • Vitamins and minerals necessary for every person in accordance with daily norm. Athletes have a special need for vitamins, so it is best to take special complexes that are designed specifically for athletes;
  • Glutamic acid necessary for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, however, it has many contraindications and side effects. For example, you should not take glutamic acid if you have kidney or liver failure, stomach ulcers, anemia, fever or obesity. Side effects are also possible, which include insomnia, nausea, chills, allergies and abdominal pain. Take glutamic acid 2-3 times in doses of 1 gram before meals.

Active sports involve, first of all, fluid loss. What to wash down with breakfast, lunch and dinner if you drink too much gym did the taste of water just disgust you? After all, here, as in nutrition, at least a little variety is preferable.


Mineral water quenches thirst well. But you shouldn’t drink any mineral water. For example, acidic waters are not recommended for people with high acidity, and excess sodium can harm a weak heart. You cannot completely switch to mineral water - this will lead to an excess of microelements and thus harm your health. Therefore, you should drink no more than 1 liter per day.

Tea and coffee

It is better to use them as sources of caffeine - this way you will stimulate the nervous system, speed up fat burning and increase endurance. In addition to caffeine, tea contains tannins that are beneficial for gastrointestinal tract. But remember that excessive consumption of coffee or tea can disrupt the functioning of the heart, nervous system, and lead to dehydration. One cup of coffee or tea in the morning is acceptable and even desirable. But no more.

Sweet soda

Contains nothing except water, dyes and sugar substitute. Buying them means throwing money away.

Homemade kvass

Contains a minimum of alcohol, a large amount of carbohydrates and B vitamins. But do not confuse it with bottled liquor. Such “kvass” will only quench your thirst, and will also treat you with dyes and preservatives.


Milk, especially fresh milk, contains a lot of protein and beneficial microelements. It's great to add milk to a protein shake. Milk-based products (kefir, fermented baked milk, liquid yoghurt) perfectly complement the diet. They will not only supply your body with useful substances, but also normalize the intestinal microflora and improve digestion.

Juices and compotes

Juices will give you a lot of vitamins and carbohydrates (fructose and glucose). Natural juice is suitable for diluting gainers, amino acids and protein shakes. Dried fruit compotes are also rich in vitamins, but they often contain a lot of sugar (especially store-bought canned ones).

Beer and wine

The cheapest and favorite alcoholic drink among athletes is beer. It contains carbohydrates (up to 4-6 g per 100 ml) and vitamins (very little, but there are some). By the way, beer is much lower in calories than vodka or whiskey. 100 ml contains approximately 50 kcal (versus 300 kcal for vodka). But, like all alcoholic calories, they only provide an increase in body temperature and nothing more. It is much better to drink dry wine. Although it is stronger (10-17%), it is rich in vitamins, healthy sugars and tannins.

How much, what exactly and how to drink when playing sports is the cause of controversy, research, and experimentation. One thing is certain: athletes need a special drinking regimen.

A separate place in healthy sports nutrition consumes fluids. Sports stress causes major changes in the human body, and proper drinking regime is one of the main ways to maintain health and performance. Experts have formulated a number of rules for the use of liquids during training and in the everyday life of athletes.

The importance of drinking regime

Serious physical activity inevitably accompanied by profuse sweating. During an intense two-hour workout, athletes lose about 3-4% of the fluid contained in the body. Moreover, a loss of 7% is already a critical level of dehydration. Loss of fluid increases blood viscosity, which, in turn, reduces metabolic rate and carries the risk of blood clots.

With sweat, the athlete loses not only fluid, but also mineral salts - primarily calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of mineral salts can cause cramps, brittle bones and general imbalances in the body.

During the training process, a large amount of energy is consumed. To make up for these losses, it is recommended to consume liquids containing a certain amount of carbohydrates during training - they can support the athlete’s strength.

Water performs many functions in the body, the most important of which is
for athletes - regulation of body temperature. For dehydration (dehydration)
The body's endurance deteriorates and the risk of heat stroke increases.

What to drink

Mineral water
The main source of fluid recommended for athletes is mineral water. Occasionally, the use of medicinal table mineral waters, mainly alkaline, is allowed. Table mineral waters are more suitable for regular use. Mineral water perfectly quenches thirst and helps replenish the deficiency of salts in the body. It is preferable to drink still water.

Natural juices
Athletes are encouraged to consume fruit and vegetable juices. It is advisable to dilute juices with water (in a ratio of at least 1: 2 or stronger) so as not to irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Juices partially satisfy athletes' need for carbohydrates. Drinking juices helps maintain a normal balance of vitamins, the loss of which is high in athletes. It is recommended to add salt to vegetable juices - this will help replenish sodium salts.

A great way to quench your thirst while exercising is tea. The tea should be weak, unsweetened and not hot. Athletes are recommended to drink 2-3 cups of green tea per day. The antioxidant properties of green tea help neutralize free radicals, which during intense sports loads are formed in large quantities. Flavonoids contained in green tea protect cartilage tissue and improve fat absorption. Studies have shown that drinking green tea helps improve athletes' performance by 15-20%.

Surprisingly, drinking coffee is beneficial for athletes. The substances contained in this drink help reduce muscle pain that is inevitable after intensive training. In addition, coffee stimulates the use of body fat reserves. It is advisable for athletes to drink 1-2 cups of natural coffee per day. Coffee with milk will help meet the body's need for proteins and carbohydrates. Adding sugar to coffee is not advisable. It should be remembered that coffee has diuretic properties, so you should not abuse it.

Prohibited drinks
Athletes should not drink sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol or any liquids containing preservatives, sugar, or chemical dyes.

How much to drink

Experts recommend increasing fluid intake compared to the physiological norm (2 liters per day) by 25-50%. Some advise athletes to consume 2.5 liters of fluid per day (depending on the intensity of training), without setting an upper limit.

Fluid intake should be increased during the hot season or if training takes place in an excessively warm room. The general opinion of professionals is that it is unacceptable for an athlete to be thirsty.

Research by American scientists has shown that hockey players
During the match, sweating reaches 1-2 liters. During cross-country skiing sweating
and evaporation of moisture from the skin increases sharply even at low air temperatures.

How to drink

Cornerstone drinking regime athletes - the actual regime itself: when, how much and what kind of liquid should you drink? General rules here are universal, they are supported by most nutritionists and sports specialists.

Drinking regimen before training
It is necessary to drink before training. It is better to give preference to tea or water. There are two options: either 0.5 liters 3 hours before training, or 250 ml 1.5-2 hours and another 150 ml 15 minutes before the start of classes.

Drinking regime during training
It is necessary to drink during training. During training, it is better to drink water or juices. Juices should be drunk in portions of 30-50 ml (up to 250 ml per two-hour workout). It is recommended to drink water in portions of 50-100 ml every 15 minutes of training.

Drinking regimen after training
It is necessary to drink after training. Tea, juice, and water are all suitable here. It is considered optimal to drink 150-200 ml every 15 minutes after training until your thirst is completely quenched. The total amount of liquid drunk after training is usually about 400 ml. Drinking a lot of liquid in one gulp is not recommended; gradual replenishment of fluid is healthier for the body. An easy way to find out how much fluid you've used is to step on a scale before and after your workout. Every 0.5 kg of weight lost requires drinking 2 glasses of liquid.

Losing 1 kg of body weight after training corresponds to
loss of 1 liter of liquid. However, most people during
physical activity replenishes fluid loss by only 50%.

Isotonic drinks: to drink or not to drink?

You can often find recommendations for athletes to drink so-called isotonic drinks. Advertising claims that such drinks most effectively restore all losses of the body without overloading it with excessive amounts of liquid. The effect of isotonic drinks is based on their physicochemical properties and composition. Scientific research The unconditional effectiveness of isotonics has not yet been confirmed - provided that the body is fully supplied with micronutrients, there is no need for isotonics. Isotonic drinks cannot replace regular fluids or proper nutrition. At the same time, experts advise carefully looking at the composition of such drinks - they may contain unwanted sweeteners, allergens, etc.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Natalia Bakatina

Photos used in this material belong to shutterstock.com

To drink or not to drink: are sports and bad habits compatible?

A pint of beer at the finish line of a marathon or a glass of wine after an intense strength training... or not?

In the minds of many ordinary people, being an athlete means not drinking, not smoking, following a diet, sleep, training plan, because without strict restrictions you cannot achieve high results. But increasingly, famous beer brands are becoming sponsors of races and marathons. Those who are “for a healthy lifestyle” are loudly indignant that this breaks all patterns, and above all spoils the health of athletes and turns them into alcoholics. But maybe it's not so bad?

What's wrong with alcohol and how does it affect our body?

When alcoholic beverages enter the body, 20% of what is drunk is absorbed by the stomach, and 80% is sent to the small intestine. If you drink on a full stomach, the food inside will absorb the alcohol and you won’t get drunk so quickly. Entering the bloodstream, alcohol is filtered by the liver - this is the main organ that is under attack.

In biochemistry textbooks you can find an approximate formula for calculating how much alcohol the liver can process:
Let’s say a man weighing 80 kg drank 0.5 beers with a strength of 5% after training:
We calculate the pure alcohol content in this beer: 500 ml * 0.05 = 25 ml
The concentration in the blood is given in grams, so we multiply the number of ml by the density of alcohol (0.79 g/ml): 25 ml * 0.79 g/ml = 20g
Depending on whether a person drinks on an empty or full stomach, 10% or 30% of the alcohol is lost, respectively. Most likely, after training the stomach will not be full, so subtract 10% from 20 g of pure alcohol: 20 g – (20 g/100*10) = 18 g
On average, a person consists of 70% liquid - we find its mass: 80 kg * 0.7 = 56 kg
We get the alcohol concentration in ppm: 18g / 56000 g * 1000‰ = 0.32 ppm.

The maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood occurs after 60-90 minutes. The probability of death is from 3.5 ppm, which is approximately equal to 660 ml of 40% vodka, or 2.1 liters of 12% wine, or 5 liters of 5% beer, drunk in a short period of time without a snack. The theoretical limit of ethanol for a healthy person when taken daily is 60 g for men and 50 g for women (due to gender differences in metabolism). Increased alcohol consumption causes liver disease - fatty degeneration. Most often, this is a reversible process; you just need to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum or give it up altogether. If you start the problem, the next stage will be cirrhosis of the liver, which can no longer be treated.

Researchers at the Tyumen Medical Institute found that performance decreases significantly three hours after drinking alcohol, but even after alcohol is removed from the body, activity remains reduced for 45 hours.

“Each person has a certain maximum dose, which depends on gender, age, weight, physical condition. As we go through the stages of intoxication, from mild euphoria to confusion, the liver actively processes alcohol. The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes alcohol to acetaldehyde, which is poisonous and causes the greatest damage to the body. Aldehyde is toxic and has its own maximum permissible concentration, when exceeded, severe intoxication begins, including death. If the liver cannot cope with the production of the enzyme, the body begins to naturally reduce intoxication (a person feels sick). By the way, the smell of fumes that appears after 5-7 hours is precisely the smell of the resulting acetaldehyde. The aldehyde is then oxidized by the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase and converted into an acid and then into a salt. They are metabolized by the muscles and heart and excreted in urine and sweat." - Daniil Ahiadorme, employee of the Laboratory of Carbohydrate Chemistry No. 21, Institute of Organic Chemistry named after. N.D. Zelinsky Russian Academy of Sciences, specialization: chemistry of natural compounds.

Slurred tongue, confusion of thoughts, lack of coordination, and sometimes memory loss the next morning - all this is all after just one “fun” evening. If you get drunk regularly, alcohol will negatively affect not only the liver, but also the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, endocrine glands, muscles, skin, immune system and brain.

Alcohol makes you fat

Moreover, it is not a myth that alcohol can make you fat: 1 g of ethyl alcohol is equal to 7 calories. It seems like runners overweight does not threaten, because on average 100 calories are burned per kilometer. But recovering with alcohol is not the best idea: despite the calorie content, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is negligible, so the body will not receive proper saturation, as from food and other drinks.

In addition, drinking beer, for example, negatively affects the figure, especially for men. It contains phytoestrogen - a female sex hormone of plant origin. If you drink beer excessively, phytoestrogen will quantitatively exceed the content of the male sex hormone testosterone, which emphasizes masculinity, makes men broad-shouldered and strong, and is itself a powerful fat burner. The effect of beer on men after 40 years of age is especially noticeable, when testosterone is not produced as actively, and weight is gained quickly, including the female type (at the waist and chest).

What's the benefit?

  • To maintain the vital functions of the body, a person must receive enough vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It is not always possible to find the required amount of nutrients in food, and they may not be fully absorbed. For example, silicon, which is responsible for bone strength, fights the appearance of wrinkles and reduces blood pressure, the body needs 25-45 mg daily, but no more than 4% of silicon is absorbed from foods. Researchers from the University of California (USA) have proven that beer is one of the most accessible natural sources of silicon. Three bottles of any beer can replenish daily requirement, but most silicon is found in ales. In addition to silicon, beer is rich in other microelements - zinc, iron, copper, selenium, chromium, magnesium, and B vitamins - thiamine, biotin, folic acid, riboflavin and others.
  • But there are also benefits in other alcoholic drinks (if you do not abuse them). Antioxidants in wine reduce the level of bad cholesterol and at the same time increase the level of good cholesterol, fight cancer cells, the possibility of diabetes and depression. 30 ml of cognac or brandy has the same antioxidant effect as a daily dose of vitamin C. And tequila helps lower blood sugar levels. Although some types of alcohol are full of a variety of antioxidants and microelements, doctors insist that benefits can also be obtained from ordinary foods that will not cause harm to the body.
  • Research by specialists from the University of Ghent (Belgium) has shown that “bitter” beer has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect comparable to analgin or ibuprofen. The bitterness of beer depends on the amount of bitter hop acids (isohumulone) added during brewing and is measured in international bitterness units (IBU). And it’s easy to believe in the healing properties of hops, because it is used in medicine to treat angina pectoris, intestinal spasms, kidney stones, cardiovascular neuroses, and dermatitis.
  • A group of British scientists found that people who drink 3-6 glasses of beer or wine every week are 11% less likely to become infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria than those who don't drink at all. This bacterium is dangerous because it infects the areas of the stomach and duodenum; many cases of ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis and even stomach cancer are associated with Helicobacter pylori.
  • Nephrologists at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy) studied the effect of different drinks on the occurrence of kidney stones. According to them, regular consumption of wine reduces the risk of urolithiasis by 31-33%, and if you drink beer, then by 41%!
  • They tried to confirm the benefits of alcohol with statistics. For 40 years, Dutch doctors observed the life of a small town, whose residents included absolute abstainers, those who liked to drink without restrictions, and a group of subjects who took no more than 20 g of pure alcohol in any concentration per day. According to the study, mortality in the group of moderate drinkers was 36% lower than in the group that did not drink at all. People who drank wine lived an average of 3.8 years longer than others.
  • And, of course, a small amount of alcohol helps to establish social connections, make friends, and join a group/club with similar interests.

Can athletes drink?

Research shows that many alcoholic drinks have a diuretic effect, meaning the body loses more water than usual when urinating. But Dr. James Betts from the University of Bath (UK) argues that low-alcohol drinks, such as 3.5% beer, have a weak diuretic effect, so a moderate amount of beer after exercise will not be harmful. Some runners swear that drinking a little alcohol the night before a race helps them run easier.

A few years ago, Professor Manuel Garzon from the University of Granada conducted an experiment. The subjects performed physical exercise, and to restore water balance after sports, he gave half of the group water, and the others the same amount of beer. Result: beer was slightly more effective than water.

On the one side. The American College of Sports Medicine, through its research, proves that alcohol reduces the performance of athletes and can also disrupt the body's thermoregulation.
Professor David Cameron-Smith from the University of Auckland ( New Zealand) also advocates against drinking alcohol before physical activity. The body has to adapt to the workout longer than if the exercise were carried out with a clear head. Firstly, the load on the heart increases. Secondly, the body becomes more susceptible to injury, healing slows down: alcohol dilates blood vessels, which does not reduce, but, on the contrary, increases swelling. Third, partying before a race will negatively impact your sleep, which will reduce glycogen levels, which are a critical source of energy for endurance performance. In addition, those who rest with an alcoholic drink replenish glycogen twice as slowly as non-drinking athletes.

Theoretically, alcohol can be used as a doping. But it will not give strength; on the contrary, it will reduce the reaction, worsen coordination and relax. For the sake of the latter, some athletes drink before a responsible race so that the alcohol acts as a sedative. But this is how alcohol damages the central nervous system, and also disrupts the functioning of organs.

« As a coach, I have a negative attitude towards drinking alcohol. Undoubtedly, the same beer contains some useful elements, but they can also be found in ordinary products - so the benefits clearly do not outweigh this. Alcoholic drinks complicate the muscle recovery process, which takes away time that could be spent on improving results. In addition, alcohol is a diuretic, which means that if there is insufficient fluid replenishment (which is often required after a workout), water balance in the body will be disrupted, increasing the risk of dehydration. You shouldn’t actively train with a hangover – cardiovascular system and so there is a heavy load. If you suddenly really want to play sports, you can simply take a walk in the park, in nature, or go, for example, to yoga (in an easy mode) - in general, engage in those types of activities that will not increase your blood pressure and heart rate. Remember that in sports medicine there is basically no permissible dose of alcohol. Therefore, when preparing for a race, I would recommend keeping its consumption to a minimum."- said Mikhail Kapitonov, Coach of Nike Run Club, Candidate of Masters in the 400 meter run.

On the other side. In 2014, Runner’s World magazine conducted a survey among its readers about whether it is possible to “reward” yourself with beer at the finish line and whether this contradicts the concept healthy image life. Of the nearly 2,000 voters, 85% were in favor of beer - this clearly shows the attitude of runners towards combining alcohol and sports.

Kaohsiung Research medical university(Taiwan) showed that drinking alcohol in small doses after heavy physical exercise can reduce muscle spasms. Medical tests did not record significant changes if the athletes did not drink, however, according to the subjects themselves, 5 ml per kg of body weight of an alcoholic drink - beer with an alcohol content of 4.5% - helped them overcome the painful sensations of the recovery period.

« Unlike Russia, the culture of drinking alcohol abroad is different, so it is considered the norm there to receive and drink alcoholic beer at the finish line. In our country this is often met with hostility, saying how can an athlete drink at all? According to my personal observations, 70% of runners long distances drink, and I am one of them. For a long time I studied the issue of combining sports and alcohol habits, because when I started running marathons, I was surprised how grown men could drink and achieve good results. I was looking for information to either slow myself down, or to find some justification for the desire to drink. For example, I learned that the gene responsible for high achievements in sports, is also responsible for alcoholism. This may be why some athletes with incredible athletic success become alcoholics.

When I started running marathons and drinking, I, of course, noticed that alcohol at least relieved stress. But you need to find your line, after crossing which alcohol will be harmful. For myself, I determined that, for example, at training camps I can drink 3 bottles of beer per evening if I run 30 km in a day. And if I ignore this desire to “relax,” then the next day I experience nervous tension, thoughts anxiously wander through my head and I cannot completely surrender training process. During the active preparation period, I specifically leave the city to concentrate on running and deprive myself of any temptations. Even coaching activities I interrupt, and alcohol relieves stress during such periods. But when I’m not preparing for any competitions or I have an injury, I live the life of an ordinary person and can afford to go to a bar or club.

When I started winning marathons back in 2010, everyone knew that I drank a lot, and they were surprised how I could run fast with such an addiction. I understood that I was not the only one, it was just my habits that were on public display and were actively discussed. As much as I talk to people, most athletes in all sports except athletics do not drink alcohol on principle. But every second track and field athlete I know really likes to drink, and there is not even such a “harmful/not harmful” conversation, it’s taken for granted.

If alcohol interfered with my sports career and life, I would not drink.

But the opposite happens. I know my norm: let’s say, today after 35 km I drink 4 bottles of beer, the day after the same long distance I drink a bottle of wine, so I don’t experience a hangover or poor health. And in principle, it is easier for runners to tolerate alcohol because they have a faster metabolism. But I wouldn’t drink before a race or come to training after a stormy night and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. It’s much more pleasant to drink after the start than before it, drink too much alcohol and fail at the competition"- said Misha Bykov, Master of Sports athletics, two-time winner marathon "White Nights", founder and head coach running school "Typical marathon runner".

Instead of a conclusion

Probably, as many people as there are, there are as many opinions about alcohol in sports. Even beer at the finish line has both supporters and ardent opponents. But if you look for a compromise, then you need to answer yourself: what is the norm? When is it time to stop so as not to harm your body and your sporting achievements?