Diving is called a sport. Is the highest water jump an achievement or a risky move? Diving for girls - a special approach to classes

Systematic classes diving exercises help develop composure, willpower, develop the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements, as well as strengthen the muscular system.

This hobby is one of the types water sports, recognized by the International Amateur Swimming Federation, which includes a series of jumps from towers and springboards up to 10 meters high.

But extreme sportsmen appeared for whom it was not enough to complete the basic sports program. They wanted to make the highest jump into the water and become famous throughout the world. Cliff diving - this is the name given to this risky entertainment.

Where does it all begin?

As a rule, cliff diving is practiced by jumpers who have already completed their careers. Often these are medalists of the Olympic Games and various world championships, accustomed to jumping from a springboard 10 meters high. But there are often people who choose high diving as a way to have fun and relax.

Among famous athletes who have discovered a new hobby include Andrey Ignatenko, Vyacheslav Polishchuk and many others. Even old age does not prevent people from devoting time to such a risky hobby. The goal of performing the highest water jump in the world helps fight fatigue, laziness and indecisiveness for thousands of people all over the planet.

In the world this sport represents a huge number of people from Soviet Union. So it’s worth paying tribute to the old and proven domestic jumping school.

The highest water jump that could not be surpassed for a long time

From what height can you jump into the water? From 3 or 5 meters? Cliff divers choose rocks at least 25 meters high for jumping! But even that baseline doesn't compare to Randall Dickinson's 1985 highest dive.

For a long time no one managed to break the record, because few would dare to jump from a height of more than 53 meters.

Women love extreme sports too

It's not just the stronger sex who risk their lives. Thus, American resident Lucy Wardle dared to jump from a cliff more than 36 meters high!

They also say that women are weak in spirit.

There will be new records

In August 2015, the highest water jump in the world was performed. The record was set by an athlete from Switzerland, Laso Challet. A twenty-seven-year-old man jumped from a height of 58.8 meters into one of the mountain lakes of the Alps. Its flight speed was 123 km/h.

The athlete was insured by a group of drivers, but, fortunately, their help was not needed.

Just imagine, Laso’s flight can be compared to jumping from a 19-story building!

Jumping from great heights: is it safe?

There is an opinion that jumping into water from a great height is completely safe, because a person lands in the water and not on a hard surface. But theoretical calculations and practice say exactly the opposite: water does not soften the fall at all.

When falling from a great height, the main factor to consider is maximum speed When the human body reaches it, it is fixed and remains unchanged. In some cases, the speed can reach 325 km per hour! But, if you want to make the highest jump into the water, do not strive for such an indicator, because it assumes a height of the starting point of the jump of more than 1000 m from ground level.

No less important factor flight is the position of the jumper's body: diving head down, the athlete automatically increases the speed of the fall.

Complex calculations by Lynn Emrich confirm that a person weighing 77 kg in a minute can fly about 3 km and still survive, since the free flight time is very short. But no one has tested this in practice.

An attractive place for jumping tourists

Many divers prefer to indulge in their extreme entertainment. In the most famous tourist center, in its lifetime it has seen more than one athlete demonstrating his courage and composure.

From what height can you make the highest jump into water? Probably, the answer to this question will remain a mystery. Some survive by jumping into the sea from great heights, while others are afraid of drowning in the bathtub.

Interesting fact: in 1942, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Chissov was shot down in the sky by German fighters. The pilot managed to jump out of the plane and, despite the fact that the parachute never opened, remained alive. Chissov's flight of more than 7 km was remembered for him only by severe injuries. Although it was not a jump into the water.

Even the highest water jump in the world was performed by a trained athlete who knew all the nuances of flight and tactically correct landing. Remember that only the person who strictly followed all the existing rules can survive without the slightest damage. Don't risk yourself, because even a fraction of a second spent in flight can cause you lifelong injuries.

Summer is just around the corner, which means the time will come when you can spend time on the beach, sunbathing and swimming. Well, to have a fun and varied time, it’s not enough just to swim, you also need to learn how to jump into the water. This skill will come in handy many times later. We will tell you how to jump into the water correctly and give you practical advice, which will allow you to learn how to jump into water without negative consequences.

Experienced athletes jump from towers and springboards, performing various acrobatic tricks during the flight, however, if you are a beginner or an amateur, then start at low heights. There are several simple types diving, the technique of which always consists of four phases: approach, push, flight and entry.

  • Soldier jump. Starting position: body straightened, arms along the body, legs together, chin raised. Next, you need to push off. To do this, you need to bend your knees slightly and push forward and upward from the surface. During flight, your body should always remain upright and your head should remain slightly elevated. The last phase - entering the water occurs at a right angle to the water;
  • Bomb jump is also performed, but after you push off, you need to bend your legs in knee joints and bend your knees under you, clasping them with your hands;
  • A fish jump is a head-down jump. Starting position: body straightened, arms straightened and extended upward, palms connected. Push off with your feet and dive vertically, head down, with your arms outstretched. It is very important to jump into the water with an even body so that your stomach does not hit the water. Also bring your legs together so that they resemble the tail of a fish.

Safety precautions.

When you learn to jump into water, it is very important to follow safety rules. First of all, don't be afraid. Fear of water and heights is the main reason why people become disorientated while jumping. Secondly, you must know exactly how long you can spend underwater. Third, do acrobatic exercises for training vestibular apparatus. For example, jump over a pommel horse or do somersaults on a mat. And of course, if you decide to jump into the water, it’s worth it or mastering it - it’s not the swimming style that matters, but your ability to stay on the water.

The main safety rule when diving is proper grouping. Your body should be straight and as elongated as possible when entering the water. You need to enter the water either with your feet or head down. Otherwise, you may injure parts of your body. And one more thing: to avoid this, choose proven bodies of water where you are sure of sufficient depth and bottom topography.

Tips: how to learn to jump into water.

  • To saturate your blood with oxygen before jumping, take several deep and quick breaths in and out;
  • You must be convinced that the water depth is sufficient for diving;
  • Don't be afraid or upset if you didn't manage to jump into the water beautifully the first time;
  • Learn to group in the air.


Jumping into water, depending on the purpose of the jump, can be divided into several types:

https://pandia.ru/text/80/014/images/image002_98.jpg" alt="" align="left" width="116" height="308 src=">!} dismounts - jumping into water without rotating the body around the transverse axis; you can perform dismounts with rotation of the body around the longitudinal axis.

Dismounts are also performed in different stances, face or back forward.

https://pandia.ru/text/80/014/images/image004_7.png" align="left" width="317" height="246 src="> gray hairs - jumping into water, usually performed from a low height (from the side of the pool). When performing sedovs, the athlete pushes off, takes the studied position and in this position sits on the water, or without pushing off sits on the water in the studied position.

Sports diving – These are jumps performed by athletes in competition, listed in the official FINA tables and having a difficulty coefficient. Performed from the front and back stances with rotation of the body forward and backward, as well as with simultaneous rotation of the body around the transverse and longitudinal axes (spiral jumps). Front stance jumps can be performed from a standing position or from a running start. From the platform, athletes can jump from the starting position in a handstand.

At competitions, sports jumps are performed from a rigid, fixed tower support installed at a height of 5, 7.5 and 10 m, and from an elastic springboard support 1 and 3 m high above the water surface. In recent years, synchronized pair diving from the 3 m springboard and 10 m platform have been included in the program of the largest competitions.

Exhibition jumps V water - these are jumps performed with the aim of promoting diving, as well as demonstrating the skills of athletes during water festivals and demonstration performances.

Diving technique

A jump into water is a system of movements, following one after another, ensuring repulsion and creation of rotation of the body around a transverse axis, flight, control of the body in flight and immersion in water upside down or head down.

Conventionally, jumps are divided into phases. Jumps performed from a standing position include: preparatory phase, take-off, flight and dive phases. Running jumps, in addition to the above phases, include a run-up phase.

Preparatory phase. Includes the starting position before the approach, the approach and the method of taking the starting position before the jump (if the jump is performed from a standing start) or before the run-up (if the jump is performed from a running start). Jumps are performed from a front stance (facing in the direction of the jump), a back stance, and a handstand.

Running phase. Aimed at performing more effective repulsion and increasing the height of departure. There are run-ups on the tower and run-ups on the springboard.

Takeoff run on the tower. Jumps with forward rotation are a light run that ends with a low two-legged jump onto the edge of the platform.

Run-up on the springboard is a calm walk, with a high jump at the end and landing on both legs on the edge of the springboard.

Repulsion phase. Is main phase when performing diving. In the take-off phase, the direction, the height of the flight required to perform jumps, and the rotation of the body around the transverse axis are created.

Push-off from the tower. Similar to repulsion from a solid support. When an athlete stands motionless on a support, the effects of gravity and the reaction of the support are balanced. When bending and quickly extending the legs (accelerated movement of the moving parts), the body breaks away from the support, i.e., an upward jump is performed.

Flight phase. Having taken off from the support, in flight the athlete can control the speed of his rotation around the transverse axis (along a somersault) and create rotation around the longitudinal axis (along the screws).

Immersion phase. The athlete, having completed the jump, must plunge into the water at an angle close to 90°, upside down or headfirst, without splashing. When entering the water upside down, the body position that the athlete assumes is similar to original position, i.e. keep your head straight; the stomach is tucked; legs are bent at the knee and hip joints, toes are pointed; arms straightened at the elbow joints, pressed tightly to the body.

Diving- Olympic aquatic view a sport, the essence of which is to perform acrobatic elements in jumping from a tower or springboard into water. In diving, both the quality of acrobatic elements and the cleanliness of entering the water are assessed.

The International Swimming Federation (French Fédération Internationale de Natation, FINA) is an organization that develops diving and organizes international competitions.

History of the emergence and development of diving

Since ancient times, people, one way or another, have been jumping into water, they did it from cliffs, shores, ships. This activity was widespread mainly among fishermen, divers and warriors. If we talk about diving as a hobby, then they first started talking about it in Switzerland in the 16th century.

Jumping into water became widespread in the second half of the 19th century, this was due to the widespread construction of swimming complexes. In parallel with the Swiss diving school, there was also a German school. The main difference German school from the Swiss one is the apparatus from which jumps are performed - a springboard. The Swiss performed jumps from towers.

While jumping from a springboard, the athlete's whole body was very tense. Such jumps were distinguished by great accuracy of execution. The Swiss jumps were distinguished by their freedom and natural body position. Later, American jumpers managed to combine both schools, and received a high reach and entry into the water without splashing.

In 1908, the International Swimming Federation (FINA) was formed, which influenced the further development of diving and promotes its development today.

Diving rules

Each jump must be designated by 3 or 4 numbers and a letter after them.

First digit denotes the jump class:

1 - jumps from the front stance with forward rotation;

2 - jumps from the back stance with backward rotation;

3 — jumps from the front stance with backward rotation;

4 - jumps from the back stance with forward rotation;

5 — jumps with rotation in two planes with screws;

6 - jumping from a handstand.

Second digit can take the value 1 or 0. The number 1 indicates that the jump has a flight phase, and the number 0 indicates that there is no flight phase. In handstand jumps, the second number indicates the class or direction to which the jump belongs:

1 - front;

2 - rear;

3 - with backward rotation from the front stance.

In the spiral jump class, the second number indicates the class or direction of takeoff.

Third digit shows the number of half turns performed.

Fourth digit in spinning and handstand jumping classes, it means the number of half-twists performed.

The letter at the end of the jump number indicates the position in which the jump is performed:

A - straight;

B - bent over;

C - in a group;

D - free.

All individual and synchronized diving competitions must include six dives. Jumps should not be repeated.

After the referee's signal, the athlete must take a starting position (free and independent). For example, when jumping from a standing position, the body should be straight, the head should be straight, and the arms should be straight in any position.

If a running jump is performed, it must be smooth, aesthetically pleasing and continuous until the end of the springboard or platform, with the last step being taken from one foot and always without bouncing before take-off.

The take-off from the springboard must be performed with both legs at the same time. Taking off in a jump from the front stance in front to back from the platform can be done with one leg.

During flight, the jump position should be aesthetically pleasing at all times.

The jump is considered complete when the jumper's entire body is completely below the surface of the water.

Diving pool and equipment

The same pool is used for diving and swimming competitions, so their parameters will be identical: width 21 meters and length from 18 to 22 meters. However, FINA rules specify a minimum depth of the diving pool of 4.5 m and a minimum illumination of 1 m above the water surface of 500 lux.

The diving tower is equipped with platforms with a width of 0.6 m to 3 m located at a height of 1, 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 m. The platforms, made of reinforced concrete, are covered with hardwood and covered with an anti-slip coating on top.

The springboards are made of duralumin alloy, which ensures maximum spring properties. The height of the springboard ranges from 1 to 3 meters above the water surface, width - 0.5 m, length - 4.8 m. According to FINA rules, the front edge of the springboard must be 1.5 m from the edge of the pool.

In addition, at diving competitions, a device is used to mechanically agitate the surface of the water. This is necessary for the athlete to better assess the distance to the water surface.

Many people ask “Why do athletes get into a small warm pool after a jump?”, all this is done for reasons of hygiene and to maintain muscle tone.


Equipment for male jumpers - swimming trunks with cuffs around the legs, for women - a one-piece swimsuit of the established standard from swimming companies with which FINA and European League swimming. The material of diving equipment should be more durable than swimmers' clothing.

Types of diving

There are several groups into which all sports jumps are classified:

  • Front (facing the water);
  • Rear (back to the water);
  • Handstand.

Availability of takeoff run

  • Standing jump;
  • Running jump.

Body position

  • Bent over - straight legs connected together;
  • Bent over - the torso is bent at the waist, legs are straight;
  • In a tuck, the knees are pulled together towards the body, the hands clasp the lower part of the legs.

Turns and screws

  • Half-turn - a jump with body rotation around the transverse axis by 180 degrees;
  • Turnover - a jump with body rotation around a transverse axis by 360 degrees, there are also jumps of 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4.5 turns;
  • Half-screw - a jump with body rotation around the longitudinal axis by 180 degrees;
  • Screw - a jump with a body rotation around the longitudinal axis by 360 degrees; there are also jumps with 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 screws.

Combining various elements allows you to perform more than 60 variations of a springboard jump and more than 90 from a tower.


Diving competitions are regulated by a referee through the assistance of assistant referees, judges and the secretariat.

The formation of panels of judges is carried out in accordance with the Qualification Requirements for sports judges the sport of diving.

In the case where there are eleven judges, five judges evaluate the synchronization of the execution of the jump, three evaluate the execution of the jump of one jumper, and three of the other.

All individual and team events may use five judges, while synchronized events may use nine judges. Five judges evaluate the synchronization of the jump, two judges evaluate the performance of one jumper, and two - the other. Diving is scored on a 10-point system.

Two independent secretaries (first and second) keep and store the minutes of the competition.

Diving competitions

The Olympic Games are the most prestigious diving competitions.

The World Diving Championships is a competition between the national teams of countries belonging to the International Swimming Federation (FINA).

The European Championship is a competition between the national teams of European countries that are members of the International Swimming Federation (FINA).


We tried to cover the topic as completely as possible, so this information can be safely used when preparing messages, reports on physical education and essays on the topic “Diving”.

Diving is one of the most exciting pastimes that both adults and children enjoy. The history of this activity has deep roots. Since ancient times, the peoples of many countries had daredevils who, for fun, threw themselves into the seas and rivers from cliffs, bridges, and ship masts. Hindus, for example, jumped straight into a deep, water-filled well from the top of a 20-meter temple. Almost half a millennium ago, young Swiss and Romanian jumpers were famous for their ability to dive from bridges. Amazingly, it was precisely because of the fear of being cut in half that they did not jump with their feet down - “soldier-like”, but exclusively with their heads down. French circus performers managed to jump into the river even on bicycles and horses. In Rus' there were quite a few jumpers of this kind who were not afraid to jump with enough high altitude. This hobby was recognized as a sport at the 2nd summer Olympic Games in Paris in 1900. At the same time, those who decided to carry out difficult jumps brave men wore sweaters or special quilted jackets, since jumping into water from a great height requires serious sports training and bring not only self-satisfaction, but also danger. Let's try to figure out what you need to know in order to protect yourself from bruises and injuries when jumping into the water.

Jumping into water is carried out from a certain height, usually with a certain initial speed. After the start of the jump and before entering the water, the jumper moves in the air under the influence of two forces: gravity and air resistance forces . The latter is small enough that it can be neglected in our calculations. Taking this into account, we will calculate what speed a person will have at the surface of the water if he jumped from a height and had an initial speed directed at an angle to the horizon. Let's also determine the jump range - the horizontal distance from the starting point to the entry point into the water.

The speed is easily determined based on the law of conservation of energy:

where is the acceleration of gravity, is the mass of the person, and is the speed of entry into the water. After mathematical transformations we get:

Thus, if a jump is performed from a height of 5 m with an initial speed of 4 m/s, then the speed of entry into the water will be approximately 10.7 m/s or 39 km/h. This is quite a high speed, and if it collides with water, it can lead to bruises and injuries. The safest way to enter the water is with your feet down (“soldier”) or your head with your arms outstretched forward to soften the impact of the water (“fish”). But the latter option is much more difficult to accomplish, since during the flight it is very difficult to control the rotation of the body and it is possible to collide with the water on the stomach or back, and at high speed this is unsafe. Athletes who engage in diving train a lot to learn how to control their body during the jump and enter the water with virtually no splashes. Moreover, the higher the starting point of the jump, the more difficult it is to perform it safely. And you need to think carefully before taking risks. Moreover, the duration of the jump is very short, for example, a jump from a height of 5 m lasts about 1 s.

Let's now calculate the jump distance. To do this, you need to use kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion and create a system:


Eliminating the duration of the jump, we find the maximum jump distance, which is obtained if the angle is 45 0:

Thus, if a jump is performed from a height of 5 m with an initial speed of 4 m/s, then the maximum jump distance will be 3.8 m, and with an initial speed of 2 m/s - 1.6 m. This must be taken into account in order to control the entry point into water. When jumping into water, it is also necessary to take into account the depth of the reservoir so as not to hit the bottom or other unsafe objects lying on it and not visible from above. In this case dangerous places are indicated by special signs that must not be ignored under any circumstances.

Let's calculate the depth of immersion if the speed of entry into the water is equal to . At the considered speeds and the “fish” jump, we can assume that the force of hydrodynamic resistance of water is constant and equal to approximately 1000 H. In addition, since the average density of a person is approximately equal to the density of water, the force of gravity is balanced by the force of Archimedes. Then, using the law of conservation and transformation of energy, we obtain:

Thus, if the speed of entry into water is 10 m/s, which is obtained when jumping from a height of 5 m, without initial speed, and the mass of a person is 50 kg, then the depth of immersion will be 2.5 m. In order to reduce it, it is necessary or increase the force of hydrodynamic resistance of water by changing the shape of the body with the help of arms or legs, or jumping from a lower height. For example, when jumping from a height of 2 m without an initial speed, the entry speed into the water will be approximately 6.3 m/s, and the immersion depth will be about 1 m.

Some animals, just like people, love to dive into water. For example, dogs fearlessly rush after a ball thrown by their owner, and this often looks quite funny, especially under water.

We suggest you solve the problem using the proposed method:

Calculate at what speed and at what distance from the tower a jumper weighing 60 kg will enter the water, to what depth he will plunge if he jumped from a tower 10 m high with an initial speed of 5 m/s at an angle of 30 0 to the horizontal. Neglect air resistance. The hydrodynamic resistance force of water is considered constant and equal to 1000 N.