Very thin legs in men: reasons and what to do? The best exercises for thin legs.

It’s not difficult to pump up a girl’s skinny legs at home, but only if you follow a certain pattern - proper nutrition and intense loads.

Regardless of build, design perfect body absolutely real, the main thing is not to retreat and not to give up!

Even if after the first month of training you don’t notice any results, don’t get upset and stop, as the result will come 100%, you just need patience and hard work.

So, what will help pump up thin legs at home:

. Classic exercises (various squats, lunges, leg swings to the sides, jumps, leg kicks to the side, lying leg raises, etc.). Advice: A proven method that will pump up your legs and tighten your buttocks is deep squats 5-10 sets of 20-25 times. Don't forget to use different weights (dumbbells, a heavy backpack, leg weights, etc.), and also constantly change the exercises and increase the load over time.

. Non-standard exercises for skinny legs. We lie down on the floor, rest our feet on something (sofa, wall, etc.), then press our feet against the support as hard as possible until there is strong tension in the legs, hold for 20-30 seconds and rest, then repeat similar actions for at least 20 times. Second non-standard exercise: we stand on exactly one leg (half-squat position), then perform jumps alternately on each leg (jump from right leg to the left and back), while it is necessary to strain the muscles of the leg as much as possible as soon as it touches the floor.

In order for thin legs to become muscular, you need to eat a lot of protein foods, perform strength training aimed at the entire muscle group, and also do not forget about cardio exercises.

Don’t chase quick results; you will notice a truly visible effect (if you follow your diet and workout schedule) in about 2-3 months.

Do you want to have slender and toned legs? - then let’s not waste time, but start working on our beautiful “couple”!

Frustration of plump girls due to too rounded buttocks or curvy hips is a common problem. However, slender girls are no less upset because their legs are too thin and skinny. But losing weight is often much easier than gaining weight, especially in the calves and thighs.

Often skinny girls put a lot of effort into correcting their appearance– due to excessive thinness of their legs, they cannot afford to wear tight-fitting trousers or short skirts. The best way To fix this without gaining fat in unnecessary places is to pump up the muscles of your buttocks, thighs and legs.

Due to lack of muscles, thin legs often look crooked - because the bones have natural curves. Increasing the volume of the muscles results in getting rid of this curvature, so that the legs become visually straight and more attractive. Also, pumped up legs have another advantage - they hurt and get tired much less, allowing you to feel comfortable.

Pumped up muscles can be acquired by doing a series of exercises every day, gradually making them more difficult. Experienced trainers they say that it is better to start classes with ten repetitions of each exercise, doing them first every other day - otherwise the muscles will hurt very much. Gradually, you can accustom yourself to an increased load by exercising every day or even twice a day: morning and evening.

Training technique

Before each lesson, you should definitely warm up - first it will be useful to shake your legs, sit down a couple of times or walk in a circle. This will increase blood circulation and improve muscle condition. In addition, muscles that are not properly warmed up after a workout will hurt more, and the likelihood of getting a muscle or ligament injury will be much higher.

Exercises should be done at an average pace. If you do them too quickly, you can get injured, and if you do them slowly, you will lengthen the workout, which will be very tiring. After each exercise, you should shake your legs to relax the muscles a little.

If you feel tired, you can relax your legs. To do this, you need to lie on your back, slowly raise your legs up, and then shake them slightly, relaxing your muscles and improving blood circulation. A light massage will also be helpful.


Exercise one

Toe raise. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes turned slightly outward. From this position you need to smoothly rise onto your toes - the front of your foot. You need to rise by inhaling, then fixate on the highest position and slowly lower yourself to the exit.

Exercise two

Walking on your toes. Having risen in the same way as in the previous exercise, you need to walk around the room for about 60-100 steps without bending your knees. You need to breathe evenly and smoothly.

Exercise three

Squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. Then slowly squat down, stopping your buttocks at approximately knee level, slightly fixing in the lowest position and inhaling. After this, straighten up to the starting position, exhaling. The exercise can be complicated by picking up dumbbells weighing 1.5-2 kilograms or plastic containers of one and a half liters. You need to do three approaches of ten squats, gradually the number of squats in the approaches can be increased.

Exercise four

Detention in a half-squat. Starting position– feet approximately shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. Bend your knees approximately 45 degrees, fixing this position. The back should be perfectly straight. Slowly count to twenty, then straighten your legs. You can gradually increase the duration of the exercise up to a count of 50.

Exercise five

Frog jumps. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. Sit down, lowering your pelvis almost to the floor. From this position, jump as far forward and up as possible. Repeat first ten times, gradually increase the number of jumps to thirty.

Exercise six

Wall shift. Starting position - lying on your back, torso perpendicular to the free wall. Place your feet against the wall, as if trying to move it. The pressure is maximum, breathing is deep and free. Hold the emphasis for 15-30 seconds, then relax the muscles. Repeat ten times.

Exercise seven

Moving a wall with one foot. Lie on your back again and repeat the previous exercise, but instead of using both legs, alternately use only one leg, that is, try to “move the wall” with your right and left legs in turn. Breathe as freely and deeply as possible. You need to do at least ten repetitions for each leg.

Exercise eight

Weighted scissors. Wear heavy boots or ankle weights. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs about 50 degrees from the floor and move your legs up and down or left and right, crossing them and imitating scissors. You should try to keep your legs suspended for as long as possible, while moving them intensively. If you pull your toe forward, not only your hips are involved, but also your shins.

Exercise nine

Horse riding game. Sit on a chair facing the back, feet on the floor. Now you need to try to raise your lower leg and feet as high as possible, while using the back of the chair as support. Raise your legs as you inhale, hold them as you exhale. Inhale and try to keep your legs elevated for as long as possible. As you exhale, lower it.

Exercise ten

This is an exercise with a fitball - gymnastic ball. You need to try to squeeze it between your legs, as if trying to burst, while making every effort. With the ball sandwiched between your legs, you need to walk around the room, sliding your feet along the floor. You can try to hold the ball with your knees while lying down, while raising your legs with the ball up. In general, fitball is very good trainer There are many special exercises for the legs and for him.

Exercise eleven

The twist is a special dance that needs to be danced without lifting the front of the foot off the floor, while raising the heel. Turn on the music and start dancing, moving your feet on the floor. It is better that the exercise is no shorter than one song.

In addition to these exercises, cycling or training on an exercise bike will help you train your skinny legs, as well as simple walking from heel to toe and high hip lift. By performing these not very difficult exercises, you can get beautiful, sculpted muscles and get rid of the problem of too thin legs.

Many have probably noticed such a figure in guys, when on top he is all such a machine, and his legs are so thin that when he pumps his biceps, his legs shake so much that the crunching and knocking of his knees can be heard at the other end of the hall.

Such people are usually they think everything is fine that this is not a problem at all. They may have many excuses like: “Yes, I can pump up my legs at any time,” “My grandfather didn’t pump up his legs and lived to be 95 years old,” or “I’m just going through a difficult period in my life.”

But in fact, this problem is very global. Such people are in society, children see them, and the young, fragile psyche suffers. We need to stop child abuse.

There can be many reasons for thin legs in men, and this does not always happen due to the fault of the owner of the feet.

Here is a list of the most common reasons for thin legs in guys:

  1. Features of genetics.
  2. Incorrectly selected training program.
  3. Problems with the spine or knees.
  4. Problems with the head or “I’m already powerful, but I can’t see my legs in my pants.”


Often thin legs go to their owner by inheritance. And in this case, pumping them up is oh so difficult.

But difficult does not mean impossible. You will have to work harder in the gym than those who are a little luckier with their legs. If you don’t whine and don’t give up, then everything will work out.

Inappropriate training program

An important factor in growing your legs wider is your training program.

We have two types muscle fibers, and each of them need to be trained differently.

One type responds to high-repetition training with no large scales, the other - on power option with heavy weight and low reps.

The predominance of one type over another in various muscles depends on genetics.

If you train with heavy weights and do 4-10 repetitions, but your legs are still thin and don’t grow, then try to lose weight and start doing sets of 12-20 reps.

If you trained in a multi-repetition mode, then do it the other way around.

Health problems

If you have problems with the spine, you can pump up your legs, but you should do it carefully. In this case, a standard training program will not work.

You will have to completely eliminate the axial load on the spine. You will do the exercises sitting or lying down. I'll have to give up squats.

Your magic wand in the world of iron and your guide to big feet will become a “leg press.” You can perform any of its variations; both horizontal and vertical simulators are suitable.

Focus on lower back and pelvis. They are under no circumstances should not come off the back of the machine, this can lead to injury to even a healthy spine.

With knee problems, everything is much more complicated. Putting any stress on your knees without a doctor's permission is extremely dangerous. First you need to heal your injuries (if possible), and then gradually begin training your legs.

Male without legs - my favorite

And finally, the highlight of the program - such a centaur, with the torso of a jock and the legs of a chicken.

These people have their own philosophy. They don't need to pump up their skinny legs because they can't be seen in their pants. By pressing the clutch pedal of your grandfather's Muscovite, you can pump up more massive legs than those of these guys. Interestingly, they are not ashamed of their thin legs.

What advice can you give here? Stop it hammer your bitsukha and abs day after day. If you're hoping to get washboard abs for girls to wash their wet panties on, then I have bad news for you. The only thing that will make their eyes wet is when they see your skinny legs.


If only your legs are lagging behind, and the rest of the muscles are gradually progressing, then the problem is clearly not in nutrition. It cannot be that the protein selectively reaches each muscle. And when it comes to his feet, he, before reaching his destination, goes into the sunset through the sewer pipes.

How to train to make your legs thicker?

First, understand that it will be very difficult. Leg workouts are usually the killer ones. If you do not have the health restrictions that I wrote about above, then sit back and write down.

The base is the basis of the basics, only heavy basic exercises will most effectively affect muscle growth.

There are a lot various exercises and options for their implementation. But the most important thing is the correct technique.

You no need to strive for weight at the expense of technique, First of all, you must feel the working muscle group.

If you do the exercise incorrectly, you risk not only wasting time and being left with thin legs, but also getting injured. There is also no need to stagnate on one weight for months.

As I said before, give priority to the basic movements:

  • squat;
  • deadlift;
  • lunges;
  • leg press.

You can also add some isolation exercises to squeeze every last drop from your branches.

These could be:

  • extension;
  • flexion;
  • intelligence.

You can also do leg raises in the machine if you want a butt like a nut. I like it better here.

Be a man - avoid exercise equipment. Only free weight, only hardcore. This will use more muscles.

For example, you can squat with a barbell on your shoulders, or in a Smith machine. But Smith won't give you the same sensations that a barbell will, so leave it to the girls.

If you want to dial muscle mass, then it's better avoid supersets, dropsets and other gadgets. At the initial stage they are of no use.

The number of repetitions can be completely different; it is better to find it experimentally. For some, 20 repetitions work, for some, five are enough. You can also cycle the load to give your muscles stress and thus encourage them to grow.


There can be a lot of them, depending on your imagination, but we will look at the most basic ones.

You can do these exercises in any gym:

  • squats;
  • deadlift;
  • lunges;
  • leg press;
  • leg extension and bending in the simulator;
  • lowering and spreading legs in the simulator.

Perhaps the most cool exercise for leg growth. There are a million variations of its implementation.

The most effective of them:

  • classic squats (barbell on back);
  • front squats (barbell in front of you on your shoulders);
  • squats in a Smith machine with a fixed barbell;
  • Hack squats.

The movement is essentially the same, but the muscles can work differently; when any angle in the body position changes, the emphasis of the load on the muscle shifts. But they are involved absolutely all leg muscles that are known to science.


There are also a lot of options for implementation:

  • classic deadlift;
  • sumo deadlift;
  • deadlift;
  • Romanian cravings.

If all muscles work in squats, then in this case all muscles are included only in the first two exercises, but the load shift is very obvious.

In deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts, the quadriceps receives virtually no load; the work is performed mainly by the thigh biceps, buttocks and back extensors.

There are also a huge number of options; they all work according to the same principle. You can do it both while moving and standing in one place, or even use a simulator.

Load at correct technique mainly goes to the buttock, the quadriceps and hamstrings are also worked.

Leg press

It could be classified as squats, because the principle is almost the same, but I want to talk about it separately.

This exercise will help to work out the leg muscles well for people who have problems with the spine, since in this exercise he does not receive an axial load.

With this simulator you can work out all the muscles of the legs; the emphasis of the load also depends on the placement of the legs on the plate. But squats, of course this exercise will not replace.

Leg bending and extension in the simulator

Extension. It will help finish off our quadriceps at the end of the workout, or warm them up before starting.

Flexion. Designed to destroy the hamstrings of all daredevils. Also involved calf muscles. Similar to extensions, they can either finish off or warm up the muscles.

This exercise is not mandatory for guys. It includes the adductor muscles, which already work enough in basic exercises. But if these muscles are lagging behind, then why not? Take everything from life.

Very thin calves of the legs - what to do?

What would I like to say about calves? A very stubborn thing. Very hardy, as it is involved in everyday life much more than others. Only the most desperate or genetically gifted will be able to break through these babies.

And yet, very thin calves are not a death sentence. They can be pumped up, and the main thing in this matter is persistence.

Look at the skinny ones long legs in glossy magazines or on the catwalk is one thing, but being the owner of “matchstick legs” is completely different. IN real life, when meeting such a “beauty” you want to ask: “Excuse me, but when and what did you eat for the last time?” .

Many would be happy to change something, but it doesn’t work. There are many reasons for this, and nutrition does not always play a significant role. A girl can eat sweets and various high-calorie foods as much as she likes, and she doesn’t gain an ounce of weight. In addition, if you eat intensely, you can easily grow your belly and sides, but your legs will remain thin.

But you can change everything if you know how to do it. All you need is to pump up your legs, and this can be done without the help of a fitness instructor.

How to pump up your legs at home

If you are unable to attend classes at sports complex, I suggest you exercise at home. There are exercises that are specifically designed for those with thin legs.. If you do them regularly and at the same time eat correctly (ideally, maximum protein foods), the results will soon be noticeable.


Warm-up is an important part of any sport. First of all, you need to warm up your joints and ligaments - this is the only way you can prevent the risk of sprains and injuries. Roll your feet in different sides, walk on your toes, on your heels, on the outside, and then on the inside of your foot. In principle, this will be enough to start doing the exercises.

Exercises to help pump up skinny legs

Each exercise is aimed at working specific leg muscles. Therefore, it is advisable to perform the entire complex in every lesson.

  • Exercise for the thigh and quadriceps muscles

Stand straight with your feet together (you can pick up small dumbbells to increase the load). Lunge with your left leg, bend it at the knee and transfer your weight to it so that you get the most straight line possible for your right hip and back. Return to the starting position and perform the exercise for the other side of the body (15–25 repetitions).

  • Exercise for outside hips (abductors)

Lying on your left side, rest your palm on the floor right hand in front of you. Slowly raise your right leg until you feel tension in the thigh muscles and return just as slowly to the starting position (15–25 repetitions for each leg).

Lying on your left side, stretch out in a “string” position, while your head rests on your left hand. Left leg remains straight, and the foot of the right leg must be placed in front of you at the level of the knee of the left leg. Now slowly raise your left one as high as possible. When lowering, try not to touch the floor, but raise it again, and so on until you feel a “burning” in the adductor muscles (15–25 repetitions for each leg).

  • Exercise for thin calves

And here the warm-up exercises will come to your aid, only longer ones. It is lifting on the spouts and walking on them that help pump up thin calves. Rise onto your toes, and then lower your heel as far as possible, standing on a step and leaning on something to maintain balance. Rise up onto your toes on one leg. You can also sit up on your toes, using something to weigh you down. All these exercises are done very slowly and at least 20 times each.

To achieve results, first of all, you need to be patient. Moscow, as you know, was not built at once, so you should not expect an immediate effect from the exercises.

And for that To ensure that your studies are not in vain, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • - All exercises are performed very slowly - the slower it is, the higher the load

  • - Don't start with intensive training, especially if you are new to fitness and sports
  • - Swap exercises, look for other exercises for thin legs, don’t get hung up on those you’re already doing, alternate loads
  • - Don’t forget to warm up before starting your workout to prevent injury
  • - Remember about stretching, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of your exercises and help avoid pain, sprains and injuries. Perform it, if possible, not only before, but also after training.
  • - Don't be afraid of iron. Strength training for women is not a contraindication, but a help if you use light weights
  • - Play another sport to not only diversify your activities, but also achieve best results(cycling, swimming, etc.).

Try to apply everything described in practice. This will help you sculpt your leg muscles and greatly improve their beauty.

Slender female legs are a subject of admiration for the male part of the population and the pride of the happy owners of such beauty. But not everyone's legs are as attractive as we would like. What to do if your legs are very thin? How to fix this shortcoming?

What to do if your legs are very thin?

First you need to make sure that your legs are really very thin and require adjustment. Many girls are biased in assessing their appearance. To avoid this, calculate the minimum volume of legs allowed for your height. To do this, height in centimeters must be multiplied by a coefficient, for calves it is 0.21, for thighs it is 0.32. If the resulting volumes are less than yours actual sizes, stop tormenting yourself “I have skinny legs, what should I do”, everything is fine with your legs.

But if the actual volumes of the legs are less than the resulting figures, then the situation needs to be corrected. First of all, pay attention to your diet; of course, you shouldn’t overeat, but you can add a few calories to your daily intake. Very thin legs may indicate vitamin deficiency or anemia. So you also need fruits (for anemia, apples are a must) or vitamin complexes.

Exercises for thin legs

It is clear that the problem of thin legs cannot be corrected by increased nutrition alone. If you want to make thin legs slim, then, whatever one may say, without physical activity can't get by. All exercises for thin legs should be performed slowly, and exhausting workouts, such as races long distances are contraindicated for you.

  1. Perform squats at least 12 times in a row. Your back should be straight and you can lean on the back of the chair with one hand.
  2. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a small ball between your knees and squeeze it - 4 seconds to compress, 1 to relax. There must be at least 20 repetitions.
  3. Sit on a chair, facing the back. Holding your back with your hands, lift yourself up and lower yourself back down. Do 30 reps. When performing this exercise, the feet should not leave the floor, the legs should be fully straightened as they rise.
  4. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rise up on your toes, and then squat slightly, spreading your knees out to the sides. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  5. Walking on your toes will also help add volume to your legs. You need to walk with a straight back and legs, and take at least 70 steps.
  6. Beautiful shape Exercises on an exercise bike can give your legs a boost. If it is not yet available, then perform the “bicycle” exercise while lying on your back for at least 10-15 minutes every day.

How to dress if your legs are thin?

Almost all figure defects can be hidden with the right clothes. There are also certain rules for thin legs.