Physical exercise with a bear for children. Direct educational activities in the field of “reading fiction” with the integration of educational areas of “communication” and “socialization” with elements of dramatization of the fairy tale “Masha and the Bears”

Card file of physical exercises for children of primary preschool age


Pinocchio stretched.
Once - he bent down, twice - he bent over. (tilts left and right)
Spread your arms to the sides, (spread your arms to the sides)
Apparently I couldn't find the key. (rotate arms in front of chest)
To get us the key,
You need to stand on your toes.
(raise your arms up and stretch on your toes)

"In the Forest"

We walked and walked and walked
They found strawberries on the left,
We sat down, ate,
Let's go again.
We walked and walked and walked
We found a boletus on the right,
Took it to the basket
Let's go again.

"Three Bears"

The older target walks: top - top.
The bear raises his legs: top - top. (stomp your feet)
The middle bear catches up: clap - clap.
And he hits his hands: clap - clap. (claps on the right and left cheeks)
The youngest bear is in a hurry:
slap - slap - slap.
The bear splashes through the puddles:
slap - slap - slap. (hit your knees with your palms)

“Let’s toughen up!”

I'm tempering myself in the morning,
(movement of flapping on water)
I douse myself with water.
(movement of throwing water on oneself)
Let the body be red,
(stroking hands)
And let his mouth be toothy.
Let your hands be clean
(imitation of soaping hands)
And your legs will be fast.
(running in place)

Let's go to the garden
(march in place)
We'll reap the harvest.
We'll drag carrots
And we'll dig up some potatoes.
We'll cut a head of cabbage
(imitate how they cut, drag, dig)
Round, juicy, very tasty.
(show with hands)
Let's pick a little sorrel
And let's go back along the path.
(walk in a circle holding hands)


Walked along the path
They found the boletus.
(bend over)
Boletus boletus
Hid my head in the moss,
(hands above head in a “lock”)
We could pass it -
It's good that we walked quietly.
(walking in place)

The wind is blowing in our faces. (wave hands at face)
The tree swayed. (sway from side to side)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. (crouching, waving their arms up and down)
The tree is getting higher and higher. (reach up)

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are snowflakes - ballerinas,
We dance day and night.
Let's all stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.

One, two, three, four, five,
The little bunny began to jump.
The bunny is good at jumping,
He jumped ten times.

Grisha walked, walked, walked,
I found a white mushroom.
Once - a fungus,
Two is a fungus,
Three is a fungus,
I put them in the box.

"Leaf Fall"

Leaves are falling, falling,
It's leaf fall in our garden.
(waves hands)
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.
(turn around yourself)


White snow, fluffy.
Wave your arms.
Spinning in the air
(turn around yourself)
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
(squat down)


We will cook compote.
(march in place)
You need a lot of fruit. Here.
(show with hands - “a lot”)
Let's chop apples
We will chop the pear,
Squeeze the lemon juice
We'll put in some drainage and sand.
(imitate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, lay, pour sand)
We cook, we cook compote,
(turn around yourself)
Let's treat honest people.
(clap your hands)

Birds jump and fly.
(waving their arms and jumping up and down)
Birds collect crumbs.
The feathers were cleaned.
The beaks were cleaned.
(stroke hands, noses)
Birds fly, sing,
(wave hands)
The grains are pecked.

It's cold and windy outside,
Children are walking in the yard.
(walk in place)
Hands warm
Hands are rubbed.
So that your feet don't get cold,
Let's stomp a little.
We are not afraid of frost,
We dance merrily.
(rub hand in hand, stomp, dance)

Here is a large glass teapot,
(“inflate” the stomach, one hand is on the belt, the other is curved like a nose)
Very important, like a boss.
Here are the porcelain cups
Very fragile, poor things.
(squat, one hand on the belt)
Here are the porcelain saucers,
Just knock and they will break.
(spin around, drawing a circle with your hands)
Here are the silver spoons
(stretch, clasp hands above head)
Here's a plastic tray -
He brought us the dishes.
(make a big circle)

The deer has a big house.
Do not pass the house by the side.
A hare runs through the forest,
There will be a knock on the deer's door.
Knock, knock - open the door.
There's an evil hunter in the forest.
Bunny, bunny, run,
Give me your paw quickly.

The cubs lived in the bowl.
They were gentle, joyful friends.
Like this, like this
The cubs were friends.

The bears were collecting fruit.
Together they rocked the apple tree,
Like this, like this
Together we rocked the apple tree

We waddled
And they drank water from the river.
Like this, like this
These bears drank water.

And then they danced
They raised their paws towards the sun.
Like this, like this
They raised their paws towards the sun.

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
And he wiggles his ears.
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this.
We need to warm our paws.
The bunny is tired of sleeping
The bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump.


Bees sit in the hives
And they look out the window.
Wanted to have some fun
They flew off one after another.

“On the fairy tale by B. Grimm “The Town Musicians of Bremen”
We play guitar
One, two, three, four, five.
We play the accordion
One, two, three, four, five.
We clap our hands
We stomp our feet
They blinked their eyes,
Afterwards we rested.

We took shovels and dug up the ground.
We fertilized it and loosened it all together.
They took the rake in hand and leveled the beds.
The seeds were planted and watered from a watering can.
We took a hoe and removed the weeds
Everything grows under the sun
The garden has grown and grown.

We stomp our feet (stomp)
We clap our hands (clap)
Shake your head, (shake your head)
We raise our hands (hands up)
Then we lower them (hands down)
We shake hands (hands in a “lock”)
And we run around (spin in place)
One, two, three, (three claps)
Any figure, freeze!

"In winter"
How interesting it is for us in winter!
We're going on sleds in a crowd,
(imitate sledding)
Then we'll play in the snow,
(imitate modeling and throwing snowballs)
We all put on our skis together,
(“put on” skis, “take” poles, “ride”)
Then everyone started skating
(depict ice skating)
Happy winter days!
(points thumb up)

We chop and chop cabbage,
(swinging movements with hands, like an ax)
We mumble the cabbage,
(“crushing the cabbage”)
We salt and salt the cabbage,
(“take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)
We press and press cabbage,
(flexion and extension of the hands)

There is a tower in the field,
(the palms of both hands are connected at an angle)
There's a lock on the door,
(fingers clenched)
The wolf opens it -
Twitch-twitch, twitch-twitch.
(hands clenched in a lock, move forward - backward, left - right)
Petya the Cockerel has arrived
And opened the lock with the key,
(fingers unclench and connect with each other, forming a “teremok”)

Tick-tock, tick-tock
All clocks go like this.
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
(tilts head to shoulders)
Look quickly what time it is.
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
(body rocking)
Left - once, right - once,
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
(torso tilts left - right)
We can do this too.

"Three Bears"
Three bears were walking home:
(children walk like bears)
Dad was big, big
(raise hands up)
Mom with him is shorter,
(arms at chest level, extended forward)
And my son is just a baby,
(squat down)
He was very small
Walked around with rattles
(stand up and imitate playing with rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)

Raise your shoulders
(vigorous shoulder movements)
Jump, grasshoppers,
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Stop! Sit down,
We ate some grass,
Listen to the silence
Higher, higher, higher
Jump on your toes easily.
(jumping in place)

We will clap our hands -
We'll stomp our feet -
We all raised our hands
And they lowered it together.
And everyone boarded the magic plane.
(arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest)
Started the engine -
(we rotate our arms slowly in front of our chest, increasing the tempo)
The plane is flying, and the engine is humming -
Uh-uh, uh-uh...
(arms to the sides, alternate tilts left and right)
Let's fly...
(usually we’ll do a couple of circles around the room)

"To the watering hole"
The animals went to water.
The elk calf followed the mother elk,
(They go stomping loudly)
A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox,
(Sneak on tiptoes)
A hedgehog rolled after its mother hedgehog,
(Squat, slowly move forward)
A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They waddle)
The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel,
(They jump squat)
Behind the mother hare are slanting hares,
(They jump on straight legs)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs,
(Walk on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk.
(Face in a circle, make movements with the tongue - “lap”)

It's dark in the forest
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
One owl doesn't sleep
Sits on a bitch
Turns his head
Looks in all directions
Yes, suddenly, it will fly.
Flying, flying, screaming, screaming,
Owl - owl,
Big head.

We are like gray hares
We galloped onto the meadow.
Jump - jump, jump - jump.
The wind shakes the grass,
Tilts left, right.
Don't be afraid of the wind, bunny,
Have fun on the lawn
Jump - jump, jump - jump.

"Forest Dwellers"
The red fox walks
It sweeps the road with its tail.
A bunny meanders through the snow,
To the right - jump and to the left - jump.
You, fox, catch him,
He will run away as fast as he can.
A wolf rushes through the snowdrifts
Gray wolf, teeth clicking.
A bear waddles
The clubfoot is our tramp.
The squirrel is jumping, the squirrel is jumping,
Like a gray soft ball.

"For mushrooms"
All the animals are at the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.
(children walk in a round dance)
The squirrels were jumping
The saffron milk caps were plucked.
(they squat and pick imaginary mushrooms)
The fox ran
I collected chanterelles.
(run in a circle, collect imaginary mushrooms)
The bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey mushrooms.
(jump while standing, tearing
imaginary mushrooms)
The bear passed by
The fly agaric crushed.
(they waddle,
then stomp with the right foot)

Fluffy lumps
Wash your cheeks with your paw,
Wash your nose with your paw,
Wash your eyes with your paw -
Right eye, left eye.
Wash your ears with your paw -
Right ear, left ear.
And the kittens’ ears are like little houses.

That's what a cat is
(sneak in a circle one after another on tiptoes)
round face,
(they stop and show their face with both hands)
And on every paw
Scratchy claws.
(rhythmically stretch forward, then the left, then right hand)
All his toys -
Cube and reels.
(jump on their toes, keep their hands on their belts)
A cat is like a ball,
Jumps around the apartment.
(while performing jumps, they move in a circle one after another)

"Animal Charge"
One - squat, two - jump.
This is a rabbit exercise.
How can the little foxes wake up?
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
Well, wag your tail
And the wolf cubs arch their backs
And jump lightly
Well, the bear is clubfooted
Paws spread wide
Either one or both together
Marks time for a long time
And for those who don’t have enough charging -
Starts all over again.

See, the butterfly is flying,
(We wave our winged hands)
Counting flowers in the meadow.
(Count with your finger)
- One, two, three, four, five.
(Clap your hands)
Oh, I can’t count!
(Jumping in place)
In a day, in two and in a month...
(We walk in place)
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
(Clap your hands)
Even the wise bee
(We wave our winged hands)
I couldn't count!
(Count with your finger)

Kolobok, Kolobok,
Kolobok - ruddy side
(walk in a half-squat with your hands on your belt)
Rolled along the path
And he didn’t turn back.
(run on their toes, keeping their hands on their belts)
I met a bear, a wolf, a bunny,
(standing with their faces in a circle, they depict a bear, a wolf, a hare)
He played the balalaika for everyone.
(depict playing the balalaika)
He sang on the fox's nose, -
(dance squat)
He is no longer in the forest.
(throw up hands)

"Building a house"
One, two, three, four, five.
Let's build and play.
(children do jumping in place)
We are building a big, tall house.
(stand on tiptoes and stretch arms up)
We are installing windows and roofing.
(show the window, the roof with your hands - clasp your hands above your head)
What a beautiful house!
(stretch your arms forward with an index gesture)
An old gnome will live in it.

"It's me"
These are the eyes. Here. Here.
(children point first to the left, then to the right eye)
These are ears. Here. Here.
(take first the left ear, then the right)
This is the nose. This is the mouth.
(point to the nose with the left hand, point to the mouth with the right)
There's a backrest. There's a belly here.
(the left palm is placed on the back, the right palm is placed on the stomach)
These are pens. Clap, clap.
(stretch both hands forward, clap twice)
These are the legs. Top, top.
(put palms on hips, stomp feet twice)
Oh, we're tired. Let's wipe our brow.
(run the right palm across the forehead)

Summary of the integrated lesson “New Adventures of the Kolobok” in younger group

"Communication", "Cognition", " Physical culture", "Health", "Reading fiction", "Socialization", "Speech development".


Develop the ability to tell and act out a familiar fairy tale;

Stimulate manifestations of speech activity when solving problems and situations;

Develop motor skills and physical activity;

Foster a desire to help a fairy-tale character.

Enrich children's understanding of wild animals

Note characteristic features animals

Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text

Develop creative imagination: depict the habits of animals, imitate movements

Continue teaching children to solve riddles

Develop thinking, cultivate interest in living nature

Methods: dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, physical education lesson “Teddy Bear”, “Grey Bunny”, “A top ran through the forest”, “Under a birch tree on a hill”, problem situations.

Means: illustrations of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, the character Kolobok, teaching aid “Wild Animals”

Preliminary work: dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, examination of illustrations with wild animals.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

Today one fairy-tale character came to visit us /the teacher shows the bun/

Did you recognize him? (Yes)

Who is this? (gingerbread man)

Look, guys, and tell me which bun? (ruddy, round, yellow)

Do you remember what happened to the kolobok in the fairy tale? (Yes)

Let's come up with our own fairy tale about kolobok

Guys, who did the bun go from? (From my grandparents)

Where did he run? (to the forest)

And the first person he met in the forest? (bunny)

Guys, what kind of bunny do we have? (gray, small, with long ears)

What does the bunny like to eat? (carrots, cabbage, grass)

The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears

Like this, like this he moves his ears

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws

This is how, this is how you need to warm your little paws

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump,

This is how, this is how a bunny should jump.

Look, guys, who did he meet next? (wolf)

What kind of wolf do we have? (gray, with sharp teeth)

How does a wolf howl? (imitation of a wolf howl)

Who does the wolf catch (bunnies)

Now let's play, do the moves with me.

A top ran through the forest

Fell on its side

Who did he meet next? (a bear)

What kind of bear do we have? (big, club-footed)

What does a bear like to eat? (honey, raspberries, fish)

How does a bear growl? (imitation of a bear’s roar)

Now let's play, do the moves with me.

Physical exercise “Teddy Bear”

A clumsy bear walks through the forest

Collects cones, sings songs,

Suddenly a cone fell right on the bear’s forehead,

The bear got angry and stomped his foot.

Who else has the bun met? (fox)

What kind of fox do we have? (red, cunning, with a fluffy, long tail)

What does a fox eat? (bunnies, birds, mice)

How does a fox wag its tail? (imitation of animal movements)

Riddle about the fox

Red-haired cheat,

Cunning and dexterous

The tail is fluffy,

The fur is golden.

Our little bun turned out to be smart, he didn’t sit on the fox’s nose and ran away from her. (Yes)

What kind of hedgehog do we have? (small, prickly, sharp nose, short legs)

How does a hedgehog puff with its nose? (imitation of an animal)

What does a hedgehog like to eat? (berries, apples, mushrooms)

Now let's play, do the moves with me.

Physical exercise “Under the birch tree”

Under the birch tree, on the hill

The old hedgehog made a hole

And under the leaves lie

Two little ones are eating.

The hedgehog turned out to be very kind, he helped the bun to get out of the forest and took him to his grandparents. Grandparents were very happy and treated him to delicious gifts.

Well done, guys! You also helped Kolobok a lot, you did a great job! Grandparents also gave you a basket of gifts. Help yourself!



Summary of the integrated lesson “New Adventures of Kolobok” in the junior group

Integration educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Physical education”, “Health”, “Reading fiction”, “Socialization”, “Speech development”.


Develop the ability to tell and act out a familiar fairy tale;

Stimulate manifestations of speech activity when solving problems and situations;

Develop motor skills and physical activity;

Foster a desire to help a fairy-tale character.

Enrich children's understanding of wild animals

Note the characteristic features of animals

Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text

Develop creative imagination: depict the habits of animals, imitate movements

Continue teaching children to solve riddles

Develop thinking, cultivate interest in living nature

Methods : dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, physical education lesson “Teddy Bear”, “Grey Bunny”, “A top ran through the forest”, “Under a birch tree on a hill”, problem situations.

Means : illustrations of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, the character Kolobok, teaching aid “Wild Animals”

Preliminary work: dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”, examination of illustrations with wild animals.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

Today one fairy-tale character came to visit us /the teacher shows the bun/

Did you recognize him? (Yes)

Who is this? (gingerbread man)

Look, guys, and tell me which bun? (ruddy, round, yellow)

Do you remember what happened to the kolobok in the fairy tale? (Yes)

Let's come up with our own fairy tale about kolobok

Guys, who did the bun go from? (From my grandparents)

Where did he run? (to the forest)

And the first person he met in the forest? (bunny)

Guys, what kind of bunny do we have? (gray, small, with long ears)

What does the bunny like to eat? (carrots, cabbage, grass)

Physical exercise “Grey Bunny”:

The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears

Like this, like this he moves his ears

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws

This is how, this is how you need to warm your little paws

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump,

This is how, this is how a bunny should jump.

The bun ran away from the bunny and rolled on.

Look, guys, who did he meet next? (wolf)

What kind of wolf do we have? (gray, with sharp teeth)

How does a wolf howl? (imitation of a wolf howl)

Who does the wolf catch (bunnies)

Now let's play, do the moves with me.

Physical exercise “A top ran through the forest”

A top ran through the forest

Fell on its side

He slept and lay down

The bun ran away from the wolf and rolled on.

Who did he meet next? (a bear)

What kind of bear do we have? (big, club-footed)

What does a bear like to eat? (honey, raspberries, fish)

How does a bear growl? (imitation of a bear’s roar)

Now let's play, do the moves with me.

Physical exercise “Teddy Bear”

A clumsy bear walks through the forest

Collects cones, sings songs,

Suddenly a cone fell right on the bear’s forehead,

The bear got angry and stomped his foot.

The bun ran away from the bear and rolled further along the path.

Who else has the bun met? (fox)

What kind of fox do we have? (red, cunning, with a fluffy, long tail)

What does a fox eat? (bunnies, birds, mice)

How does a fox wag its tail? (imitation of animal movements)

Riddle about the fox

Red-haired cheat,

Cunning and dexterous

The tail is fluffy,

The fur is golden.

Our little bun turned out to be smart, he didn’t sit on the fox’s nose and ran away from her. (Yes)

What kind of hedgehog do we have? (small, prickly, sharp nose, short legs)

How does a hedgehog puff with its nose? (imitation of an animal)

What does a hedgehog like to eat? (berries, apples, mushrooms)

Now let's play, do the moves with me.

Physical exercise “Under the birch tree”

Under the birch tree, on the hill

The old hedgehog made a hole

And under the leaves lie

Two little ones are eating.

The hedgehog turned out to be very kind, he helped the bun to get out of the forest and took him to his grandparents. Grandparents were very happy and treated him to delicious gifts.

Well done, guys! You also helped Kolobok a lot, you did a great job! Grandparents also gave you a basket of gifts. Help yourself!

Fizminutka Mishka

Stomp, bear, (stomp your feet)
Clap, bear. (clap our hands)
Squat with me, brother, (let's squat)
Paws up, forward and down (hand movements)
Smile and sit down.

Physical education lesson Mishka
The bear crawled out of the den,
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (Rotate your head.)
Leaned back and forth
Here he is walking through the forest. (Bends forward and backward.)
I approach the horizontal bar,
I take the crossbar
I strain my muscles together,
I wish you to be slim and strong!
To become strong and agile,
Start training!

Exercise for the eyes A bear wanders through the forest
A bear wanders through the forest.
He walks from oak to oak. (Waddle “waddle”, slightly bent, “raking” with slightly bent arms.)
Finds honey in hollows
And he puts it in his mouth. (Depict how he takes out and eats honey.)
Licking his paw
Sweet tooth clubfoot,
And the bees swoop in, (“Swing away the bees.”)
The bear is driven away.
And the bees sting the bear: (Move your hand forward and alternately touch your nose and cheeks.)
Don't eat our honey, you thief! (We follow the movement of the finger with our eyes, trying not to turn our heads.)
Walking along a forest road
The bear goes to his den. (Waddle walking.)
Lies down, falls asleep (Lie down, hands under your cheek.)
And he remembers the bees. (I. Lopukhina)

Fizminutka Bear cubs

We are funny guys.
Our name is bear cubs.
We love to climb and play,
We love to jump and throw. (Walking on your toes, changing the position of your hands.)
The bear walked through the forest,
He wandered along the path into the distance, (Walking with a high rise of the leg and a clap under the knee.)
He raises his paws together,
So that the bushes do not crush.
The bear walked, walked, walked, (Walking at a marching pace “turning 180° at the signal (hitting the tambourine).)
I approached a quiet river.
Made a complete turn
I forded across the river.
The bear swam, swam, swam (Exercise “Fish.”)
And swam to the shore.
So that Mishka does not get sick,
The skin needs to be warmed up.
The bear walked, walked, walked, (Walking in a half-squat.)
I came to the lawn.
He jumped on the lawn (Jumping on two legs.)
Quickly, deftly, like a bunny.
There is a log in front of Mishka,
You have to climb well. (Crawling on the bench.)
A pine tree lies ahead,
Bear crawls like a wasp.
The bear walked, walked, walked, (Walking with lunges.)
And he came to the swamp.
He already knows how to jump
He will jump more boldly. (Jump.)
There is a cedar tree in front of Mishka.
We need to collect the cones. (Tilt the body down, reach the floor with your hands.)
The bear ran quickly (Running in a circle with acceleration and deceleration.)
I fell on a raspberry trail,
I looked for more honey,
Yes, the bees hid in the oak tree.

Physical exercise Three bears

Three bears walked home Children waddle in place
Dad was big, big. Raise your arms above your head, pull up.
Mom is shorter with him, hands at chest level.
And my son is just a little baby. Sit down.
He was very small, crouching and swinging like a bear.
He walked around with rattles. Stand up with your hands clenched into fists in front of your chest.
Ding-ding, ding-ding. Children imitate playing with rattles.

Teddy bear
The bear crawled out of the den,
I looked around on the threshold. (Turns left and right.)
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head was twisting. (Rotate your head)
Leaned back, forward (Torso bends)
Here he is walking through the forest (Walking)
Teddy bear counts to five
Teddy bear lifts weights (simulating the “lifting weights” exercise)

Bears walked through the forest

The bears were walking through the forest (we waddle)
The bears were looking for berries.
Like this, like this (put one hand on the side - this is a “basket”)
The bears were looking for berries.
Sweet raspberry
Put everything in the basket
Like this, like this. (we collect berries and put them in a “basket”)
They put everything in the basket.
How we treated ourselves to raspberries,
Everyone was sprawled out on the grass.
Like this, like this (we stroke our tummy)
Everyone was sprawled out on the grass.
And then the Bears danced
Paws raised up
Like this, like this. (put your feet on your heels, raise your arms up)

How often do you and your child or yourself do physical exercise? I think not often, if we are honest first of all with ourselves. A physical education minute helps the child take a break from static tension, mental activity, will switch from the learning task to the movement. Physical exercises are fun, useful and interesting! Performing the movements is very simple, and the funny pictures accompanying our material will help you learn the words with your child and he will recite the text with you.


It will bend

It will arch its back,

The leg will be pulled forward -

It does exercise

Our Marquis -

Fluffy cat.

He scratches himself behind his ear,

He closes his eyes and purrs.

Everything is fine with Marquis:

Claws, fur and appetite.


Fluffy lumps

Wash your cheeks with your paw,

Wash your nose with your paw,

Wash your eyes with your paw -

Right eye, left eye.

Wash your ears with your paw -

Right ear, left ear.

And the kittens’ ears are like little houses.


The bears were walking through the forest,

(we waddle)

The bears were looking for berries.

Like this, like this

(put one hand on the side - this is a “basket”)

The bears were looking for berries.

Sweet raspberry

Put everything in the basket

Like this, like this.

(we collect berries and put them in a “basket”)

They put everything in the basket.

How we treated ourselves to raspberries,

Everyone was sprawled out on the grass.

Like this, like this

(pat ourselves on the tummy)

Everyone was sprawled out on the grass.

And then the Bears danced

Paws raised up

Like this, like this

(put your feet on your heels, raise your arms up)

Animal exercise.

One - squat, two - jump.

This is a rabbit exercise.

How do fox cubs wake up? (Rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time (stretch)

Be sure to yawn (yawn while covering your mouth with your palm)

Well, wag your tail

(movement of hips to the sides)

And the wolf cubs arch their back (bend their back forward)

And jump lightly (light jump up)

Well, the bear is clubfooted (arms are bent at the elbows, palms are connected below the waist)

Paws spread wide (feet shoulder width apart)

First one, then both together (stepping from foot to foot)

Marks time for a long time (body sways to the sides)

And for those who don’t have enough exercise, they start all over again.

Wild animals

Let's get up, we need to rest,

Shake our fingers.

Raise your hands, up,

Move your fingers, -

They wiggle their ears like that

Gray bunnies.

We sneak quietly on our toes,

Like foxes wandering through the forest.

The wolf looks around

And we will turn our heads.

Now we sit down more quietly, more quietly -

Let's be quiet, like in a mouse hole.

A bear walked through the forest,

He stomped and growled.

He really wanted honey

And I didn’t know where to get it.


They waddle

They waddle

Penguin dad

Penguin mom

And little penguin son

In a black tailcoat and shirtfront.

(imitate the movements of penguins, walk in a circle)

Birds and wind

Little birds

Small birds

They fly through the forest,

They sing songs (we wave our arms like wings)

A violent wind blew in (hands up, swaying from side to side)

I wanted to take away the birds.

The birds hid in a hollow (we squat down, cover our heads with our hands)

No one will touch them there.


There lived a parrot in the world.

Spread your wings wider.

(arms to the sides, left, right)

He loved to fly higher than everyone else

Taller than palm trees, taller than giraffes.

(stretch on your toes, arms up)

I flew to visit the children,

I rested with them,

(do squats)

Jumped, bowed, played pranks,

(tilt the head or body forward)

I talked to the kids.

We came to a forest clearing,

Lifting your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

We walked for a very long time,

Our little legs are tired.

Now let's sit down and relax,

And then we'll go for a walk.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

We also know how to relax.

Let's put our hands behind our backs.

Let's raise our heads higher

And let’s breathe easily...

One, two! - head up,

Three, four - arms wider.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

One - get up, pull yourself up,

Two - bend over, straighten up

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit quietly at the table.


All warm-up movements

We repeat without hesitation!

Hey! They jumped on the spot.

Eh! We wave our hands together.

Ehe - heh! The backs were bent,

We looked at the shoes.

Hey - hey! Bent down lower

We leaned closer to the floor.

Turn around in place deftly.

We need skill in this.

What did you like, my friend?

Tomorrow there will be another lesson!

Once - hands waved up

And at the same time we sighed

Two or three bent down. got the floor

And four - stood up straight and repeat first.

The air we breathe in is strong

When bending over, exhale in a friendly manner

But you don't need to bend your knees.

So that your hands don't get tired,

We'll put them on our belts.

We jump like balls

Girls and boys

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right

Let's look around majestically.

And you need to go left too

Look from under your palms.

And - to the right! And one more thing

Over your left shoulder!

Exhale, inhale,

Stretch, relax.

I raise my hands to the sun

And I inhale, and I inhale.

Well, I give up,

I exhale the air quietly.

This is very good.

It was raining today!

(raise the handles up through the sides,

Inhaling through your nose.

They lower their hands through the sides and quietly

Pronounce as you exhale: “F – F – F”)



A turkey walks around the yard (steps in place)

Among ducks and girlfriends.

Suddenly he saw a rook (stop, look down in surprise)

Got angry in the heat of the moment.

He stomped in the heat of the moment (to stomp his feet)

Flapping his wings (with his hands, like wings, pat himself on the sides)

All swollen up like a ball (hands on the belt)

Or a copper samovar (clasp rounded hands in front of the chest)

Shake his beard (shake his head, saying “bala - bala - bala”, like a turkey)

He rushed like an arrow. Running in place

Who is following whom?

Chicken on tiptoe

(children walk sneakily on their toes)

Sneaking after the cat.

And the cat is on tiptoe

I followed Antoshka.

Antoshka on tiptoe

Moved towards the house.

Now let's turn around

Let's go differently.

(turn around the other way)

On the heels of the cat

Antoshka is dragging along.

(walk on your heels)

For the poor chicken -

Whiskered cat.

Chicken of Fear

Got into the basket.

(sit down, hands to the floor)

Angry cat

She arched her back.

(without lifting your hands from the floor, straighten your legs, arch your back)


All the kittens washed their paws:

That's it, that's it!

We washed our ears, washed our bellies:

That's it, that's it!

And then they got tired

Sweet, sweet fell asleep:

That's it, that's it!


Our gander gets up at dawn,

(children stretch, hands behind their heads)

He runs down the hill towards the river.

He's goose charging (marching)

Likes to do things in order.

To begin with, run in place, (run in place)

Wings apart, but legs together.

(spread arms to the sides)

Neck exercises

(movements with head down, forward, backward)

To grow even longer,

Tail workout (squats)

And then - plummeting off the bridge. (jump forward)

He floats to the middle

(smoothly spreads his arms)

Cleans paws, washes back.

(put their hands behind their back)

The drake shouted: quack - quack!

Our athlete is a gander!

Good morning!

- Good morning, little eyes! (stroke the eyelids)

-Are you awake? (look through binoculars)

- Good morning, hands! (stroking)

-Are you awake? (clap)

- Good morning, legs!

-Are you awake? (stomp)

- Good morning, sun! (open their arms towards the sun)

Good morning

Good morning! - the birds began to sing.

(children wave their hands)

Good people get out of bed;

(shows how they wake up and stretch)

All the darkness hides in the corners,

(they run away and hide behind the furniture)

The sun has risen and is going about its business!

(return to their previous position, spread their arms to the sides, march in place)


There is a robot on the road

His legs don't bend

Can he wave his arms?

Can he blink his eyes?

He can nod his head

One, two, three, four, five.

Let's go kids for a walk

They began to collect leaves:

Red leaf, yellow leaf...

One, two, three, four, five!

How many leaves did you collect?

We will play with autumn leaves

Let's dance with autumn leaves!


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

Spun and flew

And they sat down on the ground again

Hands raised and shook.

These are trees in the forest.

They bent their arms and shook their hands.

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our arms to the sides, smoothly.

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll also show you how they sit.

The wings were folded back.

In recent years, unfortunately, the number of children suffering from musculoskeletal disorders and speech pathologies has increased. Children with speech impairments have problems with motor skills, coordination of movements, and are poorly oriented in space. All this affects the overall physical development and health status and can lead to physical inactivity. Helps eliminate movement disorders various games, as well as finger gymnastics and physical exercises in combination with speech material.

Pronouncing poetry simultaneously with movements makes children's speech more rhythmic, louder, clearer, more emotional, and also develops auditory perception well.

Physical education sessions are an excellent way to switch children to another type of activity, to increase their performance not only speech therapy classes, but also in classes with a psychologist, speech pathologist or other specialists.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: developing the ability to conduct a basic dramatization of an already familiar fairy tale, accurately reproducing the characters’ lines.



  • teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of characters, conveying the emotional state of the characters through facial expressions, gestures, and body movements;
  • coordinate their actions when conducting a simple dramatization through the dramatization of a fairy tale passage.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop expressive speech and the ability to change the timbre of the voice;
  • develop coherent and dialogic speech;
  • develop grammatical structure of speech;
  • develop articulatory motor skills, speech breathing, air flow force;
  • develop creative imagination;
  • develop thinking, visual and auditory attention;
  • develop common and fine motor skills;
  • develop coordination of speech and movement.

Educational: arouse interest in Russian folk art - fairy tales, stimulate the manifestation of children's creative individuality, develop skills of cooperation and goodwill.

Equipment: musical screensavers: 1. “Visiting a fairy tale”, 2. “The sound of the wind”, 3. “Path”, 4. “Chest”, 5. “The bear is coming to visit”, voices with replicas of the fairy tale heroes, chest, costumes of the heroes , hemp, mushrooms, flowers, illustrations based on the fairy tale, a manual for the exercise “Blowing leaves”, decorations for staging: table, 3 cups, 3 spoons, 3 chairs, 3 beds (rugs).

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment(creating a positive emotional background, announcing the topic).

Setting: a house next to a forest. Music No. 1 “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. Children enter the hall. Teachers look out of the house.

Hello guys!

We are storytellers.

We live in a fairytale forest, we know all the fairy tales in the world.

We invite you to visit. But you will find out which fairy tale we will visit today by guessing the riddle.

Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Right. This is the fairy tale "The Three Bears".

We are happy to invite such smart kids into a fairy tale.

2. Breathing exercise"Blowing leaves."

To help you remember it, we have prepared pictures. But what is it, they were covered with leaves!

The Leshy was probably playing a joke!

What should we do, guys? How can you find out what is shown in the pictures! Children suggest how to open the pictures.

Let's blow away the leaves! To prevent the picture from disappearing, bring it closer to your face and blow on the leaves. You need to blow smoothly and for a long time (remember the rule: do not raise your shoulders, do not puff out your cheeks). For each child there is an illustration with a fairy tale hero, to which leaves are attached. Musical theme No. 2 “The Sound of the Wind” plays.

Well done guys, you completed the task! Now you can clearly see that these are the heroes of a fairy tale!

Name the names of the characters depicted in your pictures (Mikhailo Ivanovich, Mashenka, Mishutka, Nastasya Petrovna).

3. Exercise “Family of words”.

Who is Mikhailo Ivanovich? ( dad, bear);

Who is Nastasya Petrovna? ( mother, bear);

Who is Mishutka? ( son, teddy bear);

What is their family name? ( bearish).

Musical intro No. 3 “Path” plays.

The bears lived in a hut on the edge of the forest next to a clearing.

Look how many stumps there are in the clearing, let's sit down. We invite you to walk through the clearing with mushrooms and flowers, on the chairs there are brown circles - imitation of stumps. Let's sit down.

Bears loved to bake pies.

4. Finger gymnastics"Three bears were sitting".

Three bears were sitting (clench your fingers into a fist and unclench).
In the hut at the table (showing “roof”, “table” with palms).
They are tormented ground ( circular movements fist on palm).
To bake a pie later (“bake” pies).
One - cough, cough. Two - cough, cough ( show index finger on the left hand, then on the right).
Everyone got dirty in flour (shake off palms).
Nose in flour, tail in flour (rub nose, show tail).
Ears in sour milk (rub ears).

5. Working with illustrations.

When Masha entered the bears’ house, they were just going into the forest to get berries for pies.

Guys, do you remember how Masha ended up in the bears’ house?

What was she doing in the bears' house? Let's look at the pictures.

What's happened? All the pictures are mixed up!

The Leshy probably visited here again and turned all the pictures upside down. We need to return them to their place.

Put the pictures in their places and tell what Masha did in the bear's hut at the beginning, and what then.

That's how mischievous Masha was. And what a mess I left behind!

6. Exercise “Place in place”.

Help me put everything in its place. Listen!

Porridge in a mug, and tea on a plate (tea in a mug, and porridge in a plate).

The chair is on the table and the cups are on the floor (the chair is on the floor and the cups are on the table).

The blanket is in the stove, and the firewood is on the bed (the blanket is on the bed, and the firewood is in the stove).

Well, order has been restored. The bears have a lot of furniture and dishes in their hut!

And there the balls lie. Probably Nastasya Petrovna likes to knit.

7. Exercise “One - many”.

Let's play. I will start, and whoever catches the ball will continue.

One bed, many... ( throw the ball) beds.

One spoon, a lot... ( spoons).

One chair, many... ( chairs).

One cup, many...( cups).

One table, many... ( tables).

One blanket, many...( blankets).

And now the bears are returning home.

8. Physical exercise “Three Bears”.

Three bears were walking home (go to outside feet).
Dad was big, big (rise on your toes, arms up).
Mom is a little shorter (put your hands on your shoulders).
And my little son is just (squat down).
He was very small (go squat).
Walked with a rattle (make a rattle).

We move along the hall with the children to the forest, where there is a chest.

9. Mimic gymnastics using pictograms.

Exercise “Which one?”

Oh, what's behind the tree?

We have come with you to the magic chest! Let's open it!

Musical intro No. 4 “Chest” plays.

Yes, these are the costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale “Masha and the Bears”!

Let's change clothes!

We gather in a circle and discuss in a whisper with the children who will wear what costume. We invite children to wear elements of the costume of the character they will portray: a scarf and sundress for Masha, bear masks, a mama bear apron, a bear shirt, a bear cub vest. Musical intro No. 4 “Chest” plays.

Now let's remember what mood each hero of the fairy tale had.

What is Mashenka like in the fairy tale? (cheerful, perky, joyful).

We show a pictogram depicting an emotion. We stretch our lips in a smile, teeth are visible - “Smile”.

She is glad that she went into the forest: “e-u-i-u” (alternating “smile” - “pipe”).

What kind of Mishutka? ( surprised, puzzled).

We show a pictogram depicting an emotion. We raise our eyebrows, stretch our lips forward - “Tube”.

I saw Masha: “y-ha, y-ga, y-gu.”

What Mikhailo Ivanovich? ( angry, menacing).

We show a pictogram depicting an emotion. We puff out our cheeks and frown.

Angry: “o-o-o-oh”, “o-o-o-o-ooh”.

What is Nastasya Petrovna like? ( important, serious, upset).

We show pictograms depicting emotions. Wrinkling our forehead, lips forward, “Mouthpiece.”

Dissatisfied with the disorder: “bda - bdu - bdo”, “bda - bdu - bdo”.

You are very good at portraying fairy tale characters. Can you recognize their voices?

Guys, listen carefully, which of the fairy tale characters said this?

Who's dressed as Mikhailo Ivanovich? Try again!

Who's in the Mishutka costume? Repeat!

Nastasya Petrovna will try now.

Well done! Everyone was guessed and shown!

11. Dramatization of a fairy tale passage.

We remembered how the fairy tale began, and what happened next when the bears returned home from the forest?

You are already in the costumes of the heroes, and you know the fairy tale so well, and you can portray the voices and character of each hero.

Show the continuation of the fairy tale.

The screen and house are removed. Behind them are scene 1: table, 3 cups, 3 spoons, 3 chairs and scene 2: beds - rugs with pillows.

I saw the house, entered,
I found a table set there.
I sipped from the plates,
Misha broke her chair.
She quietly went into the bedroom,
She went to bed on the bed.

Musical intro No. 5 “The bear is coming” plays. The author's words are narrated by the teacher. A speech therapist accompanies the children. Children pronounce the characters' lines as the story progresses.

12. Summary of the lesson.

We stand together in a circle and hold hands.

So we visited another fairy tale. Did you guys enjoy your visit with us?

What was the name of our fairy tale?

What fairy tale characters did you portray?

Which of the characters did you like the most?

We say goodbye to you, don’t forget to pick up the chest, it will help you get acquainted with other fairy tales. We are looking forward to your visit!